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Space Layout Of Traditional Residential Spaces
The laundry room in the diagram is a public space and does not have high requirements for an environment like lighting. For some of the residential houses, there are not specific spaces for laundry.
The bathroom is no doubt a private space, though it can be connected to the outside world by the internet, it is also unidirectional.
The space of the game room usually changes with the type of game. In many houses, the game space is part of the living room.
The kitchen can be an open space, but a non-open kitchen will not accommodate many people at the same time since it is a limited area.

Space Layout Of Traditional Spaces In Residential Houses

The form of each space depends on users’ habitat and daily activities. Limited by the area, the core function which should be remained firstly is bedroom since residential houses should satisfy the function of ‘living/ resting’ firstly. When it has enough area for other functions, the spatial organization also should be designed according to the lifestyles of family members.

Typology Of Architect


Activities And Spaces
Space and the related activities are not separate from each other, similar requirements can be satisfied in different kinds of spaces. Through the typology strategy, divided urban spaces into residential and other spaces, evaluated the impact of digital lifestyle for different types of spaces and the reconstructed potential. Similar activities can occur in different spaces in different types of buildings. According to the degree of privacy, I classified the activities and summarized them as living, eating (cooking), learning and office working, entertainment and other social activities. The activities have intrinsically link, and if people try to adjust the construction of spaces, it could be impacted by these potential connections.
Chapter II
Space Organization and Design Concept


Narrative of people’s daily life
Otehr Spaces
People’s daily activities have strong regularity somehow, and it caused the regularity of spatial use. Due to the career and range of people’s activities, I classified the group as students, commuters, and homemakers. As for students, activities related to studying space are mostly on weekdays, followed by rest spaces and other spaces. As for office workers, working spaces are as important as social spaces, or it could say some kind of social space is part of their job, they spend a long time in their office and working. And for homemakers, including housewives and househusbands, spaces related to housework are the places they spend time most, which also means that they stay at home for a long time.
Family structure is another element that strongly impacts spatial organization10 To summarize people’s daily life, I listed the individual spaces of everyone’s requirements, divided them into private and more likely in residential houses and others which are more likely in public urban spaces. And the modern family structures can also be described as four types: bachelor (student/ office worker), office worker+ homemaker, student+ office worker, student+ office worker+homemaker. Exploring the possibilities of space organization in different family structures.
It is obviously that bedroom and rest spaces are the essential elements of residential houses besides the bathroom, which is the same as traditional residential design concepts. However, with the popularity of light fare and more take-away food services, the kitchen has become less important for students and office workers. They may have the requirement sometimes, and shared cooking space can be a better choice than having an individual kitchen.
10 E.Fallah and Hojat I., ‘Investigating the effect of family structure changes on houses’ spatial organization using grounded theory: A case study of the houses of Yazd.’, nt. J. Architect. Eng. Urban Plan 28.2 (2018): 149-162.

Coll Age Of Watching Films
In the concept of a minimalist bachelor apartment, the space inside pursues a style that is as simple as possible. Under the general concept of minimalism, the apartment should only include spaces of resting and learning besides the bathroom. The strategy of using spaces can be flexible, although there is a limited area in this minimalist apartment, other activities like gaming and exercising could also be carried out.

Taking entertainment as an example, traditional television can be generally eliminated due to its certain volume, and be replaced by a digital projector which is more lightweight and convenient. As the collage image shows, though small apartments have a limited area, small spaces could be more suitable for digital projectors. To watch video programs, which people need are simple smart devices, and can adjust the scale and angle to have better viewing experiences.
Another example is learning spaces. Online learning and online meetings, for now, are not very comfortable. Chatting with colleagues and friends who have experienced online meetings last year, I realized that under the premise of ensuring safety, most of them prefer face to face meetings, and think that is more efficient. However, they don’t deny the flexibility and convenience of online learning. Thinking of these experiences, students can analogue the real environment in the classroom at school when holographic technology becomes more mature in the future, the coming post-information age. The analogue is bilateral, from the student view, the analogue can stimulate spaciousness and intimacy. And it can be easier to organize the class and obtain feedback, from the instructors’ views.

Because of the limited area of bachelor apartments, more function spaces can be arranged in the urban spaces. Such as the kitchen and dining hall, most of the users of bachelor apartments don’t mind sharing the kitchen, under the heavy pressure of learning and working, they don’t have many demands for cooking space. In this case, the dining room and kitchen can be inverted into urban spaces as individual small spaces and satisfy people’s needs together with residential spaces.
Distinct from the concept of the bachelor apartment, the minimalist normal apartment can be more suitable for the family structure of ‘student+ office worker +homemaker’. The routes of each family member are as independent as possible in this concept, which can prevent them bothering each other as much as possible when they need independent space for studying, working or operating other activities. As for homemakers, the kitchen is the place they spend a lot of time in, it might be shorter if the technology can be more mature in the future to complete the housework more intelligently. Though the kitchen can stay for the family, it can be adjusted and simplified, and the rest space there can also be transformed into storage space, or add some equipment for expressing delivery since delivery services have become an essential part of daily life and online shopping also became the main way of shopping.

Despite the addition of kitchen and dining spaces, there are still many activities that can be tough to be achieved in limited indoors residential spaces, and they can be placed in the city as a scattered, cubed form.