JCIC Grassfields News 2

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“Aucun De Nous En Agisant Seul Ne Peut Atteindre Le Succes” de l’échec ou d’une quelconque frustration, mais bien le résultat d’une vision personnelle favorisée par un environnement acquis à la cause de l’entrepreneuriat. Mais que faire dans la situation actuelle ?

« Entreprendre au Cameroun est une chose impossible », vous dira l’homme de la rue : La situation économique, la fiscalité, la corruption, les mentalités... ne sont guère motivantes. De tous ces facteurs, le plus marquant c’est : les mentalités. En effet, notre système scolaire ou académique ne nous prépare pas à l’entrepreneuriat, de ce fait nous ne sommes pas formés pour devenir des entrepreneurs, mais plutôt des chercheurs d’emplois. Notre formation est généralement inadaptée aux réalités socio-économiques et aux besoins de notre environnement. C’est un fait, les plus grands entrepreneurs au Cameroun sont ceux qui n’ont pas pu réussir a l`école pour une raison ou une autre. Ou encore ceux qui n’ont pas pu intégrer une grande entreprise privée ou une administration. Comment se fait il qu’il faille absolument échouer pour qu’on puisse songer devenir un entrepreneur? IL y’a un impératif à opter pour une logique renversée. En effet, nous devons changer tout, sinon la quasi-totalité de notre système éducatif de manière à former des jeunes Camerounais motivés et préparés pour l’entrepreneuriat. Pour ce faire, nous devons identifier des formations variées pouvant rendre nos jeunes diplômés utiles, suffisamment préparés et outillés pour se lancer dans des créneaux porteurs compte ténu des challenges que nous imposent notre environnement. Ainsi entreprendre ne sera plus le fruit

« J’observe que malgré les conditions difficiles que nous connaissons, certains jeunes entrepreneurs de notre pays ne baissent pas les bras et s’investissent dans des projets d’entreprises. J’en veux pour preuve les meilleurs plans d’affaires de la Jeune Chambre Internationale Cameroun, couronnés récemment, et qui sont autant d’exemples de ce que l’esprit d’entreprise peut produire » extrait du message radio télévisée du Président Paul BIYA du 10 février 2006. A travers nos activités, nos formations ainsi que les concours de rédaction des meilleurs plans d’affaires (BBP), nous aidons les jeunes à découvrir l`entrepreneur qui sommeille en eux. Par le renforcement de leurs capacités. C’est en étant avec d’autres jeunes positifs qu’on a envie de se surpasser et de se transformer afin de réaliser des choses par soi même qu’on ne se serait pas cru capable. Harvey Mackay disait: « Entourezvous toujours de personnes heureuses et qui vont de l’avant. Je ne fraie pas avec des gens négatifs. Si vos amis, vos collègues, les personnes que vous respectez et celles dont on parle dans vos lectures sont dynamiques, enthousiastes, confiantes, si elles ont une bonne estime de soi, ces qualités deviendront partie intégrante de vous-même » c’est aussi en d’autres termes ce que voulait dire Nelson MANDELA en affirmant : «AUCUN DE NOUS EN AGISSANT SEUL NE PEUT ATTEINDRE LE SUCCES » Car la réussite, tout comme l’esprit d’entreprendre est une attitude qu’on ne peut développer qu’avec ceux qui ont une mentalité de gagnants. C’est

• Edito…….............….....1 • Opportunité d’Entreprises & d’Affaires..…...….….….2 • Taste & See……..…...……..3 • Standing the Test of Time……................…….4 • JCI eWorld 2.0..............4 d’abord en nous que doit naître le désir de transformer notre vie et celle de notre société. «Aujourd’hui, le moyen le plus sûr de trouver un emploi est de créer soi-même son emploi : devenir entrepreneur est une véritable vocation » Roland KWEMAIN Président National 2006 de la JCI Cameroun.

Emile D. SINGEH VPE 2008 JCI CAMEROUN En charge de la Zone D

Events JCIC Zone D Joint Convention & JCI Bamenda Royal 10th Anniversary September 13, 2008 Bamenda , Cameroon Events Continue on Page 2

Opportunités d’Entreprises & d’Affaires En Côte d’Ivoire, deux illustres membres, past presidents nationaux, sénateurs et formateurs ITF, se sont associés pour mettre en pratique ce que la Jeune Chambre leur a apporté de plus précieux... « La JCI est l’organisation parfaite pour aider ses membres et tous ceux qui le désirent à devenir un meilleur entrepreneur. Outre les réseaux relationnels internationaux d’affaires (IBN) et en plus des séminaires et programmes de formation, la JCI leur offre quelque chose de plus d’extraordinaire. C’est l’opportunité de développer un véritable savoir-faire qui les aidera pour la croissance et la gestion de leur entreprise ». Sén. Bleu Tiémoko En Côte d’Ivoire, deux illustres membres, past presidents nationaux, sénateurs et formateurs ITF, se sont associés pour mettre en pratique ce que la Jeune Chambre leur a apporté de plus précieux, c’est-à-dire la formation. Ainsi est né le Cabinet de formation IBC-Côte d’Ivoire qui fait partie d’un réseau régional de cabinets gérés par des jaycees(IBC-Mali, IBC-Burkina, IBC-Sénégal, IBC-Cameroun, IBC-Niger). Les promoteurs sont les sénateurs Yao Kouakou Ronsard (Directeur Général) et Koné Daouda (Directeur Général Adjoint).

The Importance Of Getting A Good Lawyer The following dialogue is from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place. ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor? WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless? WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

Sénateurs Yao Kouakou & Koné Daouda En étant membre de cette formidable organisation qui promeut la libre entreprise, inculque l’esprit d’initiative et l’apprentissage d’une meilleure gestion pour une meilleure gouvernance future, l’opportunité t’est donnée à toi jaycee de réaliser ce rêve, devenir entrepreneur. Il te suffit pour cela de le désirer au plus profond de ton être et d’acquérir les connaissances qui contribueront à ton développement personnel pour être un bon manager. Sénateur Yolande E. LIDA-KONE (N°65267) Présidente Sénat Ivoirien - Formateur CNT

Contact IBC-Côte d’Ivoire : Tél. : +225 21 28 07 87/ Fax : +225 21 28 13 05 GSM : +225 05 25 88 30/ +225 05 05 20 85 Siège : Abidjan, Marcory, Cité Hibiscus, Villa 188 Email : ibc_ci@aviso.ci

...Events Continuation JCIC Zone D Convention 13 - 14 September 2008 Bamenda, Cameroon COC: (237) 75 72 60 00 - nmungs@yahoo.com

JCI Cameroon NATCON October. 1 - 5, 2008 Douala, Cameroon COC: (237) 99 88 89 41 – jcinatcon2008@yahoo.fr

JCI World Congress November 4 - 9, 2008 New Delhi, India. Website: www.jciwc2008.in For more events, visit www.jci.cc

Taste & See The sweetest part of the JCI pudding is not only in the meeting, learning and growing arena, but also and more importantly, in the learning by doing process... It is often said, “The taste of the pudding is in the eating.” This assertion is very correct. Without experiencing something, one would never get the right feeling or real perception of it, no matter how hard, elaborately or effectively another person tries to relate that experience. Whatever the case, one must undergo something to actually and fully appreciate it. The foregoing is true of the Junior Chamber International (JCI). It is clearly evident that the impact of positive change created by JCI worldwide has lasting effects, but no matter how well we the members represent our identity and sell the JCI brand, it will not be meaningful enough if we do not get both ourselves and others involved. As members, we need to contribute confidently in order to completely realize our mission. We should equally get non-members to participate wholly, in a community project for instance, for them to fully value the services of our organization. Either way, we all need to taste and see. It is therefore our responsibility as premier leaders to undertake this as a challenge.

One of the best tools, if not the most excellent, to achieve this, is through training, the benefits of which cannot be overemphasized. The development of the individual plays a vital role in the fulfillment of the said objective. It is obvious that all the areas of opportunities, which JCI provides, are important, but the individual seems to stand out for the most part, since it is he or she who gets involved either in the community, in business, internationally or strives to be a better manager. In whichever option, skills need to be developed, tested and proven to stand the test of positive change and everlasting world peace over time. Consequently, it goes without saying that it is only in tasting the training experience that we see that it leads to the development of the integral human being to enable him attain not only self-fulfillment but also self-realization as an fundamental part of society. Leaders never stop at any one level of achievement. The impetus is to

Standing The Test Of Time JCI NPB Supreme was created three years ago under the initiative of JCI Bamenda Royal. The LOM got full affiliation to JCI Cameroon at the JCI Cameroon National Convention that held in October 2007 in Buea. The first President was TADOH STANDLY and the 2008 President, my humble self, NSOH FRU NJIELAH.

JCI NPB Supreme Jaycees on Keep The Campus Clean Project

This year, we launched the 2008 LOM’s Plan of Action, along side the JCI Best Business Plan Competition (BBP) and a community project. The ceremony was presided by the Provincial Delegate for Commerce on the April 5, 2008. The community project named Operation Keep The Campus Clean, has being a success with time

ride on to greater heights and perfect what has been already done or to do the undone, thus setting a pace. The sky is our limit as training brings out the power and motivation to succeed as well as the hidden talents and resources that we never thought or knew had – “… the opening of our minds to achieve our true potential.”* The sweetest part of the JCI pudding is not only in the meeting, learning and growing arena, but also and more importantly, in the learning by doing process, as we train to inspire, motivate and optimistically influence others. May we then who have tasted and seen the goodness of JCI bring others, hand in hand, to the table of wonderful opportunities at which everyone would have the chance “… to contribute to the advancement of the global community…”* where “… service to humanity is the best work of life.”* Vunda Moutchia vmoutchia@yahoo.com *Quotations from 2004 edition of JCI Prime Manual – page viii and back inner cover page.

since its implementation because, it has helped improve on the sanitation of our campus and also created good working relation with the administration of National Polytechnic Bambui. In 2008, the LOM counted over 25 members and this year we have experienced growth to over 30 comitted Jaycees, some of which may gain full membership during the 2008 JCI Cameroon’s National Convention. These few milestones make us realize that we are standing the test of time.

Nsoh Fru Njielah 2008 President NPB Supreme

JCI eWorld 2.1 On the Way Dear JCI Members, The JCI eWorld journey started in November 2007, and getting more and more interesting as milestones are being achieved for you to use the program to better connect with other Jaycees worldwide. After JCI eWorld 2.0, JCI eWorld 2.1 is on the way. Daniel Abam from Takara Sytems shares with some of the new social networking and collaboration features implemented as part of JCI eWorld 2.1 to be released before JCI World Congress. Your Social Network The ability for members to create Personal Networks and stay in touch with other members has been added. With eWorld 2.1, you can easily follow the activity, content, and status of everyone in your Personal Network. You can also organize your network of friends and colleagues into categories and send them messages individually or as a group. Furthermore, the Tell a Friend functionality has been enhanced to allow members to download contact lists from other major social sites, enabling you to easily invite people that you already have social relationships with elsewhere. User-defined groups User-defined Groups are now possible with eWorld 2.1 to enable community members to socialize and collaborate around areas and topics that interest them. Groups can be public, invitation only or private. When members start a Group they can drag and drop the layout to perfectly match their needs. They can also pick which content and setting make the most sense for them. Collaborate from your email Inbox The email in/out capability built into eWorld 2.1 would enable JCI NOM and LOM communities to engage the portion of their membership that isn’t logging in regularly.

The key to a successful community is member activity. This external email functionaltu brings the entire discussion to your member’s inbox and enable them to participate with familiar tools. The option to simply click “send” or “reply” to create content helps power user participation and engagement. New conversations in old places With eWorld 2.1, you can add discussions to any webpage using the Community Everywhere feature. This enables a much wider audience to see and become aware of the community itself and enables participation outside of the community without having to login if desired by your chapter. This promotes more activity, increases membership and provides authenticity to prospective members. We would provide you with a short script to apply on your local JCI chapter website (similar to Youtube scripts) to enable this functionality. Conversations come to you No more hidden corners or unheard voices. No need to chase people, content, or conversations across countless forums, blogs, or wikis. With eWorld 2.1, members can gravitate around the topics they care about and use whatever ways they want to socialize - widgets abound for popular content, recent content, tagged content, even persistent search. Stay in the know via email, RSS, dashboards, and more. There are a ton of other social and communication features being added to JCI eWorld 2.0. The team at Takara Systems is also working on additional functionality for biznet as well as addresing non-functional performance issues. Daniel assured they would continue to work hard to provide the JCI members with tools to enhance intra and inter chapter networking, collaboration, knowledge management and business match making. Your feedback is always appreciated. Source: JCI eWorld (http://www.jcieworld.cc/eplus/docs/ DOC-2082#cf) by Daniel Abam.

www.jcieworld.cc ie ew

Contact Us For a Presentation in your LOM or For On line Assistance NDZULO TUECHE (Joe) JCI eWorld Coordinator JCI Cameroon jt_ndzulo@yahoo.co.uk

Alemkia Agendia JCI eWorld Delegate JCIC Zone C alemagendia@yahoo.co.uk

TEM Damain JCI eWorld Delegate JCIC Zone B jaycee_damian@yahoo.fr

NFI MUNGAI JCI eWorld Delegate JCIC Zone D nmungs@yahoo.com

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Editor-in-Chief and Publisher: Emile SINGEH - Contributors in this Edition: Yolande Lida-Koné, Vunda Moutchia, Ndzulo Tueche Joe, Nsoh Fru Njielah - Photo Credit and Illustrations: Merlino Photo, eWorld, IBC-CI. - Design and Layout: Ndzulo Tueche Joe (Zü-Prod VA); Graphics: JCI; Distribution: Zü-Prod VA.Contact: zuprodva@gmail.com - www.jci.cc/cameroun - www.jci.cc - http://zuprod.blogspot.com

h p://zuprod.blogspot.com

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