Babylon 5 C-G-S Rulebook

Page 1

A • INTRODUCTION Welcome to a dynamic new game format that merges flexibility with an assortment of game mechanics in an easy to use intuitive system . The Component Game System™ is designed with multiple plug-ins and expansions wh ich allow players to play many different games using some or all of the parts.


The Component Game System™ (abbreviated CGSTM) is an expandable board game system consisting of multiple components. Players can begin playing with as little as 2 Starter Kits, or a Core Set.

AU Starter Kit

A Starter Kit is a box which contains all the parts needed for 1 player to play in a game of 2 or more players. Each person needs a Starter Kit to play. Many expansion products come in Starter Kit format on ly. See page 25 and 26 for a complete list of available Starter Kits.

A12 Core Set

A Core Set is a 4-empire boxed set allowing 2 to 4 players to play. Starter Kits can be added to allow more players (1 Starter Kit per additional player). The 2258 and 2259 Board Games are Core Sets, see page 25 and 26 fo r a complete list of available board games.

A1.] Reinforcement Pack

fi2 HELPFOL HI"TS BEFOitE YOO STfiitT fIl.l Rule Organization

A2.11 Numbering: The rules are divided by section (letter) and topic (number). For example, A2 is the 2nd topic in the A section (I ntroduction). Rules within a topic are then numbered after a decimal point. This way a specific rule can be referenced by its ~ection, Iopic, Number and sub-number (ST.Nn) . A2.12 Play Levels: There are 2 standard play levels. They are the Basic Game and the Standard Game (see A3.1 Game). A2.13 Play Aids: Non-rules text is found in italics. Beginner's notes and examples are found in italics within [brackets]. These are NOT rules, but are examples made to clarify a specific rule. [Example: Bob is playing the CGS TM. There are a number of examples through the rules that, if fol/owed sequential/y, may be mimicked, using your pieces, to learn the game mechanics.] A2.14 Turn Sequence Chart: This guide is a reference page designed to speed an experienced gamer's understanding of the rules, and to function as a play sequence reference sheet for inexperienced players. It is on the back cover of this book. iA2.15V1~iAddTtTons:-V1]ronfiisrui9bookadassaverarnewrulas.'

:These are found in dashed boxes (like this rule) to help players famil: iar with V1.1 find the changes and additions. New players should dis:regard the dashed boxes and focus on learning the basic rules :(white) then advanced rules (gray, see A4 Adding Advanced Rules). :Underl ined text within a rule indicates a change in the text for clarity L _________________________________________________ :only and not an actual change in the rule.


Reinforcements Pack #1 is the sou rce for empire specific bases and generic ships such as Raiders (hired by many empires at one time or another) and the Dockers Guild. Other Reinforcement Packs are in development.

fIl2 Separating Parts

Map pieces, tokens and currency come attached in die cut sheets. These parts are nearly separated, but have tabs holding them together to prevent damage during shipping . IMPORTANT: Use care when separating pieces to prevent ripping.

Beginner·s "ote:

The size of this rulebook might seem intimidating to a new player. Because of this, we designed the rulebook to help the 'latent gamers' out there, by providing a mUlti-leveled play structure (you only need to learn a portion of the rules at a time) . If you are a latent gamer, please do not attempt to use the entire rulebook in your fi rst game. Please, follow the steps prescribed in A4 Adding Advanced Rules. Thank you and welcome to the Component Game System™.

Component Ciame Systems, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 70 Stamford, NY 12167 Website:

Phone: Fax: E-mail:

607-652-2378 607-652-9070

The Component Game System ™ is copyright © 1998 Component Game Systems, Inc. The game engine, parts and text are TM & © 1998 Component Game Systems, Inc. Some parts are Patent Pending. The CGSTM logo is TM & © 1998 Component Game Systems, Inc. The Babylo.n 5, Component Game System™ is produced under license by Component Game Systems, Inc. BABYLON 5 names. characters and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. TM & © 1998 Warner Bros. Illustrations are used with permission and are TM & © 1998 Warner Bros.

fil Segments of Play - fi6 Table of Contents



A game consists of as many rounds as are required for a player to win. A3.1 1 Basic Game: When the rules refer to the Basic Game, they are referring to an introductory level of play. The Basic Game rules are on white (not shaded) . Advanced rules are shaded. [Beginner's Note: It is highly recommended that new players play 1 or more Basic Games before incorporating the advanced rules a few at a time. The advanced rules are not used in a Basic Game. To add advanced rules, see A4 Adding Advanced Rules.] A3.12 Standard Game: The Standard Game is a level of play where all the advanced rules (shaded rules) are in effect and each player uses his own Play Set. Variant rules are not part of the Standard Game.

Al2 Itound

A round is once around the table, i.e. 1 turn for each player. From a given player's point of view 1 round is from the beginning of his turn to the beginning of his next turn.

Al.l Turn

A turn consists of 1 player performing each of the S phases: Record Keeping, Vote, Allocate, Move and Fire. Players take turns sequentially, in clockwise rotation.

="- (VarlGiit)'

Scenarios 'l i"'Campolins ".. -

.41 Scenario:

A game ~,rich will use the aqvanced rulesanq cially definedrIJles and/ormiss'iofl cards. SCElnarios will be found sOm~expadsio,rproduct$ . . .42CampaI91'l:" A series ,of sqenarios defined c~mpaig!1XUleR/ se are .foundj n some expansion products.



Component Game SystemTI1 ilulebook V1.2

- - -

Many advanced rules have the note 'Modu lar' after their title. After learning the Basic Game (non-shaded rules), add these rules one or more at a time. Hyperspace Jumps ... . ....04.6 Empire Discounts .... ... .. 03.22 Contested Space ....... . .D3.2S , 03.33 & 03.4 Territorial & Political Victory ..01 .13, 01.14 Mines .. . .............. .03.23 (Mines), 04.4, HS Squadrons . . ... .. .. . ... .01.6, 03.23 (Squadron) , F & H2.2 Factions . . . . . . .. .. . ... ..C3 After learning the above rules, add all the remaining rules (except empire specific rules for empires not being played (see AS below)) and the playing cards. [Note: To add the cards, aI/ the rules must be used (as cards interact with most of the advanced rules) .] After you have learned how to use the cards, you can begin experi menting with variant rules ('Variant' in ( ) after the rules title).

INTRODUCTION . .. .. ...... . . . ...... . ...A Types of Products .. .... ... . .... . . . .A 1 Helpful Hints Before You Start . . .... . . .A2 Segments of Play .. .. . ... .. . ... . .. .. A3 Adding Advanced Rules . .. .... .. .... .A4 Adding Empire Specific Rules ..... .. . .AS Table of Contents . . . .. .. .. ... .... . ..A6 NOMENCLATURE ........ . ........... .. .B Map Pieces .. .. ....... . .. ... . . . ...B1 Currency . .. . .. ... .. .. . .......... .B2 Empire Control Sheets ... ..... . . . . . ..B3 Tokens . . . . . . .. ... .. .. . .... . .. .. .. B4 Dice ... .. . . ... .... .. . . . ... ... ... .BS Cards . .. ... .. .. .......... . . . .... B6 STARTING THE GAME . . .. ...............C Pre-Game Set-up . . . . . . . .. ... . . . ... .C1 Map Creation ... ... . .. . . .......... .C2 Faction Tokens . ... . .. . .............C3 Starting Forces .... .... ... .... .....C4 Card Usage ........ .... . . . .. . .....CS Game Variants .... . . . ......... . . . ..C6 TURN SEQUENCE ......... .... .........D Record Keeping Phase ... . ... . ... . ..01 Vote Phase ...... .. .. . .. ......... .02 Allocate Phase . . .. . ........... ... .. 03 Move Phase .. .... . ....... . . ... ... .04 Fire Phase ... .. . .. . .. .. .......... .oS DAMAGE .............................E Sources of Damage ..... . . . .. ... . ...E1 Applying Damage .... . . . ... . ... . . ..E2 TACTICAL ADVICE . . ................... . p. 17 PREVIEW . .. ................... ...... . p. 17 FIGHTER SQUADRONS ..................F Squadron Tokens . ...... . ... . ....... F1 Squadron Movement . . . .. .... . . .. ...F2 Damaging Squadrons . . .... ...... . . .F3 Repairing Squadrons .......... .. . ...F4 Forced Recovery ...... . . ..... . .. ... FS EMPIRE SPECIFIC RULES ................G Shadow Influence .. .. ... ..... . . .. . .G1 Vorlon Alliances .. . . . . .. . . .. ... .. . . .G2 Dormant Shadow Vessels . .... .. .. .. .G3 Telepaths vs. Shadow Ships ... .. . .. ...G4 Vorlon Planet Decimation .. .. .. .. .....GS DIE ROLLS ...... . .....................H Long Range Support Die Rolls ... . .. ...H1 Defense Grid Die Rolls ... . ...... . . ...H2 Stat Rolls . . . . .... .. . . . .. . .. . .. ....H3 Random Direction Rolls ... . ... .. ... ..H4 Minesweeping Rolls . . . . ... ... ... ....HS CREW LOCATIONS AND AWAY MISSIONS ... J Crew Location .. . . . .... . .. .. .......J1 Transportation . . . . . ... . .. ..... . ... .J2 Away Missions .. . ......... . . .......J3 APPENDICES .............. ........... .X Errata . . ...... ...... . . ... ...... . .x1 Special Token Rules . .... . .. . .. .. . .. .x2 Product Info, Parts, Tactical Retreat VII . . .x3, X4, XS Index, Abbreviations . ... . . ..... . . ... .X6, X7 Pregame Set-up Chart, Play Aids . . . .. . .X8, X9 Turn Sequence ... . . . . . .... ... . . . . .x1 0

Componvnt Gamv Systvm™ itulvbook V1.Z

81 Map Pivcvs, 82 Currvncy, 81 Empirv Control Shvvts

B • NOMENCLATURE The nomenclature section of the rulebook defines in detail the various aspects of each game piece in the CGSTM.


A map piece is a six-sided playing piece approximately 4 inches from edge to edge used by players to fo rm the board (or map). A map piece has 7 hexes.

Bl.l Map Elvmvnts

Empire Control Sheets are approximately 6" x 8.5" cards which have starting configurations for an empire, movement diagrams for that empire's ships and special rules and limitations for that empire. Additionally, there are 4 Scoring Banks for tracking your Gross Economy, Total Upkeep, Net Economy and Economy Reserve. Use the currency (provided) and/or dice (recommended) to show the current amount in each of your Scoring Banks.


Any feature of a map piece or token which causes a hex to have a rule is a map element. {Examples of Map Elements: Economy Indicators (planets, etc.), Damage Indicators (asteroids, etc.), jumpgates, black holes, etc.} 81.11 Economy Indicator: A white circle with a number in it (shown at right). Hexes with Economy Indicators are the only hexes where bases may be built (see 03.24 Building a Token - Base Token). 81 .12 Damage Indicators: A white ring with a white number in it. Any hex with a Damage Indicator causes d a m - I I age to any token entering the hex. The number in the indicator tells you how many Babylon 5 dice to roll for damage (see E2 Applying Damage). 81.13 Jumpgate: The jumpgate graphic indicates a jumpgate (see 04.61 Jumpgates). 81.14 Minefields: Minefields are only found on map pieces. Minefields have a Damage Indicator, but do not cause additional jump damage (see 04.66 Jump Damage). 81 .15 Special Rules: Many map pieces have rules text on them. Whenever a unit (ship, base or squadron) enters a hex with special rules, that hex is activated as described on the map piece (04.32). 81.16 8abylon 5: The Babylon 5 hex contains a base and therefore units cannot enter the Babylon 5 hex, even when the map piece is unexposed. Babylon 5 (including refit token) cannot be damaged. No player controls Babylon 5. The 6 numbers around the Babylon 5 hex are for determining random direction (see H4).



B1.2 Tvrms Itvlating to ttVIVS

83 EMPlitE COrtTitOL SttEETS

81.21 Empty: An empty hex is a hex on an exposed map piece that has no token or map element. {Example: The center hex on the 'Gravity Wave' map piece is the only hex which has a rule, the outer 6 hexes are empty (when no token is present) since a token entering 1 of these hexes does not activate a map element rule.} 8 1.22 Occupied: Any hex with a ship or base of any player in it is an occupied hex. Hexes with your squadrons are considered occupied to you (but not to opponents) (see F5 Forced Recovery). Map elements and opponent squadrons do not cause a hex to be occupied , but do prevent a hex from being empty. 81.23 Unoccupied: A hex which is not occupied by a ship or base of any player or by one of your squadrons. {Example: A hex with an opponent squadron, a mine token, an asteroid token, etc. is unoccupied, (but is not empty).}

B1.1 Scoring Banks

83.11 Gross Economy: The sum of the Economy Indicators on all of your bases on the map. This Scoring Bank notes your starting Gross Economy. (Use green dice.) 83.12 Total Upkeep: The sum of the upkeep costs of your tokens on the map and any tokens in your Scrap Yard. (Use red dice.) 83.13 Net Economy: Net Economy equals Gross Economy minus Total Upkeep. (Use white dice.) 83.14 Economy Reserve: The Economy Reserve is your treasury. It is the amount of money you currently have. Whenever you spend economy (build, repair, buy/play cards, etc.), it is immediately deducted from your Economy Reserve by removing currency. This Scoring Bank notes how much economy your empire has at the start of the game. (Use currency.)

B1.2 Starting Itvqulrvmvnts & Options

The steps listed here on the Empire Control Sheet must be fOllowed at the start of each game. This establishes a configuration for your homeworld map piece and defines your starting hand. {Note: The Empire Control Sheet makes an exception to the requirement that a base's Economy Indicator equal the Economy Indicator of the hex (see 03.24 Building a Token - Base Token). This only applies at the start of the game. Should you wish to rebuild a base in that same hex later in the game, you could not exceed the limit of the Economy Indicator, even though you did at the start.}

BU Movvmvnt Options Chart

This illustrates the movement options available to units of the empire. The hexes with arrows represent the hexes into which a unit can move and the direction of the arrows indicate the facing the unit can have when it moves to that hex (see 04.1 Movement).

B1.4 Spvclal Itulvs (& Umitatlons)

Rules allowing the empire to perform special abilities. Some empires also have limitations indicated here. {Example: The Earth Alliance Nova Oreadn. and Omega O. cannot sideslip (see 04.13 Alternative Movement).}

B15 ttomvworld (ttvadquarivn, etc.)

An illustration of the empire's homeworld or headquarters. This is also the illustration found on empire-specific base tokens.

B1.6 Ambassador (Agent, etc.)

An illustration of the empire's representative.

An area which runs off the bottom of the Empire Control Sheet. This is where your ship tokens (and your other tokens with upkeep) are moved when destroyed. You can rebuild these tokens (without altering your Total Upkeep) instead of building a 'new' token from out of play.

84 Yok"ns

(ompon"nt Gam" Syst"m™ jlul"book V1.Z

84 TOI(ErtS

Most tokens represent units (ships, bases and squadrons). Some other tokens represent asteroids, mines, jumpgates, moons, comets, declarations of war, etc.

B4.1 Tok"n F"amr"s

84.11 Undamaged Side: Forward Defense Rating - - - • j211111111111111111111!J

Jump Engine Indicator Upkeep Cost (blue circle) Lasers (yellow hexagon)


Firing Arcs (red and yellow Special Rules (above empire) 84.12 Crippled Side: Defense Rating

Empire --,

Hull Class or Token Type (below empire)


Repair Cost* (magenta circl~

Upkeep Cost (blue circle)

Heavy Weapons (red hexagon)

Lasers (yellow hexagon) Empire

Special Rules (above empire)


Hull Class or _ Token Type (below empire)

* The presence of the build cost (green) or repair cost (magenta) indicates whether the unit is undamaged or crippled (respectively).

B4.2 D"flnltions of Token F"amr"s

Not all tokens have everyone of these features. Features not found on a given token indicate that the token does not have the feature in question. [Examples: A token which does not have a Jump Engine Indicator does not have a jump engine and cannot jump on its own. A token with no defense rating cannot be damaged and therefore does not need a defense rating, etc.] 84.21 Defense Rating: This number in the upper left cor-

84.24 Costs: 8uild Cost (green): The number in the green circle on the left cor-

ner of the token (undamaged side only). This is the amount of economy needed to build the token (see D3.2 Building Tokens). The presence of the build cost indicates that the token is undamaged. Repair Cost (magenta): The number in the magenta circle on the left corner of the token (crippled side only). This is the amount of economy needed to repair the token (see D3 .3 Repair). The presence of the repair cost indicates that the token is crippled. Upkeep Cost (blue): The number in the light blue circle on the right corner of the token. Upkeep is the cost in economy required each turn to maintain a ship or other token (support industries, maintenance facilities, replacement parts, food, fuel, etc.). [Note: The sum of the upkeep of all your tokens on the map and in the Scrap Yard is your Total Upkeep and should always be indicated in the Total Upkeep bank on your Empire Control Sheet.] 84.25 Weaponry: Heavy Weapons (red): The number in the red hexagon on the lower

left side of the token . This is the amount of damage caused by the token's heavy weapons. Lasers (yellow): The number in the yellow hexagon on the lower right side of the token. This is the amount of damage caused by the token's lasers. Firing Arcs (red and yellow): These lines tell you in which directions the token can fire its heavy weapons (red lines) and lasers (yellow lines) (see D5.4 Firing Arcs). 84.26 Identification & Notes: Special Rules: A brief note indicating a special ability of that token

(see X2 Special Token Rules). [Example: 'Carrier (1)' indicates the token is a carrier.] Empire: The empire to which the token belongs (found in a heavier font (text style) from that of the special rules). Hull Class or Token Type: Tokens are referenced by the hull class or token type. Tokens generally indicate their type (base, squadron, mine, etc.) in bold text. A base token has the word 'base' on it, etc. The only exception to this is that ship tokens may not indicate that they are ships, but instead tell you the hull type of the ship (freighter, destroyer, etc.).


ner indicates how many points of damage it takes to crip4 pie an undamaged token (undamaged side) or destroy a crippled token (crippled side ; see E2 Applying Damage). [Note: Empire specific tokens have the empire's color in the defense rating symbol.] 84.22 Jump Engine Indicator: This symbol in the upper right corner indicates that the token has a jump engine (see Hyperspace Jumps). [Note: Often the crippled side of a token will not have the Jump Engine Indicator, indicating that the token cannot jump on its own when it is crippled.] 84.23 Economy Indicator: Bases (which generate economy) have this symbol in the upper right corner where the Jump Engine Indicator is also found. Your Gross Economy equals the sum of Economy Indicators on your bases on the map.

D4.611 !!

843 Positioning Tok"ns on th" Map

84.31 Placement: Tokens are positioned within hexes so that the edges of the token are parallel to the edges of the hex (see the diagram in C4.3 Starting Fleet). 84.32 Ship Facing: The facing of a ship is the direction the forward part of the token (see B4.1 Token Features) is pointing. 84.33 Docked: A ship facing a base in an adjacent hex is considered to be docked to that base. Only ships can be docked. [Note: A squadron, base or other non-ship token adjacent to a base is not considered docked.] 84.34 Docked Position: A ship is considered in a 'docked position' to a hex if it is adjacent to and facing the hex. For a ship to be able to build a base in a hex, the ship must be adjacent to and facing the hex. Only ships may be considered in a docked position. 84.35 Stacking: A hex may 'contain' a maximum of 1 unit token (exception squadrons under a carrier (F1.2) and dormant Shadow vessels under a base (G3)).

m --6

Componvnt Gamv Systvm'" itulvbook V1.2

B4 Tokvns, BS Dicv

B4.4 Map Elvmvnt Tokvns

Map element tokens represent terrain features, including natural and artificial hazards. Map element tokens can only be placed into empty hexes (see B1.21 Empty) on exposed map pieces. A hex with a map eleI ment token is no longer considered empty (it now contains a map telement). If a rule causes a map element token to be placed in a hex which already has a map element, the token supercedes the map element in the hex . ! 84.41 Asteroid Tokens: Some cards call for the placement of an i asteroid token on the map. Asteroid tokens have Damage Indicators (see B1 .12 Damage Indicators) and are used to add a Damage , Indicator to a hex. Some actions call for placing asteroid tokens in , hexes (For example: Vorlon Planet Killers can 'rubblize' small planets (see G5 Vorlon Planet Decimation)). These tokens are used to represent 84.42 Jumpgate Tokens: jumpgates (see D4.61 Jumpgates). ''1 84.43 Mine Tokens: Mine tokens are used to represent mines (see , D4.4 Mines). Some mines have weapons. 884.44 Moon Tokens: Some cards and variant rules call for the : placement of moon tokens. A moon token has an Economy : .IJldicator, therefore a base could be built on the moon token. *'84.45 Comet Tokens: Some cards and scenario rules call for the use of comets; 路If you have a ship in the same hex as a comet dur. your Record Keeping Phase, you gain a bonus (as indicated on gmettoken). +, i" .i , "lSr'Oxy"Requi'recrTTaiTiap-e1efiienffo"Ken-wm,-aspecffic indFl l cator val~e is required by a rule and no such token is available, al Iproxy must be used. .' I :JExample: A '4 ' planet is rubblized by the Vorlons and no '4': .J: IL._________________________________________________ asteroid is available, use currency instead.}


~B4.S I

Status Tokvns

Status tokens are used to keep track of the status of They are not considered unit ,t. tokers or map element tokens. ~路El4.51 War Tokens: A War Token has the text 'Declaration of War' on Players only use the War Tokens of the empire found on their [.Empire Control Sheet (and must use proxies if they run out). IWhenever a player fires weapons from any of his tokens at the unit tof another player, the firing player must give that player one of his i Wa~Tokens, if that player does not currently have one (of the firing ~player's War Tokens). War Tokens given to you by other players are (placed in front of you. ;f Note: Youcan never have more than 1 War Token from each playl.~r in the game.] 1(",ote: A player who fires the weapons on one of his faction tokens &musfgive out a War Token (if the target player does not have one) M e~en though none of his empire tokens may have fired.} *[N~te:A player who fires the weapons on an opponent token (which ;J ~e tookco'!trol of) must give out a War Token (if the target player c.i:foes not have one) even though none of his empire tokens may have l:,f!(ed.} f 8 4.52 Shadow Influence Tokens: Found in the Shadow Starter Kit, l搂tli3,c.fPW Influence Tokens are used to indicate players who have ~'liance~ and declarations of war.


~ beeonJnfluenced by the Shadows (see G1 Shadow Influence).

iB4;53Vorlon Alliance Tokens: Found in the Vorlon Starter ! ~i~. Vorlon Alliance Tokens are used to indicate players 'Who have allied themselves with the Vorlon Empire (see G2 Vorlon Alliance).


There are several types of dice found in the CGSTM. Each is defined below.

BS.1 Babylon S Dlv (BS)

The Babylon 5 Die is the white die with black lettering and the Babylon 5 logo. The Babylon 5 Die is rolled in many different instances, most prominently, when entering hexes with Damage Indicators (B1.12). Cards and rules often reference this die with the text 'nB5' where 'n' is a number indicating how many B5 dice are to be rolled. Most products contain B5 dice with the Babylon 5 logo replacing the 5 on the die face (some early releases did not have these cool logos on the dice, but all new re leases should). When rolling this die, a result of 'Babylon 5' should be considered a result of 5.

BS.2 Dvfvnsv Grid Dicv (DG)

A defense grid is special defensive weaponry used by many ships to diminish incoming weapons fire or destroy small targets such as mines or fighters. 85.21 Use: The Defense Grid Die is used when a ship or base is the target of a weapons volley or when a ship sweeps a mine (see H2 Defense Grid Die Rolls and H5 Minesweeping Rolls). Cards and rules often reference this die with the text 'nDG' where 'n' is a number indicating how many Defense Grid Dice are to be rolled. 85.22 Empire Specific: Each empire has a unique Defense Grid Die which comes in the empire's color (the color in the defense rating circle at the top left of that empire's tokens and on the back of their Starter Kit boxes). It is required that you use the Defense Grid Die for your empire when rolling a Defense Grid Die Roll. The only exception to this is when the ship or base of another empire is under your control. In that event, roll a Defense Grid Die of that empire (i.e. with that empire's Defense Grid Die.) 85.23 Empire Colors: The following are the colors for the Defense Grid Dice: Centauri Republic ..... . die with black lettering Earth Alliance die with white lettering League of Non-Aligned Worlds ..purple die with white lettering Minbari .. . . ... ...........light blue die with black lettering Narn Regime . ... .... ... .. . .. .red die with white lettering Psi Corps ....... . ... . ......yellow die with black lettering The Shadows ........ ..... . . .black die with white lettering Varian Empire die with black lettering generic (not an empire) (bases, non-aligned factions, etc.) . ..... .. pearlescent die with white lettering 85.24 Generic Defense Grid Die: The 2258 Edition released in December 1997 contained a Defense Grid Die (black die with white numbers). This die is (now) only used for generic tokens (bases (white defense rating) and non-aligned factions (gray defense ratings, includes: Docker Faction , Raider Faction , etc.)) which do not have an empire specific Defense Grid Die. [Note: If players do not have an appropriate Defense Grid Die, use a mutually agreed upon substitute.}


BS3 Standard Div (06)

The standard six-sided die (smaller) is white with black pips showing 1 through 6. Cards and rules often reference this die with the text 'nD6' where 'n' is a number indicating how many standard six-sided dice are to be rolled.

06 Cords

Componvnt Gomv Systvm'" Rulvbook V1.2 B6.28 Card Functions The function(s) of the;card. Periodic Functions: A'-'.. .indicat~s· a.• fUQct!9!1 that mliY be p~t:~;, formed 1 time each round, ot! ~9~rJurn, ~~ripg thElcard's play p~~S'9] as an action (not during anbth9ra9tio~). These. !pnctions cannot b~~ used on other player's turns, . .... " . .. Mandatory Functions: An i!'.!1ic8:tes;~HN~ctiOQ .that is a'waY~. i~,' effect..and cannot pe 'shut off' .(even by~ card ""hich negates afuns;;.1 tion). These functions must beactiVa(99),..vhEl?. the.appropriate Ci~~.j cumstances arise. 'f' ,.,: . ·' i '. '" "" [Example: Some crew .9ardshavEJ coun9i1!vote~,These cards '.


There are several Wpes of cards: AbiliW, Crew, Event, Gear ",ntlliVnfA cards. Later expansions will add other types to the CGSTM.

~B6.f., Location of Cord Feotares ~.

'-"-~: {/




a vote every time a vot~ is callep; (:lo


rrI.?.tteC w.hoseturn it is.}

Conditional Functions: '" A'>' .indic~t~s;afup¢tiO~ which you activate on. any turn (of any ~!ayer){El~ch .~!me theappropriatEl fir~l cumstances arise, but QnlYQnce gurin~ . i!ni!cti.9Q (seeC5.2). · · · ,.;. '1

[Example: 'Lennier' may substi!ute fjftr]~elf for ,a.cre~ which rnustt make a Health or Combat Roll. Y,QU,maychoose whether or j use the function each time such a c;rcumstance afises.) • . .•. :

B6.29 Clarifier Text: This text, founcfin{bcabkets),is not require90~<! the card, but is pre~ented.only t? heIR.clarifyt~~rules on the Car~l: i'i1 B6.2a Empire: The empire to .whi9h!l\Iatcard belongs: CenI League, etc. Cards with the wordfG~neric: do notohave an em M

• •:


86.3 Cord lJpft 86.31 Crew: . qr~~ c~rds are .~ome qfthe morirpowerful ca,rds $i,rce!!

they usually remain in play performfng'their actions multiple tim~~. Location: See J1 Crew Location.Tn~card is played in front ofyo~;: showing that you control thecar(j. . . . Stat~: Crew cards have stats on tn~m d~f!hing the attnbutes ofth~tJ crew (the stat) and a rating for !hatst@t/(a number). Stats ar~ used : at various times (see H3 Stat R()Us), ••.. •. .' . .. *


iCJatifier Text -

:when it causes a change in the creW'~. J?9ation,contrOller, play S!~7': :tus (in play, in the hand, in the de,91<~qi$carded,i etc.) or alters the :86..1. Definition of Cord Fvotares :of afunct.ion of that crew [Examp/~~c~~ngilJg a v q t e } . · : 1,Card Name: The name of the card. This distinguishes one :Crew Proximity: For a cre..v,to a~~Ft anotl\le~,.~rewit must be at t~e: Irom another. LS!l~e..!92~~~r:i~e..e_~~:!!L~ _____ ~ ... _______ ... _____________.J ",><,.",2 .Play Cost: The cost to play the card. This cost is paid from B6.32 E~en~: Event cards reP5l(~~ry!:EJveq~~.'f"hic9affect play. \,~~e Economy Reserve once when the card is first played. . B6.33 Vote: Note cards are9nly"ys~d in :m~t~~te Phase (see "a::J6.~3 Play Phase: The phase of the turn when the card may be Vote Phase)! The currenLplayecmayq(i" . .1 "gte . during his turn !j layed (see C5.2 How Cards are Played). This is also the phase playing avo~e card; " r ' . /.. G'1tbenthe card's periodic function(s) may be performed. B6.34 Gear: 'Gear cards represent an assortment of tools 86.24 When Discarded: crew. A gear card is played'to 1"pi yoQ( crew cards; If the rd .After: Cards with 'Discard After: X', where X is a duration, discarded, th!3 gear card is discarded as·WeU. Use~· Gear cards addfunctions'.tothepl'ew~catd on which discarded after the duration. ard: Some cards have 'Discard: when crew is' on them. This played/' If the crew cannotfunciioi1, it canr1ot(.l~~itsgear. ;ate~that~h~y are discarded when the crew card they are in play Possession: 'Each of your, gearcard~. . play may be relocated,: sdis9arded. ... .. . . o n c e each r~und durin~yoUr~~P8r~.~eepi!1gCP~~~~!Jno\ting it tn . .,86.25 Unique Cards of your prew in . play~e)(en acrewPf~ye~te,dfromfl.Jnctioning) . lie: If the card is unique, there may be only 1 card in play (by periodiC functions (if any) otthe}g~ar car~. may be used by the layers combined) with the card's name. Cards w\'lich are not (with the gearYi~the ge~r~card'spJayl~hase.) . ...« , / ; '\ ,1qt:Jeare not limited to how many duplicates may be in play at the · B6.35.Ability:Abilitypardsrepre~ent+asp'eplarabilityorpoW~r.i " lm~ . gained by the crew. AnfibiliW car(ji~playeqt6 1'ofyour crew card~:. 'Yea.r: Year is a mechanism of unique. You may playa unique card if If the crew is discarded, the abil,iwcardili di~c8:rded as. wen.. Empire . \, .•~ :there is already a card of the same name of an earlier year in play specific abiliW 9ards myst bepl~yed,toacr~..v. of that empire. ' ~bX ~ny player), discarding the version with the earlier year. Use: AbiliW cards add fl.lnction~::to the cr(3~card on which th~x ' !,uniqtie card may not be played if an equal or later year verare played. If the crewcannotfu~9tion~it cannot use its a~n011


", ' j


'•... sI.on.•.. . ..O.f. th8:t card... is in play (by any player).

i ~~r~6,lIIustrati~n:

A pictorial reference. I,B6;27 FlavorText: A quote or informative reference. ,


'. '.

,'0WK ..




ities. The perigdic func.t.. •i.o•..n. . s... (.'. fa... .n...y.),ofth..e. ... ...abil..'.·W .. qardm,. ... a..Y.t•·l.•··. be useq by the crew (Withme~~iUty)in,the abiliW car,(j's,; play phase" . ',Im ' .' . ". " . " . ., 8'6:mrfJffSSion:Jrmi§sioQ~rd"Ts-ii§eaI5senacrew~o~l ______________ -'.___________________________ missions. Future releases will contain mission cards. . . .J


Component Game System™ Rulebook VU

Cl Pre-Game Set-up


At the beginning of each game, players should choose 1 of the 4 set-up options described below and follow that section's rules. [Beginner 's Note: Set-ups C1 .1 and C1.2 are specifically designed to get you playing with ease. Read 1 of these sections for now, then after a few games, try C1.3 Standard Game Set-up (this requires that each player have sufficient parts to make a Play Set).}

Cl.1 Basic Game Set-up - Starter Kits

C1 .11 Product Requirements: Each player needs a Starter Kit. C1.12 Parts: Starter Kits are presorted to contain an appropriate amount of parts needed to play the empire in a Basic Game. No pregame set-up is required, proceed to C2 Map Creation.

Cl.l Basic Game Set-up - Core Set

The Core Set contains sufficient parts for 2 to 4 players to play a Basic Game. Divide the parts (plus any extra parts from addon products) among the players as follows: C1 .21 Empire Control Sheets: Give each player the Empire Control Sheet for the empire they wish to represent. C1 .22 Map Pieces: Place the 'Babylon 5' map piece at the center of the table. Give each player his empire homeworld map piece (as defined in the starting requirements section of the Empire Control Sheet). Have each player place his homeworld map piece on the table in front of them . The remainder of the map pieces are shuffled and dealt to the players randomly with the back of the map piece (CG S logo side) showing. Do not expose these pieces to the other players, but you may look at the pieces you receive. C1.23 Tokens: Give each player the tokens belonging to his empire. Place any tokens belonging to empires which are not being played back in the box (they are not used) . Take the generic tokens (bases, asteroids, jumpgates, etc.) and place them in a central area. They may be used by any player. C1.24 Cards: Give each player the cards belonging to his empire they represent. The empire is noted in the bottom left corner of the card just above the card type (each empire has its own unique background graphic which matches the graphic on the Empire Control Sheet). Shuffle the rest of the cards and deal them out. Your empire cards not selected for your hand are added to the random cards you were dealt to become your deck. You may not look at these cards.

Cl.3 Standard Game Set-up

This is the standard set-up. Once you have learned the game you can quickly take out your Play Set and 'face off' against other players. Below are the guidelines for building a Play Set. C1.31 Empire Control Sheet: Select the Empire Control Sheet of the empire you will use for the game. C1.32 Map Pieces: Quantity: Select 5 or more map pieces from your collection. One of these must be the homeworld map piece of the same empire and year as your Empire Control Sheet. Put any extras away. Empire: A player may not use the 'Babylon 5' map piece or a homeworld map piece of another empire. Total Value: The total point value of these pieces (found after the name in parenthesis) may not exceed 25 points. The homeworld piece counts in this total. Duplicates: A player may not use duplicates of a map

piece in a Play Set. Map pieces are considered identical if they have the same name (regardless of the year or configuration of the map piece). [Example: A player could not select both a 'Time Quake' (2258 Edition) and a 'Time Quake' (2259 Edition) for his Play Set even though the 2 pieces are functionally different.} [Note: The Timeline Game (future release) and other scenarios or cards may call for map pieces being changed based on the year.} C1.33 Tokens: Empire: Each player may only use generic tokens and the tokens of his empire. However, the ability to use tokens of another empire may be granted on the Empire Control Sheet, the use of factions (see C3 Factions), or certain cards. No Proxies: You must have a given token to build it (Le. no proxies allowed). This does not restrict you to one product or set. C1.34 Cards: Players should have a legal Player Deck (see C5.1 Player Decks). At this point, remove any empire cards belonging to empires being represented by other players (except cards of your empire) and set them aside (they are not used). [Note: Empire cards of other empires do not count for deck construction! so pulling them out should leave your deck legal.}

Cl.4 itandom Game Set-up


C1.41 Empire Control Sheets: Each player selects an empire (by choice or at random). C1.42 Map Pieces: Place the 'Babylon 5' map piece in the center of the table (see C2.31 Babylon 5). Place the homeworld map pieces (see C2.32 Homeworlds) in their positions. Randomize the rest and deal them face down into place completing the map so no player has viewed any of the map pieces. C1.43 Tokens: Give each player the tokens needed for the empire they represent. C1,44 Cards: Give each player the cards belonging to the empire they represent. The empire is noted in the bottom left corner of the card just above the card type (each empire has its own unique background graphic which matches the graphic on the Empire Control Sheet). Shuffle the rest of the cards and deal them out. After selecting your hand, any extra empire cards are added to the random cards you were dealt to become your deck. You may not look at these, cards. • C1.45 Play : Skip C2 Map Creation and proceed to either C3 Factions or C4 Starting Forces (skipping C3 Factions).

C2 Map Creation, C3 Factions


Component Game System™ itulebook V1.2 3 Player Map

C2.1 Map Size

The diagrams on this page show the shape of the map to be used based on the number of players at the start of a game. Experienced players may use any size map they wish and scenario rules may dictate other sizes.

C22 Order of Play

At this point, each player announces which empire they represent. Then, ran domly determine who will have the first turn by having each player roll a die. The player with the highest roll will play first. Turns will then proceed in a clockwise rotation. At this time, cards of empires represented by other players (on their Empire Control Sheets) must be removed from each player's Player Deck.

C23 Babylon 5 and Homeworlds

Total: 13 Players Place: HW+3, HW+3, HW+3

C2.31 Babylon 5: Place the 'Babylon 5' map piece in the center of the table. Babylon 5 is placed face up Uumpgate and firing arcs up). If using Starter Kits only, you might not have the 'Babylon 5' map piece (found in the Earth Alliance Starter Kit, Psi Corps Starter Kit and the Core Sets) . In this event, Babylon 5 is presumed to be at a location that is not on the map. No player may use the 'Babylon 5' map piece as 1 of his starting map pieces. C2.32 Homeworlds: The first player places his homeworld in position 1 (as shown on the map). The piece is placed face up (exposed) in any position (rotation) the player desires. The second player then places his homeworld in position 2 and so on.

C2.4 Place Starting Map Pieces

C2.41 Place Map Pieces: Starting with the player who will go last,

then proceeding counter-clockwise (4th player, 3rd, 2nd , 1st) , each player places 1 map piece adjacent to any map piece already on the map. Map pieces are two sided and are placed face down (CGSTM logo up). Map pieces may not be placed in an area outside the final map size (see diagrams). Any unplaced map pieces remaining after the map has been completed are set aside unexposed. They are not Players, Players Place: use the 6 currently used, but may be used by means of certain cards. Only the Varies corners. owning player may view these pieces during the remainder of the game. (Modular) [Hint: Place map pieces with large Economy Indicators near your C3 FACTIOrt TOI(ErtS homeworld and build bases on them on your second turn.] C3.1 Faction Operations C2.42 Flip Babylon 5: Ca.11 Faction: Any empire not being represented by a player may The player who places 2 Player Map be used as a faction. The Docker Faction and Raider Faction are the last map piece (comalso used as factions. pleting the map) fli ps the C3.12 Selection: To select a faction, a player chooses 1 or more 'Babylon 5' map piece tokens from 1 empire (not represented on another player's control over to its unexposed sheet) as his faction. side (th e large Babylon 5 C3.13 Announce: After all players have selected a faction, each graphic showing). player announces his faction and shows the token(s) selected. C2.43 View: Once C3.14 Auction: Starting with the first player, hold an auction for placed, a map piece's each faction (bid clockwise from the player whose faction is up for bid unexposed side may not until all players have passed). The winner of each auction pays for be looked at by any playthe faction from his Reserve and is the player who may use the er until a unit has --tokens of that faction. These are the only tokens of that fac.. entered the map piece, tion used in the game (except by means of a card) (see causing it to be exposed D4.15 Moving Other Empire Ships) . (see D4.2 Exposi ng Map C3.15 Duplicate Factions: If multiple players have Pieces) . selected the same faction, only bid once. The winner picks one of the configurations. The other duplicate factions are ' not used by any player.

Componernt Gamer Systerm™ itulerbook V1.Z


StanHng "and

Each player secretly selects a number of empire cards from his Player Deck (see C5.1 Player Decks), no duplicates (as ind icat~ ed on the Empire Control Sheet), as his starting hand. Shuffle the remainder of your deck and have it cut by the player to the right.

C42 Starting Economy Place currency in your 4 Scoring Banks (or dice in the fi rst 3 banks and currency in the Economy Reserve) to represent the amounts currently there (see D1.9 Notes on Tracking Economy) .

C4.3 Starting Flerert After the map has been created and players have selected their starting hand, each player places empire-specific base(s) (as indicated on their Empire Control Sheet) on his homeworld map piece. Players, in the order of play, may then spend any or all of their starting Economy Reserve to place additional units (your empi re, your faction(s) , or generic) on their homeworld map piece (with any facing desired) (see D3.2). Your empire tokens are built using empire discounts (D3.22). {Beginner's Example: Example ttomeworld Set-up Bob is playing Earth (EClrth A_ClntCl) Alliance and has a starting Earth Al liance Earth Alliance Base-8 Economy Reserve of 45. The Earth Base-8 is placed in the Earth hex and the Earth Base-2 in the Mars hex (see the Earth Alliance Control Sheet). Bob chooses to purchase a Hyperion Cr. for 13 (16-3 (see D3.22 Empire Discounts)) and a Transport for 4 (6-2), costing a total of 18. This leaves 27 in his Reserve.}

C" Bergin Play

Earth Map Piece

Proceed to D - Turn Sequence and start with the player who had the highest roll (see C2.2).

C5 CARD OSAGE (5.1 Player Decks

C4 Starting Forcers, C5 Card (boger Duplication: For every 10 distinct cards in a Cortj DeCk,you are' allowed 1 level of duplication. The level of duplication is the maxi- ' mum number of a distinct card that you may have in the {Example: In a Core Deck with 30 to 39 distinct cards, 3 levels,,of duplication are allowed. You can put no m¢re th~n 3 LoMb Mo/fi ifi cards in this deck even if they are of different years, s~W 2258, 2,259 and 2261 or any other combination.] Card Types: No more than half (50%) of the Core Deck (inCluding c duplicates) may be of the same card type (event. crew, ~to.) . ·, C5.13 Other Empires Cards: Cards of other empir~s do not qpul'lt as part of the Core Deck. They are added after t he Cote Deck t:la.~. been completed making the Player Deck. Iq C2.2.orqer of Play, ! cards of other empires represented by other players (on their Empire ' Control Sheets) must be removed from each player'sP layercOe~!< , Duplication: The level of duplication, as determined previously,is the maximum number of distinct cards of another empire thatyqu ~ may have in a Player Deck. {Note: This allows other empire cards to be ,easily added or removed upon learning the empires of the other players.}



Cards are Played

Cards are played during the phase indiCated on the card: An action is the starting and completion of a§t~p Within the phase; Cards are played at any point in the phase , before or after other ' actions (except OP Phase and Any Phase cards). The playing, of a : card and its resolution is an action. C5.21 Record Keeping Phase: No cards are p layed in this phase. C5.22 Vote Phase: A vote card may be played to call a vote (see: D2.1 Council Vote). The playing of a vote card through to the com: pletion of the vote is 1 action. C5.23 Allocate Phase: Each allocation is its own action. C5.24 Move Phase: Each movement of a tokem,and hs resolution is an action. C5.25 Fire Phase: The declaration through completion of a vO!ley is an action. ' C5.26 OP 'Phase': These cards are played in response to another i player's action taken on that player's turn.OP Phase cards are c played during the opponent phase indicated on the card. Tpey niiJst ' be used when played, and are resolved just before the actiqn to which they are responding. C5.27 Any: Your Turn: See above for the phase in question; . Opponent Turn: When played during an opponent's phase" Or it'l 0 response to an opponent action on your tum" they m~st be q~'~9 '

when played, and are resolved just before the action tp., Wh, ic~}tQeY '

are responding. . ' .t ' ,',' ,', . i,. . ~

C5.11 Player Deck: Each player will have a Player Deck (or Starter Deck in a Basic Game) and will only draw cards from his own deck. C5.28 Unique Cards: Each player may playa maximum of card each turn. A Player Deck consists of a Core Deck (see C5.12 below) plus (posC5.29 Duration: Cards with a duration have ti1k dl.lratiorl~tart when1 sibly) a selection of other empire cards (see C5.13). {Beginner's Note: Players who each have an empire s tarter Kit, they are played. Some last a number of rounds{turn~ cr phasEls, and' , may use the cards found therein as a Starter Deck. Players with just are then discarded. Cards which are discarded ,,~fter 'Use' must be the Core Set should each take the empire cards of the empire they used when played and then discarded. are playing and then deal out the rest of the cards to create Starter Decks. When using Starter Decks, skip C5. 1 Player Decks. As you C5.3 "and Sile Limit ~--A player may not draw cards frbril his deck to bause hJs , purchase additional expansions, you can add more cards to hand to exceed 7 cards. In an instance where Jhe nand ' your Starter Deck, converting it into a Player Deck.} C5.12 Building A Core Deck: A Core Deck is the main would exceed 7 cards by draWing them, allow thed1aljdto card selection of a Player Deck. It must contain at least 10 reach 7 and then stop drawing cards. The baJaoce of addidistinct cards (cardS with different names). These cards tional cards are not drawn. In an instanceWneie a (ule must be generic or of the empire the player represents in would cause the hand to exceed 7 cards I:>Y means other ' than drawing, then the hand may exceed 7. the game (found on the Empire Control Sheet).

C5 Card Osage - C6 Game Variants

Component Game SystemTH Rulebook V12 i~diflonrana-a-7"1ii7je-Ciiiake'72259-EaiTionrro-'-h/s-Pifiy-Sereveni

C5.4 negating Card Functions

C5.41 Mandatory Functions: A Mandatory function ('=') cannot be 'negated' by a card which negates a function. C5.42 Entire Function: You cannot negate part of a function. You can only negate an entire function at the point when it is announced, before any part of the function has been resolved. A player is expected to allow other players a reasonable amount of time (several seconds) to react to an action just announced. So, if part of a function has been resolved, it's to late to negate the function.

(6 GAME VAitlArtTS

iC6.1 Larger l1aps

(l1aster's Level):

: This rule replaces the previous rule with this number. : : C6.11 Master's Level Play Set: Use standard Play Set ru les except: : select map pieces as defined here. : : Quantity: Select 10 or more map pieces from you r collection . One i : of these must be the homeworld map piece of the same empire and 1 year as your Empire Control Sheet. Put any extras away. : : Empire: A player may not use the 'Babylon 5' map piece or a home-: : world map piece of another empire. :1 : Total Value: The total point value of these pieces (found after the 1 :name in parenthesis) may not exceed 50 pOints. The homeworld: : map piece counts in this total. : : Duplicates: A player may not use duplicates of a map piece in a: : Play Set. Map pieces are considered identical if they have the same: : name (regardless of the year or configuration of the map piece). i 1 : [Example: A player could not select both a Time Quake' (2258 _________________________________________________ J



:though the 2 pieces are functionally different.} : 1 :CS.12 Master's Level Map Creation: The diagrams on these 2: Ipages show the shape of the map to be used based on the numbed :of players. All map pieces (including the homeworld territory) are: iPlaced face down (except homeworld map pieces and Babylon 5). : :[Note: D1 .13 Territorial Victory requires 11 Map Pieces to achieve.}: 1CS.13 Homeworld Territory: After the map has been created and: iplayers have bid for factions (see C3) and selected their starting: Ihand (see C4.1), each player places empire-specific base(s) (as indi- : icated on their Empire Control Sheet) on his homeworld map piece. : IThen each player exposes the 3 map pieces adjacent to their home- : iworld map piece (shown in grey on the diagrams below) . These 3: :map pieces plus the homeworld make up your homeworld territory. : :CS.14 Master's Level Starting Forces: Players, in the order of play, : :ma~ ~hen spend a~y or all of their startin~ Econ.omy Reserve to place i :additional tokens In unoccupied hexes In their homeworld territory 1 I(with any facing desired) (see 03.2). Your empire tokens are built: iusing empire discounts (03.22) . The starting fleet may consist of: IShlPS and/or squadrons. You may also build bases on any of the: : Economy Indicators in your homeworld territory without using a ship: ito build them (paying the build cost) . : :[Note: These ?ases can be of generic, faction or empire variety.} : 1[Note: No shIps need be in a docked position with these base to: :have built them as part of Master's Level Starting Forces.} : UHint: Build as many of the bases as you can, and then use those: :bases to build ships on turn 1.} : ~--- - --------------------------------------------- ~ Diagram Key: Indicates total number of map pieces needed. -> Total: 'NN' Indicates how many map pieces each player -> will place in addition to their homeworld.

Total: 19 Players Place: HW+8, HW+8

Players Place: HW+'n', HW+'n'

] Player l1ap

Players Place: HW+7, HW+7, HW+7

C - Starting the Game

Š1998 Component Game Systems, Inc., Page 10

(ompomznt Game SystemTH itulebook V1.Z

(6 Game Variants

Total: 47 Players Place: HW+8, HW+8, HW+7, HW+7, HW+7

5 Player Map

4 Player Map

6 Player Map

Total: 35 Players Place: HW+8, HW+8, HW+7, HW+7

Total: 55 Players Place: HW+8, HW+8, HW+8, HW+8, HW+8, HW+8

Page 11, COPYright Š1998 Component Game Systems, Inc.

Starting the Game - C

C5 Card Osage - C6 Game Variants

Component Game Systemn • Rulebook V1.2

C62 Chaotic Map


C6.l Mine Warfare


At any point in the game, at the instant an exposed map piece has no unit tokens (ships, bases or squadrons) on it, remove that map piece from the map (along with any tokens on it) and place an unexposed map piece in its place from a random pile. The random pile is created from the remaining unexposed map pieces not used during map creation (see C2.4). To spice up this variant even further, let each player bring in 5 map pieces plus his homeworld map piece totalling no more than 30 points total (instead of C1.32 Map Pieces). Stop replacing map pieces when the random pile is gone.

Each time a map piece is exposed make 2 Random Direction Rolls (see H4). The results indicate hexes on the outside of that map piece that have mines (use Narn mines, or currency as Damage Indicators). If the 2 Random Direction Rolls have the same result place only 1 mine in the center hex. Roll 185 to determine the size of each mine and place a mine token¡of that size in the random hex(es). A result of zero indicates that no mine is placed. In this case, a mine may be placed .in a hex that contains a map element. , When a mine has been activated (by entering its hex), activate the hex after resolving the mine (jamage.

C6.5 Circle of Death (6+ Playen)

Total: 30 Players Place: 9 Players: HW+3, HW+3, HW+3, HW+2, HW+2, HW+2, HW+2, HW+2, HW+2

8 Players: HW+3, HW+3, HW+3, HW+3, HW+3, HW+3, HW+2, HW+2 7 Players: HW+4, HW+4, HW+3, HW+3, HW+3, HW+3, HW+3 6 Players: HW+4, HW+4, HW+4, HW+4, HW+4, HW+4


Use the below map configuration for this game variant. C6.S1 Borders: Your cards may only affect 5 players (the 2 to either I side of you plus yourself). They may not affect other players. Your tokens may only fire weapons at the tokens of these 5 players. When you call a Council Vote, only these players may vote. C6.S2 Parallel Play: To start the game every third person starts their turn at the same time. Thus players 1, 4 and 7 will start their first turn simultaneously. When a player finishes his turn, the next player may : begin his turn if no player within his borders is currently taking a turn . . C6.S3 Victory Conditions: Economic Victory must be achieved over all of the players in the game. C6.S4 Surrender: If a player surrenders during the Victory Check of his Record Keeping Phase (see D1.12) and if 8 players or 5 players1 remain, the turn of the surrendering player is not passed on to the next player. It is deleted from the cycle. \ [Example: If 3 players are taking turns in a 9 player circle of death and one surrenders, 2 players will be taking turns, in what is now, an 8 player game.]

Circle of Death


= 9 Players




= 7 Players

For 6 Players, use the corners.

Component Game System



itulebook V1.2

D1 itecord I(eeping Phase

D • TURN SEQUENCE Play the following phases in order on your turn: 01 • RECORD KEEPING PHASE 02 • VOTE PHASE 03 • ALLOCATE PHASE 04 • MOVE PHASE 05 • FIRE PHASE [Hint: During your first few turns, it will be useful to read this section as you take each step of your turn.}

D1 RECORD I(EEPltlG PHASE 01.1 Victory Check

No player may attempt any of the victory conditions on or before his 3rd turn (i.e. on the 4th and later turns, one or more of the victory conditions may be attempted). 01.11 Economic Victory: If you have at least twice the Gross Economy of each opponent, you may attempt an 'Economic Victory' by declaring this to the opponents. If at the beginning of your next turn , during this phase, you still qualify for Economic Victory (at least twice the Gross Economy of each of the other players (not combined)) then you have won the game. [Example: Bob has 10 Gross, Sally has 5 and Jim has 4. Bob could attempt Economic Victory at this point on his turn. If Bob only had 9, he could not attempt Economic Victory.} 01.12 Surrender: If you have a negative Net Economy, you may (but are not required to) surrender at this time. Remove your units, cards and war tokens from play and yourself from the game. Your map pieces and map element tokens should not be removed until the game is over (or substitute equivalent parts belonging to another player) . 01 .13 Territorial Victory: If, at the start of your turn, your Gross ' Economy exceeds the Gross Economy of each opponent and 6 or more map pieces are occupied by one or more of your units (ship, base or squadron) and are not occupied by any opponent units, you may declare a Territorial Victory. If at the beginning of your next turn, during this phase, you still qualify for Territorial Victory (the largest' Gross Economy and 6 or more map pieces occupied by only your units) then you have won the game. For the purposes of this rule, in any game where players bring in a number of map pieces other than the standard minimum of 5 (see C1.32 Map Pieces), use the miniID.Y.lIl number of pieces brought into the game plus 1. 01 .14 Political Victory (4 or more players only): If your Gross Economy exceeds the Gross Economy of each opponent, you may ' attempt a 'Political Victory' by declaring an attempt. Three vote cards from your discard pile must be removed from the game in order to make this attempt. If at the beginning of your next turn, during this phase, . you still qualify for Political Victory (your Gross Economy exceeds the Gross Economy of each opponent) then a Council Vote is taken. It the Council Vote 'passes', you have won the game. Opponents may not voluntarily vote 'for' this Council Vote.

012 GeneratCl Economy

Your Economy Reserve is increased by an amount equal to your Net Economy (add currency). [Example: Bob's Net Economy of 5 is added to his Economy Reserve of 27 bringing the Reserve to 32.} [Note: If your Net Economy becomes a negative number, your Economy Reserve will be reduced at this time (to a minimum of O).}

013 Collect Bonuses

Bonuses you have in play are added to your Reserve. 01.31 Freighters and Tugs: Freighters and tugs docked to Babylon 5 may give bonuses. [Example: Bob has an EA. Freighter docked to Babylon 5, giving him a bonus of 2 economy. His Reserve is increased from 32 to 34.} 01.32 Cards: Some cards may generate bonuses.

01.4 Pay Penalties

Any penalties affecting you must be paid from the Reserve. 01.41 Map Pieces: Some map pieces require you to pay a penalty. [Example: Bob has 3 ships on the 'black hole' map piece and therefore must pay a penalty of 3 economy, lowering his Economy Reserve from 34 to 31.} 01.42 Shadow Influence: Shadow Influence penalties are paid (and added to the Shadow player's Reserve) to the owner of any Shadow Influence Token(s) under your bases. 01.43 Cards: Some cards may generate penalties. 01.44 Raiders: Raider penalties are paid (and added to the owner's Reserve) to the owner of any raider token(s) docked to your bases. 01.45 No Debt Allowed: There are times when a player's Economy Reserve may not be sufficient to pay a penalty, card effect, etc. In these circumstances, the penalty or debt is ignored after it has reduced the Economy Reserve to zero. An Economy Reserve cannot be reduced to negative numbers.

01.5 Cards with Duratian

Some cards last for a defined number of rounds. This duration counts down at this point. 01.51 Duration: Cards which have reached their duration are discarded. [Example: A card played on your turn last round with a duration of 1 round is discarded this turn.} 01.52 Count: Your cards in play which have duration count down. [Example: A card played on your turn last round with a duration of 3 rounds has 2 rounds left this turn. Place a marker die (or currency) when the card is played with a 3 showing to indicate this. Change the marker to 2 this turn, 1 the next turn, etc.}

01.6 Recover Squadrons

Deployed squadrons must be recovered by moving them (via squadron movement or jump) under a carrier which has not reached its carrying capacity. The act of recovering a squadron does not activate the carrier's hex nor does it count as the squadron's movement for this turn. If a squadron cannot be recovered, cripple it (if undamaged) or destroy it (if crippled).

01.7 Discovery


Dormant Shadow Vessels

Any player who has a dormant Shadow vessel on his homeworld may attempt to discover it (see G3.22 Discovery).

D1 Record I(eeping, D2 Vote Phase, Dl Allocate Phase

ID1.8 Mover Gcrar

Each of your gear cards in play may be ,relocated, once each round at this time, moving it to 1 of your crew in play (including j!o or from a crew p~evented from functioning) (see B6.34 Gear).

01.9 rioters on Tracking Economy

Component Game SystemTH Rulebook V1.2

02.3 'ftIker tIM Voter

02.31 Cast Votes in Play: Each vote is cast 'for', 'aga!nst' Of ! 'a~stain' . Each player casts his votes clockwise in the order of play..; wIth the 'vote caller' first. .

• Cards able to cast votes do so. it - A crew must be on Babylon 5 to vote (or mogify one).. r~ • Each ship docked to Babylon 5 casts 1 vote. ., 02.32 Modifier Votes: All players cast the following modifier v in any order. Votes can be continually ad(:led in this ..step to sway t decision until all players state they are dOl')e votipg. • Some card functions may modify cast. votes.' • Vote cards may be discarded from the hand; allowing thEl discarding player locast 1 vote per vote card disparded (this does; not count as playing a card and there is nocosttooo this). 02.33 No Changes: Once a vote has been cast by a player, it may not be changed by that player (except by means of a card). 02.34 Result: If there are more votes 'for' than.votes 'against', the vote card takes affect, otherwise it does not.

Currency (or dice) are used to represent the current amounts in each of your Scoring Banks. 01.91 Accumulation: Unused economy in your Economy Reserve is NOT lost and remains in your Economy Reserve until spent. 01.92 No Financing: You cannot do anything that costs more economy than you currently have in your Economy Reserve. 01.93 Spending: As you perform an action that has a cost, deduct the cost from your Economy Reserve by removing currency. 01.94 Empire Control Sheet: Players should familiarize themselves with the mechanics of the Empire Control Sheet, particularly the 4 Scoring Banks for tracking economy (see B3.1 Scoring Banks). 01.95 No Accumulating Oebt: If a non-voluntary expense is imposed upon you by a card, etc. and you do not have a sufficient Economy Reserve to pay the total amount, your Reserve is reduced .02A Exampler of a Cocmcn Voter to zero. You are not required to pay any remaining amount. If the [Example: Bob plays 'Balance of Wealth' and reads the card aloud card reaches the end of its duration, discard the card. If the card has "Take 1/3 (drop fractions) of 1 opponent's Economy Reserve and dis- . duration remaining, the expense may affect you again on a subse- tribute it to 1 or more players as you.·.see fit. Announce how you will quent turn (and this rule mayor may not apply again, depending on distribute the economy prior to the vote." He. then states that he will ' take 9 of Jim's 29 economy and distribute 6to himself and 3 to Sally. s how much economy is in your Reserve). ." ~ {Example: You have an Economy Reserve of 3 and a player plays a He then casts his 1 vote in play (,G'Kary'for' the Council Vote. card against you which states you must pay 5 economy. Your Sal/y, (who is next in clockwise rotation) casts her 1 vote ('Delenny~ Reserve is reduced to zero and the card effect this turn is considered 'for' the vote since she will be getting 3 economy if it passes.. Jim then casts his 2 votes in play(,Lpndo' and .'Sinclairj.! complete. Your Reserve is not reduced to -2, nor do you have to pay 'against' the vote. At this point the vote is tied and..would tail i(notur::; the 2 economy at any later point.J . .' rr ..' .•. . {Note: This does not aI/ow you to spend more than you have in your ther votes are cast or modified. Next, Bob uses 'Morden'to change 'Londo's' vote to lfor" Economy Reserve.J .. ..' :. 01.96 Tournament Requirements: In a tournament, all players in bringing the total to 3 'for' and 1 'against'. Jim then offers Sally 4 economy as a bribeJo discard a vote the same game must use the same color dice for their first three .... ' card 'against'the v o t e . ' Scoring Banks (Gross Economy, Total Upkeep and Net Economy). her hand, . Sally accepts and discards a vote cf,1,rdfrom Currency must be used for the Economy Reserve. The recommended colors for the Scoring Banks are: Gross Economy - green dice, 'against' bringing the total to 3 'for' and 2 'against'. Jim pays her.<'1i economy from his R e s e r v e . ' Total Upkeep - red dice, and Net Economy - white dice. Jim then discards 1 vote card from fJ.ish'and and casts, tl7.~1 :vote 'against' bringing the total to 3 'for'and 3.'against'.' ." l D2 VOTE PHASE Bob then discards a vote card from his hand making tl7.e totall 'tpp( and 3 'against'. At this point all playersstatetl7ey have lJo . h~~; D2.1 Cocmcl' Voter " votes and the vote passes. Bob adds 6tohis Reserve (raising 1 , You m~yca~1 for a Gpuncil Vote tly playing a vote card. ' 31 to 37), Sally adds 3 and Jim reduces his Re~eive by 9 (in RElad the card aloud al')d designate the terms of the vote .card (if any) tion to the 4 he paid Sally ear./ier).] should the vote pass. If you do not wish to call a vote, proceed to 03 Allocate Phase.

DZl rtcrgOtiater


The Allocate Phase is when you make purchases. 02.21 Oiscus~ion:' Player$mayfreely(:liscuss the vote with each D11 Allocations , other, making any agr~ell'lents or bargains they wish. Economy may tpe exchang~for the. purchase of another player's vote(s). This The following allocations may be done in any order. proce~s shou!.d not take longer than 2 minutes. Once all players are ' Subtract economy from your Economy Reserve as it is spent. 03.11 Build: You may build 1 or more of your tokens (see D3.2 finished negotiating, take the vote. 02.22 Agreements: ... ~greemeht$ made here are not binding and Building Tokens). , are upheld solely by player discretion, except that votes pur- __- _ {Example: Bob builds a Base-4 (build cost 9, Economy Indicator Chased from.other players with economy ('bribes') are imme4) lowering his Economy Reserve by 9 (from 37 to 28). This diately binding and economy immediately changes hands. causes his Gross Economy to be increased by 4 (from 10 to This is the only time economy may be exchanged between 14) and his Net Economy to be increased by 4 (from 5 to ~ (unless directed by a card or rule). 9). Bob builds an E.A. Transport (build cost 6, upkeep 2), lowering his Reserve by 6 (from 28 to 22). The Transport increases his Total Upkeep by 2 (from 5 to 7) and lowers his Net Economy by 2 (from 9 to 7).J D - Turn Sequence

Copynght © 1998 Component Game Systems, Inc., Page 14

Component (ianw System ™ itulebook V1.2 03.12 Repair: Repairs may be conducted (see D3.3 Repair). [Example: Bob repairs a crippled Earth Alliance Hyperion Cr. (repair cost 5) reducing his Economy Reserve by 5 (from 22 to 17).J 03.13 Purchase Cards: Cards may be purchased from the top of your deck at a cost of 2 economy per card. Declare your total purchase before drawing any cards (Le. you cannot buy 1 at a time, looking at each before buying the next). The purchased cards are then added to your hand. A player may not purchase cards in excess of the maximum hand size of 7 cards. [Example: Bob has 4 cards in his hand. Bob pays 6 economy to buy 3 cards from his deck. This reduces his Economy Reserve by 6 (from 17 to 11). He then draws the purchased cards and adds them to the 4 currently in his hand. His hand is now at its maximum of 7.J 03.14 Other Expenditures: Occasionally, other allocations are performed, such as playing cards (which are played in the phase indicated on the card). 03.15 Shadow Influence and Vorl on Alliances: Shadow Influence: On a Shadow player's turn , the Shadow player may attempt to influence one or more of the other players (see G1 Shadow Influence). Vorlon Alliance: On a Vorlon player's turn, a Vorlon player maY i attempt to form alliances (see G2 Vorlon Alliance). 03.16 Breaking Vorl on Alliances: A player involved in a Vorlon Alliance may make 1 attempt per base to remove a Vorlon Alliance Token from the base (see G2.3 Removing a Vorlon Alliance Token). iD3.17-AwaY-MISslons:--Crew-may-ch-arige-locatTon-orpertorrii-anl : : Away Mission (see J1 - J3). ~- - - -- - ----------------------------------------- - -~

032 Building Tokens

0 3.21 Cost to Build Your Tokens: You may build 1 or more of your tokens by paying the token's build cost (the value in the green circle) from your Economy Reserve. 03.22 Empire Oiscounts: When a empire specific token builds an empire specific token (of the same empire), the build cost is reduced by an amount equal to the upkeep of the token built. Example: A Minbari base building a Minbari Cruiser (build cost 14, upkeep 3) pays only 11 (14 minus 3) to build the ship.J 0 3.23 Scoring Bank Adjustments: Gross Economy: Your Gross Economy is increased when you build a token with an Economy Indicator (bases) by an amount equal to the Economy Indicator. Total Upkeep: Your Total Upkeep is raised by an amount equal to the upkeep cost of any token you build, unless the token was built from the Scrap Yard . Net Economy: If your Gross Economy or Total Upkeep changes, your Net Economy is adjusted by the same amount. 03.24 Building a Token Ship Token: You may only build a ship token in an unoccupied hex adjacent to one of your bases, facing the base (docked). Base Token: You may only build a base token in an unoccupied hex which has an Economy Indicator. The base may only be built if one of your ships is adjacent to and facing the hex (docked position to the hex with the Economy Indicator) . The Economy Indicator on the base token must equal the Economy Indicator of the hex. J'umpgate Token: A jumpgate token may only be built on an exposed map piece which does not currently have a jumpgate. A jumpgate can only be built in an empty hex directly in front of one of your ships. Squadron Token: You may only build a squadron token under a base which is a carrier or under a docked ship which is a carrier. The base is considered the building unit. Additionally, carriers may not exceed their carrying capacity

D3 Allocate Phase (see F1.2 Carrier Capacity). Squadrons may be built under a ship (which is a carrier) which was built on the same turn. Mine Token: One mine token may be built during the Allocate Phase by each of your units with minelaying ability ('mines' on the token). They are placed on the map in any empty hex adjacent to the unit. The hex the mine is built in must be on an exposed map piece (as with all map element tokens). A maximum of 3 mines and/or minefields are allowed on a map piece. Activate Hex: Ships and bases (not squadrons) activate the hex they are built into. 03.25 Restrictions on Building Tokens Empires: Players may not build tokens of empires other than their empire and the faction(s) they won by bidding in C3 Factions. Empire Tokens May Only Build that Empire or Generic: The empire specific tokens of one empire may only build tokens of that empire or generic tokens (i.e. a Vree ship could not build a Drazi base, a Narn ship cannot build a Centauri mine, an Earth base cannot build a Psi Corps ship, etc.). Generic: Generic tokens may be built by any player. Occupied Hexes: A token (except squadrons) cannot be built into an occupied hex (a hex with a unit token). Building While Being Built: A unit may not be used to bu ild (or repair) a unit on the same phase that it is, itself, built. Contested Hexes: A ship or base may not be used to build if it is, itself, in a contested hex. Also, a token may not be built in a contested hex (see D3.4 Contested Space).

03,] Repair

Only bases can conduct repairs. When a base is repairing another unit, the base is considered to be 'conducting repairs', and the unit is considered to be 'being repaired'. You may not conduct repairs to opponent tokens. 03.31 Cost to Repair Your Tokens: A crippled unit may be repaired by paying the repair cost (the value in the magenta circle on the left edge of the crippled side of the token). When repaired, simply flip the token back to its undamaged side. 03.32 Conducting Repairs to Your Units Base Repair: A crippled base may repair itself. Ships Oocked: A crippled ship can only be repaired if it is docked to one of your bases or to Babylon 5. Repair to Squadrons: (See F4 Repairing Squadrons.) 03.33 Restrictions on Repair Repairing While Being Built: A unit may not be used to repair (or build) a unit on the same phase that it is, itself, built. Contested Hexes: A base may not conduct repairs (even to itself) if it is, itself, in a contested hex. A base may not conduct repairs to a unit which is in a contested hex (see D3.4 Contested Space).

03.4 Contested Space


It is unlikely for units to be built or repaired in combat. , 03.41 Free Space: If no opponent units are adjacent to a hex, the' hex is automatically not contested and is considered free space. 03.42 Contested Hex: A hex is considered contested if any player with a ship or base (not squadron) in an adjacent hex desires the hex , to be contested. The current player must obtain permission from ' each player with a ship or base in an adjacent hex to build or repair in that hex. [Example: "Bob, I want to build in this hex adjacent to your ship,o.K.?" Bob must then allow or deny the build.J [Note: If the opponent denies your build, you can attempt, to build elsewhere or not at all. No economy is paid if the build is denied.J


Turn Sequence - D

D4 Move Phase

Component Game System™ itulebook V12


This is the phase where movement is conducted.

04.1 Movement

Each of your ships (note: bases cannot move and squadron movement is covered under F2 Squadron Movement) may make 1 standard movement during your Move Phase. 04.11 Ship Movement: Each of the following is considered a standard movement for a ship and is represented in the diagram below by 1 or more arrows: 1- Rotate 60 0 or 1200 without leaving the current hex. 2- Move straight forward 1 hex without changing facing. 3- Rotate 60 0 (changing facing) and then move forward 1 hex. 4- Move backward 1 hex without changing facing. 5- Move forward- left or forward-right without changing facing. This is referred to as a sideslip.

04.12 Movement Options Chart


04.2 Exposing Map Pieces

04.21 Exploration: A unit entering a hex on an unexposed map piece (the CGSTM logo showi ng) causes that piece to be exposed (flipped to the other side). When exposed , the player whose unit is entering the map piece determines which way the map piece will be flipped before viewing th e other side. Map pieces are flipped from flat edge to flat edge. This means there are 3 correct ways to flip a map piece (see diagram) .

043 "ex Activation

04.31 Definition of 'Entering a Hex': Any action which causes a unit to 'occupy' a hex it was not occupying prior to the action . The following are all ways in which a unit enters a hex: • A unit is built in the hex. • A unit is placed in the hex at the start of th e game. • A unit moves (or jumps) into the hex. • A unit is relocated or placed by a map rule or card into the hex . • A unit is on an unexposed map piece (via cards) when it is exposed. [Note: Non-unit tokens may not be built into unexposed hexes and therefore may not be used to expose a map piece.} 04.32 Activation of Hexes: If a unit enters a hex with a map element, that map element is immediately activated and applied as defined on the map piece or in 8 1.1 Map Elements. Exception: A jumpgate hex is not activated upon entry (see 0 4.61 Jumpgates).

04.4 Mines


04.41 Building Mln~s: Mines are bUilt .in the Allocate Phase (see



This diagram, found on the Empire Control Sheet, illustrates the movement options avai lable to ships of that empire. The hexes with arrows represent the hexes into which a ship can move and the direction of the arrows indicate the facing the ship can have when it moves to that hex. 04.13 Alternative Movement: Several ships have enhanced movement options and some ships have diminished options. These alternative movement options are defined on the Empire Control Sheets for each empire. [Examples: Earth Alliance Nova Dreadns and Omega Ds may not sideslip (option 5 above), Minbari ships may move at a speed of 2 (see Minbari Control Sheet), White Stars (2260 edition) can rotate

180 or rotate up to 120 and move forward, etc.}

03.24 Building a To.ken" Mine Token). 04042 Mine Detonation: Any unit entering a hex with a mine detonates the mine. When detona~ed ,. roll a number of Babylon 5 dice equal to the numbefiSt)own iri the mine's Damage Indicator. Apply the die total to the unit as damage (see E2 Applying Damage). A mine token is removed fro.mtt)e. map Wh,en it is detonated. 04.43 Minesweepil'!g: Inilddition to/its movement, each of your iShips may attempt to sweep a mine (see H5 M!nesweeping RoUs). 04.44 Jumping into Mine Hexes: I.)nlike other Damage Indicators, when a ship jumps into amine (or minefield) hex, it does not sustain double damage (~ee p4.66 Jump Damage).

io4.-S-AddRioncifMovements-------------------------' l04.51 After Regular Movement: Additional movements granted by

lcards or map pieces must be performed after the unit has made its . lregular movement (or jump). l04.52 Movement Does not include a Jump: A card or map piece 19ranting an additional movement does not grant a jump unless the lcard or map piece specifically says it does. l[Example: The 'Accelerated Movement' card (see illustration in l86.1) does not grant a jump, only an additional movement.]

L.. _______________ __ _ _ _____ __________ __ __ ________ _ __ .J

[DeSigner's Note About Scale: The map is not designed to represent any sort of accura te scale. It represents active locations and into a hex that contains another unit (exceptions: Squadrons - - - of interest (perhaps intersections in real time) where (see 01.6, F2.1 and F5) and Dormant Shadow Vessels (see conflicts arise. It could be said that there are millions of G3)). There is a stacking limit of 1 unit token per hex. hexes in between each of the hexes on the map, and that 04.15 Moving Other Empire Ships: If you take control of we took these less interesting hexes out allowing only for a ship (by any means) , you must obey any movement the pertinent ones. A future product will allow for a more restrictions of the ship as given on the Empire Control strategic level of play, using the map piece system to represent combat situations only} Sheet of that ship's empire (if any). 0


04.14 No Stacking: A unit may not be moved (or otherwise placed)

Component Game System™ Rulebook V12 D4.6 Hyperspace Jumps

D4 Move Phase (Hyperspace lumps) (Modular)

There are 2 ways to enter hyperspace and 'jump' , reappearing. some distance away: Jumpgates and jump engines. Within the CGSTM, hyperspace jumps are instantaneous and ships do not remain in hyperspace for any period of time. 04.61 Jumpgates: A unit which is in a jumpgate hex (a hex with a jumpgate graphic in it, see illustration at right) may 'jump' to an unoccupied hex up to 3 hexes away, or to an unoccupied jumpgate hex up to 2 map pieces away. 04.62 Jump Engines: Any unit equipped with a jump engine (see B4 .22 Jump Engine" Indicator) may 'jump' to an unoccupied hex up to 3 hexes away (no jumpgate is required on either end of the jump). 04.63 Instantaneous: When a unit jumps, its token is picked up and placed into the unoccupied destination hex facing the same direction it had prior to the jump. A jump is not a movement. it is performed instead of movement. It does not move through the hexes in between and does not activate any of these hexes. It does activate the destination hex. 04.64 Forward Facing: When a ship jumps (via gate or engine) it must be made into the forward 60° arc (see Example E below). 04.65 Unexposed Map Pieces: A unit jumping into a hex on an unexposed map piece causes the map piece to be exposed and activates the hex entered. The center hex of the 'Babylon 5' map piece may not be jumped into even when it is unexposed. 04.66 Jump Oamage: When a unit jumps into any hex which has a · Damage Indicator, that unit takes double damage. Roll the damage dice and then double the result after all other modifiers have been applied. Mine tokens and minefield hexes are an exception to this and only standard damage is taken when jumping into these hexes.

04.67 Instead of Standard Movement: A jump (via gate or engine) takes place instead of a unit's standard movement, (Le. a ship can make its standard movement or jump, but not both on the same turn). This also applies to ships that participated in a fleet jump (see D4.68 Fleet Jumps). [Note: This means a ship cannot activate a jumpgate hex on the turn it entered the hex, but may do so on a subsequent turn.} [Note: You are not required to activate a jumpgate hex.] 04.68 Fleet Jumps: When any unit jumps (referred to as the primary jump unit), any adjacent ships (which have not yet moved) may jump with the primary jump unit. All ships participating in the fleet jump must be facing in the same direction as the jump. All ships participating in a fleet jump must jump the same direction and distance as the primary jump unit. Additionally, they must maintain the same positions relative to each other (see Example D below). Each ship in the fleet jump is jumping consuming its 1 movement for the turn . [Note: Since only adjacent ships may jump with a primary jump unit, a maximum of 7 units may participate in a fleet jump.} Oiagram of Jump Examples Example A: A jump from a jumpgate hex to a non-jumpgate hex. Maximum Distance: 3 hexes. Example B: A jump via jump engine - Maximum Distance: 3 hexes. . Example C: A jump from a jumpgate hex to another jumpgate hex. Maximum Distance (between jumpgates): 2 map pieces. Example D: The jump of a ship in an adjacent hex that is jumping with the ship in example C. Note how ship D must jump to the same adjacent position with respect to ship C (ship C is still to its forward left). Example FE: The 7 possible jumps a ship using a jump engine or jumpgate (to a non-jumpgate hex) can make. Dashed lines indicate the forward 60° arc. Example F: Legal jumpgate to jlJmpgate jump over non-map area.

D5 Fire Phase

D5 Fire Phase

The Fire Phase is the phase when weapons are fired.

D5.1 Volley Sequence

Volleys are declared 1 at a time (see 05.5 Declaring a Volley) and resolved in the following sequence: Declare Fire: Declare a target (any token in range with a defense rating) Declare your firing token(s) Give Your War Token: If target player does not have it. Roll Long Range Support Die: (for weapons firing at range 2+) Determine damage from each token Determine Total Damage: (the sum of each token's fire) Play OP Fire or Any Phase Cards: All cards must be played prior to the DG roll. Opponent Rolls Defense Grid Die Roll: Reduce damage or attack a squadron Adjust damage total if applicable Apply Damage to Target: If crippled , flip to crippled side If destroyed, remove from the map Tokens with upkeep are moved to the Scrap Yard Tokens without upkeep are set aside out of play Volleys may be declared until there are no more weapons to fi re or eligible targets. Repeat the above steps as necessary.

D52 Vfeapon TYpes

There are 2 basic types of weapons: Heavy Weapons and Lasers. They are indicated on the tokens as follows: Heavy Weapons : The number in the red hexagon Lasers: The number in the yellow hexagon The numbers indicates how much damage is caused by the weapons on the token .

D53 Itange

05.31 Heavy Weapons: Heavy weapons have a range of 2 hexes. They may be fired at a target at a range of 1 or 2 hexes. See H1 Long Range Support Die Rolls when firing at range 2 or greater. 05.32 Lasers: Lasers have a range of 1 hex (they may only be fired at a token in an adjacent hex) . 05.33 Diagram: (In the illustration to the right) : The 1 dark gray target is at a range of 1 hex. The 3 light gray targets are at a range of 2 hexes.

D5.4 Firing Arcs

05.41 Restricted: Firing arcs are used to determine what directions a token may fire its weapons. Weapons are restricted to firing within the firing arcs shown on the token. If a target is not in arc (or in range) of some or all of your weapons, those weapons do not score damage when the token fires at that target. 05.42 60° Arcs: Each token has 6 sides. Each side faces a different 60° arc. At right is an illustration of a 60° arc. [Note: Arcs go on forever, but most weapons cannot fire further than 2 hexes away} 05.43 Hex Spines: Hex spines (indicated by the arrows in the diagram on the right) are used to determine arc. Any unit in a hex between the two spine lines or intersected by a spine line may be targeted.

Component Ciame System™ Rulebook V1.Z 05.44 Range Within Arc: (In the illustration to the below): The 1 dark gray target is at a range of 1 hex. The 3 light gray targets are at a range of 2 hexes. The white targets are not in range of standard weapons, but are still in arc. 05.45 Arc Indicators on Tokens: The firing arcs are indicated along the token 's edge by red and yellow lines. If there is a line on that side of the token , those weapons can fi re in that 60° arc. Red Lines: Represents available arcs fo r heavy weapons. Yellow Lines: Represents available arcs for lasers.

[Example: The ship at right has 4 heavy weapon arcs (red, shown here as dark gray) of 60° each, (3 arcs forward and 1 aft) and 5 laser arcs (yellow, shown here as light gray) of 60° each.}

D5.5 Declaring a Volley

05.51 Declaring Fire: To fire a weapon volley you simply declare what tokens are firing weapons at what target (a token must have a defense rating to be targeted). This is done 1 target at a time, in any order you choose. [Example: 'I will fire at that ship with these 2 ships and this base for 12 damage'.} 05.52 Firing Token: Once a token has fired at a target, it cannot fire again on the same turn. Any weapons not in range or arc are lost. A token may only fire at 1 target per turn . 05.53 Targeting Limit: Once a token has been targeted, it may not be targeted again on the same turn . You cannot add another token's fire later in the Fire Phase or fire another volley at that target.

D5.6 Effect of a Volley

The effect of weapons fire is damage. The sum of the damage caused by all the tokens that fired in the volley is applied to the designated target as damage (see E2 Applying Damage). [Example: A ship with a heavy weapon output of 2 and a laser output of 3, plus a ship with a heavy weapon output of 1 and a laser output of 4, both fire at a base 1 hex away The damage applied in this case is 10.}

60' Arc

Componvnt Gamv SystvmTl1 Itulvbook V1.2

El Sounvs of Damagv, EZ Applying Damagv


E1.11 Damage Indicators: When a unit enters a hex with a Damage Indicator (whether its on a token or built into the map piece), roll that many Babylon 5 dice and apply the result as damage to the unit. [Example: A ship enters a hex with a Damage Indicator of 3. Roll 3 Babylon 5 dice, totalling the result. This is how much damage is applied to the ship.] E1 .12 Jump Damage: If a unit jumps into a hex with a Damage Indicator, double the result of the Babylon 5 Die Rolls. Exception: Mine and minefield hexes do not cause double damage when jumping into their hex. [Example: A ship jumps into a hex with a Damage Indicator of 3. Roll 3 Babylon 5 dice, totalling the result. Double this result and apply it as damage it to the ship.]

El.2 Weapon Volley

After the firing player has targeted a token, determine the damage and apply it to the target (see 05.1 Volley Sequence).

El3 Cards

If a card causes damage to a token, apply the damage when the card is resolved.

E2 APPLYlrtG DAMAGE EZ.l Defense (tatlng

TACTICAL ADVICE Here are a few suggestions for tactics which some experienced players have adopted:

Maintain a Positive net

If you Net Economy drops to zero or less you usually can forget any chance of recovery. You should strive to keep your Net Economy at about 1/2 of your Gross Economy.

Destroy Bases

Focus on destroying opponent bases when possible. This lowers their Gross Economy and Net Economy weakening them greatly. At the same time, prevent your bases from being destroyed.

Play Set

When designing your Play Set, work on a theme with an objective. If Political Victory is your goal , choose vote cards and voters. If combat is your objective, choose offensive and defensive cards that modify weapons fire. If Territorial Victory is your goal, choose movement affecting cards and map pieces which other players might not wish to enter. If your goal is to maintain a large battle fleet, select cards to save your ships, economy giving cards and map pieces, and cards which have lower play costs, but still suit your needs. There are many different themes and many will argue over the best selection of cards to accomplish a given theme. Be sure to choose the cards that suit your theme and not just a hodge podge selection.

First Turn Savings Plan

All units have a defense rating (the number in the top left corner of the token, see B4.21 Defense Rating). Only tokens with a defense rating may be damaged.

You can choose a small or non-existent starting fleet. This saves you the upkeep on turn 1. Then build your jump capable ships on turn one. Just be sure you can move them to their proper places to build bases on turn 2.

EZ.2 Crippling an Undamaged Token

Squadron Explorers

If an undamaged token takes damaged equal to or greater than its defense rating, it is crippled. Flip the token over to the crippled side (except for E2.4 Destroying an Undamaged Unit). [Example: A token with a defense rating of 4 requires at least 4 damage to cripple.]

EZ3 Destroying a Crippled Token

If a crippled token takes damaged equal to or greater than its defense rating it is destroyed. If a crippled token is destroyed, remove it from the map. Tokens with upkeep are placed in the Scrap Yard when destroyed.

Squadrons are a great way to expose map pieces that you didn't place. If they get destroyed, they are cheaper to replace than a ship.

"eavy Shadow Influence

Placing a dormant Shadow battlecruiser on an opponent's homeworld is a good way to encourage them to accept your influence, since you cannot target that player's tokens (except the base with the Shadow Influence Token) when you wake up the dormant battlecruiser if they are under your influence.

EZA Destroying an Undamaged Token

If applied damage is twice the defense rating of the token or more, the token is destroyed and removed from the map. Tokens with upkeep are placed in the Scrap Yard when destroyed.

EZ.S Insufficient Damage

If the damage applied to a token is insufficient (even by 1 point) to cripple (or destroy) that token, then the damage causes no harm to the token and is lost. The token remains in play in the condition it was in (undamaged or crippled) prior to the damage being applied.

PREVIEW Encounter Decks


Future products provide decks of encounter and mission cards from which players draw. These cards define various benefits or detriments which affect the current player.

Fl Squadron Tokens - F5 Forced Recovery

Component Game System



Rulebook V1.Z


F1.11 Units: Squadrons are units. Each squadron token represents a squadron of fighters. Some empires have several types. F1.12 Carriers Required for Building: You may only build your squadron tokens under your docked carriers or your bases with carrier ability up to the capacity of the carrier. F1.13 Separate Tokens: Squadrons are not considered as belonging to a specific carrier. When under a carrier, they are considered inside the carrier (not in the carrier's hex) and cannot fire weapons or be targeted. [Note: The squadron token(s) under a carrier do not add any benefit to the carrier token (i.e. they do not add defense, weapons, etc.). If an opponent takes control of your carrier, he does not get control of the squadrons inside it (and they remain inside).]

.Fl.2 Carrier Capacity


Generally, squadrons are more maneuverable than ships. Therefore, when entering a hex with a hazard, it can be expected that some of the fighters in the squadron navigate the hazard successfully. Additionally, squadrons are more difficult to target with weapons since they actually represent multiple fighters.

F3.1 Applying Damage

No matter how much damage is applied to an undamaged squadron, it may only be crippled, not destroyed. Crippled squadrons may then be destroyed by subsequent damage per the standard rules. [Note: This means an undamaged squadron cannot be destroyed in a single weapons volley (even by scoring twice its defense rating).] [Example: Bob has an undamaged squadron in play with a defense of 2. Sally fires 5 points from a nearby ship (or 5 damage is sustained from a Damage Indicator). The squadron is crippled (not destroyed).]

Carriers are tokens with the note 'Carrier (n)' on the token where 'n' equals the maximum number of squadron tokens the carrier can carry.




F2.1 Movement

Each of your squadron tokens may move 1 hex in any direction (or jump if it has a jump engine or if it is in a jumpgate hex). Your squadrons may move from the hex they are in (which may be under a carrier). Squadrons may move to an unoccupied hex or to a hex with one of your carriers in it. [Note: Only the squadrons movement may cause it to move under a carrier or from under a carrier. Squadrons under a carrier which moves remain under the carrier (travelling with it).] i

F2.2 Carrier Operations

IMPORTANT - The following rules have been deleted: F2.21 Deployment: Squadrons deploy (as defined in F2.1) by normal movement or jump. There is no longer a deployment action. . F2.22 Recovery: Squadrons are now recovered during the Record 1 Keeping Phase (see 01.6 Recover Squadrons). Squadrons which are not recovered are crippled or destroyed.

;F23 Jumps

: If the carrier is crippled. the squadrons under it are not! :affected at all. If the carrier is destroyed, all squadrons under it are II

F4 REPAIRinG SQUADROns F4.1 Squadron Repair

To 'repair' a crippled squadron, the squadron token must be under 1 of your carriers which is a base or under 1 of your carriers which is a ship and is docked to one of your bases or docked to Babylon 5.

F4.2 Squadron Merger

A carrier can merge 2 identical crippled squadrons currently under the carrier into 1 undamaged squadron (removing one of the tokens from the map) at no cost. This may be done at any time, even when in contested space or not docked to a base .


A unit may force an opponent squadron to be recovered by A squadron with a jump engine or in a jumpgate hex may entering (see 04.31 Definition of 'Entering a Hex') the hex the jump in any direction (even if under a carrier). A squadron may jump squadron is in. The squadron owner must move the squadron under (as its movement for that turn) a maximum of 1 time on your turn. a carrier. This must be done with 1 movement of the squadron or The movement or jump of a carrier does not count as the movement the squadron is destroyed (removing it from the map). or jump of the squadrons under it. They are still eligible to move or [Example: A squadron is in a hex adjacent to a carrier base. An opponent moves a ship into the squadron's hex, causing the jump even though they traveled with the carrier. [Example: A squadron is under a carrier while the carrier jumps (the squadron owner to move the squadron under the base.] squadron travels with it). The squadron may then move or jump (if it [Example: A squadron, under a carrier adjacent to an opponent has a jump engine or in a jumpgate) if it has not already done so.] squadron, is moved into that squadron's hex forCing its owner to [Note: Ships may jump with a squadron (see 04.68 Fleet ~__ recover it. Note that you may not move 1 of your squadrons into Jumps).} a hex already containing 1 of your squadrons.]


:F2.4 Empire Restrictions

: Squadrons may only be carried by a carrier of the :Lsame empire as the squadron. __________________________________________ _

Component Game System™ itulebook V1.2

G1 Shadow Influence, CiZ Vorlon Alliance

G • EMPIRE SPECIFIC RULES Rules in this section cover empire specific abilities and liabilities which are only needed when playing (or playing against) the empire covered in the given rule.

01 Sttfii)OW I"FUIE"CE Q1.1 faDing Onder Shadow Influence

G1 .11 Condit ional: A Shadow player (not a player using Shadows as a faction) , during his Allocate Phase, may seek to influence playe(by asking, "What do you want?" The other player may then select a target on the map. If the player selects a target and the selected ta~get is removed from the map (by any means) before the Shadow player seeks to influence another player (by asking , "What do ybUjWant?"), the Shadow player places a Shadow Influence Token l under any base of the player he successfully influenced (upon removal of the se.lected target). [Hint: Place a piece of sticky note on the selected token to keep track.] G1:12 Restrictions: !Vor,ons: A Shadow player may not form an alliance with a player I curreotly aliJed with the Vorlons (see G2 Vorlon Alliance) or with a ! Vorlon player. L,imit on Influence: A base may not have more than 1 Shadow .'Influence Token, even if there is more than 1 Shadow player. :'G1 .13 Placement of Shadow Influence Token: The Shadow playl er chooses.which base is influenced by placing a Shadow Influence Token under a base of the player influenced. When a Shadow player p laces a Shadow Influence Token under a base, if the Shadow player has a War Token from that player, the Shadow player must return the War Token.

Gl.2 Effects of Shadow Influence

G1.21 Shadow Influence: A player with 1 or more bases which

have a Shadow Influence Token is considered to be under the influ, ence··pf the Shadow player (or players) who placed the token(s). G1.22 Shadow Targeting Restrictions: A Shadow player may not fire at the tokens of a player under his influence except: - The Shadow player may fire at any base which has one of his . ShadoW Influence Tokens. - The Shadow player may fire at any token adjacent to any of the Shadow player's bases. -The Shadow player may fire at any player's tokens if they have that , plaYer's War Token. G1.23 Penalty: A player under Shadow influence must pay a penaltyof 1 economy for each of his bases with a Shadow Influence Token (~ee D1.4 Pay Penalties). This penalty is added to the Shadow player's Economy Reserve when paid.

G1.3 itemoving Shadow Influence Tokens

A Shadow Influence Token may only be removed by the destruction of the base it is under.

Ci2 VORLOPI flLLlfI"CE CiZ.1 forming an Alliance G2.11 Voluntary:

During the Vorlon player's (not a player using Vorlons as. a faction) Allocate Phase, the Vorlon player may petition any opponent(s) to form an alliance. If both players agree to a base (owned by the opponent), the Vorlon player places a Vorlon Alli.ance. Token under the base. A maximum of one Vorlon AHiance may be formed on each of the Vorlon player's turns . G2.12 Restrictions Shadows: A Vorlon player may not form an alliance with a player currently influenced by a Shadow player (see G1 Shadow Influence) or with a Shadow player. Limit on Vorlon Alliance: A base may not have more than 1 Vorlon Alliance Token, even if there is more than 1 Vorlon player.

CiZ.2 Effects of Vorlon Alliance

G2.21 Vorlon Alliance: A player with 1 or more bases which have a

Vorlon Alliance Token is considered to be allied with the Vorlon player (or players) who placed the token(s). G2.22 Vorlon Technology: A base with a Vorlon Alliance Token may roll an additional Defense Grid Die Roll using a Vorlon Defense Grid Die whenever it is the target of weapons fire . [Note: The base gets its regular Defense Grid Die Roll in addition to the Vorlon Defense Grid Die ROil.} G2.23 Restrictions on Targeting: A base with a Vorlon Alliance Token may not target tokens belonging to the Vorlon player.

CiZ.3 itemovlng a Vorlon Alliance Token

G2.31 Eligibility: During the Allocate Phase, a player involved in a

Vorlon Alliance (the Vorlon player or the opponent) may make 1 attempt to remove a Vorlon Alliance Token from each of the bases (involved in the alliance) within the following restrictions: Vorlon Player: The Vorlon player may attempt to remove any of his Vorlon Alliance Tokens if he has a War Token from the allied player. Allied Player: The opponent may attempt to remove any Vorlon . Alliance Token from any of his bases if he has a War Token from the Vorlon player. G2.32 Attempt: To attempt to remove a Vorlon Alliance Token , make a Stat vs. Stat Roll (the base's Defense Rating vs. the Combat Stat " of a Vorlon crew card) belonging to the Vorlon player (selected by the Vorlon player) . A single Vorlon crew may only attempt to resist the removal of a Vorlon Alliance Token once per turn. If the Vorlon player has no Vorlon crew, or he do not wish to use one of his crew, they have a default stat of zero. G2.33 Result of the Attempt: Success for the player making the attempt removes the Vorl on Alliance Token. If the opponent succeeds by an amount equal or greater than the Vorlon crew's Health Stat, the crew (if used) is discarded. If the Vorlon player succeedS, apply the amount by which the Vorlon player succeeded to the' base as damage. G2.33 Destruction: A Vorlon Alliance Token is removed if the base it is under is destroyed.

Ci3 Dormant Shadow Vessels - CiS Vorlon Planet Decimation


The Shadows hid many of their vessels from the Armies of l Light a IhQusand years ago. These dormant ships lay buried on hundreds ofworlds and moons throughout the galaxy. Now the Shadows are gathering their forces and recalling their ships.

"G11 Pre Game Set-up

G3.11 Optional: The Shadow player (not a player using Shadows as a faction) may choose to place dormant Shadow vessels as part of his starting fleet (C4.3 Starting Fleet). G3.12 Cost: Any Shadow ship token may be purchased as a dormanfShadow vessel at a cost of 1/2 the normal build cost of the Shadqw ship. 1G3.13 Placement~ Once purchased, a dormant Shadow vessel is .placed on an opponent homeworld map piece underneath an empire "base placed there by that opponent. A Shadow player may place a [ maximum of1 dormant Shadow vessel on each opponent homerworld map piece. [<33.14 Restrictions: Dormant Shadow vessels may not be placed on the Vorlon Homeworld map piece.

;G3.2 AcUvation During the Game

Dormant Shadow vessels do not function, cost upkeep, move, etc. until activated. They cannot be targeted by weapons fire of card actions, etc. They are treated as if they were not in play until activated. Once activated, they are treated as any ship in play would fbe. %G3.21 Adjacent Shadow Ship: When the Shadow player moves rOlle of his ships (not squadrons) into a hex adjacent to a dormant Shadow vessel, the dormant Shadow vessel is activated. The Shadow player relocates the ship token (for the 'no longer dormant' ship) to the nearest unoccupied hex of his choice, with a facing of his ,choice. ~ G3.22 Discovery: . Any player who has a dormant Shadow vessel on his homeworld map piece may roll 1 Babylon 5 Die (1 B5) during the '. Record Keeping Phase (D1.7). If the result of this die roll is a 5, then that player has activated, the dormant Shadow vessel. The Discovering player places the ship in the nearest unoccupied hex of his choice, with a facing of his choice. [Note: If there is more than 1 dormant Shadow vessel on the home"world map piece (only in a game where there are 2 or more Shadow players), a roll may be made for each.] G3.23 Destruction of the Base: If the base is destroyed prior to the activation of the dormant Shadow vessel, the dormant Shadow vessel is removed from the map (and is not placed in the Shadow player's Scrap Yard). G3.24 Upkeep: If a dormant Shadow vessel is activated, it is no longer dormant and the Shadow player is then required to pay upkeep on the Shadow vessel and may use it normally. . [The Shadow player should increase his Total Upkeep and reduce his Net Economy at this time.] j

Component Ciame System™ Rulebook V1.Z


Telepaths had the ability to 'freeze' or 'stall' a Shadow vessels for short periods of time.

Ci4.1 DetinlUon of a llrlepath

A telepath is a crew card with a Psi Stat. Although a. crew without a stat has a default of zero for that stat, a crew without a Psi Stat is not considered a telepath and may not be used to affect Shadow ships.

GU Attempt to Freeze


Shadow Ship

Any player with a telepath il) play may make 1 attempt 011 each of his turns to freeze a Shadow ship during the Allocat~ Phase.. G4.21 Stat vs. Stat Roll: If you have a unit adjacent to ~{ShadQw ship you may make a Stat vs. Stat Roll (Psi Stat of 1 of your telepaths vs. the Upkeep of the Shadow ship). If the roll is successful , the Shadow ship has been frozen. [Hint: Place a marker (currency) on the ship to remind th.e Sha,dow player when his turn comes around that the ship has been frozen. ] G4.22 Restrictions: Shadow Influence: A player influenced by a Shadow player ÂŤ(31 Shadow Influence) may not use telepaths to freeze that Shadow player's ships.

GU Effect of Being Frozen

If the attempt was successful, the player contrOlling the Shadow ship (on his turn) selects one of the following restrictions: Movement: The affected Shadow ship may notmQve or jump unless the telepath player (who froze the ship) consents to the movement. They may, however, participate in a fleet jump .Without consent. Weapons Fire: The affected Shadow ship may not fire weapons unless the telepath player (who froze the ship) consents to the weapons fire.

05 VORLOti PLAtiET DECIMATIOti (Modolar)

The Vorlons eventually choose to eliminate Shadow Influence by eliminating the worlds corrupted by the Shadows,

G5.1 Procedure

Vorlon Planet Killers may fire heavy weapons at any unoccupied hex with an Economy Indicator. If the heavy weapon damage from the Planet Killer(s) is twice the Economy Indicator of the hex, . place an asteroid token in the hex. The Damage Indicator of the asteroid should be equal to the value of the Economy Indicator (or of nearest value available, i.e. place a 5 asteroid in the 'Wolf' hex if it is decimated). The asteroid token supercedes the Economy Indicator.

Component Game System'" Rulebook V12


Long Range Support Die Rolls - H5 Minesweeping Rolls


H3 STAT ROLLS Procedure

When firing at long range (2 or more hexes), weapons suffer diminished effects. When one or more of your tokens is firing weapons at range 2, roll a Babylon 5 Die (1 B5) for each weapon type on the token doing so. The result on the die is the maximum amount of damage the weapon type on that token may score on the target this volley. This adjustment is made before any other modifiers are applied. At range 3 or greater use 1 Defense Grid Die (1 DG) instead of 1B5. [Examples: A ship is firing 3 pOints of heavy weapons at a base 2 hexes away. A Long Range Support Die Roll is made and the result is a 2, apply 2 (not 3) damage to the base. The same ship is firing on the same base but this time rolls a 5 on the Long Range Support Die Roll. Apply 3 damage to the base.] [Notes: Long Range Support Die Rolls cannot increase the damaged caused by weapons. The damage will remain the same or be reduced. The Long Range Support Die Roll only sets a maximum for that token's weapons fire at range 2 or greater.]


When a ship or base is the target of a weapons volley, the controlling player may choose to fire its defense grid at the incoming volley ill at a squadron participating in the volley. Each empire has it's own unique color coded Defense Grid Die (see B5.23). Always use the Defense Grid Die of the empire of the token whose defense grid is firing. If the token is generic (white) or a non-aligned faction (gray) use the generic Defense Grid Die.

ttZ.l Versus a Weapon Volley

All ships and bases have defensive systems used to diminish the incoming damage of an opponent's weapons volley. When 1 of your ships or bases (not squadrons) is targeted by a weapons volley, roll 1 Defense Grid Die (1 DG) and subtract the result from the volley before applying damage. If a unit is not controlled by any player it automatically selects to diminish damage.

ttZ.1 Versus an Attacking Squadron


H3.1 Stat Roll

(Previously B6.6)

A Stat Roll is simply a requirement that you roll a crew's stat or less on a standard six-sided die (106). The card or rule calling for the Stat Roll will specify the stat to be used and any modifier to be applied to the stat. [Example: The card 'Shag Toth' reads "Select 1 opponent crew to make a Health Roll at -2. If that crew fails, discard the crew and this card". The player of 'Shag Toth' selects a crew card who must roll it's Health Stat -2 or less on 1D6. The defending player makes a single die roll. Lets assume the defending crew had a Health of 5, and a 1 is rolled on the die. 1 is less than or equal to 3 (a Health of 5 with a -2 mOdifier), so the crew remains in play.]

H3.1 Stat vs. Stat Rolls

Some cards or rules call for a Stat vs. Stat Roll. H3.21 Procedure: 106 is rolled for each side, adding the indicated stat (or other number, i.e. upkeep, etc.) to the side's die roll. The higher score wins. A tie indicates that neither side wins. [Example: The card 'Tu'Pari' states "Make a Combat vs. Combat Roll (an 'attack') against a crew card to discard it." Thus a crew is selected, for example, with a Combat Stat of 3. The roll for Tu 'Pari is a 5, totaling 9 (Tu'Pari' has a Combat Stat of 4 plus the die roll of 5) and the roll for the 'attacked' crew is a 2, totalling 5 (3+2). The crew is discarded.] H3.22 Order: The first stat listed is the stat the acting player uses. The second stat is the stat used by the other side. [Example: The card 'Talia Winters'reads "When an opponent crew attempts to affect any of your crew, make a Psi vs. Health Roll against the opponent crew. If successful prevents the crew's function." The acting player initiates the roll and uses Talia's Psi Stat and the other player uses his crew's Health Stat.]


"0 Stat Shown

If a crew does not show a specific stat, that crew's rating in that stat is considered to be zero. This does not mean it cannot attempt a roll, only that it has a lower chance of success than a crew with a higher stat.

When a weapons volley consists of weapons from 1 or H4 RA"DOM DIRECTIO" ROLLS more squadrons, the defending player may choose to fire his defense When a card, map piece or rule calls for a Random grid at 1 of the squadrons instead of subtracting the die result from Direction Roll, simply roll 1 six-sided die (106) and use the direction the volley. This is done by declaring your intent before rolling the die. rolled as shown on the 'Babylon 5' map. piece. The result is applied to the squadron as damage. If the squadron is crippled by this damage, use the weapons on the crippled side of the squadron token when totalling the damage of the volley. If the Minesweeping is done by declaring that a ship is sweeping squadron is destroyed, do not include its damage when totalling the damage of the volley. a mine directly in front of it, and rolling a Defense Grid Die (1DG). [Example: Your base (with a defense rating of 6) is about to sustain The mine is detonated and the ship may take damage. Subtract the a weapons volley of 4 damage from a ship and 3 damage from a Defense Grid Die result from the mine's Damage Indicator and roll heavy squadron and you have announced your intent to fire your that many Babylon 5 dice as damage. Score the result as damage Defense Grid Die at the squadron (instead of subtracting its result__ _ to the sweeping ship and remove the mine token. from the incoming volley). You roll a 3 on the Defense Grid [Example: Your ship is attempting to sweep a mine with a Damage Indicator of 3. You roll a 1 on the Defense Grid Die Die. This cripples the squadron (reducing its weapons from and then take the result of 2 Babylon 5 dice as damage to 3 to 1) and therefore reduces the total volley from 7 to 5. Since 5 is insufficient to damage a defense rating of 6, the your ship (instead of the 3 dice you would have taken ifyou base remains undamaged.] moved into the mine hex). You take this damage even though you did not enter the mine hex.]

) - Crew Locations and Away Missions

Component Game System™ Rulebook V12


LOCATIOrtS ArtD AWAY MISSIOrtS r:-----------------------------------------------..".., r------TiiTs-secti'on -d-escribes howto track the locationsofcrew~ In :)2.5 Emergency Evacuation : : allows crew to leave Babylon 5 on starships and travel on the map to: : other locations. This rule will be of little use until you have purchased: : the encounter deck products (Feb '99) or other products containing: : Mission and/or Encounter cards. It is presented here so that when: : you obtain those products, you will already have a functional knowl-: : edge of the rules needed to use those products. : ~-------------------------------------------------~



:J1.1 I

)3 AWAY MISSions





:. When a crew is played, it must be assigned a location by: :the player playing the crew. A location is a Ship, Base or Squadron.: : When played, the crew's location must be any unit which is owned by' : the player playing the crew. Links (triangular shaped currency with: petters on them) are used to link the crew card to its location on the: : map. Links are not required for crew played to Babylon 5 (until such: : : time as the crew leaves Babylon 5. : [Examples: A player plays a crew card. Selecting a pair of links (2: I Ws for example), the player places 1 link on the crew card and 1 on: : one of his ships. The crew is now considered on that ship.} : ~-------------------------------------------------~



All locations are considered to have transporters.

:)2.1 Transportation

: . Transportation consists of life pods, shuttlecraft etc.: : Transp.ortation has a range of 0 or 1 hex. To use transportation, sim-: : ply declare in the Allocate Phase that a crew is using transportation: : : to move or perform an Away Mission. I I

:)22 Changing Location I



: To change location, the new location must be in range of the l l transportation (0 or 1 hex) and must not be controlled by an oppo- l l nent (I.e. you cannot move a crew over to an opponent ship and leave: : it there). You can move a crew to one of your ships, bases or: :squadrons (even from an opponent unit if the crew happens to bel Ithere.). When a crew leaves a location, for another simply move the: : link to the new location showing that the crew has changed location.: I Crew are assumed to be on Babylon 5 unless a link shows them to: ::be elsewhere. The link can be removed from any crew changing: : location to Babylon 5. I I I

: When a location is destroyed, crew (and any abilities .or: :gear) at that location may use transportation to evacuate the location I nust' prior to its being destroyed. If there are no locations in range·to : :change location to, then the crew are discarded and the location 1S: L'"emoved from play by the standard rules. I --------------- - -------- - - -- ------- - --------- - -- -~

l)3.1 Procedure

:)2.3 Location Capacity


There are no limits to the number of crew at a location.


:)2.4 Simultaneous ase


i An Away Mission consists of transportati.on to another loca-: ltion, the attempt at completing the action (mission card , crew func-.: Ition, etc.) and transportation back to the previous location of the : I I I Icrew. l[Example: A crew with 'Pain Gillers'is currently an a Ship. The crew: ltransports to an adjacent opponent ship (Away Mission not change: :of location) with an opponent crew on it. .If the Combat vs. Combat.: :Roll is successful (see the 'Pain Givers' card) then the 'Pain Glvelfs'l :card is placed on the opponent crew and that opponent crew '/sl laffected by the 'Pain Givers' card. The crew on the Away Missionl lreturns to its Ship.} ~ :[Note: Links do not need to be moved to pel1arm an AWiilY MisS;arl.: lsince the crew will be returning to the original locatian atter thel J laction(s) has been resolved.] lJ3.11 Crew Proximity: For a crew to. affect another crew (with al icrew function (including gear and ability cards) or via a missi.on card) : Iboth crew must be at t he same location. See B6.31 Crew: Cards: lAffecting a Crew. .: lJ3.12 Change location ·or· Away Mission: Each of your crew may: :go on 1 Away Mission on your turn or may change location once on : :your turn (not both). : : !J3.13 Timing of Crew Functions and Mission Card Attempts: lEach crew may perform its periodic ('-') functions once on your turn : land may attempt 1 mission card once on your tu rn during the: IAllocate Phase. These may be done_ in any .order desired (before: I .. --..' . Iduring or after the use of transportation). These may also be per- I lformed without transportation (if the crew is at the appropriate loea. : ltion or a specific location is not required). . l l[Note: If a missian card were played to the above crew before it: ltransported, the crew could attempt the mission card on the pRP9- 1 : lnent ship as well as using its gear function.} ~------------------------------ - -- -- ----- - --------~

:. When transportation is used in the AUocate Phase, it canl lbe, but is not required to be, used by 1 or more crew simultaneous-l lly. You can send 3 crew on 3 different Away Missions to differentl Uocations, or you could send all 3 crew on the same Away Mission (od : any combination thereof). Away Missions are performed 1 at a time I : and the crew going on the Away Mission are all declared when .--: the Away Mission is declared. Crew must be at the same :tocation in Qrder to go on the same Away Mission. : {Example: A player declares that 2 crew are g.oing on 1 l Away Mission to the same location.] ~------------------------------------------

Xl Errata - X5 Tadical Retreat VI

Component Game System™ Rulebook V1.2


Xl EititATA

As with any published product there is a tendency for gremlins to sneak in and change things when you're not looking. What follows is errata (corrections) to prior releases: V1.0 and V1.1 Rulebook: This rulebook (V1 .2) is the errata to the V1.0 and V1.1 rulebooks. It supercedes any rules and errata previously published. Cards: President Luis Santiago: The reference to 'President Clarke' should be 'President Morgan Clark' . Activate Defense Grid: The '-' should be treated as a'>'.

X2 SPECIAL TOKE" itOLES Some tokens have short special rules which are defined in further detail here: Carrier: A token that is a carrier may carry squadrons up to its limit · (found in ( ) after the word c.l';lrrier (see F1.4 Carrier Capacity)). Mines: A token with the rule 'mines' can build 1 mine each .round on your turn (see D3.24 Building a Token - Mine Token). + @ if dock:ed to 85: This indicates that when the token is docked to Babylon 5, the controlling player gets a bonus of 2 economy (or 0, 6), etc.) during his Record Keeping Phase (see D1.3 Collect Bonuses). Can destroy 'planets': Indicates a ship which can destroy Economy Indicator hexes (see G5 Decimating Planets). Steal 0 when docked: This indicates thatwhenth,e token is docked to an opponent base, the base controller pays a penalty of 1 economy (or @ or 6), etc.) during his Record Keeping Phase (see D1.4 Pay Penalties). The controller of the stealing token adds this economy to his Economy Reserve when the penalty is paid.



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Watch for these exciting Component Game System™ products (in order of appearance) : Date Product # Description Suggested Retail Oct. '97 CB5-101 2258 Core Set ...... . _. , , , , , ...$29.95 Oct. '97 CB5-502 2259 Earth Alliance Starter Kit ....$12.95 Oct. '97 CB5-512 2259 Minbari Starter Kit _,.,." ..$12.95 Oct. '97 CB5-522 2259 Centauri Starter Kit , . , , , . . . .$12.95 Oct. '97 CB5-532 2259 Narn Regime Starter Kit . . ...$12.95 Apr. '98 CB5-542 2259 Shadow Starter Kit, , , , .....$12.95 Apr. '98 CB5-551 2258 Vorlon Starter Kit .. " . ,' _..$12.95 Apr. '98 CB5-562 2259 Psi Corps Starter Kit .. . . __ , ,$12,95 Apr. '98 CB5-571 2258 League Starter Kit .. . . . . _..$12.95 Apr. '98 CB5-121 2258 Reinforcements Pack #1 . , _..$19.95 Apr. '98 CB5-111 Babylon 5™ Dice (6 dice) ... . . . .. ,$4.95 May '98 CB5-001 2258 Board Game (Core Set) .. .. .$39.95 Jun. '98 CB5-102 2259 Board Game (Core Set) " " ,$39 .95 Jun, '98 CB5-502 2259 Earth Alliance Starter Kit . . . ,$12_95 Jun, '98 CB5-512 2259 Minbari Starter Kit " ' , .. .. .$12 .95 Jun. '98 CB5-522 2259 Centauri Starter Kit, . . , . . . ..$12 .95 Jun. '98 CB5-532 2259 Narn Regime Starter Kit ... . .$1 2.95 Aug. '98 CX1-001 Xena: Warrior Princess™ CGS . . . .$29.95 Aug. '98 CX1-111 Xena: Warrior Princess™ Dice . . . . .$4.95 Aug. '98 CH2-001 Hercules: The Legendary JourneysTM CGS . .$29.95 Aug. '98 CH2-111 Hercules: The Legendary JourneysTM Dice ...$4.95 Nov. '98 CNG-001 Star Trek: The Next Generation Board Game .... . ..... . .. . .$39.95 Nov. '98 CD9-001 Star Trek: The Next Generation Board Game . , . . ...... . ....$39 .95 Jan. '98 CB5-131 Encounter Deck #1 .. . ... , ......$12.95 Jan. '98 CB5-132 Encounter Deck #2 . . ...........$12.95 Jan. '98 CB3-001 Battlestar Galactica™ CGS .......$39.95 Jan. '98 CB3-111 Battlestar Galactica™ Dice .. . .....$4.95 This schedule is subject to change, please call for availability.


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X4 SPAitE PAitTS Component Game Systems, Inc. has a selection of spare parts available for CGSTM products. Call us at 607-652-2378 for availability and pricing .


Tactical Retreat VI (CGS's biannual Open House, costs: $75 rooms, $30 entry) has been scheduled for October 23rd - 25th, _ - _ . 1998. Tactical Retreat VII has been scheduled for April 23rd 25th, 1999. A National Championsh ip for the Babylon 5™ and Fantasy Component Game Systems™ will be held as well as Championship Tournaments for all available CGSTM products and some other products of galactic proportions. For pre-registration and reservations call Component Game Systems, Inc. at 607-652-2378.

Componvnt Gamv Systvm TH Rulvbook V1.2

X6 IrtDEX Abbreviations . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..X7 Ability Cards ... . . . . .. . . . . 66.3S Action ... . . .. . . . .. ... . . . .CS.2 Activation of Hexes . . . . .....04.3 Advanced Rules, Adding . .. ...A4 Additional Movement . ... . . .. 04.S Allocate Phase . . . .. . . . ... . . .03 Asteroid Token . . . .. . . . ... 64.41 Away Mission . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .J3 'Affecting a crew' . . . . . . . . . .66.31 Babylon 5 Die (1B5) .. .. .. .. ... .. .6S.1 Docking Bonus .... . . . .. 01 .31 Map Piece . .B1.16, C2.31, C2.42 Occupies Hex . . .. . . . . .. 61.16 Repairing at . . . . . ... . . .03.32 Voting (ships docked) .. ..02.31 Base Token . . . . . . ... . . . . . .64.1 Building . .. ... . .... .. . .03.24 Economy Output . . . . .. .. 64.23 No Stacking ... . .. . . ... .64.3S Repai r . .. . . . . . . . . . ... .. 03.3 Basic Game . . .. .. .... . ..A3.11 Bonuses . . . . . ..... . ... .. .01.3 Bribes .. ... .. . . . ..... . . .02.22 Campaign . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. A3.42 Cards ... . . . . . .. . .... ... .. .66 'Affecting a crew' . . . ..... 66.31 Duration . . . .B6.24, CS.29, 01.S Empire . ....B6.2c, C1 .34, C5.1 3 Features, Definitions .. ... .66.2 Featu res, Location . . . . . . . .66.1 Functions (', =, » .. . . . . . . . . 66.28, B6.34, B6.35 Name . . .. . . . . .. . . . ... 66.21 Negating Functions of .. .. .CS.4 Play Cost . . .. .. . .. . .. . 66.22 Play Phase .... . . . .B6.23, CS.2 Type ... ... . . ... .. . . ...66.3 Unique ...... . . . . 66.2S, C5.28 Year .. . .... .. ... . . ... 66.2S Carrier . . .. .. F1 .12, F1.2, F3.2, X2 Carrier Capacity . . . . . ... .. .F1 .2 Carrier Damage .. . ... .. . .. .F3.2 Chaotic Map (variant) ... . . . .C6.2 Circle of Death (variant) . . ...C6.S Comet Tokens .. . .. . . . . . . .64.4S Conditional Functions (» . . . .66.28 Contested Hexes . . . .. . ... .03.42 Build . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . .03.2S Repair . .. . . . .. . . .. . ... 03.33 Contested Space . . . . . .. .. .03.4 Core Set . ... ... .. . . . . . ...A1.2 Core Set Set·up . . . .. . .... .C1.2 Council Vote . . . . . . ... 01 .14, 02.1 Crew Card .. . .. . .. . . . ....B6.31 Crew Location . .. . . ... . . . ...J1 Crew Proximity ... . . ... . .. .J3.11 Crippled .B4.12, 03.31, E2.2, E2.3 Currency . . . .62, B3.1 , C4.2, 01 .9 Damage, Applying . . . . . .. F3.2, E2 Damage Indicators . . .61.12, E1 .11 Declaration of War . . .64.S1 , 05.1 Defense Grid Die (1 DG) . .6S.2, H2 Long Range Support (3+) . .H1 .1 Defense Grid Die Rolls . .05.1 , H1.2 Vorlon Technology Roll . . .G2.22 Defense Rati ng . . . .. . 64.21, E2.1 Docked . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... . 64.33 Page 27, Copyright

Babylon 5 .. 01 .31 , 02 .31 , 03.32 Docked Position . .... . .. . . 64.34 Docker Faction . ...... . . .. ...C3 Dormant Shadow Vessels .01.7, G3 Economic Victory . . . . . . ... 01.11 Economy .. .. . . . . . ... 63.1, 01 .9 Generate . ... . ... . .. .. .. 01 .2 Economy Indicator . . .61.11, 64.23 Economy, players exchanging . .02.22 Economy Reserve .... ... . .... . · .63.14, C4.2 , 01 .2, D1 .9, 03.1 Emergency Evacuation (crew) .J2.S Empire Color . ... . . . . .. . . . 6S.23 Empire Control Sheet ... .. . . . .63 Empire Discount .....C4.3, 03.22 Empire Rules, Adding ... . . . ..AS Empty Hex . . .. . ... .. . . .. B1.21 Errata . . ........ . . . . . . . . .. .X1 Event Card .. . . ......... .66.32 Facing . . ..........64.32, 04.12 Factions .... .. . . . .. . . .. ....C3 Fire Phase ... . . .. ... .C5.25, OS Firing Arcs . . . . . ... .. B4.2S, OS.4 Fleet Jumps .. . ....... . ..0 4.68 Forced Recovery (squadrons) ...FS Free Space .. .. . ... .... ..03.41 Gear Cards . . . ......66.34, 01 .8 Gross Economy . . . .. . ....B3.1 1 Hand Size Limit . . . .. . ... . ..CS.3 Heavy Weapons OS.2, 05.31 , 05.45 Hex Activation .. . .. . .. . . . .. 04.3 Homeworld Map Piece B3.2, C1 .22, · ....C1 .32, C1 .42, C2.31, C4.3 Homeworld Territory (Master's) .C6.13 Hyperspace Jumps .........04.6 Fleet Jumps .. . .. . . . . .. 04.68 Squadrons . . . .. .. . .. . ...F2.3 Insufficient Damage . . . .. . . .. E2.S Jump Damage .. . ... ... . . .04.66 Jump Engine . . .. . ... ... .. 04.62 Jump Engine Indicator . . . ...64.22 Jumpgate .. . .... . . . ... .. 04.61 Building ... . . . . . . . . ... .03.23 Map Element .. . . ... ... .61.13 Token .... . . ... . .. . . . .B4.42 Larger Maps (variant) ... . . . .C6.1 Lasers .. B4.25, OS.2, 05.32, 05.45 Limitations, Control Sheet .... 63.4 Location, Crew . . .. . . .. . . .B6.31 Long Range Support Rolls . ....H1 Mandatory Functions (=) · . . . . . . ........66.28, C5.41 Map Creation . .. . . . ... . . . ...C2 Map Creation, (Master's) ., .. C6.12 Map Elements . . .. . . .61.1 , 04.32 Map Element Tokens ... . .. . .B4.4 Map Pieces . . .. .......61, C2.4 Exposing .. . . . .. . .. .....04.2 Year .. . . . . . . .... . .. . .C1.32 Master's Level (Master's) . . . . .C6.1 Minefields . . ... .. .. . .. .. .B1 .14 Mines ... . ... .. .. .. . . .04.4, X2 Building (Laying) . .. . .... 03.24 Detonation . . . .. .... ... 04.42 Jumping Into . .. ... . . . . .04.44 Minesweeping Rolls . ... . . ..HS Tokens . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .B4.43 Mine Warfare (variant) . . .... .C6.3 Mission Cards . .. .. . .. . .. .66.36

© 1998 Component Game Systems, Inc.

X6 Indvx, X7 Abbrvviations Modifier Votes . ... . . . . ... .02.32 Moon Tokens ... . . . . . . .. .. 64.44 Moon Token Gambit (variant) . .C6.4 Move Phase .... ...... . . ... .04 Movement .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .04.1 Movement, Additional .. . . . .04.S Moving Other Empire Ships . .04.1S Negating Card Functions ... ..CS.4 Net Economy . .63.13 , 01.12, 01.2 Occupied Hex . .. ...... . . .61.22 OP Phase Cards . . .. . .. ...CS.26 Optional Allocations . .. . .. .. 03.1 Order of Play .. .. . . .. .. .. ..C2.2 Penalties .. . . ..... .. . . . . . .01.4 Periodic Functions (-) ... .. .66.28 Play Aids . .. ..... .....A2 .13, X9 Play Set ..... . . . .. .. .C1.3, CS.1 Play Set, (Master's) . . . . ....C6.11 Player Deck . . . . ... . . . .. .. CS.1 Political Victory . . ...... .. .01.14 Pregame Set-up Chart . .. . ....X8 Product Info ... . . .. . .. ... . ..X3 Proxy, map elements - requ ired .64.46 Proxy, units· not allowed . .. . .C1.33 Proxy, war tokens· required . .. 64.S1 Raider Faction .. . ... . .. .. .. .C3 Random Direction Rolls .. .....H4 Random Game Set- up . .. . .. C1 .4 Range .. . . ... ......OS.3, 05.44 Record Keeping Phase ...... .01 Reinforcements Pack #1 . .A1 .3, X3 Round . . . .... . .. ... . .. .. .A3.2 Scenario . . . . ..... . .. . . ..A3.41 Scoring Banks . .. .. . . .63.1, 01.9 Scrap Yard ......63.7, E2.3, E2.4 Set-up .. . . . . ..... .. . .. . .. .C1 Shadow Influence Token .64.S2, G1 Ship Token .... . .... . .... .64.1 Building . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .03.24 Jumping . ... .... . . ... . .04.6 Movement . . ... . . .. . . . .. 04.1 Sideslip . . ..... . . . .. . . . . .04.11 Spare Parts . . .. . . . . . . . . . ...X4 Special Token Rules .. .. .. . . . .X2 Squadrons .. .. .. . .. ..... . . . .F Building ... . ... . .. . . . . .03.24 Defense Grid Die Roll vs. . .H2.2 Damaging . . .... . ... .. ... .F3 Deployment ... . . . . . . . .. F2.21 Empire Restrictions, . . . . . .F2.4 Forced Recovery .. .. ......FS Jumps .... . .... . . . . .. . .F2.3 Merging . . ... ... . .... .. .F4.2 Movement .. . ..... .. .. .. .F2 Recovery . ... . ....... . . .01 .6 Repairing . .... . .... . .. ...F4 Stacking Limit . . .. . .64.3S, 04.14 Standard Die (106) .. 6S.3, H3, H4

Standard Game . . .. ... .. . .A3.12 Set-up . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. C1 .3 Starter Deck . .. . .. . . . . .. .CS.11 Starter Kit ... . . ... . .. . . . . .A 1.1 Starter Kit Set-up .... . . . . . .C1.1 Starting Forces .... . . ... . .. .C4 Starting Forces, (Master's) ..C6.14 Starting Fleet . .. . . . . . . . .. .C4.3 Starting Economy . . .. .B3.1 4, C4.2 Starting Hand . . ...... .. .. .C4.1 Stat . ..... . .. . . .B6. 1, B6.31, H3 Stat Roll .... . . .... . . . . .H3.1 Stat vs. Stat Roll . . .. . .. .. H3.2 No Stat Shown . . . . .. . . . .H3.3 Status Tokens . .. . . . . . .. . . .B4.S Surrender . .. . ...... . . . .. 01.12 Tactical Retreat (convention) . . .XS Target . . . .. . . .. . . .. 05.1 , OS.S1 Targeting Limit ..... ... . .. .OS.S3 Telepaths vs. Shadow Ships . . . .G4 Territorial Victory . .. . . ... . .01 .13 Token Features . . ... . .B4.1 , 64.2 Total Upkeep ..... .. . ... .. 63.12 Transportation, crew . ..... . . . .J2 Turn ... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . ..A3.3 Turn Sequence .. . ... . . . . . . .. 0 Turn Sequence Chart .. . .. . . .X10 Unoccupied Hex . ... . .... .B1 .23 Unplaced Map Pieces . . ... .C2.41 Upkeep Cost . ... . . . . . .. . .B4.24 Victory Check . . .... .. ... . .01.1 Volley, Declaring a . ... . . . .. .OS.S Volley Sequence . . . . . . ... . .OS.1 Vorlon Alliance . .. . . . . . . .. .. .G2 Vorlon Alliance Token .. . 64.S3, G2 Vorlon Planet Decimation . . .. . .GS Vote Card .. . . .. 66.33, C5.22, 02 Vote Phase .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. 02 War Tokens ...... . . .64.S1 , 0 5.1


1B5 . . . . . . . ..... 1 Babylon 5 Die 1DG . . .. . . . . .1 Defense Grid Die 106 . .. . . . .. .. . .1 Six·Sided Die Assault Cr. .... . . .Assault Cruiser B5 . . . . . .. ....... .. .. Babylon 5 CGSTMComponent Game System™ Gross . . . . . ... .. .Gross Economy Hyperion Cr. . . .. .Hyperion Cruiser Nova Dreadn. . .Nova Dreadnought Net . .. . . ... . . . . . .Net Economy Omega D. .. . . . .Omega Destroyer OPAlioc .Opponent Allocate Phase OP Fire . . . . .Opponent Fire Phase OP Move .. .Opponent Move Phase OP Vote . . ..Opponent Vote Phase Reserve . . . . . . .Economy Reserve Rnds .... ... . . . . . . . . .. Rounds

CREDITS: We would sincerely like to thank: J. Michael Straczynski Managing Developer: C. Henry Schulte. Development: George T. Henne Jr. , Andrew Smith Playtesters V1.1: Kevin Beyer, Chuck Bickley, Brian DeRienze, Peter Fuesz, Dan Griswold, Les Hauer, Anthony Medici , Tim Moyer, Ted Peer, John Perrault, Nick Sauer, Shawn Spurlock, Dan St. Jean. Playtesters V1.2: Garret Allen, Kevin Beyer, Chuck Bickley, Brian DeRienze, Peter Fuesz, Dan Griswold, Les Hauer, Bob Huntsman, Ted Mantuano, Anthony Medici, Tim Moyer, Ted Peer, Nick Sauer, Shawn Spurlock, Dan St. Jean. Resource Staff: George T. Henne Jr., C. Henry Schulte, Andrew Smith. Appendices - X

X8 Pregame Set-up Chart - Xl0 Turn Sequence Chart


Pre-Game Set-up (select one) Basic Game Set-up, Starter Kits . ... .. . . .. . .. . . . .(C1.1) Basic Game Set-up, Core Set . ... . .... .. .... . .. .(C1.2) Standard Game Set-up . . . . . . .... . . . ... .. . ... . .(C1.3) Random Game Set-up ... . ... . ....... . .. . . . .. .(C1.4) Create Map (in order, once) . . . .. . ... . .... . ... .. .. .(C2) Announce Empires and Determine Order of Play .. . .(C2.2) Players remove cards of other empires represented by other players from their decks . .. .(C2 .2) Place Babylon S .... .. .. . ... . ..... . ... .. ... . .(C2 .31) Place Homeworlds .... ... .. ....... . . ... . .. .. .(C2 .32) Place map pieces ... .... .. . ..... ... . ........ .(C2.41 ) Flip Babylon S ... . ... . .. . .... . . . . .. . .... . .. . .(C2.42) Factions (in order, once) . . . ... . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .(C3) Show selected factions . . .. .. .... .. .. .. . . . . . .. .(C3 .13) Bid on factions in the Order of Play .. ... . ...... .. .(C3 .14) Homeworld Territory (Master's level only) ... ... . ... .(C6.13 ) Starting Forces (in order once) . . ... .. . ..... . . . .. . .(C4 ) Select starting hand ... . .. ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .(C4.1 ) Place currency to represent Starting Gross and Starting Economy Reserve . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .(C4 .2) Place Starting Fleets in Order of Play (C4 .3) (C6 .14) Adjust Scoring Banks base on these builds . . . . . .(D3.23) Begin Play (Starting with the first player) Current player follows the Turn Sequence (see X10 Turn Sequence Chart) and then play passes clockwise.

X9 PLAY AIDS Dice As Markers

While the currency found in the CGSTM is useful, we recommend picking up a dice brick (if you don't already have dice) with 36 six-sided dice in 3 or 4 colors. Dice are the easiest way to track the first 3 Scoring Banks (see B3. 1 Scoring Banks) , using cu rrency only for your Economy Reserve. This ensures that scores are kept accurately and that currency does not inadvertently slip from 1 bank to another. [NOTE: This system is required in tournaments.}

Currency As Markers

Currency may be used as markers in several ways: Duration: Use currency to indicate how many rounds a card has left before its duration is up. The currency should always show how many rounds currently remain before the card is discarded.

Ploy Set

Players may wish to build a Play Set (a player defi ned selection of parts, see C1 .3 Standard Game Set-up and CS.1 Player Decks) . This allows players to begin play with less set-up time. These are usually empire specific (Le. designed with 1 empire in mind). Starter Kit boxes and the enclosed plastic tray are ideal for storing a Play Set for the empire of the box.

Static Stickers

Players may wish to purchase some static stickers or sticky notes to stick to the face side of their map pieces. This will prevent the map pieces of different players from becoming mixed up. Move the sticky to the back side when exposing the map piece to keep it out of view.

Component Game System™ itulebook V12

Xl0 TOitti SEQOEtiCE C"AitT Record Keeping Phase (in order, once) Victory Check (if appropriate) .............. .... .(D1.1) Economic Victory (2x other Gross Economies) ... .(D1 .11) Surrender (if negative Net Economy) .. . . . . .. . .. (D1.12) Territorial Victory (6 map pieces) .. . .. . . . .. .. .. (D1 .13) Political Victory (by Council Vote) .... .. ... . ... .(D1 .1 4) Generate economy . . ... .. . . . .. ...... . ... .. ...(D1.2) Collect bonuses ..... . . . . ... . . . .. . ... . .. . ....(D1.3) Pay penalties ..... . . .. ... ..... . . .... . . . . ....(D1.4) Cards with durations (of rounds) count down . .. . . . . .(D1 .S) Recover squadrons .. . ... .. ... .. ........... ...(D1 .6) Attempt to discover a dormant Shadow vessel ... .. .(D1 .7) Move gear ... . .... . . ... .. ... . ... . ... .. ... ..(D1 .8) Vote Phase (in order, once) Play Vote Phase cards (other than vote cards) ......(CS.22) Call for Council Vote . ... . . . . .... . ..... . .. ... . .(D2.1 ) Playa vote card & read it aloud . . .. ....... ....(D2.1) Negotiate .. ...... . .. . . . . ... . . . . ... .. ... . .(D2.2) Take the Vote . . ... . . ... ... . ... .. . ... .. . ...(D2 .3) Apply effects if vote passes . ...... . ... .. .... .(D2.34) Play Vote Phase cards (other than vote cards) . ... ..(CS.22) Allocate Phase (in any order, repeating until done) Buy cards (1 time only) . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . ... .... .. (D3.14) Build tokens (from you r scrap yard or out of play) .. .. (D3.2) Repair your crippled tokens . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. .. .. . (D3.3) Play Allocate Phase cards ... ... .. ... .. . ...... .(CS.23) Shadow players may attempt to influence . . . .... . . .(D3.1S) Vorlon players may attempt to form alliances . . .... . .(D3.16 Crew may change location / perform Away Missions ..(J2 .2,J3) Move Phase ( in any order, repeating until done) Each ship and squadron may move or jump once Movement . .. ... . .. . . . . .. ... . . .... . . ... . . (D4.1) Hyperspace jumps . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .... . . .(D4.6) Resolve movement (for each unit after it moves) Exploring map pieces . . . .. .. . . . . . .... . . ..(D4.21) Hex activation .. ........ . .... .. . .... .. . .(D4.3) Play Move Phase cards (before or after any movement or card play) .. . ... (CS.24) Minesweeping attempts may be made .... . . . ... . . .(HS) Fire Phase (in order, once per target, repeat for each target) Play Fire Phase cards . ... . . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . . . .(C4.2S) Declare Fire: . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . .(DS.S 1) Declare a target (a token in range with a defense rating) Declare firing token(s) Give War Token: If target player does not have yours . .(B4.S1 ) Roll Long Range Support Die: (range 2+ weapons) ..(H1 ) Determine damage from each token Determine total damage (sum token's fire) Play OP Fire or Any Phase cards: . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .(CS.2) All cards must be played prior to the DG roll . Opponent rolls Defense Grid Die Roll: .. .. . . . . . . . . .(H2) Reduce damage or attack squadron Adjust damage total (if applicable) Apply Damage to Target: . . . . . . . . . . ... ..(E2) If crippled , flip to crippled side If destroyed, remove from the map Tokens with upkeep are placed in the Scrap Yard Tokens without upkeep are set aside

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