JoTT 3(5): 1737-1804 26 May 2011

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May 2011 | Vol. 3 | No. 5 | Pages 1737–1804 Date of Publication 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print)

Calcinus morgani

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of articles in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication.

Journal of Threatened Taxa Published by Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society

Typeset and printed at Zoo Outreach Organisation

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JoTT Communication

3(5): 1737–1744

Unregulated aquaculture and invasive alien species: a case study of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake (Ramsar Wetland), Kerala, India K. Krishnakumar 1, Anvar Ali 2, Benno Pereira 3 & Rajeev Raghavan 4 Community Environment Resource Center, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE), Alleppey, Kerala, India 2,3,4 Conservation Research Group (CRG), St. Albert’s College, Kochi, Kerala, India 4 Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK Email: 1, 2, 3, 4 (corresponding author) 1

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: Neelesh Dahanukar Manuscript details: Ms # o2378 Received 30 December 2009 Final received 05 April 2011 Finally accepted 20 April 2011 Citation: Krishnakumar, K., A. Ali, B. Pereira & R. Raghavan (2011). Unregulated aquaculture and invasive alien species: a case study of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake (Ramsar Wetland), Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1737–1744. Copyright: © K. Krishnakumar, Anvar Ali, Benno Pereira & Rajeev Raghavan 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Author Details and Author Contribution: see end of this article Acknowledgements: The authors thank the local fishers in Vembanad Lake for their help and assistance during the sampling. The first author thanks Priyadarsanan Dharmarajan (Fellow), Latha Bhaskar (Project Coordinator), Seena Narayanan (Research Associate), Aneesh A (Research Associate) at the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangaluru, India for their support. Two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manuscript.


Abstract: Indiscriminate and illegal farming of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus, in central Kerala has now resulted in the escape and spread of the species into Vembanad Lake, a large brackish water wetland and inland fish diversity hotspot. We collected 17 individuals of C. gariepinus ranging in size from 200 to 750 mm from different locations in the southern sector of the lake during a field survey conducted in 2007. Samples comprised of mature specimens of both sexes indicating their reproductive potential in the study area. The possible impacts of spread of C. gariepinus into natural water bodies of Kerala, especially the Vembanad Lake, and options for their management are discussed. Keywords: Aquaculture, Clarias gariepinus, exotic fish, introduction, illegal farming, invasive alien species, Vembanad Lake

INTRODUCTION Aquaculture has been a major cause for introduction of exotic fish and shellfish worldwide (Naylor et al. 2001). Around 50 species of finfish that are alien to one nation or the other are being cultured in Asia (de Silva et al. 2006). These include species that are farmed in accordance with national laws and regulations as well as those that are illegally introduced and cultured. India, the second largest aquaculture producer in the world (FAO 2008-2009), has a thriving industry focusing on various cyprinids, freshwater prawn and marine shrimp. Around 40% of the national production is also contributed by various alien cyprinids, notably the common carp and different species of Chinese carps (de Silva et al. 2006). However, unregulated introduction and illegal farming of several new exotic species has been documented in the recent past (Raghavan & Prasad 2006; Singh & Lakra 2006). Several of these species are listed as potential pests, capable of negatively impacting the native aquatic biodiversity. One such species is the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus, which is now widely farmed in many regions of Africa, Europe and Asia. Clarias gariepinus was brought to India from neighbouring Bangladesh (Thakur 1998) and cultured initially in the two northeastern states of West Bengal and Assam and the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, together with the Indian Major Carp (Baruah et al. 1999). Serious losses to the carp in such mixed culture ponds led farmers to switch over to monoculture of this predatory catfish (Baruah et al. 1999). The first consignment of catfish

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1737–1744


Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake

K. Krishnakumar et al.












Figure 1. Map of Vembanad Lake showing sampling sites

Study area: The Vembanad - Kol wetland system (09000’-10040’N & 76000’-77030’E) and its 10 associated drainage basins are situated in the humid tropical region on the south west coast of the Indian peninsula. They are characterized by a continuous chain of lagoons or backwaters, 96km long, one of the largest estuarine systems in Kerala (WWF 2006). The wetland system covers an area of 1512km2 and has been designated as a Ramsar Site. The lake is renowned for its live clam resources and subfossil deposits, as a habitat for the threatened Spot-billed Pelican Pelicanus philippensis, large bird population especially water fowls, besides a high species diversity of finfish and shellfish (WWF 2002). One-hundred -and-fifty species of fish belonging to 100 genera and 56 families are known to occur in Vembanad Lake (Kurup & Samuel 1985). Sampling and analyses: Detailed sampling was carried out during January to July 2007 at three sites located in the southern sector of Vembanad Lake (Fig. 1): Kaithapuzha Kayal, AC Canal and Punnamada Lake (Image 1). The sites were chosen based on the reports of local fishers on the netting of C. gariepinus in these regions. Experimental fishing was carried out at dawn (0500-0900 hr) and also during the night 1738



fry from Bangladesh via Andhra Pradesh reached the southern Indian state of Kerala in 1993 or early 1994 (Middendorp 1998), and since then it has been cultured in many parts of the state. One important area for African Catfish farming in Kerala has been in the vicinity of the Vembanad Lake in central Kerala – a region having a long history of fisheries-related activities, including inland capture fisheries and aquaculture. Local fishers have reported stray catches of C. gariepinus from the many waterways that lie adjacent to the Vembanad Lake since the last decade (Gopi 2000). However, in recent years, increasing catches of C. gariepinus have been made from the main water body of the lake (K. Krishnakumar pers. obs.). Therefore our prime objective was to determine whether C. gariepinus has established a feral population in the Vembanad Lake, and if so what the repercussions could be for native ichthyofauna.

(1830-0000 hr). A variety of gear including gill net, cast net, hook and line, and scoop net was used to avoid any sampling bias. In order to determine the relative robustness or degree of well-being of this exotic fish caught from Vembanad Lake, the coefficient of condition was calculated using the formula K= 100000L/W3 (Williams 2000).

RESULTS We collected 17 individuals of C. gariepinus (Image 2) in the length group of 200 to 750mm (total length) from the different sampling sites (Table 1). Fourteen individuals (82%) collected from the lake had a coefficient of condition (K) greater than one (K > 1) indicating that the species is performing well in this new habitat and that it could turn invasive in near future, because it will increase in numbers and start dominating the fish populations. Catches comprised of both sexes although the ratio was skewed in favour of females. Three individuals were identified as mature (2 males and 1 female) based on the development of

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1737–1744

Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake

K. Krishnakumar et al.

Table 1. Biological data of C. gariepinus individuals caught from Lake Vembanad.




Total Length (mm)

Body Weight (g)



Coefficient of conditioning (K)




























































































Image 1. Sampling sites. (a) S1 - Punnamada Kayal; (b) S2 A S Canal; (c) S3 - Pookaitha Kayal

testis and ovary which was observed after dissecting the specimens. All catches of C. gariepinus during our study were made from a hook and line baited with flesh and intestine of sardine. Ten individuals were caught during the early hours of the morning (05000700 hr) and seven during the night (2100-2300 hr). Although a wide variety of fishing gears were used,


Image 2. Clarias gariepinus (a) Farm raised and (b) wild caught

we could collect C. garipeinus using only a hook and line.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1737–1744


Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake

K. Krishnakumar et al.

DISCUSSION Kurup et al. (2004) reported the occurrence of C. gariepinus in farms of Kuttanad located along the Vembanad Lake in central Kerala. These farms could be the major source of C. gariepinus escapees into the Lake. The African Catfish has a tendency to leave the water at night using its strong pectoral fins and spines in search of land-based food (Burgess 1989) and also move into the breeding areas through very shallow pathway—movements which may be responsible for the fish being widely distributed in the Lake. The most obvious factor that could be attributed to the escape of pond reared individuals into the Lake is the physiographic nature of the region. Kuttanad is one of the highest flood prone areas in Kerala and most of the region is under flood waters of Vembanad Lake and its confluent rivers during the monsoon. Most farms in Kuttanad are traditional ones with little or no infrastructure (Image 3). Ponds are generally shallow and located in low lying areas adjoining the lake. Monsoon rains and associated flooding cause bunds and associated traditional sluice structures in the ponds to break frequently thereby facilitating the escape of the pond fish into the main water body of the lake. Such escapes are a common yearly occurrence in flood plains of the Chao Phraya River basin in central Thailand (Na-Nakorn 1999; Seenanan et al. 2004) where a thriving aquaculture activity of catfish takes place. Another important, but often overlooked reason for introduction of C. gariepinus in Vembanad Lake and its confluent waterways is the flourishing live fish trade. Several hundred large and small fish


markets and landing centers are located along the banks of the Vembanad Lake where C. gariepinus and other native catfish are sold live. As with aquaculture farms in the region, landing centres and markets are mostly traditional with little or no infrastructure to support live fish trade. An added worry is the lack of knowledge on handling practices for live fish by the traders. Such markets and landing centres are hence a potential source from where C. gariepinus could escape into the lake. Although aquaculture of C. gariepinus is banned in India vide the 9 October 1997 meeting of the National Committee for the introduction (screening/observing) of species (aquatic forms) (Gopi & Radhakrishnan 2002), aquaculturists have taken little consideration for such bans and continue rearing this catfish. It is widely believed that the popularity for African catfish aquaculture is due to the simplicity in their rearing (Singh & Lakra 2006). The low operational costs and high profits derived from African catfish farming have led to intensification of production. The most common strategy used to augment production is to increase the rearing density. Some farmers maintain very high stocking densities, higher than the carrying capacity of the ponds thereby aiding in escapes (Pascal et al. 2009). The little or no management measures taken by farmers especially in preventing such escape of pond reared individuals has now resulted in the species being distributed in many natural water bodies of the country. C. gariepinus is now being increasingly caught from many rivers including Ganga, Yamuna, Sutlej and Godavari (Mishra et al. 2000; Sugunan 2002). An


Image 3. Farms culturing Clarias gariepinus in the vicinity of Vembanad Lake 1740

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1737–1744

Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake

unconfirmed report (Basheer 2003) mentions that the fish is now commonly caught by fisherman in Periyar River, Kerala, which incidentally is one of the confluent rivers of the Vembanad-Kole wetland. Gopi & Radhakrishnan (2002) reported on the negative impacts of the introduction and culture of C. gariepinus on the native fish fauna of Manalur in Kerala. They observed that African Catfish escaped from rearing ponds in the area and got established in the larger community/ village ponds subsequently wiping out the indigenous species like snakeheads (Channa sp.). Apprehensions have been raised by local communities on the possible impacts to native fishes of the Kole-wetlands that lie adjacent to ponds stocked with C. gariepinus in the case of such escapes (Gopi & Radhakrishnan 2002). African Catfish has also been observed from Periyar Lake in Kerala (Periyar Foundation 2006; Sudhi 2009), a hotspot harbouring many strictly endemic and Endangered native species (Lepidopygopsis typus, Nemacheilus menoni, Crossocheilus periyarensis, Hypselobarbus periyarensis, Garra periyarensis, Nemacheilus periyarensis). Vembanad Lake and its associated wetlands could provide the perfect habitat setting for C. gariepinus to invade and colonize as they are similar to the natural habitats of this species in Africa—calm lakes, rivers and swamps in areas that flood on a seasonal basis. C. gariepinus is a slowmoving, omnivorous predatory fish, which feeds on a variety of food items from microscopic zooplankton, to fish half its length, or 10% of its own body weight (de Graff & Jansen 1996). They are also known to occasionally prey on reptiles, amphibians and birds (de Moor & Bruton 1988). Vembanad Lake is an exceptionally rich wetland harbouring many species of aquatic organisms as well as amphibious reptiles and birds which could be potential prey for the catfish. Another important aspect of predation by C. gariepinus is their ability to switch feeding from one type of prey to another (de Graff & Jansen 1996). This could indicate a grave threat to all organisms that fall under the prey spectrum of C. gariepinus in case of a proliferation of population of this exotic catfish in Vembanad Lake. The presence of C. gariepinus in Vembanad Lake is especially a threat to highly prized native cichlids like Etroplus suratensis and Etroplus maculatus which resembles African cichlids that are common prey of C. gariepinus in its native ranges in Africa (Winemiller & Kelso-Winemiller

K. Krishnakumar et al.

1996). Vembanad Lake is also home to many species of freshwater and estuarine catfishes including Wallago attu, Mystus vittatus, Ompok bimaculatus and Heteropneustes fossilis that share similar trophic niche with C. gariepinus. As with the African Catfish, most native catfish are also carni-omnivores thereby indicating the possibility of increased competition for food resources. In addition, several omnivorous catfishes of Vembanad are listed as threatened due to their low abundance and declining populations (Molur & Walker 1998). Such vulnerable species are particularly at risk due to the possible invasion of the ecosystem by a predator in the class of C. gariepinus. Introduction and subsequent colonization of C. gariepinus in new environments have led to decline and extermination of local species. Depletion of 56 species of native fish in Bangladesh has been linked to the introduction of C. gariepinus (Barua et al. 2000). Similarly, hybrid Clarias (C. gariepinus x C. macrocephalus) is known to have contributed to the decline of native C. batrachus in the Mekong Delta (Welcomme & Vidthayanon 2003). Our collections included at least three mature specimens (one female and two male) suggesting that the resident population has reproductive potential. Literature indicates that C. gariepinus can be sexually active from the first year of its life (Yalcin et al. 2001). Since the physiography and eco-biology of the Vembanad Lake including a seasonal monsoon is highly conducive to the natural breeding of C. gariepinus, it would not be long before the species breeds establishing a self sustaining population and subsequently colonizing the ecosystem. Apart from bio-ecological impacts, the invasion of African catfish in natural waters can also have long lasting genetic implications C. gariepinus was introduced into Thailand for hybridizing with the indigenous C. macrocephalus. The hybrid is now cultured extensively and is preferred by local farmers, because of its considerably higher growth rate than that of the indigenous species and desirable flesh quality (NaNakorn 1999). However, Senanan et al. (2004) and Na-Kakorn et al. (2004) observed the introgression of African Catfish genes into the native walking catfish C. macrocephalus in four wild and two broodstock populations in central Thailand. Native gene pools of C. macrocephalus was suggested to have been diluted and threatened, and if in the absence of appropriate

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1737–1744


Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake

K. Krishnakumar et al.

management strategies the indigenous walking catfish could be potentially threatened as a result of massive backcrossing with hybrid catfish (Na-Nakorn et al. 2004). Similar problems have occurred in Bangladesh through the use of hybrid C. batrachus x C. gariepinus for aquaculture (Rahman et al. 1995). C. gariepinus in India has been suggested to be a mix of different stocks belonging to different genetic lineages (Lal et al. 2003). We positively believe that C. gariepinus has established a feral population in Vembanad Lake and its associated wetlands. One reason for the nonappearance of this species in local fisherman’s catches is due to the fact that C. gariepinus is known to seldom entangle in a gill net – which incidentally is the single most important gear used by local fishers in the region. Local fishers and aquaculturists having years of experience with inland catfishes have opined that African catfish have a tendency to break the gill nets which are laid overnight and so are conspicuously absent in gill net catches. The extent of spread of C. gariepinus in various natural water bodies of Kerala especially those that are located near areas where farming of this species takes place require comprehensive investigations. Vembanad Lake is an area that needs a more detailed focus as many small and large farms and live fish markets where C. gariepinus are handled occur in the vicinity of the lake as well as its confluent rivers. Determining the biological, demographical and genetic impacts of the presence and possible colonization of this predatory species on native fish fauna is an immediate research priority. It would also be worthwhile to conduct studies to determine the best techniques for capture and control of this predator. The opportunistic strategy and ability to establish large and persistent populations makes C. gariepinus a threat to native fishes and livelihoods of inland fishers. Thus there is an immediate need for all stakeholders involved to discuss and deliberate the potential impacts of this problem and chalk out efficient strategies to combat them. Effectual control of alien species can only be undertaken through understanding the pathways of introduction and dispersal. In the case of Vembanad Lake, it is known that aquaculture ponds as well as live fish trade in the region are the two major sources of escapes. These pathways can therefore be regulated to an extent if the authority’s commitment 1742

to protecting native biodiversity is enhanced and the inability or unwillingness to enforce laws that exist is looked into. Fugitive fish - those that escape from aquaculture facilities (Naylor et al. 2005) are a major cause for worry in salmon aquaculture. However, solutions including use of sterile animals and triploids (Benfey 2001; Sadler et al. 2001) are being tried to mitigate impacts due to the emerging issue of aquaculture escapees. Effective management requires the availability of relevant background information. It is true that the ability to understand the problem of exotic species invasion in Kerala’s inland waters has been extremely limited. Very little information is available on the occurrence and possible impacts of exotic species in the region (Raghavan et al. 2008). A healthy synergy is generally absent between scientists and policy makers in Kerala. A common caveat that has been put forth by policy makers from developing management plans and enforcing regulations is the lack of information on the occurrence and possible impacts of exotic fishes in Kerala. We expect that our present effort could be a start to more studies in the future that could bring insights into the emerging issue and compel the authorities to act in a rational manner.

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Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake

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Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake

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Comparative ecology of catfishes of the Upper Zambezi River floodplain. Journal of Fish Biology 49: 1043–1061. WWF (2002). Information sheet on Ramsar Wetlands (RIS). Accessed online on March 18 2008 WWF (2006). Vembanad Kole Wetland. Accessed online on March 18 2008. http:// ramsar_sites/vembanad_kol_wetland.cfm. Yalcin, S., K. Solak & I. Akyurt (2001). Certain reproductive characteristics of the Catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822) living in the River Asi, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology 25: 453–460.

Author Details: K. Krishnakumar is a Programme Officer with the Community Environment Resource Center (CERC) of the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE), Alleppey, Kerala, India. His interest is in understanding biological invasions in freshwater systems of Kerala. Anvar Ali is a Senior Fellow at the Conservation Research Group, St. Albert’s College, Kochi, Kerala, India interested in freshwater fish taxonomy. Benno Pereira is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Conservation Research Group, St. Albert’s College, Kochi, India. His research interests are in biology and captive breeding of endemic freshwater fishes. Rajeev Raghavan is a Senior Fellow and Associate Director of the Conservation Research Group, St. Albert’s College, Kochi, India. His interest is in conservation biology with special reference to freshwater fishes of Western Ghats. Author Contributions: KK carried out the field surveys and sampling associated with the study; AA and BP carried out the biological analyses; RR and AA planned and designed the study, interpreted the results and wrote the manuscript.


Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1737–1744

JoTT Communication

3(5): 1745–1755

Zooplankton diversity of Loktak Lake, Manipur, India B.K. Sharma 1 & Sumita Sharma 2 Freshwater Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill University, Permanent Campus, Umshing, Shillong, Meghalaya 793022, India Email: 1 (corresponding author), 2


Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: M.M. Saxena Manuscript details: Ms # o2457 Received 11 May 2010 Final received 13 January 2011 Finally accepted 27 April 2011 Citation: Sharma, B.K. & S. Sharma (2011). Zooplankton diversity of Loktak Lake, Manipur, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1745– 1755. Copyright: © B.K. Sharma & Sumita Sharma 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Author Details: Drs. BK Sharma and Sumita Sharma specialize in aquatic biodiversity and limnology and have made significant contributions to faunal diversity, biogeography and ecology of freshwater zooplankton of India. The corresponding author is a Professor in Department of Zoology and Dean, School of Life Sciences, NEHU, Shillong. Author Contribution: The present study is the result of work undertaken by the authors at the Freshwater Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong. Acknowledgements: This study is undertaken partly under the “Potential for Excellence Program (Focused Area: Biosciences)” of NorthEastern Hill University, Shillong. The senior author is thankful to the G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environmental Development, Almora for a research grant during which this study was initiated. Thanks are due to the Head, Department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong for necessary laboratory facilities.


Abstract: Zooplankton communities of Loktak Lake showed rich and speciose biocoenosis (162 and 142 species), high monthly richness (91 ± 13 and 80 ± 10 species) and by higher similarities (51.1–82.0 and 51.8–78.3 %) and peak richness during winter and autumn over two years of study. Zooplankton (267 ± 41 n/l) formed a significant quantitative component (56.0 ± 6.3 %) of net plankton and showed annual peak abundance during winter. Rotifera > Cladocera are dominant quantitative groups while Copepoda > Rhizopoda are sub-dominant groups. We observed significant annual and monthly variations of zooplankton richness and abundance. This study showed limited influence of individual abiotic factors on zooplankton, with richness showing a significant inverse correlation with water hardness and chloride, and abundance inversely correlated with nitrate. Multiple regressions indicated higher cumulative effects of 15 abiotic factors on richness and abundance. Our results exhibited no definite periodicity of richness and abundance of zooplankton and their constituent groups during two annual cycles. Zooplankton is characterized by highest species diversity (4.172 ± 0.237), higher evenness and lower dominance. Keywords: Abundance, community similarities, diversity indices, ecology, Ramsar site, richness.

INTRODUCTION Zooplankton are integral components of aquatic food webs and contribute significantly to aquatic productivity in freshwater ecosystems. They have been studied from various inland aquatic environs of India, but a review of the limnological literature indicates limited information on their composition, ecology and role in aquatic productivity in the floodplain lakes in particular (Sharma & Sharma 2008). The related contributions from the floodplain lakes of northeastern India (Sharma & Hussain 2001; Sharma 2005; Sharma & Sharma 2008) are as yet restricted to the beels of the Brahmaputra river basin of Assam. The present study on synecology of zooplankton of Loktak Lake assumes special limnological significance in view of a lack of investigations in the floodplain lakes (pats) of Manipur. The observations are made on temporal variations in richness, community similarities, abundance, species diversity, dominance and evenness of zooplankton of this important floodplain lake, a Ramsar site of India. In addition, the influence of abiotic parameters on richness and abundance of zooplankton are analyzed.

MATERIALS AND METHODS This study is a part of a limnological survey undertaken (November 2002–October 2004) in Loktak Lake (93046’–93055’E & 24025’–

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24042’N) located in Bishnupur/Imphal districts of Manipur of India. Various common aquatic plants of this Ramsar site included Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrilla verticellata, Euryale ferox, Vallisnaria spiralis, Utricularia flexuosa, Trapa natans, Lemna trisula, Pistia striates, Salvinia sp. Nymphaea spp., Nymphoides spp., Nelumbo mucifera, Potamageton spp. and Azolla pinnata. The observations were undertaken at one sampling site at Sendra (93047’45.61’’E & 24030’56.75’’N). Water samples were collected at regular monthly intervals and were analyzed for various abiotic factors following APHA (1992); water temperature, specific conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen were recorded by the field probes. Qualitative (by towing) and quantitative plankton samples (by filtering 25l water each) were collected monthly by nylobolt plankton net (mesh size 50µm) and were preserved in 5% formalin. The former were screened for various species and quantitative samples were analyzed for their abundance. Zooplankton species were identified following the works of Koste (1978), Michael & Sharma (1988), Sharma (1998) and Sharma & Sharma (1999a, 1990b, 2000, 2008). Community similarities (Sorensen’s index), species diversity (Shannon’s index), dominance (Berger-Parker’s index) and evenness (Pileou’s index) were calculated following Ludwig &

Reynolds (1988) and Magurran (1988). Significance of temporal variations of biotic parameters was ascertained by ANOVA (two-way). The hierarchical cluster analysis, based on zooplankton community similarities, was done using SPSS (version 11.0). Ecological correlations between abiotic and biotic parameters were determined by simple correlation coefficients (r); their P values were calculated vide and significance was ascertained after use of Bonferroni correction (p < 0.0033). Multiple regression (R2) was used to ascertain cumulative effect of 15 abiotic factors i.e., water temperature (X1), rainfall (X2), pH (X3), specific conductivity (X4), dissolved oxygen (X5), free carbon dioxide (X6), alkalinity (X7), hardness (X8), phosphate (X9), nitrate (X10), sulphate (X11), silicate (X12), chloride (X13), dissolved organic matter (X14 ) and total dissolved solids (X15) on biotic factors. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Abiotic parameters Mean water temperature affirms sub-tropical range of Loktak Lake. Slightly acidic and soft waters of this Ramsar site are characterized by low specific conductivity (Table 1) depicting low ionic

Table 1. Abiotic factors of Loktak Lake




Study period




Water Temperature














pH Specific Conductivity





Dissolved oxygen





Free Carbon dioxide


































10.1± 1.4






Dissolved organic matter mg/l




Total dissolved solids






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concentrations. Our results also indicate moderate dissolved oxygen, low free CO2, low concentrations of micro-nutrients and other abiotic factors. Zooplankton richness and community similarities Among 189 species of Zooplankton documented from Loktak Lake (Sharma unpublished), 169 species observed at the sampled site reflect speciose and diverse nature of their biocoenosis. Zooplankton comprise dominant qualitative component of net plankton (237 species) and significantly influence temporal variations of the latter (r = 0.960, p < 0.0001). Overall zooplankton richness is the highest known till date from any floodplain lake or any individual aquatic ecosystem of India and, hence, reflects greater environmental heterogeneity of this Ramsar site. The richness is, however, notably higher than an unpublished report of 55 species (including undetermined and doubtful species) from this lake (Singh 1991). Besides, it is distinctly higher than the records from other Indian floodplain lakes i.e., 51 species (Khan 1987) and 26

species (Yousuf et al. 1986) from Kashmir; 19 species (Baruah et al. 1993) and 31 species (Sanjer & Sharma 1995) from Bihar; 49 species (Sharma & Hussain 2001) from Assam, and 71 species (Khan 2003) from West Bengal. Qualitative dominance of zooplankton in net plankton communities of Loktak Lake concurs with the findings of Sharma & Sharma (2008) but differs from higher phytoplankton richness observed by Baruah et al. (1993), Sinha et al. (1994) and Sharma & Hussain (2001). In general, zooplankton biocoenosis exhibits typical ‘tropical character’ and greater richness of cosmopolitan species while cosmotropical and pantropical species are well represented. Monthly zooplankton richness varies between 69– 121 (85±13) species during the study period (Table 2); it registers significant annual (F1, 23. = 26.712, p< 0.005) and monthly variations (F11, 23. = 10.752, p < 0.005). Richness ranges between 91±13 and 85±13 species during two years and shows annual maxima during winter (December 2002) and autumn (November 2003) respectively. Qualitative diversity is higher

Table 2. Temporal variations of Zooplankton of Loktak Lake 2002-03


Study period

Net Plankton Monthly richness

237 species 119–177 138 ± 18

213 species 117–150 129 ± 12

237 species 117–177 134 ± 16

Zooplankton Monthly richness

169 species 76–121 91 ± 13

142 species 69–98 80 ± 10

169 species 69–121 85 ± 13



57 ± 10


48 ± 6


53 ± 9



23 ± 5


22 ± 4


22 ± 4








Zooplankton (n/l)


246 ± 35


287 ± 34

% composition


54.9 ± 6.6


57.1 ± 5.8


Quantitative 204–319

267 ± 41


56.0 ± 6.3


3.750–4.639 4.186 ±.0.278

3.912–4.519 4.158 ± 0.185

3.750–4.639 4.172 ± 0.237


0.044–0.170 0.087 ± 0.019

0.044–0.101 0.071 ± 0.019

0.044–0.170 0.079 ± 0.033


0.853–0.992 0.929 ± 0.040

0.903–0.988 0.950 ± 0.024

0.853–0.992 0.939 ± 0.035




113 ± 23




66 ± 20




48 ± 21


136 ± 22

69–103 26–64


125 ± 25

79 ± 9


72 ± 18

44 ± 11


45 ± 16




18 ± 4







27 ± 6






Conchostraca (n/l)





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22 ± 7




Zooplankton of Loktak Lake

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throughout first year except during July. In general, this study records (Figs. 1 & 2) relatively lower number of species from February–July during first year while this trend is noticed from January–August in the succeeding year. Individual abiotic factors exert limited influence on zooplankton richness; it registers only significant negative correlations with hardness (r = -0.650, p = 0.0011) and chloride (r = -0.723, p = 0.0002). On the other hand, multiple regression (Table 3) indicates higher cumulative effect of 15 abiotic factors on richness (R2 = 0.863). The collections examined from the selected study site indicate Rotifera (104 species) > Cladocera (41 species) > Rhizopoda (17 species). The faunal diversity of Rotifera and Cladocera of Loktak Lake is explained separately by Sharma (2009a), and Sharma & Sharma (2009a) respectively. Monthly richness (Figs. 1 & 2) of Rotifera ranges between 41–79 (53±9) species



during the study period with annual ranges of 57±10 and 48±6 species respectively (Table 2). Cladocera monthly richness ranges between 17–31 (22±4) species and annual mean richness between 23±5 and 22±4 species respectively while Rhizopoda record lower mean annual richness (7±1 and 6±1 species). The qualitative dominance of the rotifers concurs with the reports of Sharma (2000a, 2000b, 2005), Sharma & Sharma (2001, 2005, 2008) and Khan (2002, 2003). Further, zooplankton or their constituent groups follow no definite pattern of periodicity of richness in this Ramsar site. Zooplankton communities indicate (Tables 4 & 5) only marginally different i.e., 51.1–82.0 % and 51.8–78.2 % annual similarity ranges (vide Sorenson’s index). Peak similarities are observed between December–October and February–September while minima are noticed between April–August and



No. of Species

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 N






M Months






Figure 1. Monthly variations in richness of zooplankton, Rotifera and Cladocera (2002–03)




100 90

No. of Species

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0






A M Months






Figure 2. Monthly variations in richness of zooplankton, Rotifera and Cladocera (2003–04) 1748

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Rescaled distance cluster combine Months

CASE 0 5 10 15 20 25 Number +---------------------+---------------------+----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+

























Figure 3. Hierarchical cluster analysis of zooplankton (2002–03)

Rescaled distance cluster combine Label

CASE 0 5 10 15 20 25 Number +---------------------+---------------------+----------------------+----------------------+--------------------+

























Figure 4. Hierarchical cluster analysis of zooplankton (2003–04)

May–July communities during two years respectively. Similarity matrices exhibit broadly concurrent maximum instances (50.0% and 48.3%) of 60–70 % similarity in both years but show different patterns of cluster analysis (Figs. 3 & 4). The hierarchical cluster analysis shows (Fig. 3) closeness in zooplankton composition between December–October, May–June, March–April and August–September; the last group, however, shows distinct divergence from rest of the monthly collections during 2002–03. In the following year (Fig. 4), greater zooplankton similarity is noticed

between November–September, December–August, March–April and May–October while June–July communities indicate diverse composition. Zooplankton abundance Abundance of zooplankton (Table 2) ranges between 204–319 (267±41) n/l and indicates significant annual (F1, 23 = 32.096, p < 0.005) and monthly variations (F11, 23 = 7.132, p < 0.005). The density is apparently higher than the reports of Yadava et al. (1987), Baruah et al. (1993) and Sharma & Hussain (2001) and it is,

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Zooplankton of Loktak Lake

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400 2002–03


Abundance (n/l)











A Months




Figure 5. Monthly variations in abundance of zooplankton

Table 3. Multiple regressions between abiotic parameters and zooplankton




Zooplankton richness Y = 80.424 - 0.218 (X1) + 0.004 (X2) + 22.829 (X3) + 0.422 (X4) - 3.756 (X5) + 3.116 (X6) -1.191 (X7) - 0.717 (X8) + 48.906 (X9) -106.975 (X10) 67.274 (X11) - 3.785 (X12) - 0.613 (X13) -0.108 (X14) - 3.252 (X15) R2 = 0.863 Zooplankton abundance Y = 420.371 + 0.823 (X1) + 0.065 (X2) - 0.126 (X3) + 0.790 (X4) - 16.838 (X5) + 14.226 (X6) -0.020 (X7) - 2.208 (X8) + 36.539 (X9) - 463.853 (X10) 25.335 (X11) - 9.550 (X12) + 3.727 (X13) + 49.283 (X14) – 149.027 (X15) R2 = 0.851 water temperature (X1), rainfall (X2), pH (X3), specific conductivity (X4), dissolved oxygen (X5), free carbon dioxide (X6), alkalinity (X7), hardness (X8), phosphate (X9), nitrate (X10), sulphate (X11), silicate (X12), chloride (X13), dissolved organic matter (X14 ) and total dissolved solids (X15)

however, lower than the results of Khan (1987), Sanjer & Sharma (1995) and Khan (2002). The abundance shows (Fig. 5) broadly trimodal annual patterns with peaks during winter (December 2002 and December 2003). The stated patterns differ from bimodal periodicity noticed by Yadava et al. (1987) and Sanjer & Sharma (1995) while these concur with the findings of Sharma & Hussain (2001). Abundance is noticed to be relatively higher (287±34 n/l) throughout the second year except only during March. Zooplankton comprise main quantitative component (39.4 - 65.2, 56.0±6.3) % of net plankton (480±74 n/l) and contribute significantly to their temporal variations (r = 0.652, p = 0.0012). The quantitative dominance of zooplankton of Loktak Lake, in turn, concurs with the results of Sharma & Hussain (2001). This salient feature is in contrast to higher phytoplankton abundance reported from the floodplain lakes and 1750

wetlands from different parts of India i.e., Kashmir (Kaul & Pandit 1982), Bihar (Baruah et al. 1993; Sanjer & Sharma 1995), West Bengal (Sugunan 1989) and Assam (Yadava et al. 1987). Abundance records only significant inverse correlation with nitrate (r = -0.697, p = 0.0003) showing very limited influence of individual abiotic while multiple regression indicates (Table 3) higher cumulative effect of 15 abiotic factors on zooplankton abundance (R2 = 0.851). Amongst different groups (Figs. 6 & 7), Rotifera form (46.6±4.1%)) an important quantitative component of zooplankton and contribute significantly (r = 0.974) to their abundance; Cladocera (27.1±5.0 %) and Copepoda (17.4±7.2 %) also contribute to their abundance while Rhizopoda (Table 2) comprise between 8.3±2.0 %. Other groups of zooplankton, namely, Ostracoda, Gastrotricha and Conchostraca indicate very poor abundance (Table 2). The

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160 140

Abundance (n/l)

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 N






M Months






Figure 6. Monthly variations in abundance of different groups of zooplankton (2002–03)







Abundance (n/l)

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0







M Months






Figure 7. Monthly variations in abundance of different groups of zooplankton (2003–04)

synecology of Rotifera and micro-crustaceans are dealt with separately by Sharma (2009b) and Sharma & Sharma (2009b) respectively. In general, zooplankton and their constituent groups follow no definite pattern of quantitative periodicity in Loktak Lake. Species diversity, evenness and dominance Zooplankton show the highest species diversity (3.750–4.639, 4.172±0.237) so far known from any floodplain lake or aquatic ecosystem of northeastern India and elsewhere from this country (Sharma unpublished). This salient feature affirms higher environmental heterogeneity of Loktak Lake. It registers significant monthly (F11, 23 = 3.762, p < 0.01),

shows (Table 2) relatively higher values (4.186±0.278) during the second year and exhibits broadly bimodal but different annual patterns (Fig. 8) with peaks during winter (December 2002) and post-monsoon (October 2004) and minima during summer (May). In general, higher species diversity (< 4.0) is observed during November-February, July and September–October during both years and again during May and June (2nd year) and August (1st year). The notable feature of higher species diversity with relatively lower densities of majority of species noticed in this study may be ascribed to fine niche portioning amongst zooplankton species in combination with high micro- and macroscale habitat heterogeneity as hypothesized by Segers

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4.800 2002–03


Species diversity






3.600 N





A M Months






Figure 8. Monthly variations in species diversity of zooplankton

1.000 2002–03





0.940 0.920 0.900 0.880 0.860 0.840 0.820






A M Months


Figure 9. Monthly variations in evenness of zooplankton

(2008). This study depicts (Table 2) higher evenness (0.813–0.992, 0.939±0.032) of zooplankton; this feature affirms equitable abundance of various species and concurs with the results of Sharma & Hussain (2001) and Sharma & Sharma (2008). It follows (Fig. 9) bimodal and multimodal annual patterns with peaks during August and October during the two years respectively while minima are noticed during summer (May). Zooplankton show (Table 2) lower dominance (0.044–0.170, 0.079±0.033) indicating 1752





lack of quantitative importance of individual species. This feature again concurs with the results of Sharma & Hussain (2001) and Sharma & Sharma (2008). It registers only significant monthly variations (F11, 23 = 3.896, p < 0.01), and follows (Fig. 10) different annual patterns with maxima during April and May during two years respectively. To sum up, zooplankton form important qualitative and quantitative components of net plankton, exhibit highly speciose character with richest diversity and quantitative dominance of Rotifera > Cladocera,

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0.180 2002–03




0.140 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020






A M Months






Figure 10. Monthly variations in dominance of zooplankton

Table 4. Percentage similarities between Zooplankton communities (2002-03) Nov

























































































Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct


Table 5. Percentage similarities between Zooplankton communities (2003-04)

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


























































































Jul Aug Sep Oct

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Zooplankton of Loktak Lake

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and indicate no definite periodicity of richness or abundance of zooplankton or their constituent groups. zooplankton are characterized by highest species diversity, higher evenness and lower dominance, and exhibit lower densities of majority of species. This study registers limited influence of individual abiotic factors but records higher cumulative influence of 15 abiotic factors on richness and abundance. The present observations limited to one sampling station, though provide useful information on composition, production and ecology of zooplankton yet may not reflect full view of heterogeneity of this interesting Ramsar site. Further studies in different parts (pats) of Loktak basin are, hence, desired and have been initiated.

REFERENCES APHA (1992). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (18th edition). American Public Health Association, Washington D.C. Baruah, A., A.K. Sinha & U.P. Sharma (1993). Plankton variability of a tropical wetland, Kawar (Begusarai), Bihar. Journal of Freshwater Biology 5: 27–32. Kaul, V. & A.K. Pandit (1982). Biotic factors and food chain structure in some typical wetlands of Kashmir. Pollution Research 1: 49–54. Khan, M.A. (1987). Observations on zooplankton composition, abundance and periodicity in two flood plain lakes of the Kashmir Himalayan valley. Acta Hydrochemica Hydrobiologia 15: 167–174. Khan, R. A. (2002). The ecology and faunal diversity of two floodplain Ox-bow lakes of south-eastern West Bengal. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 195: 1–57. Khan, R.A. (2003). Faunal diversity of zooplankton in freshwater wetlands of southeastern West Bengal. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 204: 1–107. Koste, W. (1978). ROTATORIA. Die Rädertiere Mitteleuropas, begründet von Max Voigt. Überordnung Monogononta. Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart. I. Text (673 pp) U. II. Tafelbd. (T. 234). Ludwig, J.A. & J. F. Reynolds (1988). Statistical Ecology: A Primer on Methods and Computing. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 337pp. Magurran, A.E. (1988). Ecological Diversity and its Measurement. Croom Helm Limited, London, 179pp. Michael, R.G. & B.K. Sharma (1988). INDIAN CLADOCERA. (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Cladocera). Fauna of India and adjacent countries Series. Published by Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, 262pp. Sanjer, L.R. & U.P. Sharma (1995). Community structure 1754

of plankton in Kawar lake wetland, Begusarai, Bihar: II Zooplankton. Journal of Freshwater Biology 7: 165–167. Segers, H. (2008). Global diversity of rotifers (Rotifera) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595: 49–59. Sharma, B.K. (1998). Freshwater Rotifers (Rotifera: Eurotatoria). In: Fauna of West Bengal. State Fauna Series 3(11): 341–461. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Sharma, B.K. (2000a). Rotifers from some tropical floodplain lakes of Assam (N.E. India). Tropical Ecology 41(2): 175–181. Sharma, B.K. (2000b). Synecology of Rotifers in a tropical floodplain lake of Upper Assam (N. E. India). The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 70: 880–885. Sharma, B.K. (2005). Rotifer communities of floodplain lakes of the Brahmaputra basin of lower Assam (N.E. India): biodiversity, distribution and ecology. Hydrobiologia 533: 209–221. Sharma, B. K. (2009a). Diversity of Rotifers (Rotifera: Eurotatoria) of Loktak lake, North-Eastern India. Tropical Ecology 50(2): 277–285. Sharma, B.K. (2009b). Richness, abundance and ecology of Rotifera of Loktak Lake (a Ramsar site), Manipur, Northeastern India. Ecology, Environment & Conservation 15(2): 299–306. Sharma, B.K. & M. Hussain (2001). Abundance and ecology of Zooplankton in a tropical floodplain lake, Assam (N.E. India). Ecology, Environment & Conservation 7(4): 397– 403. Sharma, B. K. & S. Sharma (1999a). Freshwater Rotifers (Rotifera: Eurotatoria). In: State Fauna Series: Fauna of Meghalaya. 4(9): 11–161. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Sharma, B. K. & S. Sharma (1999b). Freshwater Cladocerans (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Cladocera). In: State Fauna Series: Fauna of Meghalaya 4(9): 469 –550. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Sharma, B.K. & S. Sharma (2000). Freshwater Rotifers (Rotifera: Eurotatoria). In: State Fauna Series: Fauna of Tripura 7(4): 163–224. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Sharma, B.K. & S. Sharma (2001). Biodiversity of Rotifera in some tropical floodplain lakes of the Brahmaputra river basin, Assam (N.E. India). Hydrobiologia 446/447: 305– 313. Sharma, B.K. & S. Sharma (2005). Faunal diversity of Rotifers (Rotifera: Eurotatoria) of Deepor beel, Assam (N.E. India) - a Ramsar site. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 102(2): 169–175. Sharma, B. K. & S. Sharma (2009a). Faunal diversity of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of Loktak Lake (a Ramsar site), Manipur (N.E. India). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 106(2): 156–161. Sharma, B.K. & S. Sharma (2009b). Diversity of microcrustacea (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of Loktak lake, a Ramsar site, Manipur, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 1(11): 541–548.

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Zooplankton of Loktak Lake

Sharma, S. & B.K. Sharma (2008). Zooplankton diversity in floodplain lakes of Assam. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 290: 1–307. Singh, R.K.S. (1991). Study of nutrient enrichment in Loktak lake with reference to Biological indices. PhD Thesis. Manipur University, Manipur. Sinha, A.K., A. Baruah, D.K. Singh & U.P. Sharma (1994). Biodiversity and pollution status in relation to physicochemical factors of Kawar lake Begusarai), North Bihar. Journal of Freshwater Biology 6: 309–331.

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Sugunan, V.V. (1989). Limnological features in beels: Biotic factors. Bulletin of the Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore 63: 128– 135. Yadava, Y.S., R.K. Singh, M. Choudhury & V. Kolekar (1987). Limnology and productivity in Dighali beel (Assam). Tropical Ecology 28: 137–146. Yousuf, A.R., G.M. Shah & M.Y. Qadri (1986). Some limnological aspects of Mirgund wetland. Geobios New Reports 5: 27–30.

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JoTT Short Commnication

3(5): 1756–1763

New locality records and additional information on habitats of three species of clam shrimps (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from a region in northern part of Western Ghats (Sahyadris), India Sameer M. Padhye 1, Hemant V. Ghate 2 & Kalpana Pai 3 Research fellow, Department of Zoology, Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra 411007, India Head , Department of Zoology, Modern College, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411 005, India 3 Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra 411007, India Email: 1 (corresponding author), 2, 3 1 2

Abstract: Sampling in two freshwater bodies near Pune City, Maharashtra State located in the northern region of the Western Ghats revealed the presence of three species of clam shrimps. In this paper we provide new locality records of genera Caenestheriella sp. and Lynceus sp. from the northern region of the Western Ghats in Maharashtra State, India. We also provide some habitat description and information on ecological parameters of the water bodies. Keywords: Branchiopods, clam shrimps, freshwater, India, new records, Pune

Large branchiopods are mostly found in temporary pools. The relatively rapid growth, maturation and the production of dormant stages make them highly adapted to the recurrent filling and drying of temporary pools, producing both aquatic and terrestrial phases (Brendonck et al. 1996). The crustacean class Branchiopoda includes

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: Stephen C. Weeks Manuscript details: Ms # o2486 Received 18 June 2010 Final received 15 December 2010 Finally accepted 04 January 2011 Citation: Padhye, S.M., H.V. Ghate & K. Pai (2011). New locality records and additional information on habitats of three species of clam shrimps (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from a region in northern part of Western Ghats (Sahyadris), India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1756–1763. Copyright: © Sameer M. Padhye, Hemant V. Ghate & Kalpana Pai 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Acknowledgements: We would like to thank CSIR and UGC for providing the funds required for the study. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


clam shrimps (Spinicaudata, Laevicaudata, and Cyclestherida), tadpole shrimps (Notostraca), fairy shrimps (Anostraca) and cladocerans (Cladocera). It is a morphologically diverse group of ecologically important, largely freshwater organisms (Brendonck 2008). Although clam shrimps (the suborders Laevicaudata, Spinicaudata, and Cyclestherida, formerly treated as the order Conchostraca; see Martin & Davis 2001) are known from eastern Asia, records from Southeast Asia are rare (Martin et al. 2003). Our knowledge of the distribution and ecology of large branchiopods of India is very poor. There have been very few studies of the biodiversity of clam shrimps from India. The first work on clam shrimps in India was done by Baird (1860) and was followed by Gurney (1906). It was then followed by taxonomic works by Nayar & Nair (1968), Nair (1965), Royan & Alfred (1971), Battish (1981), Balaraman & Nayar (2004) and Prasad & Simhachalam (2009). These works include very little information about clam shrimp habitats. So far, 35 species of clam shrimps have been reported from India (Prasad & Simhachalam 2009), out of which only four species have been reported from Maharashtra. The Western Ghats is a biodiversity hotspot and new species are being discovered there regularly. There has been no detailed survey, as of yet, on the clam shrimp diversity from the Western Ghats. Ghate et al. (2003) reported three species from Pune, though no reference material is present for confirmation nor is any detailed description presented in the paper. There are, unfortunately, no reliable keys for species-level identification of Indian clam shrimps.

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New locality records of clam shrimps

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Royan & Alfred (1971), Battish (1981) and Balaraman & Nayar (2004) have described a few Indian species; mainly new species of Lynceus. No type specimens were available for comparative studies, although some authors have deposited the reference material. Collections from one pool and a small pond revealed three species of clam shrimps out of which two are new records to the northern Western Ghats: one species each from the genera Lynceus, and Caenestheriella and one species from the family Leptestheriidae were

collected and studied. Materials and Methods Study sites: The pond in University of Pune was located near the main administrative building (18033’17.62”N & 73049’26.80”E) (Image 1 C-D). It was a temporary pond, though there was water until the month of April. The Pune University pond has quite a diverse zooplankton fauna along with other groups of animals. Chara sp. of algae was abundant





Image 1. A-B - Alandi Road pools; C-D - University of Pune pond Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1756-1763


New locality records of clam shrimps

S.M. Padhye et al.

at the site of collection. Depth of the pond varied from 6cm to nearly 2m. The second habitat was an ephemeral pool located on Alandi Road just on the outskirts of Pune City (18038’21.23”N & 73052’42.29”E) (Image 1 A-B). It was a small pool and water was present from the start of monsoon till the month of November. Depth of the pool was around 12-15 cm. Chara sp. was also seen in this habitat. Methods: Sampling took place with a net (mesh about 300µm) swept at a depth of about 6cm at both localities. Sampling was carried out in June and July 2009 in Pune University pond and in July and August 2009 in Alandi road pools. Quantitative sampling was started on 24 June 2009 and was continued once every week until the clam shrimps could not be seen (22 July 2009). It was done by filtering two litres of water from an approximately one square foot area from a single site and these quantitative observations were based entirely on the sampling from a single day. Only qualitative sampling was done for the other two species found in the pool on Alandi Road. All samples were preserved in 4% formalin. Physico-chemical properties (conductivity, salinity, and total dissolved solids) of both habitats were measured in the field with a portable EUTECH Multiparameter PCSTestr 35. A stereo zoom microscope (Magnus MS 24) was used for dissections, as well as for general observations. A compound microscope (Magnus MLXi) was also used for observation of some morphological characters as well as photographic documentation. Generic level identification for Lynceus sp. and Caenestheriella sp. and family level identification for the Leptestheriidae species was done by keys given by Martin & Boyce (2004) and Thorp & Covich (2001). Results One species from the family Leptestheriidae (Image 2 A-F) was found in a pond located on the campus of University of Pune. This was the only non cladoceran branchiopod seen in the habitat. The pond in the University had an abundance of Chara sp., though the density decreased as the months progressed. The pond also had Hydrilla sp., though it was never seen at the site where the clam shrimp were found. Many cladoceran species, like Macrothrix spinosa, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Simocephalus mixtus, were found in the pond. The pH of this pond gradually 1758

increased and stabilised at about 8. Conductivity was higher for the University pond as compared to the Road pool. The average conductivity for Pune University pond was 1000 µS cm−1. The temperature also fluctuated from 27 to 32 0C (Table1). The specimen from the University pond belonged to family Leptestheriidae (Image 2 A-F) as the distal extremity of rostrum had a acute rostral spine in both sexes in adult (Martin & Boyce 2004). To check whether the species was Leptestheriella maduraensis (Nayar & Nair 1968) and reported by Ghate et al. (2003) from Pune, we compared our specimen’s characters with the characters given by Nayar & Nair (1968) and found that the species at Pune University had some different characters. Because the literature and illustrations were not provided and there were no reference specimens, no definitive comparisons could be made. Characters showing similarity with L. maduraensis were the hairy margin of the shell (Image 2D) and distinct dorso-posterior shell morphology for males and females (Image 2 E -F). However, there were some characters that were different: the number of segments in the first and second antenna in males and females, telson with more than 28 spines on its dorsal edge and the furcal claw without any conspicuous spines. Quantitative sampling of species from the family Leptestheriidae was started after its initial discovery in the pond. Weekly sampling revealed that the number of individuals were greatest on 24 June. The numbers quickly reduced and no clam shrimp could be seen after 22 July 2009 (Table 2). Three individuals were kept in the laboratory for observation and we noted that the shrimps in the lab survived for more than a month after last sighting in the pond. Some general observations seen were that the shrimps rested most of the time, either lying laterally or ventrally on the shell or by digging in the soil and burying themselves.

Table 1. Parameters of the two habitats studied. Alandi Road pool (Mean ± SE)

Pune University pond (Mean ± SE)


8.66 ± 0.06

7.97 ± 0.029


30.2 ± 0.35

29.4 ± 0.50


Conductivity (uS/cm)

450 ± 6

1005 ± 35

T.D.S (ppm)

316 ± 1.5

712 ± 24.6

Salinity (p.p.t)

0.22 ± 3.5

0.49 ± 0.18

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1756-1763

New locality records of clam shrimps

S.M. Padhye et al.






Image 2. A-F - Species from the family Leptestheriidae A - Habitus; B - Head; C - Telson; D - Hairy margin of the shell; E - Dorso posterior margin of female shell; F - Dorso posterior margin of male shell)

Digging behaviour was seen more often than the other types. The posterior part of the body with the telson always remained out when the shrimps were buried in the soil. There was a sudden burst of activity

seen in between the resting periods and this occurred randomly. These shrimps did not show any sensitivity towards light. The clam shrimps from the road pools belonged

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1756-1763


New locality records of clam shrimps

S.M. Padhye et al.

Table 2. Quantitative sampling done from Pune University pond. Date Number of individuals/L

22 June 2009

1 July 2009

8 July 2009

15 July 2009

22 July 2009






to the genus Lynceus (Image 3 A-F) and the genus Caenestheriella (Image 4 A-C) (Thorp & Covich 2001; Balaraman & Nayar 2004; Martin & Boyce 2004). The distinguishing characters for the genus Lynceus were: carapace valves without carapace lines (Image 3E), completely enclosing rostrum (Image 3B), a pair of sensory fields on either side of rostral carina, the first pair of thoracopods in males modified as claspers (Image 3F) and the caudal end lacking spine-like caudal furca (Image 3D) (Thorp & Covich 2001; Balaraman & Nayar 2004; Martin & Boyce 2004). Male and female rostra terminating in an acute point was the distinguishing characters for the genus Caenestheriella (Image 4B) (Thorp & Covich 2001). The pool by the Alandi road had a high density of Chara sp. There was a high density of Streptocephalus sp. (i.e., fairy shrimp, mostly S. dichotomus) in that pool. Triops granarius was also present, though in lower density. The physicochemical parameters were also recorded: average pH was 8.66 and temperature was 30.20C. Conductivity was about 450 ÂľS/cm (Table 1). The pool dried out in the month of November. Species level identification could not be made for Lynceus or Caenestheriella. We compared the Lynceus species found in the road pools with the species described by Royan & Alfred (1971), Battish (1981) and Balaraman & Nayar (2004), but the characters, (e.g., overall size and colour of the animal, possession of a characteristic row of serrations on the postero-ventral margin of the shell; see Image 3E), as described by Royan & Alfred (1971), Battish (1981) and Balaraman & Nayar (2004) were not seen in these specimens of Lynceus. Other characters, such as general head shape, 1st and 2nd antennae, telson and number of legs, were also compared. No reliable data or descriptions of Caenestheriella species in India could be found. Discussion The genus Leptestheriella is Gondwanan in distribution and hence is found in Africa, India, etc. 1760

Lynceus, on the other hand, is a cosmopolitan genus (Brendonck et al. 2008). In the past, coexistence of large branchiopod species was considered rare (Weise 1964). Since then, many studies have shown that, even within the different groups of large branchiopods, coexistence is not uncommon (Maeda-Martinez et al. 1997). MaedaMartinez et al.(1997) further summarised all potential factors facilitating large branchiopod coexistence and divided them into three categories: (i) habitat factors, (ii) species factors and (iii) historic factors. The Alandi road pools had an assemblage of all the three types of non-cladoceran branchiopods. Caenestheriella and Lynceus species of clam shrimps were seen coexisting in the road pools at the same time. Such coexistence of similar species may, at least partly, be accomplished through niche segregation, allowing species to partition resources in space or time (Begon et al. 1996). The university pond supported only the species from the family Leptestheriidae. Biodiversity and ecological work on the Indian clam shrimps has been conducted in selected areas in India. Several studies have been focused on Kerala (Nair 1965; Nayar & Nair 1968; Royan & Alfred 1971; Balaraman & Nayar 2004). Baird (1860) worked on the clam shrimps from Nagpur area. Gurney (1906) worked in Bengal. Battish (1981) has worked on Branchiopods in the Punjab region. Most of the type localities of Indian clam shrimps are from southern India, Rajasthan and northeastern India, except for Eulimnadia compressa and Cyclestheria hislopi described by Baird from Nagpur (Prasad & Simhachalam 2009). There have been no detailed reports, as of yet, on the presence of clam shrimps from the Sahyadris (Western Ghats). Three species have been reported from Pune, Maharashtra (Ghate et al. 2003) though the report lacks any detailed description of the organisms or a habitat description. Another major problem is the absence of reference specimens for comparisons and the lack of reliable literature for study. The camera lucida drawings given by the Indian authors are also inadequate for identification to up to species. Literature on faunistic approaches for clam shrimps in India is completely absent. Brendonck et al. (2008) have said that though clam shrimps have a worldwide distribution, they have not been studied extensively. He has stated that there are nearly 116 species of clam shrimps in the world.

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New locality records of clam shrimps

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E Image 3. A-F: Lynceus sp (A - Habitus; B - Rostrum enclosed in shell; C - Head; D - Telson; E - Carapace showing no lines of growth; F - Clasper in male).

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New locality records of clam shrimps

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from various human activities since they harbour many unique species of branchiopods (Witham et al. 1998). Human activities have deteriorated temporary pool habitats around the world. In developing countries no data as such are available but the conditions are likely to be the same due to rampant use of pesticides, land use and other activities (Brendonck & Williams 2000; Brendonck et al. 2008). Hatching of eggs in branchiopods depends on various environmental conditions (Brendonck 1996; Brendonck & De Meester 2003), such as temperature and salinity. These parameters are important as they play a vital role in the growth and reproduction of the branchiopods in that particular habitat (Brendonck 1996; Brendonck et al. 2008; Spencer & Blaustein 2001). Due to lack of knowledge about such habitats and the endemism seen in clam shrimps in India, study and conservation of such habitats becomes very important. The pond on Alandi road is subject to organic pollution and dumping of garbage. The University pond, on the other hand, is less threatened as it falls in the University of Pune campus. There is a different problem for Pune University pond though, as guppy fish have been introduced many times into the pond for mosquito control, which poses a threat to the clam shrimps. Effects of this fish on reproduction of frogs in this pond have already been published (Ghate & Padhye 1988). The current study is the initial phase in the total survey of habitats for temporary pools in the region and its biodiversity and ecology. Many habitats within the region are being destroyed for real estate development and this activity is spreading very fast. Hence further studies will definitely help our understanding of clam shrimp biodiversity and ecology from this part of Western Ghats, and hopefully will enable something concrete to be done about their conservation.

Image 4. A-C - Caenestheriella sp. A - Habitus; B - Head; C - Telson

References Prasad & Simhachalam (2009) has reported 35 species of clam shrimps from India, in which he has stated that there is high endemism: 32 of these species are known only from India. Maharashtra State has not been faunastically surveyed for temporary water habitats, and it is our attempt to start this by first looking at habitats from Pune City. There is a need to save temporary pool habitats 1762

Baird, W. (1860). Description of some new recent Entomostraca from Nagpur, collected by Rev. S. Hislop. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 28: 445–446. Balaraman, U. & C.K.G. Nayar (2004). A new species of the clam shrimp genus Lynceus (Branchiopoda Conchostraca, Laevicaudata) from Kerala, India. Crustaceana 77: 407– 416. Battish, S. K. (1981). On some conchostracans from Punjab with the description of three new species and a new

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New locality records of clam shrimps

subspecies. Crustaceana 40: 178–196. Begon, M., J.L. Harper & C.R. Townsend (1996). Ecology: Individuals, Populations and Communities. Blackwell Science, Oxford Press, 1049pp. Brendonck, L. & W.D. Williams (2000). Biodiversity in wetlands of dry regions (drylands), pp. 181–194. In: Gopal, B., W.J. Junk & J.A. Davis (eds). Biodiversity in Wetlands: Assessment, Function and Conservation. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. Brendonck, L. (1996). Diapause, quiescence, hatching requirements: what we can learn from large freshwater branchiopods (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca, Conchostraca). Hydrobiologia 320: 85–97. Brendonck, L. & L.De Meester (2003). Egg banks in freshwater zooplankton: evolutionary and ecological archives in the sediment. Hydrobiologia 491: 65–84. Brendonck, L., C. Rogers, J. Olesen, S. Weeks & W. Hoeh (2008). Global diversity of large branchiopods (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595: 167– 176. Ghate, H.V., N. Rane & S.G. Patil (2003). New record of Conchostraca (Crusteacea) from Pune, Maharashtra Zoos‘ Print Journal 18(3): 1046. Ghate, H.V. & A.D. Padhye (1988). Predation of Microhyla tadpoles by Gambusia. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 85: 200–201. Gurney, R. (1906). On some freshwater Entomostraca in the collection of the Indian Museum. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal 2: 273–281. Maeda-Martinez, M.A., D. Belk, O.H. Barboza & H. Dumont (1997). Large branchiopod assemblages common to Mexico and the United States. Hydrobiologia 359: 45– 62. Martin, J.W. & G.E. Davis (2001). An updated classification of the recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Science Series 39: 1–164.

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Martin, J.W. & S.L. Boyce (2004). Crustacea: non-cladoceran Branchiopoda, pp. 284–297. In: Yule C.M. & H.S. Yong (eds.), Academy of Sciences, Malaysia. Martin, J.W., S.L. Boyse & M.J. Grygier (2003). New records of Cyclestheria hislopi (Baird, 1859) (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Diplostraca: Cyclestherida) in South East Asia. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51(2): 215–218 Nayar, C.K.G. (1965). Three new species of Conchostraca (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from Rajasthan. Bulletin of Systematic and Zoology 7: 19–24. Nayar, C.K.G & K.K. Nair (1968). On a collection of Conchostraca (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from South India, with a description of two new species. Hydrobiologia 32: 219–224. Prasad, M.K.D. & G. Simhachalam (2009). Distribution of Indian clam shrimps (Branchiopoda: Crustacea). Current Science 96(1): 71–74. Royan, J. & J.R.B. Alfred (1971). Lynceus serratus sp. nov. (Conchostraca, Lynceidae) from southern India. Crustaceana 21: 37–40 Spencer, M. & L. Blaustein (2001). Hatching responses of temporary pool invertebrates to signals of environmental quality. Israel Journal of Zoology 47: 397–417. Thorp, J.P. & P.M. Covich (2001). Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, 1073pp. Weise J.G. (1964). An aggregation of phyllopods. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 67: 206–207. Witham, C.W., E.T. Bauder, D. Belk, W.R. Ferren Jr. & R. Ornduff (1998). Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Vernal Pool Ecosystems - Proceedings from a 1996 Conference. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA, 147–150pp.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1756-1763


JoTT Note

3(5): 1764–1770

A preliminary survey on the avian community of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India Sushant Kumar Verma At & P.O.- Harharguttu, Near TRF Colony, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831002, India Email:

The importance of local landscapes for avian conservation can only be understood by knowing the structure of the bird community of that region (Kattan & Franco 2004). Bird diversity of both temperate and tropical forests has been studied by many workers from time to time (MacArthur & MacArthur 1961; Terborgh et al. 1990; Thiollay 1994; Robinson et al. 2000; Latta et al. 2003; Blake 2007). Valuable information on factors influencing population dynamics, interactions, community structure, and conservation can be gathered by monitoring seasonal changes of avifauna (Ornelas et al. 1993). Seasonal fluctuations in abundance and number of species have been studied in several temperate (Anderson et al. 1981; Best 1981), as well as in tropical avian communities (Karr 1981; Blake 1992; Blake & Loiselle 2000).

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: Nishith Dharaiya Manuscript details: Ms # o2181 Received 21 April 2009 Final received 05 April 2011 Finally accepted 26 April 2011 Citation: Verma, S.K. (2011). A preliminary survey on the avian community of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1764–1770. Copyright: © Sushant Kumar Verma 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Dr. A. Alim, Head of the Department of Zoology, Jamshedpur Co-operative College, Jamshedpur, for his valuable suggestions. I also wish to thank Miss Ghazala Sabih (MCA Project Trainee, TISCO) and Master Aditya Karan Verma for their constructive criticism and untiring help throughout the study period. I am also thankful to the local people residing near Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary for availing themselves to me. They have opened their hearts and their doors, supplying me with resources which helped me a lot in data collection. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


Very few studies (Ball 1874; Lopez & Mundkar 1997; Gupta 2004) have been made on the species composition of birds in different parts of Jharkhand (India) and no attempt has been made to study the avifauna of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary. The present study investigates the bird community of this sanctuary, their seasonal variations and also highlights conservation challenges. A comprehensive checklist of birds along with their status is also presented in this document. Study Area The Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary which extends over 193km2 in the thick forest of the Dalma Mountain range is located 10km from Jamshedpur in Jharkhand (India). This wildlife sanctuary is blessed with a nearby flowing river called Subarnarekha. Dimna Lake, which is located down the Dalma Hills, provides an excellent habitat for resident aquatic birds. Several migratory birds visit this lake every year during winter. An image of the study area was downloaded from the internet with the help of Google earth software (Image 1). Climatic conditions in Dalma are typical of Indian sal forest and its natural vegetation comprises a combination of Sal forest and tropical dry deciduous types. The hottest months are May and June in which the temperature may rise up to 440C. The period from November to February is comparatively cool with an average temperature of 100C. The maximum rainfall is received during the months of July and August from the south west monsoon. The luxuriant forest of this sanctuary offers excellent habitat for its inhabitants. These forests contain a large number of wild birds that are ecologically specialized and extremely sensitive to habitat loss. Deforestation, pollution, and the introduction of cattle are seriously threatening these forests. Methods Bird Sampling: The bird community of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand was studied during September 2006 to November 2008. A combination of variable radius point count method (Bibby et al. 2000) and transect method (Emlen 1971) was used for the sampling of birds. Four transects (2km length and

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1764–1770

Birds of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

S.K. Verma

Image 1. Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary downloded from Google Earth showing the four different sampling sites where transects were laid.

100m width) were laid within the sanctuary at different sites (Table 1). Five permanent sampling points were established in each transect and a distance of 100m was maintained between them. Seasonal variation was determined by dividing each year into four seasons. These seasons were (1) spring—February and March, (2) summer—April to June, (3) rainy season (monsoon)—July to September and (4) winter (post monsoon)—October to January. For each year a data matrix was constructed which recorded the species and their abundance in each season. Sampling was conducted, mostly in the morning (0700–0900 hr) and in the evening (1600–1900 hr). Each bird seen was recorded at every point distributed along each transect. Each point was sampled three times a season making a total of 240 point counts. Data analysis: The cumulative number of species observed in each site was considered as the species richness for that site. Based on the present investigations a bird list was compiled (Table 5). Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H = -Σ pi ln pi) was calculated for each site. Seasonal variation in the abundance of birds was also calculated using the Shannon-Weiner formula. Similarity between sites was determined by Sorensen’s index of similarity as given below: IS = 2j / (a + b)

Table 1. Details of transects laid in the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India for bird sampling. Geographical parameters

Transects (Sites)













22 50’23.43”N



Table 2. Sorensen’s index representing the similarity values between study sites in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

Site 2

Site 3

Site 4





0.55 0.61

where j = number of species common to both sites a = number of species in site A b = number of species in site B. (Table 2) One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to test for differences between sites in terms of species richness and diversity values. Bird species were ranked into following abundance categories (Ramírez-Albores & Ramírez 2002): abundant (total of 40 or more individuals recorded

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1764–1770


Birds of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

S.K. Verma *e+a,-e abundance ./ b01d 23ec0e2 0n 4a+5a 60+d+0/e 7anc8ua19

Results A total of 71 species grouped into 36 families were recorded from the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary during the study period (Table 5). The Sturnidae family shows the highest species richness within the sanctuary (five species), followed by Muscicapidae, Motacicillidae, Columbidae, Ardeidae, Anatidae (four species of each) (Table 5). The species richness of selected sites varied between 39 to 51 (Table 3), while overall diversity values ranged from 2.87 to 3.33 (Table 4). Of the species recorded in this study, 51 species were resident and the remaining species were recorded as migratory (Table 5). On the basis of relative abundance four species can be considered as rare, seven as irregular, 17 as scarce, 25 as common and 18 as abundant (Table 5, Fig. 1). A distinct seasonal variation in avian species richness was observed with a peak during the monsoons representing 43 species. However, species richness and the diversity values for the sites were

30 30 25

25 25 Number of species

daily), common (17 to 39 individuals recorded daily), scarce (11 to 16 individuals recorded), irregular (five to 10 individuals recorded) and rare (one to four individuals recorded). Species were identified directly in the field and where identification could not be done, photographs were taken. They were identified with the help of field guides (Grimmett et al. 1999; Kazmierczak & Singh 2001; Ali 2001). Taxonomy adopted here is after Inskipp et al. (1996).

N u m b e r o f S p e c i e s

20 20



15 15 10 10


5 5 0 0


Irregular Irregular

Scarce Scarce

Common Common Abundance Abundance

Rare Rare

Abundant Abundant

Figure 1. Relative abundance of bird species in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

seasonally almost similar (ANOVA, p > 0.05). Discussion The two-year study observed 71 species from the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, which shows that this sanctuary supports a high diversity of birds. Most of the observed species are breeding residents mainly due to occurrence of various types of microhabitat within the sanctuary, nearby river and a large lake. Due to the abundance of endemic species this sanctuary is very important for bird conservation in this part of the world. Seasonal changes in species richness were observed which is mainly due to changes in weather conditions or fluctuations in food productivity and habitat quality (Loiselle & Blake 1991; Norris & Marra 2007). Species

Table 3. Bird species richness for study sites in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India Transects (Sites)

Total Richness

Richness (Spring)

Richness (Summer)

Richness (Rainy season)

Richness (Winter)

























Table 4. Bird diversity values for study sites in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India


Transects (Sites)

Total Diversity Value

Diversity Value (Spring)

Diversity Value (Summer)

Diversity Value (Rainy Season)

Diversity Value (Winter)

























Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1764–1770

Birds of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

richness of birds in the sanctuary becomes maximum during the monsoon season due to greater availability of insects and favourable weather conditions. Occurrence of almost same species richness and similar diversity values during a season for the different sites selected for the sampling indicates uniform distribution of birds throughout the sanctuary. The Dimna Lake which is a famous tourist spot is located in the vicinity of the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary. Increasing tourist activity especially during the months of December and January is now becoming a serious threat to the birds of this sanctuary. Utilization of river beds for sand is imposing immense pressure on the birds that breed at the river beds. Cattle grazing and use of forest wood as a source of fuel by local people are also creating adverse conditions for the birds of the region. Therefore various measures should be taken for the conservation of birds of the sanctuary. Cattle grazing should be allowed in a controlled manner. Alternative fuel sources should be made available to the local communities. Establishment of ecotourism committees with the help of local people and conducting awareness programs by the forest department on a regular basis would be an effective step in the avian diversity conservation of the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary.

References Ali, S. (2001). The Book of Indian Birds—13th Edition. Bombay Natural History Society/Oxford University Press, 5-156 Anderson, B.W., R.D. Ohmart & J. Rice (1981). Seasonal changes in detection of individual bird species, pp. 262-264. In: Ralph, C.J. & J.M. Scott (eds.). Estimating the numbers of terrestrial birds. Studies in Avian Biology—6, 630pp. Ball, V. (1874). Avifauna of Chotanagpur. Stray Feathers 2: 1–355. Best, L.B. (1981). Seasonal changes in detection of individual bird species, pp. 252-261. In: Ralph, C J. & J.M. Scott (eds.). Estimating the numbers of terrestrial birds. Studies in Avian Biology—6, 630pp. Bibby, C.J., N.D. Burgess, D.A. Hill & S.H. Mustoe (2000). Bird Census Techniques—2nd Edition. Academic Press, London, pp.3–36. Blake, J.G. (1992). Temporal variation in point counts of birds in a lowland wet forest in Costa Rica. Condor 94: 265– 275. Blake, J.G. (2007). Neo-tropical forest bird communities: a comparison of species richness and composition at local

S.K. Verma

and regional scales. Condor 109: 237–255. Blake, J.G. & B.A. Loiselle (2000). Diversity of birds along an elevational gradient in the Cordillera Central, Costa Rica. Auk 117: 663–686. Emlen, J.T. (1971). Population densities of birds derived from transect counts. Auk 88: 323-342. Grimmett R., C. Inskipp & T. Inskipp (1999). Pocket Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent. Oxford University Press, 384pp. Gupta, H.S. (2004). Waterbirds Diversity of Ranchi District. Zoos’ Print Journal 19(9): 1630. Inskipp, T., N. Lindsey & W. Duckworth (1996). An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of the Oriental Region. Oriental Bird Club, Sandy, UK, 2–294. Karr, J.R. (1981). Seasonal changes in detection of individual bird species, pp. 548–553. In: Ralph, C.J. & J.M. Scott (eds.). Estimating the numbers of terrestrial birds. Studies in Avian Biology—6, 630pp. Kattan, G.H. & P. Franco (2004). Bird diversity along elevational gradients in the Andes of Colombia: area and mass effects. Global Ecology and Biogeography 13: 451– 458. Kazmierczak K. & R. Singh (2001). A Bird Watcher’s Guide to India. Oxford University Press, 2–65pp. Latta, S.C., C.C. Rimmer & K.P. Mcfarland (2003). Winter bird communities in four habitats along an elevational gradient on Hispaniola. Condor 105: 179–197. Loiselle, B.A. & J.G. Blake (1991). Temporal variation in birds and fruits along an elevational gradient in Costa Rica. Ecology 72: 180–193. Lopez, A. & T. Mundkar (1997). The Asian Waterfall Census, 1994-1996.. Results of the coordinated waterbird census and an overview of the status of wetlands in Asia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Wetlands International, 4-35pp MacArthur, R.H. & J.W. MacArthur (1961). On bird species diversity. Journal of Ecology 42: 594–598. Norris, D.R. & P.P. Marra (2007). Seasonal interactions, habitat quality, and population dynamics in migratory birds. Condor 109: 535–547. Ornelas, J.F., M.C. Arizmendi, L. Márquez-Valdelamar, L. Navarijo & H. Berlanga (1993). Variability profiles for line transect bird censuses in a tropical dry forest in México. Condor 95: 422–441. Ramírez-Albores, J.E. & G. Ramírez (2002). Avifauna de la región oriente de la sierra de Huautla, Morelos, México. Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia 73: 91–111. Robinson, W.D., J.D. Brawn & S.K. Robinson (2000). Forest bird community structure in central Panama: influence of spatial scale and biogeography. Ecological Monographs 70: 209–235. Terborgh, J., S.K. Robinson, T.A. Parker, C.A. Munn & N. Pierpont (1990). Structure and organisation of an Amazonian forest bird community. Ecological Monographs 60: 213–238. Thiollay, J.M. (1994). Structure, density and rarity in an

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Birds of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

S.K. Verma

Table 5. Checklist of birds recorded from Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India Common Name

Scientific Name



Elanus caeruleus



Eremopterix grisea



Common Kingfisher

Alcedo atthis



White-throated Kingfisher

Halcyon smyrnensis



Accipitridae 1

Black-shouldered Kite Alaudidae


Ashy-crowned Finch-lark Alcedinidae

3 4

Anatidae 5

Northern Pintail

Anas acuta





Anas strepera




Lesser Whistling-duck

Dendrocygna javanica




Comb Duck

Sarkidiornis melanotos



Ardeola grayii



Ardeidae 9

Indian Pond-heron


Eastern Cattle Egret

Bubulcus coromandus




Intermediate Egret

Mesophoyx intermedia




Black-crowned Night-heron

Nycticorax nycticorax



Burhinus oedicnemus



Megalaima haemacephala



Grey-headed Lapwing

Vanellus cinereus



Red-wattled Lapwing

Vanellus indicus



Prinia socialis



Burhinidae 13

Indian Stone-curlew Capitonidae


Coppersmith Barbet Charadridae

15 16

Cisticolidae 17

Ashy Prinia Columbidae


Rock Pigeon

Columba livia




Spotted Dove

Streptopelia chinensis




Eurasian Collared-dove

Streptopelia decaocto



Laughing Dove

Streptopelia senegalensis



Coracias benghalensis




Coraciidae 22

Indian Roller Corvidae


Indian Jungle Crow

Corvus macrorhynchos




House Crow

Corvus splendens




Rufous Treepie

Dendrocitta vagabunda



Cuculidae 26

Greater Coucal

Centropus sinensis




Asian Koel

Eudynamys scolopacea




Common Hawk-cuckoo

Hierococcyx varius



Daniidae 29

Brown Shrike

Lanius cristatus




Black-headed Long-tailed Shrike

Lanius schach tricolor




Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1764–1770

Birds of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

S.K. Verma

Dicruridae 31

Ashy Drongo

Dicrurus leucophaeus




Black Drongo

Dicrurus macrocercus



Lonchura malabarica



Milvus migrans



Hirundo rustica



Estrildidae 33

Indian Silverbill Accipitridae


Black Kite Hirundinidae


Barn Swallow Jacanidae


Pheasant-tailed Jacana

Hydrophasianus chirurgus




Bronze-winged Jacana

Metopidius indicus



Merops orientalis



Meropidae 38

Little Green Bee-eater Motacicillidae


Paddyfield Pipit

Anthus rufuls




White-browed Wagtail

Motacilla maderaspatensis




White Wagtail

Motacilla. alba leucopsis



Western Yellow Wagtail





Muscicapidae 43

Oriental Magpie-Robin

Copsychus saularis




Red-breasted Flycatcher

Ficedula parva




Indian Black Robin

Saxicoloides fulicata



Jungle Babbler

Turdoides striatus



Nectarinia asiatica



Oriolus kundoo



Phalacrocorax niger




Nectariniidae 47

Purple Sunbird Oriolidae


Indian Golden Oriole Phalacrocoracidae


Little Cormorant Phasianidae


Grey Francolin

Francolinus pondicerianus




Indian Peafowl

Pavo cristatus






Picidae 52

Woodpecker Ploceidae


Scaly-breasted Munia

Lonchura punctulata




House Sparrow

Passer domesticus




Indian Baya Weaver

Ploceus philippinus



Tachybaptus ruficollis



Podicipitidae 56

Little Grebe Psittacidae


Alexandrine Parakeet

Psittacula eupatria




Rose-ringed Parakeet

Psittacula krameri



Pycnonotidae 59

Red-vented Bulbul

Pycnonotus cafer




Red-whiskered Bulbul

Pycnonotus jocosus



Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1764–1770


Birds of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

S.K. Verma

Rallidae 61

White-breasted Waterhen

Amaurornis phoenicurus




Common Moorhen

Gallinula chloropus



Common Sandpiper

Actitis hypoleucos



Green Sandpiper

Tringa ochropus



Bubo bengalensis



Scolopacidae 63 64

Strigidae 65

Indian Eagle-owl Sturnidae


Bank Myna

Acridotheres ginginianus




Common Myna

Acridotheres tristis




Asian Pied Starling

Sturnus contra




Grey-headed Starling

Sturnus malabaricus - NE variant




Brahminy Starling

Sturnus pagodarum



Upupa epops



Upupidae 71

Common Hoopoe

Status: R - resident; W - winter visitor; T - transient; O - occasional; S - summer resident. Abundance: R - rare; I - irregular; S - scarce; C - common; A - abundant.

Amazonian rain forest bird community. Journal of Tropical Ecology 10: 449–481. Wiens, J.A. (1989). Ecology of Bird Communities. Vols. I & II. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2–90pp.


Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1764–1770

JoTT Note

New records of hermit crabs, Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest, 1999 and Diogenes klaasi Rahayu & Forest, 1995 (Crustacea: Anomura: Diogenidae) from India R. Reshmi 1 & A. Bijukumar 2 Department of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695581, India Email: 1 2 (corresponding author) 1,2

Anomuran crabs, a group of attractive and ubiquitous organisms in Crustacea, are best described as having an assortment of adult body shapes from lobsterlike to true crab-like; there is marked reduction of fifth pereopods that are not used as ambulatory appendages, the articulated or missing eighth thoracic sternite and the cephalothorax that is not fused to the epistome as it is in brachyurans (McLaughlin et al. 2010). Anomura is represented by seven super families: Aegloidea, Galatheoidea, Chirostyloidea, Hippoidea, Lomisoidea, Lithodoidea and Paguroidea. Super family Paguroidea includes hermit crabs and their relatives in the families Coenobitidae, Diogenidae, Paguridae, Parapaguridae, Pylochelidae and Lithodidae. Hermit crabs of the family Diogenidae, commonly called ‘left handed

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: D.L. Rahayu Manuscript details: Ms # o2629 Received 19 November 2010 Final received 04 March 2011 Finally accepted 06 May 2011 Citation: Reshmi, R. & A. Bijukumar (2011). New records of hermit crabs, Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest, 1999 and Diogenes klaasi Rahayu & Forest, 1995 (Crustacea: Anomura: Diogenidae) from India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1771–1774. Copyright: © R. Reshmi & A. Bijukumar 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Acknowledgements: The authors thank Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment for financial support of the work. We are thankful to Dr. D.L. Rahayu, Research Centre for Oceanography, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia for confirming the identification and for the research publications. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD

3(5): 1771–1774

crabs’ have appreciably larger left chela than right chela (McLaughlin et al. 2007). The genus Calcinus possesses triangular rostrum, without moveable rostriform process developed between ocular acicles, while the genus Diogenes has rostrum rounded or obsolete; with movable rostriform process, well developed or reduced, between ocular acicles (McLaughlin 2002). Two species of hermit crabs of the genus Calcinus (C. herbstii and C. gaimardi) and eight species of Diogenes (D. avarus, D. costatus, D. custos, D. diogenes, D. merguiensis, D. miles, D. planimanus and D. rectimanus) have been recorded so far from India (Khan & Natarajan 1984; Thomas 1989). This paper records the occurrence of two species of hermit crabs, Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest and Diogenes klaasi Rahayu & Forest from the southwestern coast of India. 1. Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest, 1999 (Image 1 A–F) Calcinus gaimardii Alcock, 1905: 56, pl 5, fig. 5 (not Calcinus gaimardii (H. Milne Edwards, 1848); Calcinus gaimardi Fize & Serene, 1955: 49 (in part), text figs.7,8, pl. 2, figs. 5,6; Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest, 1999: 465, figs. 1B, 2C, D, G, H, 3; - Komai, 2004: 35, figs 1-9; Calcinus areolatus Rahayu & Forest, 1999: 468, fig.4. Materials examined: Five specimens, two males (shield length 7.1–8.0 mm), and three females (shield length 6.0–7.0 mm) collected from intertidal rocky pools of Thirumullavaram Beach, Kollam District, Kerala, India (08053’32.5”N & 76033’18.4”E). The reference materials are deposited at the Zoological Survey of India Regional Station, Kozhikode, Kerala (No. ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2326) and the museum collections of the Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala (AR AN 5-6), India. The hermits were collected from the gastropod shells of Trochus radiatus and Turbo brunneus. Diagnosis: Shield gray; ocular peduncles dark brown at proximal end and blue distally, with black rings below corneas. Antennular peduncles dark brownish-green and flagella light yellow. Antennal peduncle and flagella yellowish-orange. Chelipeds reddish-brown with white tips. Ambulatory legs

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1771–1774


New records of hermit crabs

R. Reshmi & A. Bijukumar







Image 1. Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest, 1999 A - female, shield length 7.6mm – entire; B - ocular peduncle; C - left chela; D - right chela; E - third pereopod; F - telson

reddish-brown, with light brown propodi and dactyli; dactyls with white tips (Image 1A). Shield longer than broad with rostrum acutely triangular. Ocular peduncles long, slender, overreaching both antennal and antennular peduncles (Image 1B). Ocular acicle terminating in a single spine. Antennular peduncle longer than antennal peduncle. Antennal acicle overreaching proximal margin of ultimate peduncular segment terminating in single spine and with 5–7 spines laterally. Fourth antennal segment with a small dorsodistal spine; the outer margin of the first segment with a bifid spine dorsolaterally and the inner margin with a simple spine. Chelipeds unequal, left larger than right. Outer surface of left chelae covered with closely-spaced tubercles becoming prominent on fixed finger and dactyl. Carpus with dorsodistal spine and prominent tubercle on middle proximal end (Image 1C). Right cheliped also with tubercles on upper surface of chela (Image 1D). Ambulatory legs smooth. Meri of second and third pereopods with a spine at inner distal portion. Carpi of both pereopods with strong dorsodistal spine with sometimes a small spine present below the dorsodistal spine on the second 1772

pereopod. Dactyls shorter than propodi. Brush of long plumose setae on ventral margins of dactyls and distal part of propodus of third pereopod (Image 1E). Telson with 2–10 spines on left lobe and 1–4 on right lobe (Image 1F). Remarks: Calcinus morgani is widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific; inter-tidal and sub-tidal waters of South Africa, Somalia, Madagascar, Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Southern Japan, Vanuatu, Marianas, French Polynesia, Fiji (McLaughlin et al. 2007). The present record of this species from the southwestern coast of India shows its extended distribution in the western Indian Ocean, from the eastern coast of Africa to India. 2. Diogenes klaasi Rahayu & Forest, 1995 (Image 2A–E) Clibanarius padavensis Nateewathana et al. 1981: 51 (in part), 1981, Not Clibanarius padavensis De Man, 1888; Diogenes klaasi Rahayu and Forest 1995: 395, fig. 3; McLaughlin, 2002: 419, figs. 3D-F. Materials examined: Two males (shield length

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1771–1774

New records of hermit crabs

R. Reshmi & A. Bijukumar







Image 2. Diogenes klaasi Rahayu & Forest, 1995 A - male, shield length, 2.5mm – entire; B - ocular peduncle; C - left chela; D - second pereopod; E - Telson

2.5–2.7 mm) collected from the mangrove swamps of Dalavapuram (08056’50.7”N & 76033’17.2”E), Kollam District, Kerala, India. The reference materials are deposited at the Zoological Survey of India Regional Station, Kozhikode, Kerala (ZSI/ WGRC/IR/INV/2086) and at the museum collections of Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala (AR AN 7-8), India. The hermits were collected from the gastropod shell of Cerithiacea cingulata and Turris nelliae. Diagnosis: Shield reddish-orange. Ocular peduncles light greenish-orange with antennules and antennae pale yellow. Chelipeds dark brownish-green. Ambulatory legs pale yellow with irregular dark green spots seen in different segments (Image 2A). Shield longer than broad, rostrum bluntly triangular, not reaching up to ocular acicle projections. Ocular peduncles stout and cylindrical (Image 2B). Ocular acicle with 1–3 large spines and few smaller spinules. Antennular peduncle long, slender, overreaching corneas by 0.5 length of ultimate peduncular segment.

Antennal peduncle slightly shorter or longer than ocular peduncles; antennal acicles overreaching mid-length of fourth peduncular segment and with 3–4 marginal spines and additional spine on dorsal surface. Antennal flagella with long setae. Upper and lower margins of left cheliped with irregular row of spines. Palm convex; outer surface with small spines or tubercles and meadian longitudinal row of spines. Carpus spinulose on outer surface (Image 2C). Right chela slender. Carpus with dorsodistal spine. Ambulatory legs thin, slender and dactyls longer than propodi. Carpi of second and third pereopod with dorsodistal spine and additional spine at the proximal end of carpus of second pereopod (Image 2D). Chelipeds and ambulatory legs covered with long setae. Telson broad and asymmetrical with small median cleft. Left lobe larger than right with oblique terminal margin and 2–5 large spines laterally and few spinules; right lobe with 1–3 larger spines laterally and few smaller spinules on terminal margin (Image 2E). Remarks: Diogenes klaasi was originally described

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1771–1774


New records of hermit crabs

R. Reshmi & A. Bijukumar

by Rahayu & Forest (1995) from Indonesian shallow waters. This species is also reported from western Thailand and Pakistan (Siddiqui et al. 2004). The present record of this species from the Ashtamudi Lake of Kerala State, India, shows its extended distribution in the Indian subcontinent.

References Khan, S.A. & R. Natarajan (1984). Hermit crabs of Proto Novo Coast. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper 67: 25pp. McLaughlin, P.A. (2002). A review of the hermit crab (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridea) fauna of southern Thailand, with particular emphasis on the Andaman Sea and description of three new species. Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 23(2): 385–460. McLaughlin, P.A., D.L. Rahayu, T. Komai & T.Y. Chan (2007). A Catalog of the Hermit Crabs (Paguroidea) of Taiwan. Keelung Place, National Taiwan Ocean University, 365pp.


McLaughlin, P.A., C.B. Boyko, K.A. Crandall, T. Komai, R. Lemaitre, M. Osawa & D.L. Rahayu (2010). Annotated checklist of anomuran decapod crustaceans of the world (exclusive of the Kiwaoidea and families Chirostylidae and Galatheidae of the Galatheoidea) – Preamble and Scope. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 23:1–4. Rahayu, D.L. & J. Forest (1995). Le genre Diogenes (Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) en Indonesie, avec la description de six especes novellas. Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (4)16(A): 383–415. Rahayu, D.L. & J. Forest (1999). Sur le statut de Calcinus gaimardii (H. Milne Edwards, 1848) (Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) et description de deux especes nouvelles apparentees. Zoosystema 21: 461–472. Siddiqui, F.A., Q.B. Kazmi & P.A. McLaughlin (2004). Review of the Pakistani species of Diogenes Dana 1851 (Decapoda Anomura Paguroidea Diogenidae). Tropical Zoology 17: 155–200. Thomas, M.M. (1989). On a collection of hermit crabs from the Indian waters. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India 31(1&2): 59–79.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1771–1774

JoTT Note

Avian frugivory and seed dispersal of Indian Sandalwood Santalum album in Tamil Nadu, India P. Balasubramanian 1, R. Aruna 2, C. Anbarasu 2 & E. Santhoshkumar 2 Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Anaikatty PO, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641108, India Email: 1 (corresponding author) 1,2

Santalum album (Santalaceae) is a medium sized evergreen tree found in dry forest tracts of the Deccan Peninsula, where the major sandal growing tracts are located in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Sandal is also distributed in parts of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. The species was introduced to several areas of central and northern India, where it has naturalized and spread. It can grow up to an elevation of 1200m and in rainfall zones of 300–3000 mm. Flower panicles appear during December–April and fruiting occurs throughout the year (Matthew 1991). The fruit is a fleshy purplish-black globose drupe measuring approximately a centimetre in diameter. This species also regenerates from wood suckers. Viable seeds are produced after five years and dispersed by birds (Asian Regional Workshop 1998). Fire, grazing and exploitation of the wood for fine furniture, carving Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: Richard Thomas Corlett Manuscript details: Ms # o2552 Received 27 August 2010 Final received 04 April 2011 Finally accepted 02 May 2011 Citation: Balasubramanian, P., R. Aruna, C. Anbarasu & E. Santhoshkumar (2011). Avian frugivory and seed dispersal of Indian Sandalwood Santalum album in Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1775–1777. Copyright: © P. Balasubramanian, R. Aruna, C. Anbarasu & E. Santhoshkumar 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Acknowledgements: We thank the Tamilnadu Forest Department for their support. Thanks are due to Dr. G Kumaravelu, IFS, former Additional PCCF, Mr. R.K. Ojha, IFS, Mr. H. Malleshappa, IFS and Mr. K. G. Anand Naik IFS for the encouragement. We are grateful to Dr. P.A. Azeez, Director, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History for the encouragement. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD

3(5): 1775–1777

and oil are threatening the species (Asian Regional Workshop 1998). There is much concern regarding over-exploitation due to smuggling for trade. Santalum album is a Vulnerable (IUCN 2010) and threatened species in southern India (Ravikumar et al. 2000). Although known as a bird-dispersed species, very little information is available on frugivory and seed dispersal of S. album. Biotic dispersal consists of removal of plant propagules by animal frugivores and the deposition of seeds away from the source plant. The pulp of fleshy fruits, with the soft, edible, nutritious tissues surrounding the seeds is a primary food source for many animals, notably birds and mammals (Howe 1986). These animals regurgitate, defecate, spit out or otherwise drop the undamaged seeds away from the parent plants; they are the seed dispersers that establish a dynamic link between the fruiting plant and the seed-seedling bank in natural communities (Jordano 2000). Avian frugivores are considered as the most important seed dispersers in most ecosystems (Herrera 1995; Stiles 2000). Parrots, some pigeons and finches are seed predators (Corlett 1998). The study of interactions between avian frugivores and plant species is important for identifying the roles of individual disperser species play in plant recruitment dynamics, thus having implications for both theoretical understanding of mutualisms, species interactions and for applied work, including conservation and restoration (Jordano 1987; Loiselle & Blake 1999). The present study was carried out to assess the role of different frugivores in the seed dissemination of sandalwood tree in Tamil Nadu. Materials and Methods Trees with ripe fruits were selected for field observations. A pair of binoculars was used by the observer, who sat near the tree, usually 10–15 m away and watched the canopy for recording animal visits. Extended watches of 3-hr duration were made for a total of 54-hr in Anaikatty Hills, the Western Ghats and 24-hr in Pachaimalai Hills, the Eastern Ghats. During the extended watches, the observer noted the name of the visitor (bird/mammal), frequency of fruit-feeding visits by different species, and fruit handling behaviour (whether fruit ingested whole or

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1775–1777


Seed dispersal of Indian Sandalwood

P. Balasubramanian et al.

only partly eaten and seeds dropped). The field study was carried out between 2006 and 2009 in Anaikatty hills (1105’–11031’N & 76039’–76047’E), the Western Ghats and Pachaimalai hills (11015’N & 76038’E), the Eastern Ghats in Tamil Nadu. Bird’s names have been followed as per Ali (2002). Observations from Hasanur in Sathyamangalam Forest Division (11029’– 11048’N & 76050’–77027’E), the Eastern Ghats are also discussed. The forest type (Champion & Seth 1968) of the study sites comprise of southern dry mixed deciduous forest (5A/C3). Predominant trees of the sites include Bauhinia racemosa, Santalum album, and Chloroxylon swietenia. Results and Discussion A total of 217 birds belonging to eight species visited Santalum album (Table 1) in Anaikatty Hills, Western Ghats. These included three species of bulbuls, Pycnonotus sp., Brahminy Starling Sturnus pagodarum, Common Myna Acridotheres tristis, Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopacea, White-headed Babbler Turdoides affinis and Small Green-Billed Malkoha Phaenicophaeus viridirostris. Highest proportion of feeding visits was contributed by Redwhiskered Bulbul, Pycnonotus jocosus (20.3%) followed by White-headed Babbler (16.7%) and Asian Koel (16.3%). Among the various avian families, Pycnonotidae (bulbuls) made the majority of the visits (43.6%) followed by Sturnidae (mynas) (21.6%). Brown-headed Barbet Megalaima zeylanica was also found to be an important seed disperser in Parali Hills, the Western Ghats (Balasubramanian et al. 1998).

Among the birds, Asian Koel, Brown-headed Barbet, Mynas, Starlings and Indian Grey Hornbill swallowed the whole fruit. Most often, bulbuls ate the fruit in piecemeal and dropped the seeds under the canopy itself. Occasionally, small fruits were swallowed by them. In the Pachaimalai Hills, 349 birds belonging to three species visited the focal tree during the study period. Among the frugivorous birds, the highest proportion of visits was made by the Asian Koel (50.4%) followed by Common Myna (38.6%), and Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri (11%). In addition to birds, Three-striped Palm Squirrel Funambulus palmarum also visited the plant to eat fruit. While koel and myna consumed the whole fruit, parakeets ate the seeds. Three-striped Squirrel ate the pulp and dropped the seeds. In the Sathyamangalam Forest Division, Balasubramanian & Santhoshkumar (2009) observed Indian Grey Hornbill Ocyceros birostris playing an important role in the seed dispersal of S. album. The Indian Grey Hornbill’s diet comprised a reasonable proportion of Santalum album fruits both in breeding season (7%) and non-breeding season (4%). Role of Indian Grey Hornbill in regeneration of S. album was evidenced by the presence of sandalwood seedlings in hornbill’s nest middens. Three percent of the seedlings in hornbill middens comprised of S. album. Birds constituted the principal seed dispersers of Santalum album. Except squirrels no other mammals were foraging on S.album fruit crops during this study. Most of the natural seedlings of sandal were found

Table 1. Avian seed dispersers of Santalum album at Anaikatty, Parali (Western Ghats), Hasanur, Pachaimalai (Eastern Ghats) Common Name

Scientific Name

Red-vented Bulbul Red-whiskered Bulbul

Feeding visits




Pycnonotus cafer




Pycnonotus jocosus




White-browed Bulbul

Pycnonotus luteolus




Common Myna

Acridotheres tristis



Anaikatty, Pachaimalai

Brahminy Starling

Sturnus pagodarum



Asian Koel

Eudynamys scolopacea



Anaikatty, Pachaimalai

White-headed Babbler

Turdoides affinis




Small Green-billed Malkoha

Phaenicophaeus viridirostris




Brown-headed Barbet

Megalaima zeylanica



Parali Hills

Indian Grey Hornbill

Ocyceros birostris






Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1775–1777

Seed dispersal of Indian Sandalwood

growing in the middle of thorny bushes, where the birds seem to have dropped the seeds. Birds that are beneficial to sandalwood dispersal and regeneration were Koel, Common Myna, Brahminy Starling, Brown-headed Barbet, White-headed Babbler and Indian Grey Hornbill. These species visited the fruit crop more frequently and swallowed the fruit wholly. Hence, these species could be considered as major seed dispersers. Asian Koel seems to have preference to sandal fruits. Bulbuls could not swallow the whole fruit, due to their smaller beak and narrow gape. They appear to play a minor role only. Parakeets did not play any role in seed dispersal. They consumed the fruits mainly to digest the seeds and hence considered as seed predators. Green-billed Malkoha made very few visits, thus contributing only a minor role. Sustaining the Asian Koel population will ensure the regeneration of sandal trees in the forests. Efforts need to be undertaken to provide a healthy habitat for the seed dispersing bird species such as koel, as the population of Sandalwood tree is drastically dwindling in the wild.

REFERENCES Ali, S. (2002). The Book of Indian Birds, 13th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 326pp. Asian Regional Workshop (1998). Conservation and Sustainable Management of Trees, Vietnam: Santalum album. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species. Version 2010.2. Balasubramanian, P., S.N. Prasad & K. Kandavel (1998). Role of birds in seed dispersal and natural regeneration of forest plants in Tamil Nadu, Technical Report 7, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Coimbatore, India, 43pp

P. Balasubramanian et al.

Balasubramanian, P. & E. Santhoshkumar (2009). Final Report of the Ecology of Indian Grey Hornbill, Ocyceros birostris with special reference to its role in seed dispersal in southern Eastern Ghats, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Coimbatore, India, 74pp. Champion, H.G. & R. Seth (1968). A revised survey of the forest types of India, Managers Publications, New Delhi. Corlett, R.T. (1998). Frugivory and seed dispersal by vertebrates in the Oriental (Indomalayan) region. Biological Review 73: 413–448. Herrera, C.M. (1995). Plant-vertebrate seed dispersal systems in the Mediterranean: Ecological, Evolutionary, and Historical Determinants. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 705–27. Howe, H.F. (1986). Seed dispersal by fruit eating birds and mammals, pp. 123–190. In: Murray, D.R. (ed.). Seed Dispersal. Academic Press, Sydney, Australia. IUCN (2010). Santalum album (Sandalwood), IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species. Version 2010.2. Loiselle, B.A., & J.G. Blake (1999). Dispersal of melastome seeds by fruit-eating birds of tropical forest understory. Ecology 80: 330–336. Jordano, P. (1987). Patterns of mutualistic interactions in pollination and seed dispersal: connectance, dependence asymmetries, and coevolution. American Naturalist 129: 657–677. Jordano, P. (2000). Fruits and frugivory, In: Fenner, M (ed.) Seeds: the ecology of regeneration in plant communities, 2nd Edition. CABI Publications, Wallingford, UK, 125–166pp. Matthew, K.M. (1991). An Excursion Flora of Central Tamil Nadu, India. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 647pp. Ravikumar, K., D.K. Ved, R.V. Sankar & P.S. Udayan (2000). 100 Redlisted Medicinal Plants of Conservation Concern in south India, Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore, 76pp. Stiles, E.W. (2000). Animals as seed dispersers, pp. 111–124. In: Fenner, M. (ed.). Seeds: The Ecology of Regeneration in Plant Communities. CABI, Wallingford, UK.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1775–1777


JoTT Note

3(5): 1778–1781

A rare agaric (Agaricomycetes: Agaricaceae) from a sacred grove of Eastern Ghats, India M. Kumar 1 & V. Kaviyarasan 2 Lab No. 404, CAS in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600025, India Email: 1 (corresponding author) 1,2

Clarkeinda trachodes (Berk.) Singer, is a rare tropical Asian monotypic agaric (Leelavathy et al. 1981; Singer 1986; Pegler 1986; Zhu-Liang 1991; Carmine & Contu 2002) belonging to the family Agaricaceae. It is a large lepiotoid agaric, characterized by the presence of volva and annulus. The spore print is olive brown and the spores are small with truncated germ pore. This species has been reported earlier from only six places around the globe—Sri Lanka (Pegler 1986), India (Leelavathy et al. 1981), Malaysia (Pegler 1986), Indonesia, China (Zhu-Liang 1991) and Italy (Carmine & Contu 2002). This forms the second report of this species from India indicating that this species is well represented in southern India. It is similar to Chlorophyllum but with marked differences: the basidiocarp with a large plate like fawn coloured scales in the centre (mostly star shaped) of the pileus, dextrinoid spores with a compound wall and

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: V.B. Hosagoudar Manuscript details: Ms # o2626 Received 13 November 2010 Final received 22 April 2011 Finally accepted 02 May 2011 Citation: Kumar, M. & V. Kaviyarasan (2011). A rare agaric (Agaricomycetes: Agaricaceae) from a sacred grove of Eastern Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1778–1781. Copyright: © M. Kumar & V. Kaviyarasan 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Acknowledgements: The authors thank the University Grants Commission for the financial assistance, Prof. T. Vasantha Kumaran, former Head, Department of Geography for guiding us to the collection spot. We also express our gratitude to Prof. N. Anand, former Director and Prof. R. Rengasamy, Director CAS in Botany, University of Madras for providing lab facility. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


presence of volva. Matured spores exhibit metachromatism in cresyl blue. This specimen also shows similarity with Macrolepiota rhacodes in having the plate like squamules on the surface of the cap but differs in the absence of bulbous base and presence of volva. Sacred groves are patches of natural vegetation surviving in man-modified landscapes which are dedicated to local deities and protected by religious tenets and cultural traditions, with religious fervor. They are a social institution, which permit management of biotic resources through participation of people of the local community. Although the practice of conserving the local biodiversity through sacred groves is very old, the importance has been acknowledged only recently (Ramanujam & Cyril 2003). In India, during 1997, the existence of thousands of such sacred groves was recorded along the plains and hills of the Indian subcontinent and confirmed their floristic richness confined within islets of diverse habitats (Ramakrishnan et al. 1998). They are a rich repository of biodiversity, a myriad of valuable ecosystem services and serve as ideal study sites to address many ecological issues related to forest ecosystem dynamics and management (Tripathi 2005). In Tamil Nadu, there are around 503 sacred groves (Anthwal et al. 2006). In most localities, sacred groves are being increasingly exposed to various kinds of threats leading to either qualitative degradation or total disappearance. There have been numerous studies on medicinal herbs, diversity of plants and insects, ecology and anthropology (Gadgil & Vartak 1976; Tripathi 2005). However, studies on the diversity of mushrooms in such sacred groves is lacking. As a part of systematic studies on the agarics of southern India, Kolli Hills were studied for the past four years (March 2006 – August 2010). Kolli Hills are the part of Eastern Ghats, which is one of the richest floristic areas in the world (Bhusan 2003) with hills rising from 200–1415 m with deep ravines and high peaks (Chittibabu & Parthasarathy 2000; Ramachandran et al. 2007), having a wide range of ecosystems and species diversity, located at the tail end of the Eastern Ghats in Namakkal District in the state of Tamil Nadu (Fig. 1). They are part of the Talaghat stretch. Kolli Hills are known for sacred groves and

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1778–1781

Rare agaric from Eastern Ghats

M. Kumar & V. Kaviyarasan


Eastern Ghats

a 10µm

b 10µm

Tamil Nadu



11010’00”–11030’00”N 78015’00”–78030’00”E

Figure 1. The location of collection area

Figure 2. Clarkeinda trachodes a - habit; b - spores; c - basidia; d - pleurocystidia; e - pileal cystidia

other ritual practices (Mulligan et al. 2007). Materials and Methods Collections were made as suggested by Largent (1977) and Atri et al. (2003). Macroscopic details such as shape, colour, dimension and odour of fresh basidiocarps were recorded. Terminologies used by Largent were followed for recording the characters of specimens. Kornerup & Wanscher’s (1978) colour chart was followed to determine colour of the fresh specimens. The specimens were dried by using a mushroom drier, labeled and preserved in sealed polythene covers along with naphthalene balls in order to safeguard them from insects pests. The specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of Madras University Botany Laboratories (MUBL) for future studies (MUBL No. 3673). The dried specimens were revived in 3% KOH. Stains such as 1% aqueous Phloxine, Acetocarmine and Melzer’s reagent were used to study carminophilous reaction, amyloidity reaction of the spores (Largent 1977). Spore print was taken and spores, basidia, cystidia, hyphae, etc., measured using micrometric techniques. Line diagrams were drawn with the aid of camera lucida attachment (Fig. 2). Taxonomy Material examined: 22.v.2005, large fruit bodies (12 nos) of Clarkeinda trachodes were found to occur

on soil in solitary as well as in troops in the shady places of sacred groves in Nariankadu of Kolli Hills (Nammakkal District), Tamil Nadu (Image 1 a,b). coll. M. Kumar & V.Kaviyarasan, (MUBL. No. 3673). The culture of C. trachodes (VKMK06) is maintained in MUBL Culture Collection Centre. Macroscopic description Basidiocarp troops, terrestrial in grass land. Pileus 7.5–13 cm, broadly parabolic to convex or almost applanate to slightly uplifted; surface pale (4A1–4A2) with greyish-brown to clay squamules all over and brown plate like squamules (7E6–7F6) at disc on a white background; dry, squamose margin striate, rimose, appendiculate. Lamellae free, sulphine yellow (3A2) when young and yellowish-grey (3B2) when old, up to 12mm wide, crowded with lamellulae of five lengths; edge thick and not smooth. Stipe 8.5–9.2 × 1.4–2.2 cm, central, obclavate to cylindric, tapering upwards, with a bulbous base, hollow, surface white, bruising to yellowish-green (4A2–4B2), smooth. Annulus persistent, complex, thick, very broad, pendulous, with squamules on the bottom of the annulus, white. Volva present, 1–3.5 cm deep, white, lobes usually closely appressed with stipe and in some

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1778–1781


Rare agaric from Eastern Ghats

M. Kumar & V. Kaviyarasan



Image 1 (a,b). Habitat of Clarkeinda trachodes

specimen inconspicuous. Context upto 1.3cm thick at the disc, white, changing to brownish-red when exposed, consisting of slightly interwoven, thin walled, hyaline hyphae of 2–7.63 µm diam., inflated upto 13µm diam. Spore print ‘pale yellow’(1A3) to greyish-yellow (1B3). Microscopic description Spores 5.67–8.50 × 4.36–5.45 (7.08 ± 0.49 × 4.9 ± 0.43) µm, Q = 1.44, ellipsoid to ovate, truncate at the apex by a broad distinct, germ pore, hyaline, dextrinoid, not metachromatic with cresyl blue, smooth, thick complex wall. Basidia 17.45–21.82 × 4.90–8.72 µm, clavate, bearing four sterigmata, sterigmata short. Lamellar edge not sterile. Cheilocystidia not observed. Pleurocystidia 21.82–22.91 × 6.54–6.89 µm, not much broadly mucronate. Hymenophoral trama regular, 22.54–50.72 µm dia., hyaline, consisting of thin walled hyphae, 2–7 µm diam., inflated upto 15µm dia. Subhymenial layer well developed, 7–10 µm in dia., pseudoparenchymatous. Pileipellis pellicle formed by agglutinated trichodermial hyphae. Pileal surface a trichodermial palisade of thin walled erect hyphae, 6.76–15.49 µm dia., hyaline, terminal elements cylindrical. Clamp connections absent in all hyphae. The species collected from Kolli Hills was compared with the previous Indian record of Leelavathy et al. (1981) and found that there is not much difference in all the macroscopic and microscopic characters except for a few slight variations like the smaller basidia.


REFERENCES Anthwal, A., C.S. Ramesh, & Archana Sharma. (2006). Sacred Groves: Traditional Way of Conserving Plant Diversity in Garhwal Himalaya, Uttaranchal. The Journal of American Science 2(2): 37. Atri, N.S., A. Kaur & H. Kaur (2003). Wild MushroomsCollection Identification. Chambaghat, Solan, 16pp. Bhushan, B. (2003). National biodiversity strategy and action plan profiles the Eastern Ghats of southern India. India Conservation Records 1: 3–5. (web page) Carmine & M. Contu (2002). Clarkeinda trachodes, one new species for the micoflora Italian recovered in Calabria. Bulletin of group micologico New G. bresadola Series 45(1): 33–39. Chittibabu, C.V. & N. Parthasarathy (2000). Attenuated tree species diversity in human-impacted tropical evergreen forest sites at Kolli Hills, Eastern Ghats, India. Biodiversity and Conservation 9: 1493–1519. Gadgil, M. & V.D. Vartak (1976). Sacred groves of Western Ghats of India. Economic Botany 30: 152–160. Jayarajan, M. (2004). Sacred Groves of North Malabar. KRPLLD, Trivandrum, 9pp. Kornerup, A. & J.H. Wanscher (1967). Methuen Handbook of Colour - 3rd Edition. Methuen and Co. Ltd., London, 243pp. Largent, D.L. (1977). How to Identify Mushrooms to Genus I: Macroscopical Features. Mad River Press, Eureka, 86pp. Leelavathy, K.M., S. Zachariah, & K.V. Sankaran (1981). Clarkeinda rhacodes a new record from India. Mycologia 73(1): 204–207. Mulligan, M., P. James & Y. Nadarajah (2007). Annual Report January 2006-January 2007, Vol. 5. Globalism Institute, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, 66pp. Pegler, D.N. (1986). Agaric Flora of Sri Lanka. Kew Bulletin of Additional Series–12, 328pp. Ramachandran, A., S. Jayakumar, R.M. Haroon, A. Bhaskaran & D.I. Arockiasamy (2007). Carbon

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1778–1781

Rare agaric from Eastern Ghats

M. Kumar & V. Kaviyarasan

sequestration: estimation of carbon stock in natural forests using geospatial technology in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Current Science 92(3): 323–331. Ramanujam, M.P. & P.K. Cyril (2003). Woody species diversity of four sacred groves in the Pondicherry region of south India. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 289–299. Singer (1986). The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy. 3rd Edition. J. Cramer, Vaduz, 912pp. Tripathi, R.S. (2005). Sacred groves of north-east India and their floristic richness and significance in biodiversity conservation. EnviroNews-Newsletter of ISEB India 11(3): 1–2. Zhu-Liang, Y. (1991). Clarkeinda trachodes, an agaric new to China. Acta botanica yunnanica 13(3): 279–282.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1778–1781


JoTT Note

3(5): 1782–1787

Four new Meliolaceae (Sordariomycetes: Meliolales) members from Kottayam forests in Kerala State, India V.B. Hosagoudar 1 & P.J. Robin 2 Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram 695562, Kerala Email: 1 (corresponding author) 1,2

During a survey of the foliicolous fungi in the Western Ghats region of Kerala State, authors collected several specimens from the Kottayam forest. Of these, the following five distinct and interesting Meliolaceae taxa are described and illustrated here. Four taxa do not match with any of the described Meliolaceae members, hence are described as new.

1. Appendiculella elaeocarpicola sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Materials examined: 04.iii.2007, on leaves of Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Roxb. (Elaeocarpaceae), Chapathu, Ponthanpuzha, Kottayam, Kerala, India, coll. P.J. Robin, HCIO 48808 (holotype), TBGT 3184 (isotype) (MycoBank 561265). Coloniae epiphyllae, subdensae, ad 3mm diam.. Hyphae rectae vel undulatae, plerumque oppositae Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Editor: Richard Mibey Manuscript details: Ms # o2747 Received 05 April 2011 Finally accepted 22 April 2011 Citation: Hosagoudar, V.B & P.J. Robin (2011). Four new Meliolaceae (Sordariomycetes: Meliolales) members from Kottayam forests in Kerala State, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1782–1787. Copyright: © V.B. Hosagoudar & P.J. Robin 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Acknowledgements: We thank Director, Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala for providing facilities. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


acuteque vel laxe ramosae, laxe vel arte reticulatae, cellulae 22–29 x 3–5 µm. Appressoria alternata, antrorsa vel subantrorsa, 17–19 µm longa; cellulae basilares cylindraceae vel cuneatae, 5–7 µm longae; cellulae apicales globosae, ovatae, integrae, 12–14 x 7–10 µm. Phialides appressoriis intermixtae, alternatae vel oppositae, ampulliformes, 14–22 x 7–10 µm. Perithecia dispersa, globosa, ad 106µm in diam.; appendages peritheciales conoideae, rectae vel curvulae, striatus horizontalis, attenuatae vel late roundata ad apicem, ad 24µm longae; ascosporae oblongae vel ellipsoideae, 4-septatae, constrictae ad septatae, 34–38 x 12–14 µm. Colonies epiphyllous, subdense, up to 3mm in diameter. Hyphae straight to undulate, branching mostly opposite at acute to wide angles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells 22–29 x 3–5 µm. Appressoria alternate, antrorse to subantrorse, 17–19 µm long; stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 5–7 µm long; head cells globose, ovate, entire, 12–14 x 7–10 µm. Phialides mixed with appressoria, alternate to opposite, ampulliform, 14–22 x 7–10 µm. Perithecia scattered, globose, up to 106 µm in diameter; perithecial appendages conoid, straight to curved, horizontally striated, attenuated to broadly rounded at the apex, up to 24µm long; ascospores oblong to ellipsoidal, 4-septate, constricted at the septa, 34–38 x 12–14 µm. Asteridiella elaeocarpi-tuberculati Hosag., A. elaeocarpicola Hansf. and Meliola elaeocarpi Yates are known on this host genus (Hansford 1961; Hosagoudar 1996, 2008; Hosagoudar et al. 1997; Hosagoudar & Agarwal 2008). Appendiculella elaeocarpicola sp. nov. differs from all these species in having perithecial appendages. Etmology: The specific epithet is based on the host genus.

2. Meliola sterculicola sp. nov. (Fig. 2) Materials examined: 22.xii.2006, on leaves of Sterculia sp. (Sterculiaceae), Ponthanpuzha, Placherry, Kottayam, Kerala, India, coll. P.J. Robin & M. Harish HCIO 48143 (holotype), TBGT 2879 (isotype) (MycoBank 561266).

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1782–1787

Four new Meliolaceae fungi

V.B. Hosagoudar & P.J. Robin

c d




Figure 1. Appendiculella elaeocarpicola sp. nov. a - Appressorium; b - Phialide; c - Ascospores; d - Perithecial appendage

c 5µm a

d b Figure 2. Meliola sterculicola sp. nov. a - Appressorium; b - Phialide; c - Apical portion of the mycelial setae; d - Ascospores Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1782–1787


Four new Meliolaceae fungi

V.B. Hosagoudar & P.J. Robin

Coloniae epiphyllae, tenues, ad 3mm diam., confluentes. Hyphae rectae vel subrectae, plerumque oppositae ad laxe ramosae, laxe vel arte reticulatae, cellulae 19–26 x 4–7 µm. Appressoria plerumque alternata, unilateralis, antrorsa vel subantrorsa, 21–26 µm longa; cellulae basilares cylindraceae vel cuneatae, 5–10 µm longae; cellulae apicales ovatae, globosae, integrae, angularis vel leniter lobatae,19–14 x 10–12 µm. Phialides producentes a mycelia separata, oppositae, alternatae vel unilateralis, ampulliformes,14–24 x 5–7 µm. Setae paucae, simplices, rectae, acute ad apicem, ad 480µm longae. Perithecia dispersa, globosa, ad 110µm diam.; ascosporae oblongae, ellipsoidalae, 4-septatae, constrictus ad septatae, 34–41 x 14–17 µm. Colonies epiphyllous, thin, up to 3mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae straight to substraight, branching mostly opposite at wide angles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells 19–26 x 4–7 µm. Appressoria mostly alternate, unilateral, antrorse to subantrorse, 21–26

µm long; stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 5–10 µm long; head cells ovate, globose, entire, angular to slightly lobate,19–14 x 10–12 µm. Phialides borne on a separate mycelial branch, opposite, alternate to unilateral, ampulliform,14–24 x 5–7 µm. Mycelial setae few, simple, straight, acute at the tip, up to 480µm long. Perithecia scattered, globose, up to 110µm in diameter; ascospores oblong, ellipsoidal, 4-septate, constricted at the septa, 34–41 x 14–17 µm. Based on the digital formula 3111.3222, it can be compared with Meliola sterculiacearum Hosag. & Kamar. known on the same host genus from Wayanad in Western Ghats. However, Meliola sterculicola sp. nov. differs from it in having longer appressoria with angular to sublobate head cells and phialides borne on a separate mycelia branch (Hosagoudar 2005). Etmology: The specific epithet is based on the host genus.




5µm b

Figure 3. Meliola gouaniae Hansf. var. keralica var. nov. a - Appressorium; b - Phialide; c - Apical portion of the mycelial setae; d - Ascospores 1784

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1782–1787

Four new Meliolaceae fungi

V.B. Hosagoudar & P.J. Robin

3. Meliola gouaniae Hansf. var. keralica var. nov. (Fig.3) Materials examined: 12.iii.2007, on leaves of Gouania sp. (Rhamnaceae), Ponthanpuzha, Kottayam, Kerala, India, P.J. Robin HCIO 48793 (holotype), TBGT 3169 (isotype) (MycoBank 561268). Affinis Meliola gouniae sed differt a var. gouniae setae myceliales nontorulose, longioribus et dentatus. Colonies epiphyllous, thin, up to 4mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae straight to substraight, branching mostly opposite at acute angles, loosely reticulate, cells 19–29 x 5–7 µm. Appressoria mostly alternate, unilateral, antrorse to subantrorse, 12–17 µm long; stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 2–7 µm long; head cells ovate, globose, entire, angular to slightly lobate, 10–14 x 7–10 µm. Phialides mixed with appressoria, alternate to opposite, unilateral, ampulliform, 21– 29 x 5–7 µm. Mycelial setae scattered, simple, straight, obtuse to dentate at the tip, up to 420µm long. Perithecia scattered, globose, up to 178µm in diameter; ascospores obovoidal, 4-septate, constricted at the septa, 31–38 x 12–14 µm. The present taxon is similar to Meliola gouaniae Hansf. known on Gouania sp. from Sierra Leone and

Java. However, Meliola gouaniae Hansf. var. keralica var. nov. differs from the var. gouaniae in having longer and not torulose but dentate mycelial setae. Etmology: Named after the collection locality.

4. Meliola lophopetaligena sp. nov. (Fig. 4) Materials examined: 09.ix.2007, on leaves of Lophopetalum wightiana Arn. (Celastraceae), Ponthanpuzha, Kottayam, Kerala, India, coll. P.J. Robin HCIO 48792 (holotype), TBGT 3168 (isotype) (MycoBank 561267). Coloniae epiphyllae, densae, velutinae, ad 4mm diam., confluentes. Hyphae rectae vel subrectae, plerumque opposite acuteque ramosae, laxe vel arte reticulatae, cellulae 22–31 x 7–12 µm. Appressoria opposita, ad 3% alternata, positus ad spatium (pro parte maxima appressoria nulla), arte antrorsa, antrorsa vel subantrorsa, 19–26 µm longa; cellulae basilares cylindraceae vel cuneatae, 2–7 µm longae; cellulae apicales ovatae, globosae, integrae, angularis vel leniter lobatae, 10–14 x 7–10 µm. Phialides appressoriis intermixtae, oppositae vel alternatae, ampulliformes, 19–26 x 9–12 µm. Setae myceliales numerosae, dispersae, simplices, rectae, acutae vel



9µm c b Figure 4. Meliola lophopetaligena sp. nov. a - Appressorium; b - Phialide; c - Apical portion of the mycelial setae; d - Ascospores Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1782–1787


Four new Meliolaceae fungi

V.B. Hosagoudar & P.J. Robin

d a




Figure 5. Meliola garugae Stev. & Rold. a - Appressorium; b - Phialide; c - Apical portion of the mycelial setae; d - Ascospores

obtusae ad apicem, ad 780µm longae. Perithecia dispersa, globosa, ad 250µm diam.; ascosporae oblongae vel cylindraceae, 4-septatae, constrictus ad septatae, 36–46 x 12–17 µm. Colonies epiphyllous, dense, velvety, up to 4mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae straight to substraight, branching mostly opposite at acute angles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells 22–31 x 7–12 µm. Appressoria opposite, about 3% alternate, arranged after an intermittent interval (in most places mycelium devoid of appressoria), closely antrorse, antrorse to subantrorse, 19–26 µm long; stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 2–7 µm long; head cells ovate, globose, entire, angular to slightly lobate, 10–14 x 7–10 µm. Phialides mixed with appressoria, opposite to alternate, ampulliform, 19–26 x 9–12 µm. Mycelial setae numerous, scattered, simple, straight, acute to obtuse at the tip, up to 780µm long. Perithecia scattered, globose, up to 250µm in diameter; ascospores oblong to cylindrical, 4-septate, constricted at the septa, 36–46 x 12–17 µm. Meliola lophopetali Stev. ex Hansf. is known on 1786

Lophopetalum toxicum from Philippines. However, Meliola lophopetaligena sp. nov. differs from it in having closely arranged longer appressoria arranged after an intermittent intervals, longer mycelial setae and larger ascospores (Hansford 1961). It also differs from Meliola chennaiana Hosag. & Goos known on Lophopetalum sp. from Chennai, Eastern Ghats in having 3% opposite appressoria, ovate, globose, entire, angular to slightly lobate head cells of the appressoria and phialides mixed with appressoria (Goos & Hosagoudar 1998). Etmology: The specific epithet is based on the host genus.

5. Meliola garugae Stev. & Rold., Philippine J. Sci. 56: 67,1935; Hansf., Sydowia Beih. 2: 399, 1961. (Fig. 5) Materials examined:, on leaves of Garuga pinnata Roxb. (Burseraceae), Vazhoor,

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1782–1787

Four new Meliolaceae fungi

Kottayam, Kerala, India, P.J. Robin HCIO 48791, TBGT 3167. Colonies amphigenous, mostly epiphyllous, up to 3mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae straight to substraight, branching mostly opposite to alternate at acute angles, loosely reticulate, cells 24–36 x 5–7 µm. Appressoria alternate to unilateral, antrorse to subantrorse, 14–19 µm long; stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 5–7 µm long; head cells ovate, globose, entire,10–12 x 7–10 µm. Phialides mixed with appressoria, alternate to opposite, ampulliform, neck elongated, 19–24 x7–10 µm. Mycelial setae numerous, scattered, straight, dentate, cristate, bifid to obtuse at the tip, up to 370µm long. Perithecia scattered, up to 170µm in diameter; ascospores oblong to cylindrical, 4–septate, constricted at the septa, 36–43 x 14–17 µm. This species was known in Garuga sp. from the Philippines and was known only from a single collection (Hansford 1961). It is reported here for the first time from India on a hitherto unrecorded host species (Hosagoudar 1996, 2008).

V.B. Hosagoudar & P.J. Robin

REFERENCES Goos, R.D. & V.B. Hosagoudar (1998). Meliola chennaiana sp. nov. and some additional records of fungi from India. Mycotaxon 68: 41–46. Hansford, C.G. (1961). The Meliolineae. A Monograph. Sydowia Beih 2: 1–806. Hosagoudar, V.B. (1996). Meliolales of India. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta, 363pp. Hosagoudar, V.B. (2005). meliolaceae of kerala, india – xxi. new species and new records. Journal of Mycopathological Research 43: 17–32. Hosagoudar, V.B. (2008). Meliolales of India. Vol. II. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta, 390pp. Hosagoudar, V.B. & D.K. Agarwal (2008). Taxonomic Studies of Meliolales. Identification Manual. International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun, 263pp. Hosagoudar, V.B., T.K. Abraham & P. Pushpangadan (1997). The Meliolineae - A Supplement. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 201pp.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1782–1787


JoTT Response

3(5): 1788–1791

Need for further research on the freshwater fish fauna of the Ashambu Hills landscape: a response to Abraham et al. Rajeev Raghavan1, 2 Conservation Research Group (CRG), St. Albert’s College, Kochi, India 2 Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom Email: 1

The updated checklist of the freshwater fish fauna of Ashambu Hills including an undescribed species of the genus Puntius, and range extension of four cyprinids (Abraham et al. 2011) is continuing testimony to the fact that ichthyofauna of Western Ghats (WG) is poorly understood and is still influenced by the ‘Linnean shortfall’ (lack of knowledge of how many, and what kind of, species exist) and ‘Wallacean shortfall’ (inadequate knowledge on the distribution of species). Ashambu Hills landscape, south of the Shencottah Gap is one of the least explored areas for freshwater fish diversity in Kerala, and so the work of Abraham et al. (2011) is an important first step in filling the knowledge gap. The authors need to be commended for carrying out field surveys for a year in as many as five rivers of this eco-region and collecting 58 species belonging to 16 families, including a species hitherto unknown to science. One of the highlights of this paper

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Manuscript details: Ms # o2755 Received 08 April 2011 Citation: Raghavan, R. (2011). Need for further research on the freshwater fish fauna of the Ashambu Hills landscape: a response to Abraham et al. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1788–1791. Copyright: © Rajeev Raghavan 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Acknowledgements: I thank Neelesh Dahanukar (IISER, Pune, India), Siby Philip (CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal), Anvar Ali (CRG, St. Albert’s College, Kochi, India) and Ambily Nair (University of Hasselt, Belgium) for their critical comments, and suggesting necessary changes to the draft manuscript. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


is the information provided by the authors on the major threats faced by different species (Table 1 of the article). Such species specific data will surely help policy makers and biodiversity managers and lead to improved conservation action for freshwater fish in the Ashambu landscape. A very serious problem with ichthyological literature (especially papers in the recent past) is that authors uncritically rely on earlier data, the result that many reviews are merely compilations of old and often incompatible information. Errors are thus propagated over long periods of time (Kottelat & Freyhof 2007). Since the work by Abraham et al. (2011) has been published as an updated and systematic checklist of fishes of a poorly known region of the WG, the paper will surely be referred and cited by regional ichthyologists for years to come. In this context, I believe that some of the results presented by Abraham et al. (2011) are ambiguous and need additional discussion and deliberation by the ichthyological research community of the WG. The paper has several cases of taxonomic inaccuracies, erroneous remarks and redundant data that the authors have presumably overlooked while preparing this manuscript in haste. As a peer researcher working on fish conservation in the southern WG, I believe that it is my obligation to point out some of the issues and shortcomings in this paper, to prevent future authors from citing inappropriate information, as well as assist the present authors in realizing their oversights. The first point of interest is that Abraham et al. (2011) does not include Hypselobarbus thomassi (Day, 1874) in their updated checklist. This large cyprinid was recorded from the Kallada River at Kulatupuzha (Kurup 2002; Kurup et al. 2004) and Thenmala Dam (Euphrasia et al. 2006). Since Abraham et al. (2011) mention that their checklist is based on a compilation of previous literature on fishes of the Ashambu Hills (in addition to their field surveys), there is a need to understand whether this species was missed out accidentally from their list, or excluded due to any specific reason. Further, as Abraham et al. (2011) have recorded three species within the genus Hypselobarbus (H. curmuca, H. kolus and H. kurali) from Kallada River, it is reasonable to speculate that the omission of H. thomassi from their list may also have been due

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1788–1791

Response to Abraham et al.

to taxonomic reasons. A discussion on whether H. thomassi is distributed in Kallada River is also timely as there is a current doctoral thesis work being carried out at one of the Universities in Kerala titled ‘Life history and population of H. thomassi from Kallada River’. In their paper on the fishes ofAshambu Hills,Abraham et al. (2011) extends the range of Garra mcclellandi (Jerdon, 1849) to the Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary (Neyyar River). G. mcclellandi was first described from various locations in the Cauvery drainage (Nilgiri and Wayanad region of Tamil Nadu and Kerala) (Jerdon 1849), and subsequently recorded by many workers from the same or nearby drainages north of the Palakkad Gap. To the best of my knowledge, there are only two drainages south of the Palakkad Gap from where G. mcclellandi has been previously recorded, i.e., Periyar (Arun et al. 1996; Arun 1999; Minimol 2000; Easa & Shaji 2003; Thomas 2004) and Chalakudy (Antony 1977 cited in Ajithkumar et al. 1999). G. mcclellandi was recorded from the Periyar Tiger Reserve (PTR) by Arun et al. (1996), Arun (1999) and Minimol (2000). Subsequently, Gopi (2000a) described a new species, G. periyarensis (based on two specimens) from the PTR which closely resembles G. mcclellandi, but without providing any information on whether any comparative material was examined. Nevertheless, in the most recent publication on the fishes of PTR, Radhakrishnan & Kurup (2010) suggests that G. periyarensis and G. mcclellandi have great similarity in body morpho-meristics, and validates the presence of G. periyarensis (but not G. mcclellandi) inside the PTR. Silas (1958) in his remarks on the cyprinid fishes described by Jerdon, mentions that Pillay (1929), Hora & Law (1941), and Silas (1951) have recorded G. jerdoni (synonym of G. mcclellandi) as occurring in the rivers draining the Travancore Hills. Silas (1958) also mentions that the single specimen that he collected from Peermed Hills (Periyar drainage) was different from the typical G. mcclellandi in many details and that G. mcclellandi appears to be restricted to the Cauvery watershed. This lends further support to the description of G. periyarensis by Gopi (2000a). There are no known types for G. mcclellandi (Eschemeyer & Fricke 2011) and hence it would be interesting to know more about the specimens examined by Abraham et al. (2011) for reporting its range extension to the Ashambu Hills. Similarly, it will also

Rajeev Raghavan

be worthwhile to know whether Abraham et al. (2011) had examined the types of G. periyarensis housed at the Regional Station of the Zoological Survey of India at Kozhikode (ZSI, CLT V/F 9426 and 9427). I believe that examining types and/or other museum specimens of both these species are crucial to confirming the actual identity of G. mcclellandi collected by Abraham et al. (2011) from Neyyar. I also wish to debate on the record of the range extension of P. mahecola and G. hughi to the Ashambu Hills made by Abraham et al. (2011). Pethiyagoda & Kottelat (2005) explicitly mentions collecting P. mahecola from the Kallada River and Kallar Stream (possibly Vamanapuram River). The figure on page 147 of Pethiyagoda & Kottelat (2005) showing the distribution of P. mahecola, has Kallada River as one among the main collection locations. Therefore, it is already known that P. mahecola occurs in the Kallada River and the Ashambu Hills landscape. The claim of range extension of P. mahecola to the drainages of the Ashambu Hills (especially River Kallada, as mentioned in the second paragraph of discussion) by Abraham et al. (2011) is therefore redundant, and cannot be treated as a range extension record. G. hughi was recorded from Kallar tributary of Vamanapuram River (Ashambu Hills Landscape) by Johnson & Arunachalam (2010). Although this has been mentioned by Abraham et al. (2011) in their discussion, they still continue to treat their record of G. hughi as a range extension to Ashambu Hills and southern Kerala. It is therefore not clear, what Abraham et al. (2011) mean by the term ‘range extension’. Like the case of P. mahecola, one should also consider the information on the range extension of G. hughi as redundant. Abraham et al. (2011) (citing Pethiyagoda & Kottelat 2005) also mentions that P. amphibius is a synonym of P. mahecola. This is an entirely wrong statement, as nowhere in the original paper have the authors opined so. Pethiyagoda & Kottelat (2005) (page 151; paragraph 3) only suggests that the “identity of P. amphibius remains in question and warrants further investigation; but cannot, however, be resolved without fresh collections from near the type locality”. Even the Catalog of Fish (Eschemeyer & Fricke 2011) retains P. amphibius as a valid species. It is indeed a reality that P. amphibius has a taxonomic ambiguity and much of the confusion is because of misidentifications with, and incorrect references to P. mahecola in current

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1788–1791


Response to Abraham et al.

Rajeev Raghavan

literature (Pethiyagoda & Kottelat 2005). It has also been suggested that the species presently assigned to P. amphibius may in fact be distinct and possibly new (Pethiyagoda & Kottelat 2005). Abraham et al. (2011), citing Gopi (2000b) mention that the southernmost record of Puntius (Hypselobarbus) jerdoni was previously from the Chalakudy River. This is again a wrong statement as this species was recorded by Kurup et al. (2004) and Kurup (2002) from the Achenkovil River which is further south of Chalakudy and very close to the Ashambu Hills landscape. As mentioned previously, errors in taxonomy and nomenclature of freshwater fish keep appearing in recent checklists, even if they have been corrected in the scientific literature years (sometimes decades) ago. One example of this is Mystus cavasius, which is currently known to be restricted to Godavari River and drainages north of it. The species previously recorded as M. cavasius in Krishna and rivers south of Krishna, are currently known to be M. sengtee (Chakrabarty & Ng 2005). I understand that the authors have not collected this species from the Ashambu Hills but mention M. cavasius in their checklist based on previous studies. I recommend that the authors should change the species name to M. sengtee based on the updated taxonomy, so that future workers referring to Abraham et al. (2011) will not repeat the same mistake. Abraham et al. (2011) mentions Tor malabaricus as the only species of Mahseer present in the Ashambu Hills landscape. Previous workers including Johnson & Arunachalam (2009) have recorded only T. khudree from this landscape. A discussion on why T. khudree was not mentioned by Abraham et al. (2011) even in the checklist is therefore necessary. Similarly, Johnson & Arunachalam (2009) have recorded Botia striata, Puntius melanampyx, and Pterocryptis (Silurus) wynaadensis from Kallar Stream of Vamanapuram River, while Kurup (2002) has recorded Glyptothorax lonah and Mystus gulio from Kallada River. However, Abraham et al. (2011) does not mention these species in their checklist. Hence, a discussion on why these species were omitted from the checklist is also required. An earlier study on the fishes of the Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary (Thomas et al. 2000) has presumably been overlooked by the authors. This is evident from the fact that the Abraham et al. (2011) have missed out listing Nemacheilus guentheri which was collected by Thomas et al. (2000) from this protected area. 1790

There are also several gaps in the information on endemism that has been presented in Table 1 of the paper by Abraham et al. (2011). These authors have mentioned that Aplocheilus blockii is an endemic species of WG. However, this species was first described from Sri Lanka (Arnold 1911) and later recorded from Pakistan (Mirza 2003). Probably, the records from Pakistan might need verification, but the fact remains that there are existing records of A. blockii from outside the WG. On the other hand, Pangio goaensis, Horalabiosa joshuai and Garra surendranathanii are endemic to the WG (Dahanukar et al. 2004) but the authors do not indicate this. One of the main drawbacks of this paper is the lack of information (size, sex of the fish, diagnostic characters, number of samples collected) on the samples of the species whose range extension have been reported, as well as on the comparative material that the authors have (?) examined. The importance of comparative material either from museum collections, or even personal collections of the authors or their colleagues becomes important when reporting range extensions of species that have taxonomic ambiguity (like in the case of G. mcclellandi). There has also been a lack of integration of some key literature on freshwater fishes of Kerala (for e.g. Thomas et al. 2000; Kurup et al. 2004). Two of the additional references that I mention here (Kurup 2002; Euphrasia et al. 2006) have been published in proceedings of conferences and so may not be available for easy access. This could have been one reason why these were not referred to by Abraham et al. (2011). However, Kurup et al. (2004) is one of the most comprehensive reviews on freshwater fish fauna of Kerala that is widely cited. Although it is also part of a published conference proceeding, it is available open access online (ftp://ftp. and so easily available to most authors. On the other hand, the paper on the fishes of Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary (Thomas et al. 2000) has been published in an easily accessible and reputed national journal. By missing key references, Abraham et al. (2011) have been unsuccessful in presenting a checklist of the fishes of Ashambu Hills that is ‘updated’ and ‘systematic’ as they claim. Nevertheless, I still believe that the paper by Abraham et al. (2011) is an important ichthyological work from the southern WG with regard to the data on species richness vis-à-vis four important rivers, stream microhabitats and elevational gradients; and the very

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1788–1791

Response to Abraham et al.

important additional information on species specific threats. I would therefore suggest that the authors attempt to integrate the references that were missed, include the species that were overlooked, discuss the reasons why they think specific species are absent (even though it was recorded by previous workers) and prepare an updated list of fishes of the landscape. I sincerely hope that Abraham et al. (2011) take my comments and suggestions in the right spirit and engage in a meaningful discussion on various aspects mentioned in this response, so as to further the science of fish taxonomy and conservation in the Western Ghats. Note: The views expressed here are solely of the author, and in no way mirrors that of the institution(s) he represents. References Abraham, R.K., N. Kelkar & A.B. Kumar (2011). Freshwater fish fauna of the Ashambu Hills landscape, southern Western Ghats, India, with notes on some range extensions. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(3): 1585–1593. Ajithkumar, C.R., K.R. Devi., K.R. Thomas & C.R. Biju (1999). Fish fauna, abundance and distribution in Chalakudy River system, Kerala. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 96 (2): 244–254. Antony, A.D. (1977). Systematics, bionomics and distribution of the hill stream fishes of Thrissur District. PhD Thesis. University of Calicut. Arnold, J.P. (1911). Der Formen- und Farbenkreis der Haplochilus panchax-Gruppe. Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde 8(46): 669–672. Arun, L.K., C.P. Shaji & P.S. Easa (1996). Record of new fishes from Periyar Tiger Reserve. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 93: 103–104. Arun, L.K. (1999). Fish community assemblages of Periyar Tiger Reserve - Report. Kerala, India: Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), 142p. Chakrabarty, P. & H.H. Ng (2005). The identity of catfishes identified as Mystus cavasius (Hamilton, 1822) (Teleostei: Bagridae), with a description of a new species from Myanmar. Zootaxa 1093: 1–24. Dahanukar, N., R. Raut & A. Bhat (2004). Distribution, endemism and threat status of freshwater fishes in the Western Ghats of India. Journal of Biogeography 31: 123–136. Easa, P.S. & C.P. Shaji (2003). Biodiversity documentation for Kerala. Part 8 - Freshwater fishes. KFRI Handbook No 17. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India. Eschmeyer, W.N. & R. Fricke (eds.) (2011). Catalog of Fishes electronic version (29 March 2011). http://research.calacademy. org/ichthyology/catalog/fishcatmain.asp. Accessed on 30th March 2011.

Rajeev Raghavan

Euphrasia, C.J., K.V. Radhakrishnan & B.M. Kurup (2006). The threatened freshwater fishes of Kerala, India. In: Kurup, B.M & K. Ravindran (eds). Sustain Fish 2005, Proceedings of the International Symposium on improved sustainability of fish production systems and appropriate technologies for utilization. 16–18 March 2005. Kochi, India. Gopi, K.C. (2000a). Garra periyarensis, a new cyprinid fish from Periyar Tiger Reserve, Kerala, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 98 (1): 80–83. Gopi, K.C. (2000b). Freshwater fishes of Kerala State. pp. 56–76. In: Ponniah, A.G. & A. Gopalakrishnan (eds.). Endemic Fish Diversity of Western Ghats. NBFGR-NATP, India. Hora, S.L. & Law, N.C (1941). The Freshwater Fish of Travancore. Records of the Indian Museum 43: 233–256 Jerdon, T.C. (1849). On the fresh-water fishes of southern India. (Continued from p. 149.). Madras Journal of Literature and Science 15(2): 302–346. Johnson, J.A. & M. Arunachalam (2009). Diversity, distribution and assemblage structure of fishes in streams of southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 1(10): 507– 513. Kottelat, M. & J. Freyhof (2007). Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes. Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland and Freyhof, Berlin, Germany. Kurup, B.M. (2002). Rivers and streams of Kerala part of Western Ghats – Hotspots of exceptional fish biodiversity and endemism. In Riverine and Reservoir Fisheries of India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Riverine and Reservoir Fisheries Challenges and Strategies, 23–24 May 2001. Kochi, India. Minimol, K.C. (2000). Fishery management in Periyar Lake. PhD Thesis. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India. 196pp. Mirza, M.R. (2003). Checklist of freshwater fishes of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology Supplement Series 3: 1–30. Pethiyagoda, R. & M. Kottelat (2005). The identity of the South Indian Barb Puntius mahecola (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 12: 145–152. Pillay, R.S.N. (1929). A list of fishes taken in Travancore from 1901–1915. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 33: 347–379. Radhakrisnan, K.V. & B.M. Kurup (2010). Ichthyodiversity of Periyar Tiger Reserve, Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2(10): 1192–1198. Silas, E.G. (1958). Remarks on Indian Cyprinid Fishes described by Jerdon (1849) under Gonorhynchus McClelland. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 55(3): 523–531. Silas, E.G. (1951). Fishes from the High Range of Travancore. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 50(2): 322– 330. Thomas, K.R. (2004). Habitat and Distribution of Hill Stream Fishes of Southern Kerala (south of Palghat Gap). PhD Thesis. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India, 185pp. Thomas, K.R., C.R. Biju & C.R. Ajithkumar (2000). Fish fauna of Idukki and Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuaries, Southern Kerala, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 97(3): 443–446.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1788–1791


JoTT Reply

3(5): 1792–1797

Reply to “Need for further research on the freshwater fish fauna of the Ashambu Hills landscape: a response to Abraham et al.” Robin Kurian Abraham 1, Nachiket Kelkar 2 & A. Biju Kumar 3 1,2 TC 11/1123, YMR Junction, Kowdiar P.O., Nanthencode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695003, India 3 Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695581, India Email: 1, 2 rainmaker.nsk@gmail. com (corresponding author), 3

The response to the article and checklist (Abraham et al. 2011) by Raghavan (2011) is timely, and much appreciated. Such critical reading of manuscripts would not only help the authors to prepare the manuscripts with caution but aid fish taxonomists and researchers planning to work on similar topics. The critique has rightfully pointed out a few shortcomings that we overlooked. We are grateful to some of the constructive suggestions in the critical response, as this was a primary attempt to prepare a comprehensive database of fishes in the west-flowing drainages of the Ashambu Hills. We provide in this reply, a revised checklist for freshwater fishes in this region, based on some of the respondent’s suggestions. We thank the respondent for pointing out some references we inadvertently overlooked (e.g. Kurup et al. 2004). We also missed some species from the list, largely due to taxonomic ambiguities or unavailability of obscure references (e.g. Jerdon 1849; Arnold 1911; Euphrasia et al. 2006) to us. Further, we had also decided to have strict criteria for including references that were published in journals or as theses (compiling Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Manuscript details: Ms # o2797 Received 05 May 2011 Citation: Abraham, R.K., N. Kelkar & A.B. Kumar (2011). Reply to “Need for further research on the freshwater fish fauna of the Ashambu Hills landscape: a response to Abraham et al.”. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1792–1797. Copyright: © Robin Kurian Abraham, Nachiket Kelkar & A. Biju Kumar 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


individual papers by authors from the theses). This was done because conference proceedings were often confusing for proper citation as their publication info was inadequate, leading to certain key omissions, as pointed. Finally, some references mentioned in the critique are rather new, (ongoing doctoral research cited in the response; Eschmeyer & Fricke 2011) and we would like to request the consideration that our manuscript was submitted before these publications, so some references may have been overlooked in the final version too. Also, we would like to discuss the taxonomic status and occurrence of some species as it appears in our paper, with the following clarifications: (i) The ‘missing’ species highlighted by the critique such as Hypselobarbus thomassi, Tor khudree, Botia striata, Nemacheilus guentheri, Mystus sengtee, Glyptothorax lonah and Mystus gulio are indeed species that were not included in the checklist, because of doubts about the taxonomic status of these species, and we did not describe in detail within the paper. (ii) Also, many previous checklists that were consulted were seen to repeat earlier ones, apparently without extensive fieldwork, as remarked by the critique. Moreover, in our field sampling we did not find some species mentioned in earlier checklists, such as Barilius gatensis, which have been shown to be abundant in all the sampled rivers by past authors, hence the omission of some species in our paper. (iii) The status of Puntius melanampyx has been ambiguous in literature and synonymized with P. fasciatus in earlier literature (Jayaram 1991, 2010). We add a new species Puntius kannikattiensis in our checklist. We sampled this species in Neyyar and Karamana rivers (reported from KMTR by Arunachalam & Johnson 2002). (iv) With regard to our usage of the term, ‘range extension’, even though we have not explicitly used it on individual rivers, we have extended the ranges of some of the species, towards the south by a river or two. Garra hughi, as we mentioned in our paper, had been reported from the headwaters of the Vamanapuram River by Johnson & Arunachalam (2010). But, our study reports a population further south into the Neyyar River. And our goal is not to merely mention the novel southernmost range for the species, but to elaborate on

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1792–1797

Reply to response

R.K. Abraham et al.

the occurrence of the species in all drainages sampled, keeping in mind that such information would be of interest to any biogeographic work. (v) Puntius mahecola, similarly, reported by Pethiyagoda & Kottelat (2005) to occur in Kallada, was only mentioned and indicated in the map to provide a wholesome representation of the species distribution in the sampled landscape. We have recorded it from all five sampled rivers (with the rivers Karamana and Neyyar being previously not reported), and hence a range extension for the species. It may be noted that the title of our paper is not ‘range extension into the Ashambu Hills’. We also agree that Puntius mahecola is not the synonym of P. amphibius and the taxonomic ambiguities remain to be resolved as to what actually represents the latter species, leaving scope for more comprehensive work, especially including the type localities. (vi) Taxonomic ambiguities with regard to Garra mcclellandi and G. periyarensis remain to be resolved and further research, incorporating molecular taxonomy, would help resolve these issues. At present

we believe the specimen we have is G. mcclellandi. As our studies are ongoing, voucher specimens will be made available for scrutiny soon. (vii) Additionally, further studies are warranted to record the population status of Hypselobarbus thomassi in the Kallada River system. If, as the critique mentions, that studies are being currently undertaken for the same, then that should help resolve any taxonomic misunderstandings for the species in this region. Eschmeyer & Fong (2010) treat Tor khudree malabaricus as T. malabaricus; so the species we refer to is synonymous with T. khudree. Finally, we would like to reiterate that the primary intention and scope of our paper was to present a checklist of fish species occurring in the west-flowing rivers of the Ashambu Hills of Kerala and not provide a comprehensive taxonomic treatment as such. We would also like to mention here that some taxonomic limitations of the study arise from the minimally invasive sampling approaches we preferred to use, whereby we did not make excessive ‘collections’ of every sampled species. We did make specimen

Table 1. An annotated, revised checklist of freshwater fish species known from the Ashambu Hills landscape. This checklist is derived from previous literature (see above) and updated by species sampled during our study (species for which preferred habitat, elevation range and occurrence are mentioned). Genus

Species Author


Preferred Habitat

Elevation Range

Occurrence in Rivers












Ru, Pl



Ambassidae Chanda

nama Hamilton



dayi + Bleeker



thomassi + (Day)


ranga (Hamilton-Buchanan)

Anabantidae testudineus Bloch



bengalensis Gray



bicolor McClelland



lineatus (Valenciennes)






blockii (Arnold)









m, h


Anabas Anguillidae


Bagridae Batasio

travancorica + Hora & Law



brachysoma + (Gunther)



armatus Day



bleekeri (Day)



gulio (Hamilton)

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1792–1797


Reply to response

R.K. Abraham et al. Preferred Habitat

Elevation Range

Occurrence in Rivers


m, h


Ru, Pl








Ra, Ri



Ra, Ru, Ri




Species Author



keletius (Valenciennes)



malabaricus + (Jerdon)



montanus Jerdon



oculatus Valenciennes



sengtee Hamilton-Buchanan



vittatus Bloch



australis + Jerdon


jonesi + Hora


denisoni + Day



pulchellus + Day




guentheri Day



triangularis + Day




goaensis Tilak



thermalis (Valenciennes)


Ra, Ru, Ri




cancilla Hamilton-Buchanan


Ru, Pl





Channidae Channa

gachua Bloch & Schneider


Ru, Pl



marulius Hamilton-Buchanan


Ru, Pl




striata (Bloch)


Ru, Pl




diplogramma +, ^ (Day)


Ru, Pl



Cichlidae Etroplus

maculatus (Bloch)


Ru, Pl




suratensis (Bloch)


Ru, Pl




mossambicus (Peters)


Ru, Pl















Clariidae Clarias

dussumieri + Valenciennes


fossilis Bloch

Clupeidae Dayella

malabarica + (Day)

Cyprinidae Laubuca

dadyburjori + Menon


boopis + Day



balookee (Sykes)






danricus Hamilton-Buchanan


thermoicos Valenciennes


aequipinnatus (McClelland)


Ru, Pl




malabaricus (Jerdon)


Ru, Pl




daniconius (Hamilton)


Ru, Pl




melettinus (Valenciennes)






microlepis (Bleeker)


bakeri + Day

Ra, Ru

m, h



bendelisis Hamilton-Buchanan



gatensis + Valenciennes



carpio Linnaeus






idella Valenciennes






Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1792–1797

Reply to response

R.K. Abraham et al. Preferred Habitat

Elevation Range

Occurrence in Rivers


m, h



Ra, Ru




Ra, Ru, Pl, Ri

l, m, h



Ra, Ru, Pl, Ri




Ru, Pl

m, h



Ru, Pl




Species Author



dussumieri Valenciennes



rohita Hamilton-Buchanan



calbasu Hamilton-Buchanan


malabaricus + (Jerdon)


catla Valenciennes


mrigala Hamilton-Buchanan


mcclellandi +, RE (Jerdon)




mullya (Sykes)


hughi +,


surendranathanii Shaji, Arun & Easa


joshuai + Silas


curmuca + (Hamilton)




kolus (Sykes)


Ru, Pl




kurali + Menon & Rema Devi


Ru, Pl






bakeri + Day


Ru, Pl




Ru, Pl

m, h



Ru, Pl




Ru, Pl, Ri

m, h



Ru, Pl




Ru, Pl, Ri




Silas +

+ RE





arulius Jerdon


bimaculatus (Bleeker)



carnaticus + (Jerdon)


chola Hamilton-Buchanan



conchonius Hamilton-Buchanan



denisonii + Day



dorsalis (Jerdon)


exclamatio +, ASH Pethiyagoda & Kottelat


fasciatus + (Jerdon)


filamentosus (Valenciennes)


kannikattiensis+ (Arunachalam & Johnson, 2002)


sp. nov +,


mahecola +,


parrah Day


sarana subnasutus + Valenciennes


tambraparniei + Silas


ticto Hamilton-Buchanan


vittatus Day




Ru, Pl




Ru, Pl




Ru, Pl




Ru, Pl

l, m


Ru, Pl, Ri




Gobiidae Sicyopterus

griseus Day



l, m



gutum Hamilton-Buchanan



l, m



giuris Hamilton-Buchanan



l, m



Ru, Pl




Ru, Pl, Ri

l, m, h


Hemiramphidae Hyporamphus

limbatus Valenciennes

Mastacembelidae Mastacembelus

armatus (Lacepede)

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1792–1797


Reply to response

R.K. Abraham et al.


Species Author



guentheri (Day)


marginata + Jerdon


Preferred Habitat

Elevation Range

Occurrence in Rivers

Ru, Pl

l, m


Nandidae Pristolepis Notopteridae notopterus Pallas


cupanus (Cuvier)



bimaculatus (Bloch)


Ru, Pl

m, h



malabaricus (Valenciennes)


Ru, Pl

m, h



attu Bloch & Schneider


Notopterus Osphronemidae Pseudosphronemus Siluridae


Sisoridae Glyptothorax

annandalei Hora



lonah Sikes



madraspatanus Day



Synbranchidae Monopterus

fossorius Nair


Syngnathidae Microphis

cuncalus Hamilton-Buchanan


Tetraodontidae Carinotetraodon

travancoricus + Hora & Nair



Key: Author names in brackets indicate redescriptions. Threats: HL - Habitat Loss; DY - Dynamite Fishing; OF - Overfishing; EX - Exotic species; IN Industrial Pollution. Preferred Habitat: Ru - Run; Ri - Riffle; Ra - Rapid; Pl - Pool. Elevation range: l - low; m - mid; h - high. # - Abraham et al. 2010; In Preparation; so still not a valid species. RE - Range extension to the Ashambu Hills Landscape; ^ - Taxonomy following new molecular study showing that the Indian species of Giant Snakehead; previously C. micropeltes should be treated as a distinct species C. diplogramma (Adamson et al. 2010). Endemism: + - Western Ghats; ASH - Ashambu Hills. Occurrence in Rivers: KLD - Kallada; ITK - Ithikkara; VAM - Vamanapuram; KAR - Karamana; NEY - Neyyar. PA - Protected Area; NPA - Non-Protected Area.

collections where we thought it necessary, but avoided wanton collections on account of the threats faced by rare fishes even within Protected Areas. One of our important endeavours in this study has been to actively on taxonomic issues, avoid excessive collection for merely taxonomic work, especially from within conservations reserves and sanctuaries where many endemics occur (Abraham & Kelkar, in Press) and also from unprotected areas. Many current and previous studies (e.g. Baby et. al. 2010) have employed the use of electro-fishing methods in critical aquatic habitats within conservation landscapes. We believe that there are and have to be more sensible ways, (although, of course, much more tedious and timeconsuming) for collection of fish species. Experienced fish taxonomists (such as Shri C. P. Shaji; pers.comm.) have observed mass mortality of several non-target aquatic species and life forms like amphibian tadpoles, juveniles fishes, crustaceans and macro-invertebrates, 1796

immediately following episodes of electro-fishing by ‘scientific sampling’ (Nielsen 1998). We do not deny the importance of the respondent’s suggestions. At the same time, we would like to stress the importance of minimally invasive ways for highly threatened taxa such as freshwater fishes and amphibians. We believe that the time’s need is to go beyond mere stamp-collecting and check-listing, through inculcating certain conservation sensitivities in field research, and we are glad to have done that. We thank the respondent’s thoughtful and in-depth comments on our article. Our revised checklist (Table 1) may be referred as an erratum to the original paper (Abraham et al. 2011). We also sincerely hope that this discussion would be useful for authors working on freshwater fishes in the region.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1792–1797

Reply to response

References Abraham, R.K., N. Kelkar & A.B. Kumar (2011). Freshwater fish fauna of the Ashambu Hills landscape, southern Western Ghats, India, with notes on some range extensions. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(3): 1585–1593. Abraham, R.K. & N. Kelkar (2011 in press). Do terrestrial Protected Areas conserve freshwater fish diversity? Preliminary results from the southern Western Ghats, India. Oryx. (In Press - Manuscript accepted for publication). Arnold, J.P. (1911). Der Formen- und Farbenkreis der Haplochilus panchax-Gruppe. Wochenschrift für Aquarienund Terrarienkunde 8(46): 669–672. Arunachalam, M. & J.A. Johnson (2002). A new species of Puntius. Hamilton (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from KalakadMundanthurai Tiger. Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99(3): 474–480. Baby, F., J. Tharian, A. Ali & R. Raghavan (2010). A checklist of freshwater fishes of the New Amarambalam Reserve Forest (NARF), Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2(12): 1330–1333. Eschmeyer, W.N. & J.D. Fong (2010). Species of fishes by family/subfamily. URL: < research/ichthyology/catalog/SpeciesByFamily.html>. Online version. Accessed 26 May 2010. Eschmeyer, W.N. & R. Fricke (eds.) (2011). Catalog of Fishes electronic version (29 March 2011). http://research. Accessed on 30th March 2011. Euphrasia, C.J., K.V. Radhakrishnan & B.M. Kurup (2006). The threatened freshwater fishes of Kerala, India. In: Kurup, B.M & K. Ravindran (eds). Sustain Fish 2005, Proceedings

R.K. Abraham et al.

of the International Symposium on improved sustainability of fish production systems and appropriate technologies for utilization. 16–18 March 2005, Kochi, India. Jayaram, K.C. (1991). Revision of the Genus Puntius Hamilton. Records of the Zoological Survey of India Occasional Paper No. 135, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, India. Jayaram, K.C. (2010). The Freshwater Fishes of the Indian Region. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi, 616pp. Jerdon, T.C. (1849). On the fresh-water fishes of southern India. (Continued from p. 149.). Madras Journal of Literature and Science 15(2): 302–346. Johnson, J.A. & M. Arunachalam (2009). Diversity, distribution and assemblage structure of fishes in streams of southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 1(10): 507–513. Kurup, B.M., K.V. Radhakrishnan & T.G. Manojkumar (2004). Biodiversity Status Of Fishes Inhabiting Rivers Of Kerala (S. India) With Special Reference To Endemism, Threats And Conservation Measures. URL: ftp://ftp.fao. org/docrep/fao/007/AD526e/ad526e12.pdf. Accessed on 25/4/2011. Nielsen, J.L. (1998). Scientific Sampling Effects: Electrofishing California’s Endangered Fish Populations. Fisheries 23(12): 6–12. Pethiyagoda, R. & M. Kottelat (2005). The identity of the South Indian Barb Puntius mahecola (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 12: 145–152. Raghavan, R. (2011). Need for further research on the freshwater fish fauna of the Ashambu Hills landscape: a response to Abraham et al. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1788–1791.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1792–1797


JoTT Response

3(5): 1798

Response to “Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India” by Pande et al. Farah Ishtiaq Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx Zoo, Bronx, NY Current address: 2 Dutter End, Gamlingay, Sandy,SG19 3EY Email:

The recently published article by Pande et al. (2011) in the JoTT explores speculation on natural hybridization between two closely-related species of owlets using behavioural and phenotypic data. I am left unconvinced by the data presented to verify the hybridization. It is interesting to read that the authors observed a family of owlets with “intermediate” plumages, behaviours and vocalizations defending the territory with a recently fledged young owlet, concluding that it was a fertile hybrid of the two species. A rather too brief description on plumage and behaviour has been given along with a comparison of vocalization duration but no information at all on “intermediate” vocalizations. Given that the call of both Forest Owlet and Spotted Owlet is very distinctive, it would be useful to know the “intermediate” call of the observed family. In addition, the Forest Owlet’s call varies during the breeding season, especially when accompanied by a juvenile and is described in detail by Ishtiaq & Rahmani (2005). The “intermediate” vocalization mentioned however

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Manuscript details: Ms # o2776 Received 27 April 2011 Citation: Ishtiaq, F. (2011). Response to “Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India” by Pande et al. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1798. Copyright: © Farah Ishtiaq 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


needs further clarification. The authors also mention that “To date, juvenile owlets have not been fully characterized”. The juveniles of the Forest Owlet are remarkably similar to the adult birds except a bit more spotted brown crown but certainly do not look like Spotted Owlet (see Ishtiaq 2000 for photograph and Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2005 for details on Forest Owlet, and Kumar 1980 for Spotted Owlet). Finally, based on video 2 referred to as ‘hybird’, it appears to be a Spotted Owlet, not showing any features of Forest Owlet or if it does then these need to be highlighted. Also, authors observed and filmed the “hybrid” female engaged in extra-pair copulation (EPC) with the neighbouring male Forest Owlet. I believe this video would be more relevant to demonstrate the interaction between the two species. Finally, I am surprised to see that the authors still consider the Forest Owlet to be in the Athene genus. The Forest Owlet has long been placed in the genus Athene with which the specimens show strong superficial resemblance. However, based on the osteological evidence (BirdLife International 2001), and behavioural observations (Rasmussen & Ishtiaq 1999; Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2005), it’s placement in its own genus Heteroglaux, as originally suggested by Hume (1873) has been considered as well justified. References BirdLife International (2001). Threatened Birds of Asia: The BirdLife International Red Data Book. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International Kumar, S.T. (1980). The life-history of the Spotted Owlet (Athene brama brama Temminck) in Andhra Pradesh. Raptor Research Centre, Hyderabad. Publication No. 4. Ishtiaq, F. 2000. Enigma of the Forest Owlet. Sanctuary Asia XX(3): 32–39. Ishtiaq, F. & A.R. Rahmani (2005). The Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti: vocalization, breeding biology and conservation. Ibis 147: 197–205. Pande, S.A., A.P. Pawashe, R. Kasambe & R. Yosef (2011). Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(4): 1727–1730. Rasmussen, P.C. & F. Ishtiaq (1999). Vocalizations and behaviour of the Forest Owlet Athene (Heteroglaux) blewitti. Forktail 15: 61–65.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1798

JoTT Reply

Reply to the Response to Pande et al. by Ishtiaq Satish A. Pande 1, Amit P. Pawashe 2, Raju Kasambe 3 & Reuven Yosef 3,4 Ela Foundation, C-9 Bhosale Park, Sahakar Nagar-2, Pune, Maharashtra 411009, India 3 Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Sakkardara chowk, Umrer Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440009, India 4 International Birding & Research Centre in Eilat, P.O. Box 774, Eilat 88000, Israel Email: 1 (corresponding author), 4 1,2

We welcome the immediate response to our paper (Pande et al. 2011) by Ishtiaq (2011). In today’s ‘Publish or Perish’ ideology, many a scientific papers are published and simply fade away, therefore, even though hurriedly written and harshly worded, the response is heartening. We are sure that the response is prompted out of concern for conservation implications from possible hybridization. We are well aware of the proposed revision of the genus Athene to Heteroglaux for the species blewitti. However, as is well known that this species was considered to be extinct for a long time, was recently rediscovered, is poorly studied and has been subject to taxonomic revisions earlier. We have decided to keep the previous generic name Athene, particularly because we have reported a possible hybrid between Athene brama and Athene blewitti in our paper. If our fear is true, then intra-generic hybridization is likely to be more common than inter-generic hybridization. The paper also brings forth a vital issue of forming a national level scientific body well represented by qualified subject experts to authenticate and endorse the proposed changes in nomenclature (both for common names and zoological scientific names), particularly when such taxa Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Manuscript details: Ms # o2798 Received 06 May 2011 Citation: Pande, S.A., A.P. Pawashe, R. Kasambe & R. Yosef (2011). Reply to the Response to Pande et al. by Ishtiaq. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1799. Copyright: © Satish A. Pande, Amit P. Pawashe, Raju Kasambe & Reuven Yosef 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD

3(5): 1799

are endemic to our country and because several taxa are currently facing such proposed changes in their status. The arbitrariness of the designation of a taxon as a species purely on molecular studies or purely on taxonomic or behavioural aspects is well known. Two different species should stand the acid test of not interbreeding to produce fertile offspring. If our suspicion of hybridization between Athene brama and Athene blewitti is true, this test is falsified. Few publications are reported on Athene blewitti and we have recently seen the photographs of the immature Athene blewitti owlets on the internet and we have come to the conclusion that, the plumage of proposed hybrids reported in our communication, differ from the juvenile Athene blewitti photographed by others. The differences are obvious and so also, there is no resemblance between the plumage of the proposed hybrids and either the adult or juvenile Athene brama. The voice differences are also described in our paper. Further studies on this aspect are also possible and need to be conducted. We must mention here that any scientific progress is made by harbouring a high degree of suspicion and not by merely denying such propositions on orthodox and wishful thinking. No matter what amount of debate is done on this hypothesis, the truth shall prevail only after DNA testing. Athene blewitti is an endemic, Endangered and Schedule I species and hence the limitations and shortcomings of the hypothesis in our study are already mentioned by us and the same are repeated in the anonymous response. We like to take this opportunity to encourage further field studies considering the far reaching consequences of such hybridization. We shall be most happy if our suspicion is ruled out, because the winners will be Athene (or Heteroglaux) blewitti, for obvious conservation implications. References Ishtiaq, F. (2011). Response to “Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India” by Pande et al. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1798. Pande, S.A., A.P. Pawashe, R. Kasambe & R. Yosef (2011). Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(4): 1727–1730.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1799


JoTT Response

3(5): 1800–1803

A review of “Discovery of possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama from northern Maharashtra” Girish Jathar 1 & Dharmaraj Patil 2 Foundation for Ecological Conservation and Sustainable Development, 848/1, Vrindavan Park, Kalamba Road, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416007, India 2 10, Suryanagari Apt, Opposite Dinosaur Garden, Pimple Gurav, Pune, Maharashtra, India Email: 1 (corresponding author), 2 1

Pande et al. (2011) have reported possible hybrid of the Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama. This has begun an intriguing debate on hybridization among owls. Their claim is based on field observations; photographic and videotaped evidences however, the interpretation offered by the authors would seem unlikely. We found several anomalies in this paper pertaining to identification of the species, vocalization, behaviour and logic presented for hybridization. There are many points in the communication that need a wellsupported reference. The first paragraph of the paper describes about lowest hybridization rate among owls (Mikkola 2003) however authors make a contradictory statement in the second last paragraph of the paper giving a reference of del Hoyo et al. (1999) addressing it as a well-known phenomenon. However, del Hoyo et al. (1999) state

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Manuscript details: Ms # o2801 Received 11 May 2011 Citation: Jathar, G. & D. Patil (2011). A review of “Discovery of possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama from northern Maharashtra”. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1800–1803. Copyright: © Girish Jathar & Dharmaraj Patil 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


(page no 83, Vol.5, HBW) about the hybridization of Barred Owl and Spotted Owls in Oregon and Washington states of USA and does not mention anywhere in the text that ‘hybridization is well known phenomenon’. This indicates inadequate and false referencing by the authors to prove their point. Moreover, these contradictory statements create confusion while understanding the justification of the paper. Literature review The literature review of the Forest Owlet in second paragraph is incomplete and mentions about only three studies on the subject. However, since 1998, 12 papers and several articles, and a book have been published on the ecology, status and distribution, taxonomy, diet, breeding, behaviour and conservation of the species. This clearly indicates incomplete literature survey, ignorance, and lack of scientific temperament amongst authors while addressing a very serious subject. In the same paragraph, the authors quote reference of first author Pande et al. (2003) about presence of Forest Owlet in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. However, presence of the species in Madhya Pradesh is reported only by Rasmussen and Collar (1998) and Rithe (2003). Pande et al. (2003), page no. 170 mentions a brief note on its absence in Western Ghats and do not describe anything about the presence of Forest Owlet elsewhere. This indicates sceptical referencing, by the authors, of their own publication. In the last paragraph of the introduction the authors clearly mentions that they could not collect any tissue samples for molecular studies. In addition, the owlets were neither colour banded nor monitored throughout the breeding season. Hence, it is difficult to prove hybridization just with the photographs of owlets. It is also not clear whether the individuals photographed were the same or taken elsewhere. The authors should have taken photographs in a series to confirm the individual identity during the study period. Study Area and Methodology There is a serious question about the study area and methodology used by the authors. In this part of the paper, the authors have not mentioned about the time spent observing the owlets, name of the village

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1800–1803

Response to Pande et al.

or area, GPS locations and the area covered. The authors also mentioned about the territory mapping and transects established for the study. However, it is not clear how many transects were laid and how much time was spent on each transect to monitor the species. This crucial information is instrumental in scientific rigour and authenticity of data collection. Results and discussion In section Results and discussion Pande et al. (2011) refers to colour morphs and behaviour idiosyncrasies among the Forest Owlet and Spotted Owlet. However, the literature published on Spotted Owlet (Ali & Ripley 1969; Kumar 1985; Rasmussen & Anderton 2005) does not mention about any colour morphs. The Forest Owlet shows colour dichromatism (Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2004; Jathar & Rahmani 2004) however, this shouldn’t been mistaken as colour morph. The fledglings, Forest Owlets show variation in colour and can be mistaken as Spotted Owlets. The major difference attributed between these two species is their behaviour which is not considered by authors. The Spotted Owlet is a nocturnal (Ali & Ripley 1969; Kumar 1985) whereas the Forest Owlet is diurnal and crepuscular species (Rasmussen & Ishtiaq 1999; Ishtiaq et al. 2002; Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2004; Mehta et al. 2009; Jathar & Rahmani 2004). Hence, the fledglings of Forest Owlets were observed perched on trees and giving begging calls throughout the day (Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2004; Jathar & Rahmani 2004). Whereas, the Spotted Owlet fledglings hide in trees or in nest cavities during daytime and start calling and moving in twilight hours (Kumar 1985). Morphology and identification The first paragraph of the results and discussion mentions that “The family defended the territory consisted of two adults and one recently fledged owlet (as shown in Fig.1 c & d)”. The bird in the picture ‘c’ – is adult Forest Owlet, showing dark head, neck and collar, dark primaries, longer primaries and tail, dark grey yellow bill, blotched upper breast, continuous solid brown band across the breast, white flanks, and solid brown over all body colour. Whereas the bird in picture ‘d’ – is a fledgling of about 45–50 days based on light brown head, neck and collar, light brown continuous breast band, shorter primaries and tail, pale grey yellow bill, streaks on belly and upper breast and

Jathar & Patil

over all pale brown colour. The posture of owlets in the pictures also indicate the stout and upright adult ‘c’ and a clumsy juvenile ‘d’. These self-explanatory pictures depicts that the bird ‘c’ is an adult female Forest Owlet (later observed mating with male Forest Owlet) and not the fertile hybrid as described by Pande et al. (2011). The authors describe the Spotted Owlet as a subspecies Athene brama indica. However, Ali & Ripley (1969) states distribution of the Spotted Owlet as “south of 200N latitude, the boundary arbitrarily fixed for convenience between the northern and southern populations which intergrade around this parallel”. Therefore, identifying the Spotted Owlet up to subspecies level is a difficult unless; the birds are captured and measured for morphometric data. Therefore, identification of Spotted Owlet as A. b. indica is doubtful. Copulation Pande et al. (2011) further mention about the copulations in subsequent days. It is difficult to prove that the owlets engaged in copulation were the same birds, especially when the birds were not colour marked. Secondly, if the pair is already having a fledgling, then why would the female engage in copulation? It is unlikely that a pair rearing a fledgling would copulate. The breeding season of the Forest Owlet is from October to June (Ishtiaq et al. 2002; Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2004; Jathar & Rahmani 2004). The maximum copulations, i.e. 44% were observed in November and a few 5% were in February (Jathar & Rahmani 2004) late copulations were the results of failure in breeding attempt. Pande et al. (2011) state that the breeding was successful with one fledgling. In this scenario, the pair should not copulate and rear a new brood. If this is extra pair copulation then the other male should chase off the earlier male and kill the existing fledgling to induce female for mating. Studies by Ishtiaq & Rahmani (2000) and Jathar and Rahmani (2004) have comparable observations from their studies, in which the males have killed the fledglings or destroyed the eggs prior to induce copulation and renesting. Interestingly, del Hoyo et al. 1999 mentions that “extra pair copulations are rare among owls (page no. 120, Vol. 5) only recorded in Burrowing Owls, Flammulated Owl, Northern Long-eared Owls and Eastern Screech Owls which

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1800–1803


Response to Pande et al.

Jathar & Patil

are colonial in habit”. Whereas the Spotted Owlet and Forest Owlets are not colonial breeders, hence this claim cannot be acceptable without comparable studies of non-colonial owls. Vocalization It is not clear from the description that, which type of calls were listened and compared for analysis. The Spotted Owlet produces two types of basic calls (Ali & Ripley 1969) and other variants of syllables resulting in four types of calls (Kumar 1985; Rasmussen & Anderton 2005) whereas; the Forest Owlet emits six types of calls (Rasmussen & Ishtiaq 1999; Jathar & Rahmani 2004). The published literature shows that call duration in both the species range between 0.07 sec to 3.37s (Rasmussen & Ishtiaq 1999; Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2004; Rasmussen & Anderton 2005; Jathar & Rahmani 2004). Pande et al. (2011) mention that the call duration range is 3s for Forest Owlet, 9s for Spotted Owlet and 6s for hybrid. However, Table 1. describes acoustics studies of both the species in comparison with Pande et al. (2011). Secondly, the authors are not aware about terms used for vocalization such as a ‘bout’ and a ‘call’. In both the species, the bouts can vary from a single call of milliseconds to series of calls of 15–30 minutes. Moreover, the authors have not used any bioacoustics programme to prove the validity of the calls on spectrograph. Therefore, the observations on vocalization do not stand sound scientifically. Hybridization Logic 1. Logic i & ii – Limited geographically to the satpuda range, Altitudinaly to higher, forested parts – The Forest Owlet is known to be found from Orissa to north western Maharashtra in Satpuda-Maikal Mountain range which is spread across 1,18,867km2. Along with this they are restricted to 300m to 750m altitude (Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2004; Jathar & Rahmani 2004; Mehta et al. 2009). These factors do not result in geographical isolation of the individual Forest Owlets which might lead premating or postmating isolation and subsequent hybridization with Spotted Owlet. There is ample of niche, spatiotemporally, for the Forest Owlet (about 11,000km2; Jathar et al. in prep.) therefore it cannot force the Forest Owlet to cross the species limit. 2. Logic iii - limited to habitats in the 1802

Table. 1. Comparison of the acoustics studies of the Forest Owlet and Spotted Owlet


Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti

Spotted Owlet Athene brama


Call duration Pande et al. (2011)

Call duration Rasmussen & Ishtiaq (1999), Ishtiaq & Rahmani (2004), Jathar & Rahmani (2004)

3s (± 0.8, N = 73)

Song - 0.15 - 0.45sec Territorial call - 0.07sec Alarm call - 0.45sec Threat call - 0.17sec Contact call - 1.52sec Hissing call - 3.37sec

9s (± 1.3, N = 11)

Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) Song - 0.2sec Contact 0.1secc Uncommon Call -0.4sec Other call -0.2-0.4sec

6s (± 0.9, N = 34)

Authentic data on hybrid not available as its existence is not proved on sound scientific basis

proximity of humans and resulting clearings that facilitate foraging (Yosef et al. submitted) – This logic is based on a single observation in Melghat Tiger Reserve and it is not a widespread phenomenon all over the range of the Forest Owlet. Earlier studies (Ishtiaq et al. 2000; Ishtiaq & Rahmani 2004; Jathar & Rahamni 2004; Mehta et al. 2009; Jathar et al. in prep.) suggests that anthropogenic activities are detrimental to the habitat and Forest Owlets shift their sites in case of disturbances. This logic cannot be instrumental in hybridization. 3. Logic iv & v - limited demographically to low population levels wherein neighbouring territories are located far apart, leads us to assume hybridization with the far more common Spotted Owlet – This statement requires a study of population density in given area, which is not been carried out in the current study. The authors also claim that they have mapped the territories of Forest Owlet and Spotted Owlet but did not mention about how far they were spaced. In February 2004, Bombay Natural History Society carried out survey in the same area at same time and could locate five pairs of the Forest Owlet and one pair of Spotted Owlet in a stretch of 3km of Malur Village (Jathar & Rahmani 2004). This study contradicts Pande et al. (2010) and confirms abundance of the Forest Owlet in the area. Further Jathar & Rahamni (2004) confirm presence of 69 individual Forest Owlets and Mehta et al. (2009) report seven individuals in entire Chaurakund Range

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1800–1803

Response to Pande et al.

of the Melghat Tiger Reserve. Therefore, chances for hybridizations stands remote as there are potential mates available in landscape. Conservation In the end Pande et al. (2011) talk about the biological implications and conservation of hybrid (if they exists) owlets without considering its impact on current conservation efforts. This might take entire conservation efforts in wrong direction as it happened with Edible-nest Swiftlet Collocalia fuciphaga (Sankaran & Sheshnarayan 2008). This will be a major impediment to the conservation of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet. Unfortunately, the lack of - identification skills, coherence, scientific temperament, and rigour has lead authors to this publication. Moreover, our justifications of bird not being hybrid stand scientifically sound over ‘Possible Hybrid’ claim of the authors.

References Ali, S. & S.D. Ripley (1969). Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan together with those of Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Ceylon, Compact Edition. Oxford University Press, 737pp. del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott & J. Sargatal ( 1999). Handbok of the Birds of The World—Vol. 5. Barn-Owls to Hummingbirds, Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Ishtiaq, F. and A.R. Rahmani (2000). Cronism in the Forest Owlet Athene blewitti. Forktail 16: 172–173. Ishtiaq, F. & A.R. Rahmani (2004): The Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti: vocalization, breeding biology and conservation. Ibis 147(1): 197–205. Ishtiaq, F., P.C. Rasmuseen & A.R. Rahmani (2002). Ecology and behavior of the Forest Owlet, pp. 80–88. In: Newton, I., R. Kavanagh, J. Osleon & I. Taylor (eds.). Ecology and Conservation of Owls. CSIRO publishing, Australia.

Jathar & Patil

Jathar, G.A. & A.R. Rahmani (2004). Ecological studies of the Forest Spotted Owlet Athene (Heteroglaux) blewitti. Final Report. Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India, 77pp. Kumar, S. (1985). The life history of the Spotted Owlet (Athene brama brama, Temminck) in the Andhra Pradesh. Raptor Research Centre Monogr. Publ. No. 4 , Hyderabad, India. Mikkola, H. (2003). Strangers in the dark: hybridization between owl species, pp. 82-87. In: Duncan, J.R. (ed.). Owls of the World. Key Porter books, Ltd., Toronto, Canada, 319pp. Mehta, P., J. Kulkarni & D. Patil (2009). A survey of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti in Central India. Birding Asia 10: 77–87. Pande, S.A., A.P. Pawashe, R. Kasambe & R. Yosef (2011). Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(4): 1727–1730. Pande, S., S. Tambe, C.M. Francis & N. Sant (2003). Birds of Western Ghats, Konkan and Malabar (including birds of Goa). Oxford University Press, Pune, India, 375pp. Rasmussen, P.C. & N.J. Collar (1998). Identification, distribution and status of Forest Owlet Athene (Hetroglaux) blewitti. Forktail 14: 41–49. Rasmussen, P.C. & F. Ishtiaq (1999). Vocalization and behaviour of the Forest Owlet Athene (Heteroglaux) blewitti. Forktail 15: 61–65. Rasmussen, P.C. & J.C. Anderton (2005). Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide. Vols. 1 and 2. Smithsonian Institution and Lynx Edicions, Washington, D. C. and Barcelona. Rithe, K. (2003). Saving the Forest Owlet. Sanctuary Asia February: 30–33. Sankaran, R. & M.S. Seshnarayan (2008). Conservation of the Edible-nest Swiftlet Collocalia fuciphaga in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History, 31pp. Yosef, R., S.A. Pande & R. Kasambe (submitted). Anthropogenic activity aids habitat selection and survival of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet (Athene blewitti). Journal of Threatened Taxa.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1800–1803


JoTT Reply

3(5): 1804

Reply to the Response to Pande et al. by Jathar & Patil Satish A. Pande 1, Amit P. Pawashe 2, Raju Kasambe 3 & Reuven Yosef 3,4 Ela Foundation, C-9 Bhosale Park, Sahakar Nagar-2, Pune, Maharashtra 411009, India 3 Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Sakkardara chowk, Umrer Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440009, India 4 International Birding & Research Centre in Eilat, P.O. Box 774, Eilat 88000, Israel Email: 1, 4 (corresponding author), 1,2

a. We appreciate the effort that has been put into “researching” our paper (Pande et al. 2011) and adding to the information on this Critically Endangered species by Jathar & Patil (2011). b. We feel that without going into the field and watching the birds the arguments will remain semantic and unresolved. c. We will be only too happy to recognize that we were wrong in our assumptions and the hybridization does not occur in the Forest Owlet. This will remove once and for all any doubts. However, it does require going into the field. d. We prefer to abstain from mud-slinging because we believe in what we saw in the field and will be glad to stand corrected. However, we do not believe that wildlife in general, or “sexy” species in particular, be monopolized by a group of researchers or an organization. e. However, we are also extremely glad to have raised the issue and that several readers-researchers

Date of publication (online): 26 May 2011 Date of publication (print): 26 May 2011 ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print) Manuscript details: Ms # o2803 Received 13 May 2011 Citation: Pande, S.A., A.P. Pawashe, R. Kasambe & R. Yosef (2011). Reply to the Response to Pande et al. by Jathar & Patil. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1804.

have commented on the contents. We recognize that it is controversial but we also recognize the power of fair discussion in science. That means that we have the right to question any and all decisions made by authorities based on studies by other researchers, including yourselves, if the internal reports and publications are made available to the public or in the form of peer-reviewed publications. f. Hopefully, the authorities will also recognize the importance of collecting field samples in order to answer the controversial questions - even if it is a Schedule I species! Adopting a hands-off policy because no one is ready to shoulder responsibility is not the way of the world. g. We look forward to reading the respondents forthcoming publications in order to further understand the conclusions reached and the methods applied. We hope to learn from their expertise. i. We invite the respondents to convene with us and to discuss our shortcomings, ideas and findings in a friendly manner. j. We think that it would be a good idea to convene a (inter?) national symposium focused on the species. This will bring other researchers interested in the species, to learn from the experience of those who have worked closely with the Forest Owlet, and to enhance their conservation through knowledge and cooperation of all involved.

References Jathar, G. & D. Patil (2011). A review of “Discovery of possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama from northern Maharashtra”. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(5): 1800–1803. Pande, S.A., A.P. Pawashe, R. Kasambe & R. Yosef (2011). Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3(4): 1727–1730.

Copyright: © Satish A. Pande, Amit P. Pawashe, Raju Kasambe & Reuven Yosef 2011. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium for non-profit purposes, reproduction and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. OPEN ACCESS | FREE DOWNLOAD


Journal of Threatened Taxa | | May 2011 | 3(5): 1804

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Journal of Threatened Taxa ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print)

May 2011 | Vol. 3 | No. 5 | Pages 1737–1804 Date of Publication 26 May 2011 (online & print) Communications Unregulated aquaculture and invasive alien species: a case study of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus in Vembanad Lake (Ramsar Wetland), Kerala, India -- K. Krishnakumar, Anvar Ali, Benno Pereira & Rajeev Raghavan, Pp. 1737–1744 Zooplankton diversity of Loktak Lake, Manipur, India -- B.K. Sharma & Sumita Sharma, Pp. 1745–1755 Short Communications New locality records and additional information on habitats of three species of clam shrimps (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from a region in northern part of Western Ghats (Sahyadris), India -- Sameer M. Padhye, Hemant V. Ghate & Kalpana Pai, Pp. 1756–1763

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Response to “Discovery of a possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigiformes) from northern Maharashtra, India” by Pande et al. -- Farah Ishtiaq, P. 1798

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Reply to the Response to Pande et al. by Ishtiaq -- Satish A. Pande, Amit P. Pawashe, Raju Kasambe & Reuven Yosef, P. 1799

New records of hermit crabs, Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest, 1999 and Diogenes klaasi Rahayu & Forest, 1995 (Crustacea: Anomura: Diogenidae) from India -- R. Reshmi & A. Bijukumar, Pp. 1771–1774

A review of “Discovery of possible hybrid of the Critically Endangered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti and Spotted Owlet Athene brama from northern Maharashtra” -- Girish Jathar & Dharmaraj Patil, Pp. 1800–1803

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Reply to the Response to Pande et al. by Jathar & Patil -- Satish A. Pande, Amit P. Pawashe, Raju Kasambe & Reuven Yosef, P. 1804

A rare agaric (Agaricomycetes: Agaricaceae) from a sacred grove of Eastern Ghats, India -- M. Kumar & V. Kaviyarasan, Pp. 1778–1781

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.