Themed Dossier Zurich No. 6

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Why a Themed Dossier? This dossier on one single topic is intended to inspire journalists to discover Zurich and the many stories it has to tell. It includes profiles of people who shape our town in diverse ways, each of whom shares insights into their lives and working environments. These people come in as many different facets as the city itself. Their stories give ideas to everyone who would like to visit Zurich and pursue their own research in greater depth. Journalists and editorial departments are welcome to use these texts and photos for free (source: ZĂźrich Tourism). Additional photos are available for downloading at


GrossmĂźnster church at Zwingliplatz

Preface Did Zurich sleep through the anniversary of the

Ever since, Zurich has been home to mavericks

Reformation? Luther and the Reformation were

whose work inspires and excites in equal measure.

already celebrated heartily in Germany in 2017. But

Visionaries who dare to do something new. People

Zurich isn’t Wittenberg, and Zwingli isn’t Luther:

like Christian Bärtsch, who turns mealworms into

Zwingli was more creative and sophisticated,

burgers and insect “meatballs,” or Daniel Dreifuss,

according to “Zeit Online”. And




creativity and sophistication

banking for his passion of

will also feature prominently in



the anniversary celebrations



#ZH-Reformation through to

communicator by accident and


constantly explains patiently to





the media why people simply Zwingli was a maverick and

have to do something about

his Bible translation made

global warming. The artists

it clear to even the most

Brigitte Dätwyler and Lena

ordinary citizens that sins

Maria Thüring take a look at the

couldn’t be offset with money,

rites and religions of women

which led to the abolition

from migrant backgrounds,

of indulgence trading. He

while filmmaker Stefan Haupt

stopped celibacy himself to be able to marry his

has made a film about Zwingli that brings his wife

wife Anna. And his struggle against mercenary

Anna to fore and tells the story from her perspective.

activity and fight for social welfare supported

They are all constantly changing, revolutionizing and

by the church turned Zurich into Switzerland’s

reforming Zurich anew, and ensuring that the city

biggest economic success. It still is to this day.

will still be talked about in the future.

Martin Sturzenegger, CEO Zürich Tourism


Themed Dossier Zurich | Mavericks

Pages 6 – 9

The Influencer | Huldrych Zwingli


Pages 10 – 13

A Flavor Revolution | Christian Bärtsch, Essento

Pages 14 – 17

The Climate Communicator | Reto Knutti

Pages 18 – 21

The Power of the Collective | Brigitte Dätwyler and Lena Maria Thüring

Pages 22 – 25

The Creative Eye | Stefan Haupt


Pages 26 – 29

The Collector of People | Daniel Dreifuss

Pages 32 – 35 ZURICH-NORD









Information, Map, Imprint & Contact



The Influencer | Huldrych Zwingli If Zwingli were still alive today, he would certainly be an influencer, as he was already a modern thinker in his day. Zurich is celebrating Zwingli and the Reformation over the next two years. And for us he has risen once again. Finally, Huldrych Zwingli puts his cellphone to the side. He’s been busy writing messages on it since we met in his “Stube,” as the people of Zurich call Zwingli’s workrooms in the Grossmünster. And he still keeps looking at his screen, where we can spot Twitter’s little blue bird. We ask him what it’s all about. “Well,” he begins: “… you guys know I’m an ‘influencer.’ That means I need to be online constantly.” But it remains to be seen whether it really is a must for our famous discussion partner. But one thing is clear: through him,


the word of God reaches the people. And his tweets

What a clever guy, we think – and an influential one,

are popular. They reach about a billion followers*

too. He’s had the people of Zurich in the palm of

each day – at all times of the day and night. It’s no

his hand all the time, 500 years after he took office

wonder that his motivating and encouraging words

at the Grossmünster church. There’s a reason we

help many through their everyday lives: “Tuond umb

call Zurich Zwingli City after all. That will be heartily

Gotzwillen etwas Dapfers!” [Do something bold, for

celebrated through 2019. With highlights including

God’s sake!] Or “Wo sich Gott ufftuot, da muoss

#TheseZwinglisAgain, #ThinksgivingFestival and

der Tüfel wychen.” [Where there is God, the Devil


must give way.] Through early 2019, the varied, long-running That’s why we call him a real revolutionary. But

festival celebrating the anniversary of the

Zwingli doesn’t want to know: “No, my dear

Reformation will take place across various

people,” he says, “I’m no revolutionary! A reformer

venues throughout Switzerland (such as the

for all I care, but a revolutionary?” He seems

Schauspielhaus, the Opera House, Theater

modest, this lay priest who was called from rural

Neumarkt, the university, the National Museum),

Toggenburg in the east of Switzerland to Zurich and

and independent artists as well as scientists from

its Grossmünster church.

all over Europe will take part.

And another thing we say confuses him: “Why do I tweet so much?” he asks, astonished. But he then explains – with great generosity, just like he gives of himself: “You probably know that I translated the Zurich Bible from Latin into German. I did it more quickly than Luther,” he adds with a triumphant wink. “At my friend’s place, the printer Christoph Froschauer – where we ate sausages one time during Lent,” he adds, giggling and whispering, “… I printed the New Testament first, then parts of the Old Testament.” He explains that his translation finally meant everyone could read the Bible and understand it. But, says Zwingli, sighing: “Sadly people are lazy. They don’t read whole Bibles any

* The number of Christians worldwide according to

more. So I tweet extracts from it. With these 280

The Changing Global Religious Landscape, Pew

characters, I’m reaching my whole flock.”

Research Center, as on April 5, 2017




A Flavor Revolution | Christian Bärtsch, Essento There’s a real buzz about this new gourmet sensation: with his company Essento, Christian Bärtsch makes burgers, “meatballs” and even energy bars out of insects, shaping the lifestyle of generations to come. Revolutionary Delicious – that’s the Essento motto. The nutrition revolution that Christian Bärtsch and his team are striving for often provokes astonishment and skepticism in this part of the world, as it’s all about insects. In one of Switzerland’s largest grocery stores, you can now find burgers, “meatballs” and, most recently, energy bars made from insects: “Insects are excellent sources of protein, so what’s more relevant than packing them into sports snacks?” asks Christian Bärtsch, cutting straight to the point. His

motivations include the desire to steer overall meat

a little,” says Bärtsch. At the Frankfurt Book Fair,

consumption toward sustainable levels.

the cookery book promptly won the Silver Medal awarded by the German Gastronomic Academy

For the young entrepreneur who changed career,

(GAD) as one of the best German-language

eating insects has also been part of his everyday diet


for a long time. Just like for 30 percent of the global population, incidentally. Only in Europe and North

Thanks to Essento, Switzerland has assumed a

America this is a groundbreaking concept. Even

leading role in Europe when it comes to insect




family were surprised by his journey from studying economics to cooking with insects. Thanks to


“In a few years, we’ll be laughing at all the fuss we used to make about eating insects.”



company’s always



products out


quickly. Christian Bärtsch also traces this back

him, insects – crickets, locusts and mealworms,

to Zurich and the people who live here: “For

to be more specific – have been a legal form of

Switzerland, for Essento, and for me, Zurich is the

food in Switzerland since May 2017. To attract

crux of everything. Here, professionals from the uni

political attention to his plans, he organized an

and ETH encounter a really international and open

“Insect Apéro,” together with some people of like

audience with a real interest in food, who like to try

mind in the lobby of the Swiss Federal Palace. By

new things.” The maverick Bärtsch is certain: “In a

all accounts, the parliamentarians were pleasantly

few years, we’ll be laughing at all the fuss we used

surprised and – to Bärtsch’s particular delight –

to make about eating insects.”

curious to know more. Once food legislation was changed, everything escalated quickly and production could begin. Just one thing: how do you sell snacking on insects to your customers? The young businessman had a smart marketing idea: to dispel people’s feelings of disgust, he worked with gourmet chefs, famous


authors, and a food photographer to produce a

Essento Food AG

cookbook (“Grille, Heuschrecken & Co.” [Crickets,

Aargauerstrasse 3

Locusts & Co.]. “People really love cookbooks. And

CH-8048 Zürich

when they see the wonderful pictures of the tasty

dishes, maybe that starts to lower their inhibitions




The Climate Communicator | Reto Knutti Although the issue of climate change is everywhere, very few people enjoy talking about it. Reto Knutti, a professor of climate physics, is working on how to present issues such as energy systems, climate change, and research in ways that are hip, exciting, and as easy to understand as possible. “We’re running out of time,” says Reto Knutti, professor of climate physics at the renowned Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). He is talking about the impact humans are having on our climate. That may sound bleak, but almost no one knows better than he does: Reto Knutti heads the climate physics group at the Atmosphere and Climate Institute. He is also one of the principal authors of the international IPCC climate report, which says that global warming is a reality. With his team, Reto Knutti is

developing a computer model of the climate system

and shouldn’t do. That only leads to a defensive

to understand how it works, what it does, and how

attitude.” Instead, the issue has to become cool

it will develop in future. “It’s like a weather forecast,

and hip. He mentions the Tesla as an example.

only for the next hundred years, instead of the next

The car is beautiful and powerful, which makes it

two days,” he explains. It’s a lovely sunny afternoon

desirable. These examples are important, but Knutti

when we visit the professor in his light-filled office

also emphasizes Switzerland’s leading role: “If we

on Zurich’s university hill. The sun shines through

can’t lead the way in Zurich with our infrastructure,

the big windows, and Lake Zurich glistens in the

how is it supposed to happen elsewhere in the




is so perfect that you want to dismiss climate change as a figment

“In Zwingli’s time – 500 years ago – it was much cooler than it is today.”

world?” Spurring society into



action to combat climate change calls for a leader,

of someone’s imagination. “The issue of climate

a maverick. Someone who inspires people, like

change is uncomfortable for people,” admits Reto

Zwingli once did with his Reformation: “People

Knutti. “But people have to hurt a little bit more

behave like a herd, and if someone offers inspiration,

before they react.”

many people will follow them.”


Alongside his professorial duties, Reto Knutti does a lot of public relations work. He wants to make the expertise the ETH has to offer accessible and understandable for a wider public: “Measures for tackling climate change are about fairness for future generations. At the end of the day, we have to take the first big step together. Because the facts are clear: A. It’s getting warmer, B. People have caused it and C. To prevent it, we have to reduce CO2 emissions.” But for him, it’s clear: “Who has a guilty conscience


when they fly off on holiday or drive a car? People stick

ETH Zurich Atmosphere and Climate Institute

to any argument that eases their own conscience.”

Universitätstrasse 16

That’s why the professor is forcing a shift in how

CH-8092 Zürich

the problem of the climate is communicated:

“We should stop telling people what they should




The Power of the Collective | Brigitte Dätwyler and Lena Maria Thüring To mark the anniversary of the Reformation, Brigitte Dätwyler and Lena Maria Thüring are creating the art project “Work as love. Love as work.” Both artists wish to inspire thought with it. We have the independent curator Damian Christinger to thank for this collaboration between artists Brigitte Dätwyler and Lena Maria Thüring: he was commissioned by the association 500 Years of Zurich’s Reformation to create a project as part of the anniversary of the Reformation. “He married us for this project,” laugh the two engaging women. “Damian has done a lot of research into the history of the Reformation


and the role of women in the Reformation,” they explain. He had the idea of creating an art project

Both Dätwyler and Thüring see their art as research,

together with the FIZ, a specialist unit dealing with

where they delve into a variety of issues. Dätwyler’s

the trafficking of women and women’s migration.

work includes team-building events and developing

The artists – who describe themselves as feminists

organizations, where she views issues surrounding

– met at the Zurich School of Art (ZHdK). The

work and motivation through a creative lens. And



appealed to them. But with



of having free rein to shape the project: “If

“It’s a kind of choreography based on the women’s biographical material.”

Lena Maria Thüring uses her art to continually learn from the everyday. As researching, investigating artists,




we imposed a particular theme on the women, it

themselves, they are currently becoming “semi-

would seem artificial and unrealistic.” Accordingly,

experts,” as Thüring calls it – but with the freedom

Dätwyler and Thüring decided to accompany the

to use the knowledge they acquire as creatively as

women on several days’ shooting and work with

they wish.

them to produce a piece which ultimately appears as a video installation with the title ‘Work as Love.


Love as work.’ Hailing from Columbia, Brazil, and Iraq, the women bring with them various cultures and religions. They have to get used to one another and build trust with the artists. “That’s why we probably won’t film them head on, but their hands, gestures, and movements


instead.” There are five days of shooting about

Brigitte Dätwyler

culture and ritual. There is cooking, dancing, and

Kurhausstrasse 20

singing. At the first meeting, each woman brings a

CH-8032 Zürich

recipe from her homeland, another time they sew

a costume – you could describe it as a uniform.

Where the women come from takes a back seat. At the end of the day, these pieces are stories in

Lena Maria Thüring

performance: “It’s a kind of choreography based

Rousseaustrasse 59

on the women’s biographical material. The aim is

CH-8037 Zürich

to develop a power of the collective that is hopefully

visible as a community.”



The Creative Eye | Stefan Haupt Director and filmmaker Stefan Haupt is better known to a wider public for his docudrama “Der Kreis” [The Circle], which tells the story of gay people in Zurich. His latest film is about the reformer Zwingli. When asked whether he sees himself as a maverick, Stefan Haupt hesitates: “What my friends say is that I get deeper into the stories I tell in my films than others do.” Young filmmakers in particular often focus on visual aesthetics, but he wants to bring the roots of each story to the surface. That also requires “a healthy mixture of curiosity, tenacity, and the ability to listen to people.” The trained drama teacher came to film through a lucky coincidence – a friend spontaneously got him involved in a film project with young people.

The fact that Haupt focuses on the core of the

of the Bible into German, it became comprehensible

story and doesn’t get caught up on everything else

for a wider public. He pushed through social

isn’t just clear from “The Circle.” which won the

welfare which was revolutionary for the time, and

Audience Prize and Teddy Award at the Berlinale

he helped pave the way toward Swiss democracy.

and represented Switzerland in the running for the

“Zwingli was a clever man and changed a lot of

Oscars. “Ein Lied für Argyris” [A Song for Argyris]

things in Zurich that the city still has him to thank for

floors its audience and the latest project “Zwingli”

today.” This modern pioneer – in contrast to Martin

also promises to be just as thrilling a success.

Luther, Zwingli read the work of Aristotle, Erasmus

In “The Circle,” Haupt shines a light on the thrilling





“One successful film does not make an old-age pension.”

of Rotterdam, and Pico della



someone Haupt wishes to profile and bring closer

people living in Zurich in the 1950s and 1960s. The

to a wider audience through his film. To do this, he is

action is enhanced with documentary sections in

even having the heated pews removed from inside

which our heroes Röbi Rapp and Ernst Ostertag,

the Grossmünster church. Haupt is clear: “It’s going

still happily living together to this day, tell their

to be expensive, but it’ll be worth it!” And who

story. An enthralling and moving story that received

knows, maybe there will even be a film premiere in

awards at home and abroad. Acquaintances and

the Grossmünster, where Zwingli worked 500 years

friends thought that its success had turned the

ago? “With a standing audience,” we smile. After

director into a made man. “Or so you might think!”,

all, that’s how they did it in churches back in 1500.

laughs Haupt. “One successful film does not make an old-age pension”. The director, who feels, reads, and thinks his way into each of his films, has so far consistently turned down teaching contracts and other fixed sources of income – even though he has four kids. “Anyone who says you can’t feed your family on no money isn’t very creative,” he smiles. CONTACT DETAILS His creativity and eye for detail can also be seen

Fontana Film GmbH

in his latest project on the reformer Zwingli.

Dienerstrasse 7

Haupt is brimming with enthusiasm just telling the

CH-8004 Zürich

story: “Zwingli did so much that I find brilliant and

surprising.” Thanks to Zwingli’s complete translation




The Collector of People | Daniel Dreifuss Watch lovers worldwide will know his label Maurice de Mauriac. A visit to the watchmaker and master of color shows how and why a former banker is making it in the watch business. “I didn’t learn it from scratch,” says Daniel Dreifuss at the beginning of our conversation. He’s an enfant terrible in this traditional Swiss industry. “But I’m still successful, because everything I do is based on the virtues of patience, humility, and hard work – as well as courage and intelligence.” When you listen to him in his vibrant atelier – the heart of the brand – you feel the positive vibrations that Daniel radiates. He didn’t just get into watchmaking on a whim, even though his resume might suggest otherwise.

After training as a banker, design-obsessed

Dreifuss is the only watchmaker to have specialized

Dreifuss went to New York to take up investment

in watch straps too. “No one has as many

banking on Wall Street. When his employer went

different watch straps as I do,” he says proudly.

bankrupt as a result of insider trading, he came to

Other renowned jewelers send their customers

Zurich four years later, unemployed and virtually

to him when they are looking for custom designs.




helped a businessman sell 10,000 promotional watches




“The only luck I ever had in my life was the moment I met my wife.”




Dreifuss’s greatest joy: “My watches are pure luxury. Not the kind of

accident. Spurred by this success, he turned

luxury you associate with yachts and champagne,

watchmaking into a career – for ten years. In 1997,

but the luxury of possessing a unique collector’s

he then took the leap toward his own brand –

item that will be passed down through generations.

Maurice de Mauriac. “I was already fascinated by

Nothing is as close to your heart as a watch,” he

watches back when I was a kid. I loved the ticking

says with a wink. Daniel Dreifuss is a philosopher,

and whirring,” he says. His cousin was married to

and his greatest fascination is his customers: “I am

a man who manufactured watches. With his own

a collector of people,” he says. He loves to listen

business, he was therefore fulfilling a long-held

and is interested in what makes other people tick.


This characteristic is reflected in the atelier, which is full of found design objects and mementos from all

Dreifuss doesn’t do anything by accident. Take the

over the world. He put some of them here himself,

brand name, for example, which was painstakingly

but he receives many of them from his customers,

put together: “As the name of a watch brand, Daniel

who have long been close friends of the firm.

Dreifuss just doesn’t sound sexy,” he explains. Not wishing to disown his Jewish roots, he chose a French equivalent of Moses: Maurice. He admits that the extra “de” sounds very sophisticated. And Mauriac is a tribute to the author François Mauriac, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Dreifuss


had therefore chosen two patron saints for his

Maurice de Mauriac

business, because the philosophical watchmaker

Tödistrasse 48

does not trust in luck alone. “The only luck I ever

CH-8002 Zürich

had in my life was the moment I met my wife,” he




Zurich by night


Further Information Huldrych Zwingli Christian Bärtsch | Essento Food AG Reto Knutti | Atmosphere and Climate Institute ETH Zurich Brigitte Dätwyler and Lena Maria Thüring 32 500 Years of Zurich’s Reformation Association Stefan Haupt | Fontana Film GmbH Daniel Dreifuss | Maurice de Mauriac

Map of Zurich


Lena Maria Thüring Rousseaustrasse 59 CH-8037 Zürich

LIMMAT Christian Bärtsch Essento Food AG Aargauerstrasse 3 CH-8048 Zürich

ZURICH-WEST Stefan Haupt Fontana Film GmbH Dienerstrasse 7 CH-8004 Zürich

Brigitte Dätwyler Kurhausstrasse 20 CH-8032 Zürich


Institute ETH Zurich Universitätsstrasse 16 CH-8092 Zürich

SIHL Daniel Dreifuss Maurice de Mauriac Tödistrasse 48 CH-8002 Zürich

Reto Knutti

NIEDERDORF Atmosphere and Climate

SEEFELD Huldrych Zwingli


Grossmünsterplatz CH-8001 Zürich




The Grossmünster church in Zurich’s Old Town

Imprint & Contact © 2018 häberlein & mauerer ag for Zürich Tourism Photos: Adrian Bretscher | Hangar Ent. Group GmbH Text: Gretta Bott Graphics: Anita Lutz | Kristin Hoos CONTACT International Media Team

Zürich Tourism

Phone +41 44 215 40 96

Stampfenbachstrasse 52

CH-8006 Zürich PRESS CONTACT Miriam Oberer

häberlein & mauerer ag

Phone +49 30 726 208 330

Rosenthaler Strasse 52

D-10178 Berlin

PRESS MATERIAL Information for media: Image gallery and video material: E-book and press material Themed Dossier: COPYRIGHT Page 20 | Brigitte Dätwyler and Lena Maria Thüring All other images: © Zürich Tourism SOCIAL MEDIA #visitzurich


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