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Do not fight over chieftainship, warns Thovhele Mphaphuli
By Silas Nduvheni Vhamusanda Madadzhe
Tshabuse was installed as the new traditional leader of Dzingahe village, near Ngudza, on Saturday, 4 March. He is succeeding his late father, Vhamusanda Mmbangiseni Tshabuse, who passed away in 2019, after making history for ruling the village for 62 years.
One of the senior Vhavenda traditional leaders, Thovhele Gole Mphaphuli, addressed the crowd at the Dzingahe Sports Grounds shortly after the new leader’s installation and warned the Tshabuse royal family to refrain from fighting over the throne as rumours that the family was divided over the most suitable person for the throne were circulating. “Don’t allow in-fighting over the throne, because it will tear the family apart and lead to legal fights in the court. You have to sit down with the guidance of Vhomakhadzi and Makhotsimunene, who know who the most suitable person for the throne is,” he said.
Thovhele Mphaphuli advised the new traditional leader to treat his communities with respect and to let good governance lead his village in the right direction.
Traditional tshikona dances formed part of the installation ceremony and again accentuated the importance of culture and tradition.
The spokesperson for the Tshabuse royal family, Jeremiah Tshabuse, said the family and the Dzingahe community were excited about the new traditional leader who would rule the village. He said that, after the death of Vhamusanda Mmbangiseni Tshabuse, the village had been ruled on an acting basis, which had hampered service delivery, such as the development of sites for businesses and residential areas. He was optimistic that the life of the communities in Dzingahe would change for the better now and that the village would become a centre of development in years to come.
Mpfariseni Tshabuse was named ndumi, while Malwela Tshabuse was named khadzi.
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Limpopo Mirror of 16B Joubert Street, Louis Trichardt. Typographically prepared by the proprietors and printed by D Brits, 1 Jeppe Street, Louis Trichardt
TOP: Khadzi dza Ha-Mphaphuli performed a ritual shortly before the installation of the new traditional leader of Dzingahe village, Vhamusanda Madadzhe Tshabuse.
LEFT: The newly installed traditional leader of Dzingahe village, Vhamusanda Madadzhe Tshabuse (wearing leopard skin) with his aid (ndumi) Mpfariseni Tshabuse (seated on his right with the calabash) and some of the royal family members.