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university has always been important at VU. Up until the year 2000, there were a lot of temporary buildings along De Boelelaan, but after that campus development really took off.”

“The Main Building has changed and been upgraded in many ways over the past 25 years”, affirms Franc van Nunen, head of VU Corporate Real Estate and Facilities. “It got a new entrance on De Boelelaan and another on the campus quad, which really updated the building’s image.”
Its surroundings have changed, too. “The city has expanded towards the campus. From starting out in a quiet area away from everything outside the city’s ring dyke, we now have the urban development of Zuidas here as well. From nothing but sports pitches and strips of planting the area has transformed into a dense urban environment. The university is working to weave itself into the surrounding area, and the Main Building needs to invite that. To evolve from an introverted, inward-focused fortress into an open building with public and semi-public functions, that’s accessible for the university and local community”, Franc sums up.
The future
VU still has plenty of plans. Franc: “We’re working with the medical centre to create more connections with the city and Zuidas. That’s also what has been driving plans for the Knowledge Quarter these past ten years. And development of the Zuidas Innovation District is a coproduction with the city as well, as part of its spatial planning strategy for 2050. Next year”, he continues, “the campus quad will be renovated with green landscaping, and in addition to the main roadways the Knowledge Quarter will get a network of squares and connecting streets with lots of planted accents. The paved car parks typical of the 1970s and 80s have made way for premises for the university and community. And for facilities for sport, culture, film, food, drinks and other activities on campus. The campus is being extended north of De Boelelaan, while to the south the old mathematics and physics building is being torn down to be replaced with SC Buitenveldert’s new sports pitches.” Laughing, Ab adds, “One of the architects said this building will never be finished. Those turned out to be prophetic words!”