Ethical Dimension Of Cult In The Book Of Isaiah
The book examines the relationship between cult and ethics in the book of Isaiah. Part I challenges the common assumption that the prophets were anti-cult by suggesting that the principles supporting both priestly and prophetic teaching about ritual and social justice were essentially the same. This proposition is then tested in Part II. Analyses of the key Isaianic passages concerned with cult and ethics (1:10 17; 43:22 28; and 58:1 14) show that, instead of being anti-ritualistic, as often presented, these texts are concerned with what can be labelled The Ethical Dimension of Cult. EAN/ISBN : 9783110247497 Publisher(s): De Gruyter Discussed keywords: Altes Testament, Jesaja (Prophet), Kult, Ritual Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Hrobon, Bohdan
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