2021_南迴藝術季_Sicevudan 從這開始

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序 About Nanhui Art Project


策展人 About Curator


作品地圖 Artwork Map

藝術家與作品 Artwork Info 08

安德烈斯. 阿瑪多 Andres Amador |協調的混沌 Coordinated Chaos


伊丹.扎勒斯基 Idan Zareski | 行走的意識 Bigfoot The Walk For Awareness


伊.瓦漾.薩德拉 I Wayan Sadera |捕捕 Bubu


斯德瑞東.范德莫威 Strijdom van der Merwe、周聖賢 Zhou Sheng-Xian | 通往天堂的階梯 Stairway To Heaven


404 N.F |南向南 Facing The South In The South


安聖惠 Eleng Luluan | 起點 The Starting Point


伊誕・巴瓦瓦隆 Etan Pavavalung |呼喚南島的風 Calling the Wind of the South


陳淑燕 Chen Shu-Yen、杜瓦克•都耀 Tuwak Tuyaw |在斜坡上瞭望 On Top Of The Hill


邱尚為 Qiu Shang-Wei



|太平洋的呼喚、相約南迴 Meet In Nanhui When Hearing The Calling From The Pacific Ocean 26

林子堯 Lin Tzu-Yaw | 潮・南 Ripping from the South


武玉玲 Aluaiy Kaumakan |我輕輕聽 Listen Carefully


哈拿・葛琉 Hana Keliw | 方圓之間 Of All Dimensions


陳宣誠 Eric Chen |存在的相遇 Serendipity


饒愛琴 Aichin Rao + 敲裂拚姬工班 PinG.CRUSH |陸發岸 Ruvuwa'an.發芽 Ruvuwa’an-The Birthplace


南迴藝術季系列活動 Events


活動總覽 Calendar


大鳥部落 Daniao Tribe


金崙部落 Kanadun Tribe


土坂部落 Tjuabal Tribe


拉勞蘭部落 Lalauran Tribe


南迴服務站 Information Station


南迴借問站 Information Centre


交通資訊 Access

Life is never somewhere faraway, but in the land where one calls it home. So is art making.

Nanhui. Art. Sicevudan. The three of them represent this kind of spirit.

Taitung, the place blessed by indigenous ancestry, where the mountains meet the sea, “Nanhui Art Project 2021– Sicevudan Forward From Here ” Sincerely inviting you to learn about the diversity of this place.






在這祖靈庇佑之處,在這山海交疊之濱, 「南迴藝術季—Sicevudan 從這出發」 邀您來認識臺東的風情萬種。




Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

策展人的話 走一趟南迴超出你的想像,南迴蘊含著美麗的山海風景與豐富的日常人文,每一件作品當作一

個座標,讓旅人以此作為起點,探索南迴,藉由藝術創作讓旅人駐足停留,進而發現當地的歷史、 文化、山海與傳說之美。

當你走過金崙部落、穿過小徑,發現到有著獵人守護家園的眺望,站在山谷間,有著山嵐匯集 水滴,灌溉著滿山遍野的大自然,經過傳說中祖先上岸的陸發岸 (Ruvuwa’an),讚嘆著先人的生

命智慧,坐在「愛心」裡面,我們要一起由愛出發,你將會察覺到生活在這片土地的人們有著 剛強的外表,但卻有一顆溫柔的心,正展開雙手迎接著每一個人。你可以放慢腳步,用心聆聽

山風與海浪的聲音,沿著大道望向無邊無際的太平洋,穿著拖鞋走在沙灘上,面對太平洋有著 偉大浪漫的憧憬,一轉身你會發現沙灘上浮現著美麗的印記,連結著另一個國度,就讓百合隨 著太平洋的風搖動,讓我們奔向如此精彩的南迴吧!

Taking a trip to the Taiwan’s southeastern coastal roads named Nanhui beyond your

imagination. The Nanhui contains beautiful mountains, rivers, sea scenery and abundant everyday life and culture. Each artwork is used as a coordinate, allowing travellers to explore the Nanhui from this point of view. Through the works of art, let the travellers stop, then to discover its history, culture, mountains and seas as well as legends of the beauty, to inspire everyone’s

heart boundless romantic feelings, sensory experience and bodily gestures. As you walk through Kanadun community, you can cross the alley to survey the scene from an elevated position of

the hunter. When you stood among the valleys, you could sense that mists gather into droplets to irrigate nature all over the mountains. Passing the legendary ancestral landing of Ruvuwa’an, you will admire the ancestral wisdom of life. While sitting in ‘love-shaped installation’, we should project our inner hearts with togetherness and love. The people who live in this place

have a strong appearance, but a gentle heart. They are spreading their hands to invite everyone to participate.

You can slow down and listen to the sound of the mountains and the waves by following the

avenue to the endless Pacific Ocean. Walking on the beach, you simultaneously face the Pacific

Ocean with a great romantic vision. As soon as you turn around, you will see the beautiful symbols on the beach, linking another Austronesian country. Let the lily swing in the wind of the Pacific Ocean! Let us forward to such a spectacular Nanhui!




來自高雄山區那瑪夏區,擁有臺灣原住民族布農族、泰雅族與卡那卡那 富族的血統,目前是一名獨立策展人、藝術家和研究員。英國艾塞克斯 大學策展學博士,研究涉及原住民策展實踐、策展作為解殖的社會運動、 跨媒介藝術實踐、原住民當代藝術和展覽設計史。倫敦大學金匠學院創 意與文化創業研究所 文化政策、關係與外交碩士學位。著名的策展計畫 實 踐 包 括 2021 年《 女 性 團 結: 接 受. 轉 向. 擴 張 》 策 展 人 暨 英 國 文 化 協會贊助「倫敦第一民族藝術節」數位策展 ;2022 年第 23 屆 雪梨雙年 展 Biennale of Sydney 臺灣唯一受邀藝術家 阿儒瓦苡.篙瑪竿 Aluaiy Kaumakan 協 同 策 展 人, 與 藝 術 總 監 José Roca 和 澳 洲 原 住 民 策 展 人 Hannah Donnelly 共同策劃原住民節目與部落合作交流項目。

Biung Ismahasan Dr Biung Ismahasan (b.1984) is a curator, artist and researcher from the Bunun, Atayal and Kanakanavu Nations, three of Taiwan’s sixteen Indigenous Nations. He received a PhD in Curating at the University of Essex in the UK. Ismahasan emphasises issues of participation, performativity and the historiography of Indigenous curation and exhibition design. He has received a MA in Cultural Policy, Relations & Diplomacy from the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2014. His most notable curatorial projects include Resurgence and Solidarity: Indigenous Taiwanese Women's Art at Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park and a digital presentation collaborated with Border Crossings ORIGINS Festival of First Nations in London funded by British Council; Ismahasan will play a pivotal role in the artistic development as a Co-curator of Aluaiy Kaumakan's project (Paiwan Nation, Paridrayan Community, Taiwan) together with artistic director José Roca and Wiradjuri curator Hannah Donnelly at the 23rd Biennale of Sydney. 5



Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

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太麻里 TAIMALI 太麻里車站 Taimali Station







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Jinlun Station







Dawu Station

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南迴藝術作品地圖 Nanhui Artworks Google Map






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饒愛琴 Aichin Rao+ 敲裂拼姬工班 PinG.CRUSH

|原住民祖先發源地碑對面(約台九線 370 公里處) Opposite To The Ruvuwa'an Monument (Around 370k Of The Provincial Highway 9)




安德烈斯.阿瑪多 Andres Amador |華源海灣 HuaYuan Bay


林子堯 Lin Tzu-Yaw |千禧曙光紀念園區沙灘 Millennium Dawn Memorial Park


伊丹.扎勒斯基 Idan Zareski |千禧曙光紀念園區沙灘 Millennium Dawn Memorial Park


武玉玲 Aluaiy Kaumakan |太麻里火車站前花園 Garden In Front Of Taimali Railway Station


陳宣誠 Eric Chen

|金針山忘憂谷下方花田 Flower Field Below Wangyou Valley, Jinzhen Mountain


哈拿 ‧ 葛琉 Hana Keliw |金崙海灘 Jinlun Beach


陳淑燕、杜瓦克 ‧ 都耀 Chen Shu-Yen +Tuwak Tuyaw |金崙舊部落 Jinlun Old Tribe


邱尚為 Qiu Shang-Wei |大鳥遊憩區 Daniao Recreation Area


斯德瑞東.范德莫威 Strijdom van der Merwe、周聖賢 Zhou Sheng-Xian |大武南濱休憩區 Dawu Coastal Park


伊誕・巴瓦瓦隆 Etan Pavavalung

|尚武 9420 濱海休憩區 Shangwu 9420 Coastal Recreation Area


安聖惠 Eleng Luluan |尚武 9420 濱海休憩區 Shangwu 9420 Coastal Recreation Area


伊.瓦漾.薩德拉 I Wayan Sadera |南田海岸親水公園 Nantian Coast Water Park


404 N.F |南田海岸親水公園 Nantian Coast Water Park

2018 年南方以南作品 A

陳幸雄 Shing-Hsiung Chen、劉晉安 Chin-An Liu、陳文意 Wen-Yi Chen | 金針山徑坡地 Hillside of Jinzhen Mountain


高蘇貞瑋 Yavaus GILING | 正興青年工作站 Sinpayan at ZhengXing Village


劉哲安 Varig TINAWAY | 嘉蘭溫泉公園 Jialan Hot Spring Park


艾絲特史塔克 Esther Stocker | 金崙車站 Jinlun Railway Station


見維巴里 Chien-Wei BALI | 別有洞天 The Culvert to Jinlun Beach


張敦顥 Tjuljaviya PULJALIUYAN | 大鳥村入口 Entrance of Daniao Tribe


吳思嶔 Sih-Chin WU | 大鳥溪旁空地 Open Area Next to Daniao River


豪華朗機工 Luxury LOGICO | 大鳥休憩區旁 Area Next to Daniao Recreation Area


戴克斯特菲南德 Dexter FERNANDEZ | 大武國中 Dawu Junior High School


希巨蘇飛 Siki SUFIN | 尚武 9420 濱海休憩區 Shangwu 9420 Coastal Recreation Area 7

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

安德烈斯. 阿瑪多 Andres Amador 美國 U.S.A


A San Francisco-based artist who draws


and geometry. Using the beach as a

灘作畫布,用耙子作畫筆,自由流動地創作出 生命之無常。

on his knowledge of mathematics

canvas and a rake as a brush, Amador creates large scale sand art that explore the geometry in nature and the impermanence of life.




ARTIST 協調的混沌 Coordinated Chaos 作品位置 Location:華源海灣 HuaYuan Bay 材質 Medium:土團、現地海沙、礫石 Clay, Sea sand, Gravel 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「協調」獲得更多作品訊息 南島語族分布範圍北起臺灣,南至紐西蘭,而臺灣是南島語系國家中語言歧異度最高的, 因此,臺灣為國際間廣泛討論之南島語族可能的起源地。 藝術家安德烈斯的創作結合臺灣及紐西蘭南島文化的內涵,運用南迴的地貌與素材, 以沙雕及疊石呈現圖騰的樣態,與這片土地和在地人文產生情感的連結,藉此創造出文化間的相互對話。 The Austronesian peoples are distributed from Taiwan in the north to New Zealand in the south. Taiwan has the most linguistic diversity among the Austronesian countries And is internationally recognized as the most likely birthplace of the Austronesian. Amador’s work combines the Austronesian cultural connotations of Taiwan and New Zealand By using the patterns and materials of local to present the totem with sand sculptures and pucks. It evokes an emotional connection with the nature and humanities.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

伊丹.扎勒斯基 Idan Zareski 以色列 Israel

1968 年出生於以色列海法,未曾參加過任何藝

Born in Haifa, Israel, in 1968. Zareski


but rather follows his own instincts and

術課程,而是跟隨直覺和情感創作,創作能力 受其對藝術天生的才情。

has never attended any art courses,

emotions. His creativity is exceptional, and his sculptures show frankness and a

touch of calmness, expressing a sense of his natural talent for art.




ARTIST 行走的意識 Bigfoot the walk for Awareness 作品位置 Location:千禧曙光紀念園區沙灘 Millennium Dawn Memorial Park 材質 Medium:玻璃纖維 FRP 作品年份 Year:2012 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「行走」獲得更多作品訊息 伊丹.扎勒斯基是旅遊世界各地的旅者,創作受多元文化影響。 Bigfoot 系列創作於拉丁美洲,觸發人們思考:「我們是誰?我們究竟為什麼而活?」 作品呼籲人類要和平、希望與團結。 藝術家看見南迴山海之美深受震撼與感動,希望赤腳行走的 Bigfoot 能串起南迴與世界美好的連結。 Zareski is a world traveler. The Bigfoot series is a call for awareness to ask ourselves “who are we, and what do we actually live for?” The Bigfoot will carry the awareness about cultural differences and diversities, in a peaceful way without offending. If the arts are truly hopes for a better world, that Bigfoot is the chosen messenger to carry the task.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here



南非 South Africa

臺灣 Taiwan

Strijdom van der Merwe

Zhou Sheng-Xian

斯德瑞東.范德莫威 1961 年出生於南非,曾




至荷蘭、捷克、英國學習藝術,將創作元素塑 共榮的關係。

於部落和排灣族的文化背景,造就其獨特的文 並期許自己能用工藝連結文化和生活,用藝術 敘述部落的故事。

Strijdom van der Merwe was born in South

Zhou Sheng-Xian is a native of the Tjuabar

Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and the

inspiration comes from the cultural

Africa in 1961. He has studied art in the UK. He shapes the elements of his creations into geometric forms, highlighting the

symbiotic relationship between artworks and the natural environment.

Tribe in Daren Township, Taiwan. Zhou’s

background of Paiwan tribe, which has led

to his unique cultural and artistic insights.

He is devoted to pottery, woodcarving and goldsmithing, and expects to use his craft to

connect culture and life, to tells the story of the tribe through arts.




ARTIST 通往天堂的階梯 Stairway to Heaven 作品位置 Location:大武南濱休憩區 Dawu Coastal Park 材質 Medium:方形鐵管 Metal 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「階梯」獲得更多作品訊息 南迴是滿載生命力的地域,作品呼應南迴蘊含的自然人文底醞,象徵希望、永恆和夢想,開啟另㇐種生活 的可能性,引領觀者通往未知、充滿神秘和歡樂永恆的地方。 現實中雖然沒有通往天堂的階梯,在南迴勾勒出㇐座看得見的天梯,藉由作品提醒人們正視並勇於實踐 夢想。 The sculpture symbolizes hope, eternity, and dreaming. It invites you to a place unknown. A place that holds mystery and everlasting joy. Seen from the front of this piece looks 3D As if you want to start climbing it and fulfill your dreams. From the side, it suddenly reminds you that it's just a dream. The reality is that there is no staircase to heaven and that it only exists within our minds.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


I Wayan Sadera 印尼 Indonesia


A contemporary Southeast Asian artist


museums and art fairs around the world.

覽會可見伊.瓦漾.薩德拉精彩的創作及策展, 藝與外來材料思維而創作出具有個人風格的藝 術樣貌。

whose work has been exhibited in major

Sadera has inherited the various cultures

of Indonesia, blending the indigenous

craftsmanship and the thoughts of foreign materials to create a unique language of his own art.





捕捕 Bubu 作品位置 Location:南田海岸親水公園 Nantian Coast Water Park 材質 Medium:竹子、鐵件、複合媒材 Bamboo, Metal, Mixed Media 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「BUBU」獲得更多作品訊息 Bubu 峇里島語言是漁筌之意。身處臨海的南迴,藉由兩座漁筌用不同編織方式,如同山與海相互牽絆。透 過山的規律綿延,海的瞬息萬變,比擬成峇里島與臺灣,不同國度、文化及族群卻有相同捕魚技藝。許多 古老文化技藝不斷流失,提醒及傳承給下一代,再次編織生活記憶,找到新的時代脈絡。 The Bali language of Bubu means fish cage. This two fish cages adapted different weaving methods As if the mountain and the sea are bound to each other. It is also like Bali and Taiwan, two different countries, cultures, yet both the ethnic groups have The same fishing techniques. Many ancient skills are constantly being lost. The work encourages us to pass them on to the next generation and find a new context of the ages.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

404 N.F 台灣 Taiwan


404 N. F is a group of artists from the


architecture. Each of them collaborates,

作者,透過跨域合作與現地裝置創作,試圖喚 動組合而成的感官實驗。

fields of new media, materials, and and through site specific installations, attempts to awaken physical experiences and perceptions, generating a sensory

experiment made up of site, lighting, and movement.




ARTIST 南向南 Facing the South in the South 作品位置 Location:南田海岸親水公園 Nantian Coast Water Park 材質 Medium:鍍鋅方管、鍍鋅圓管、白鐵板 Galvanized pipe, Galvanized iron 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「南向」獲得更多作品訊息 身處於南島的北臨界點,「南方」仿若更具有地域的指向性,以何地為之相對。 感官的匯流、追尋與擴張,是為了使身體意識到現地相對於南向的兩地,映照與感官的觸動,將使身體經 驗從源頭組構出新的「感官語系」。 Being at the northern junction of the South, the "South" seems to be more geographically directional. The confluence, pursuit, and expansion of the senses are to make us being conscious of Our body is located at the opposite directions of the South. The reflection of facing the south enables us to trigger the senses, Then to experience a new "sensory language system" from the source.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Eleng Luluan 台灣 Taiwan


Eleng is from Rukai Tulalegele Tribe,


Taitung. She is an internationally

際矚目與認可的臺灣原住民藝術家,擅長複合 緊密的交織對話。

Pingtung and now based in Dulan, acclaimed Taiwan's indigenous artist,

who specializes in mixed-media

sculptures and site-specific installations, in order to create the contradictory yet

intense dialogues between different materials.




ARTIST 起點 The Starting Point 作品位置 Location:尚武 9420 濱海休憩區 Shangwu 9420 Coastal Recreation Area 材質 Medium:圓管、圓鐵、竹子、三角錐、尼龍纖維 Metal pipe, Bamboo,Traffic cone, Nylon fiber 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「公路」獲得更多作品訊息


這是一條寂寞貧瘠的公路,有人聽見它的每一個心跳,他用盡全力守護,走遍山巔海角,哪怕顛簸曲折。 月光曬白了髮,焚風吹乾了起皺的白袍,這裡不只是一條公路,而是起點站,一個出發的地方。 「愛,不是我們要去的方向,而是我們出發的地方。」南迴醫院發起人 徐超斌 This is a road to welcome the sunrise, and the passengers rushing to the next stop.

This is a lonely and barren road. Someone can hear every heartbeat, and try his best To guard it by touring all over the hills without fearing the bumps and twists. The moonlight has vanished. The foehn just dried that white robe. This is not just a highway, but a starting point, a place to start.

"Love, is not only the direction we’re heading, but also where we stand.” Hsu Chao-Pin, The founder of the Nanhui Hospital.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Etan Pavavalung 台灣 Taiwan


Etan was born to a Paiwan family of art


diverse, with subtle poetic, mystical and



in Davalan Tribe, Pingtung. His art is imaginative style.. Faith has been a guide deep in his heart, changing his attitude

towards life and finding the strength to work towards the consciousness and reawakening of his community.




ARTIST 呼喚南島的風 Calling the Wind of the South 作品位置 Location:尚武 9420 濱海休憩區 Shangwu 9420 Coastal Recreation Area 材質 Medium:木料、石頭、鐵件 Wood, Stone, Metal 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「南島風」獲得更多作品訊息 《呼喚南島的風》 詩作/伊誕・巴瓦瓦隆 呼喚南島的風 / 請來 請來 / 請來你的 sicevud 起源地 / 在卑南溪以南的永居所 / 給心靈航向無邊的生態書 海 / 呼喚南島的風 / 吹來 吹來 / 吹來你的 kisenai 祝福 / 在日出以東的永恆地 / 給「南迴醫院」早早有個家 / 呼喚南島的風 / 携來 携來 / 携來你的擁抱與讚美 / 喚一個名叫 cemel 的古典 / 化為療癒靈魂的真實良藥 "Calling the Wind of the South" / Etan Pavavalung Call to the South / Come here / Please come to the place of origin of your sicevud. Permanent residence in the south of Beinan River / To the soul with a borderless ecological zone. Calling the wind of the South / Blowing / Blowing your kisenai blessings. In the eternal place in east of the sunrise / Give the "Southern Hospital" a home. Calling for the wind of the South/ Bring in / Bring in your hugs and praise. Call a classic named cemel / Turn it into a real therapy to heal the soul. 21

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here



臺灣 Taiwan

臺灣 Taiwan

Chen Shu-Yen

Tuwak Tuyaw

纖 維 藝 術 創 作 者 陳 淑 燕, 藉 由 原 始 素 材 與 技

By returning to the original materials and


recovers the spirit of indigenous handicraft.


裝置,作品探索生命與自然間關係。杜瓦克. 都耀擅長使用烏葉竹、刺竹等竹籐媒材創作新 穎的空間。

techniques, Chen Shu-Yen, a fiber art artist, She specializes in landscape installation

made by tree barks, handmade papers,

and plants dyeing. Her works explore the relationship between human life and nature.

Tuwak Tuyaw specializes in the creation

of various installations, using bamboo and rattan to create innovative spaces.




ARTIST 在斜坡上瞭望 On Top of the Hill 作品位置 Location:金崙舊部落 Jinlun Old Tribe 材質 Medium:漂流木、竹片、鋼筋 Driftwood, Bamboo, Rebar 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「瞭望」獲得更多作品訊息 從現代金崙部落來到舊部落起點,作品讓人「穿越·時空廊道」進入斜坡舊部落路徑,迎接「竹編牆.交織 堆砌的守護」,走向開闊的台地,望向出海口的方向,《在斜坡上的瞭望》靜而有力等候你的視野。斜坡 上的眼睛,如鷹的銳利深遠,是山林的眼睛,由土地長出的力量之眼,從海洋流動進來的激越力量,守護著、 看顧著這片山林河谷與部落。 From the Jinlun tribe to the entrance of the old tribe, this work will guide people Into the old tribe's path on the slope. Greet the "Bamboo Wall-Intertwined and Stacked Guardian", And then began to walk towards the open platform, looking in the direction of the sea. On the Top of the Hill quietly waiting for your vision. The eyes on the slope, like the sharp And far-reaching of eagles, are the eyes of the mountains and forests, the eyes of power growing From the earth, and the radical forces flowing in from the ocean, guarding and watching The mountains, forests, river valleys, and tribes. 23

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Qiu Shang-Wei 台灣 Taiwan


Qiu’s paintings are mostly landscapes,


that had won him many awards. When

之作曾獲許多獎項。二十多年前命運召喚其至 燃了藝術家心底的創作火苗。

with rich emotions behind each stoke

fate summoned him to work and settle in Taitung twenty years ago, the ever-

changing beauty of Mount Dulan ignited his passion of creating art.




ARTIST 太平洋的呼喚、相約南迴

Meet in Nanhui When Hearing the Calling from the Pacific Ocean 作品位置 Location:大鳥遊憩區 Daniao Recreation Area 材質 Medium:鐵板 Iron plate 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「呼喚」獲得更多作品訊息 南迴公路四鄉鎮交通不便讓青壯人口外流,影響部落文化傳承與永續發展。 南迴公路拓寬改善計畫便捷返鄉之路,促使部落青年願意返鄉打拼,為故鄉文化傳承盡㇐份心力。 作品兩張對視凝望的臉取「呼喊」、「相約」之意,代表家鄉對在外子女親情的思念與呼喚; 也融入大鳥部落的傳說、地域、產業及海洋文化等在地意象。 The inconvenient traffic along the Nanhui Highway has caused the outflow of young adults, The gaps of the inheritance and sustainable development of tribal culture. The two faces staring at each other in the works take the meaning of "calling" and "meeting". It represents thelonging and calling for the hometown of the children who are away from home. It also merges the legend, region, industry, and marine cultures of the locals.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Lin Tzu-Yaw 臺灣 Taiwan


Lin has been fascinated by mosaic art

之 前, 永 遠 不 會 知 道 將 呈 現 出 什 麼 驚 人 的 效

"It transcends painting and design; you

為「 它 超 越 繪 畫、 設 計, 在 作 品 還 沒 有 完 成

果!」這股吸引人的魅力,讓其堅持在馬賽克 藝術上堅持不悔。



since he was a student, he once said,

never know how amazing it will turn out until it's finished!” This fascination is what keeps him working in mosaic art.


ARTIST 潮・南 Ripping from the South 作品位置 Location:千禧曙光紀念園區沙灘 Millennium Dawn Memorial Park 材質 Medium:玻璃纖維、馬賽克鑲嵌 FRP, Mosaic 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「潮南」獲得更多作品訊息 往南去走走是一種新的時尚,也是逃離都市塵囂最佳首選,面向一望無際的大海,旅遊的足跡與當地文化 交匯與駐足。脫掉繁重的鞋子,解放你的雙腳與五感,感受潮南與大海的魅力。 Going south is not only a new fashion but the best option to escape the city. Facing the boundless sea, where the footprints of travel meet with local cultures. Take off your heavy shoes, liberate your feet and five senses, and feel the charm of the ocean.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Aluaiy Kaumakan 臺灣 Taiwan


As an artist and a Paiwan princess, Aluaiy


since the Paiwan are also known as the

「太陽的女兒」,因排灣族為太陽的子女。八八 創作,讓更多人看見她的作品與部落的故事。

calls herself the 'daughter of the sun', children of the sun. After the disaster of

Typhoon Morakot, she was encouraged by the ancestors in dreams to return to her tribe and continue to create in hope that more people could see her works and the stories of her tribe.




ARTIST 我輕輕聽 Listen Carefully 作品位置 Location:太麻里火車站前花園 Garden in front of Taimali Railway Station 材質 Medium:金屬結構、鋁線、塑膠繩 Metal, Aluminum wire, Plastic rope 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「傾聽」獲得更多作品訊息 輕輕聽 / 我要輕輕聽,我要側耳傾聽山林與海洋演奏的音樂。 輕輕聽 / 我們輕輕聽,我們享受這塊土地與海洋在唱歌。 在大自然裡一起合唱,讓共生在這片土地上的萬物,找到共同的默契與智慧,守護著每一位靠站的旅人。 我們帶著不同的步伐駐足,卸下沉重的行囊,緩慢地移動在南迴的路上,享受下一站停靠的驚艷。 I want to listen carefully. I want to listen to the music played by the mountains and the ocean. We listen softly. We enjoy singing in this land and ocean. Let’s sing together in nature, let all things living in this land find common understanding and wisdom to look after each traveler. We stepped then stopped, unloading our heavy bags, and moving slowly onto the road to the south where we’ll enjoy the wonders of the next stop.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Hana Keliw 臺灣 Taiwan

臺 東 都 蘭 部 落 阿 美 族 人, 哈 拿 以 織 繡 工 藝 為

An Amis from the Dulan Tribe, Taitung,

絡 的 思 考。 不 論 是 鋼 筋、 漂 流 木、 石 頭 或 竹

the extension on the cultures, ecology

基 礎 延 伸 其 對 族 群 文 化、 生 態 環 境 與 人 文 脈 子 等, 其 創 作 皆 能 呈 現 出 柔 韌 且 充 滿 張 力 的 線條。

Hana uses embroidery as the basis for and humanity of her community. Whether

the medium is steel, driftwood, stone or bamboo, her works always present the

flexible and tough, yet intense geometric lines.




ARTIST 方圓之間 Of All Dimensions 作品位置 Location:金崙海灘 Jinlun Beach 材質 Medium:鋼筋、枕木、馬賽克拼貼 Rebar, Railroad tie, Mosaic 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「方圓」獲得更多作品訊息 沙灘與海岸山脈綿延連結,金崙排灣族部落,馳騁海上公路,盡享海天㇐色。 ㇐方水土、養㇐方人,依山傍海排灣族部落有獨樹㇐格的文化內涵。 以方、圓形式將人、作品融入大自然,勿忘人亦是大自然的㇐部份,天、地、人「方圓之間」, 也是做人的原則,「圓」是處世的智慧,「有缺口的圓」分享文化場域裡的原住民價值觀。 The Paiwan tribe in Jinlun is located at the crossing of the beach and the coastal mountains. The Paiwan tribe that is surrounded by mountains and the sea has a unique cultural connotation. Each place has its streams. This work combines people and nature in a square and circular form. And to remind people not to forget that we are also part of nature. Heaven, Earth, People "of all dimensions" is the principles of life, and "roundness" is the wisdom of life. "The gaped circle" is to share the cultural values of the indigenous people.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Eric Chen 臺灣 Taiwan


Chen is an architect who has explored


the landscape. He attempts to redefine

索,藉由最真實的身體感,反覆體會事物根本 為一種關於人的環境。

the relationship between the body and the scale of architecture, using the

most authentic senses of the body to

repeatedly experience the fundamental

values of things, and let architecture become an environment about people.




ARTIST 存在的相遇 Serendipity 作品位置 Location:金針山忘憂谷下方花田 Flower field below Wangyou Valley, Jinzhen Mountain 材質 Medium:頁岩石板、不鏽鋼補霧網、植裁 Shale slate, Stainless steel, Fog net, Plants 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「相遇」獲得更多作品訊息 作品靜謐地坐落在金針山間的谷地上,聚集成承載生命樣態的容器,生命在物質間相互觸碰。線狀的植物 形態編織,是山嵐間的捕霧裝置,捕捉霧成為水滴。透過時間累積,植物成為環境中生命樣態的紀錄者, 從生命的生長分布中找到線索。作品構作一處人和自然互動的場域,也和大樹與遠方的山相映照與對話。 The work is quietly and elegantly installed in the valley of the Jinzhen Mountain. It is a container that carries the states of life. The thread-like net has been woven a mist catcher, which catches mist into water droplets. Through the accumulation of time, plants become recorders of life patterns in the environment. Find clues from the growth and distribution of life. The work constitutes a field where people and nature interact, It also reflects and dialogues with big trees and distant mountains.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

饒愛琴 + 敲裂拼姬工班

Aichin Rao + PinG.CRUSH 臺灣 Taiwan


A spirited and sincere artist, Rao


installations and mosaic collage. Her

合媒材裝置與馬賽克拼貼,其作品傳遞對土地 和溫暖能量。

specializes in painting, mixed media works convey deep connections with the land and concerns for nature. That could make people feel healing and full of warm energy.




ARTIST 陸發岸 Ruvuwa'an.發芽 Ruvuwa’an-The Birthplace 作品位置 Location:原住民祖先發源地碑對面(約台九線 370 公里處) Opposite to the Ruvuwa'an monument (Around 370K of the Provincial Highway 9) 材質 Medium:漂流木、石頭、陶磁馬賽克拼貼 Driftwood, Stone, Ceramic mosaic 作品年份 Year:2021 | Line@ 關鍵字:掃描 QR Code,輸入「發芽」獲得更多作品訊息 卑南族石生系統的口傳故事,用五個自然形體站立登陸之地,地名「陸發岸」即是發芽、發祥地的意思, 以卡大地布部落石生為根基,漂流木象徵洪水後的考驗,與大自然和人的連結、延續;部落婦女、青年集 體馬賽克拼貼部落的記憶,累積成現在文化生活;母親的十字繡、山海共生、感恩天地及發芽繁衍,開出 朵朵內心自信的花。 The tale of the Pinuyumayan stone life system, using five natural forms to stand on the landing site. The place "Ruvuwa'an" means a birthplace. This piece is based on the stone life system of Katratripulr tribe. Driftwood symbolizes the test after the flood and the connection, continuity between nature and people. The tribal women and youth have collectively used mosaics to collage the memories of the tribe. The mother's cross-stitch is the symbiosis of mountains and seas, the world of gratitude and the germination and reproduction, bloom flowers of confidence in the heart. 35

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

南迴藝術季系列活動 南迴景觀的壯闊,療癒人心;南迴部落的真誠,溫暖人心。 走入部落是認識南迴最引人入勝的方式,藝術季規劃於四鄉部落舉辦主題系列活動:

「藝術會客室」駐村藝術家分享藝術創作靈感,及駐地經驗 「南迴小學堂」跟隨族人腳步走訪部落,發現在地的獨特生活風情 「一起動手作」從美食到手工藝,體驗不同族群的生活智慧與文化美學 「一起聽歌吧」聆聽部落耆老和青年,不同世代聲音的傳承及感動


Events of Nanhui Art Project The majestic beauty of Nanhui’s landscape heals the soul, and the genuine warmth of Nanhui’s tribe warms the heart. The most fascinating way to get to know Nanhui is to visit those tribes in person. There are various events happening in each townships of Nanhui: "Art Club", artists-in-residence share the inspiration of their works and stories while interacting with the local community. "Knowledge Forum" visit the tribes and discover the unique lifestyle in local villages. "DIY classes", experience the wisdom and cultural aesthetics of different communities, ranging from food to crafts. "Listen to the Song" listen up! The tribal elders and youths convey the legacy of their tribes through singing and narration. Take a trip to Nanhui and unveil the infinite energy of this land!


8.21 August SAT.

大鳥部落 Daniao Tribe |文化廣場 Cultural Plaza 【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】音為搖擺 Swing And Sway 【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 邱尚為、伊.瓦漾.薩德拉 Qiu Shang-Wei、 I Wayan Sadera

【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 伊誕.巴瓦瓦隆 Etan Pavavalung

8.28 August SAT.

【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】享用午餐 Lunch 認識部落飲食風情 Indigenous cuisine

【一起動手作 DIY】小米提袋 DIY Millet Basket

【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】部落導覽、植物認識與採集 Tribe Tour

金崙部落 Kanadun Tribe |力卡咖啡 Li.ka Café

9.11 September SAT.

【一起動手作 DIY】十字繡 DIY Cross Stitch Knitting 【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】

享用下午茶,瞭解部落飲食特色 Indigenous cuisine

【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】部落工藝達人樂分享 The Craftsman 【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 哈拿.葛琉 Hana Keliw

金崙部落 Kanadun Tribe |金崙故事館 Jinlun Story Museum 【一起動手作 DIY】花環 DIY Floral Wreath

9.12 September SUN.

【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】

品嚐山地飯,認識部落飲食文化 Indigenous cuisine

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】聆聽部落吟唱文化 Tribal Chants 【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 陳淑燕與杜瓦克.都耀 Chen Shu-Yen & Tuwak Tuyaw

土坂部落 Tjuabal Tribe

9.18 September SAT.

【一起動手作 DIY】藤編 DIY Vine Weaving

【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 安聖惠、周聖賢 Eleng Luluan , Zhou Sheng-Xian

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】部落歌手集合啦 ! Meet Singers From The Tribe

9.19 September SUN.



土坂部落 Tjuabal Tribe 【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】部落廚房 Tribe’s Kitchen 【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】享用午餐 Lunch 認識部落飲食風情 Indigenous cuisine


9.19 September SUN.

【一起動手作 DIY】琉璃珠手鍊 Glass Beads Bracelet

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】部落歌手集合啦 ! Meet Singers From The Tribe

拉勞蘭部落 Lalauran Tribe | 拉勞蘭小米工坊 Lalauran Millet Workshop

10.2 October SAT.

【一起動手作 DIY】阿粨 DIY Abay (Indigenous Rice Dumplings) 【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】部落導覽小米園 Tribe Tour 【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】享用阿粨 Lunch 認識部落風情 Indigenous cuisine

【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 陳宣誠、林子堯 Eric Chen, Lin Tzu-Yaw

10.9 October SAT.

August MON. August TUE.

2 3


土坂部落 Tjuabal Tribe

【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 武玉玲、饒愛琴 Aluaiy Kaumakan, Aichin Rao

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】

新香蘭.星聲音 Indigenous Singing

金崙部落 Kanadun Tribe | 小米學堂 Kakituauanpaka Tua Vaqu 南迴藝術季志工招募及培訓課程 Nanhui Art Project-

Volunteer Recruitment And Training Courses


南迴藝術季.閉幕演唱會 Closing concert on November

請至「南迴藝術季」FB 粉絲專頁追蹤最新消息 The event schedule will be adjusted due to the pandemic. Please visit Nanhui Art Project Facebook for the latest information.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

藝術季系列活動 Nanhui Events 大鳥部落 Daniao Tribe 大鳥部落面向太平洋,背靠大武山,人文生態資源豐富,是南迴線最大又寧靜美麗的排灣族

村落。住屋刻畫百步蛇、陶甕等傳統圖騰,展現排灣族人文風情,循傳統舉辦小米收穫祭, 傳承古老智慧。部落媽媽專注將大鳥部落的圖騰文化織進布包裡。 不妨來感受流淌的慢時光。

Daniao Tribe facing the Pacific Ocean and leaning on Dawu Mountain. The tribe is rich in its cultural resources; it is the largest and the most fascinating Paiwan Tribe in Nanhui. The

houses are decorated with traditional Paiwan totems such as the Paiwans' hundred-paced snake and clay urns; those represent the Paiwans' culture and customs. They continue

the traditional Millet Harvest Festival to pass down the wisdom of their ancestors. Why not come and experience this beautiful moment?

8.21 August SAT.

時間 Time:15:00 - 17:00

地點 Venue:大鳥部落文化廣場 Cultural Plaza in Daniao Tribe 參加人數 Number of participants:40 / 人 people

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】音為搖擺 Swing And Sway


The elders in the tribe will sing ancient chants, and the youths will sing the original one. Together, they share the joyful life and culture through music. 【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 邱尚為、伊.瓦漾.薩德拉 Artist-Qiu Shang-Wei、 I Wayan Sadera


Both of them will share the process of creating the work, its feature and

the connection with local community. They will also talk about the story behind their creation.





地點 Venue:大鳥部落文化廣場 Cultural Plaza in Daniao Tribe

參加人數 Number of participants:40 人 【藝術會客室 Art Club】

藝術家 - 伊誕.巴瓦瓦隆 Artist - Etan Pavavalung 分享創作過程、作品特色與故事及與在地的連結。


August SAT.

The time and content of activities will be adjusted according to the pandemic.


時間 Time:11:00-17:00

He will share the process of creating the work, its feature and the connection with local community.

He will talk about the story behind his creation as well. 【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】享用午餐 Lunch 瞭解部落飲食特色 Indigenous cuisine

【一起動手作 DIY】小米提袋 DIY Millet Basket

透過有趣的手作過程,認識排灣族豐富的圖騰文化。 Through the process, you will learn about the rich background of Paiwan’s Totemism.

【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】

部落導覽、植物認識與採集 Tribe Tour

走逛部落巷弄,認識生活日常、傳統文化與土地智慧。 Learn about Paiwan’s daily life, traditional culture and wisdom.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

藝術季系列活動 Nanhui Events 金崙部落 Kanadun Tribe 金崙部落地處金崙溪的河海交界口處,三面環山,面向太平洋,西側是金崙溪,整個河床佈 滿了天然溫泉。部落匯聚了閩南、阿美、卑南、魯凱族等族群,蘊含豐富多元文化。春夏望 眼海天一線蔚藍景致,秋冬溫泉泡湯暖身,四季體驗不同情調的悠然自得。

The tribe is the Jinlun river and the sea adjoin. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing the Pacific Ocean, and the Jinlun River is on the west; the entire riverbed is covered

with natural hot springs. The tribe is home to the Hokken, Amis, Beinan, and Rukai ethnic

groups, which contains a rich diversity of cultures. In spring and summer, the blue sky and indigo ocean are what we expect; in autumn and winter, there are hot springs for you to enjoy. Jinlun Tribe offers unique experiences in all seasons.

9.11 September SAT.

時間 Time:13:30-17:20

地點 Venue:力卡咖啡 LI.KA Cafe

參加人數 Number of participants:20 / 人 people 【一起動手作 DIY】十字繡 DIY Cross Stitch Knitting 藉由手作貼近部落服飾的傳統文化工藝。

Traditional clothing and crafts from the tribe. 【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】享用下午茶 Afternoon tea 瞭解部落飲食特色 Indigenous cuisine

【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】部落工藝達人樂分享 The Craftsman 分享如何透過堅持與行動,將傳統工藝傳承的動人故事。

How he passes on the legacy through his determination 【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 哈拿.葛琉 Artist-Hana Keliw 分享創作過程、作品特色與故事,以及與在地的連結。

Hana is going to share the process of creating the work, its feature, and

the connection with local community. She will also talk about the story behind his creation. Sicevudan




地點 Venue:金崙故事館 Kanadun Story Museum 參加人數 Number of participants:20 人

【一起動手做 DIY】花環 DIY Floral Wreath



September SUN.

The time and content of activities will be adjusted according to the pandemic.


時間 Time:13:30-17:40

Understanding the rich connotation behind the headwear. 【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】 瞭解部落飲食特色 Indigenous cuisine

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】 聆聽部落吟唱文化 Tribal Chants

部落 VUVU 及青年吟唱,渾厚聲音傳遞部落吟唱底醞風華。 Listen to the singing of Vuvu and the youths. 【藝術會客室 Art Club】

藝術家 - 陳淑燕與杜瓦克.都耀

Artist-Chen Shu-Yan & Tuwak Tuyaw


Both of them will share the process of creating the work, its feature, and the connection with local community.

They will also talk about the story behind their creation.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

藝術季系列活動 Nanhui Events 土坂部落 Tjuabal Tribe 在群山懷抱中,是少數保有完整五年祭傳統祭儀及「頭目、家臣制度」的部落。部落街道圍 牆塗滿傳統排灣族紋飾,家戶門外欣賞陶罐與浮雕,走看部落皆是故事。附近跨越綠水青山 的紅色新吊橋融入排灣族元素,來一趟探尋部落文化藝術的小旅行吧!

Surrounded by mountains, it is one of the few tribes that has retained the traditional Maljeveq (the ceremony to receive blessings from ancestors) and social hierarchy. The

walls along the streets are painted with traditional Paiwan totems; the pottery pots and

stone reliefs are decorated outside the homes; the new red bridge across the river and hills nearby incorporates Paiwan elements. There are always stories to tell in every corner in the tribe. Let’s take a little trip to explore the culture and art!

9.18 September SAT.

時間 Time:14:00-17:00

地點 Venue:土坂部落 Tjuabal Tribe

參加人數 Number of participants:20 / 人 people 【一起動手作 DIY】藤編 DIY Vine Weaving

透過手作認識編織方式與紋路,體會世代傳承的寶貴智慧。 The wisdom passing down through generation. 【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 安聖惠、周聖賢 Artist-Eleng Luluan , Zhou Sheng-Xian


Both will share the process of creating their work, its feature and

the connection with local community. They will talk about the story behind their creation as well.

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】部落歌手集合啦 ! Meet Singers From The Tribe

聆聽古謠與新創曲的音樂饗宴,感受土坂充滿生命力的好聲音。 Enjoy the powerful voices from Tjuabal tribe. Sicevudan



參加人數 Number of participants:20 / 人 people

【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】 部落廚房 Tribe’s Kitchen


September SUN.

地點 Venue:土坂部落 Tjuabal Tribe


The time and content of activities will be adjusted according to the pandemic.


時間 Time:10:30-17:00

從採集到烹煮,認識野菜文化,透過味蕾認識這片土地。 From colleting to cooking, learn more about the land through organic-grown vegetables.

【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】

享用午餐,認識部落飲食風情。Lunch time 【一起動手作 DIY】琉璃珠手鍊 Glass Beads Bracelet

透過手作認識排灣族文化不同花紋的琉璃珠象徵意涵。 Learning the meaning of different patterns on the glass bead

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】部落歌手集合啦 ! Meet Singers From The Tribe 45

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

藝術季系列活動 Nanhui Events 拉勞蘭部落 Lalauran Tribe Lalauran 排灣族語意為肥沃之地,融合了排灣族與阿美族,一個與山海共存的排灣族聚 落, 樸 實 的 部 落 充 滿 詩 意, 每 年 7 月 舉 辦 為 期 三 天 的 小 米 收 穫 季, 表 達 對 自 然 及 祖 靈 的 尊敬與依戀,族人們一起釀酒、享用美食、引吭高歌、盡情舞蹈,諦聽耆老的祈福。

Lalauran refers to fertile land in Paiwan language. It is a tribe between the mountain and

the sea, a fusion of the Paiwan and the Amis. In order to show their respect and love to the nature and their ancestors, they hold a three-day Millet Harvest Festival in July annually.

The tribal people make wine, enjoy delicacies, sing, dance, and listen to the prayers of the elders.

10.2 October SAT.

時間 Time:10:30-15:00

地點 Venue:拉勞蘭小米工坊、小米園

Lalauran Millet Workshop, Millet Garden

參加人數 Number of participants:20 / 人 people 【一起動手作 DIY】阿粨 DIY Abay-Indigenous Rice Dumplings 透過手作認識排灣族祭儀及喜事的飲食文化內涵。

Through handmade experience, we will learn about food culture connotations of Paiwan ceremonies and festivals.

【南迴小學堂 Knowledge Forum】部落導覽小米園 Tribe Tour 走訪部落認識小米園故事與遺失的釀酒文化。

Visit the tribe to learn about the story of the millet garden and the lost culture of winemaking.

【吃餉部落味 Foodie From The Tribe】享用阿粨

認識部落飲食風情。 Enjoy your Abay(Indigenous rice dumplings) 【藝術會客室 Art Club】 藝術家 - 陳宣誠、林子堯 Artist-Eric Chen, Lin Tzu-Yaw 分享創作過程、作品特色與故事,以及與在地的連結。

Sharing the process of creating their work, its feature, and the connection

with local community. They will talk about the story behind their creation as well. Sicevudan



參加人數 Number of participants:20 / 人 people

【藝術會客室 Art Club】藝術家 - 武玉玲、饒愛琴 Artist-Aluaiy Kaumakan, Aichin Rao 分享創作過程、作品特色與故事及與在地的連結。 Sharing the process of creating their work, its

feature, and the connection with local community. They will talk about the story behind their creation as well.

【一起聽歌吧 Listen To The Song】 新香蘭.星聲音 Indigenous Singing Enjoy the beautiful voices of the elders and the youths from the tribe.

August MON. August TUE.

2 3


金崙部落 Kanadun Tribe | 小米學堂 Kakituauanpaka Tua Vaqu 南迴藝術季志工招募及培訓課程 Nanhui Art Project-

Volunteer Recruitment And Training Courses

千禧曙光紀念園區 Millennium Dawn Memorial Park 南迴藝術季閉幕音樂會

Nanhui Art Project Closing Concert 47


地點 Venue:拉勞蘭小米工坊 Lalauran Millet Workshop


October SAT.

The time and content of activities will be adjusted according to the pandemic.


時間 Time:14:00-16:30

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

關於服務站與借問站 南迴藝術季的精彩不容錯過,不論是想詢問作品設置地點,或是要找尋南迴好玩特色景點, 品嚐到地美食、購藏融合文化與新意的文創小物、深訪部落的生態體驗等,卻不知道從何開 始,串聯南迴四鄉在地特色店家作為南迴藝術季服務站與借問站,提供一手資訊,探訪南迴 不迷航 ! 帶你走進南迴日常,用五感認識南迴在地的產業風情與生活樣態。來南迴旅行不要只 是路過,停下腳步感受在地溫暖的人情味,為自己留下難忘的南迴美好回憶。

Information Station and Center We have collaborated with local shops in Nanhui four villages this time, serving as information stations and service centers. Whether you are looking for the location of the artwork, finding a local must-eat restaurant, searching for a hidden place to visit, or expecting a special experience in Nanhui; anything you want to know about Nanhui but don’t know who to ask for help, information stations will guide your way and provide you a first-hand information. Never worry about getting lost in Nanhui! It is a place worth a profound exploration. Come and experience the everyday life of Nanhui tribes; feel the hospitality of the local people and bring back unforgettable memories from Nanhui.


力卡咖啡 LI.KA CAFE 臺東縣太麻里鄉金崙路 210 號 / 週一至週日 09:00–20:00 / 089-772-056 No. 210, Jinlun Road, Taimali Township, Taitung County Mon-Sun 09:00-20:00 / 089-772-056

距離金崙火車站兩分鐘步程,分享著部落的傳統文化、農食,提供的咖啡和小點心 並非一般

坊間口味 ,每日現做新鮮的貝果和磅蛋糕,融入結在地食材與原住民香料,如馬告拿鐵、刺 蔥拿鐵特色咖啡飲品,排灣小米粽簡餐或套餐等排灣族輕食風味獨特料理!

Two minutes walk from Jinlun train station. Li.KA CAFE is not only a cafe but also a place sharing the traditional culture and farming of the tribe. The coffee and snacks are not quintessential ones; pastries are freshly baked every day, and aside from that, we love to play with local ingredients and indigenous spices. Some of our specialties ares Mountain Litsea Latte, Prickly Ash Latte, and Paiwan millet rice dumplings, to name but a few. Sicevudan



臺東縣太麻里鄉香蘭村 21 號 / 週二至週六 11:00–16:00 / 089-782-547 No. 21, Xianglan Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County Tue-Sat 11:00-16:00 / 089-782-547


拉勞蘭小米工坊 Lalaluran Millet Workshop

拉勞蘭小米工坊以小米主食的餐飲服務與手工藝品為主要營業項目,並推廣原住 民傳統耕法與友善環境工法的知識傳承。對友善土地與傳統知識結晶的堅持,不 僅是營養健康的品質保證,更包涵部落直率的美味與自然、土地最親近的情感。

Lalaluran Millet Workshop is also a caterer, restaurant and laboratory where traditional

farming knowledge and skills were combined with new ECO-farming, and then it initiated them into villages.

Because of the insistence of traditional knowledge and the love of earth, Lalalrun Millet

Workshop represents not only the healthy, nutritious, and tasteful cuisines but also the hospitality of ingenious people and their ancient wisdom in harmonizing with the nature.

小米學堂 Kakituauanpaka Tua Vaqu 臺東縣金峰鄉壢坵村 42-2 號 / 週二至週日 09:00–17:00 / 089-772-240 No. 42-2, Liqiu Village, Jinfeng Township, Taitung County Tue-Sun 09:00-17:00 / 089-772-240


內首座以原住民傳統農糧“小米”為主題的體驗場館,提供獵人體驗、小米及部落 文化導覽及傳統技藝 DIY 體驗,品嚐結合在地作物入菜的絕佳風味餐,讓旅人體 驗部落生活。

For the people of Liqiu, millet is a cultural root and a profound connection to generations of ancestral spirits. Renovating the abandoned school, it has turned into the country's first

facility with the theme "millet", which is the traditional indigenous farming grain. It offers a wide variety of activities such as hunting experiences, guided tours of millet and tribal culture, traditional handicrafts making, as well as excellent indigebous cuisine. 51

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

187 嗑棧

187 Ke Zhan


Taitung County

臺東縣太麻里鄉外環路 187 號

No. 187, Waihuan Road, Taimali Township,

週一至週日 11:00–15:00 / 17:00–20:30



A cozy restaurant, offering set meals and

Mon-Sun 11:00-15:00 / 17:00-20:30


special dishes with affordable prices, also wide


variety of food choices and excellent taste.


Taitung Cate Legend


Taitung County

No.133, Sanhe Fish Village, Taimali Township,

臺東縣太麻里鄉三和村漁場 133 號


週一至週日 10:00–20:00

Mon-Sun 10:00-21:00


A popular restaurant with a relaxing vibe. There


is Bali-style seating in the outdoor sea-viewing


area. Enjoying fresh seasonal ingredients while

watching the sea is indeed a joy.


Jiang mimi restaurant


Taitung County

臺東縣太麻里鄉金崙村 232 號

No. 232, Jinlun Village, Taimali Township,

週二至週日 12:00–15:00 / 17:00–20:00



The famous tribal restaurant where you can

Tue-Sun 12:00-15:00 / 17:00-20:00

enjoy local delicacies such as indigenous

嚐傳統山地飯、烤肉飯及樹豆炒飯等在 地風味美食,現點現煮美味豐盛。

dishes, roasted pork rice and pigeon peas fried




Taitung County


No. 170, Minquan Road, Taimali Township,

臺東縣太麻里鄉民權路 170 號


週一至週三、週六至週日 12:00–19:00

Mon-Wed, Sat-Sun 12:00-19:00

A Paiwan-style studio located on the way to


Daylily Mountain. They offer customized glass


beads workshops, as well as coffee, floral tea




and handmade snacks.


Sunrise Wood Workshop


Taimali Township, Taitung County

臺東縣太麻里鄉多良村 2 鄰 15 號 週一至週五 10:00-16:30 ( 預約制 ) 多良村的漂流木創作基地,展售手感木

製家具、部落 ina 手工創意作品等,觀海 景品嚐 ina 美味料理和手沖咖啡。

No. 15, Neighborhood 2, Duoliang Village, 089-771-481

Monday, Thursday to Sunday 09:00-16:30

Driftwood creation space in Duoliang Village, exhibiting handmade wooden furniture and

ina’s handicrafts, etc. Come and enjoy ina’s delicious cuisine and brewed coffee with a sea view in front.


臺東縣太麻里鄉金崙 14 鄰 9-6 號 089-771-277 / 0928-350-131

週一至週日 08:00–12:30 / 13:30–21:00 展售排灣族創新原味手工藝品,注入時

下流行元素並帶有濃厚原住民風格的服 飾與配件,呈現原民工藝生命力。

YinHui Art Stutio

No. 9-6, Neighborhood 14, Jinlun Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County 089-771-277 / 0928-350-131

Mon-Sun 08:00-12:30 / 13:30-21:00

Exhibiting Paiwan innovative and original handicrafts. Indigenous style clothing and

accessories are infused with current fashion elements to present the vitality of indigenous crafts.


Line Weaving House


Township, Taitung County

臺東縣太麻里鄉金崙村 1 鄰 7 號 週日至週五 09:00–18:00 老闆傳承排灣族即將失傳的羊角勾織技

術,提供多種單日或多日勾織體驗課程, 二樓是溫馨舒適的背包客棧。

No. 7, Neighborhood 1, Jinlun Village, Taimali 0912-700-058

Monday, Thursday-Sunday 09:00-18:00

T h e ow ne r h as inh e rite d th e s o o n- to - be -

lost Paiwan crochet technique, and therefore offers a variety of one-day or multi-day crochet

courses. There is also an accommodation on the second floor.


臺東縣太麻里鄉金崙村 4 鄰 128 號 089-771-551

週一至週日 08:30–20:00 Dagedan 是排灣族語「睡覺」,入住讓 身心靈放鬆,離海岸僅 2-3 鐘距離,提供 獨特手作早餐,充滿渡假氛圍。



Dagedan House B&B

No. 128, Neighborhood 4, Jinlun Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County 089-771-551

Mon-Wed, Sat-Sun 12:00-19:00

Dagedan refers to “sleep” in Paiwan language. It is a relaxing place to stay; within 2-3 minute-

walk to the beach from the accommodation. We provide a unique homemade breakfast to make you feel at home.


Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


The Forget Worry Villa


Taimali Township, Taitung County

No. 145, Taifeng Road, Taiwang Village,

臺東縣太麻里鄉大王村太峰路 145 號


週一至週日 00:00–24:00

Monday-Sunday 00:00-24:00

The Greek-Mediterranean style resort villa is

希臘風格的地中海渡假 Villa,融入戶外

integrated with the natural light and beautiful


sce ne ry out do o rs, manifesting a tranqu il


and elegant atmosphere as if walking into a paradise.


Qingshan Homestay


Taimali Township, Taitung County

No. 196, Neighborhood 17, DaWang Village,

臺東縣太麻里鄉大王村加崙 17 鄰 196 號


週一至週日 09:00–17:00

Monday-Sunday 09:00-17:00

The wooden structure factory has been


converted into an accommodation, a


restaurant, and sales area for agricultural


products. You can enjoy the atmosphere and

see golden daylilies all over the hills.


Jinlun Grocery Sun’s Inn


Taimali Township, Taitung County

臺東縣太麻里鄉金崙村 4 鄰 151-1 號

No. 151-1, Neighborhood 4, Jinlun Village, 0953-332-582

週一至週五 11:00–18:00

Monday- Friday 11:00-18:00

You can watch the beautiful sunrise over


the East Coast, stargaze at night, and enjoy


the smoky hot spring. We offer services such


as Jinlun Hot Spring guided tours, tribal experiences, and delicious indigenous cuisine.

大鳥 240 號 guesthouse 民宿

Daniao 240 Guesthouse


Dawu Township, Taitung County

臺東縣大武鄉大鳥村 10 鄰 240 號

No.240, Neighborhood 10, Daniao Village,

週一至週日 09:00–21:00



This is one of the few B&Bs in Dawu Village, with

Monday-Sunday 09:00-21:00

a clean and comfortable environment; walking


distance to the beach outside the village to


watch the sunrise. An ideal guesthouse for travelers.




The Backyard of Papa Stone



臺東縣大武鄉大武村大武街 97 號 週一至周日 09:00-18:00 08:00-12:00,13:00-17:00


面、老窗、八卦鏡,二樓可愛水泥磚牆, 改造成社區接待第一站,帶領旅人重新 認識大武村。


臺東縣大武鄉大鳥村 12 鄰 292 號 089-792-151 / 0905-531-700 週一至週六 09:00–18:00

莫拉克風災重創,團結成立笆札筏布工 坊,部落婦女製作傳統工藝品及發展部 落文創產業,提供旅人體驗課程。


臺東縣大武鄉南興村達興 3 號 0932-221-039

週二至週六 11:00–14:00 / 17:00–20:00 結合遊程、美食與文化體驗,能預定獵人

野餐箱,將西式料理方法融合部落食材, 讓在地食材成為美味的料理。

VuVu 野菜農園

臺東縣達仁鄉森永村 76 號 0906-862-815 採預約制






No. 93, Dawu Street, Dawu TownshipTaitung County Monday-Sunday 09:00-18:00 08:00-12:00,13:00-17:00

Papa Dong’s old house retains the walls, old

windows, and eight trigram mirrors of the early years. The lovely concrete brick wall on the

second floor has been transformed into the first

stop of community reception, leading travelers to reacquaint themselves with Dawu Village. Pacavalj Fabric Workshop

No. 292, Neighborhood 12, Daniao, Dawu Township, Taitung County 089-792-151 / 0905-531-700

Monday-Saturday 09:00-18:00

Pacavalj Fabric Workshop was established

after Typhoon Morakot. The tribal women make traditional handicrafts and develop

creative cultural products. Visitors can attend workshops as well. Dahsin 3

No. 3, Daxing, Dawu Township, Taitung County 0932-221-039

Tue-Sat 11:00-14:00 / 17:00-20:00

A full range of excursions, food, and cultural experiences for you to enjoy. One of our specialties is “Hunter’s Cooking”; you can taste

freshly prepared food from local ingredients. The cooking style is a fusion of western cuisine and tribal ingredients.

Vuvu Veggie Farm

No. 76, Mulinaga Village, Daren Township, Taitung County 0906-862-815

By appointment

The vegetables grown in the village are the best

in Taiwan. We provide services such as farm

tours, group dining and organic vegetables. Our mission is to pass on traditional culinary values and bring LOHAS to our lives! 55

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here


Alanyi Kitchen


Taitung County

No. 113, Neighborhood 8, Darren Township,

臺東縣達仁鄉八鄰 113 號


週二至週日 11:30–19:00

Tue-Sun 11:30-19:00

Traditional Paiwan ingredients are combined


with modern cuisine, and every dish is cooked


without frying or deep-frying. Yummy and



Donglong Grocery Store


No. 92, Fuxing Road, Daren Township,

臺東縣達仁鄉復興路 92 號

Taitung County



週一至週日 06:00–23:00

Mon-Sun 06:00-23:00

The grocery store can be dated back to 50 years

有 50 年歷史與故事的老店,像個滿足居

ago. It is a place with warmth and friendliness where a lot of stories and dreams were shared,

民的百寶箱,充滿在地人情味與傳遞部 落夢想, 吸引旅人前來朝聖。

like a treasure chest for the residents.



No. 29, Neighborhood 2, Jinfeng Township,

臺東縣金峰鄉 2 鄰 29 號

Taitung County



週三至週日 14:00–19:00

Wed-Sun 14:00-19:00

Combining traditional Paiwan food with


creative ideas, the desserts have a wide variety


of flavors which you can taste the love in every




Machawu guesthouse

No. 64, Neighborhood 4, Xinxing Village,

臺東縣金峰鄉新興村 4 鄰 64 號

Jinfeng Township, Taitung County

089-782-419 / 0918-590-006

089-782-419 / 0918-590-006

週一至週日 07:00–23:00

Mon-Sun 07:00-23:00

Facing the Pacific Ocean with the mountain


be hind , t he gu esth o u se is a place to see


the sunrise over the horizon. The design is a


combination of farming culture and indigenous


art, which presents a new indigenous style.

They offer tribal tours, activities, and special meals.




InformationCenter 57

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

南迴藝術季作品觀賞路線 Nanhui Art Project Viewing route 華源 HuaYuan →太麻里 Taimali →金崙 Jinlun →大武 Dawu →尚武 Sun Wu →南田 Nantian

飛機 Aircraft 立榮航空 - 臺東 UNI Air-Taitung 089-362-362

鐵路 railway

華信航空 - 臺東 Mandarin Airlines-Taitung 089-362-699

南迴線 South Link Highway:


Kaohsiung > Pingtung > Fangliao > Dawu > Longxi > Jinlun > Taimali 北迴線 North Link Line:


時刻表查詢 Timetable info

Taipei > Yilan > Hualien > Chishang > Guanshan > Luye > Taitung > Chihpen > Taimali

金崙站 Jinlun Stations 080-080-0333

臺東站 Taitung Stations 089-229-687

大武站 Dawu Stations 089-792-056

知本站 Chihpen Stations 089-514-482

太麻里站 Taimali Stations 089-781-544

公車 Bus 鼎東客運 Diing Dong Bus 098-333-023

國光客運 Kuo-Kuang Bus 089-322-027


南迴路線車次 Kuo-Kuang Bus → Nanhui:1778、1778A

發車時間 Departure time:03:00、06:30、12:30、17:30 ( 週一 ~ 週日 Mon~Sun)

經華源 HuaYuan、太麻里 Taimali、金崙 Jinlun、大鳥 Daniao、大武 Dawu、安朔 Anshuo 臺東轉運站鼎東客運 南迴路線車次 Taitung Bus Station → Nanhui:8132 發車時間 Departure time:06:50、15:40 經華源 HuaYuan、太麻里 Taimali、金崙 Jinlun、大溪 Dasi、大武 Dawu、尚武 Sun Wu、 安朔 Anshuo Sicevudan



車次 Taitung Bus Station → Nanhui:8136 發車時間 Departure time:08:25 經華源 HuaYuan、太麻里 Taimali、金崙 Jinlun、大溪 Dasi、大武 Dawu、 尚武 Sun Wu、安朔 Anshuo

租車 Car Rent

臺東市區 Taitung City IWS 租車 IWS RENT-A-CAR / 080-008-9414( 臺東市新站路 221 號 ) 聯邦租車 UNION RENTAL CAR / 089-222-000 ( 臺東市新站路 259 號 ) 東帝租車 DongDi rental car / 089-232-288( 臺東市新站路 217 號 )


車次 Taitung Bus Station → Nanhui:8138 發車時間 Departure time:07:50、09:45、13:00、19:20 經華源 HuaYuan、太麻里 Taimali、金崙 Jinlun、金崙溫泉 Jinlun Hot Springs、 壢坵 Liqiu

普悠瑪易捷租車 PUYUMA EZ RENTAL TAITUNG / 089-238-882 ( 臺東市新站路 251 號 ) 太麻里 Taimali 瑪沙魯小客車出租 masalu rental car / 0933-694461 ( 臺東縣太麻里鄉泰和村太麻里街 478 號 ) 櫻木花道機車租賃企業社 YingMuHuaDao rental car / 089-783-552 ( 台東縣太麻里鄉泰和村 1 鄰太麻里街 66 號 ) 狀元樓機車出租 TAIMALI RENT- 太麻里火車站前店 / 089-781-456 ( 臺東縣太麻里鄉站前路 3 號太麻里火車站前 40 公尺 ) 金崙 Jinlun 吉發租車行 JiFa rental car / 089-771-006 ( 臺東縣太麻里鄉金崙村 10 鄰 422 號 )

計程車 Taxi

臺東 Taitung 大都會衛星計程車隊 Metro Taxi Co., LTD. / 089-236-590 ( 臺東市興安路一段 199 號 ) 太麻里 Taimali 易作嘉 ( 阿嘉 )A JIA / 0988-455-763

自行駕駛 Self-Driving

臺北 Taipei →南迴 Nanhui( 臺 9 線 南迴公路 ) 335km 花蓮 Hualien →南迴 Nanhui( 臺 11 線 南迴公路 ) 342km 屏東楓港 Fenggang Pingtung →南迴 Nanhui( 南迴公路 ) 96km 臺南 Taian →南迴 Nanhui ( 南迴公路 ) 211km 59

Nanhui Art Project 2021 Forward From Here

南迴藝術季專屬 LINE@ 介紹 Nanhui Art Project - What is LINE@ -

Matevetevelj 瑪德夫得芬村長

來到南迴,如何不漏看精彩的藝術季作品,如何一指得知南 迴 吃 喝 玩 樂 住 的 線 上 攻 略, 實 用 又 貼 心 的 南 迴 藝 術 季 專 屬 LINE@ 是你的聰明首選! How to not miss out on the exciting artworks? How to go around the place like a professional? Where to find accommodation? What is the must-eat in Nanhui? Need not worry at all! LINE@ is definitely your 將手機掃描 QR code 立即加入好友

簡 單 快 速, 帶 你 欣 賞 南 迴 藝術季作品與相關活動資

訊。 跟 著 瑪 德 夫 得 芬 村 長 一起盡情走跳南迴!

It’s easy and fast!

Scan the QR code to add

this contact, you can find

information and related events about Nanhui Art Project.

best partner when it comes to traveling in Nanhui.

你成為南迴藝術季專屬 LINE@ 好友即可循「線」探尋藝術季 作品,瞭解詳細的藝術家與作品相關資訊,提供你優質線上導 覽功能。來南迴第一次就玩上手,帶著你走玩南迴四鄉的景點 與特色好店!還有線上遊戲「疊石連連看」等你來挑戰。 快加入南迴藝術季專屬 LINE@ 成為瑪德夫得芬村長好友群, 一指探索南迴不可思議的美 ! By adding LINE@ as friend, you will be able to explore each artwork, learn more about the artists and their inspiration; there is also an online tour if necessary. With the assistance from the app, you can explore four villages in Nanhui like a professional even for the first time. There's also an online game called "Stacked Stones" for you to challenge. Join Nanhui LINE@ and become friends with Mayor Matevetevelj; discover the incredible beauty of Nanfui with only a click of a button!

註 Note:

Matevetevelj( 音譯瑪德夫得芬 ) 是排灣族語「相聚」之意,因南迴而讓我們相遇相聚。

Matevetevelj is the Paiwan word for "gathering". We gather together because of Nanhui.




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