3 minute read
Rotondwa gives valuable advice on love
By Silas Nduvheni
In May last year, Rotondwa Masindi released his third guide book on love, titled The Intricacies of Love, which focuses on the challenges that juveniles are likely to encounter when they spread their wings into romantic relationships.

This book breaks down the fundamental principles of love to the simplest form, so that people in relationships can flourish and enjoy love unsurpassed. Masindi said that, in his own experience, he had found that people were usually good at starting things, but often failed at maintaining them. “This self-help book is a must-have guardrail to safeguard young people from repeating the mistakes that their forerunners stumbled on. It carefully pinpoints how they are to navigate in the ways of life and get the best out of love,” he said. Masindi (25) was born and raised, at Mushiru village near Ha-Lambani. He matriculated from Tshivhase Secondary School and in 2019 obtained his BCom accounting degree from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
He is a second-year audit trainee at SNG Grant Thornton in Polokwane, while he studies for his postgraduate diploma in accounting. chanted the learners as they waited to meet one of their own celebrities, Maya Wegerif - renowned rapper, singer, songwriter, actress and poet famously known as Sho Madjozi - during the #BackToSchool campaign on Wednesday, 1 March. The campaign was hosted by the Hollywood Foundation, in partnership with Sho Madjozi. particular, she answered: “I originally come from this area. Many of these learners only hear about me, so this was a opportunity for me to really rub shoulders with them. Shirley Primary School was my first home, and Djunane Primary is where my little sister attended school. I wanted to give something back to the community.” their full potential. He helps them the transition from high school to words, the dangers and extremes

Sho Madjozi said her passion lay with little children. “I wrote this book to express my love for little children. This is something especially for them,” she said.
This ambitious young author is also a mentor and chairperson of a non-profit organisation, called MYCU. Together with his team, they have been embarking on bringing unity in their community through social, academic and spiritual activities. Masindi loves helping young people to discover themselves and unleash their full potential. He helps them see that their dreams are valid and that they should not be discouraged because of their backgrounds.
His first book, A Letter to my Mentee, published in 2020, discusses the transition from high school to tertiary level, which can be very difficult and confusing for some young people. This book was followed by his second offering, The ABC of love, in 2021.
“The Intricacies of Love will be profitable to those who want to pursue Godly relationships as it touches on mistakes to avoid while pursuing love. In other words, the dangers and extremes to avoid when dating in the early years. I am confident that, as you read through these pages, you will find practical and yet spirit-filled guidance poured out from the heart of a young man whom I believe God has raised to touch the lives of many amongst us. Enjoy and be blessed,” he said.
Rotondwa displays his guidance books on love.

The group visited the Shirley Primary School and Djunane Primary School in Waterval, where Sho Madjozi donated free copies of her 35-page book, titled Shoma and the Stars, while the foundation in turn donated R25 000 worth of shoes to each school.
This outreach formed part of the Hollywood Foundation’s focus to bring relief to parents and learners from various communities across South Africa. Last year, the foundation pledged R4 million to the #Back to School campaign.
Asked why Sho Madjozi had chosen to visit these two schools in
The book is about a girl from a little village in the Limpopo Province and how she navigates her way around, doing things differently and not allowing any situation to change her focus.
Both schools expressed their appreciation for the donations. The shoes, they said, came as a great relief as many learners could not afford proper school shoes. And although they already had some library books, provided by the Department of Basic Education, they were happy to add Sho Madjozi’s books to their collections.