the mind
without educating
the heart is no education at all.’
Data. Data.
Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data.
Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Data. Dat
Data. Data. Data. Data. Data.
Installation Planning
Installation Physical Sketches
Installation Inspiration
Google Sketch Up Model
Enterprise Pavilion Exhibition Space
Test Panel Photos
To efficiently publicise the exhibition event were the general public could experience this installation, a modern yet eye-catching logo was developed to overlay a good quality relevant image. Physical branding such as posters and leaflets were used, this branding was then transferred online to the social media platform Facebook displayed as a group page to reach a wider audience. Further integrating technology in a beneficial way and not through over-consumption.
Event Branding & Promotion