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New Tiger Habitat

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Planned Giving

Planned Giving

crEaTinG a nEW TiGEr habiTaT


Conceptual Renderings At its most essential level, the Zoo cultivates a bond between visitors and animals. Zoo Miami has always prided itself on the quality of our habitats and our ability to bring people closer to the animal kingdom. We must continue to set new standards for animal care and the visitor experience. One of the first habitats visitors encounter when they begin their tour of the Zoo is the magnificent Sumatran Tiger. Found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, these small tigers are instantly recognizable by the “beard” around their faces and their dense stripe pattern. Experts estimate that only 300-400 Sumatran Tigers are left in the wild, and we are indeed fortunate to have three of these remarkable animals in our care: Berani, a male, Leeloo, a female and their offspring N’dari, a young female. A key objective of our Connecting for Life campaign is to create the world’s finest Sumatran Tiger habitat. Our plans will double the space of our existing habitat, introduce an Asian-themed gateway and viewing pavilion, and provide for future expansion, including additional outdoor exercise yards. Once guests cross a moat and enter the pavilion, they will have a unique opportunity to get nose-to-nose with the tigers, pressing hands against paws with only a layer of glass separation. Visitors also will see zookeepers training, feeding and caring for the tigers and learn about the tigers’ peculiarities from our own experts. When the new habitat is complete, our tigers will have more space to roam and explore a world more closely resembling their natural habitat. They will have the freedom to be outside 24 hours a day, which reflects the Zoo’s core philosophy that animal welfare comes first. Giving our animals choices improves their physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing.

a key objeCTive oF oUr CoNNeCTiNG For liFe CamPaiGN iS To CreaTe The WorlD’S FiNeST SUmaTraN TiGer habiTaT.

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