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St. Cadfan St. Cadfarch St. Cadoc St. Cadog St. Cadroe of Metz St. Cadwallader St. Caecilia with Saturninus St. Caecilius St. Caedmon St. Caellainn St. Caerealis St. Caerealis & Sallustia St. Caesarea St. Caesaria St. Caesarius St. Caesarius St. Caesarius & Companions St. Caesarius & Julian St. Caesarius of Arles St. Caesarius of Nazianzus St. Caesarn St. Caesidius St. Cagnoald St. Caian St. Caidoc & Fricor St. Caillin St. Caimin St. Cairlon St. Cajetan St. Cajetan St. Cajus St. Calendion St. Calepodius St. Caletricus St. Calimerius St. Calimerlus St. Calixtus St. Callinica & Basilissa St. Callinicus St. Callinicus (Gallinicus) St. Calliope St. Calliopus St. Callistratus St. Callistus St. Callistus I Callistus II

Callistus III St. Callistus & Charisius St. Callistus Caravario St. Callistus, Felix & Boniface St. Calminius St. Calocerus St. Calocerus & Parthenius St. Calodote St. Calogerus St. Calupan St. Camelian St. Camilla Bl. Camillus Constanzi St. Camillus de Lellis St. Candida St. Candida St. Candida St. Candida St. Candida the Elder St. Candida Maria of Jesus St. Candida the Younger St. Candidus St. Candidus St. Candres St. Canice St. Canice St. Cannatus St. Cannera St. Canog St. Cantidian (Cantidus) St. Cantidianus St. Cantidius St. Cantius, Cantianus, Cantianilla, & Protus St. Canute IV St. Canute Lavard St. Capitolina St. Caprasius of Agen St. Caprasius St. Caradoc St. Carantac St. Caranus St. Caraunus St. Carilefus St. Catherine of Alexandria St. Carissima Bl. Caritas Brader

Bl. Carlo Erana Guruceta Bl. Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Santiago Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne Bl. Carmelo Sastre Sastre St. Carmen St. Caron St. Carpias St. Carponius St. Carpophorus St. Carpophorus & Abundius St. Carpus St. Carpus St. Carterius St. Carterius St. Carthach the Elder St. Carthach the Younger Bl. Carthusian Martyrs St. Carus St. Casilda of Toledo St. Casimir St. Casimir of Poland Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz St. Caspar del Bufalo Bl. Caspar Fisogiro Bl. Caspar Kotenda Bl. Caspar Sadamazu St. Cassian of Tangier St. Cassian of Autun St. Cassian of Benevento St. Cassian of Imola St. Cassianus St. Cassius of Clermont St. Cassius St. Cassius of Narni St. Castor St. Castor of Apt St. Castor & Dorotheus St. Castor & Stephen St. Castorius St. Castritian St. Castulus St. Castus & Emilius St. Castus & Secundinus St. Catald St. Cataldus St. Catellus of Castellamore

Bl. Caterina Cittadini Bl. Caterina Volpicelli St. Cathan Bl. Catherine of Pallanza St. Catherine of Alexandria St. Catherine of Bologna St. Catherine Chong Ch'oryom Bl. Catherine Cottenceau St. Catherine de Ricci Bl. Catherine du Verdier de la Soriniere Bl. Catherine Jarrige St. Catherine Laboure St. Catherine of Sweden St. Catherine of Siena Bl. Catherine Troiani St. Catherine Yi Catula St. Catulinus St. Cawrdaf St. Ceallach St. Cearan St. Cecilia St. Cecilia Yu St. Cedd Bl. Ceferino Jimenez Malla St. Ceitho St. Cele-Christ St. Celerinus St. Celestine St. Celestine I Pope Celestine II Celestine III Celestine IV St. Celine St. Cellach St. Celsus St. Celsus St. Censurius St. Centolla & Helen St. Ceolfrid St. Ceollach St. Ceolwulf of Northumbria St. Cera St. Ceratius St. Ceraunus

St. Cerbonius St. Cerbonius St. Cerneuf St. Cesidio Giacomantonio Bl. Ceslaus St. Cettin St. Cewydd St. Chad of Mercia St. Chaeromon St. Chainaldus St. Charalampias St. Charbel St. Charbel St. Charbel St. Charitina St. Charity St. Charles Hyon Song-mun St. Charles Borromeo St. Charles Cho Shin-ch'ol Bl. Charles de Faucauld St. Charles Garnier Bl. Charles the Good St. Charles of Mount Argus St. Charles Joseph Eugene de Mazenod St. Charles Lwanga and Companions St. Charles of Sezze Sts. Chastan & Imbert St. Chelidonia St. Cherimon St. Chillien St. Chirstian Bl. Christian O'Conarchy St. Christian St. Christina Bl. Christina Visconti St. Christopher Bl. Christopher Bales St. Chromatius St. Chromatius St. Chrysanthus St. Chrysanthus Eunuchus St. Chrysogonus St. Chrysolius St. Chuniald & Gislar St. Cian St. Cianan

St. Cilinia St. Cillene St. Cindeus St. Cinnia St. Cirilo Bertran St. Cissa St. Cittinus Bl. Clara Bosatta St. Clare St. Clare of Montefalco Bl. Clare of Rimini St. Clarus St. Clarus St. Clateus St. Claud St. Claude La Colombiere St. Claudia St. Claudianus St. Claudianus St. Claudine Thevenet Bl. Claudio Granzotto St. Clelia Barbieri Pope St. Clement I Clement II Clement III Clement IV Clement V Clement VI St. Clement of Alexandria Bl. Clemente Marchisio St. Clementinus St. Clement Maria Hofbauer St. Clement of Alexandria St. Clement of Okhrida St. Clement of Rome Bl. Clement Sheptytsky St. Cleonicus St. Cleopatra St. Cleopatra St. Cleophas St. Clerus St. Clether St. Cletus St. Clicerius St. Clinius St. Clodoald

St. Clodulf of Metz St. Clotilde St. Clotsindis St. Cloud St. Cocca St. Cocha St. Codratus St. Codratus of Corinth St. Cogitosus St. Cointha St. Colette St. Colga (Coelchu) St. Colgan St. Coliondola St. Colluthus St. Colluthus St. Colman of Cloyne St. Colman McRhoi St. Colman of Armagh St. Colman of Dromore St. Colman of Elo St. Colman of Glendalough St. Colman of Kilmacduagh St. Colman of Kilroot St. Colman of Lindisfarne St. Colman of Lismore St. Colman of Stockerau St. Columba St. Columba Kim Hyo-im St. Columba the Virgin St. Columba of Terryglass St. Columba of Spain Bl. Columba Gabriel Bl. Columba Marmion St. Columban St. Columbanus St. Columba of Sens St. Columbinus St. Comgall St. Comgall St. Comgan St. Cominus St. Cominus St. Comodus St. Conall Conan

St. Conan St. Concessa St. Concordius St. Condedus St. Conleth St. Conleth St. Connat St. Conogon St. Conon St. Conon of Naso St. Conon St. Conon of Naso Bl. Conor ODevany St. Conrad Bl. Conrad of Seldenburen St. Conrad of Parzham St. Conrad of Trier St. Conran St. Consortia St. Constabilis St. Constantian St. Constantianus St. Constantianus St. Constantine St. Constantine St. Constantine the Great Bl. Constantius St. Constantius St. Constantius

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