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Learning Experiences
The Zoo Camp program is an active STEAM experience where children ages 4-12 learn about environmental science topics through hands-on and project-based learning activities.
lE ExpErIEncESarnInG
Zoo MiaMi VirTual ExpEriEncES
This year, ZMF expanded its virtual offerings for classrooms throughout Miami-Dade County, impacting more than 2,600 students! While virtual offerings were created as a pandemic response, the feedback from teachers and students has been so overwhelmingly positive we’re excited to continue this programming as long as demand allows. Our virtual outreach programming is thanks to support from Shepard Broad Foundation and T-Mobile.
aniMal Fun FacTorY
The Animal Fun Factory, supported by The José Milton Foundation and Kirk Foundation, more than doubled its outreach from the previous year, welcoming 16,532 guests, all while going through extensive renovations. The Fun Factory now houses two distinct learning centers, one makers space for animal enrichment and one exhibit/classroom area. The new space officially opened February 12th!
EarTh aGEnTS
Our Earth Agents program takes conservation outside the zoo and into local communities. Thanks to funding from Peacock Foundation and The Wildflower Foundation, ZMF recruits community members to design and implement a conservation event for their friends and neighbors, all while having access to ZMF educational leadership’s guidance. This past year Earth Agents encouraged families and their friends, totaling more than 500 people, to make a difference and ensure the beautification of their communities.
Our Nature Play and Roars, S’mores, and Snores programs gives the community an opportunity to camp outdoors overnight and become one with nature! Whether canoeing through the Everglades or listening to the uniquely wonderful night sounds of the Zoo, these immersive experiences are truly unforgettable.