Sami El Khattabi - Selected Projects

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01 Graduation project


station competition 02 Train Honourable mention


03 Professional project FLOATING 04 Exhibition stand competition 3rd price

OF LIGHT 05 WALL Agora competition WORKSHOP 06 FABLAB Constructed projects


Graduation project | Train station and public facilities | 2014 | Studio: CHELKOFF GrĂŠgoire, Yann BLANCHI

This project is based on the notion of complex networks, as a metaphor for the information society we currently live in. As our cities make the shift from the metropolis to the metapolis paradigm, KRZ FDQ WKH EXLOW HQYLURQPHQW UHĂ HFW WKHVH GHHS FKDQJHV" After an in-depth site analysis, we proposed to move away from the zoning principle which has created a segregated tissue, into D PRUH PL[HG FRQĂ€JXUDWLRQ FUHDWLQJ D Ă XLG DUFKLWHFWXUH WKDW connects instead of separating. Using the full spectrum of the diagonal plane, we blur the lines between architecture and nature, the building becomes a landscape in itself offering to the pedestrian the possiblity to move freely into, above, or under the continuous surface.


B’ C’


A B On the neighborhood’s scale, the connective surface is raised or lowered to create different type of spaces, allowing various human activities to take place.



Buy Study Section BB’

Contemplate Cross Meet Section CC’





Section DD’


KENITRA (THE BRIDGE) Train station competition| Honorable mention| In collaboration with Orange atelier| 2012

The challenge for this project was to create a building that can act as a bandage to heal the split between two opposite sides of the railroad. But also to create a new urban landmark, capable of generating the necessary emulation to revitalize the station’s neighborhood, and give a new breath the city. The city of Kenitra takes it’s arabic name from the historic bridge it was build around. We wanted the train station to be a reminder of this origin, while opening up to the future. The building is as much a gateway as a bridge, bringing people into to city and absorbing elements from it. The train station is open to the forest in the southern side of the UDLOURDG WKURXJK D SXEOLF SOD]D LQÀOWUDWHG E\ YHJHWDWLRQ :KLOH 7KH northern side is more urban, with a public space that extends into the station, and the surrounding buildings transforming into the wooden blocs containing the necessasry functions.


Extending the plazza into the building

Extending the forest into the building


RABAT HIGHSPEED TRAIN STATION Professional project | Youssef MELEHI Architects | Surface: 24.932m² | client: ONCF | 2015/2016

I had the opportunity to work with Youssef Melehi Architects on the design of a 17000 m² Rail station in Morocco. The project aims to create a new link, between two separates parts of the city, but also between the city’s history and it’s ambitious future. on the architectural scale, the main idea is to envelop the building with a double skin facade, which hold both a symbolic value through it’s reinterpretation of the traditional Moroccan pattern, as well an atmospheric value through the varying degrees of openings to the light and to the view, depending on the need of the space. I was mainly in charge of the design, 3D modeling, and detailing of the building’s horizontal facade and skydome structure. By expanding on the idea of the the triangular pattern, the goal was to create a double curved surface that extends from the roof to the skydomes. Using Rhinoceros and grasshopper as the main tools, I proposed various parametric iterations that were calculated in collaboration with the structural engineers to achieve the optimal version to be constructed.

F L O A T I N G Exhibition stand In collaboration

competition|3rd prize| with Saad Derouich

The project started with the ambition to reinvent the exhibition stand, by going back to the starting point of architecture: marking a presence. But also to create a stand that embodies the values of the organisation LW ZRXOG KRVW GHPRFUDF\ DQG KXPDQ ULJKWV DQG UHĂ HFWV WKH \HDU¡V thematic: disability rights. Our main intention was to maximise accessibility and minimize physical and visuals obstacles for disabled visitors. Without walls, the space limits are intentionally kept blurry, marked by light DQG WKH Ă RRULQJ FRORU JUDGDWLRQ 7KH KLJK FRORU FRQWUDVW DOVR VHUYHV WR orient people with visual impairements. Horizontally, the project is characterized by the circular spaces, and the inbetween void which acts as a public plazza. The circle represents for us the essence of a democratic space, it encourages dialogue, and eliminate hierarchies. Vertically, WKH SURMHFW LV RUJDQLVHG LQ VWUDWDV WKH Ă RRU DQG IXUQLWXUH DV D ground, a luminous surface on top, and a strata of transparency between them. Through a combination of translucent curtains, and plexiglas walls, ZH DUH DEOH WR LQWHJUDWH WKH VWUXFWXUDO HOHPHQWV DQG OHDYH DQ RSHQ Ă€HOG YLVLRQ FUHDWLQJ D VHQV RI Ă RDWLQJ

Generic to light architecture

The circle as a democratic space


C e n t r a l public square

Light as a delimitation

M i n i m a l ground impact




An agora for the OJOLOCO cinema festival |Grenoble (France) |February 2015

This pavilion aims to be an architectural object capable of marking its environment, and offering a unique spatial experience to its visitors. While responding effeciently to the pragramatic needs of a movie’s festival Agora, we also wanted to create an original structure out of mundane objects. To transform utilitarian materials into a work of art. /LNH D ÀOP ORRS WKDW SURMHFWV LPDJHV WKH SDYLOLRQ UHYHDOV LWVHOI WKURXJK the projection of light. The stacking of palettes enables us to achieve a porous surface which LV HLWKHU WUDQVSDUHQW E\ GD\ RU EULJKWO\ OLW DW QLJKW 7KH à XLG IRUP DOVR serves to create sequences and reveal points of view. The space is divided into 3 parts, with the central pedestrian alley as the main axis. This passage is also the exposition hallway, that leads us to the events space on one side and the merchandise space on the other.

Exhibition area

Bar area

eetin area


ORIGAMI Exhibition stands| Location: Saint-Etienne Design bienale (France)| 2012-2013

ORIGAMI exhibition stand A stand build by the Philippe LIVENEAU studio, to house an exhibition of our projects during the Saint-Etienne design bienale. The structure made in Alucobond panels and paper was designed and build in a 3 weeks intensive charette. I was assigned to work on the optimization of the structural modules, by creating small scale models. Then on the modeling of transportation process, and on-site assembly. I also worked, alongside with my class mates on assembling the pavilion.



Experimental installations| Location: Grand ateliers de L’isle d’Abeau| 2012- 2013|Studio : Philippe LIVENEAU

Designed and build by a team of 6 people, this project ZDV IRU XV WKH ÀUVW SUDFWLFDO DSSOLFDWLRQ RI SDUDPHWULF modeling, and digital fabrication. After creating the Rhino/grasshopper script, we generated a number of iterations, that we tested in small scale models before choosing the most appropriate form, in terms of rigidity, ease of construction, and proportion. The next step was to transfer the pieces, laid out in the software, to the CNC cutting machine, which then proceeded to cut the wood panels into 65 parts that we assembled with connecters, produced using the same process.

Variation of the generative curves

F éq Fr é ue u nc n e

check out my full portfolio KWWS VDPLHON Ă DYRUV PH E-mail me Call me +33 78 07 97 38

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