4 minute read
Polly Harding
– Polly Harding 2003-2008
Rebekah ThomasHiddleston speaks with Polly Harding
Polly Harding is the ‘PJ’ part of the Jase and PJ breakfast radio show on KIIS FM, now based in Melbourne. The two used to do a show in New Zealand on ZM but transferred to Australia in 2018. Since then, she has loved the challenges that Melbourne has thrown her way and can’t wait to see what the future brings.
What clan were you in and what are your memories of the clan activities?
I was in Doune, woo represent! Clan singing was always a great time! However, in Year 13 when I was leader (I have absolutely no idea how that happened), I was convinced that it was our one avenue where we could potentially win and we came last, I think. I was devastated to say the least.
The teacher who inspired you the most and why? What did you most enjoy about your school days, the highs and the lows?
I loved being taught by Mr Hansen. He taught Classics and History. I loved him because he brought such a sense of fun to class and taught us not to take ourselves so seriously.
I genuinely have such happy memories from my time at Rangi. I loved the community that we had at school and made lifelong friends who are still so special to me. The school provided support in many aspects from music to sport. I loved the team spirit we had in hockey and there was such a sense of pride and fun! As for the lows, I think generally growing up and experiencing your teen years there is a lot of self-doubt and insecurity so, naturally, overcoming that was a challenge at times. But I made it through ok in the end and have gained so much more confidence with age! Things will get better, I promise!
What was your motivation to go into radio, and what course of study did you undertake when you left school?
I always wanted to be a TV presenter on a music channel but there was never a specific TV presenting course. I was then informed that the New Zealand Broadcasting School had a highly prestigious course for radio where you could pick up transferable skills, so I decided to apply and was accepted! It was such a full-on course but the
greatest fun and again I got to make lifelong friends.
How has your life in respect to your career changed since you became a household name in New Zealand and now Australia?
Really not that much! Apart from when I go to the supermarket and I have just rolled out of bed looking like a zombie and THAT happens to be the time I bump into someone who listens to the show and asks for a selfie. It can be overwhelming sometimes when a lot of your private information is disclosed publicly but, at the end of the day, I can control what I choose to put out there.
A moment when you bombed? (Because we all have them...)
Pretty much every time I meet a celebrity. I am very uncool. Also I once managed to put ZM off air for about five minutes nationwide as I somehow turned the button OFF but I was convinced it was a technical issue so was very embarrassing when they discovered it was indeed my fault.
...and a moment you're most proud of?
I guess just the whole experience I have been lucky enough to have in this industry so far. I would never have foreseen any of this but have just followed what feels good. I genuinely believe you will be so much more successful when you truly love what you do.
What has been the biggest thing you have learnt about life so far?
It really is a journey. Find out what matters to you the most and stand true to that and fight for it. You need to be your biggest cheerleader because at the end of the day you are so much more than you realise. Your relationship with yourself is so important and if you won’t speak kindly to yourself, who will? What words of wisdom do you have for the new alumni who might still be finding their feet since leaving school?
Take the pressure off! What will be will be. You may take a course and it doesn’t work out, that is ok. You will get there in the end but enjoy the ride because life is so short and precious!