Dr. Faisal Ali Mousa Chairman, FAM Holding
FAM Holding is a conglomerate of business solutions across a number of industries having diversified investments in the region. Since our founding in early 2006, we have been moving forward aggressively on many fronts to capitalize on solid growth opportunities, to improve our operating efficiency, to expand our global presence and to sharpen our business portfolio’s focus on our core businesses. FAM Holding, with a rich heritage, strong convictions and fair business principles is ideally positioned to leverage its strengths and make optimum use of resources to become one of the most sought after business houses in the region. The long-term aim is to create a broad range of innovative industries that will generate a steady flow of new ideas and technologies and advances. Firmly networked into the global economy, these industries will transform UAEs economic role and will contribute to the development of national and regional economies. As a part of global expansion strategy we are rapidly growing with offices in different parts of the MENA region and in Europe. Our transparent way of working helps us to establish a strong bond with our business partners & investors, and carve a niche for ourselves as one of the best in the region. Take the first step towards developing positive relationships by allowing us to share our experience and expertise in the art of doing business.
EVERY CITY معلم جديد في عجمانNEEDS ITS ICON MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to be the regional leader in business who is known to question the status quo. We intend to go beyond conventional boundaries of business to address a societal and mass problem.
س��مارت تاور دليل على ثقتنا في عجمان وبالقطاع العقاري ف��ي البالد مما يدل على ايماننا بمس��تقبل هذا الوطن وقدرته . على التغلب على التحديات
SMART TOWER is testament to our confidence in Ajman And the country‘s real estate sector.
يتمتع مش��روع س��مارت تاور بجاذبية كبرى ليس فقط بس��بب موقعه في وس��ط مدينة عجمان بل ايضا كونه يمثل استثمار .فريد نابع من التزامنا التام بالنوعية واالبتكار
It shows we believe in the future and nation‘s ability to overcome all odds and challenges.
لق��د اخترنا نخب��ة م��ن المهندس��ين المعماريي��ن والمقاولين والمواهب الرئيس��ية االخرى لجعل س��مارت تاور رم��زًا بكل ما . تحمله الكلمة من معنى
Smart Tower is highly attractive not only because of its very prime location in the heart of Ajman city , but also for being a unique development inspired by our unwavering dedication to quality and uniqueness.
نحن نسعى إلى أن يكون هذا المشروع معلما حقيقا لألجيال . القادمة
We have selected top notch architects, contractors and other key talents to ensure Smart Tower is truly iconic. We want this project to be a real landmark for generations to come and we want to bridge this promising future with Ajman rich past.
Brief smart system in the smart project
نبذة مختصرة عن النظام الذكي في المشروع الذكي
We are in the Smart Tower, we used all the means of intelligent technology to provide comfort and luxury to you
نح��ن ف��ي س��مارت ت��اور اس��تخدمنا كل وس��ائل التكنولوجيا الذكي��ة لتوفير الراحة . والرفاهية لكم
With the development of technology everywhere , we put between your hands all the modern
م��ع تط��ور التكنولوجي��ا ف��ي كل م��كان فنحن نضع بي��ن يديك كل وس��ائل التقنية الحديثة في داخل بيتك ولنتعرف معًا على اإلمتيازات التي س��تحظى به��ا عند تملكك : وحده سكنية في سمارت تاور
technology inside your home and let’s learn together on the privileges that will have them when you own in SMART TOWER Designer fully intelligent manner building when you arrive home you can give an order then it will respond for you, as interior lighting, it will work automatically, and the air-conditioners, they feel the rise in temperatures and operated automatically note that the system is a dual can be via mobile Use Manual.
In addition to fire and lighting systems,open & close airconditioner & heater device, electronic control devices and audio systems. In the case of Break into the house by thieves, the monitoring cameras give a warning or an alert when open or close the door and it will be through your mobile alert you, so you can you see your entire house.
All this and more will find in the Intelligent Building (Smart Tower) through creativity and precision in the design and implementation of splendor.
المبن��ى مصم��م بطريق��ة ذكي��ة بالكامل فعن��د وصولك المنزل يمكن��ك إعطاء أوامر كاإلضاءه الداخلي��ة فانها,فتس��تجيب ل��ك أم��ا المكيف��ات فانه��ا, س��تعمل تلقائي��ا تتحسس االرتفاع في درجات الحرارة وتقوم بتش��غيلها تلقائيا ًعلم��ًا أن النظ��ام مزدوج ويمك��ن التحك��م ب��ه الكترونيا ع��ن طريق . الموبايل أويدويا إضاف��ة إلى أنظم��ة الحريق واإلض��اءة وفتح وإغ�لاق أجه��زة التكيي��ف والس��خانات والتحكم باألجه��زة اإللكتروني��ة واألنظمة .السمعية أم��ا ف��ي ح��ال اقتح��ام المن��زل م��ن قب��ل اللصوص فإن كاميرات المراقبة تعطي إنذار أو تنبيه عند فتح أو غلق الباب وبذلك س��وف يتم تنبيه��ك عن طريق الموبايل الخاص بك . اذا يمكنك رؤيت منزلك بالكامل كل ه��ذا والمزي��د س��تجدونه ف��ي المبن��ى الذك��ي (س��مارت ت��اور ) من خ�لال اإلبداع . والدقة في تصميم وروعة التنفيذ
LOCATION دق��ي��ق��ة واح�����دة م��ن ج��ام��ع��ة ال��وط��ن دق���ائ���ق م���ن ك��ورن��ي��ش ع��ج��م��ان10 دقيقــة مــن مطــار الشـارقـة الدولي25 دق��ي��ق��ة م��ن م��ط��ار دب���ي ال��دول��ي40 دق���ي���ق���ة م���ـ���ن ب������رج خ��ل��ي��ف��ة45
Aminutes from Al- Watan University 10 minutes from Ajman Corniche 25 minutes from International Sharjah Airport 40 minutes from International Dubai Airport 45 minutes from Khalifa Tower
موقع استراتيجي حيث أن المشروع يقع بالقرب من جامعة الوطن ومقابل حديقة, يتباهى مشروع سمارت تاور السكني بأعلى المعايير ويضم محالت تجارية فاخرة وش��قق سكنية تحيط بها أرقى المطاعم والمقاهي في المدينة وستجدون, الحميدية . كل ما تحتاجون إليه من وسائل الراحة والترفيه إلى الخدمات المصرفية والتجارية على مسافة قريبة
STRATEGIC LOCATION Smart Tower is a residential development of the highest standard , that project is located near Al- Watan University and oppiste of Al- Hamediah garden , offering luxurious boutiques and residential apartments , surrounded by the city‘s finest restaurants and cafes . Everything you need is within walking distance : from leisure to entertainment, finance and business.
تصميم سمارت تاور لنمط حياة فريدة
س��مارت تاور م��رادف للتصميم الفخم الذي يش��مل . جميع األقسام الداخلية يتميز س��مارت ت��اور بتصميم داخلي فري��د حيث تمتز كافة العناصر بعناية لخلق مساحات داخلية تتسم بالفخامة والترف اللذي��ن يتناغمان مع تصاميم ذات . الطراز المعروف
SMART TOWER DESIGN FOR UNIQUE LIFE STYLE Smart Tower is synonymous with luxury designright down to the interiors . Smart tower is a building with unique interior design. A place where all elements delicately merge to create a lavish and sumptuous living interior that seeks to create design that fit with recognizable style .
مشروع ذكي وصديق للبيئة SMART TOWER GREEN PROJECT سعت فام للتطوير العقاري جاهدة الى العمل على تحويل سمارت تاور, من ضمن حرصنا على الحفاظ على البيئة وعلى رفاهيتكم . إلى مشروع عقاري صديق للبيئة يعتبر مشروع سمارت تاور من الرواد في مجال المباني الخضراء في مدينة عجمان من حيث احترام المعايير البيئية على جميع األصعدة : تشمل العناصر المتطورة للتصميم الصديق للبيئة العناصر التالية . استخدام الطاقة والمياه وغيرها من الموارد بشكل فعال والحد من التلوث والنفايات والتدهور البيئي يذهب مشروع سمارت تاور إلى أبعد من إستخدام التكنولوجيا التي توفر الطاقة إلى تقديم منافع صديقة للبيئة توفر الحماية المباشرة . إضافة إلى مزايا أخرى, لصحة السكان مثل إستخدام المواد الطبيعية وغير الضارة للبناء Caring for the environment and your well- being FAM PROPERTY DEVLOPMENT has made every possible effort to transform SMART TOWER into a green property project . SMART TOWER is among the first green buildings in AJMAN CITY to be environmentally friendly in every aspect . The cutting – edge green design elements are many : From the efficient use of energy , water and other resources to the reduction of waste , pollution & environmental degradation SMART TOWER goes beyond energy saving technology to offer green benefits that directly protect resident health such as the use of non – toxic building materials and other perks.
: من ضمن األنظمة التي ينفرد سمارت تاور بتوفيرها من أجمالي15 - 20 % نظام توليد الكهرباء بالطاقة الشمسية وإستخدامه في تدفئة سخانات المياه في البناية ويوفر نسبة تتراوح من.1 .الكيلو واط المستهلك من قبل المستخدم . ) Recycle & Water Treatment( نظام تدوير المياه والمعالجة في إعادة تعبئة خزانات المراحيض.2 ) Flashing (وهو عبارة عن نظام يقوم بأخذ المياه من حمامات السباحة والمغاسل ومعالجتها ومن ثم توزيعها الى خزانات المراحيض . من من المياه المستهلكة من قبل المستخدم15 - 20 % إذ يوفر نسبة تتراوح من . إستخدام نظام التهوية الميكانيكية االوتوماتيكية في المطابخ والحمامات والممرات.3 إستخدام أنظمة التحكم عن بعد من خالل تطبيقات األجهزة الذكية المحمولة (تطبيق سمارت تاور) لجميع األنظمة المحمولة.4 ) ... إلخ. سخانات المياه. اإلضاءة. ) وذلك للتحكم في ( المكيفAPPLE – ANDROID(
Among the systems that are unique Smart Tower by providing: 1. Electricity generating solar system and its use in heating water heaters in the building, saving rate ranging from 15-20% of the total consumer kilo watts from the user. 2. Water recycling and treatment in refilling the toilet tanks system (Re- cycle & Water Treatment). It is a system works by taking water from swimming pools, laundries and processed and then re-injected into the toilets Flashing tanks, providing the ratio ranging from 15-20% of the water consumed by user. 3.The use of mechanical Auotomatic ventilation system in kitchens, bathrooms, hallways by the user. 4. The use of remote control systems through smart mobile devices applications like (Application Smart Tower) for all mobile systems (APPLE - ANDROID) and that of the control (air conditioner. Lighting. water heaters . Etc ... )
خدمات البرج ) ساعة24 ( •هايبر ماركت مفتوح ) •صالة رياضية ( رجال – نساء •حمام سباحة •مقهى •مطعم •حديقة أطفال •نظام المراقبة الذكية للبيوت ) ساعة24 ( •نظام حراسة •نظام مراقبة بالكاميرات
Tower Services • • • • • • • • •
Opening Hyper Market (24 Hours ) GYM Hall ( Men – Women ) Swimming pool Coffee Shop Restaurant Children Garden Home Automotion System Safe Guard (24 Hours ) CCTV
Clean House
البيت النظيف
.•ته��دف خدم��ة تنظي��ف الوح��دات الس��كنية بمبن��ى س��مارت ت��اور إلى توفي��ر أقصى س��بل الراح��ة والحي��اة الهادئة للس��كان . •نبع��ت ه��ذه الفك��رة م��ن المعان��اة والمبال��غ المادي��ة الباهظ��ة الت��ي يتكلفه��ا رب األس��رة إلحض��ار الخادم��ات م��ن الخ��ارج . •وتمي��زت ش��ركة ف��ام القابض��ة بأنه��ا أول ش��ركات التطوي��ر العق��اري الت��ي تهت��م بتوفي��ر كاف��ة س��بل الراح��ة لعمالئه��ا •س��تكون خدمة توفيركادر فني على أعلى مس��توى من الخبرة لتنظيف الوحدات السكنية وذلك نظير إشتراك شهري وسيتم . توفير اإلقامة الدائمة للخادمات داخل المبنى . •تتميز هذه الخدمة أيضًا بتوفير األمن واألمان للعمالء حيث الرقابة الدائمة من قبل مسؤولي المبنى
• The aim of housekeeping in Smart Tower to provide the maximum ways of comfort and quiet life to the people in Smart Tower . • This Idea came because of the suffering and the expensive fees which the head of family is responsible to bring the maid from out of this country . • FAM HOLDING is specialized as the first property development company that takes care of it customers. • The provision of technical staff will be on the top level of experience in cleaning the housing units by monthly subscription fees, and there is living room to the housekeeper inside the building. • This service also specialize to provide the continues supervision from the Owner of the building.
• Staff of House Keeping Ensuring the Owner. • Working part time , hourly, daily system . • Cleaning carpets, curtains , floors and furniture . • Cars washing Services.
Safety House
Our idea (The Safety House in SMART TOWER ) Is coming from Provide The first aid services ,which considered from our responsibility ,The aim from that is Providing the population of the perfect medical care , In any emergency case may happened to any person, your health is important to us and your happiness is our aim.
الطريق اىل غايتك
مدبرة منزل و خدمات تنظيف أخرى .•كادر من مدبرات المنازل على ضمانة المالك . واليومي, بالساعات, •نظام العمل الجزئي . األرضيات واألثاث, الستائر,•تنظيف السجاد . •خدمات غسيل السيارات
البيت اآلمن تأت��ي فك��رة ( البيت اآلمن في س��مارت ت��اور ) من حيث توفي��ر خدم��ات اإلس��عافات األولي��ة الت��ي تعتب��ر م��ن واله��دف منه��ا تزوي��د الس��كان. ضم��ن مس��ؤولياتنا ف��ي أي وقت عند حصول حالة. بالرعاي��ة الطبية التامة فصحتكم تهمنا. طارئ��ة يتعرض لها أح��د األش��خاص . واسعادكم غايتنا
Gateway to your destination
مدينة عجمان
هي عاصمة اإلمارة وفيها مقر الحاكم والدوائر الحكومية والشركات والمصارف والمصانع يطل ميناؤها ومنفذها البحري على ساحل وبفضل موقعها االس��تراتيجي وتوس��طها إلمارات الدولة واإلنجازات التي تحققت في المجال االقتصادي وتطور البنية.الخليج العربي األساس��ية فقد أصبحت المدينة مركز جذب للمس��تثمرين ورأس المال مما أهلها لقيام نهضة عمرانية وحضارية تتجلى في مبانيها .الحديثة والتي تجمع بين الحداثة والتراث
Ajman City Is the capital of the emirate and the headquarters of the ruling government departments, companies, banks and factories overlooks the harbor and sea outlet on the Gulf Coast. Thanks to its strategic location right in the middle of the UAE and the achievements in the economic sphere and the development of infrastructure has the city became the center of attraction for investors and capital qualifying for the upswing and civilized reflected in modern buildings which combine modernity and heritage.
Long before an architect ‘s pencil sets about on paper or cranes slowly
Where does it start and Where does it end?
move to take charge of a construction site , there is a vision that sets
There is no single answer , what we know is it vaguely starts with how we imagine things and how we make that imagination come to life
into motion virtual lines , creating a space just as you imagined before
At the smart tower we have pushed the limits of excellence a little further
buying a home . We know how much it means to you to have a home
than contemporary standard .
that is crafted to your heart‘s desire .
That is why what we offer is not a place with massifs ofexpensive stuff thrown in .
Before everything else , we focused our efforts on understanding
But a place that reflects your individuality from the way water flows
the space design demands of the modern consumer . Just because
from a faucet to the sound of feet meeting the floor as you walk around
you were not there as this exclusive dream project was taking shape ,
your apartment , every detail is taken care of and then signed –off with
doesn ‘t mean your desire were left unmet .
a luxurious finish. Nothing is overdone yet no aspect of living is left undone .
After much deliberation , studies and consultation we arrived at a
From the beautiful mural ceilings in the corridors to the high windows in
design that is going to be simply finales to you.
the living spaces that reduce the visual barriers , life is lived just as should be , in complete freedom.
مساحة التصميم
قبل قيام المهندس المعماري برسم اي خط علي ورقه او قيام المعدات .االنشائيه بالعمل في الموضع يكون هناك رؤيه
متى تبدا ومتى تنتهي؟
.بطريقه افتراضيه نقوم بخلق المساحات التي تتخيلها قبل شراء المنزل و نحن نعلم بأن الذي س��يتم كم يعني لك أن يكون لك المنزل الذي تم . إنشاؤه بناءا عند رغبتك القلبية نحن نركز مجهوداتنا عل��ى فهم الفراغات التصميمية.قبل أي ش��ي آخر ومتطلبات المس��تهلك الحديثة أن حلمك الحصري لم يأخذ شكال فهذا .ال يعني أنه لم يلبي متطلباتك وبع��د الكثي��ر م��ن الم��داوالت والدراس��ات واإلستش��ارات توصلن��ا إل��ى أن .التصميم الذي يكون ببساطة هو الحل النهائي لديك
ما نعرف��ه هو بداي��ة غامضة مع تصورنا لألش��ياء, اليوج��د جواب ف��ردي .وكيف يمكننا جعل هذا الخيال يأتي الى الحياة .في سمارت تاور نحن دفعنا حدود التميز أبعد قليال من مستوى المعاصر ه��ذا هو الس��بب في ان ما نقدمه ليس��ت مكانا مع سالس��ل من تكلفة .االشياء التي القيت من طريقة تدفق المياه.ولك��ن المكان الذي يعكس الفردية الخاصة بك واإلهتمام،م��ن الصنبور على ص��وت األقدام وأنت تمش��ي حول ش��قتك .بكل التفاصيل ومن ثم إنهاء التوقيع مع الفخامة ليس هناك ما هو مبالغ فيه بعد عدم ترك أي جانب من جوانب المعيشة .التراجع من السقوف جدارية جميلة في أروقة إلى النوافذ العالية في المساحات الحي��اة كما ينبغي أن تعاش،المعيش��ية التي تقلل من الحواجز البصرية . بحرية تامة
مسارت تاور تصميم أنيق تجس��د األقسام المشتركة الممتدة على طول المساحات الداخلية التي تربط بين البهو وقاعة الرياضة والش��قق مزيجًا إنس��يابيا من البساطة .واألناقة لتخلق طرازًا رفيعًا
SMRAT TOWER UNIQUE STYLE The common areas along with the entire interior space including the lobby, gymnasium and the apartments seamlessly blend practical simplicity with complex design, resulting in signature style.
Basement Floor Plan 1
Basement Floor Plan 2 Car Parking ( Podium ) + ( Basment )
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Ground Floor Plan Entrance ( 2 NOS. ) Retail Area Services Area
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
Two Bed Room Type Two.
Two Bed Room Type One. Flat No
: 101 - 201 - 301 - 401 - 501 601 - 701 - 801 - 901 - 1001
Flat No : 107 - 207 - 307 - 407 - 507 607 - 707 - 807 - 907 - 1007
Flat Area : 1692.20 sq.ft 157.21 sq.m
Flat Area : 2310.98 sq.ft 214.70 sq.m
Bed Room 4.65 x 4.6 m
Bath 1.80 x 2.5 m
Bath 1.20 x 2.45 m Bed Room 3.75 x 5.10 m
Balcony 1.50 x 19.77 m Balcony 1.50 x 9.05 m
Living Room 3.6 x 9.05 m
Living Room 7.4 x 3.35 m Bed Room 4.51 x 4.43 m
Bath 1.80 x 4.43
Bed Room 4.3 x 6.00 m
kitchen 3.05 x 2.27 m
Bath 1.80 x 2.49 m kitchen 2.60 x 2.35 m
Bath 1.80 x 2.35 m Bath 1.20 x 2.45 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Balcony 1.50 x 3.90 m All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
Two Bed Room Type Four.
Two Bed Room Type Three. Flat No : 114 - 214 - 314- 414 - 514 614 - 714 - 814-914-1014
Flat No : 122 - 222 - 322 - 422 - 522 622 - 722 - 822 - 922 - 1022
Flat Area : 1666.94 sq.ft 154.86 sq.m
Flat Area : 1843.74 sq.ft 171.29 sq.m
Bath 1.8 x 1.4 m
Bath 1.80 x 2.30 m
Bath 1.20 x 1.5 m
kitchen 2.60 x 2.35 m
Bed Room 4.6 x 4.35 m
Living Room 3.75 x 9.51 m
Balcony 1.50 x 3.60 m
Balcony 1.4 x 9.07 m
Living Room 5.50 x 3.60 m
Bath 1.80 x 2.05m
Bath 2.24x 2.30 m
Bed Room 4.6 x 4.25 m
Bath 1.5 x 2.45 m Balcony 1.50 x 3.6 m
Bed Room 6.40 x 4.15 m
Bed Room 6.40 x 5.16 m
kitchen 3.15 x 1.60 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
One Bed Room Typ Two.
One Bed Room Type One. Flat No : 121 - 221 - 321 - 421 - 521 621 - 721 - 821 - 921 - 1021
Flat No : 123 - 223 - 323 - 423 - 523 623 - 723 - 823 - 923 - 1023
Flat Area : 909.24 sq.ft 84.47 sq.m
Flat Area : 959.75 sq.ft 89.16 sq.m
kitchen 1.80 x 2.60 m
Bed Room 3.60 x 5.90 m
Bed Room 3.60 x 5.20 m
Bath 1.60 x 2.30 m
Bath 1.45 x 2.55 m Balcony 1.50 x 7.58 m
Living Room 2.60 x 1.80 m
Bath 1.20 x 2.15 m
Balcony 1.50 x 3.55 m
Bath 1.20 x 2.50 m
Living Room 3.60 x 6.25 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Living Room 3.60 x 9.25 m kitchen 2.45 x 2.34 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
One Bed Room Type Four.
One Bed Room Type Three. Flat No : 124 - 224 - 324 - 424 - 524 624 - 724 - 824 - 924 - 1024
Flat No : 125 - 225 - 325 - 425 - 525 625 - 725 - 825 - 925 - 1025
Flat Area : 934.50 sq.ft 86.82 sq.m
Flat Area : 846.10 sq.ft 78.60 sq.m
Bed Room 4.39 x 3.75 m
Bed Room 3.67 x 4.55 m
Bath 1.80 x 2.24m
Bath 1.60 x 2.30 m
Balcony 1.50 x 7.55 m
Balcony 1.50 x 7.59 m Bath 1.80 x 1.47 m kitchen 1.97 x 2.15 m Living Room 3.53x 8.54 m
Living Room 3.60 x 7.02 m
kitchen 2.23 x 2.50 m Bath 1.10 x 1.49 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
Studio Type One.
Studio Type Two.
Flat No : 126 - 226 - 326 - 426 - 526 - 626 - 726 - 826 - 926 - 1026
Flat No : 132 -232 - 332 - 432 - 532 632 - 732 - 832 - 932 - 1032
Flat Area : 353.59 sq.ft 32.85 sq.m
Flat Area : 391.48 sq.ft 36.37 sq.m
127 - 227 - 327 - 427 - 527 - 627 - 727 - 827 - 927 - 1027
STUDIO 3.25 x 4.33 m STUDIO 5.56 x 3.33 m
kitchen 2.20 x 0.80 m
Bath 1.61x 1.80 m
Balcony 1.20 x 4.83 m
Balcony 1.20 x 3.83 m
Bath 1.60 x 2.20 m
kitchen 2.40 x 0.80 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
Studio Type Four.
Studio Type Three. Flat No : 128 -228 - 328 - 428 - 528 - 628 - 728 - 828 - 928 - 1028
Flat No : 133 - 233 - 333 - 433 - 533 - 633 - 733 - 833 - 933 - 1033
129 - 229 - 329 - 429 - 529 - 629 - 729 - 829 - 929 - 1029 130 - 230 - 330 - 430 - 530 - 630 - 730 - 830 - 930 - 1030
234 - 334 - 434 - 534 - 634 - 734 - 834 - 934 - 1034 235 - 335 - 435 - 535 - 635 - 735 - 835 - 935 - 1035 236 - 336 - 436 - 536 - 636 - 736 - 836 - 936 - 1036
Flat Area : 391.48 sq.ft 36.37 sq.m
Flat Area : 378.85 sq.ft 35.20 sq.m
kitchen 2.40 x 0.80 m
STUDIO 5.65 x 4.33 m
Balcony 1.20 x 3.51m
STUDIO 3.65 x 5.56 m
Bath 1.80 x 1.61m
Balcony 1.20 x 4.34m
Bath 1.8 x 2.53 m kitchen 2.40 x 0.80 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
Studio Type Six .
Studio Type Five. Flat No : 131 - 231 - 331 - 431 - 531 631 - 731 - 831 - 931 - 1031
Flat No : 237 - 337 - 437 - 537 637 - 737 - 837 - 937 - 1037
Flat Area : 416.73 sq.ft 38.72 sq.m
Flat Area : 391.48 sq.ft 36.37 sq.m
kitchen 2.11 x 0.80 m
STUDIO 4.09 x 5.65 m
STUDIO 3.59 x 5.65 m
kitchen 2.40 x 0.80 m
Balcony 1.10 x 3.80 m
Bath 1.80 x 2.30 m
Balcony 1.10 x 3.80 m
Bath 1.78x 1.40 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
Studio Type Eight .
Studio Type seven . Flat No : 108 - 208 - 308 - 408 - 508 - 608 - 708 - 808 - 908 - 1008
Flat No : 102 - 202 - 302 - 402 - 502 602 - 702 - 802 - 902 - 1002
109 - 209 - 309 - 409 - 509 - 609 - 709 - 809 - 909 - 1009 110 - 210 - 310 - 410 - 510 - 610 - 710 - 810 - 910 - 1010 111 - 211 - 311 - 411 - 511 - 611 - 711 - 811 - 911 - 1011 112 - 212 - 312 - 412 - 512 - 612 - 712 - 812 - 912 - 1012 213 - 213 - 313 - 413 - 513 - 613 - 713 - 813 - 913 - 1013
Flat Area : 549.33 sq.ft 51.03 sq.m
Flat Area : 479.88 sq.ft 44.58 sq.m
Bath 1.65 x 2.45 m
kitchen 2.40 x 0.80 m
STUDIO 3.60 x 7.40 m
Balcony 1.50 x 3.60 m
STUDIO 3.60 x 9.05 m
Bath 1.70 x 2.40 m
Balcony 1.30x 3.60 m
kitchen 1.40 x 1.80 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Key Plan
Key Plan
Studio Type Ten .
Studio Type Nine . Flat No : 103 - 203 - 303 - 403 - 503 - 603 - 703 - 803 - 903 - 1003
Flat No : 115 - 215 - 315 - 415 - 515 - 615 - 715 - 815 - 915 - 1015 116 - 216 - 316 - 416 - 516 - 616 - 716 - 816 - 916 - 1016 117 - 217 - 317 - 417 - 517 - 617 - 717 - 817 - 917 - 1017 118 - 218 - 318 - 418 - 518 - 618 - 718 - 818 - 918 - 1018 119 - 219 - 319 - 419 - 519 - 619 - 719 - 819 - 919 - 1019 120 - 220 - 320 - 420 - 520 - 620 - 720 - 820 - 920 - 1020
104 - 204 - 304 - 404 - 504 - 604 - 704 - 804 - 904 - 1004 105 - 205 - 305 - 405 - 505 - 605 - 705 - 805 - 905 - 1005 106 - 206 - 306 - 406 - 506 - 606 - 706 - 806 - 906 - 1006
Flat Area : 555.65 sq.ft 51.62 sq.m
Balcony 1.50 x 3.60 m
Flat Area : 454.62 sq.ft 42.24 sq.m
STUDIO 3.60 x 9.05 m
Bath 1.36 x 2.45 m
kitchen 1.40 x 1.80 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.
Bath 2.60 x 2.35 m
STUDIO 3.60 x 6.25 m
Balcony 1.50 x 3.60 m
kitchen 2.40 x 1.80 m
All materials dimensions and drawings are approximate. The information is subject to change without prior notice. The developers reserves the right to make revisions. Do not scale drawings. Computer renderings displayed are artistic representation of the project. Variations may occur. These Floor plans are for the purpose of demonstration and cannot be considered as final.