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River and the Potential Flood Plain
The image highlights the River Adaja and its potential floodplain, which may be increasingly vulnerable amid the climate crisis due to melting water from the surrounding mountains. This floodplain serves as the foundation for our continued investigation, as we explore the complex interplay between natural and built environments. By addressing the challenges posed by climate change, our design approach aims to create resilient and adaptive architectural solutions that harmoniously blend with the landscape while maintaining a strong connection to Ávila's unique heritage.
The research also focuses on the predominant crops cultivated within the region, as they form an integral part of the local landscape and cultural identity. This aspect of the study seeks to uncover the symbiotic relationship between architectural interventions and agricultural practices, ultimately informing a design approach that is mindful of the region's unique agricultural heritage and the potential for creating meaningful connections between built environments and the cultivation fields that define the area.
oats and sunflower raygrass sainfoin rye strawberry vetches
During our research into the plain of Ávila, we delved into the unique characters of various villages. These villages embody rich architectural and cultural heritage, with some showcasing remarkable historic landmarks, such as the Romanesque church in Amavida or the picturesque landscape of Salobralejo. Our exploration of these villages enables us to better understand the regional context, while drawing inspiration from their unique qualities to inform our design approach that is both sensitive and responsive to the local identities and traditions.
Sierra de Ávila
The combined drawing synthesises our research, serving as a foundation for folding the broader landscape of Ávila into the potential newly chosen site. This approach, in line with the brief, aims to interweave the existing architectural, cultural, and environmental aspects of the region into our design, fostering an integration with the local context while embracing its unique characteristics. Consequently, this move ensures that our design solution remains rooted in the rich heritage and identity of Ávila, contributing positively to the urban fabric and the overall experience of the city.