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1. The story is told of a monk who went out one exceptionally fine spring morning to hear the meadowlark sing and when he returned all his friends had died, three hundred years had gone by. To go out in the springtime of our spiritual youth, to listen to the Voice, is to pass beyond time. (Extracted from HE and I by Gabrielle Bossis)

2. The Holy Eucharist is  Paschal Mystery  Mystery of Christ  Mystery of Salvation  Mystery of Death and Resurrection  Mystery of Salvation and Restoration of all things.  Mystery of God’s saving design.  Mystery of Love  Mystery of the Incarnate Word.  Celebration of the Paschal Mystery  Eschatological Meal  Pasch of Christ

3. In the Sacrament of Death Jesus is glorified.

4. By repeating Jesus’ gestures, they would accomplish exactly what He had accomplished.

5. Four major aims of the Holy Mas Adoration Thanksgiving Propitiation Petition 6. Riches of cross are dispensed to humanity through Mass sacramentally present as the spiritual food of all the faithful under the appearances of bread and wine.

7. We might say that on Calvary Christ has provided a bath of expiation and salvation, filled with the blood He has shed for us, but unless men plunge into it and there wash away stains of their sins, they cannot be cleansed and saved.

8. The modest man has everything to gain, and the arrogant man everything to lose, modesty has always to deal with generosity and arrogance with envy. (Rivarol) 9. What is spent, I Lost What I possessed is left to others, What I gave away remains to me.

10. God’s might to direct God’s power to protect God’s wisdom to learn God’s eye to discern God’s ear to hear God’s word to clear me.

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