Tulsi Organic India

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Exclusive distributor in Portugal: www.zurcetraud.com Rua Manuel Ferreira de Andrade, 29-D 1500-416 Lisboa 217 156 614 geral@zurcetraud.com


According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in 2004 about 2.5 million hectares of arable land were dedicated to organic farming. Additionally, there were more than 15,000 certified organic farms in India, which is currently one of the biggest suppliers of organic food to industrialized countries.

Statistics from 2017 place India in the 9th place, in the ranking of countries with the largest area of ​​land dedicated to organic production (in a list led by Australia)

Reinforcing this trend that dates back to the beginning of this century, the number of farms and farmers dedicated to organic farming has grown at a higher rate, which highlights India in the ranking of the number of producers (data from 2015)

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible

What started as a small business, is now a company whose products are distributed in over 40 countries across the globe And the growth continues, in large part, due to one simple fact: as much as we grow, we remain true to our VISION: ORGANIC INDIA™ works with thousands of small farmers in India, cultivating tens of thousands of hectares of sustainable and organic land, to provide genuine organic products

The commitment to be a living embodiment of love and consciousness in action is at the heart of ORGANIC INDIA™ , materialized in the work with several small family farmers across India to cultivate thousands of acres of sustainable organic farmland. Each product of ORGANIC INDIA™ is one link in a chain of inter-connectedness - a chain between Mother Nature, the farmers and, finally, the consumer

ORGANIC INDIA™ operates from a place of inter-connectedness and oneness, working to be of service to the community and to keep our planet vibrant The essence of the brand is consciousness in action The work we all do as human beings matter, and our products and practices are created by conscious decisions based on true wellness and oneness for the planet, our farmers, our employees and the consumers

With every purchase, ORGANIC INDIA™ customers can enjoy the healing benefits of our organic products while supporting the True Wellness of the communities that grow them, the employees who produce them, and the land that nourishes them In this way, our holistic business model creates no separation between profit and purpose.

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ORGANIC INDIA™ offers true well-being to millions of people around the world through its distributors

ORGANIC INDIA™ products are available throughout India, the USA and in more than 40 countries worldwide. You may find ORGANIC INDIA™ products in:






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United Kingdom

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


At ORGANIC INDIA™ take the word ORGANIC very seriously and we only offer 100% certified and tested organic products. Our products are obtained from herbs that are grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides.


ORGANIC products contain higher levels of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals compared to conventional products.

As they are nutritionally richer, organic foods tend to be healthier than conventional products.

A diet based on biologicals excludes toxic chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The empty capsules used to encapsulate our supplements are made from plant cellulose

To work at (and with) ORGANIC INDIA™ it is essential to understand the meaning of the keyword related to their business.
Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible

Quality Assurance

Good Manufacturing Practices

The GMP certification, attested by SGS, guarantees that all the necessary procedures for food safety are applied, namely in all aspects of the production process - including facilities and equipment, primary production, packaging, storage and distribution, pest control and management. waste, as well as the daily hygiene of employees. ORGANIC INDIA Pvt. Ltd. meets the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius, Commission Guidelines, Recommended International Code of Practices, General Principles of Food Hygiene. CAC/RCP 1-1969 Rev. 3 (1997).

ISO 9001 : 2008

ISO Certification has become an essential prerequisite globally. There is no better guarantee than ISO Certification to gain the trust and recognition of the buyer of a product. internationally. ISO standards ensure fundamental characteristics such as quality, respect for the environment, reliability, compatibility, interoperability, efficiency and effectiveness. They facilitate trade, disseminate knowledge and allow the sharing of technological advances and good management practices. ISO standards provide practical solutions and generate benefits for virtually all economic sectors (trade, industry and technology) and for the three dimensions of sustainable development – ​​economic, environmental and social.


The registration and certification of the Food Safety Certification System based on the HACCP system certifies that the requirements defined by the World Health Organization are fully met in the management of food safety and hygiene –and follows the evaluation criteria of an operational HACCP system. By successfully completing this assessment, we clearly communicate to consumers, retailers, healthcare professionals, government authorities that our company complies with all food safety and hygiene parameters.

NPOP India Organic

This symbol, printed on all our packaging, is controlled by APEDA, the authority that sets national standards for organic production through a National Accreditation Program and Policy. The objectives of the National Program for organic production include: (1) Making available the means of evaluating certification programs for agriculture and organic products according to internationally recognized criteria. (2) Accrediting certification programs. (3) Facilitate certification of organic products in accordance with the National Standards for Organic Products. (4) Encourage the development of organic farming and organic production.

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible

Quality Assurance

Bioagricert S.r.l. Unipersonale

Bioagricert is accredited according to ISO 17065 by ACCREDIA (Italian Accreditation Body) with Registration 50B. It is authorized as Certification and Control Body by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Politics (Mipaaft) with Decree n° 91822 of 29/07/2002 renewed on 12/02/2019 and by the European Union with Code IT BIO 007.

In 2017 Bioagricert became part of Foodchain ID Group widening its portfolio of certification, verification, testing and technical services.

EU Organic Certification

The Euroleaf symbol certifies that the product that carries it complies with the standards of the European Union's economic area. Consumers who purchase products that carry this symbol can be sure that at least 95% of the ingredients in the product are of certified organic origin, that the product meets all standards, inspected throughout the manufacturing process and that it is possible to trace the route. of the product, from production to the final point of sale. It is mandatory to also display the code of the inspection body.

USDA United States Department of Agriculture

The USDA organic certification certifies that all legislation, requirements and specifications are met and underpinned a thorough control. It is one of the most exhaustive and demanding certification systems.

Certificação Kosher

The OU logo indicates that the product can be consumed by all kosher compliant people, as well as others with dietary restrictions. Today, for producers and consumers alike, this logo stands for independent verification of quality, integrity and purity – the Orthodox Union's reputation is unparalleled for trust and compliance with the highest kosher standards. The attribution of Kosher OU certification to our brand assures our consumer that each ingredient included in the final product is traceable and is obtained with the highest integrity.

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible

Quality Assurance

Organic India's Production Center in Lucknow (India) became the first food processing facility in India to achieve Platinum LEED®(1) [Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design] certification, which attests the environmental responsibility and efficient use of resources by this company.

Organic India has taken as its Mission to be a company that promotes a healthy, conscious and sustainable life, offering a wide range of wellness solutions in the global market. The latest Platinum LEED® certification is, therefore, a milestone in its firm Commitment to the well-being of its Community, the Environment, its Employees and Farmers.

The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification was created by the United States Green Building Council in 1993, with the aim of promoting best practices in construction, making it sustainable and change market mindsets for the better

The entire process set in motion towards LEED certification has a profound impact on society, the economy and people: it provides numerous improvements for society and the environment and also contributes to a significant improvement in employee productivity and their health and well-being

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible

sacred Tulsi available on the global market TULSI –THE QUEEN OF HERBS

The benefits of Tulsi are proven by both modern and traditional science. This plant, which helps the body deal with stress, is also known for its antioxidant properties and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

ORGANIC INDIA™ is honored and privileged to be the first company to make in the form of a range of delicious infusions. Staying true to our mission of providing true well-being and holistic health to all, our farmers only use organic and biodynamic fertilizers, essential for the harmonious development of our herbs.


✓ Reduces stress

✓ Powerful adaptogenic

✓ Rich in antioxidants

✓ Supports the imune system

✓ Balances the energy levels

✓ Improves digestion

✓ Anti-ageing

✓ Minimizes jet-lag

✓ Promotes a good metabolism

1. Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) An Overview of the Research and Clinical Indications, Beverly Yates, ND, Gaia Herbs.

2. Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi): a miracle herb and boon to medical science – A Review, International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production. Vol., 4 (7), 1580-1589, 2013.

3. “Tulsi” - the Wonder Herb (Pharmacological Activities of Ocimum Sanctum), American Journal of Ethnomedicine, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 1, 089-095.

4. Therapeutic potential and phytopharmacology of Tulsi, Int. J. of Pharm. & Life Sci. (IJPLS), Vol. 3, Issue 7: July: 2012, 1858-1867, 1858

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100% Certified Organic Delicious, stress-relieving, energizing!

In addition to the original Tulsi infusion, ORGANIC INDIA™ presents a wide range of herbal infusions, resulting from the mixture of the Queen of Herbs, Tulsi, with other herbs and roots, which contribute to improve daily health - from strengthening the immunity to a better functioning of the digestive system, these infusions provide well-being, in addition to a relaxing moment.

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


This tonic combination of remarkable plants strengthens the body's intrinsic detoxification process by optimizing the functioning of liver and kidney functions. The proper functioning of these organs is stimulated with bitter plants and this combination has a mild bitter taste.

The plants included in this infusion act as powerful and effective detoxifiers and their properties are especially enhanced when consumed in an infusion.

Ingredients (per bag of 1,6 g): Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf , Ginge*r (Zingiberofficinale) rhizome , Turmeric* (Curcumalonga) rhizome , Phyllanthusniruri (whole herb), Andrographispaniculata* (whole herb), Picrorhizakurroa*rhizome.

In this infusion, the soft and refreshing plants of Tulsi, Peppermint, Spearmint and Licorice are complemented with Senna, a delicious infusion with a mild and effective laxative action. For best results it should be taken on an empty stomach, before going to bed or right after waking up, to facilitate smooth and satisfying bowel movements, usually within 8 to 12 hours.

Ingredients (per bag of 1,6 g):Sene* (Cassia angustifolia) leaf, Peppermint* (Mentha piperita) leaf, Mint* ( Menthaspicata) leaf, Special combination of Holy basil [ Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tuls*i (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi* (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf], Licorice* (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


This excellent combination of stressrelieving plants, including Tulsi, Brahmi, or Ashwagandha, provides the restorative energy needed for healthy sleep. The combination with Chamomile, Cardamom and Peppermint, make this delicious infusion the best ally for a calm and restful sleep. It's also great for helping with jet-lag.

Ingredients (per bag of 1,8 g): Special combination of Holy basil*, which includes:

Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi* (Ocimumgratissimum) leaf , Cardamom* (Elettariacardamomum),Peppermint*(Mentha piperita),Chamomile*(Matricariachamomilla), Shankhapushpi* (Convolvuluspluricaulis), Ashwagandha*(Withaniasomnifera),Brahmi* (Centellaasiatica)


Four of the most important plants in Ayurvedic Medicine – 'The Queen of Herbs' Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Moringa and Brahmi Gotu-kola blend beautifully to create a potent infusion to energize, help maintain stress resistance and vitality.

Enjoy this wonderful infusion, your body will be delighted

Ingredientes (per bag of 1,8 g): Special combination of Holy basil*, which includes: Vana Tulsi* (Ocimumgratissimum)leaf, Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi*(Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Centella asiatica*,Ashwagandha* (Withaniasomnifera) root, Moringa* (Moringaoleifera)leaf

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


Combining India's finest organic black teas with the aromatic Tulsi, creates a smooth and invigorating breakfast tea, rooted in India's cultural tradition. This infusion is high in energy with half the caffeine!

Ingredients (per bag of 1,7 g): Special combination of Holy basil* [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimumgratissimum)leaf, Black tea*leaf (Camelliasinensis).

Specially formulated to strengthen the immunity and increase the body's ability to protect against disease - thanks to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action of its ingredients: Giloy, Licorice, Cinnamon and, of course, Tulsi.

Ingredients (per bag of 2 g): Guduchi* (Tinosporacordifolia), Cinnamon* (Cinnamomumzeylanicum), Licorice* (Glycyrrhizaglabra), Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimum sanctum), Vana Tulsi* (Ocimum gratissimum), Rama Tulsi* (Ocimum sanctum), Black pepper* (Pipernigrum).

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


Two of India's most nourishing herbs, Tulsi & Brahmi, lovingly embrace. This healthful and purifying blend balances your nervous system, offers clarity & calm to your mind and enhances overall physical & emotional well-being


Ingredients (per bag of 1,6 g): Special combination of Holy basil* [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi* (Ocimumgratissimum) leaf], Centella asiatica(Gotu Kola).

Tulsi Green Tea contains natural herbs good for health. Clinical studies show that both Tulsi & Green Tea promote healthy metabolism which is vital to weight management. Both offer a vast array of remarkable health benefits including an abundance of antioxidants which eliminate damaging free radicals in the body. Our amazing combination refreshes and tastes wonderful. Drink up and enjoy!

Contains caffeine

Ingredients (per bag of 1,74 g): Special combination of Holy basil* [ Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf], Green tea leaf (Camellia sinensis).

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


Tulsi Green Tea Ashwagandha is a unique & delicately balanced powerhouse of energy and vitality which has been carefully blended with the refreshing flavour of lemongrass to create a delicious and aromatic tea packed with the powerful health benefits of India’s wonder herb Ashwagandha. These compounds naturally support the immune & cardiovascular systems and promote detoxification.

Contains caffeine.

Ingredients (per bag of 2 g): Green tea leaf (Cameliasinensis), Ashwagandha root, Special combination of Holy basil* [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimumgratissimum)] leaf, Lemongrass* leaf (Cymbopogoncitratus).


This elegant blend of "The Queen of Herbs" Tulsi, our exquisite Green Tea, fragrant Jasmine and Chamomile flowers enhanced with a touch of zesty Ginger creates a totally delicious and satisfying tea experience. Great throughout the day hot or iced!

Contains caffeine.

Ingredients (per bag of 1,8 g): Special combination of Holy basil*: Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf, Green tea leaf (Camelliasinensis), Ginger rhizome (Zingiberofficinale), Chamomile flower (Matricariachamomilla), Fennel seed (Foeniculumvulgare), Jasmine natural flavour, Jasmine flower (Jasminumgrandiflorum).

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


Licorice, known as the great harmoniser in Chinese medicine, brings its soothing sweet character to India’s legendary sacred herb, Tulsi. The delightful combination produces a warming tea with flavour notes of spicy cinnamon, ginger and lemon.

Ingredients (per bag of 1,9 g): Special combination of Holy basil*: Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi* (Ocimumgratissimum) leaf, Rama Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf; Cinnamon* (Cinnamomumzeylanicum), Ginger* (Zingiber officinale), Lemongrass* (Cymbopogon citratus), Licorice* (Glycyrrhizaglabra), Natural lemon flavour


Tulsi Masala Chai - Sweet, spicy and enlightening, Tulsi Masala Chai is a winner! We've combined our favorite blend of freshly ground, organic spices (masala), premium Assam Tea and the finest Tulsi with all its impressive health benefits. Tulsi Masala Chai is an everyday encounter with the exotic. Less caffeine plus great taste and aroma make this a healthy, tasty, daily delight… Contains caffeine

Ingredients (per bag of 2,1 g): Black Assam tea leaf *(Camelliasinensis assamica), Special combination of Holy basil [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf], Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Ginger rhizome (Zingiberofficinale), Cardamom (Elletariacardamomum), Black pepper (Pipernigrum), Clove (Syzygiumaromaticum), Nutmeg & Mace (Myristicafragrans)

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


It is a refreshing combination of Rama, Krishna and Vana Tulsi with Moringa and Lemongrass. This delicious combination helps maintain vitality and contributes to your well-being!


Delicious, fragrant, exquisite, the finest Rama, Krishna and Vana Tulsi leaves are expertly blended to create a soothing, uplifting, full-bodied beverage that is inspiringly fresh and flavorful.

Tulsi, ‘The Queen of Herbs’ encourages tranquility, clarity, relief from stress, robust immunity and stamina. With its fresh taste and astonishing array of health benefits, The Tulsi Original is, quite simply... Perfect.

Ingredients (per bag of 2 g): Moringa* leaf (Moringaoleifera), Lemon grass* leaf (Cymbopogoncitratus), Special combination of Holy basil*: [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimumgratissimum) leaf]

Ingredients (per bag of 1,8 g ) ), Special combination of Holy basil* [ Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf]

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


Tulsi, combined with peppermint for a fresh feeling!

Tulsi Peppermint is the perfectly cooling and refreshing answer to the long hot summer months. Delicious and cooling, it’s also ideal to drink iced to refresh body, mind and spirit.

Supports optimal digestion!


This flavourful blend of "The Queen of Herbs" Tulsi, our exquisite Green Tea, infused with Pomegranate and Hibiscus flowers and the tangy flavour of Raspberries is a delightful combination that will charm your tastebuds day and night.

Contains caffeine

Ingredients (per bag of 1,7 g): Peppermint leaf (Menthapiperita), Special combination of Holy basil* [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf],

Ingredients (per bag of 2 g): Green tea leaf (Camelliasinensis), Rama Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf, Hibiscus flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Natural pomegranate flavour, Natural raspberry flavour, Pomegranate flower (Punicagranatum)

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25 bags


Warm spicy Tulsi, succulent raspberry and aromatic peach, accented by a touch of berry and hibiscus, combine to create a fruity, fragrant delicious tea. Enjoy hot or iced!


A delicate blend of Rama, Krishna and Vana Tulsi with Cinnamon, Cardamom, Rose Petals and Cassia make a harmonious, healing combination which inspires the senses.

Add a touch of sweetness and you will get a cup of exotic Tulsi, which will awaken the senses and evoke the mysteries of India…

Ingredients (per bag of 1,9 g )

Special combination of Holy basil* [ Rama Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi* (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf], Hibiscus* flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Natural peach and raspberry flavours

Ingredients (per bag of 1,6 g)

Special combination of Holy basil* [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf], Chamomile* flower (Matricariachamomilla), Rose* petals (Rosacentifolia), Lemongrass* leaf (Cymbopogoncitratus), Natural rose flavour

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


25 bags


Turmeric's qualities to support the liver & the body's natural inflammatory response while building immunity compliment Tulsi's health enhancing properties beautifully!

Blended with ginger & cinnamon, it's a delicious drink to savor & enjoy.

Ingredients (per bag of 1,9 g) Special combination of Holy basil* [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf], Turmeric* (Curcumalonga), Ginger* (Zingiberofficinale), Cinnamon* (Cinnamomumzeylanicum), Black Pepper* (Pipernigrum), Clove* (Syzygium aromaticum), Stevia leaf(Steviarebaudiana).

*of organic origin

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


loose leaf (100 gr. tin)


Together, ginger and lemon are great allies for weight loss. In fact, they help to lessen the feeling of hunger, especially if taken as a hot drink. Ginger helps to activate metabolism and thus to burn fat more easily, on the other hand lemon helps in detoxification of the body and promotes diuresis.

The hepatoprotective antioxidant properties of Tulsi make this infusion an excellent detoxifier.

Ingredients (per spoon of 2 g) Ginger* rhizome (Zingiberofficinale), Special combination of Holy basil*: Vana Tulsi* (Ocimumgratissimum) leaf, Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi* (Ocimum sanctum) leaf, Lemongrass* leaf (Cymbopogon citratus), Natural lemon flavour


Tulsi Masala Chai - Sweet, spicy and enlightening, Tulsi Masala Chai is a winner! We've combined our favorite blend of freshly ground, organic spices (masala), premium Assam Tea and the finest Tulsi with all its impressive health benefits. Tulsi Masala Chai is an everyday encounter with the exotic. Less caffeine plus great taste and aroma make this a healthy, tasty, daily delight…

Ingredients (per spoon of 2 g) Black Assam tea* leaf (Camelliasinensisassamica)

Special combination of Holy basil*: Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi* (Ocimum sanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi* (Ocimumgratissimum) leaf, Cinnamon* (Cinnamomumzeylanicum), Ginger* (Zingiberofficinale), Cardamom* (Elletaria cardamomum), Black pepper* (Pipernigrum), Clove (Syzygiumaromaticum), Nutmeg* (Myristica fragrans), Mace* (Myristicafragrans)

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible


loose leaf (100 gr. tin)


The Tulsi plant is considered auspicious in India and revered in many parts of the Indian subcontinent. The leaves of this plant have numerous medicinal properties, including:

- prevention of respiratory diseases;

- strengthening of the immune system;

- reduction of stress levels;

- maintenance of oral and dental health.

Ingredients (per spoon of 2 g)

Special combination of Holy basil*: Krishna Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi* (Ocimumgratissimum) leaf, Rama Tulsi* (Ocimumsanctum) leaf


A delicate blend of Rama, Krishna and Vana Tulsi with Cinnamon, Cardamom, Rose Petals and Cassia make a harmonious, healing combination which inspires the senses. Add a touch of sweetness and you will get a cup of exotic Tulsi, which will awaken the senses and evoke the mysteries of India… Relaxing. Exotic. Soothing.

Ingredients (per spoon of 2 g)

Special combination of Holy basil* [Krishna Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Rama Tulsi (Ocimumsanctum) leaf, Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf], Chamomile* flower (Matricariachamomilla), Rose* petals (Rosacentifolia), Lemongrass* leaf (Cymbopogoncitratus), Natural rose flavour

*of organic origin

Natural Organic Sustainable Ethical Socially Responsible

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