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Sustainability Report
A sustainable school prepares young people for a lifetime of sustainable living, through its teaching, values and its day to day practices. It is easy to imagine a community that shows respect for other people, cultures or the natural world if they possess an underlying sense of care. Care instils responsibility, and as a school we accept the responsibility to develop this within our community.
2019 was a very successful year for our Sustainability project, with highlights including being acknowledged as national finalists in the Sustainable Business Network Awards and KNZB Sustainable Schools Awards.
Rangi now has a national reputation as a school leading learning around sustainability and empowering students to take action. Students and staff mentor other schools and lead environmental and regeneration projects within the wider community. In 2019 Sophie Pye was selected as a member of the Environment Canterbury Youth Rōpū and many girls demonstrated leadership and enthusiasm in student driven projects. Carbon emission graphs show travel by road and air has the greatest impact on our school carbon footprint. Data shows a reduction in emissions.
In 2018, our cumulative annual emissions were 567.99 tCO2e. The 2019 business year saw this drop to 338.41 tCO2e.
I would like to acknowledge our team of passionate students driving sustainability initiatives. These young women are caring and active environmentalists with a strong sense of social responsibility.
Our Sustainability teams thank the Rangi Ruru Board and Management for their ongoing support.
Ngā mihi maioha,
Kate Rivers
We established an Eco-Action Nursery growing native plants for the red zone, potted over 1000 native seedlings into bags and planted 800 natives at QE2 through our Eco Action project in collaboration with Christ’s College and Shirley Boys’ High. We will meet our collective goal to plant 5000 native trees in the red zone in the next three years.
Botanical artworks were produced and sold at a stall during the PTA House and Garden Tour. Money raised contributed to purchasing a greenhouse and gardening tools. The remaining greenhouse funding was generously donated by the PTA. Students are currently constructing the greenhouse and this is expected to be up in late 2020. Rangi students helped the Christchurch City Council and Botanic Gardens staff sort plastic from flowers following the mosque shootings. Rangi provided volunteers each day for a week during the term break, to help separate compostable from non-biodegradable materials. Students also provided morning tea for the teams helping with tributes.
GREENHOUS E Scan here to see our Sustainability Report: