The true value of technology in todays world

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Make Money With Google Generate Passive Income

The Internet Technology Online Business Congratulations You now have free Bargain Rights to this E-book worth $35 You now have all free giveaway rights to this E-book! You could give it away to anyone who may benefit from it, put it on your website, Blog, Social media pages or add to your membership site. Go Share! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No Part of this product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and singed permission form the author.

DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any sights of people or organisation are unintentional. About AFIKA FIKENI A self-driven person who embraced technology early on as a means to better his family income through online businesses. With a strong background knowledge of 15years in ICT, his intention and would be fulfilment, to share and teach others on how internet marketing can change each individuals lifestyle to the benefit of his or her family. Over the many years he has researched the online business and lived of it, received incredible feedback that he now feels could benefit you with additional comfortable income if not the only income to your riches. Furthermore the knowledge you find online is unlimited, You could find solution to unlimited issues in life and about Life, relationships, business, Self-help remedies, treatments, etc.‌,


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The True Value of Technology in Today’s World You surely can’t imagine a world without the technology that we have now. Over time, man has tried long and hard to improve his current condition and way of life, make sure things are better, faster, easier, and more convenient than ever. In retrospect, we can very much see things that had a bigger impact than others; however it cannot be denied that the many technological developments and innovations


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all made a major role in the kind of life that we all currently enjoy. Hence, we cannot underestimate the power of technology. Technology revolutionized our world, we no longer toil the ground just to work and get our family something to eat. As the human population grew, it became necessary to know which kind of plants grow in various climates and conditions. But with today’s technology, we all have access to a wide spectrum of information that we can all study and learn from so we can improve agriculture, boost food production, improve food supply and overall make life better for one and all. The many changes and industrializations brought about by technology improved our lives, ever since the dawn of history where man sought to enhance our circumstances, and introduced important technological advancements. The social changes brought about by technology introduced the Renaissance in the 14th to the 16th Century. It was the period, when man sought to improve on circumstances, and introduced the Printing press, which is regarded as one of the important technological advancements. It is highly difficult to rank any technology as having more effect and impact than the other, however, one that would definitely be at the top of any list are medical breakthroughs. These would include the ability to cure certain diseases, vaccinations, transplants, and the discovery of new antibiotics as cure for the rarest of diseases. The telephone is yet another very crucial milestone in the advancement of technology. Before the telephone was invented, it would take days or months for news to get from one place to another. Postal services are the slowest form of communications, so thank God for technology. Now, everything is just one click away. The technologies introduced in the realm of communication drastically changed the way we all live, work, and play for good. Now, we can easily contact anyone from anywhere in the globe, send important messages in lightning speeds, and get things done at a much faster pace than ever. There can be no more important technological innovation than the birth of the internet, and although it needs to be perfected, we can all now envision a world without any barriers – geographical or otherwise. Everyone is simply connected. As it now stands, there is very little that people cannot do over the internet, and although there are tangible things that cannot be easily accessed with the internet, we are all slowly moving in the direction of more progress and innovation in the years to come. Published at:

The Internet of Things


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You can’t avoid the ‘Internet of things, so you might as well embrace it.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

With the “Internet of things,” it’s not a matter of “if.” It’s a matter of when, how big, and who will reap the princely profits. That’s the thinking, at least, among many investors, tech conglomerates, and investment banks. They see it as the biggest opportunity since smartphones and tablets swept the world. To demonstrate how fast this sector is growing and what an impact it will have on our lives and business, rounded up is 17 of the most mind-boggling IoT numbers and stats that prove that the phenomenon is here and here to stay. 1. The majority of people (87%) have not heard of the term ‘Internet of Things’. 2. ATMs are considered some of the first IoT objects, and went online as far back as 1974. 3. Back in 2008, there were already more objects connected to the Internet than people. 4. This year, we will have 4.9 billion connected things. 5. And some predict that by 2020, the number of Internet-connected things will reach or even exceed 50 billion. 6. In 2015, over 1.4 billion smart phones will be shipped and by 2020 we will have a staggering 6.1 billion smartphone users. 7. The IoT will connect many of the devices we have in our homes, from smart thermostats to smart fridges. Companies like Google and Samsung understand this.


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Google bought smart thermostat maker, Nest Labs, for $3.2 billion, and Samsung purchased connected home company SmartThings for $200 million. 8. By 2020, a quarter of a billion vehicles will be connected to the Internet, giving us completely new possibilities for in-vehicle services and automated driving. 9. In fact, we already have cars that can drive on their own – Google’s self-driving cars currently average about 10,000 autonomous miles per week. 10. The global market for wearable devices has grown 223% in 2015, with Fitbit shipping 4.4 million devices and Apple selling 3.6 million Apple Watches. 11. And yes, Internet-connected clothing is coming. Estimates predict that 10.2 million units of smart clothing will ship by 2020, compared to meagre 140K units in 2013. 12. Today, the market for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, used for transmitting data to identify and track objects, is worth $11.1 billion. This is predicted to rise to $21.9 billion in 2020. 13. Machine-to-machine (M2M) connections will grow from 5 billion at the beginning of this year to 27 billion by 2024, with China taking a 21% share and the U.S. 20%. 14. GE believes that the “Industrial Internet” (their term for IoT) will add$10 to $15 trillion to global GDP in the next 20 years. 15. According to estimations by the McKinsey Global Institute, the IoT will have a total economic impact of up to $11 trillion by 2025. 16. Having a connected kitchen could save the food and beverage industry as much as 15% annually. 17. CISCO believes the IoT could generate $4.6 trillion over the next ten years for the public sector, and $14.4 trillion for the private sector. Published at:

The Converged Workforce WORKFORCE Focus Need Hours Work hours Tenure

THEN Pension Good Boss 9 to 5 Office Whole Career

NOW Purpose Great Colleagues Whenever Wherever Whatever

Take advantage of the Time we live in by accepting the digital world


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Click here to see for yourself & Buy Internet Business or Traditional Bricks & Mortar Business During this economic down turn many people are looking for various ways of making money, and due to the recession people now realise that job security is a thing of the past and cannot be relied upon as in recent decades where an individual would stay with the same company for 10 to 20 years or more. When one opportunity is gone there is always another waiting to be realised. There is now a growing trend towards internet businesses which can come in many business models. Generally it could be MLM or Net Work Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Drop shipping, Brokerage, Advertising, Community and many more. There are countless opportunities springing up all the time, it is estimated that there are one and a half billion people using the internet globally and growing at an overall worldwide rate of 23%. With the recession in full flow and the banks reluctant to lend money without security, it’s worth your time and effort to look at an internet business compared to a traditional bricks and mortar business before making any commitment.


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Assessing a traditional business to begin with The first thing that is required to start a business is money or funding possibly business loan, loans in the current economic climate are almost non-existent unless you are a using some form of security. Let’s break it down, what type of business? This will involve acquiring a business premises of some description securing a lease agreement, Forming a new company, refurbishing cost’s new equipment, insurance, advertising, upfront fees for utilities, business cards etc., at a conservative estimate the cost for this small enterprise will be approximately to the tens of thousands, Then there is the hiring of staff to consider and many other hidden cost related to the specifics of a business You will require running capital to manage the business on a weekly basis this is specific to the individual and the type of business. People who start up a new business under estimate the true cost. That’s because they have no experience to fall back on, also there are all manner of other important points that need to be factored in before even starting. For example feasibility study, location, products, competition and the time scale it will take from acquiring your premises to your new business opening date this is a single most stressful period as there will no money coming in and plenty going out of your pocket. An estimated 90% of small businesses fail with in their first year. To start an Internet business, looking at the start-up cost. As mentioned previously The search for the right business model that an individual may wish to sign up to is an obstacle in its self as the vast array of online opportunities can have opposite effect and confuse the prospective entrepreneur there are many business models to go by but the cost in comparison is minimal to a regular business, a website hosting and domain will set you back to the hundreds add to this specific software which you may need to run your particular business can also be a couple of hundred. For few hundred pounds you are ready to go at a basic level. On the higher end of the scale a top tier programme can be in the thousand bracket, it’s all a matter of choice as to what you as an individual would like to pursue. Once the initial set up in an internet business is complete the major cost in the running the business will be in promoting it. The various forms of advertising are wide-ranging whether it is paid or free. Paid advertising can be quite costly although considered the most effective. But this is only to be attempted once the individual has a good grasp how pay per click works or you will lose money. There are other, free forms of advertising. Writing articles, participating in newsgroups, print advertising, and email marketing are other examples. Statistics reveal that there is an astonishing 95% fail rate in starting out in online businesses. • • • • • •

With the internet business you never have to stock anything No staff and staff salaries to worry about Be open for business 24/7 to a potentially global market No commuting involved therefore saving valuable time & money Potential to earn is enormous with a relatively small start-up Risk is kept to a minimal Right now there has never been a better time to start an internet business, the only obstacle is acquiring the right marketing skills.


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Published at: The future is digital. The future is now. And digital real estate is serious business. It gives companies and individuals the chance to build a platform, get heard, and above all, make money online.

Why Smart People Invest in Digital Real Estate Published at : by Olle Lindholm

Do you have your own piece of land? Here’s why The Internet Technology Business is the best investment you can ever make.

1. Become Your Own Landlord My grandmother always used to say that it’s better to own a house than to rent it. In fact, there’s a lot of “renting” going on online. Just think about Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You provide them with your private details and they give you a “free” space to interact with your friends, followers, and colleagues. Why not spend more time and energy on your own property? So, why not buy your own digital land and start creating your online assets right now?

2. Choose Your Own Lifestyle Yes, internet business requires maintenance, but it’s not as much physical labour as looking after a block of land and a house. You decide how far you want to take your website, domain or app. How much you want to work on it. You choose the what, where, and how. You choose your own lifestyle. You can access your digital asset from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a decent internet connection. And this is what makes it so much easier and valuable to own digital properties. Forget spending three hours in a car to get to your summer house – your digital assets travel with you. They don’t care if you’re in sunny Australia or snowy Sweden!

3. Make Money with Your Land Of course, you can make money from your digital property. After all, that’s the dream. Whether you want to spend more time with your family or quit your day job, your digital properties can help you achieve that. The sad truth is if you don’t own any digital property if you’re not even in the game. Owning your own land is the most efficient way to make money online because you reap the rewards. Whether it be through advertising, selling your own services and products or becoming an affiliate for someone else’s product, precious digital real estate can help you earn more money.


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3. Over to You A block of land is always a block of land. No matter how virtual it is, the land is still yours to use in any way you choose. The question is what you will use it for.  To establish your latest start-up?  To grow your online portfolio?  To give to your children on their 21st? In the digital age, your websites, domains, and apps are your most valuable business asset. What’s stopping you from investing in digital real estate?

Creating New Internet Business Are you ready for these new forms of Internet Business Income? Are you excited in being involved in the new forms of income from the internet? If you are, you must relax and think straight because you can’t afford to make mistakes, especially if you want to make it big on the net. Find a fresh new idea that you can use to create an income opportunity online and make sure that you create your own business plan to ensure your success. When starting an online business, you must devise a business plan. This is very important because it can lead to your business’ success or downfall. Whether your business idea is new or just an innovation of an existing one, you will need a business plan. Start the plan with a mission statement or a description of your business. Make a summary, you can already identify your business objectives and aims. After that, it is now time to start making the marketing plan. When you’re already developing the business strategy, you need to consider these things: 1. Your Target market. 2. You have to consider competition. 3. You really have to know the various ways to effectively advertise your business. 4. How much are you going to price your product/service? 5. Your Shipping method. 6. Your Mode of payment. 1. Your Target market. Since the business is based online, you will need to generate traffic to your site. Your target market refers to the customers that will be visiting your site. Target markets can be mothers, business executives, teens, older adults, and even kids. 2. You have to consider competition. Competition is one thing that you have to give much attention if you want to succeed in the online business that is why you need to come up with a product or service which is different but useful. If your product/service is similar to others, visit their site and analyse the costs as well as the necessary marketing strategy. Identify your competitor’s weaknesses and improve your products/service based on them. 3. You have to consider competition.


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You should have knowledge about the different methods to advertise the business. Learn more about the importance of search engines, banner ads, blogs, and articles. You can use these tools to advertise your product/service to the whole world. 4. How much are you going to price your product/service? You will have to go back with the competition in the market. Your price should not be too high nor too low; it should be affordable to customers but at the same time, give you enough profit. Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and study the existing market prices of related products/services. 5. Your Shipping method. Since the business is on the net, you can expect customers from different parts of the world. Post the shipping details on your website in a clear manner. If your products are valuable, you should get shipping insurance especially if you need to ship outside your country. 6. Your Mode of payment. Most online businesses accept credit cards and if you choose this option, you will need to decide between merchant accounts or third party processing centres. Some online businesses accept money order or checks; will your business accept them too? You really need to recall ask yourself this question. A business plan is vital to all new forms of income from the internet. It is the only way to ensure success really mean real success. Start developing your business plan now. Take your time when developing the marketing plan because it is the most important part of the entire business plan. After creating the plan, you can now start with the income opportunity you’ve chosen. I have to really follow this steps to be successful using the internet to drive 100% success. Published at:

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Click here to see for yourself & Buy Don't Make These Mistakes When Starting an Internet Business You're excited about the fact that you want to start a work at home on the internet type business and can't wait to get started. Before you go out and spend your hard-earned dollars on marketing, advertising, product creation and other essential business requirements, you must plan your attack carefully. Building an internet business at home is not as hard as you would initially think; however, if you do things prematurely it can waste a lot of your time and money. Consider this with the fact that 9 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 5 years. To prevent this from happening consider exactly what it is you want. What do you want your business to give you? For example, how many hours per week do you want to work, do you want your business to be mobile so you can easily live somewhere different? Not doing your research or due diligence is a huge mistake. This might seem like common knowledge, but common knowledge isn't always common practice. Big secret: reverse engineer. Think about what your market wants then deliver that to them. Don't do it the other way where you create a product or service, then try to find a market for it. Ask the market what they want, find a unique angle, study competing products or services and design your business idea around this research. Using a tool such as Google AdWords is a good way of testing a market for a set amount of days or spend limit. This enables you very quickly ascertain whether there is demand for what you want to offer. Don't get too emotionally attached to your business ideas as this can cloud your thinking and cost you time and money. Something can only work if the research and market supports it. Have an exit strategy if things go wrong. This is another big mistake. Even though you might think your idea or strategy is the best in the world, things can and will go wrong. And if they go really wrong you want to have a plan in place to deal with a worst case scenario. It could save you a lot of heart ache and allow you to move on more quickly to your next idea. Finally, not having a mentor or someone you can contact regularly can significantly increase the time it takes to get into profit, if you get there at all. All successful business people had a mentor/ coach or someone they could bounce ideas off or ask for advice. Mentors can come in many forms such as someone successful you know personally or they could be your favorite author of a book, audio program, or seminar presenter. Making money from home is great thing to aspire to when you compare it with making money from a job - the sense of freedom you get is what is most attractive about it.


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Whether you already have an internet business on the go or just starting from scratch, multiple income streams is a great goal to have. Published at:

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A Paradigm Shift This is called a ‘paradigm shift’ that now is made possible with the Internet. For the first time in history we have the possibility to earn a good living without trading 8 to 10 precious hours of our time for it. There is a way with an online home business to have the money and the time to enjoy it. There are thousands people who have succeeded in gaining money freedom as well as time freedom is a surprisingly short time. Have you met anyone who has done it and willing to mentor you? If not, I want you to meet John Chow. He says that he makes money telling people how to make money online. He may be kidding but that is the main question he gets when he is interviewed by Entrepreneur magazine or New York Times. And his story is worth reading. John is someone who recognizes how much a business can get into the way of family life and he just wanted to find a way to work from home. He had a small business and basically he worked awful long hours with little profit to show for it. While waiting for clients he learned how to set up and monetize websites but he still didn’t have the time freedom he wanted. He decided to try to make money with his blog investing two hours a day and in three months he made it to $3000 per month. And he is known to have reached 40000$ in revenues per month working an average of 2 hours a day over a 24 month period. Now he has time to live with his family and time to travel when and where he likes. In his free eBook, “The Ultimate Online Profit Model” he explains to both Moms and Dads what you need to do to change things.


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How to have money coming in on autopilot providing for your family needs? Having enough free time for your children and perhaps humanitarian projects that motivate you? Being able to run your business from the beach or anywhere you have an internet connection. If you are really looking at how to start a home business or you want to find profitable online business ideas, go ahead and click on the link below this video. You will be taken to a landing page that describes John’s Ultimate Online Profit Model EBook you can download for free. He will give you the keys to evaluate which home business would allow you to work from home. Just enter a valid email address and you will be able to start reading his exciting story right away. And I’ll see you on the other side. Published at:

An Opportunity Today! To REPLICATE the Internet Business System Entirely” How to Use the Internet to Market Your Business Four Internet Marketing Business Plans Are you looking for an internet marketing business plan? No matter how you want to run your business, the number one most important thing that you need to get handled when developing an internet marketing business plan is how you are going to drive traffic or visitors to you site. This article will reveal to you the 4 most fundamental ways of driving traffic to your website; this is the true internet marketing business plan for you to follow so please continue reading on. As by the end of this article you will be clear of what you need to do in terms of applying and developing your own internet marketing business plan. Below at the last paragraph I will reveal to you a full system to be success in your internet marketing business. Article Marketing When marketing your business or any business for that matter, you would want to see if it's profitable or not at the start, you would want to see whether your business or website would convert into sales and profits. The reason why Article marketing is the No. 1 internet marketing business plan is because it one of the most popular way to drive traffic to your business without costing you any money. Article marketing is a free way to get more people to your website. Pay Per Click Pay per Click or PPC is a paid traffic system where you pay various websites or search engines to put your website link on their page. The most commonly used PPC programs is Google AdWords, where you pay for the amount of clicks that goes to your website. When you do a search on Google you will notice that there are the normal search results that you get, but then there are also the sponsored adds listed on the right hand side or above the organic search results.


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Email Marketing Email marketing is a method internet marketers use to convert leads into sales, this means that with email marketing you need to system to tarp the leads or visitors into sales. This can often come in the form of adding an op-in form on your web-page, this prompts the visitors to your web-page to provide their contact details such as an email for you to further contact that visitor and eventually convert that visitor into a sale. For this type of internet marketing business plan need to either bring visitors to your webpage where you provide a web-form for them to fill in, or you can purchase email lists from other people. Search Engine Optimization The last internet marketing business plan I'm talking about is "Search Engine Optimization" or SEO which the process of making your website appear on top of search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing every time someone types in a particular type of phrase. For instance if people type, "real estate agents" into Google, it is most desirable if your website appear on top of the list of websites on the Google search results page. To be able to place your website on top of everybody else it can involve many factors such as on page optimization for the right keywords, and then there are also different variable involved such as the level of competition and how many backlinks. Published at:

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