Zeta Zest - Spring 2015

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Official Organ of the Great Lakes Region

f O e r u t c e Pi


p i h s r e d a e

L r e t a e r G

2015 Great Lakes Regional Conference In Photos - Pages 4-8

Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths

From the Editor’s Desk The Zeta Zest is published annually by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Great Lakes Region and serves as the official organ of the Region. Send Questions, Comments and Feedback to the Great Lakes Regional Editor at ZPBGLREditor@gmail.com.

Editor Amber Pratcher (IN) Contributors Papillon Spinks (MI) Natasha Smith (OH) Photos Kristian Harris (IL) National Headquarters 1734 New Hampshire NW Washington, DC 20000 (202) 387 - 3103 Monday - Friday: 8am-5pm EST info@zetaphibetasororityhq.org www.facebook.com/glrzetas


May 2015

Representing the Great Lakes Region is not easy. We have quite a few monikers, some accurate, some...sometimes accurate. But above all, we are one of the most productive, most professional and most loving regions that exists in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Therefore it is only fitting that we showcase ourselves through our official organ, the Zeta Zest. Our leadership is in tune with their respective states and because of that, our individual states are thriving. For example, the Kentucky State Association has reactivated all 17 of their chapters and are fully functioning and active. This is why we are our best storytellers - the world should know how ‘Great’ the Great Lakes Region is. Because there are none who are like us, and we have an interesting habit of setting the tone and making our voices heard. This is exactly what our most honorable founders did in 1920 when they went against the grain and blazed the trail by founding our beloved, unique sorority. Let’s keep it all the way real - we ARE the ‘Greater’ Great Lakes region, and I am honored to show you why. Sisterly,

Amber Pratcher Amber Pratcher @ambpratcher

May 2015 Contents

Features 4

2015 Great Lakes Regionals In Photos


The State of Illinois

29 The Indiana State Organization 37 The Kentucky State Association 42 The Michigan State Organization 61 The State of Minnesota 66 The State of Ohio 83 The Wisconsin State Organization

From the desk of the Great Lakes Regional Director Soror Michelle Porter Norman

Michelle 1988

Michelle 1987

Michelle 2014 On behalf of all Zetas, Amicae & Youth Auxiliaries, welcome to the 2015 edition of the “ZETA ZEST� publication of the Great Lakes Region! Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has been in my heart since March 29, 1987. My light has been shining for over 28 consecutive years. I have had the honor of serving this great sisterhood at every level both elected & appointed. I would like to thank our International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright for the opportunity and privilege of serving as the Regional Director for the Great Lakes Region. This region is where I was born into Zeta, raised, trained & nurtured. I am a product of the Great Lakes Region. This region has always been there for me and now at this stage of my life, I am humbled and truly honored to serve as its Regional Director. I want to thank each of you for the trust invested in me. I do not take this responsibility lightly. Thank you for your love, support and prayers. Together we can accomplish anything, but we are only GREAT when we work for the good of the sorority and our region. As always, it is truly my pleasure to serve ZETA, for the love of Zeta!

We are not the largest region, we are not the smallest region, BUT we are the GREATEST region. Enjoy the read!

The 2015 Great Lakes Regional Conferences e r u t c i In P Photos courtesy of Soror Kristian Harris, Great Lakes Region Photographer

T he 81st Annual Great Lakes Regional Conference

took place on April 23-26, 2015 in Rosemont, IL and was, undoubtedly a huge success. During the conference, the company Awards Concept presented the sorority with a $25,000 check to sponsor the fast-approaching 2020 Centennial and voted to enthusiastically support Grand Basileus Mary B. Wright for her upcoming re-election campaign. But sometimes, excellence is more easier experienced visually. Please enjoy the Great Lakes Regional Conference in Pictures, and join us next year in Louisville, KY!


Soror Vera Paul Past Regional Director, Zeta Dove

Illinois State Director Soror Connie Pugh

A State Director’s Vision

Soror Connie Pugh The vision for the state of Illinois revolves around our founding principles of service, scholarship, sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. Serving in the role as State Director, with the support of Sorors, Amicae, and Youth Affiliates, the state continues to achieve record numbers in membership and a host of innovative events (i.e. the Illinois State Leadership Academy’s Winter and Summer Workshop Series and Twelve Days of Services, to name a few). Future goals for the state will focus upon “going green.” The state will begin expanding the method in which technology is used during workshops and conferences in order to streamline operation.


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Lambda Epsilon Chapter of Normal, IL LAMBDA EPSILON IS BACK!


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc Omicron Delta Chapter

Eastern Illinois University Charleston, Il 61920 Finer Womanhood

Omicron Delta has showed its love and support by

attending its hosting grad chapter, Tau Psi Zeta’s 11th annual

“Thanking Praising with Zeal” Finer Womanhood Scholarship

Brunch. While in attendance Soror Jessica Stallworth received the award for 2015 Undergraduate of the Year and Soror Diamond Robinson received the award for Outstanding Basileus for 2014-2015.

Known for their controversial and unique forums, this

year Omicron Delta created a “Know Your Worth” forum. This forum was open to both male and female students to educate

them on differences between self-worth and self-esteem. It was a lively conversation filled with guidance and encouragement about not only how we treat ourselves, but also how we treat others.

Service As Service Chair, Soror Jessica Stallworth is always

looking for new opportunities for Omicron Delta to give

back to the Community. Participating in the 20th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Service Day was the perfect

opportunity to display our key principals. The Sorors enjoyed making cards for the Birthday Card Blitz. They

served by decorating gender-neutral cards for families that are less fortunate and children whom are sick in

hospitals. The company then puts together a birthday basket with toys and the hand made cards.


Soror Majarrie Marshall, serves as scholarship

chair. In this 2015 Spring semester she brought in fresh ideas and possessed a Zeal for education. Soror

Marshall’s very first idea, So Sweet Study Tables,

consisted of making sweet treats during study breaks.

Her second fresh and exciting idea was to give out Zeta Bucks in the library to the students we catch studying.

Those students can then redeem those Zeta Bucks at any

of our events such as Bake Sells. With Soror Marshall’s thriving programs such as So

Sweets Study Tables, Zeta Bucks, and still maintaining a 3.56 cumulative GPA it is no surprise that she is Tau Psi Zeta’s Undergraduate Scholarship recipient. Sisterly Love

The “Diva” chapter of Omicron Delta prides itself on its history of hard

working Finer Women. To celebrate 43 years the undergraduates threw an OD

Alumni Weekend. The weekend kicked off with a Meet in Greet in their on-campus

Greek Court house, where the alumni would be welcomed by a committee. This was a wonderful opportunity for its newest members to bond with its Alumni. In this

weekend the undergraduates planned a picnic, took updated composite photos, had a party, and had a lovely brunch before the Alumni’s departure. It was a weekend filled with love, laughter, and joy for the ladies of Omicron Delta.

Tau Xi Zeta

Forest Park, IL

Giving a Helping Hand


au Xi Zeta has donated school supplies and snacks for Sarah’s Inn’s Back to School Project. Sarah’s Inn is a non-profit organization that improves the lines of those affected by domestic violence. For Domestic Awareness Month, Tau Xi Zeta donated baked goods, funds and provided assistance in preparations for the Sarah’s Inn bake sale. In addition, Tau Xi Zeta members participated during the Sarah’s Inn Holiday Gift Project by working as personal shoppers with clients to select free gifts for their children.

Giving Honor to Our Seniors Tau Xi Zeta has adopted Heritage Woods of Chicago for the Elder Care Initiative. Each month Tau Xi Zeta visits to provide activities for the mind, body and spirit. Activities have included memory games and discussion of current events and how it may impact them.

Giving Honor to MLK Giving Thanks & Appreciation During Military Appreciation Week, Tau Xi Zeta collected and donated over 200+ toiletries for Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans; over 600+ grocery coupons for the Army Family Assistance Center; and donated and cooked breakfast with snacks for Veterans and their families at Hines Hospital – Fisher House.

To honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Tau Xi Zeta members participated in the 8th Annual Health Challenge to promote cultural diversity, health and wellness. Tau Xi Zeta assisted with registration for the youth and provided line dancing lessons for the adults. In addition, it was a great opportunity to discuss the Get Engaged initiative and distribute the NAACP pamphlet, “The 411 on the Five-O”.

Eta Chi Zeta Joliet, IL


ta Chi Zeta (HXZ) of Joliet, Illinois—”A Chapter of Masters” has continued to Blaze New Paths beyond the boundaries of Will County by proudly advocating our beloved principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love and Finer Womanhood! The charitable arm of our chapter, The Pearl Essence Foundation, has successfully continued in the tradition of providing scholarships to college bound youths living in Will County. This year we were able to provide scholarships to three deserving Will County seniors to aid in their financial obligations in college. Serving those in need has continued to be the foundation of all of our chapter members. All of our members are have committed themselves to improving the lives of everyone we touch. One hallmark of our service program is a partnership with the Sunny Hill Nursing. Each visit with the residents of Sunny Hill is filled with laughter and warm smiles.

To kick off a successful school year our chapter worked diligently to collect donations for our partner elementary school, Isaac Singleton Elementary School in Joliet, Illinois. We were able to provide over 500 items to the students in need. It is always a highlight to see the smiles on the student’s faces as they receive the supplies. During the holiday season our State Director encouraged all chapters to set aside a day and serve those less fortunate. The chapter gladly stepped up to this challenge and provided holiday cheer by singing Christmas carols to the mission. In addition to providing entertainment, we also donated items to help replenish their food pantry during this busy season. Our chapter thrives for community service - not only where we live, work or play; but as an extension for the people and causes we care about.

The core of our chapter is the sisterly bond that we treasure so dearly. In order to keep the spirit of our sisterhood fresh, our chapter dedicates time to develop exciting and engaging programs. For the holiday season chapter members gathered together to simply share what they are most thankful for. It is awesome to take a moment and share individual blessings with sisters! Living the principle of Finer Womanhood shines through in everything we master! Our commitment to enhancing the community and each other has allowed us to continue to develop into the women our Five Pearls have encouraged us to be. Being finer for our chapter goes beyond a certain look, but it is show through the helping hand we provide within the community. Being finer is also displayed when we encourage our youth to pursue higher education. It is also displayed in the simple moments when we come together as sisters. In April we look forward to celebrating our 10 year reactivation anniversary. It will be a joyous time to celebrate our accomplishments and look towards the future with hope. It is our hope that we will continue to set the bar for programs, service initiatives and sisterly support and development.

Psi Psi Zeta

Chicago, IL

Bullying? Not on Our Watch!


ullying is no longer something that is confined to the classroom or to the school yard. It has gone to the next level with the age of the internet. Bullying has a new child; her name is Cyber, Cyber Bulling. Our children are being assaulted, no attacked to be specific by those who want to publicly humiliate them by posting their conflicts on Face Book , Twitting horrible comments and Instagraming embarrassing pictures for the whole world to not only see but to chime in on. Back in the day we had fights in the morning on the playground and were back to being friends by lunch. With this new age of technology the fights and teasing that would have been contained has now been unleased into the atmosphere and stays there for an eternity for someone to bring up again and again. It never dies! It is exploiting insecurities, promoting hatred and bigotry in ways the many adults have never experienced nor will. Our children are facing greater levels of peer pressure, low self-esteem and suicide than ever before. How can we combat that? How can we as the adults protect our children from the bullies they will surely face? We can no longer ignore this problem nor can we assume that our children can handle it by themselves. And we definitely can’t allow our children to learn from their peers. So what do we do? We talk to our children and their friends. This can no longer be somebody else’s problem it has to be ours.

On Thursday, February 12, 2015 at the YWCA Laura Parks and Mildred Francis Center, this is exactly what the women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Psi Ps Zeta Chapter did. Through our Z-Hope Program we as a Chapter began an open dialogue with teens in a safe forum where we could ask questions, share our experiences and really hear what these teens had to say on the topic of “Bullying” by hosting “10 Steps To Stop and Prevent Bullying”. This session was facilitated by the Chapter President Cynthia A. McCoy and she posed the following questions to the group, “What do you think bullying is? Have you ever been bullied? How did it make you feel? How long did it go on? Who did you tell about it? What happened when you told? Have you ever bullied someone? Why? Have you ever laughed at someone who was being bullied? Have you ever shared a picture or posting that someone sent you of someone being bullied? The information we received was amazing. As confident and beautiful as these young ladies presented themselves you could see the residue effects of bullying on them as they recounted their experiences. You could see their guilt and embarrassment as they admitted they stood by while someone was being bullied even laughing because they really didn’t know what to do. As we brought our session to a close we asked honestly had this been helpful and would they come back for more session like this. The answer we received was a resounding YES! Bullying will continue as long as someone needs to feel better about themselves by making someone else feel bad about themselves and as long as they feel they have an audience. It will continue as long as those who are powerless feel the need to take power from others to be notice. We can fight the spirit of the bully by talking to our children and their friends and helping them to feel loved, valued and appreciated.

Zeta Tau Zeta Chicago, IL


eta Tau Zeta Charter member, Soror Fay L. Walker received the 2015 Sankofa Legacy Award from the NPHC-C (National Pan-Hellenic Council of Chicago) on February 7, 2015 during their Annual Sankofa Awards Banquet. The Guest of Honor for the event was Bro. Jonathan A. Mason Sr., International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.

Zeta Tau Zeta Sorors received four out of five State of Illinois Zeta Choice Awards awarded at the Statewide Founders’ Day Celebration on January 17, 2015. The names correspond with each individual honor below (L-R):

- Soror Keyonna Green: The Founder Fannie Pettie Watts Award - Soror Anita M. Ward, Ed.D.: The Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons Award - Soror Rosa Pugh:The Founder Pearl Anna Neal Award - Soror Sylvia L. Davis: The Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful Award


~OMEGA PI ZETA-EVANSTON, IL.~ JULY 2014 What better way to kick off your fiscal year than to have three members attend The Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Boule and Phi Beta Sigma’s Centennial celebration in our nation’s capital Washington DC.

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 2014 Were very busy months for Omega Pi Zeta. As usual our monthly activities with seniors. We volunteered for the 2nd year at the CROP Walk on 10-19, we were able to talk the men of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. into joining us. 10-25 was the Day of Caring at Primm with our seniors, we helped cleaned out apartments, organized pantries, shredded paperwork and other task that they needed assistance completing. In partnership with the City Of Evanston we provided each unit with totes that contained: lifesaving information, light bulbs, snacks and many other treats, again we had help from Iota. In return Sorors later that month went to Ronald McDonald home in Maywood to help the Iotas cook dinner, dessert duty.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 Sorors volunteered for the Ronald Mc Donald Hot chocolate race, we passed out hot chocolate and treats as the runner completed the marathon. Sorors joined in the Illinois statewide initiative and had a dessert party for our seniors at Primm Towers on Christmas Eve. We sang Christmas carols and snacked together.

JANUARY/FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 We hosted Founders day celebrations many service activities and hosted Finer Womanhood Week celebrations. Some sorors attended the statewide Founder Celebration at the University of Illinois with Sorors from the state of Illinois on January 17th. On 1-24 we participated in 2 events, we participated in the National Day of service and helped make bracelets, blankets and postcards for different causes and then left to go bake cookies for the Ronald McDonald House. 2-6 Zetas joined the local AKA chapter for pink goes red activities. 2-21 FAAM pancake day service project. March we hosted a week full of events and even hosted our first annual scholarship High Tea Event.



Kristian Harris-Basileus Joanna Goodson-1st Anti Basileus Debra Evans-2nd Anti Basileus Mira Cole-Grammateus Michelle Wharton-Tamias Felisha Parsons-Tamias Grammateus Alysia Terrell-Phylacter Ayanna Evans-Chaplin TaShona Griffin CM! WP

FUTURE EVENTS INCLUDE: Slots and Shop Adventure ~June 20, 2015 The Vagina Monologues ~July 11, 2015 See any OPZ Sorors for more info.

Theta Lambda Zeta Champaign- Urbana, IL


heta Lambda Zeta (TLZ) chapter Youth Affiliates are on the move, but they cannot go far without the support of their big sisters. The affiliates received monetary resources and support and partnered with TLZ in chapter, State and National programs and events. In addition to actively participating in National Z-HOPE such as Eldercare program activities Sit & Be Fit exercises, youth decorated doors at Helia, made handmade holiday cards for veterans and soldiers, and partnered with the NAACP spreading the 411 on the 5-0 “Get Engaged” initiative, and raised awareness about premature births. Champaign-Urbana (C-U) youth affiliates also enjoyed participating in Illinois State-wide events such as the Statewide Day of Service (donating clothes to the Times Center Shelter for men and contributing snack foods, holiday cards and other treats to youth residing in the Champaign Juvenile Detention Center). Youth members gave toiletries to Helia Healthcare Nursing Facility during the Statewide Founders’ Day event held at the iHotel in Champaign, Illinois. The youth auxiliary members played a key role at the National ACS “Making Strides” walk by setting up a booth to cheer on the hundreds of walkers. Theta Lambda Zeta Chapter is home to Illinois State 2014 Youth of the Year and chapter Archonette President, Miss Aliya Savage. Under her leadership the combined groups have dedicated countless hours and resources to caring and sharing with the less fortunate—and making the C-U community a better place.

Tau Psi Zeta Chapter Alsip, IL The Pearl Zone ...Sisterhood at its Finest! Since its inception with twenty charter members in September 2004, Tau Psi Zeta (TPZ) chapter has strived to personify the motto, “The Pearl Zone… Sisterhood at its Finest!” Over the past decade TPZ has diligently worked to foster provocative programs and innovative events that exemplify the four founding principles of this incomparable organization. Here’s a brief snapshot of the past year’s activities!

Summer 2014 In July, TPZ headed to the place where it all started, Washington D.C. to celebrate the century milestone of our Brothers, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and to handle the business of Zeta at the Grand Boule! During the week-long conference, TPZ learned, laughed, and loved reveling in the camaraderie of the events. TPZ also entered the Stroll-Off Competition and won 2nd place! The party didn’t end in D.C., back home in Alsip, TPZ celebrated its own blue and white milestone, the 10th Anniversary! The glamorous event brought together everyone from the Charter Members to the State & Regional Directors, and all the people who worked to make TPZ great over the decade.

Fall 2014 With the changing of the leaves, TPZ jumpstarted the year with service and sisterhood! The annual Welcome Back Reception in September allowed Sorors, Amicae, Youth, and Guests to reconnect with TPZ and get revved up for the year ahead. Each month, TPZ participated in a service project to uphold the principle of service: UNCF Walk in September, ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in October, and Thanksgiving projects at Pacific Garden Mission& Bread of Life Church in November. TPZ went back to the 80s with a Murder Mystery Dinner for some sisterly bonding, too!

Winter 2014-’15 During the icy chill of winter, TPZ kept warm with more service, sisterhood, and scholarship! At the 11th Annual Toy Drive & Raffle in December, more than 300 toys were collected and donated to Featherfist, SCDAI, Worth Township, Hope Village, and Chicago Urban Day School. In January, TPZ celebrated the 95th Founders’ Day with the Blue & Family at SLR Grill. The annual Chapter Retreat in February brought Sorors and Amicae together to learn why A Good Zeta (Amica) is a Well-Informed Zeta (Amica) with informative workshops on everything from appropriate dress to parliamentary procedure. TPZ also partnered with Macy’s and the American Heart Association for the Go Red for Women event.

Spring 2015 The budding trees and blooming flowers signaled spring and Finer Womanhood Month. TPZ held its signature Thanking and Praising with Zeal Prayer Luncheon at the Doubletree Hotel in Alsip, IL. This year’s honorees included: Archonette of the Year—Ashanti Pulphus, Amica of the Year—Belinda James, Zeta of the Year—Margo Watson; Woman of the Year—Yvette Moyo; and Organization of the Year—Soul Children of Chicago. TPZ awarded over $7,000 in scholarships to outstanding women in the community. TPZ also hosted its first Colon Cancer Awareness Month workshop at Calvary Baptist Church.

In addition to the numerous Z-HOPE and Stork’s Nest workshops, service projects, socials, and fundraisers, TPZ was busily preparing to host this 81st Annual Great Lakes Regional Conference! Welcome to the Windy City! Keep reading to see what the TPZ Amicae and Youth groups have been up to this past year! Follow us on Social Media!

Search for Tau Psi Zeta

Tau Psi Zeta By Amicette Amaya Davis and Archonette Kelsi Williams

Alsip, IL


he Pearlettes and Amicettes have been having a great time. At our January youth meeting, we had a Founders’ Day Celebration with our Advisors and members of Zeta. The Pearlettes learned about the Founders of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and the Amicettes had a discussion on Service, Scholarship, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. We also voted on items we will participate in and the Pearlettes made bracelets. We took pictures for our youth scrapbook and decided what clothes we are going to wear to represent the Amicette and Pearlette club at Regionals.

On Martin Luther King Day, the Amicettes went to the Oaklawn Library in Oaklawn, IL. We completed a service project with the March of Dimes by making fleece blankets for premature babies. A member of the March of Dimes was there to assist the Amicettes, Archonettes, Zetas, and other volunteers on how to make the blankets. Once we got the hang of it, every Amicette was able to make at least two blankets. With the help of all of the volunteers, we were able to reach the goal of making 50 blankets for premature babies. The parents of the babies will wrap the babies in the blanket and they will be used so the baby can smell their mother’s scent when the mom is not there.

The 2014-2015 year of the Tau Psi Zeta Archonettes’ has, so far, been a busy one. In November, the Archonettes’ banned together and made the trip to the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign campus for a college tour. There we met up with our Big Sisters of Nu Delta and learned more about the campus through a scavenger hunt. The Archonettes and our little sisters, the Pearlettes and Amicettes, woke up early Thanksgiving morning to feed the homeless. With the help of our big sisters, and other organizations, we made plates and delivered the food for the homeless that were on the streets or in other places. We also woke up early Christmas morning to go to Pacific Garden’s homeless shelter to make beds and prepare meals for the cold winter day that was in plan. The day after Christmas, the Archonette sisters went to go bond, after a Kwanzaa festival, at Winter Wonder fest. It was a great time and those that did come had a blast. The Archonettes are starting to be great examples in all of the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. In March, we were able to celebrate TPZ Archonette Ashanti Pulphus, who was named Archonette of the Year at TPZ’s Finer Womanhood Banquet. Ashanti has been accepted to several universities and was awarded many academic scholarships, including a Blue and White Scholarship. Senior Archonette Brenae Scott received the M. Ann Prendergast scholarship from Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., State of Illinois. Another senior, Archonette, Olivia Tunstall, was awarded a Torchbearer’s Scholarship and will be able to complete her CNA nursing license before she even graduates high school! This year for the Zeta Archonettes has been a great one and you will hear more from us!

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Xi Mu Zeta Chapter Markham, Illinois

The second event involved serving veterans at an annual luncheon given by the Jesse Brown VA Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. Chapter members were joined by the men of Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Zetas and Omegas served jointly throughout the event.

2014 Military Appreciation During the 2014 Military Appreciation Week, Xi Mu Zeta Chapter along with the Amicae of Markham Auxiliary and the youth affiliates truly showed out! On Veterans Day, Xi Mu Zeta participated in two events. The first one, created by Soror Karyn Collins, was serving a cup of complimentary coffee to veterans during the breakfast hours of 6:00am until 11:00am. The free coffee was served at the BP Amoco gas station located on 75th Stony Island in Chicago, Illinois. This was supported by the illustrious Illinois State Director, Connie V. Pugh.

Xi Mu Zeta put out a Zeta call to those inactive members to collect toiletry donations. The chapter received more than 125 (shampoo, lotion and soap) items that were distributed to patients currently within the hospital.

Lastly, on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, the Amicae, youth affiliates and Xi Mu Zeta chapter donated 500+ coupons valued at more than $1000 to the Salvation Army Cross Generations Branch in Blue Island, Illinois to be used within their food pantry, as well as, the Illinois Commissaries for military families in need. Xi Mu Zeta members were honored to participate in these events and are eternally grateful to the men and women that protect our freedom in this country.

Xi Mu Zeta lends a hand to the March of Dimes on October 28, 2014 during a local baby clothes drive at the Acorn Public Library in Oak Forest, Illinois. Donated clothing was given to neonatal intensive care units (NICU). The chapter also got engaged with the March of Dimes for the MLK Day of Service on January 19, 2015 at the Oak Lawn Library in Oak Lawn, Illinois. Chapter members created blankets to promote kangaroo care for NICU families. Kangaroo care is a bonding technique for premature babies and moms.

March of Dimes Baby Clothes Drive

Zeta Sigma Toy Drive Xi Mu Zeta and the men of Upsilon Sigma Alumni Chapter hosted a Christmas Toy Drive on Thursday, December 11 at Bar Louie in Matteson, Illinois. Zetas and Sigmas throughout Illinois gathered to support the event. Toys from the event were distributed to children at the Family Rescue Battered Women’s Shelter, Family Rescue Transitional Housing Facility during the chapter’s annual holiday party, Advocates for Adolescent Mothers and Markham’s Winter Wonderland. Toys from the event were also given to the children of the two families Xi Mu Zeta adopted for Christmas. Each family received a full holiday feast, treats for the children and gift cards. Chapter members delivered the goodies along with some holiday cheer.

Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk

Xi Mu Zeta Chapter

Affiliates in Action

Xi Mu Zeta Chapter

Affiliates in Action Archonettes took a journey into the past to discover their roots during the youth Black History program on February 21, 2015 in Markham, Illinois.

Xi Mu Zeta Archonettes expanded to more than 25 young ladies in the fall and the group is bursting with energy. The Archonettes conducted their first ever dining etiquette and public relations workshops in preparation for Finer Womanhood festivities and the Great Lakes Regional Conference. The group also assisted with Xi Mu Zeta initiatives including Women's Shopping Day and Stork's Nest. Congratulations to Kareemah Johnson, the 2015 Bonita Woods Harris Scholarship recipient and to all the graduating Archonettes—Aminah Brown, Ashley Guyton and Jada Lincoln!

Archonettes and Amicettes participate in a joint Carson’s Community Days youth fundraiser. The youth sold coupon books onsite on February 28, 2015.

Soror Edna Metoyer Zeta Dove of Indiana

Indiana State Director

Soror Susan D. Johnson, Ph.D.

A State Director’s Vision Soror Susan D. Johnson, Ph.D. As we approach our Centennial Celebration, my vision is for the state of Indiana to continue to grow, prosper, and epitomize our sorority principles. Goals include: • • • • • • • •

No inactive graduate or undergraduate chapters Increased number of new members and reclaimed members by 25% Increased number of Youth auxiliaries by 25% Increased number of Amicae auxiliaries Chartering of at least 1 undergraduate and 1 graduate chapter Undergraduate Excellence: at least 2 chapters with highest GPA and/or other Greek awards Indiana as the top fundraising state in the region for the March of Dimes Indiana License Plate


Lambda Tau

Depauw University


ince the 2014 Great Lakes Regional Conference, the Lambda Tau Chapter has continued to be involved in order to promote change on DePauw’s Campus and within the Greencastle community. We have made great strides while upholding our principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood. To start the year off, the Lambda Tau Chapter brought massive awareness to the March of Dimes Foundation through a series of fundraisers, including a flag football competition entitled Blue Raiders and a bowling competition entitled Bowling for Babies. With over 50 people in attendance at each event, the ladies of Lambda Tau were able to raise over $1,000 in donations. The Lambda Tau Chapter also provided service opportunities for both chapter members and other DePauw students to get involved in the local community. Our first event of this academic year was a service day at our local Campus Farm where all chapter members and 25 other volunteers harvested the fall crops to be distributed throughout Putnam County. During this event, we managed to achieve the equivalent of one month of work in only three hours! Another community service event, Words and Crafts, was held during this spring semester at the local Putnam County Library. Aimed to give children a chance to have fun with words and books, we created a fun space for kids in grades K-5 to read short stories, eat snacks, complete fun word challenges, and create awesome crafts!

In regards to on-campus engagement, we hosted a two-part Women’s Empowerment Exposition. The first workshop was held during the fall semester and the culmination as a part of Finer Womanhood Week during the spring. At these events, women and men on campus were offered a safe space to talk about perceptions of women on campus, leadership, activism, community, and change. Both parts of the Exposition were attended by both students and faculty members. This proved to be a great opportunity for everyone to gain advice and insight about how to create a stronger DePauw community. As many students and faculty expressed the need for this event to occur more often, it is an event that the Lambda Tau Chapter plans to continue.

Many members of the chapter have also received recognition for their individual markings for change. For instance, Soror Dione Gordon made history by becoming DePauw’s first African-American Old Gold Homecoming Queen this fall. In addition, Soror Ashton Johnson was one of the guest speakers on an undergraduate webinar, where she gave advice to sorors on other campuses about how they can maximize their activism.

Mu Tau Zeta Speedway, IN


e have continued our long association with the Riverside Community Center by starting off the school year with the annual back to school parade. We support all holiday youth activities. Sorors provide treats for the children and engage them in activities that challenge them in mind, body and spirit. Soror Taylor is seen checking out face painting and costumes as the children prepare for the costume competition. We honored the veterans in our chapter by visiting patients at our local VA hospital. We spent the afternoon with them as they shared the good and bad of their service to our country. Their stories brought tears to our eyes. We continue to support our wounded warriors with donations of items needed at discharge. The Alpha Home has become our Elder Care initiative. We join the residents for bingo games and celebrate birthdays and holidays. We also updated the facility’s landscape. Future projects include a fundraiser for the facility and to continue to supply items of need.

Soror Woodard had the honor of pinning our Honorary Soror Actress Estelle Rolle (shown above).

Kudos go out to our own Soror Norma Dartis for her tenure as the UNCF’s Planning Committee Chairperson. She has served in this position seven years running. Through our fundraising activities we were able to make a $2,500 donation to the UNCF scholarship fund. Soror Dartis was also recently the keynote speaker for Xi Sigma’s annual scholarship gala. Congratulations to our undergraduate chapters Lambda Tau/Depauw University and Zeta Pi/IU Southeast. Both chapters have just completed successful MIPs and campus presentations. Congratulations also go out to our graduating Sorors: Lambda Tau – 6 and Zeta Pi – 2.

Soror Woodard and her husband Brother Aljean Woodard were a Blue and White force to be reckoned with. The Woodard home served as a nurturing environment for Zetas and Sigmas of all ages. Zeta Dove Soror Woodard served Zeta faithfully for many years. She served as chapter basileus, undergraduate advisor, Indiana State Director, Regional Registration Chairperson, Regional Tamias Grammateus , Regional Chairperson of Ways and Means, and numerous other services to Zeta. She will truly be missed.

Eta Upsilon Zeta Fort Wayne, IN


n May 17, 2014, Eta Upsilon Zeta Chapter held their 40th Annual Finer Womanhood Scholarship Program at the Fort Wayne Grand Wayne Center. We were honored to have our guest speaker, International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright. The theme for the program was “The Royal Blue and White Ties that Bind”. The event was well attended by Sorors from the Region, including our Indiana State Director, Soror Susan Johnson, Ph.D. and the National Graduate Member at Large, Soror Patricia Jones. We honored our Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. as they celebrated their 100th anniversary. A total of $2000 in scholarships was given to three local high school recipients. Eta Upsilon Zeta Chapter participates in the American Cancer Society – Relay for Life Walk. Sorors raised money for the event. Eta Upsilon Zeta conducted a Z-HOPE Military Initiative in conjunction with the American Legion Post 148 Veteran’s Day Scholarship Program on November 8, 2014. Members of HYZ along with the American Legion donated personal care items to two organizations that provide services to homeless veterans, Liberty Landing and Richard Lugar Safe Haven. Both organizations provide services to men and women. The Regional Director of the organizations, Ms. Lisa Christen was pleased to receive the donations. Sorors of Eta Upsilon Zeta Chapter, Amicettes and Archonettes participated in the 18th Annual Santa on Tour & Trolley Ride in collaboration with the MLK Club. HYZ donated cookies for the event. They also helped wrap presents and assisted the children in workshops throughout the program. The Amicettes and Archonettes read stories to the children and helped facilitate the games during the program. pated in the march.

Fort Wayne community remembers the 50th Commemoration of “Bloody Sunday” march across the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge (Fort Wayne, IN) on March 8, 2015. The featured speaker at the commemorative march was six-time medalist, Jackie Joyner-Kersee. The march was led by Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Rev. Bill McGill. Eta Upsilon Zeta members, Sorors Sheryl Edwards and Stephanie Woodson participated in the march. Eta Upsilon Zeta held their 3rd Annual Women’s History Month Program on March 28, 2015. The theme of the program was “Weaving the Stories of Women Lives”. The guest speaker was Bishop Crystal Bush, who is the Pastor of New Zion Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We honored six women in the Fort Wayne community for their outstanding contributions and achievements. We also honored our two Zeta Doves – Sorors Edna Metoyer and Mary Simpson. The program was well received by the Fort Wayne community and the Sorors of HYZ exceeded their expectations.

Iota Zeta

Indianapolis, IN

Iota Zeta and Delta Epsilon Honor Hoosier Veterans


uring National Military Appreciation Week (November 9-15) the Iota Zeta Chapter participated in the Military Initiative Veterans Toiletry Drive by delivering toiletries to hospitalized veterans at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center (Roudebush VA) located at 1481 W 10th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202. This was the second year that Iota Zeta commemorated Military Appreciation Week at the facility. The undergraduate members of the Delta Epsilon Chapter of Indiana University joined Iota Zeta in visiting with the veterans at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center (Roudebush VA) located at 1481 W 10th St, Indianapolis, IN 46202. Since 1931, The Roudebush VA has served Indiana Veterans and provided acute inpatient medical, surgical, psychiatric, neurological, and rehabilitation care, as well as, primary and specialized outpatient services. Soror Carvetta Joy, Military Appreciation Coordinator for Iota Zeta Chapter oversaw the project, single handedly assembled 70 care packages stuffed with socks and toiletries donated by sorors. It is the goal of Iota Zeta to continue the partnership with Roudebush VA. Approximately 10 sorors and several women interested in learning more about Zeta delivered the care packages. Additionally, Archonette Ariana Black, daughter of Soror Qiana Robinson also helped deliver care packages. Celebrating Black History Month at Annual Black Heritage Festival On February 7, 2015 Sorors Londra Dufor, Tamara Nance and Jessica Key spent the afternoon at the Indiana State Museum educating visitors to the Annual Indianapolis Black Heritage Festival about the illustrious history of Zeta.

Moving on Up: Soror Kim Young Promoted to Lieutenant On November 3, 2014, during a ceremony held at Indiana War Memorial, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) promoted Soror Young a 29-year veteran to Lieutenant. With the support of her family Soror Young walked across the stage only months after a double knee replacement. Soror Young is one of the few black females in the IMPD that hold the rank of lieutenant. Soror Young joined the sorority on April 27, 1980 on the campus of Purdue University where she helped charter the Epsilon Kappa Chapter. She is ZOL (Zeta Organizational Leadership) Certified and an active member in the chapter serving as the Secretary. Zeta Takes All at the Circle City Classic Events in Indianapolis Under the great leadership and planning of Sorors Bernadette Harris and Sharmela Snell, Zeta placed first as Top Sorority in the 31st Annual Circle City Classic Parade on October 4, 2014. Founded by Reverend Charles Williams, the Circle City Classic is an annual Historically Black College and University football game, that include parades and other activities used to raise funds for college scholarships. Each year, the Iota Zeta Chapter invites active members of the sorority to participate in the Indianapolis event that takes over downtown Indianapolis the first weekend in October. Thirty sorors and four members of our youth auxiliaries participated by walking, strolling and stepping in the parade. Iota Zeta also represented well at the Indiana Black Expo Greek Stroll off, which featured eight of the Divine 9. Iota Zeta members Soror Londra Dufor, Sharmela Snell, Adrienne Woods and Shyvon Lacy represented through the Indiana State Organization winning $250, which will be applied to the cost of placing a historical marker for past Grand Basileus Nellie B. Rogers a member of Iota Zeta.

Upsilon Omega Zeta Chapter Fishers, IN G


Indiana’s 59th State Leadership Conference


Health Initiative


Sisterly Bonding

Youth Group

Stork’s Nest























“ C H E E R S T O A N E W Y E A R c h a n c e t o g e t i t a n o t h e r O P R A H

Upsilon Omega Zeta is a chapter in Fishers, IN which was chartered in 2006. Within the first decade of operations a strong tradition of hard work through award seeking and winning as well as focus on the sorority’s principles remains the blueprint for each sorority year. During last year’s Great Lakes regional Conference the chapter ensured that our Zeta Light is always shining bright through bringing home two awards in the areas of Chapter report and Chapter Scrapbook. Evidence of continued focus and hard word began during the inception of this sorority year as the chapter successfully hosted Indiana’s 59th State Leadership Conference. This conference offered an atmosphere for sorors around the state to

“ O u r

A N D r i g h t ”

handle business and gain proper training for task to be successfully carried out around the state and throughout the remainder of the year.

shares and celebrates physical activities, recipes, and support for healthy lifestyles.

Chapter members during Indiana’s State Leadership Conference

McMiracle on 38th St is another great service project we participated in. This event is held annually at the Indiana State Fairgrounds where less fortunate children can receive a free bike for outstanding academic success. This year we assisted in welcoming and registering over 2,000 guest and donated a bike.

While service, scholarship, sisterly love, and finer womanhood are essential pieces of the puzzle, we know that in order to accomplish each we must be vigilant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The chapter has adopted a health initiative amongst the members. This initiative

Service is always given through our prized jewel, our Stork’s Nest located at the Raphael Health Center. This partnership is sending expectant mothers home to be prepared to nurture healthy babies through educational materials and care necessities.

Y o u t h G r o u p s C h i l d r e n O u r F u t u r e ”

Members have obtained proper certification and recruited young ladies eager to grow, learn, and have fun while observing how the women of the chapter carry out day to day task. Our Pearlettes and Amicettes were thrilled to participate

in their pinning ceremony for the year. Each young lady received a handbook and a their very own pearl necklace and earring set. Upcoming events from the group includes: community service projects; pamper

day, arts and craft and a few summer field trips.

Soror Lizzie Miller Past Regional Director, Zeta Dove

Kentucky State Director Soror Keisha Smith

A State Director’s Vision

Soror Keisha Smith The vision of the Kentucky State Association is to grow our state from within each Zeta, Amicae, and Youth. Together we will accomplish this goal by continuing to be dedicated, proactive thinkers, spirited, flexible, understanding, humble, lifelong learners, and supportive. Kentucky’s membership has vastly grown within the last 2.5 years through new, transferred, and reclaimed members and chartering and reactivating chapters. We will continue to secure leadership development opportunities internally and externally through official blended learning and trainings offered. Kentucky, I believe in you and the value you bring to our state and this phenomenal organization. Being a witness to your individual and chapter/auxiliary growth and development has been rewarding.

Past Regional Director Ira J. Ebbs & State Director Keisha Smith

It truly is my honor to serve as your State Director. We will continue to be diligent in our efforts based on protocol, increasing our knowledge base, and strengthening our structure and execution. I look forward to our ongoing partnerships and welcome your continued engagement as honest brokers for the GREATNESS of ZETA!


Alpha Alpha Mu Zeta Kenton County, KY


n September 13, 2014 6 Sorors, Krystal Rice; Chrystal Davis; Anjylla Foster; Rhonda Webb; Colissa Brogden; and Tiffani Melson, came together to charter Alpha Alpha Mu Zeta (AAMZ). Since that day, we have been busy building our presence in Northern KY. AAMZ participated donate funds to the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Walk that took place in Cincinnati, OH. We also supported the reactivation of Alpha Rho at Northern Kentucky University. To help promote Prematurity Awareness, we hosted a Bowling for Babiez event where funds from the event were donated to the March of Dimes. At our first state meeting, we won our first of many awards and cam in 3rd place for Z-Hope. In December, we participated a joint community project with the Cincinnati Chapter of NPHC at Matthew 25 Ministries. We also adopted a teen mom form Holmes High School and brought Christmas gifts for her and her child.

To celebrate Founders’ Day, AAMZ came together with Pi Sigma Zeta and Beta Zeta Zeta of Cincinnati, OH to host a joint Founders’ Day lunch and rededication ceremony. Keeping with our principle of sisterhood, AAMZ hosted a sleepover for Alpha Rho. It was a night of creating vision boards, and enjoying each other’s company. In the coming months and years we plan on continuing working with Alpha Rho to build a strong Zeta presence in Northern KY.

Delta Pi

Morehead State University


he Delta Pi chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. on Morehead State University’s campus re-chartered the chapter on April 12, 2015 after 10 plus years of being inactive. The Delta Pi chapter spring 2015 charter members are Bridget Key, Deion Dornal, Lalah Ware, and Mone’t Grady. For Delta Pi’s original charter date, April 26, 1997 Delta Pi volunteered at a soup kitchen near campus where all members helped clean, prepare, and serve food. Delta Pi also participated in Build A Bed with other organizations. Deion Dornal Is a sophomore majoring in business, entrepreneurship and small business. She is the president of the Black Student Union, involved in a alternative spring break to do community service in New Orleans, and a part of the student advisory board for the college of Business and public affairs. Deion is the current president of the Delta Pi chapter of Zeta Pi Beta Sorority Inc. Lalah Ware is a sophomore majoring in vocal music education with a minor in dance. She is very active around campus and is a part of the organizations Dreams, Much More to Me, and the Black Gospel Ensemble. Mone’t Grady is a sophomore majoring in Middle school and special Education. She is a part of the Get Smart program as well as the Black Gospel Ensemble. Mone’t is the current Vice President of the Delta Pi chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

One of the spring 2015 Delta Pi members, Bridget Key is graduating this semester. Bridget is graduating with a batcher’s degree in social work and plans to attend graduate school. Bridget served as the president of the Delta Pi chapter before graduating. Delta Pi is sad that she is leaving but very proud of her accomplishments and wishes her the best. She plans to be very active in the growth of the Delta Pi chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated.

Soror Frances Faithful An Original Legacy

Michigan State Director Soror Tonia Jenkins

A State Director’s Vision

Soror Tonia Jenkins Serving as the 10th State Director for the Michigan State Organization has been an exciting and learning experience for me. I would like to thank our 24th International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, for appointing me to service in this dynamic capacity. The Michigan State Organization is “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths” by upholding the principles through 16 graduate chapters, 9 undergraduate chapters and numerous Amicae and Youth Auxiliaries. We are all determined to impact our communities throughout Michigan as we continue to promote our signature programs such as Z-HOPE, Elder Care, and Get Engage. The MSO will continue to strengthen our partnerships with the March of Dimes and American Cancer Society. Some of my completed goals include: 1. Increase in Membership (54 new sorors) 2. Embellishment Day for New and Reclaimed Sorors 3. MSO contribution to the NEF 4. MSO contribution to the MOD 5. Basilei Retreat Future 1. Statewide reclamation campaign 2. Chartering a chapter 3. Reactivating a chapter

This has been an exciting experience and a pleasure to be the State Director for the Michigan State Organization. I would like to thank our International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, for allowing me to serve in this capacity. The Michigan State Organization is “Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths”. The MSO is comprised of committed Zeta’s, Amicae and Youth. We are all determined to impact our communities throughout Michigan. We will also continue to promote our signature programs such as ZHOPE Elder Care, and getting Engage. The MSO will continue to strengthen our partnerships with the March of Dimes and American Cancer Society. Michigan is on the move going to another level!

Michigan is on the move going to another level!


Phi Gamma

Michigan State University


en lovely trailblazers came together at Michigan State University (MSU) on September 15, 1969 to charter the oldest chapter in the state of Michigan; Phi Gamma known as “That Diva Chapter”. The Phi Gamma chapter has truly had a remarkable sororal year filled with many instances of outstanding scholarship, service projects, ways to further develop our bonds as sisters and efforts displaying what it means to be a finer woman.

Additionally, the Phi Gamma Chapter has made a conscious effort to incorporate the International Grand Basileus’ programmatic thrust, bring forth many of the sorority’s national programs, encourage Greek unity and foster the spirit of the constitutional bond between our sorority and our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Current members of the Phi Gamma chapter are: Soror Mariah Gerald, Soror Rachel Tate, Soror Sydney Adams, Soror Nicole Ratliff, Soror Blake Bass, Soror Janelle Freeman, Soror Menyon Byrd, Soror Brittany Banks and Soror Gessika Thurman. To honor the four principles of our sorority, the Phi Gamma chapter hosted and participated in programs that displayed them to the campus community and beyond. To showcase scholarship, the chapter hosted “Operation GPA” study tables throughout the entire year which allowed campus to fellowship while emphasizing the importance of academic success. The chapter hosted two programs, “School DayZ” and “GreekZ and the Lord”, which informed students of the ins and outs of applying and matriculating through grad school and how it is possible to join a Greek letter organization and maintain a healthy relationship with God respectively. Lastly, the Phi Gamma chapter had two sorors, Soror Merchell Hunt and Soror Brittany Banks, graduate with Bachelor degrees.

To promote service, the Phi Gamma Chapter hosted the “I’m Going to College” youth program. This was an academically based mentoring program to help instill the desire and skill set necessary to go to and be successful in college. Several chapter members attended and provided service at the funeral of fellow MSU student and member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Thomas Tobi. Additionally, the chapter participated in an MSU Parking Fundraiser, which required the sorors to assist in directing traffic and parking on campus for those attending the football game.

The chapter participated in MSU activities such as, “Spartan Remix” and “Sparticipation”, which allowed organizations to interact amongst each other as well as meet incoming and returning students. Phi Gamma also hosted the “Z-Phi Fish Fry”, which allowed students, family and friends to fellowship over food before summer vacation. Additionally, the sorors hosted a fall open house to continue building relationships with ladies interested in Zeta.

To exemplify the principle sisterhood, the Phi Gamma Chapter participated in two step shows, which required dedication to create and execute a theme, steps and skits for the performances. The sorors hosted a chapter dinner to fellowship and unwind before the rigors of the semester began. Next, Phi Gamma again served its MSU community while bonding through another football parking fundraiser. Lastly, the chapter expanded by having back-to-back intakes in fall 2014 and spring 2015, which lead to two new members.

Phi Gamma also collaborated on several successful programs with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. – Delta Kappa Chapter. These events included a weekend of programs in collaboration with Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority. The MSU Blue and White Family hosted the informative program, “Little Africa”, which shed light on the Tulsa Race Riots to provide historical context to discuss the current state of minority business. Additionally, Phi Gamma supported our brothers’ “Sleepout for the Homeless”, which aims to bring awareness of the issue of homelessness through donating canned food items and clothing.

To exhibit finer womanhood, the Phi Gamma Chapter held a chapter photo shoot which allowed the sorors to have professional chapter and individual shots taken for their zeta and personal careers. Additionally, the chapter hosted two programs, “Grown Woman Night” and “Love and ReltionshipZ”, which allowed ladies from all over campus to unwind play games, eat, engage in conversation with like-minded peers and be pampered by beauty gurus on our campus; and provide advice as well as spark discussion surround the topic of love and relationships respectively.

In closing, this has been a very eventful sororal year for the Phi Gamma Chapter. Our dedication to our principles and campus was recognized by the Student Life Department, whom awarded our chapter with Outstanding Greek Letter Organization for the 2014-2015 school year. Additionally, the Phi Gamma won a total of four awards at the The Phi Gamma chapter hosted programs to unmask 81st Great Lakes Regional. These awards include: several national programs to the campus community. These Undergraduate Chapter of the Year, the C&J Dove programs included; Zetas Have Heart, Wigs For Awareness Award, 2nd place in Z-HOPE for undergraduate and Z-HOPE. To promote Zetas Have Heart, the chapter chapters with 10 or less members and 1st place hosted two health, fitness and wellness-based workshops for the chapter report for undergraduate chaptitled, “Zumba with Zetas” and “Sit and Fit”. To promote Wigs ters with 10 or less members. Furthermore, the For Awareness, the chapter collected wigs during the month chapter basilues, Soror Mariah Gerald, received of April to support the sorority’s partnering with the Amerthe Ida B. King Memorial Scholarship. ican Cancer Society, Inc. To promote Z-HOPE, the chapter held its third annual “CupZ 4 CureZ”, which is a fundraising technique to raise money for breast cancer. The sorors also held a Z-HOPE week, which featured several programs that touched on a variety of issues that impact our lives as Black women, such as diabetes awareness, mental health awareness and love/relationships.

Tau Delta

Western Michigan University


n the fall semester of 1972, Western Michigan University welcomed the Tau Delta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Between the years of 1972 and 2004, Tau Delta welcomed more than 100 new members. On April 19th, 2014 the Spring semester, Tau Delta was reborn with “20 V.S.O.P. “, A group of 20 open minded and eager ladies ready and willing to set the campus ablaze. This was a proud accomplishment for Western, as they were the second largest group in the country to be born into the world of Zeta. These amazing women have been building on the principles of Zeta while blazing new paths. These ladies of Tau Delta Chapter have been very active in events at WMU and the Kalamazoo, Michigan community.

October 25, 2014 during the fall semester, Tau Delta kept with the tradition of the chapter by participating, and winning 1st place in the annual WMU MARCHDOWN, where they showcased their talents outside the classroom as exceptional competitors. Prior to this win, Tau Delta won every competition they entered, from 1993-2002.

In February of 2015, Tau Delta was voted best female RSO (Registered Student Organization) by the long standing WMU organization, YBBW (Young Black Beautiful Women). They were up against competition that included 4 other RSO’s, and though were just newly introduced to the campus, they showed the WMU campus their commitment to service and scholarship. This win was special to our Sorors, as they worked hard to be recognized as a mainstay to the communities in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The list of Tau Delta’s presence on the WMU campus and in the community is endless! During their week, April 6th-12th 2015, they hosted many events that helped to bring them, WMU students and the communities of Kalamazoo, Michigan closer. They hosted a Finer Womanhood workshop as well as volunteering at Phoenix Fitness. One night they volunteered for Drive Safe Kalamazoo, a non-profit organization on campus, providing rides to students Thursday-Saturday, 11pm-3am to take them home safely. In support of Elder Care, one of our National initiatives, they continue to volunteer at Friendship Village, an Elder Care living facility. In keeping with our principle of scholarship, Tau Delta hosts a 2 hour study session every Wednesday in Waldo Library. Valeria Almanza, Basileus of Tau Delta says it best. “I am extremely proud of all the hard work Tau Delta has done for the campus of Western Michigan University and the communities of Kalamazoo, Michigan. We are truly thankful and humbled for all the support shown to us since we have been on the WMU campus”. In the true fashion of our Finer Women across the globe, very well said.

Kappa Rho Zeta

Highland Park - Metro Detroit, MI


ctober 25, 2014 from 10am to 2pm KappaRho Zeta, The American Cancer Society and Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church partnered to host a Breast Cancer Awareness event for the Community. The keynote speaker was Dr. Dharti Sheth, a Breast Surgeon at William Beaumont Health System. Dr. Sheth spoke on risk factors, the importance of diet, exercise, self exams and mammograms. Her focus was prevention, early detection and treatment in the fight against the disease. We had vendor tables from BCCP (Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program), Karmanos Cancer Center, The Detroit Area on Aging and Coventry Cares Aetna Better Health of Michigan each vendor provided information and gifts to all that participated. The event was a celebration of life, there were several breast cancer survivors in the audience they shared their stories, the chapter provided a healthy lunch, we sang happy birthday and a great time was had by all. ZUMBA with the Zetas, on February 28,2015 Kappa Rho Zeta and Eta Lambda Zeta supported by the American Heart Association and Peoples Missionary Baptist Church sponsored a Heart Healthy event for the Community. The keynote speaker was Ms Millie Hall from the American Heart Association, she spoke on heart disease prevention, for people of color. She gave out soul food cookbooks and many other heart healthy brochures. The purpose of the ZUMBA class was to show that exercise can be fun! There were several vendors on hand with heart healthy information and a cooking demonstration was given to show how meatless dishes are healthy and can be flavorful when using the correct oils and seasonings.

March 7, 2015 from 12-2pm, Kappa Rho Zeta held an under garments shower for the homeless at Beans and Cornbread in Southfield, MI. The purpose of the shower was to collect new underwear, and socks for those in need. Kappa Rho Zeta collected well over 100 items to be donated at the Project Healthy Living Health Fair.

March 28, 2015 from 10 - 3pm at Bert’s Place in the Eastern Market, Kappa Rho Zeta, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and Chi Eta Phi Sorority, inc. partnered to service the homeless community, those that have lost their jobs and the underinsured with a Project Health Living Health Fair. The fair consisted of the Detroit Medical Center providing health screenings, several Dentists volunteered their services to provide Dental screenings, HIV testing was available, Nurse Practitioners were available to assist with Mental Health Counseling, there were over 25 vendors in attendance providing information and resources, the American Baptist Men had hygiene kits for the males,the Beauty salon gave free press/curls to women and girls and hair cuts to men, free manicures, the clothing closet gave shoes, under and outer garments to men, women and children, a homeless choir sang, we provided a hot meal and gave them boxes of food to take home provided by Forgotten Harvest and Gleaners. T his is the biggest and most talked about health fair in the area and we are proud to service the community in such a meaningful way.

Pi Gamma Zeta Chapter- Southfield, MI was reactivated on October 31, 2014, because “Zetas are Never Tired in our Efforts". Sorors Erika Lewis, Carmen Blessett, Tiana M. Brown, Theresa Johnson, Vershaun Jones and DeQuanda L. Carson all saw the "Light of Zeta". The Sorors immediately began the work of Zeta by participating in community service and reclaiming other Sorors. Since the REJUVENATION of Pi Gamma Zeta Chapter, we held our first Meet & Greet at the Jazz Kats in Southfield, Michigan, participated in much community service projects, and held our “Come Home to Zeta” reclamation event.

To emphasize, following the principles of this great sorority we began our work in service: •

We held our first sock and blanket drive for Love Ministries.

“Sweets for Veterans” was an effort we made to give Valentine’s Day sweets to our Veterans in the Navy Reserve to thank them for their service.

We GOT #ENGAGED through participation in the MLK walk in Southfield, Michigan.

We collaborated with the Order of the Eastern Star Prince Hall Affiliate Jurisdiction and other appendix bodies for toy drives, feeding and housing the homeless, a diaper drive, and provided.

In support of elder care, we donated to the Lahser Hills Care Centre, hat and glove drive, and contributed donations to the NSO with Public Service Credit Union.

Pi Gamma Zeta Chapter collaborated with Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter to execute a joint Z-Hope Project entitled "Love Shouldn't Hurt", with a self-defense demonstration.

We are indeed doing the work of Zeta in Southfield, Michigan!

Theta Rho Zeta Lansing, MI


elebrating the “3rd Annual ” Joint” Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.” Founder’s Day Program; held 1/24/15 at the Faith Fellowship BC in Lansing, MI. The dynamic speaker, Hon Peter Adams, and our “own”, Sis Kenyata’s response was “breathtaking”. It was truly a time of reflection and thanksgiving, honoring our “prominent” Founders. The Blue and White Celebration, in conjunction with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., was quite a display of a “unified partnership”.

The Theme was: “My Brother’s Keeper”; Keynote Speaker was: Hon. Peter Adams, Esq. 30th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. He challenged us to keep serving by being a positive “role model” for the youth in our community. He said, “to be our Brother’s Keeper is what we do, and have always done.” Also following was an “inspiring” response and “ Community Charge” presented by, Sis. Kenyata Davidson. Over 75 people in the community joined this “remarkable” celebration in recognition of the Founder’s who blazed a trail, and opened a door of outstanding opportunities . We are the only International Fraternity and Sorority constitutionally bound, upholding the brotherly, and sisterly “community service” bond. We stand together to continue to thrive in our commitment to a legacy of Community service, Scholarship, and “Brotherly and Sisterly” love for one another. Yes, we are our brother’s keeper!

Eta Lambda Zeta Mount Clemens, MI


he Elegant Sorors of the Eta Lambda Zeta Chapter from Mount Clemens, MI would like to extend our warmest greetings to the Sorors of the Greater Great Lakes Region! We have had a very busy yet rewarding sorority year as we celebrated 53 years of service to our community and we are ready for what 2015 brings as we continue our partnerships with:

• Macomb Human Services • Turning Point Shelter of Mount Clemens • Macomb County Relay For Life • Gleaners Community Food Bank • Macomb County Walk For Warmth • American Cancer Society • American Heart Association • March of Dimes • United Way

November and December Events November and December was filled with plenty of donations to various organizations. In November we shared information with Greater Burnette Baptist Church in Detroit, MI about Prematurity Awareness as well as collected baby items to be donated throughout the month. In December we also contributed to the Macomb County Food Drive as well as provided assistance to the Macomb County Department of Human Services with monetary donations to aid families with everyday household needs such as food, cleaning supplies, and toiletries.

January Activities Kicking off the 2015 year, Eta Lambda Zeta continued our annual community service event at Gleaners Food Bank in Warren, MI. Each year we manage to package or prepare over 3,000 pounds of food for the Macomb County community and we could not be more honored to continue this tradition.

February As we prepared for our Zumba with the Zetas, A Heart Healthy Event, Eta Lambda Zeta wore red on National Wear Red Day in support of those with heart disease and the American Heart Association.

Continuing awareness, Eta Lambda Zeta hosted an amazing Black History Lesson at Oxford Community Center in Clinton Township (Macomb County) lead by Soror Monica Thompson in which many children of Macomb County attended.

Come Home to Zeta ETA LAMBDA ZETA GRADUATE CHAPTER OF MT. CLEMENS, MI (MACOMB COUNTY) would like to invite Sorors who want to “come home to Zeta” and Reclaim your membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. We understand that life takes on new changes but, when you are ready, with open arms we welcome you back to the Sisterhood. For those Sorors who have temporarily or permanently relocated to the Metro Detroit/Macomb County area, we welcome you to join our chapter. Any member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated who has been inactive for over two (2) years may reactivate her membership from January 16, 2015 – March 31, 2015. We welcomed home Soror Kimberly Drew in January 2015

On February 28, 2015 in a collaborative effort, Eta Lambda Zeta, Kappa Rho Zeta, and People’s Missionary Baptist Church hosted Zumba with the Zetas, a Heart Healthy program. We shook our bodies, sweat, and most importantly got our hearts a little healthier.

Zeta Beta Zeta Flint, MI

Zeta Beta Zeta at the Mid-Michigan Annual Christmas Luncheon accepting donations for our Storks Nest.-December 21, 2014

Zeta Beta Zeta-Zeta Day on the Hill- Women EqualityOctober 2014

January 17, 2015 Celebrating Founder’s Day Zeta Beta Zeta, Lambda Pi and Zeta Amicae at Lawrence Technological University-Host chapter Upsilon Theta Beta.

Zeta Beta Zeta Hosting their Finer Womanhood SockHop- Zeta Dances for Autism & YWCA Donations

January 25, 2015 Sisterly Love-Zeta Beta Zeta at Painting with a Twist in Ferndale, MI

Zeta Beta Zeta Reclamation Tea-March 21, 2015

Zeta Beta Zeta Hosting their Finer Womanhood SockHop-Zeta Dances for Autism & YWCA Donations

Zeta Beta Zeta Hosting their Stepping for Babies Event on Nov 1, 2014 for our young women involved with stork’s nest.

Zeta Beta Zeta and other Greeks worship at Cathedral Church-March 22, 2015

Soror Jannora Lauderdale and Dottie Peoples, Zeta & Amicae at the Black History Festival February 7, 2015

Zeta Beta Zeta donation of hats, gloves and scarves to Northridge Academy on December 14, 2014.

Zeta Omega Zeta Saginaw, MI


he graduate sorors of Zeta Omega Zeta have truly taken the city of Saginaw, Michigan by storm with their community service efforts. Sorors have earnestly had service on their minds and hearts as they’ve continued into this new sorority year. They have volunteered at local community events, such as the “Making A Difference” Mobile Food Pantry at Central Michigan University, during which they had the opportunity to create care packages for the Mid-Michigan community. ZOZ Sorors also participated in the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” Walk, a local community awareness event in support of breast cancer. Continuing with the tradition of Zetas Helping Other People Excel (Z-HOPE), Zeta Omega Zeta worked diligently to uplift their community and establish partnerships with several local organizations within the Saginaw community. Their goal is to continue to shine the light of Zeta by losing themselves in service. Due to their high levels of involvement within the Mid-Michigan area, several Sorors of the Zeta Omega Zeta Chapter have received recognition for their dedication to the community from local and national organizations. Community Service Meet the Candidates Forum The NAACP and women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Zeta Omega Zeta Chapter of Saginaw, MI hosted “Meet the Candidate Forum” to introduce the community to individuals running for government official positions. The Zeta Omega Zeta chapter sorors volunteered at this event to show the importance of being informed and making your opinion count.

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk Zeta Omega Zeta chapter Sorors participated in the annual American Cancer Society “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” walk in Saginaw, MI. Community members, local businesses, and many organizations raised funds and walked in support of the American Cancer Society as they are the leader in the fight to end breast cancer. Mobile Food Pantry The annual “Making A Difference” Mobile Food Pantry is hosted on Central Michigan University’s campus in an effort to provide food and items for the holidays to more than 250 families in the Mid-Michigan community. With the help of the community each year, the mobile food pantry improved the quality of life for both youth and adults. Determined to support this local service event, Zeta Omega Zeta organized 10 individuals to serve as volunteers including: 8 sorors, 1 community member, and 1 NPHC Graduate Greek Affiliate.

Awards/Special Recognition Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (H.E.E.D.) Award This semester, Central Michigan University earned a 2014 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from Insight Into Diversity magazine. “At Central Michigan University, we are proud of our commitment to diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion amongst our faculty, staff and students,” said Traci Guinn, executive director of the CMU Center for Inclusion and Diversity. Insight into Diversity magazine is the oldest diversity-focused publication in higher education. The award honors U.S. colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion. CMU was one of 83 college and universities the magazine recognized this year. CMU has an Institutional Diversity office with six units, including Multicultural Academic Student Services, the Office of Diversity Education, the Office of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Services, Native American Programs, 4S Pathways to Academic Student Success, Student Transition Enrichment Program, Upward Bound and Michigan Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs to provide students with support and resources. “We hope the HEED award serves as a way to honor those institutions of higher education that recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion as part of their everyday campus culture,” said Lenore Pearlstein, publisher of Insight Into Diversity magazine. CMU’s award and recognition by the magazine was largely in part by the research and application efforts of Soror Traci Guinn Buckley and Soror Kamaria Taylor, members of the Zeta Omega Zeta chapter. Both sorors were recognized at the December 2014 Board of Trustees meeting by CMU President George E. Ross.

Sisters Honoring Excellence (S.H.E.) Award Each year, the Transforming Life Ministries honor women who work tirelessly in the Saginaw, MI area to build and uplift the community with the Sisters Honoring Excellence (S.H.E.) awards. S.H.E. award recipients are recognized for their volunteerism, ministry, and their contributions to the community through education and employment. Zeta Omega Zeta member, Soror Emma Morrison, was amongst the seven women being honored for their great contributions to the Saginaw community this year. We are excited and proud of Soror Morrison’s dedication to serving and uplifting communities in the Mid-Michigan area.

Youth Auxiliaries The Zeta Omega Zeta chapter has worked diligently to make their mark in the community by investing their time and efforts into the Saginaw youth. This year, the Pearlettes, Amicettes, and Archonettes have had active participation. The young ladies have spent their time developing as leaders, collaboratively working together, and working with a host of organizations and agencies in order to serve the community. Finer Womanhood Each year the women of the Zeta Omega Zeta chapter recognize the great efforts of individuals providing service to the Saginaw, MI community. Congratulations to the 2014-2015 woman of the year, Zeta of the Year, and a special thank you to the keynote speaker, Miss Black USA 2014 and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. member, Jasmin Alexander.

The Amicae of Flint, MI

Flint Zeta Amicae had a successful 2014-2015 year promoting friendship, community (ZHope) and education. Flint Zeta Amicae enjoyed attending the Michigan State Organization Founder Day in Southfield Michigan. We promoted community by donation Basic Needs kits to Veterans, YWCA Safe House and My Brother’s Keeper Homeless Shelter. Flint Zeta Amicae promoted education by giving five scholarships totaling $1,500.00.

Michigan Oak Park, MI Zeta Amicae of Oak Park was chartered on February 19, 2011 by 5 women who believed in reaching out to render invaluable services to Upsilon Psi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and their respective communities in whatever capacity needed. Zeta Amicae of Oak Park is committed to upholding the principles, values and standards of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. We will always answer the call of Zeta while helping other people excel. The Zeta Amicae will continue to work side-by-side and hand with our friends, the Zetas. This is a true friendship that will last forever. We have attended several state and regional conference where we receive our training by Soror/Friend Rene S. Byrd, Great Lakes Region Amicae President and on the national level Soror/Friend Donnie Faye Hull, National Director of Amicae Affairs. With our local Friends, Upsilon Psi Zeta Chapter, we have attend their training classes on Zhope, Denim and Blue fundraiser, can food drive at Kroger’s, and Founder’s Day Luncheon. We were able to work with Forgotten Harvest and soon Sara’s Place/House (Baby Shower) We were able to induct three new Amicae in 2014 that hit the pavement ready to work. There are future Amicae in the wind that were recruited by our Friends and others. We were able to have an Open House and two Meet and Greets. They are eager to join us with our community service and fundraiser.

Shout out to our Michigan State Director, Friend Tonia Jenkins where I attended her receptions. She was so nice to introduce two young ladies to us to be Amicae. Speaking of fundraiser, on March 13, 2015, we were blessed to have our first fundraiser at the Detroit Repertory Theater in Detroit, MI. The play was called “Sweet Pea’s Mama”. It was well supported by our Zeta family, friends and family. If you would like to follow us on facebook under “Zeta Amicae of Oak Park” or email us. UPZAMICAE@GMAIL.COM Thank you

Amica Sandra Wimbley,

President Michigan State Organization, Amicae Chaplin Great Lakes Region, Amicae II Vice President

Soror Naomi Carter Zeta Dove of Minnesota

Minnesota State Director

Soror Bernadette Harrell

A State Director’s Vision

Soror Bernadette Harrell My name is Bernadette Harrell and I am the Minnesota State Director. I am honored to serve in this capacity and represent my state, My goal for the state of Minnesota is to “The Land of 10,000 + lakes. expand the state by chartering an undergraduate chapter in the Fall 2015 at the I became a member of this wonderful SisterUniversity of Minnesota Duluth. I also hope hood on March 18th, 2000. I was initiated into to establish a Zeta Amicae auxiliary in our Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter, Minneapolis, MN. At state. the present time, I am a chartered member of Sigma Beta Zeta chapter, Roseville, MN. In My future plans are to continue to be an addition, I am a Zeta Legacy, Diamond Life active financial member of Zeta Phi Beta Member and I am ZOL certified. Sorority, Incorporated; to have the undergraduate chapter operating at the UniversiMy goal for the state of Minnesota is to expand ty of Minnesota Duluth and have a graduate the state by chartering an undergraduate chapter established in the city of Duluth, chapter in the Fall 2015 at the University of Minnesota. That’s how I see the state of Minnesota Duluth. I also hope to establish a Minnesota growing. Zeta Amicae auxiliary in our state. This past year, I completed some of my goals. The Minnesota State Organization celebrated 10 years as an organization. We had the highest number of attendees at the conference. In addition, Kappa Pi Citywide chapter, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities had the highest number of new chapter members.


Iota Zeta Zeta

Minneapolis, MN



isterhood Saturday is the brainchild of Iota Zeta Zeta’s Soror Latrice Daniel. It is a fellowship activity to enhance the sisterly bonds among all Zetas across the state of Minnesota. On the first Saturday of each month Zetas from across the state of Minnesota come together for different activities. The location and activities change from month to month. Sisterhood Saturdays offer an opportunity for sorors to get together for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. The true purpose of these events is more than just a good time. Sisterhood Saturday acts as an opportunity to bond with and get to know one another, regardless of chapter affiliation, Graduate or Undergraduate status, active or inactive, new to the state or long time resident. Iota Zeta Zeta has hosted many of the events and uses this as an opportunity for a long-term reclamation initiative that lasts well beyond the annual Finer Womanhood observation. We have hosted events such as a meet and greet mixer, roller skating, art exhibits, bowling. We are looking forward to new activities that continue to cover the interests of all sorors and look forward to new opportunities such as group painting classes and horseback riding.

SISTERHOOD The sisterhood is growing! Please join Iota Zeta Zeta chapter in welcoming our newest member, Soror Tracy Batsell, shown center. Soror Batsell joined our ranks on May 25, 2014. Please also join us in welcoming our two newly reclaimed sorors, Soror Tyeesha Wesley and Soror Keisha Shaw. SCHOLARSHIP Iota Zeta Zeta has awarded its 2014 Effie McKerson scholarship to a graduating senior from the Twin Cities Metro area, Miss Vena Robshaw. This year’s book scholarship was in the amount of $500. SERVICE Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit organization that provides food for starving children in nearly 70 countries around the world. During our March Finer Womanhood initiative, we volunteered at Feed My Starving Children where we hand-packed meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. The meals that we packed were shipped to families in Haiti. With the help of Iota Zeta Zeta’s team of volunteers we were able to pack 13 boxes of food each containing 36 meal packages, which is enough for over 2800 meals. This event was a family affair and we were able to include family and friends in our team effort. Z-Pack It Up is a service opportunity that is important to Iota Zeta Zeta. For the second year in a row Iota Zeta Zeta has collaborated with Earle Brown Elementary to sponsor a Z-Pack It Up event. This year we were able to donate 32 back packs filled with school supplies and personal need items for the Kindergarten through third grade classes. We look forward to expanding our donations in the coming year.

Sigma Beta Zeta

Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN


he Sigma Beta Zeta chapter is celebrating another outstanding year in service to the Minneapolis-St. Paul community in Minnesota. We will start with Z-Hope (Zetas Helping Other People Excel). We provided needed Health Care items to Listening House, St. Paul, MN and SafeZone Resource Center, St. Paul, MN. Both of these organizations reaches out, house and help the Homeless. We made a monetary donation to Operation Home Front and we also made a monetary donation to Women’s Advocates’ Services. Women’s Advocates’ Services provide personalized support, advocacy, education, and resources needed for women and children. Sigma Beta Zeta also participated in the 2015 Great Lakes Region Z-Hope initiative by making a monetary donation.

In 2014, the Great Lakes Region Leadership Conference was held on the same weekend as the Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN March of Dimes March for Babies. To this end, Sigma Beta Zeta chapter did the March for Babies in Monticello, MN on May 17, 2014. Joining us were Iota Zeta Zeta chapter and Kappa Pi citywide chapter and many community groups in Monticello. We all made it to the end of 5 miles for the better. We are in training now to participate again in the Monticello, MN March of Dimes March for Babies.

January 19, 2015 was a busy day for our chapter. In the morning, we actively participated in the 7th Annual MLK (Martin Luther Jr.) Day of Service along with other community groups. We made blankets for students at MCTC (Minneapolis Community and Technical College) through the MCTC Resource and Referral Center. We also donated several non-perishable food items. On that same day, January 19, 2015 was the 5th Annual HBCU College Fair (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). This event was opened to Middle and High School students and was held at St. Peter’s A.M. E. Church. Members of our chapter were actively involved in the planning of the College Fair and participated by having a table at the College Fair with information on NEF scholarships.

On January 16, 2015, we celebrated Founders’ Day along with Iota Zeta Zeta and Kappa Pi. We celebrated with a potluck dinner at Soror Della Shaw Young home. The next day, Sunday, we attended church together at Camphor United Methodist Church, St. Paul, MN. After church, we enjoyed Brunch together at a local restaurant. Sigma Beta Zeta graduate chapter are the proud sponsoring chapter of Kappa Pi undergraduate Citywide Chapter.

Soror Alforetta Hughes Zeta Dove of Ohio

Ohio State Director

Soror Larita MJ Smith

A State Director’s Vision

Soror Larita MJ Smith Ohio holds a sweet place in Zeta’s heart as the birthplace for two of our five Precious Pearls, the Tyler sisters. As such, we have the honor and duty to uphold the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, and to do so in a major way. My Scholarship vision for Ohio is to see all of our undergraduate and graduate chapters continue to excel in their academics and helping others in their communities to excel in theirs. My Service vision for Ohio is for our chapters to continue to provide EXCELLENT service, programs and funds to women, children, seniors, and the needy in our communities. My Sisterhood vision for Ohio is for all sorors to truly embrace the concept “living our Oath” is not just being cute and sisterly at meetings, but taking our infrastructure, rules and protocols seriously [the sisterhood will cease to exist if we ignore this]. My Finer Womanhood vision for Ohio is for every Zeta in Ohio to see each other as truly FINER, as this principle differentiates Zeta from all other sororities, and we should consider it an HONOR to EXCEL in this capacity in all that we do, inside and out.

As State Director, it has been a privilege to serve the sisterhood in this capacity. Servant leadership is a role I take seriously and I am only as strong as the state and chapter leaders that surround me. Every single accomplishment attained by the state of Ohio within Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, has been due to my “team” and I cannot thank them enough! Ohio Sorors have stepped up to the plate time and time again to stretch out and reactivate / advise undergraduate chapters that were NOT part of their chapter’s plan and I thank you! Ohio Sorors have put proposals together to get our state license plate and I thank you! Ohio Sorors have dramatically improved their marketing and communications capabilities for their chapters, as well as their communities, and I thank you! Ohio Sorors answered the call in a MAJOR way for new Life Memberships, upgrading LM levels and other contributions to help Zeta to burn the mortgage and I thank you! Ohio Sorors are on the Centennial Committee and are already making huge impacts toward 2020 and I thank you! THANK YOU!


Psi Theta

Cleveland State University


uilding upon the principles of Zeta and striving to be ever informed are important goals for the young women of Psi Theta Chapter at Cleveland State University. With four members, we are a relatively small chapter; however, we have a big force on campus and throughout Cleveland. At the beginning of the Spring 2015 semester, the chapter as a whole was searching for a more consistent way to give back to the community that we live in. One day during Chapter Meeting, a Soror suggested we participate in the #hashtaglunchbag movement. So, that’s exactly what we did. #HashtagLunchbag is an organization dedicated to ending hunger through the promotional use of social media outlets in local communities. With that being said, in January we participated in the national #hashtaglunchbag when it came to Cleveland. There we partnered with Ricky Smith, the comedian behind the organization RAKE (Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere) to help make and distribute brown paper bag lunches filled with sandwiches, chips, and motivational quotes to over 500 people. Then, we decided that we wanted to do our own spin of it, but still impact the people of our community. The Chapter decided to help the women of the Norma Herr Women’s Shelter on Payne Ave. in Downtown Cleveland. We partnered with Mrs. Joylin Billy, director of the shelter, and we entered into an agreement to feed 125 women lunch every 3rd Sunday of the month

The first time we held this service project was on March 15th. Chapter members purchased lunchmeat, bread, lettuce, tomatoes, and chips for all of the women. Additionally, we handmade each person a cupcake with blue icing since the director said they don’t usually get desserts with their meals. A lot of time, money and effort from the Chapter went forth into planning and carrying out the meal. The day of the event we had the help of Eta Eta Sorors from Youngstown, Ohio, students from Cleveland State University and our graduate chapter, Nu Theta Zeta, to ensure our success. We learned a lot from this first experience and we transferred that knowledge over into our next idea. In April, we decided to serve spaghetti with meat sauce as an option, salad, Hawaiian rolls and more cupcakes. Here, we had members from Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Inc., more students from our university, and our graduate members helping. As a result, the event was even more of a success! Now, through our continued efforts and perseverance, we have a partnership with our local BJ’s store to help feed these women of Cleveland. The partnership includes BJ’s donating food to us for the sole use of feeding the women in need. Our overall goal is to continue impacting our community and to make these women feel like someone in the world cares about them. We will continue feeding these women every 3rd Sunday of every month until we are no longer able to do so or they find a more permanent solution. Every time we leave the shelter, the women are so thankful and they stop us to make sure that we know it. Helping those less fortunate than ourselves is a great feeling and we hope to continue to make our Zeta family of the Great Lakes Region proud.

Gamma Epsilon Wilberforce University



fter a 3 year hiatus, The GLAMAROUZ Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Wilberforce University is BACK!!! At the end of 2014, the SIZ-zling women of Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter were approached by the Great Lakes Regional Director and Ohio State Director to become the new sponsoring graduate chapter of Gamma Epsilon. The chapter had been suspended since 2012 and had only one remaining undergraduate. In accordance with our new sorority guidelines with sponsoring undergraduate chapters and MIP, SIZ had sorors trained and ready to take on this task. In December of 2014, SIZ accepted this assignment and got right to work!!! In September of 2014, Wilberforce had just named a new President who is a Zeta! Soror Algeania Warren Freeman is Wilberforce University’s 20th President. In December of 2014 SIZ and Gamma Epsilon partnered with the State of Ohio, Xi Beta Zeta, and Delta Phi Zeta chapters to host a reception for Soror Freeman. The reception was attended by the Mayor of Xenia and Wilberforce, Ohio. All welcomed Soror Freeman to Wilberforce! With the daunting task of building chapter membership, SIZ Vice President Isi Ikharebha and now Gamma Epsilon Undergraduate Advisor began the MIP process with Undergraduate Soror Ayana Jones.

At the beginning of February an Informational meeting was held for Zeta on the historic campus of Wilberforce University. Sorors were able to share with a captive audience the exciting work that Zeta was doing nationally, regionally, and on a local level that would soon involve eager undergraduates interested in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. at Wilberforce University. By the end of February, four young ladies were selected to began the MIP process. As the young interests began to learn about Zeta, SIZ invited the young ladies to participate in their two signature programs, Breakfast with the Artist and the Naturally Healthy, Naturally You Hair Symposium so that they could view programming in ACTION! On the beautiful evening of Friday, March 27, 2015, four new doves were inducted into our illustrious organization. Together with the Ohio State Director LaRita Smith, past Gamma Epsilon Alumni, Xi Beta Zeta Chapter President Alforetta Hughes, and Madam President Algeania Freeman in attendance, SIZ presented the 2015 Membership Intake Group B.L.U.E Beginnings (Soror Asia Moss, Soror Emani Lewis, Soror Deedee Brown, Soror Mija Martin) to the Wilberforce University Campus! Not wasting any time and emulating their sponsoring chapter, Gamma Epsilon is making their mark on Wilberforce University. Since joining the organization, the ladies participated in a Campus Clean Up, NPHC Volleyball Game (in which they won!!!), visited a senior home to do activities with their elders, and participated in the Adopt A Park program through their campus NPHC!!! Gamma Epsilon sorors have already started planning fall programming that will no doubt showcase zeal and Finer Womanhood on the Wilberforce University campus.

Beta Zeta Zeta Cincinnati, OH


he Sorors of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Beta Zeta Zeta, Cincinnati participated in Operation Christmas Child. Each year, Samaritan’s Purse delivers millions of gift-filled shoe boxes to boys and girls all over the world and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with children and their families. Bringing gift-filled shoe boxes toys-socks-books-school supplies are examples of items placed in the boxes. This stuffing of boxes also gave the Sorors time to fellowship with one another. It was a great time had by all.

Gamma Zeta Zeta would like to send congratulations to our sorors on their achievements in 2015!!!!! Chevon Toler, Gamma Zeta Zeta Master of Science in Administration, Human Resources Management Central Michigan University

Adrienne Poe-Hinton Bachelor of Arts, Psychology The Ohio State University, Xi Gamma Chapter

Lindsay Long Bachelor of Science, Human Resources Management The Ohio State University, Xi Gamma Chapter

Rochelle Lewis Bachelor of Science, Health Biological Sciences (Major) and Psychology (Minor) Ohio University, Beta Epsilon

Sarah Hackshaw Bachelor of Arts, Communications The Ohio State University, Xi Gamma Chapter

Angela Smith, Gamma Zeta Zeta Master of Science, Nursing Education Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Beatris Carballo Bachelor of Arts, International Studies The Ohio State University, Xi Gamma Chapter

Gamma Zeta Zeta Chapter Basileus, Charity Martin-Via, served as Head Girls Basketball Coach at Eastmoor Academy High School. Her initiatives in Gamma Zeta Zeta Chapter, located in Columbus Ohio, include a heavy emphasis on physical fitness and overall health. In her first year as a Head Girls High School Varsity Basketball Coach, her team, The Lady Warriors, broke several records. In her inaugural year, the Warriors won a Conference Title; the last was in 2005. The Conference Title win occurred after the Eastmoor Girls Basketball Team beat the 2014 Division III State Champion; Africentric "Nubians" High School. The Warriors ended the Nubian's 144 conference winning streak. Soror Martin-Via's team went on the win the Columbus City Girls Basketball Championship; the first in Eastmoor Academy High School history! Also, during the State Championship run, the Lady Warriors won the Central District Division II Championship. Soror Charity Martin-Via, by a vote of her peers, was selected as Columbus City (All Columbus Conference) League Coach of The Year. She was later selected, by a vote of area All-Central Ohio District Coaches, as District 10 Coach of the Year. Additionally, a few weeks later, she received the honor of being voted All-State Division II Coach of the Year. Her recognitions as Conference Coach of the Year, District 10 Coach of the Year, and All-State Division II Coach of the Year, is the first to be achieved by a woman Head Coach in her first year.

Congratulations Soror Martin-Via!

Mu Rho Zeta Akron, OH


began our chapter year with a retreat on 9/6/14-11-3pm, the event was entitled Being Zeta Sharp. The retreat was attended by over 25 Sorors, Graduate, Under- graduates and inactive members were in attendance. We had several speakers(Sorors) speaking on areas of expertise. We had a light lunch and we spent time getting to known on another. 9/27/14 Attended the Phi Beta Sigma Centennial Ball in Cleveland, Ohio. International President Mason was present, it was a great event. On 10/4/14 we had a successful fund raiser called a Night at the Races, it too was a success as we raised over $4300 for our scholarships. The event was well attended by local Zetas, Sigmas and other community members. 10/11/14 we completed a successful membership intake, inducting 3 new members into the Graduate chapter Soror Shavis Cain, Channel Elston and Noralena Brown. 11/1/14 participated in a coat drive/giveaway for the local homeless veteran’s and their families with Omega Psi Phi, we also collected toiletries for homeless Veteran’s for our local V.A.

11/17/14 6 Sorors volunteered at Girls on the Run in Downtown Akron, an event to help promote healthy living among young girls of all colors. 12/12/14 Zeta Christmas Party was attended by 15 Sorors in the Sand run Metro Park, we enjoyed an evening of games, food, laughter and Christmas music. 1/24/15 ZHOPE Service project Healthy Lifestyle ( healthy snacks and exercise) , the speaker Daika Moegerle was awesome and provided many helpful tips to lead a healthier life. 3/28/15 had our Scholarship Award dinner and Finer Womanhood celebration at Bricco’s restaurant, we awarded 3 local minority students with a monetary award in front of our chapter, their family and loved ones, we were blessed to have the children of Triumphant Soror Ruth A. Travis and Barbara Whaley present to hand out the awards to the recipients. 4/23/15 Four Graduate members attended the 81st annual Great Lakes Regional Conference in Chicago. Our very own Mary J. Parnell presented as a part of the “Be Finer” team. The Centennial launch party was awesome, we met Sorors from all over our Region as well as several Past leaders on the National level.

Nu Theta Zeta

Warrensville Hts., OH


Detra Kelly-Newton—Basileus Warrensville Hts., Ohio

Founders’ Day The chapter celebrated Founders' Day in a big theatrical way. A great lunch at the Mayfield Village Hilton Garden was followed by a reenactment of our founding , entitled "In The Beginning."

The committee used creative improvisation in the various scenes from the "Lovers Stroll" to "The first meeting " of our Founders. Sorors were able to laugh while learning important historical events that occurred during the time of Zetas' inception. The room was filled with over 100 guests, including our youth groups. A good time was had by all as we celebrated in high fashion the founding of this great sisterhood.

Founders’ Day

SCHOLARSHIP The Scholarship Committee has been working hard devoting an entire sorority year to ongoing embellishment. NTZ's 2nd Anti Soror Wendy Horn created the brain child- EE-I-KEE UNIVERSITY, an ongoing monthly workshop where Sorors are obtaining new and refresher information regarding the sorority. EE-I-KEE University has offered Sorors an opportunity to learn, network and foster all of the organizations principles. The Scholarship committee has also devoted the sorority year to fundraising by selling shirts to assist with being able to offer additional scholarships.

Zeta Xi Zeta Toledo, OH


he 2nd Annual Stepping for Scholarship, which was hosted by the Zeta Xi Zeta chapter, turned out to be a HUGE success. This event was held on February 21, 2015 at Bowsher High School in Toledo, Ohio. The purpose of this event is to raise money for our chapter’s scholarship fund while also showcasing Greek unity in the community. Graduate/Alumnae Greeks from the city showcased their talents by stepping, strolling, and chanting. The ladies of Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho competed for the prize trophy and bragging rights for the next year. Although our chapter did not bring home the championship trophy, we were the true winners as we were able to raise enough money to provide scholarships to two graduating females of the Toledo Public Schools District and secure funds to sustain our scholarship fund for next year. It is our hope to continue this event to show that Zeta has a true dedication towards scholarship while promoting unity in the community.

Sigma Iota Zeta Reynoldsburg, OH


igma Iota Zeta of Reynoldsburg, OH kicked off the 2014-2015 year with zeal. The SIZzling Sorors of SIZ chapter held its annual Roundup which brought together past and present members along with our youth auxiliaries and women interested in becoming members of the organization. During the Roundup, the chapter provided backpacks filled with school supplies to our SIZ youth along with local youth as part of the Z-HOPE Z-Pack It Up program. As members of the SIZ chapter, we are best exemplified by our service to the community and to our beloved organization and this year was no different than any other.

In addition, our chapter received a 1st place award for Chapter Report. Chapter Sorors also attend a Divine Nine sisterhood luncheon hosted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Psi Eta Omega chapter. During the luncheon, Soror Ikharebha presented information about the importance of Soror Smith also served as chapter reducing infant mortality in the report/scrapbook committee chair, African-American community. Grammateus Jennifer Fowler Recommendations Chair, while chapter Basileus LaVada Washington joined the Time and Place Committee and chapter 1st Anti-Basileus Isi Ikharebha continued her duties as the state grammateus. However, we are proud of our new Sorors Quiana Few and Sharina Armstrong who began their Zeta servitude by “Naturally Healthy, Naturally You� Health & serving on the state committee. Wellness Symposium During the Ohio State Leadership Conference at the University of Dayton, the following sorors demonstrated their love for Zeta by their works of service: chapter Epistoleus Natasha Smith was elected to the State of Ohio executive board as PR chair/historian.

As the calendar progressed the Sigma Iota Zeta began to focus on Military Appreciation Week in November. The following SIZ chapter members were recognized for their servicee to our country: Soror Angelina Vega who served in the U.S. Coast Guard and Soror Jovonda Taylor Curry who served in the U.S. Army. Also in the month of November, SIZ continued our partnership with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbus, by preparing a meal for the families while they are away from home with sick children in Nationwide Children’s Hospital and participating in the Columbus Hot Chocolate 15/5K by running or volunteering their time to distribute water to runners along the race. All proceeds of the Hot Chocolate run benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbus to serve families and children. During the month of December, the Sorors participated in the “So Sweet, Meet and Greet” welcoming reception for Wilberforce University President Algeania Warren Freeman. The event held at Wilberforce University and hosted by Springfield chapter Xi Beta Zeta served as an opportunity for Sorors within the State of Ohio to welcome our Soror and raise funds and awareness in Wilberforce University’s accreditation battle. Soror Warren Freeman provided a historical overview of the importance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The journey to Centennial did not end in February as Sigma Iota Zeta and Gamma Zeta Zeta chapters again partnered on a local Centennial Re-Launch Celebration. Sorors had some fun and were taught the Centennial stroll, as well as informed on how to contribute both with their ideas and their finance to assist in preparation for our national 2020 celebration. Sorors from both SIZ and GZZ chapters will continue to serve on the local Centennial committee which will focus on fundraising efforts that will go towards the Centennial celebration.

In February, we partnered with the African American Male Initiative, the chapter hosted “Naturally Healthy, Naturally You”, a health and wellness symposium focusing on natural hair. More than 50 people were in attendance for the inaugural Finer Womanhood event. The workshops focused on such topics as transitioning to natural hair, myth busters about natural hair and natural hair maintenance and products with practical application demonstrations from our audience. Representatives from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter sat on the panel and discussed natural hair in the workplace and their individual hair journey within corporate America. The Divine Nine sisters rocked various natural styles from straight hair to locks so the audience was able to grasp a diverse perspective of styling options. Every attendee of the symposium walked away with a bag of natural hair products donated by over 10 sponsors including Curlisto and Shea Moisture. Also during the month of February, SIZ sorors attended the local kick-off for the March for Babies in Dublin, OH. As a continuation of the chapter’s partnership with the local Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbus, sorors gathered to provide meals for families at the house. Moreover, in the 2014-2015 sorority year Sigma Iota Zeta became the sponsoring graduate chapter over Gamma Epsilon chapter at Wilberforce University. In March 2015, the chapter added four new vibrant, eager members to their historically black university’s campus. Sigma Iota Zeta looks forward to providing embellishment to the new members and well as contributing to the chapter’s growth on campus. As the sorority year closes, SIZ Sorors will focus on attending regional and national conferences while also receiving advisor training. The chapter will also continue its dedication to service through participation in the local March for Babies and numerous other service events throughout Central Ohio.

The Amicae of Ohio Dayton, OH The Zeta Amicae of Dayton, Ohio may be small in numbers, but we are big on “Building

on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths”. We are very supportive of our local sponsoring Chapter Delta Phi Zeta, by participating in joint activities and community service projects. Our Z-Hope Initiatives and community service awards include Elder Care Initiative, St. Jude’s Sunday of Hope, Premature Awareness Sunday and a National Boule 2nd Place award for our Signature Program with Dayton Public Schools Crayons to Classrooms. We have attended and supported Finer Womanhood and Founder’s Day Celebrations. During the Greater Great Lakes Conference in 2014 our Auxiliary received 1st place for our Regional Report, Scrapbook, Z-Hope and Amica Sharon Moore was Amicae of the Year. At the Boule Amica Juanita Lattimore, our oldest member and her daughter, Amica Janice Brown received the National Amicae Legacy Certificate and Pin Award. Amica Brown was the keynote speaker at the Zeta Amicae of Saginaw, Michigan’s “A Celebration of Service”, Community Service Banquet which celebrates and supports their Auxiliary’s community scholarship initiative. As we continue to Blaze Paths for Zeta we will continue to “Be a Friend, Be of Service”!

Wisconsin State Director Soror Milika Miller

A State Director’s Vision

Soror Milika Miller What I want for the Sorors of the Wisconsin State Organization is an understanding that leadership, on all levels, in this Sisterhood is accessible to every Zeta, even to those from small states like Wisconsin. There are women in this state that are amongst the brightest and most savvy Zetas that I have ever encountered but are intimidated by the idea of stepping up for larger leadership roles. I want to convince them that they are more than capable to assist in running this organization and assist them in getting to the positions they believe they can impact.

In my 2 ½ years as the WI State Director I have enjoyed getting to meet and know better the Sorors throughout the state. Knowing each Soror by name is an ongoing goal of mine. I have also truly enjoyed working with Great Lakes Regional Direct and my Sister State Directors. I will also cherish the time spent with our International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright during her time at the WI State Leadership Conference.

I would also like to see the state’s membership get to a steady and consistent 100 members. There is more than enough potential in terms of reclamation to reach this goal. Although MIP on the undergraduate and graduate level occur yearly the overall state membership has stalled. This may take a significant outreach effort on the parts of the chapter but I believe it’s a worthwhile endeavor.


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

Sigma Alpha


Chapter ● Sturtevant, WI

Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths Sigma Alpha Zeta held our first Health and Wellness fair in May. Based on the objectives of ZHope, the fair featured health screenings, Bone Marrow education and donation opportunities, information on HIV/AIDS awareness, and workshops and seminars built around our Elder Care Initiatives, including estate planning, wills and resources for aging adults. We had over 50 community participants join us for the day, and are currently planning our 2nd Annual event for May 2015. Pictured are (L to R) are Sorors Belinda JohnsonHarden, Sarah Willis and Ellelean Childress.

Sorors participated in the American Cancer Society’s 2014 Relay for Life in June. The Chapter raised a total of $1725, and while it was a cool and rainy day, Sorors, Amicae and Youth still enjoyed a fantastic day of fellowship and exercise. Pictured above are (Seated, L to R) Sorors Vanessa Morgan, Jennine Swafford, Erica Bean, (Standing, L to R) Mary Collie, Marande Buck, Iesha Sanders, Andrea Medley, Marshanna Hester and Chrishella Carter.

By far, the highlight of 2014 for the entire Chapter was the Grand Boule and the Centennial Celebration of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. From start to finish, Sorors enjoyed the sights and sounds of our Nation’s Capitol, all while handling the business of Zeta.

Chapter Basileus LM Vanessa Morgan with NEB Chair Nell Ingram receiving her ZOL Pin and Certificate

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

Sigma Alpha


Chapter ● Sturtevant, WI

Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths

In October 2014 we welcomed two new members to our illustrious Sisterhood, Soror Andrea Gibson and Soror Jade Hatchett. These ladies are a reflection of our founding principles of Scholarship,

February a busy month Soror Charlotte Patterson, Team Captain forwas the American Cancer

for SAZ’s Groups. We Society Relay for Life, proudly displays our Youth team’s acknowledg-

held a beautiful ceremony ment for raising $2552 for the 2013 campaign, the most raised in for ever the Archonette’s Inducthe Bronze category, and the most raised by our Chapter!

tion. Each of the young ladies was gifted with an Archonette pin and certificate. In celebration of Black History

Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood, and we are very happy to have them inducted into our Chapter. Congratulations and Welcome, Sorors! Sorors participated in our 2nd Annual Adopt-a-Family holiday service project. SAZ adopts a family from the Sojourner Family Peace Center, an organization dedicated to providing shelter and resources to battered women and children in the city of Milwaukee. This year, our family consisted of a Mom, a 10-Year old boy and a 17Year old girl. Their wish list consisted of everything from socks and warm winter boots, to a snowboard, and SAZ Sorors were able to provide everything on the list, and then some. We delivered the gifts to our family on Christmas Eve. Watching the family’s faces light up at the sight of the gifts is the best present any one could ask for!

Month, several of our Amicettes and Archonettes attended the movie “Selma”, then engaged in conversation and reflection after the movie with our Youth Advisors.

The highlight of our year leading up to Regional Conference is our Chapter’s Signature Event: Our Finer Womanhood Gospel Luncheon! Held at the Holiday Inn Milwaukee Riverfront, the event was Emceed by CBS TV58 Personality, and our very own Soror, Marshanna Hester, and boasted musical performances by gospel artist Harris and the Brew City Soul Band. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Annie Oliver, CEO of Excellence in Education Consulting, spoke on the value of scholarship and faith based education. The luncheon was both thought provoking and inspirational, and The Chapter observed our 95th Founders’ Day with dinner at Outback Steakhouse, and then worshiping at Lamb of God MBC based on the fact that we sold out our very first event, the following Sunday where we donated $500 to the church’s it was indeed a huge SUCCESS!!! scholarship fund . We also handed out the NAACP “411 on the 5-0” pamphlets in support of the “Get Engaged” initiative.


Meet Us in Louisville! 2016 Great Lakes Regional Conference will be held in Louisville, Kentucky. We expect to see you there!

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