:::anna zuber:::
3 oi lpai nt i ngandsi l kscr eenoncanvas 160x160cm
Okno oi lpai nt i ng and si l kscreen on canvas 120x120cm
Unt i t l ed mi xed medi a on paper 100x70 cm
Unt i t l ed mi xed medi a on paper 98x78 cm
Unt i t l ed mi xed medi a on paper 103x73 cm
Unt i t l ed mi xed medi a on paper 91x68 cm
ÂŤRe-constructionÂť is a series of paintings composed from numerous paintings. This installation, by its open composition, allows the dialogue between painting and surrounding space. This project focuses on painting
as a technique marking its
importance in the history of art. Today we forgot this incredibly important influence and role that painting has played in all areas of art. Often forgotten today, painting has had without any
happened in art. Numerous transparent layers covering motives from today and from the past, one next to the other, are the metaphor of all the centuries of history of painting. Re-construction, a tribute to painting, to the one of today as well as to the one from the past.
REconst r uct i on 4,composi t i on of8 pai nt i ngs, si l kscr eenandoi lpai nt i ngoncanvas 3x1, 70m
REconst r uct i on 1,composi t i on of9 pai nt i ngs, si l kscr eenandoi lpai nt i ngoncanvas 2, 36x1, 80 m
REconst r uct i on 1,composi t i on of10 pai nt i ngs, si l kscr eenandoi lpai nt i ngoncanvas 2, 65X 1, 84cm
REconst r uct i on 3,composi t i on of7 pai nt i ngs, si l kscr eenandoi lpai nt i ngoncanvas 2, 65X 1, 84m
« Graffiti de luxe » is a project inspired by distroyed old walls to be found everywhere. These old walls impress me by a casual beauty of their composition, a fruit of collaboration between hooligans and time that leave their trace and create incredibles images in the public spaces. Being inspired by this casual creativity I paint elements of walls and I give to tags, scratches - fruit of simple devastation – the status of piece of art. I place the distroyed and dirty walls – attributes of poverty in the gallerizng, exhibitions and clean, elegant living rooms. Taking them out of their context I draw attention and pay tribute to their qualities. The golden “graffiti de luxe” is a series of paintings and silkscreen prints on the pieces of wood covered by the gold leaves. The motives of tags, scratchs and bruises are symbols of poor districts, but when I place them on the golden background- always associated with wealth, they get a new meaning, new quality and ordinary importance. By joining these two motives –poverty and luxury, I intend to criticise our society which is blinded by desire of money, where the material status decides about value of human beeing. It’s also a metaphor of reality of big cities where we can find extremefind extreme poverty nearby the luxury districts. The project “Graffiti de luxe” is also a comment to the mechanism ruling the art world, where art judged as worthless can in one second become most desired masterpiece.
Gr af f i t idel uxe oi lpai nt i ngandsi l kscr eenoncanvas 40x80cm
Gr af f i t idel uxe mi xedmedi a(si l kscr eenongol dl eaf ssuppor t ) 120x40cm
Gr af f i t idel uxe si l kscr een,oi lpai nt i ngoncanvas 50x60cm
Gr af f i t idel uxe si l kscr eenonpaper 50x70cm
Gr af f i t idel uxe si l kscr een,acr yl i concanvas 40x40cm
Gr af f i t idel uxe si l kscr een,acr yl i concanvas 40x40cm
The place of mural painting is in the public space. However, today advertising billboards have overtaken this space. The availability
bombardment of millions of images. Aesthetics of these posters influences greatly the society, the billboards became the frescos of today. It is a dangerous phenomenon given the growing number of billboards
and the random character of images. The question
arises if there is place left for mural paintings in public space, for painting which demands lot of work, patience and which distances itself from commercial values. And it is thanks to mural painting that the city becomes a public gallery, available for everyone. The project “ murals� is an attempt to rebuild the fresco tradition. In big cities many buildings can be found of which walls are perfect to be transformed in public galleries. In my designs of these modern frescos I take into account the surrounding, place itself and its history. Mural painting becomes a weapon against commercial and incidental character of aesthetics of today.
mur alpai nt i ng «100m2 ofpai nt ng» mi ner alpai nt sKEI M Cent erofArtBrowarMi eszczanski Wrocl aw,Pol and
Mur alpai nt i ng Pri vat e house,Warsaw,Pol and
pr oj ectofmur alpai nt i ngi nspi r edbyt hepl anoft hedi st r i ct Mur al i apr oj ect Wyszynski egost r eet ,Wr ocl aw,Pol and
Pr oj ectofmur alpai nt i ngi nspi r edbyar chi t ect ur alpl ansofbui l di ngsoft hedi st r i ct Gal er i aDomi ni kanska,pl . Domi ni kanski ,Wr ocl aw,Pol and