2 minute read
Admin Report
Administrator Report
‘Our primary aim is to build up character – it is scholarship that trains the mind and the intellect, it is drill and sport that improve the physique, but a partnership of the two is necessary if we are to hand back to you, girls who will prove strong in body, pure in mind, and cultured in intellect.’ - Helen Gibson, to parents
For 130 years, Rangi Ruru has kept this vision alive. I, as an old girl, know that these words still resonate with me today. It is truly remarkable that a school has been able to continue to achieve the vison of its founders in modern times. This has been thanks to the support of the Rangi Ruru Community and of the RROGA. Keeping the connection with old girls is the essence of our community. This is achieved through several events and social gatherings.
We ended 2019 with two fantastic events, the Gibson Girls' Whaea Ora Morning Tea and the Leavers’ Ball. You can find write-ups on these events from page 48. As challenging as 2020 has been, we had successful turnouts to the events we have been able to run. Starting the year with Reunion Weekends for the 1940 - 2000-year groups, we had record numbers. Our Golf Tournament was a success, and thanks to Stephanie Withell and her team, another great day was had by all at Waimairi Beach Golf Club. We unfortunately had to cancel our Bridge Tournament and the Gibson Girls' Lunch due to COVID19.
There is something very special about being part of the Old Girls’ Association, and it has been wonderful to see the increase in younger Old Girls joining the ranks. I’m sure they will agree with me that it is an insightful experience to see the RROGA Executive Committee in action – with such a diverse skill set and passion for the school, each event and project is taken on with full enthusiasm and commitment. I would like to thank you all for your constant guidance and help. I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside Felicity, whose dedication and passion for the role goes above and beyond the call of duty; we have shared many laughs throughout what has been a very busy year. A big thank you to Dr Sandra Hastie who has provided excellent guidance to RROGA; her help has been greatly appreciated over these challenging months. I would also like to thank Jude Connochie, who has hugely supported both myself and the RROGA over the past year, with her endless help and knowledge.
I hope you enjoy reading this publication that showcases yet again the extraordinary things you have gone on to do. Please do get in touch if you have a story to share as well as any old school photos, as we are always wanting to build up the school archives.
Victoria Tait