How to Know God’s Voice
In Intimate Friendship Facilitator’s Class Manual
Published by: ZOE Ministries International P.O. Box 17036 Boulder, CO 80308-0036 USA
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Copyright © 1998 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America
This manual or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from: ZOE Ministries International P.O. Box 17036 Boulder, CO 80308-0036 USA
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® NIV ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (AMP) are taken from the Amplified Bible, Old Testament. Copyright © 1965, 1987 by The Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified New Testament, copyright © 1954, 1959, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ® , © Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979 Used by permission. Used by permission, The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, 1996. Taken from The New International Dictionary of the Bible. Copyright © 1987 Zondervan Publishing House. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Textbook quotations are taken from the book Intimate Friendship With God by Joy Dawson. Copyright © 1986 by Joy Dawson. Used by permission. Revision 08/11
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Acknowledgments ZOE Ministries International is dedicated to equipping, training, and sending believers into all the world to minister by the leading of the Holy Spirit. This is a ministry to build the Body of Christ and encourage God’s people to use their gifts and talents for His glory. It is for this purpose that this manual has been compiled by the leading of the Holy Spirit and the input of many people. ZOE Ministries wishes to thank them for their support, time, and talents in putting this manual together. We give our Lord all the praise and glory for this work!
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contents Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Introductory Comments to Facilitators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Lesson 1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Lesson 2 Obedience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Lesson 3 Whom Do We Fear?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Lesson 4
How Holy Are We?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Lesson 5
Results of Holiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Lesson 6 True Repentance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Lesson 7
Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Lesson 8
Fear Of The Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Lesson 9 Touch Not!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Lesson 10 Sacrificing Your Isaac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Lesson 11
Rewards Of Fearing The Lord . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Lesson 12 Commitment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 This material is designed to be used within a specific format. Facilitator Training is required before this material may be used in a Bible study or class setting.
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foreword Dear Facilitator, It's exciting that you have been led by the Lord to facilitate How to Know God’s Voice—In Intimate Friendship. You are about to embark on one of the most exciting courses that ZOE offers. All of the courses listed in the “Knowing” section have been developed so that the participants can have a closer relationship with our heavenly Father. This course is no exception. Each lesson offers challenging principles class members can use to search their hearts. Comments from people who have taken this course include: “This class has changed my life...I don’t want to remain the same, but develop an even more intimate relationship with my Lord,” and “I now understand what the ‘fear of the Lord’ means, and how to apply that principle to my life.” All of this is to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the inspired work of the Holy Spirit, enables us to understand what the Father has in store for us. Enjoy! In His service, Dick and Ginny Chanda Directors
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Introductory Comments
to Facilitators
As an introduction to this manual, we have summarized information we feel will be helpful to you during this course. Most of this was covered during your facilitator training. • Directional information for facilitators is outlined in this font for quick identification. • Remember, do not just teach this material unless you are instructed to do so in the manual. As a facilitator, you need to remember that you are a coach and are there to encourage class participation. • The first few lessons will have a more instructional format. Some of the early lessons include teachings that provide a common base of understanding for your class members. • If a lesson contains a teaching, please let the class know that you are teaching from the Facilitator’s Class Manual provided by ZOE Ministries International. • Lessons without teachings provide an opportunity for you to model how participants should lead class discussions later in the course. • You will lead the discussions in Lessons 1–3 and 12. Participants will lead the class discussions in Lessons 4–11. • As a facilitator, it is your responsibility to encourage the class to share the insights God gave them as they studied the assigned material. Ask questions that will draw out these insights. • You are not expected, nor should you attempt, to cover every point in each lesson. These points are provided for your edification and only those that directly support the main principle should be included in the class discussion. • As participants become more involved in leading class discussions, your primary purpose is to coordinate the class and allow the Lord to build individuals’ confidence and leadership abilities.
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• During a class discussion, if someone’s answer or insight is “not scripturally correct or not related to the discussion,” please do not directly address this with the individual. Instead, redirect the discussion back to the main principle of the lesson. • Remember, as a facilitator, you cannot solve each person's problems. You are to present principles from God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to help class members apply them to their lives. • Finally, we respectfully ask that this copyrighted material not be copied or reproduced for other purposes without express written permission from ZOE Ministries International. We request this not to “control” the material, but for two reasons: 1) Without proper facilitator training, the class will not be what we feel the Holy Spirit wants it to be, and 2) We need to honor those who have graciously given us permission to reprint or quote their materials. As stewards of their authorship, we are responsible for not using this material beyond the limitations that they have requested. Thank you for your involvement in this ZOE course and we join you in praying that the Holy Spirit will transform participants’ lives!
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How to Know God’s Voice
In Intimate Friendship Introduction
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How to Know God’s Voice— In Intimate Friendship INTRODUCTION LESSON 1 Main Principle: God desires to have an intimate friendship with each of His children. We can develop a deeper relationship with God if we choose to. Great rewards await us as we draw nearer to God.
I. Let’s Get Started!
A. Welcome the class and introduce yourself.
B. Open with prayer.
C. Read, or have someone read, the main principle for this lesson.
II. Introduction to ZOE Ministries International
A. The Purpose of ZOE Ministries Zoe is a Greek word for Life found in many Scriptures, including John 17:3—“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” The purpose of ZOE Ministries is to bring forth zoe, God’s life, in individual believers so that their daily lives glorify God as they minister that life to others.
B. The Goal of ZOE Ministries 1. Our goal is to train and equip believers to make disciples, which is in keeping with the commission given to us by Jesus in Matthew 28:19—“Therefore go and make disciples of all
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nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 2. How do we accomplish our goal of making disciples? a. By training and equipping through our courses • Hearing, Knowing and Following God’s Voice Courses—This series of 12-week discipleship classes can help us hear God’s voice in various aspects of Christian life. They provide discipleship in a group setting.
• Discipleship By the Word of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit—This course provides training on how to disciple individuals one-on-one, thereby allowing them to take great strides in their personal relationship with God and in their ministry. This method of discipleship uses the Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit as the only tools. It is changing lives in a very simple, yet powerful way. • Captivated by Their Character—This three-part Bible Study series.
b. By going forth • Locally • Short-term • Long-term c. By supporting established work in countries all over the world as the Lord opens doors d. By establishing Training Schools in churches as the Lord leads
Please refer to those interested in more information to the website,
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III. Get to Know One Another
A. Ask the class to introduce themselves and to briefly share something about themselves. You should BEGIN the sharing.
B. The main premise of this course is that the way to an intimate friendship with God is through walking in the fear of the Lord. How would you define the term “fear of the Lord”?
Encourage each participant to share what they think. IV. Worship the Lord (Decide whether your class should take time to worship during this lesson.) Share the following with the class, as the lord leads: There are several reasons why we take class time to worship. Besides the fact that He is worthy of our praise, worship prepares our hearts to better hear God during class. It helps us get our eyes off of ourselves and back on the Lord. Worship reminds us of God’s love, faithfulness and awesome power. V. Introduction to This 12-Week Course:
A. The Purpose of This Class 1. To deepen our relationship with God. 2. To study God’s Word and discover more about who He really is. 3. To learn what it takes to develop a close friendship with God. 4. To recognize the rewards of intimacy with God.
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5. To encourage and pray for each other.
B. Class Materials 1. Handout packet—This contains articles and other handouts that will be used during the 12-week course. 2. Bible—Any version. 3. Intimate Friendship With God by Joy Dawson—the textbook for this class. 4. Journal—It is highly recommended that you keep a journal during this course and write down what you hear the Lord saying to you.
VI. Class Format—Lessons 2–12
A. Opening Time This includes welcoming the class, prayer for that session, worshipping the Lord (unless in a Sunday school setting), sharing what God has done in the previous week, and making announcements.
B. Discussion of the Book, Scripture and Handouts 1. The reading assignments for each week are listed on the class outline in the handout packet. Make sure everyone understands what they are supposed to read for
2 and review the main principle for next week’s lesson. lesson
2. Everyone needs to come prepared to share what they learned, as the Lord leads.
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3. The facilitator and assistant will lead the book, handout and Scripture discussions through Lesson 3. 4. Beginning in Lesson 4, one participant will be asked to lead the Scripture discussion. Another participant will be assigned to lead the book and the assigned handout discussions. 5. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of everyone asking the Holy Spirit for new insights from the Scriptures.
C. Prayer and Ministry
A prayer and ministry time will end each class.
D. Class Length The length of the class is approximately 2–2 1/2 hours (1 1/2 hours for a Sunday school setting).
E. Following the Holy Spirit’s Guidance
We will be open to change as the Holy Spirit directs. He may direct us to change the order of things done in class; e.g., He may tell us to drop the discussion of a handout.
VII. Your Responsibility as a Participant Refer the class to the handout about the participant’s responsibilities in their handout packet. Go over this handout with them now. Class members should keep confidential everything that is shared during class. VIII. Teaching: How Well Do You Know Him? The following is a story from The Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations: Dr. Alexander Maclaren used to tell of a man of great intellectual power whom he longed to win. To do so the famous preacher
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preached a whole series of sermons dealing with intellectual difficulties. To the doctor’s delight, the man came shortly afterward and said he had become a convinced Christian and he wanted to join the church. Overjoyed, the doctor asked, “And which of my sermons was it that removed your doubts?” “Your sermons?” said the other. “It wasn’t any of your sermons. The thing that set me thinking was that a poor woman came out of your church beside me and stumbled on the steps. When I put out my hand to help her, she smiled and said, ‘Thank you,’ and then added, ‘Do you love Jesus Christ my blessed Savior? He means everything to me.’ I did not then, but I thought about it. I found I was on the wrong road. I still have many intellectual difficulties, but He means everything to me, too.” 1
A. Friendship With God 1. Have someone READ JOHN 15:14–17. a. The word friends is used in verses 14–15. Friend is translated from the Greek word philos (fee´-loss), which means an associate, a loved one, or a dear friend.2 b. Jesus told his disciples that He would no longer call them slaves; from now on He would call them friends. What He was saying was even more astonishing to those who heard it for the first time than it is to us. The word slave is translated from the Greek word doulos (doo´-los).3 To be called a doulos, a servant of God, was a great honor. Moses was a doulos of God (Deuteronomy 34:5). So was Joshua (Joshua 24:29) and David (Psalm 89:20). It is a title which Paul counted as an honor to use (Titus 1:1), as did James (James 1:1). Some of the greatest Christians in the past have been proud to be called a slave of God.4
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And yet Jesus is saying, “I have something even greater for you. You are no longer slaves; you are my friends” (verse 15). Today, Christ offers us an intimacy with God which not even the greatest men from the Old Testament possessed.
2. Have you ever noticed that some people have a more intimate relationship with the Lord than others? Some enjoy a familiarity, a close friendship, an intimacy that makes one envious. D.L. Moody once said, “I am greatly impressed when I hear someone sharing how much he loves God. I am deeply touched when I hear someone share about how much the Lord loves him.”5 3. Jesus calls us to be His friends, the friends of God! This is a tremendous offer! It means that we no longer need to gaze longingly at God from afar. We cease to be like a crowd whose only glimpse of the king comes as he passes in some royal procession; nor are we slaves, forbidden to enter into the presence of the master unless called. Jesus offers us this intimacy with God so that He no longer seems like a distant stranger, but rather our close friend! 4. Are there any secrets we can uncover that would admit us into this kind of intimacy? Both Scripture and experience teach us that it is we, not God, who determine the degree of our intimacy with Him. This saying is true: “We are, at this moment, as close to God as we really choose to be.”
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There is a cost to intimacy and most often we don’t want to pay the price! It’s our choice. 5. Every believer has been chosen by God to have this close friendship with Him. In John 15:16 Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you... .” The word choose is translated from the Greek word eklegomai (ek-leg´-om-ahee), which means to “select, choose for oneself, not necessarily implying the rejection of what is not chosen but giving favor to the chosen subject, keeping in view a relation to be established between him and the object. It involves preference and choice from among many.” 6
B. Degrees of Intimacy With God The Bible contains some examples of degrees of intimacy experienced by God’s people. In the Old Testament we can look at Moses and the nation of Israel. In the New Testament we can look at Jesus and His followers. In each case, growing intimacy arose from a deepening revelation of the divine character of God. 1. From the beginning God desired a relationship with His people. READ EXODUS 19:1–7. 2. Of all God’s people Moses seemed to have the closest relationship with the Lord. On several occasions God summoned Moses to ascend Mount Sinai to have fellowship with Him. Many times it was for 40 days. READ EXODUS 19:10–12. a. God directed Moses to “go to the people and consecrate them” and “have them wash their clothes and be ready by the third day” verses 10–11. A cleansing needs to take place before entering the presence of the Lord.
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b. In verse 12 the Israelites would see God’s visible presence, but there were limits beyond which they could not pass. They could approach the mountain, but not ascend it! c. Why this exclusiveness? The subsequent reactions of the people clearly demonstrated that they were neither qualified for, nor desirous of coming close to God. Obviously, there were conditions for a fresh revelation of God—God knew their hearts. READ EXODUS 20:18–19. After Moses received the Ten Commandments, they were afraid of God and wanted Moses to speak to God for them. 3. READ EXODUS 24:1–2, 9–11. a. In verses 1–2 a select group of people, the 70 elders of Israel, were chosen to worship God. You see the size of the group was narrowing. They were invited into a more intimate relationship with the Lord than the rest of the Israelites. b. In verses 9–11 Moses and the 70 elders saw the God of Israel. The word saw is translated from the Hebrew word raah (raw’-aw), which means to behold, to gaze, to perceive, to have respect, to experience.7 They had a pretty wonderful revelation of God! They must have sensed God’s presence in a very real and conscious way. Their experience of God was far beyond that of the rest of the Israelites; however, it caused no permanent transformation. Only a short time later they were found worshipping the golden calf (Exodus 32). They had seen God, but their behavior showed that they were not qualified to ascend to the top of the mountain, into deeper fellowship with Him. 4. READ EXODUS 24:12–18. a. It appears that two people qualified for and desired a truly intimate relationship with God—Moses and Joshua. Moses ascended to the top of the mountain, while Joshua stayed at
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the base of the mountain for 40 days, away from the Israelite camp. b. Joshua was aware of the presence of the Lord. He was being groomed for a future relationship. He watched the glory cloud of the Lord covering the mountain. Joshua saw that the Lord was doing something special and he, too, wanted that intimacy with the Lord. c. Joshua waited patiently at the foot of Mount Sinai for 40 days while Moses was receiving from God revelation about the tabernacle. Meanwhile, the people below were busy making the golden calf. d. Innocent Joshua had separated himself from sin. He just wanted to be near the Lord and he wasn’t aware of what was going on below. In Exodus 32:17, it says, “When Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting, he said to Moses, ‘There is the sound of war in the camp.’ ” 5. READ EXODUS 33:7–11. “Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent” verse 11. a. Joshua, Moses’ aide, was always running errands and doing things for Moses. But, whenever he could, Joshua would stay in the tent of meeting. That was where the Shekinah glory rested and where God manifested Himself to His people. b. The word aide or servant in verse 11 is translated from the Hebrew word sharath (shah-rath’), which means to wait on, to attend, especially to render personal service to important people. Examples of this type of servant include Joseph (to Potiphar), Elisha (to Elijah), as well as Joshua (to Moses). 8 Notice all these servants were mightily used by God. c. Joshua wanted to be where God manifested Himself. He would have been present on many occasions when the Lord spoke to Moses face to face in the tent of meeting. Thus,
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Joshua enjoyed intimacy with God exceeded only by that of his leader, Moses. d. READ NUMBERS 27:18–23. Joshua, who was willing to serve, was given authority to lead. e. After Joshua took the position of leader of Israel, he, too, understood the intimacy of God. The Lord said to him, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!” Joshua 1:9. When Joshua was finally sent into the promised land, he knew God and His power; he knew nothing was too difficult for God. Spending time with the Lord allows His power to flow. Joshua was commanded to cross the river Jordan and it rolled all the way back to the city of Adam during flood stage (Joshua 3:14–16).
C. The Results of Being in the Presence of the Lord 1. READ EXODUS 33:11–18. Communion with God kindled in Moses an intense desire to know Him better. Moses wanted everything God had for him. His thirst for God was never quenched. a. Exodus 33:11 says, “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.” The word friend is translated from the Hebrew word rea (ray’ah), which means a companion, personal friend, neighbor, fellowman. 9
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b. The Lord said of Moses, “With him I speak face to face...” Numbers 12:8. What could be more intimate? They talked friend to friend, face to face, or, as it is literally translated in Hebrew, mouth to mouth—in direct, intimate communication with one another. c. In Exodus 33:12b–13 Moses said to God, “You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you.” This did happen according to Psalm 103:7. Israel knew the acts of God, but Moses knew the ways of God. d. In Exodus 33:18 Moses said to God, “Now show me your glory.” Moses was always wanting more of God and God revealed Himself to Moses in a new way. 2. When we are in intimate friendship with God, we can ask the same question Moses asked, “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you” Exodus 33:13. We can say, “I want more of You, more understanding of Your ways, and to see more of Your glory!” 3. In the book Intimate Friendship with God Joy Dawson writes, “When we see Him as He is in all His blazing glory, majestic splendor, and awesome holiness, that revelation becomes the greatest motivation to obey Him instantly, joyfully and wholly” (page 24). 4. The result of Moses relating with God was that the Shekinah glory shown on Moses’ face. READ EXODUS 34:28–29.
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a. God took a servant of His and drew him to a holy mountain top to speak face to face. He brought Moses into intimate fellowship and union, letting him behold the majesty and holiness of the King of Kings. After putting a shine on that servant’s face, God brought him back down to face a lukewarm reception and convict them with His reflected glory. b. The Scripture says the glory of Moses’ face, not just on his face. The glory reflected from his heart! 2 Corinthians 3:7–8, 13, 18 (NAS) reads, “But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses, because of the glory of his face....” As believers of Jesus Christ who have been in the presence of our Lord, can people look at us and say, “That person has been in the presence of the Lord”? 5. It is the presence of the Lord which distinguishes God’s people from all others! Many are moving without the Lord’s presence being with them! Where are you? Are you asking God to allow you to know His ways and to experience His presence? 6. John 15:15 says, “I no longer call you servants...Instead, I have called you friends....” Do we have that kind of relationship with the Lord—friend to friend, face to face, mouth to mouth? James 4:8 (KJV) says, “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.” The following story comes from The Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations:
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Dr. S.D. Gordon tells of an old Christian woman whose age began to tell on her memory. She had once known much of the Bible by heart. Eventually only precious bits stayed with her. “I know whom I believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I committed unto him against that day.” By and by, part of that slipped its hold and she would quietly repeat, “That which I have committed unto him.” At last, as she hovered on the borderline between this and the spirit world, her loved ones noticed her lips moving. They bent down to see if she needed anything. She was repeating over and over again to herself the one word of the text, “Him, Him, Him.” She had lost the whole Bible, but one word. But she had the whole Bible in that one word! 10
IX. Discussion of the Class Handouts
Read each class handout listed for lesson 1 on your class outline. Have the participants take turns reading a column of the handout. If a class member does not wish to read aloud, he or she may pass. Allow time for comments from participants.
X. Next Week’s Assignment
A. Review the assignment on the class outline for lesson 2. B. Review the main principle for the next lesson so the class can read the assignment with the principle in mind.
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XI. Today’s Prayer and Ministry Time
A. Prayer
Close the time with prayer. Use the following, if it helps: 1. Lord, thank You for each person You have brought to this class. 2. Give us insights to share with each other during this course. 3. Holy Spirit, begin to teach each of us how to become a close friend of God. 4. Give us the grace we need to put intimacy with You before all else.
B. Ministry 1. As facilitator, you need to guide the Ministry time. Refer to the “zoe class format” section of the facilitator guide and read the “prayer and ministry time” section. (It is not unusual for class members to wait a few lessons before asking for personal ministry.)
2. If you sense the lord directing you to Address the need for personal prayer ministry in a class member, ask the person concerned if he or she
would like prayer. Initially, you may need to do the ministering, thereby setting the example for the class.
3. At the beginning of the ministry time remind participants of the following: As we minister to each other, we need to recognize that we are all fine-tuning our hearing of God’s voice. We may not hear
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clearly all the time, so we need to carefully weigh any word of prophecy a class member gives us. The following is a helpful guideline: If it doesn’t make sense, put it on the shelf. If it contradicts what God has told you, let it drop. If your spirit confirms it, make a note of it in your journal and watch God bring it about.
4. Encourage hands-on ministry by class members. Allow the gifts of the spirit to manifest in different people.
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Assume that Scripture quotations are from the New International Version, unless otherwise noted. Scripture quotations appear from the following versions: New International Version, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1988. The Amplified Bible, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1987. King James Version, Cleveland, Ohio: The World Publishing Co. New American Standard Bible, Denver, Colorado: Life For Layman, 1979. Quotes from the textbook are from Joy Dawson's Intimate Friendship With God, Old Tappan, New Jersey: Chosen Books-Fleming H. Revell, 1986.
Lesson 1 1. [Old Woman] Paul Lee Tan, Th.D., The Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations (Rockville, Maryland: Assurance Publishers, 1979), p. 763, #3227. 2. [philos] James Strong, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (Nashville, Tennessee: Crusade Bible Publishers, Inc.), #5384.
3. [doulos] Ibid., #1401.
4. [servant of God] William Barclay, The Daily Study Bible—The Letters of James and Peter (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1956), pp. 41–42. 5. [Moody] 1,100 Illustrations from the Writings of D.L. Moody (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1996), p. 179. 6. [choose] The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (Chattanooga, Tennessee: AMG Publishers, 1984), p. 1712, #1586.
7. [saw] Strong, #7200.
8. [aide] The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, p. 1673, #8334.
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9. [friend] Ibid., p. 1661, #7453. 10. [Him, Him, Him] Tan, p. 239, #659.