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SEX WORK AND PHENOMENALITY Greetings to all the Queens and the Princesses of the Almighty God, My African Women of Phenomenon; be greeted in the most wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Issue I would like us to take a look at sex work and Gender Based Violence. I would like to engage you in this article my beautiful African Queens, Tell me what you think about sex work! Would you call a woman who is a sex worker a Phenomenal Woman? Do these women deserve to be illtreated by society? What is the feeling of God about them? Do they have a place in the Kingdom of God?

GBV has become so common in many households in S.A.; many women suffer from anxiety and depression because they leave in silence and fear. They fear to be judged and undermined by their fellow women and the entire society. Some of these women even take the blame for their abuse believing that they deserved it. My precious phenomenal woman refuse to die in silence, arise above the circumstances because you are more than that!

COLLEEN MAPATWANA c Rahab the Prostitute Let us take a look on the life of Rahab the prostitute as the bible calls her in Joshua 2:1 Then Joshua secretly sent out two spies from the Israelite Camp to Acacia Grove. He instructed them, “Scout the land on the other side of the Jordan River, especially around Jericho.” So the two men set out and came to the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there that night. {New Living Translation} In the above scripture the Children of Israel were about to cross the river Jordan to possess the land that the Lord had promised to them. Joshua who was leading Israel after the death of Moses sent two spies to scout the land; these men spent the night at Rahab’s house.

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I don’t know whether the men spent the night at Rahab’s house so that she might entertain them or because it was closer to the gates of the city. The King of Jericho heard that there were men from Israel that were there to spy on the land and were lodging at Rahab’s house. • The King sent orders to Rahab to bring out the men from Israel but Rahab had hidden them on the roof. Rahab recognized that the name who spent the night at her house were not ordinary men; they were different from the clients that she used to have, they were sent by the God of Israel. • Rahab made the men to make an oath by the Lord the God of Israel that when Jericho is destroyed, they will save her and her family; then she let them out of the city by a rope and told them to hide on the hill country for three days until the search was over.

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