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The world's largest network of NGOs working to make a difference through music in the lives of young people and children.
The biggest European choral organisation, reaching out potentially to 37M singers of all ages in more than 50 countries
The globally leading body in facilitating communication and exchange between choral musicians around the world.
Published by the International Relations Department of Zsolnay Heritage Management Nonprofit Ltd. in Pécs, July 2017 All rights reserved!
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2017 is a festive year for Hungarians: they commemorate the 135th anniversary of the birth of Zoltán Kodály an outstanding figure of our cultural history, perhaps the greatest patron of the Hungarian choir movement, and the 50th anniversary of his death, and the related festivities offer exciting challenges for Hungarian musical life, especially for the choirs and music teachers involved. Choir activity is a major cultural asset and a community-building force, and its aims are in line with the objectives of the cultural government of Hungary, which, besides further enhancing the cultural heritage, aims at making it accessible to all and creating a community. That is the reason why we especially support the launch and maintenance of choirs in primary and secondary schools, in Hungarian communities, within and beyond the borders of the country. It is good to see that the success of the EUROPA
CANTAT International Choir Festival in 2015 has once again spread our good reputation and the leading organizations of international choral activity have entrusted the management of another significant international choral event to Hungary. The rich choir traditions, event organizing experience and the unparalleled cultural infrastructure of the past decade of the city of Pécs create opportunities for the best young choir singers in the world to meet and work together in the country of Kodály and Bartók and take part in the World Youth Choir, in an ensemble that UNESCO classified as Ambassador of Peace. The Government of Hungary has committed itself to strengthen the economic and cultural cooperation with the Central and South-Eastern European regions, and therefore we are happy to support this great initiative linking Hungary and the countries of the neighbouring southern region through the power of choral singing spanning over borders and language barriers Dr. Péter Hoppál conductor the patron of the 2017 World Youth Choir session Minister of State for Culture Ministry of Human Capacities
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The City of Pécs is rightly proud of the fact that after the most colourful international choir event of Europe, EUROPA CANTAT was held here in 1988 and 2015, it is going to host once again a worldwide musical event, the World Youth Choir. Our city boasts unique infrastructure developed in 2010 when Pécs won the title of European Capital of Culture. Since its founding in 1988 and during the 26 years following its only guest appearance in Hungary in 1981, the World Youth Choir has become a world renown ensemble and now they are rightfully returning to Pécs, one of the choir capital of Europe, and will give a concert at the world-famous Kodály Center concert hall of unique acoustics. 4 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
In addition to the spectacular cultural infrastructure development of the past decade, this project also plays a major role in the city's important cultural and geopolitical mission, which aims to initiate and build cultural cooperation projects with Central and South-Eastern Europe to support the effective cooperation and exchange of information between cultural organizations and their experts in the region. We are confident that the choir including singers from 33 countries in 5 continents as well as the audience of the 12 concerts in 5 countries will embrace Pécs, and will develop irresistible desire to visit us, experiencing the power of creativity due to the cultural diversity of the two-thousand-year old city and appreciate our values unique in Hungary, but perhaps all over Europe. Dr. Zsolt Páva Mayor of Pécs
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Being a successor of the intellectual legacy of EUROPA CANTAT 2015, Zsolnay Heritage Management Non-profit Ltd., as the cultural flagship managing the new potential institutions responsible for the cultural life of Pécs, i.e. the Kodály Center and the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, as well as the world heritage sites of the city, the Cella Septichora Visitor Center and the Early Christian Mausoleum, and then the House of Arts and Literature together with the Medieval University, has been really pleased to organize and host the events of World Youth Choir 2017. The Central and Eastern European Regional Choral Center of the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat operating in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter since the autumn of 2015, has been working intensively to
promote the cooperation of the Central and SouthEastern European region in the field of choral art and networking issues. Perhaps the most spectacular example of this cooperation is this 3-week project forming a real cultural bridge between Pécs, Hungary and the neighbouring four southern partner countries. We are already really enthusiastic about organizing new art projects unfolding this regional cooperation in the coming years. Balázs Vincze Zsolnay Heritage Management Non-profit Ltd. Managing Director and
Gábor Móczár Director of International Relations Zsolnay Heritage Management Non-profit Ltd. President of the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat and Head of Central-Eastern European Choral Centre
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World Youth Choir is a unique international music educational, social project of high artistic quality that collects talented young singers from 17 to 26 years of age each year in an international audition and selection system and organizes them into a choir from all over the world, under the leadership of renown choir conductors. For the young singers with entirely different cultural background, the common rehearsals, the concerts and tours offer a unique opportunity to get to know different cultures, people, music and traditions. Since its establishment in 1989, more than 1,000 singers from 65 countries have been given the opportunity to work with over 46 worldrenowned conductors and over 20 CD and DVD recordings have been published. World Youth Choir is run by an foundation established by the European Chorus Association - Europa Cantat, IFCM (International Federation for Choral Music) and the Jeunesses Musicales International (International Youth Music Association), and UNESCO also recognizes it as a major project (in 1996, Artist for Peace, WYC title was awarded to this musical platform effectively supporting intercultural dialogue).
6 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
During this year’s project, held from 4 to 24 July 2017, following a 9-day intensive rehearsal period in Pécs, the World Youth Choir (58 singers from 33 countries in 5 continents) lead by Zoltán Pad, conductor of the Choir the Hungarian Radio and Ken Wakia, founding conductor of the Nairobi Chamber Choir in Kenya and Safaricom Choir, will have 12 concerts in Hungary (Pécs, Budapest), Serbia (Sombor, Novi Sad, Belgrade), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, Prijedor), Croatia (Osijek, Zagreb, Opatija) and Slovenia (Koper, Ljubljana). The concert acts conducted by the two conductors will feature fundamentally different, colourful repertoires, which are exceptional Chorus-music ventures in the music of Europe and, in particular, Central and South-Eastern Europe, Africa and the gems of world music, from Romanticism to the present day. Based on the successful regional cooperation system of Pécs EUROPA CANTAT XIX International Choir Festival in Pécs in 2015 as well as on Pécs’s strategic geopolitical and cultural bridgebuilding efforts, the more than one-year-long preparation of the 2017 summer tour, the logistics and art organization will be supervised by Zsolnay Heritage Management non-profit Ltd. and the
Central-East European Choral Center in co-operation with the hosts of each concert. The cultural flagship of Pécs, Zsolnay Heritage Management non-profit Ltd, was established under the European Capital of Culture project to operate the city’s Cultural Infrastructure. Central-East European Choral Center is the regional office of European Choral Association - EUROPA Cantat. During the World Youth Choir concert tour, special emphasis will be put on the cooperation between the cities of Pécs and the southern partner countries, paying particular attention to the future European capitals of culture (Novi Sad, Fiume). Besides, a special role will be given to choir music as a universal language with peace-building power as well as a means to create dialogues between different nationalities and religions in this region of Europe seriously burdened by historical conflicts. The main sponsors of the project are the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities and the City Council of Pécs.
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A World Youth Choir egy olyan magas művészeti színvonalú, egyedülálló nemzetközi zenepedagógiai-társadalmi projekt, amely minden évben 17 és 26 év közötti, tehetséges fiatal énekeseket gyűjt össze nemzetközi meghallgatási és kiválasztási rendszerben, és szervez egy kórusba a világ minden tájáról, neves kóruskarnagyok irányításával. Az egészen eltérő kulturális háttérrel rendelkező fiatal énekesek számára a közös próbák, koncertek és turné különleges lehetőséget teremt a különböző kultúrák, emberek, zenék és hagyományok megismerésére. Az 1989-es alapítás óta megszervezett mintegy 35 turné során több, mint 1000 énekes kapott lehetőséget 65 országból, akik összesen 46 világhírű karnaggyal dolgozhattak, és 20 feletti CD és DVD felvételt publikáltak. Az Ifjúsági Világkórust az Európai Kórusszövetség – Europa Cantat, az IFCM (Kóruszenei Világszövetség) és a Jeunesses Musicales International (Nemzetközi Ifjúsági Zenei Szövetség) által létrehozott alapítvány működteti, és az UNESCO is kiemelt projektként tartja számon (1996-ban az „Artist for Peace” címet adományozta a WYC-nak, mint a kultúrák közötti párbeszédet hatékonyan segítő zenei platformnak).
A 2017. július 4-től 24-ig tartó, idei projekt során egy 9 napos, intenzív pécsi próbaidőszakot követően, Pad Zoltán, a Magyar Rádió Énekkarának karnagya és Ken Wakia, a kenyai Nairobi Chamber Chorus és a Safaricom Choir alapító karnagya által vezetett Ifjúsági Világkórus (58 énekes, 5 kontinens 33 országából) 12 koncertet ad Magyarországon (Pécs, Budapest), Szerbiában (Zombor, Újvidék, Belgrád), Bosznia-Hercegovinában (Szarajevó, Prijedor), Horvátországban (Eszék, Zágráb, Abbázia) és Szlovéniában (Koper, Ljubljana). A két karnagy által dirigált koncert-félidők egymástól alapvetően eltérő, színes repertoárt állítanak színpadra, amely kivételes kóruszenei kalandozás Európa – és benne kiemelten Középés Délkelet-Európa -, Afrika és a világzene gyöngyszemei között, a romantikától napjainkig. A 2015-ben sikerrel megrendezett pécsi EUROPA CANTAT XIX nemzetközi kórusfesztivál hatékony regionális együttműködési rendszerére, valamint Pécs stratégiai geopolitikai és kulturális hídépítő törekvéseire alapozva a 2017. nyári turné több, mint egy éves előkészítését, a logisztikai és művészeti szervezést a Pécs kulturális életének zászlóshajója és az Európa Kulturális Fővárosa projekt keretében létrehozott kulturális inf-
rastruktúra működtetője, a Zsolnay Örökségkezelő Nonprofit Kft., valamint az EUROPA CANTAT-ot követően irodáját Pécsre, a Zsolnay Kulturális Negyedbe áthelyező, a European Choral Association – Europa Cantat regionális irodájaként működő Közép-kelet-európai Kórusközpont szervezi, a koncertturné egyes állomásait befogadó partnerekkel együttműködésben. A World Youth Choir koncertturnéja során kiemelt hangsúlyt kap a Pécs és a déli partnerországok városai közötti együttműködés, különös figyelemmel a jövendő európai kulturális fővárosokra (Újvidék, Fiume). Továbbá fontos szerepet kap a kóruszene, mint egyetemes nyelv béketeremtő erején keresztül Európa e történelmi konfliktusokkal súlyosan terhelt régiójában a különböző nemzetiségek és vallások közötti párbeszéd is. A projekt fő támogatói a magyar Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma és Pécs Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata.
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Vold Jut Kvajr (World Youth Choir) kao jedinstveni međunarodni muzičko-pedagoški društveni projekat visokog umetničkog nivoa, svake godine iz celog sveta okuplja talentovane mlade pevače od 17-26 godina i organizuje ih u hor koji vode najpoznatiji dirigenti. Zajedničke probe, koncerti i turneja za mlade pevače sa potpuno različitom kulturnom pozadinom stvara posebne mogućnosti za upoznavanje različitih kultura, ljudi, muzike i običaja. Od samog osnivanja 1989. godine na više od 35 organizovanih turneja, preko 1000 pevača iz 65 zemalja dobilo je priliku za rad sa 46 svetski poznatih dirigenata ostvarivši preko 20 CD i DVD izdanja. Svetski hor mladih deluje pod upravom Evropske horske organizacije– Evropa Kantat, IFCM (Svetski savez horske muzike) te fondacije Žones Muzikal Internasional (Međunarodni muzički savez mladih) a UNESKO ga smatra istaknutim projektom( za uspešnu podršku komunikacije između kultura WYC-u 1996. godine dodeljena je titula „Artist for Pis” ).
8 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
Tokom ovogodišnjeg projekta koji će se realizovati od 4. do 24. jula 2017. godine nakon intenzivnih 9 dnevnih probi u Pečuju, Svetski hor mladih ( 58 pevača iz 33 države sa svih 5 kontinenata) održaće 12 koncerata u Mađarskoj (Pečuj, Budimpešta), u Srbiji ( Sombor, Novi Sad, Beograd ), u Bosni i Hercegovini ( Sarajevo, Prijedor ) u Hrvatskoj ( Osijek, Zagreb, Opatija) i u Sloveniji ( Koper, Ljubljana). Na čelu hora biće Zoltan Pad, dirigent Hora Mađarsog radija i Ken Vakija, dirigent i osnivač Najrobi Čejmber Korusa i Safarikom Kvajra iz Kenije. Različita koncertna poluvremena pod vođstom dvojice dirigenata oživeće na pozornici šaren repertoar stvarajući atmosferu jedinstvenog putovanja kroz evropsku horsku muziku – i u okviru toga sa posebnim naglaskom na muziku Srednje i Jugoistočne Evrope – Afrike i bisera svetske muzičke pozornice od razdoblja romantike do danas. Oslanjajući se na produktivnu regionalnu saradnju uspešnog međunarodnog horskog festivala EVROPA KANTAT XIX 2015. kao i na strategiju grada Pečuja u tendenciji stvaranja geopolitičkih i kulturnih mostova, pripreme jed-
nogodišnje letnje turneje 2017, logistička i umetnička organizacija ostvarila se zahvaljujući neprofitnoj organizaciji Žolnaijeve baštinske uprave – glavnog aktera kulturnog života grada Pečuja, voditelju kulturne infrastrukture, osnovane u sklopu projekta Evropska prestonica kulture - i Horskom centru Srednjoistočne Evrope - Juropijen Koral Asosiejšn, koji funkcioniše kao regionalni ured Evropa Kantata sa premeštenim centrom u Kulturnu četvrt Žolnai, u saradnji sa partnerima domaćina pojedinih koncerata. Koncertnom turnejom Vold Jut Kvajr posebno se naglašava saradnja između Pečuja i gradova južnih partnerskih država, pogotovo sa budućim evropskim prestonicama kulture (Novi Sad, Rijeka). Osim toga, istaknuće se horska muzika kao univerzalno sredstvo kojim se uspostavlja miroljubivi dijalog između različitih nacija i religija u ovom istorijskim konfliktima opterećenom regionu Evrope. Glavni pokrovitelji projekta su Ministarstvo ljudskih resursa Mađarske i Gradsko veće opštine Pečuja.
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Svjetski omladinski hor (World Youth Choir), kao jedinstveni, međunarodni muzičko-pedagoški društveni projekat visokog umjetničkog nivoa, svake godine organizira audicije za talentirane pjevače iz cijelog svijeta, u dobi od 17 do 26 godina, te kroz selekciju kreira hor kojim ravnaju najpoznati dirigenti. Za mlade pjevače raznovrsnog kulturnog bekgraunda, zajedničke probe, koncerti i turneja pružaju jedinstvenu priliku da upoznaju različite kulture, ljude, muzike i tradicije. Od osnivanja 1989. godine više od 1000 pjevača iz 65 zemalja dobilo je priliku da radi sa 46 svjetski poznatih dirigenata, snimivši više od 20 CD-ova i DVD-ova. Svjetskim omladinskim horom rukovodi fondacija koju su osnovali Evropsko udruženja horova (European Choral Association) Europa Cantat, Međunarodni savez za horsku muziku (IFCM – International Federation for Choral Music), i Međunarodna muzička omladina (Jeunesses Musicales International). UNESCO ga smatra istaknutim projektom: 1996. godine, Svjetski omladinski hor osvojio je titulu „Artist for Peace“, za uspješnu podršku komunikaciji između kultura.
U ovogodišnjem projektu, od 4. do 24. jula, nakon devet dana intenzivnih probi u Pečuju, Svjetski omladinski hor (58 pjevača iz 33 države sa pet kontinenata) održat će ukupno 12 koncerata u Mađarskoj (Pečuh, Budimpešta), u Srbiji (Sombor, Novi Sad, Beograd), u Bosni i Hercegovini (Sarajevo, Prijedor), u Hrvatskoj (Osijek, Zagreb, Opatija) i u Sloveniji (Koper, Ljubljana). Koncertima će ravnati Zoltan Pad, dirigent Hora mađarskog radija, i Ken Wakij, dirigent i osnivača kenijskih horova Nairobi Chamber Chorus i Safaricom Choir. Koncertni činovi, pod njihovim ravnanjem, na pozornici će oživjeti šareni repertoar, s atmosferom jedinstvenog putovanja kroz horsku muziku Evrope (s posebnim naglaskom na Srednju i Jugoistočnu Evropu), Afrike i bisera svjetske muzike, od romanticizma do danas. Oslanjajući se na uspješni sistem regionalne saradnje, iskustvo festivala horova EUROPA CANTAT XIX koji je 2015. održan u Pečuhu, kao i na strateško opredjeljenje grada Pečuha na stvaranje geopolitičkih i kulturnih mostova, jednogodišnju pripremu za ljetnu turneju 2017., kao i njenu logističku i umjetničku realizaciju izveli su neprofitna Uprava za kulturno nasljeđe Zsolnay d.o.o. (Zsolnay Heritage Management non-profit Ltd.) i Horski centar Srednje i Istočne Evrope (Central-
East European Choral Center), u saradnji s koncertnim dvoranama u pomenutim gradovima u regiji. Glavni simbol kulturnog života Pečuha, Upravu za kulturno nasljeđe Zsolnay d.o.o. osnovalo je Gradsko vijeće u svrhu upravljanja gradskom kulturnom infrastrukturom u okviru projekta Evropska prijestonica kulture. Horski centar Srednje i Istočne Evrope je regionalni ured Evropskog udruženja horova – EUROPA Cantat. Koncertna turneja Svjetskog omladinskog hora u prvi plan stavlja saradnju između Pečuha i gradova južnih partnerskih zemalja, prvenstveno budućih evropskih prijestonica kulture (Novi Sad, Rijeka). Osim toga, istaknuto mjesto će dobiti horska muzika kao univerzalno izražajno sredstvo kojim se uspostavlja miroljubivi dijalog između različitih nacija i religija, u ovom regionu Evrope koji je opterećen historijskim konfliktima. Glavni pokrovitelji projekta su Ministarstvo ljudskih resursa Mađarske i Gradsko vijeće Pečuha, glavnog grada okruga Baranya.
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World Youth Choir, kao jedinstveni, međunarodni glazbeno - pedagoški društveni projekt visoke umjetničke razine, svake godine iz cijelog svijeta okuplja nadarene mlade pjevače u dobi od 17 do 26 godina i organizira ih u zbor kojim ravnaju najpoznatiji dirigenti. Zajedničke probe, koncerti i turneja za mlade pjevače sa potpuno različitom kulturnom pozadinom stvara posebne mogućnosti za upoznavanje raznovrsnih kultura, ljudi, glazbe i tradicija. Od samog osnivanja 1989. godine organizirano je oko 35 turneja, zahvaljujući čemu je preko 1000 pjevača iz 65 zemalja dobilo priliku za rad sa 46 svjetski poznatih dirigenata, ostvarivši više od 20 CD i DVD izdanja. Svjetski zbor mladih djeluje pod upravom Europskog saveza zborova – Europa Cantat, IFCM (Svjetski savez zborne glazbe) i zaklade Jeunesses Musicales International-a (Međunarodni glazbeni savez mladih), a UNESCO ga smatra istaknutim projektom (za uspješno potpomaganje komunikacije između kultura WYC-u je 1996. godine dodijeljena titula „Artist for Peace” ).
10 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
Tijekom ovogodišnjeg projekta koji će se realizirati od 4. do 24. srpnja 2017. nakon intenzivnih probi u trajanju od 9 dana u Pečuhu, Svjetski zbor mladih ( 58 pjevača iz 33 države sa svih 5 kontinenata) održat će 12 koncerata u Mađarskoj (Pečuh, Budimpešta), u Srbiji ( Sombor, Novi Sad, Beograd ), u Bosni i Hercegovini ( Sarajevo, Prijedor ), u Hrvatskoj ( Osijek, Zagreb, Opatija) i u Sloveniji ( Koper, Ljubljana) pod vodstvom Zoltana Pada, dirigenta Zbora mađarsog radija i Kena Wakije, dirigenta i osnivača Nairobi Chamber Chorusa i Safaricom Choir-a iz Kenije. Koncertna poluvremena, pod ravnanjem dvaju dirigenata, na pozornici će oživjeti raznoliki repertoar s atmosferom jedinstvenog putovanja kroz zbornu glazbu Europe – u kojoj je posebno mjesto dobila glazba Srednjo- i Jugoistočne Europe - Afrike i bisera svjetske glazbe od romantike do danas. Oslanjajući se na djelotvornu regionalnu suradnju uspješnog međunarodnog zbornog festivala EUROPA CANTAT XIX 2015. kao i na strategiju grada Pečuha u tendenciji stvaranja geopolitičkih i kulturnih mostova, priprema za ljetnu turneju 2017, koja je trajala više od godinu
dana, logistička i umjetnička organizacija ostvarila se zahvaljujući neprofitnoj organizaciji Zsolnayeve baštine, glavnog čimbenika kulturnog života grada Pečuha, voditelju kulturne infrastrukture, osnovane u sklopu projekta Europska prijestolnica kulture i Zbornom centru Srednjoistočne Europe European Choral Association, koji djeluje kao regionalni ured Europa Cantata, sa premještenim sjedištem u Kulturnu četvrt Zsolnay te u suradnji s partnerima domaćina pojedinih koncerata. Koncertnom turnejom World Youth Choir posebno je naglašena suradnja između Pečuha i gradova južnih partnerskih zemalja, prvenstveno budućih europskih prijestolnica kulture (Novi Sad, Rijeka). Osim toga istaknuto mjesto će dobiti zborna glazba, kao univerzalno izražajno sredstvo kojim se uspostavlja miroljubivi dijalog između različitih nacija i religija u ovoj povjesnim konfliktima opterećenoj regiji Europe. Glavni pokrovitelji projekta su Ministarstvo ljudskih resursa Mađarske i Gradsko vijeće općine Pečuha.
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Leta 1989 ustanovljeni Svetovni zbor mladih je zbor z visoko umetniško odliko in socialni mednarodni projekt brez primere na področju glasbene pedagogike, ki vsako leto enkrat pod vodstvom znanih dirigentov na intenzivnih vajah in koncertni turneji zbere mlade nadarjene polprofesionalne pevce (stare od 17 do 26 let) z vsega sveta, izbrane na mednarodni avdiciji in združene v en zbori. Za mlade pevce, katerih kulturno ozadje je bogato in pestro, vaje, koncerti in turneja pomenijo izjemno priložnost, da se seznanijo z različnimi kulturami, ljudmi, glasbo in običaji. Od ustanovitve je imelo na 35 organiziranih turnejah pri projektu priložnost sodelovati več kot 1000 pevcev iz 65 držav, sodelovali pa so s 46 dirigenti svetovnega slovesa in objavili več kot 20 CD- in DVD-posnetkov. Zbor so ustanovili Jounesse Musical Internatnional, svetovna zborovska zveza IFCM in evropska zborovska zveza European Choral Association – Europa Cantat. Svetovni zbor mladih je postal projekt pod pokroviteljstvom Unesca, saj je leta 1996 prejel naziv „umetnika za mir” kot glasbena tribuna, ki učinkovito podpira vzajemno delovanje med kulturami.
Poletno srečanje in turnejo Svetovnega zbora mladih bo med 4. in 24. julijem 2017 organiziral Zsolnay Heritage Management Nonprofit Ltd, kulturni holding mesta Pécs na Madžarskem. Po 9-dnevnih intenzivnih vajah v Pécsu (4.–13. julij) z dvema dirigentoma (Zoltánom Padom iz Madžarske, dirigentom zborov Madžarskega radia in Kenom Wakio iz Kenije, dirigentom zborov Komori zbora Nairobija in Safaricon) bo Svetovni zbor mladih, sestavljen iz 58 pevcev iz 33 držav in s 5 celin, začel svojo turnejo koncertov na Madžarskem 13. julija v Kodályjevem centru v Pécsu. Za tem bodo koncerti na Madžarskem (Budimpešta), v Srbiji (Novi Sad, Beograd), Bosni in Hercegovini (Sarajevo, Prijedor), na Hrvaškem (Osijek, Opatija in Zagreb) ter v Sloveniji (Koper in Ljubljana). Dirigenta bosta pripravila pester in barvit spored skladb od romantike do sodobnih del. Veliko bo del skladateljev držav gostiteljic, afriških ljudskih napevov, afroameriških duhovnih pesmi in sodobne svetovne glasbe.
geopolitične in kulturne mostove v regiji. Nad celoletnimi pripravami za letošnjo turnejo ter logistično in umetniško izvedbo bedita Zborovski center za osrednjo in vzhodno Evropo Evropske zborovske zveze Europa Cantat ter Zsolnay Heritage Management non-profit Ltd. Ta je nastal v sklopu projekta Evropske prestolnice kulture, da bi se ukvarjal z mestno kulturno infrastrukturo. Turneja zbora tudi utrjuje sodelovanje med mestom Pécs in južnimi sosednjimi državami, predvsem pa z bodočima prestolnicama kulture (Reko in Novim Sadom). Z močjo glasbenega univerzalnega jezika želi tudi graditi mostove miru na območjih, ki so bila zaznamovana v bližnji preteklosti.
Glavna pokrovitelja projekta sta madžarsko Ministrstvo za človeške vire in mesto Pécs.
Projekt pomeni nadaljevanje uspešnega regionalnega sodelovanja v sklopu Festivala Europa Cantat v Pécsu leta 2015, veliko energije pa vlaga v
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“Building bridges between young singers from diverse cultures” A message of peace to the world Appointed Artist for Peace by UNESCO in 1996, the World Youth Choir (WYC) presents its message of music and global unity at the highest artistic level. Since its creation in 1989, WYC has established itself as a one of a kind musical and intercultural experience offered to young musicians. Young choral singers aged between 17 and 26 constitute one of today’s most important choirs. Each year the number of participating countries increases; today there are more than 40 different nationalities. Whilst working at the highest artistic level, WYC also represents for its members a unique experience in terms of personal relationships. Political or cultural differences become irrelevant when these young singers holding a common love of music and singing share one month together. This
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relationship allows artistic work, leisure, conversation and debate. From this community of singers evolve friendships that will continue to grow without limit. WYC Summer Sessions Each summer, the WYC comes together in a different country of the world for a rehearsal session. Following these rehearsals the choir tours within the host country and neighbouring countries, presenting concerts in major cultural centers and prestigious concert halls. The artistic responsibility lies with an international committee of eminent specialists appointed by the International Federation for Choral Music, Jeunesses Musicales International and European Choral Association - Europa Cantat. Since its inception, WYC has worked with worldrenowned choral conductors from all over the globe. These include: Frieder Bernius, Filippo Maria Bresan, Peter Dijkstra, Eric Ericson, Gunnar
Eriksson, Gary Graden, Georg Grün, Tonu Kaljuste, Grete Pedersen, Johannes Prinz, Robert Shaw(†), Fred Sjöberg, and Ward Swingle. Highlights 1992 . Olympic Gala performances in Barcelona. 1996. Awarded the title “Artist for peace” by UNESCO. 2002. Awarded the Robert Edler Prize. 2004. 60th anniversary concerts in memory of the Normandy landings in WWII, known as ‘’D day’’. 2008. Olympic Equestrian Games in Hong Kong: opening gala performances. 2009. 20th Anniversary of WYC celebration, Sweden. 2011. Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony and Nobel Peace Prize concert performances. World Youth Choir Foundation The World Youth Choir project is officially owned and run by the World Youth Choir Foundation, registered in The Hague (NL), established by the three patron organisations (JMI, ECA-EC and IFCM).
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PÉCS, THE HUB FOR CULTURE – by the city cultural flagship Zsolnay Heritage Management Nonprofit Ltd.
Pécs had an unusually exciting opportunity by winning the title “European Capital of Culture 2010”, which in addition to its numerous programs, brought the city such great investments as the unmatched Zsolnay Quarter both in terms of its sheer physical size and intellectual uniqueness, or the impressive, sophisticated, multifunctional concert hall, Kodály Center. The new potential institutions responsible for the culture of the city, as well as the world-famous attractions of the city, the Cella Septichora Visitor Center and the Early Christian Cemetery, and the House of Pécs Arts and Literature in the city centre as well as the Medieval University are also got into the management of Zsolnay Heritage Management Non-profit Ltd, bearing the name of included in the world-famous intellectual predecessor, Vilmos Zsolnay. The primary aim of the institution is to make sure that these sites to provide the cultural events of Pécs in a coordinated manner and to strengthen the city’s position on the tourism market in the long term.
In addition to the spectacular cultural infrastructure development of the past decade, the city has committed itself to an important cultural and geopolitical mission. The aim of the mission is to initiate and develop such cross-border projects, collaborations, conferences and professional meetings, trainings and cultural exchanges with Central and South-Eastern Europe - primarily with Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia , that support the effective cooperation and exchange of information between cultural organizations and professionals in the region, both amateur and professional in the fields of performing arts, literature and cultural heritage and tourism development. The Regional Co-operation Strategy focuses on cooperation with cities having the title of “Cultural Capital of Europe”.
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July 9th: Sombor, Carmelitan Church (SRB) July 9th: Osijek, Dvorište rektorata (HR) July 13th: Pécs, Kodály Centre (HU) July 14th: Budapest, St. Imre Church (HU)
Sombor in cooperation with the Serbian Choral Association and the City Council of Sombor Serbian Choral Association (SCA) was founded in 1912 in Sombor, as the Association of the Serbian Singing Societies. Few years later it changed its name into South-Slavic Singing Association and brought great results in publishing choral music and organizing festivals with common singing of more than 1.500 singers (in 1914, 1931 and 1937). Many important composers of the period between the two world wars wrote music that was published under the umbrella of the SouthSlavic Singing Association. The Association stopped its work at the beginning of the WWII. Serbian Choral Association was founded (or restored) in May 2017 in Sombor, on the initiative of conductors Tamara Adamov Petijević from Novi Sad and Milan Radišić from Sombor. Fifty seven conductors participated at the First Assembly of the SCA and 120 choirs registered so far. The applications are still arriving: all choirs from Serbia
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(including the minorities) and the Serbian choirs in diaspore are invited to join the Association. Cooperation with Europa Cantat and participating in its international events is one of the tasks of the SCA. Sombor is a choral town from 1870s, when the Sombor Singing Society was founded. Since then, it has always been a place to cherish good choral music and renowned choirs, such as the Iuventus Cantat Choir, with famous conductor Silvester Hajnal, who won the Choir of the World title at LLangollen International Competition, Wales, UK in 2001. The Sombor Singing Society, with conductor Milan Radišić, is today the leading name in the choral life of Sombor. The support of the City of Sombor Council is constant and very important for all choirs and all choral events in the town, including the concert of the World Youth Choir 2017. Our special gratitude for this event goes to prior Stjepan Vidak and the brotherhood of the Carmelitian monastery in Sombor and the church of St Stefan.
9 July
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July 15th: Novi Sad, Synagogue (SRB)
July 20th: Zagreb, Muzej Mimara (HR)
July 16th: Belgrade, Youth Cultural Centre (SRB)
July 21st: Koper, St. Francis Church (SLO)
July 18th: Sarajevo, Dom Armije (BIH)
July 22nd: Opatija, Gervais Cultural Centre (HR)
July 19th: Prijedor, National Theatre (BIH)
July 23rd: Ljubljana, Philharmonic Hall (SLO)
Osijek in cooperation with the Osijek Summer Festival, the City of Osijek and the General Consulate of Hungary in Osijek „ Osječko ljeto kulture“ ( OLJK) is the most significant cultural event not only in Osijek, but in the whole Eastern Croatia, as well. OLJK always takes place in June and July, and this year it will be held from 29 June till 12 July, 2017. It is organized and produced by the City of Osijek. The program of OLJK is composed of different high quality programs including theater, concerts, literature, dance, film and new-media.In this twoweek manifestation there will be around 40 programs (in their own production) and a series of guest programs. OLJK has a significant place in the culture of Osijek, and thanks to the cooperation and support of economic factors of the city of Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer University and international cooperation even in the wider region. OLJK programs influence in a positive way the cultural life of the city, increasing its international visibility, stimulating
economic and tourist activities, changing its image and making it recognizable on the European and international level. The main aim of OLJK is to meet the cultural needs of the citizens of Osijek and of the broad region.There are more than 12 000 satisfied visitors each year and it is, for sure, the best sign of success of OLJK.
OSJEČKO LJETO KULTURE 29. 6. – 12. 7. 2017.
9 July
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Pécs One of the most outstanding key investments of Pécs2010 European Capital of Culture (ECC) project, Kodály Centre was officially opened to the public on 16 December 2010. The aim of the investment was to create a state of the art multifunctional building featuring excellent acoustics, which meets the highest expectations of our modern age, both has a concert hall and a conference centre. The building was made by the well known “house in house” architecture solution: while the design of the pedestal of the concert hall offers protection against external vibration, the side walls are not directly in contact with structural elements of other functions, and devices emitting vibrations are standing on dampening pedestal. As a combined result of all these, no disturbing resonance or noise can be detected in the concert hall. The grand hall of the extraordinary 11.144 sqm-netfloor-area building with acoustic design has a capacity to house 999 people, which can be modified depending on the type of the event. The grand hall mainly functions as a concert hall; however, it is also suitable for ballet and other choreographed performances without moving scenery, or operas with stylized scenic elements. Secondly, it serves as a plenary lecture hall at conferences, while by transforming the stalls on
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the ground floor into a flat horizontal surface it becomes suitable for housing various events, balls and banquets. Sitting anywhere in the auditorium, the listener is offered to a special experience let it be a human voice, a solo instrument, chamber ensemble, chorus, or full symphonic orchestra. Within years the concert hall has achieved international renown thanks to its acoustics and services. The artists who have performed in the centre all spoken highly about the concert hall’s attributes.
13 July
Budapest The St. Imre Church lies in the neighbourhood of the famous Feneketlen-tó (Bottomless Lake) in the 11th district of Budapest. The church was designed in a uniqe and magnificant neobaroque style and has been finished in 1938. The building itself along with the Budai Szent Imre High School on its right belongs to the Cistercitan Order. Thanks to the openness of the Cistercitans the church has an outstanding social life resulting full house masses, concerts and other cultural events. The church has its own choir that has been founded in 1972 and has travelled all around Europe (France, Austria, Germany, Poland) in order to serve and sing on liturgical occasions especially on the illustrius days of the ecclesiastical year. St. Imre Church has excellent acoustics for choral concerts and due to the richness of the repertoires sang among its walls the audience always loves to come back and experience new musical adventures in this magical atmosphere.
14 July
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Novi Sad in cooperation with the Foundation ’Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ and the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Belgrade ‘Novi Sad 2021’ project The goal of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ project is to build ‘new bridges’. These include bridges within the community – with local people, and with regional neighbours and countries in the European Union. To that regard, the project strives to build new cultural, social, economic and political bridges, and develop new operation mechanisms in culture.
Hope Bridge – the themes are cultural capacities and public spaces; New Way Bridge – the themes are cultural heritage and hospitality; Freedom Bridge – the themes are creative industry and young people; and Rainbow Bridge – the themes are reconciliation and migration.
The project programme covers the so-called ‘Zone 021’, which comprises 400,000 inhabitants of various cultural backgrounds. This includes Novi Sad’s urban core, the surrounding 15 suburban areas, and ECoC partner municipalities – Sremski Karlovci, Irig and Beočin, connecting the heart of the city with the hills of Fruška Gora in a unique blend of geography and history. The name of the Zone comes from the telephone and postal area code – 021. This number, which is easily recognisable, has long been adopted as part of the identity of the city and its surroundings, just as it forms both real and symbolic part of the Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture.
The programme of Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture 2021 is based on the concept comprising four areas unified under the moto ‘For New Bridges’:
Novi Sad
15 July
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Belgrade in cooperation with Belgrade Summer Festival, the Belgrade Festivals Center and AKUD Branko Krsmanovic 26th Belgrade Summer Festival BELEF From June 23 to July 23, 2017 Belgrade Summer Festival - BELEF is an international summer festival of ambient art music, theater, dance and visual programs. Under the title “Fly Culturally� from June 23 to July 23, 2017, a total of 30 programs will be held in the premises of the Student Cultural Center in Belgrade.
Theater Trustâ€?, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of India, the performance of the world pop star Femi Kuti, as well as the concert of the World Youth Choir, where on July 16th 60 singers from the countries in the region will perform. The 26th BELEF Artistic Director is Aleksandar Ilić, the ďŹ rst soloist of the National Theater Ballet in Belgrade. BELEF’s founder and sponsor is the Assembly of the City of Belgrade, and the executive producer is the Belgrade Festivals Center - CEBEF.
16 July
$.8' %5$1.2 .560$129,@
From the international cooperation we highlight: the concerts of Alba Molina and Rikardo Moreno
Sarajevo "in cooperation with Dom Armije, UDRUĹ˝ENJE ZA EDUKACIJU I PROMOCIJU KUTURE I UMJETNOSTI “MUZIKAâ€?, MjeĹĄoviti omladinski hor “CANTABILEâ€? and the Embassy of Hungary in Sarajevo
together with the band “Kal�, in cooperation with the Servantes Institute, the theatre play “Where the Shadow Ends� by the Indian theater “Kriyative 18 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
The building for the OfďŹ cers’ Club, which now houses Dom OruĹžanih snaga BiH, was built as a onestory complex in 1881. Karl ParĹžik was in charge of the design for the facility’s expansion in 1912, when another oor was added that could accommodate a large concert hall. This ediďŹ ce was constructed on an empty lot (between Franje Josifa St., now Zelenih Beretki, and the Miljacka River), which contained a small cemetery and had been purchased about a decade earlier by
the Austro-Hungarian General Consulate with the intention of having a Catholic church built. Ever since it was ďŹ rst opened, this building has played an important role in the cultural life of the city. Sarajevo’s ďŹ rst public concert, which featured performances by military orchestras, was held here in 1881 and, since then, concerts, exhibitions, lectures and other social gatherings have taken place here. Concert hall of Dom OruĹžanih snaga is considered to have the most impressive acoustics of any such structure in Southeastern Europe and the walls are decorated with four enormous oil paintings by the academic painter, Ismet Mujezinović. In addition to the concert hall, Dom OruĹžanih snaga also houses a few smaller halls, ofďŹ ces, a dining hall and an atrium, which also serves as a venue for regular events. The OfďŹ cer’s Club/Dom OruĹžanih snaga was placed on a list of National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2006.
18 July
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proudly accepted the hosting of the WORLD YOUTH CHOIR 2017.
in cooperation with the City of Prijedor PRIJEDOR – THE CITY OF CULTURE City of Prijedor is located in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the entity of Republic of Srpska, on the banks on the river Sana and under the mountain Kozara. It is one of the youngest cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was first mentioned in the late 17th century. Prijedor today has over 90.000 inhabitants which have five public cultural institutions on their disposal: the Theatre Prijedor, the Museum Kozara, the Librbry „Ćirilo i Metodije“, „Galerija ‘96“ and Center for showing the movies with contemporary digital cinema „Kozara“ and the „Summer garden“. Over 100.000 visitors per year visits the programe of these institutions. The City of Prijedor pays great attention to the amateurism in culture, supporting 11 cultural-artistic clubs that bring together about 2,500 members. Preserving the tradition of the choir singing, the City of Prijedor for already 17 years organizes the International choir festival „Zlatna vila“ („Golden fairy“), on which untill now performed about 150 choirs from more then 20 European countries. Encouraging a children in engaging in choir singing, this year the City of Prijedor organized, as a prelude to the Festival, the Concert of children’s choir singing “Mala vila” („Small fairy“) where seven children’s choirs were performing. Trying to make a choral singing as a part of everyday cultural life of our citizens, the City of Prijedor
19 July
them. It has consultative status with the Council of Europe, with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and with UNESCO. The Mimara Museum is an art museum in the city of Zagreb, Croatia,, housing the collection by Wiltrud and Ante Topić Mimara. According to Thomas Hoving, "Topic Mimara's hoard of masterpieces are 95 percent fakes produced by him and his hired forgers." Of the total of 3,700 varied works of art, more than 1,500 exhibits constitute permanent holdings, dating from the prehistoric period up to the 20th century. The museum was opened in 1987, even though the building itself originates from the 19th century. The museum welcomes numerous cultural events, among them concerts by the Croatian Radiotelevision Choir.
Zagreb in cooperation with Ebanka, Junior Chamber International, Hrvatski Sabor Kulture, AMADEO Theatre and the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Ljubljana Ebanka is an ethical development bank owned entirely by its own members. Instead of high profits, its primary goals are contributing to a better society and the well-being of its coowner.
20 July
Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a nonprofit international non-governmental organization of young people between 18 and 40 years old. It has members in about 124 countries, and regional or national organizations in many of 19
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Koper in cooperation with Academic Choir of University of Primorska, župan Mestne občine Koper g. Boris Popovič,JSKD, ŠOUP and Univerza na Primorskem
Koper, together with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, started the renovation of the church in 2012 till 2014, which is now used as a protocol-concert hall.
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in cooperation with Festival Opatija
Opatija gained its guests trust long time ago, which is proven mainly by their repeated visits. The task of the organization established by the City of Opatija - Festival Opatija, Institution for Organization, Promotion and Intermediation in Domain of Culture - is to make the stay in Opatija filled with exquisite entertainment but also enhancing the cultural life of its citizens, guests and visitors. Festival Opatija is entrusted with managing two venues, the Open Air Theatre and recently opened Centre Gervais.
Academic Choir of University of Primorska is one of the most prominent Slovenian choirs. In addition to its own concert activities, which preferably promotes Slovenian contemporary music, the choir also organizes international cycle of vocal and instrumental music ''Simfonic voices''. The concerts of the cycle have been held since 2009 at various locations in Koper and have since represented the best Slovenian choirs and internationally acclaimed ensembles from Europe, America, Japan, and the Philippines. The cycle is an important component of the music programs in Primorska region and beyond. Minorite church of St. Francis of Assisi is a typical Gothic church of a mendicant order. The singlenave church was built in 1268, originally with a three-part chevet. In mid-18th century it was restyled in baroque manner and was active as a church until 1809. The renovation comprised the floor and minor interventions, such as a display of the original pavement, a niche to display a renaissance fresco and a new facade element between the church and the adjacent monastery. In 1968 and 1969, it was converted into a gym that was used by the Gimnazija Koper until 1990, when the building was closed. The Municipality of
21 July
The Open Air Theatre has become the venue of the most important cultural spectacles that overcome national boundaries in the last 60 years. The most famous operatic tenor of his time, Beniamino Gigli, held his concert at the Open Air Theatre in 1934. The first international operetta festival, dedicated to the works of Franz Lehar took place here in 1935, too. In the period from 1985 onward, the Open Air Theatre has been carrying on its tradition of hosting major popular concerts, musicals and rock operas performed by Croatian and foreign theatre companies, concerts of classical music, opera and other performing-art forms, music and film festivals for every generation. Out of Summer season, Festival Opatija organizes concerts, theatre performances and various
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Ljubljana in cooperation with Javni Sklad Republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti
workshops in Centre Gervais while Open Air Theatre hosts a skating rink during the event named “Ice Magic and Christmas Fair”. Festival Opatija is also the initiator and organizer of the “Festival of Independent Theaters of the Republic of Croatia”, which has been successfully held in Opatija for 4 years, with a very successful growth trend. Institution puts special emphasis on involvement and informal cultural education of high school students and children through free educational workshops, performances and other cultural production. Continuous and permanent ambition of Festival Opatija is to educate, engage and excite the audience by bringing the most popular actual performers to Opatija.
22 July
The Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD) is a governmental institution covering all branches of non-professional (amateur) culture and art for youth and adults: vocal and instrumental music, theatre and puppetry, folklore, film and video, literature, fine arts and dance. JSKD has 100 employees, working in its headquarters in Ljubljana and 59 branch offices all over Slovenia (10 of them functioning at an interregional level). This network seeks to foster public interest in culture and stimulate the development of Slovene amateur art. It also connects non-institutional cultural activities all over the country and organises international, national and regional education programmes, presentations and recitals/events of culture and art created by 2,250 cultural societies. Together with local branches of the Union of Cultural Societies of Slovenia (ZKDS), JSKD’s branches function as a mediator between cultural associations and cultural policy at both municipal and state level. JSKD organises seminars, festivals, competitions, and workshops in different genres that involve the participation of professional pedagogues, mentors and artists. It co-operates closely with Slovene organisations, associations and clubs in other coun-
tries all over the world, as well as with similar European organisations. In addition the Public Fund for Cultural Activities issues annual public calls for cultural projects in the field of youth and amateur cultural activities. Major and most prestogious JSKD choral event on international level is International Choral Competition Gallus – Maribor, since 1992, member of European Grand Prix for Choral Music.
23 July
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Zoltán Pad (Hungary) Zoltán Pad studied with Péter Erdei in Budapest and with Michael Gläser in Munich. In 2008 he worked as choir leader at the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing. Between 2009 and 2014, he was chief conductor of Kodály Choir Debrecen, since 2014 he has been chief conductor of the Hungarian Radio Choir. As choir master he worked with Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker, with Daniel Harding, Péter Eötvös and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. He had concerts with all the professional mixed choirs in Hungary, and he is also a welcomed guest at professional choirs in Europe. In 2007, Zoltán won the Audience Award and a Special Prize at the 4th International Competition for Young Conductors (organised by Europa Cantat). Between 2009 and 2014, he worked as chief conductor of Kodály Choir Debrecen, which is one of the few professional choirs in Hungary. During the years Zoltán conducted 130 concert with the choir
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in Hungary and in Europe, and he prepared 130 more concerts. Among many other pieces he conducted Concerto for Choir by Alfred Schnittke, The Sealed Angel by Rodion Shchedrin and the oratorio The Company of Heaven by Benjamin Britten as Hungarian first performance. Under his direction, the Kodály Choir was awarded Prima Award. Since 2014 he has been chief conductor of the Hungarian Radio Choir: he conducted several contemporary a cappella pieces as first performance with them. As choir master he has been working with Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker, with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Daniel Harding, Helmuth Rilling, Pier Giorgio Morandi, Ennio Morricone, Péter Eötvös, Zoltán Kocsis, Tamás Vásáry, Iván Fischer, Ádám Fischer, György Vashegyi, Martin Haselböck, Howard Arman. He worked with all the three professional mixed choirs in Hungary. He is also a welcomed guest at professional choirs in Europe, this season he is going to work with the Polish Radio Choir, and next season he will have concerts in France and in Ger-
many. Zoltán is glad to accept invitations to youth choirs as well, he regularly coaches choirs from Hong Kong. He is a regularly invited guest at music workshops worldwide. It was a great pleasure to him to work with young choral conducters in Limerick, Ireland in 2015, where he lead the choir of the course, organised by Association of Irish Choirs. He is a returning jury member at international choir and conductor competitions (Derry, Bratislava, Maribor, Neerpelt, Maasmechelen, Torino). Between 2009 and 2014 he was member of the Artistic Board of Béla Bartók International Choir Competition – in 2013/14 artistic director of the contest. Beside his professional life as a choir conductor, he shares his experience with younger conducters: Zoltán Pad is associate professor at the Liszt Academy’s Kodály Institute, where he is working with non-Hungarian students, teaching choral conducting and choir literature.
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Ken Wakia (Kenya) A World Youth Choir alumni, Ken studied choral conducting with Dr. Jo-Michael Scheibe at the University of Miami in Florida, U.S.A., as a Fulbright Scholar. He is the founding director of one of Kenya’s top choral groups and internationally acclaimed the Nairobi Chamber Chorus, and the Safaricom choir (a work-place choir). Ken has conducted choirs in Kenya, the US and Europe, including Europa Cantat Junior Choir. Besides his active musical life, Ken currently promotes local and international culture and education as the Cultural and Educational Affairs Specialist for the U.S. Embassy, Nairobi. Ken is a familiar figure on the Kenyan and international music scene as an educator, singer and conductor. He started his conducting career whilst studying at Kenyatta University, in Nairobi with Annetta Miller. He later studied Choral Directing with Dr. Jo-Michael Scheibe at the University of Miami in Florida, U.S.A., as a Fulbright scholar. Some of his mentors
also include Dr. Andre Thomas, Dr. Kevin Fenton and Dr. Donald Oglesby. Ken has conducted many groups in Kenya, the US and Europe, including the Nairobi Music Society, the University of Miami Women’s Chorale and the Europa Cantat Junior Choir in Estonia. In October 2005, Ken founded the Nairobi Chamber Chorus to enable young Kenyans to participate in a high quality musical forum from which they can build their careers or expand their knowledge and interest in the arts. He has led the group on the international scene touring the U.S.A., U.K., Spain, Uganda and Tanzania. Ken is also the founding director of the Safaricom Choir, a work-place choir for employees of Kenya’s largest mobile phone company, a subsidiary of Vodafone. Ken is known for bringing a wide range of musical styles to his choirs, including arrangements of traditional African folk tunes, African-American spirituals, classical and contemporary compositions. As a singer, Ken has represented Kenya as a member of the World
Youth Choir touring Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Belgium, France, Netherlands and Italy. While in the U.S., he also sang with Jubilate Choir and the Coral Gables Congregational Church, in Kenya he has been a soloist with the Nairobi Music Society, Cantabile and Greenwood Singers. Ken started career as a music educator, teaching music at Precious Blood Girls High School in Nairobi, where he also directed the school choir. On his return from the U.S. in 2005, he was appointed Assistant Dean of Students and head of music at the African Nazarene University. Ken currently works as the Cultural and Educational Affairs Specialist for the U.S. Embassy, Nairobi.
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By Zoltán Pad, with his thoughts about the pieces Felix Mendelssohn – Mitten wir im leben sind
Nana Forte – Sancta Trinitas
Marko Tajchevich – Vospojte
“Mendelssohn called his eight-part choir piece a ‘choral’ and thereby linked it to the legacy of Bach, but the roots of the piece are even deeper: the eight parts alternate between male and female vocals, following Venetian multi-choir traditions, are sounded in a kind of coro superiore-coro grave manner. In fact, it goes even deeper: the lyrics is a paraphrase of a medieval Media vita antiphon expanded by Luther. “
“The young Slovenian artist created one of the most exciting musical worlds of our time in his choral works: although sometimes the sound of Arvo Pärt , the French style based on organ sounding, might come to the surface, it still remains unmistakably Nana Forte.”
“One of the brilliant pieces of Serbian orthodox choral literature: it is characterized by virtuoso melodies, rich-sounding chord management. The work is an orgy of eight-part blocks, space and time unfolds in it. Besides the musical / spiritual experience, it is almost a physical experience to listen to!”
Orbán György – Cor Mundum “The Composer, celebrating his 70th birthday this year, has been boldly integrating the sounds of the past and present In his oeuvre, forming them into unity in his own special unique style. This piece is a grandiose concert motet with two culminating points.”
24 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
Felix Mendelssohn – Denn er hat seinen Engeln “Perhaps Mendelssohn’s most popular motet, so much so that he later included it into the oratory of Elias (like Liszt who similarly included Vater unsert into the Oratory of Christ.) Tuneable melodies, beautiful harmonies: a perfectly composed composition.”
Kodály Zoltán – Mátrai Képek “Kodály’s large-scale folk-song revival is considered unique in its genre, and one of the longest works of the author. The later generations of composers considered it as a standard, and numerous folk-song revivals have been made according to it.” The beginning of the piece describes the story of the famous outlaw, Vidrócki, then, following a transition, at the end of the work the audience find themselves in an authentic wedding feast. “
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By Ken Wakia, with his thoughts about the pieces Wana Baraka arranged by Shawn Kirchner Wana Baraka is a popular Kenyan praise and worship song talks of the blessings, peace, joy and life that are experienced by those who pray.
Indodana arranged by Michael Barrett and Ralf Schmitt
A grate big world group – Say something
The song is in isiXosa, one of the official languages in South Africa. It is the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
This song resonates with people for several reasons but most will relate with it while reflecting on their love relationships. For many, it may tend to speak about separation through different means.
Kokoliko Kokoliko is a composition in the Luhya language – one of the languages spoken in western Kenya – depicting the biblical story of Peter’s denial of Jesus.
Wade in the water arranged by Allen Koepke Another African-American Spiritual, this song probably had a hidden message. Some scholars have suggested that the song sent a signal to runaway slaves to use the river so that the hounds couldn’t trace them.
Jake Runestad – Let my love be heard The text of this beautiful composition by Runestad is a prayer by Alfred Noyes. It was popularised by the choir at California State University Long Beach as a plea for peace during the memorial of one of their students who was killed in the terrorist attacks in Paris.
Rockin’ Jerusalem arranged by Stacey V. Gibbs
Hallelujah arranged by Evan Powers This song, written by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen, is probably a fusion of love between a man and a woman with the love between God and mankind. Anonymus – Ukuthula This Zulu song is a prayer for peace in the world.
This dramatic arrangement, just like most AfricanAmerican spirituals, may have a coded language, probably telling those in the gathering that the guides – the Archangels – had signalled that it was safe to make their final move into the “New Jerusalem”. 25
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Charlotte Botha
Gabrielle Camacho
Agnieszka Długołęcka
South Africa
Anna Campmany Duch
Nadezhda Dimitrova
On-ying Angela Yiu
Cécile Kretz
Hong Kong
Hsi Ying Chang
Cynthia Hagelstein
Nika Mutak
Mechthild Rommelspacher
Sterre Decru
Jovana Filipovic
Anna Szabo
26 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
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Linnéa Sjöberg
Shannon Romba
Laura Fernández
United States
Gabrielle Martínez Hernández
Aniangi Ferreira
Ana Arán
Aurore Clerbois
Anastasia Dillon
Elyse Delaney
Laura Chareun
Ivy Szot
Viktoria Belova
Tjasa Fajdiga
Aliz Andrea Kiss
Hungary 27
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Jussi Salonen
David Medrado
Robert Pirk
Shih-Hao Lai
Yuto Yamaguchi
Alberto Araújo
Tobias Christian Stückelberger
Pathorn Swasdisuk
Felipe da Paz Soares
Aljaz Bastic
Aitor Garitano
Joseph Okello
Yi-Chiang Chiu
28 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
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Matúš Mazár
Esteban Adolfo Aranguiz
Guilherme Amorim Rocha
Filip Cieszyński
Elias Aaron Johansson
Yonathan Villarreal
Timothy Ferguson
United Kingdom
Guilherme Roberto
Willingerd Gimenez
Bryan Pei En Chong
Jarod Spence
South Africa
Anderson Piaspam
David McCune
Boldizsár Zajkás
Kelvin Omulo
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30 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
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34 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
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36 — World Youth Choir 2017 Concert Tour
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Held to a higher standard. For solid construction and classic design – and for more than half a million musicians including singers in the World Youth Choir – one name rises above the crowd:
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