1 minute read
* external financing brokered through the project
In 2015, Uzbekistan made commitments to implement the sustainable development goals until 2030. An interdepartmental coordination council has been created and an action plan for the implementation of national SDGs has been adopted. The Parliamentary Commission for Monitoring the SDGs and civil society are actively involved in this work.
Bold = information product
Italic = training event
Tajikistan faces the challenges of introducing the SDGs into sectoral policy and cross-sectoral coordination. General information on the SDGs is provided at the web-page of the National Agency for Statistics (sdg.stat.tj) but the actual data is not yet available.
In 2018, 16 national goals and 125 sustainable development targets were adopted. Based on the global system of indicators, a list of 200 SDG indicators for Uzbekistan has been compiled. The main tool for monitoring and disseminating data on SDG indicators is the national SDG reporting platform nsdg.stat.uz.
Turkmenistan became one of the first states that officially adopted the sustainable development goals, adapting them to national conditions and strategies for socioeconomic development.
Based on the results of consultations and analysis, in 2021 a list of 17 goals, 136 tasks and 180 indicators was approved, which will be implemented until 2030. A working group has been created from representatives of more than 50 ministries and departments, local authorities, public organizations and institutions. The Ministry of Finance and Economy is the coordinator, while the State Committee on Statistics is responsible for collecting and maintaining the SDG database. An SDG portal has been developed, but so far it is intended for departmental use.