Experimenting with textures . Inspired by the patterns found out of natural elements.
Experimenting with different techniques as a way to showcase people’s facial expressions.
I created an alternative universe with eccentric moutains and rocks, the bedroom represents the inner self ,is isolated and the girl is all alone.I tried to show loneliness and how sometimes eventhough we’re surrounded by people, deep inside, we still feel lonely.
Recreating the scene with a paper sculpture inspired by pop-up books.
Close-ups of my work in profress.
Experimenting with colors using oil pastels.
I tried to show the warmth of our surroundings by using bright colors.
Inspired by the interview of Petra Colins: Sorry not Sorry, Women have Body Hair for Style like U
The image of an old man looking up symbolizes a male gaze and how the image of a woman is often created by men.
The old lady symbolizes how our culture is so obssesed with the concept of youth and the de-sexualization of older women.
A stop sign symbolizes the aging process of the human body and finally death.
This female body is a symbol for teenage youth and femininity.
Collages made from magazines.
Screen printing using the collage i did previously
Three-point perspective drawing
photography work taken with an iphone and edited using editing apps
When I think about dreams , I think about how it fades away like a ripple effect when you wake up and that you can’t keep hold of it.
The whole concept into 3D
Dreams are no longer intangible
the chinese charater of the word dream.
Drawings on a plastic fabric using the natural movements of human bodies.
A group art project