Alcatel-Lucent Scalable IP Networks Lab Guide

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Revision 1.1 2007-03-14

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Alcatel Scalable IP Networks Lab Guide


Table of Contents

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LAB 1 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................ 3 Section 1.1 – System Identification ............................................................................................................................3 Section 1.2 – System Configuration ...........................................................................................................................4 Section 1.3 – Hardware ...............................................................................................................................................5 IOM/MDA Configuration.........................................................................................................................................5 Section 1.4 – Logs ........................................................................................................................................................6 Configuring and Viewing Alarms.............................................................................................................................8

LAB 2 IP ADDRESSING AND ROUTING ...................................................................... 9 Section 2.1 – IP Addressing ........................................................................................................................................9 Section 2.2 – Layer 3 Interfaces ...............................................................................................................................11 Section 2.3 – Testing for ICMP and ARP................................................................................................................12 Section 2.4 – Static Routes ........................................................................................................................................13 Section 2.5 – Default Routes .....................................................................................................................................13

LAB 3 DYNAMIC IP ROUTING .................................................................................... 16 Section 3.1 – Configuring RIP ..................................................................................................................................16

LAB 4 OPEN SHORTEST PATH FIRST (OSPF)......................................................... 19 Section 4.1 – Single Area OSPF................................................................................................................................19 Section 4.2 – Multiple Area OSPF ...........................................................................................................................21

LAB 5 BGP ROUTING ................................................................................................. 23 Section 5.1 – BGP Routing........................................................................................................................................23

List of Figures Figure 1 ................................................................................................................................. 9 Figure 2 ............................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 3 ............................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 4 ............................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 5 ............................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 6 ............................................................................................................................... 23

Lab 1 Hardware Configuration

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Section 1.1 – System Identification Objective: In this exercise the student will configure the date and time on the router. The students will then change the password from its default of “admin” to “secret”. Once completed, the student will change the name of the router to reflect its node number. 1. Log In to Your Node Login to your node using the default login (admin) and password (admin). 2. Set the System Time and Date SR# admin set-time <YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm> SR# show time ↵

3. Change the Default Password Change the default password to ‘secret’. SR# password ↵ Enter current password: admin Enter new password: secret Re-enter new password: secret ↵

Check your password change by logging out of the 7750 and logging back in using the new password. SR# logout

4. Change the System Name Change the system name to PEX/PX (X=your node number).depending on which router you are logged into SR# configure system name <PEX/PX>

The CLI system prompt will now display the system name.

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Section 1.2 – System Configuration Objective: In this exercise the student will save their current router configuration to a specific destination. Once that is done, the student will then configure the Boot Options File (BOF) to point to the configuration file location. With this completed the student will then prove that the BOF configuration is working correctly. 1. In this step the student will use the following command sequence to save the router configuration. This command does not mean that the running configuration is now the start up configuration. This is simply saving the configuration to a location so that it may be retrieved later. XXX>admin save cf3:/ASIN_Lab.cfg ↵

2. In this step the student will use the following command sequence to configure the BOF. What the student is doing here is telling the BOF where to go to find the configuration that they want the router to use in the boot process. If nothing is defined in the BOF for a configuration, then the router will load up with the default configuration which is just enough of a configuration to allow the operator to communicate with it. XXX>bof ↵ XXX>bof# primary-config cf3:/ASIN_Lab.cfg ↵ XXX>bof# save ↵

3. Finally, confirm that the primary-config is actually in the BOF by using the following command. The show BOF command will display the contents of the BOF. There the student can verify that the entry for the primary-config is correct. Rebooting the router will prove that the BOF can find the configuration and load the configuration onto the router. XXX>show bof ↵ XXX>admin reboot now ↵


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Section 1.3 – Hardware Objective: In this exercise the student will configure Input/Output Modules (IOM), Media Dependent Access (MDA) and the ports. The student will then ensure that the ports are properly configured as far as mode and MTU.

IOM/MDA Configuration 1. In this step the student is not actually configuring the IOM card. The student is configuring the card slot. The IOM card itself already knows what it is. This command shows what type of cards it should expect to see installed. XXX# show card ↵ Configure the appropriate slot with the equipped card. XXX# configure card <slot> ↵ (where slot is 1-10 depending on the node) XXX>config>card# card-type iom-20g ↵ (this can be different) XXX>config>card# no shutdown ↵ (by default all cards are shutdown)

2. The next step is to configure the daughter card slots on the IOM XXX# show mda ↵

(command to show all mdas installed on all cards)

XXX>config>card# mda 1 ↵ XXX>config>card>mda# mda-type m60-10/100eth-tx ↵ (this can be different) XXX>config>card>mda# no shutdown ↵

3. Confirm that the configurations were correctly done by using the following commands. The equipped card type and the provisioned card type listed in the CLI window should be identical. XXX# show card 1 ↵ XXX# show mda 1/1 ↵ XXX# show mda 1/2 ↵

4. Note: The cards and mdas can be configured incorrectly; there is no visible warning to determine if these components were wrongly configured (see Configuring Alarms). Although the router will accept an incorrect configuration, any service on the incorrectly configured cards/mdas will not work correctly


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5. Once the cards are correctly configured then configure the ports on the MDA’s. Unlike the cards where it was a hierarchical configuration structure, the ports are not configured as part of the MDA hierarchy. The student must exit back to the root and then enter into the port configuration mode. The ports are identified by first identifying the IOM, then the MDA and then the port (1/1/1). By default, the ports on a 60 port 10/100 card are network mode with a MTU of 1514. The default settings will suffice for the remainder of this course. XXX>config>port 1/1/1 ↵ XXX>config>port#> no shut ↵ XXX>config# port 1/1/[1..60] no shut ↵

(This command will enable you to configure a string of ports at one time. In this case, this command will turn all 60 ports administratively on.) 6. Use the following commands to verify that the configurations at the port level are correct and functioning properly. XXX>show port ↵ XXX>show port 1/1/1 detail ↵

(The “detail” extension on a show command will display everything possible about the item specified. This command is very useful in troubleshooting.

Section 1.4 – Logs Objective: In this exercise the student will configure log-ids and log files. The student will then set up a relationship within the log-id to identify the source of the information (the logger) and the destination of the information that they wish to capture. 1. Create a File ID The file that is about to be created is going to be the destination of the information that you wish to capture. Notice that in the description field the name is placed in quotation marks. This is because you cannot use spaces in a description, unless you use the quotation marks. Once the file is created you must identify a storage location for the file and then the rollover and retention times. XXX# configure log file-id XXX>configure>log>file-id$ XXX>configure>log>file-id$ XXX>configure>log>file-id$

1 description “Main Stream Log File” location cf3: rollover 120 retention 24 ↵


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Rollover features configure how often an event or accounting log is rolled over. The retention time specifies the amount of time the file should be retained on the system, based on the creation time of the file. The retention time is used as a factor to determine which files should be deleted first if the file system device nears 100% usage. When a log file is rolled over, the current log file is closed and a new log file is created. Rollover time is expressed in minutes. Default is 1440, range is 60-2880. Retention time is expressed in hours. Default is 12, range is 1-500. XXX>configure>log>file-id$ info detail XXX>configure>log>file-id$ exit XXX# show log file-id 1 ↵

** Note that the file is not yet attached to an accounting policy or event log. 2. Create a Log ID and associated the Log to a File Id XXX# configure log log-id 1 XXX>configure>log>log-id$ description “Main Stream Log” XXX>configure>log>log-id$ from main

(This is the source of the information that you wish to capture) XXX>configure>log>log-id$ to file 1

(This is the destination) XXX>configure>log>log-id$ info detail XXX>configure>log>log-id$ exit XXX# show log file-id 1

** Note that file-id 1 is now associated with a log file located on cf3: in a “log” directory. The name of the file has the following format: log<log-id><file-id>-<date>-<time> e.g. log0101-20040130-150447 3. Examine the contents of file 1. XXX# show log log-id 1 ↵

4. Using the same configuration steps that you have just completed for File 1, repeat the process to configure another log file using the following parameters:


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Description: File-id: 2 Retention: 12 Log Source:

Security Log File Rollover: 300 Log-id:2 from security

5. Using the same configuration steps that you have just completed for File 1&2, repeat the process to configure another log association using the following parameters. Note, this time the destination is session: Description: Log-id: 3 Log Source: Destination:

Debug-Trace from debug-trace session

6. Verify that the files have indeed been created. XXX# file dir cf3:\log ↵

Configuring and Viewing Alarms Alarms on the 7x50 are not directly displayed. Two log files (log id 99 and log id 100) are configured automatically on startup to capture alarm events for layer 1 and layer 2. To view these alarms execute XXX> show log log-id 99 ↵ XXX> show log log-id 100 ↵ Appropriate parameters can be used in order to display specific information. Alternatively custom log files can also be setup to record specific events as described in the next section


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Lab 2 IP Addressing and Routing Section 2.1 – IP Addressing Objective: In this exercise the student will design and implement an IP network addressing scheme to support the communications between the routers as shown in the diagram below.


Pod1 PE1



1/2/1 1/1/1 P1



1/1/3 1/1/4 P3





1/1/3 1/1/4 P4

1/1/3 1/1/2


1/2/1 1/2/1 PE3 PE4


Pod4 Figure 1

1. In this exercise all the students must work together in a group. It serves no purpose for one group to design just their own network information as it may be duplicated by another group. With regard to the above diagram, PE1 through PE4 will all be supporting 20 hosts. All interconnecting links between PE – P devices and PE – P devices are to be considered as point-to-point links.

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2. Using the following sub-net ( as the base IP address design an IP addressing scheme to support all of the requirements listed above as well as the system interfaces. Enter the addresses in the table below. Pod Number Pod 1

Router PE1


Pod 2



Pod 3



Pod 4



Port --1/2/1 ----1/1/4 1/1/2 1/1/1 1/1/3 --1/2/1 ----1/1/1 1/1/3 1/1/2 1/1/4 --1/2/1 ----1/1/4 1/1/2 1/1/3 1/1/1 --1/1/2 ----1/1/1 1/1/2 1/1/4 1/1/3

Interface name system toP1 toLan system toP3 toP2 toPE1 toP4 system toP2 toLan system toPE2 toP4 toP1 toP3 system toP3 toLan system toP1 toP4 toP2 toPE3 system toP4 toLan system toPE4 toP3 toP1 toP2

IP Address

Table 1


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Section 2.2 – Layer 3 Interfaces Objective: In this exercise the student will configure the layer 3 interfaces as per the IP addressing scheme listed in the table above. 1. Using the following command take a look at any existing interfaces on the router. Notice that the system interface is already created. This interface exists by default and cannot be removed. The only requirement is to assign the system interface with an IP address. The system interface will be automatically used by the various routing protocols as the router-id. XXX>show router interface ↵

2. Assign the IP address to the system interface as per the above table on both the PE and P routers. XXX>config>router ↵ XXX>config>router# interface system ↵ XXX>config>router>if# address ↵ XXX>config>router>if# exit ↵

3. Assign the IP addresses to the rest of the interfaces on the PE and P routers. The difference between these interfaces and the system interface is the fact that with these next interfaces they must be assigned to a physical port. The system interface, being a loopback or virtual interface, does not have a physical port assigned to it. XXX>config>router# interface toLan ↵ XXX>config>router>if$ address ↵ XXX>config>router>if$ port 1/1/1 ↵ XXX>config>router>if$ exit↵

4. Continue until all the interfaces have been assigned an IP address and that interface has been associated to the correct port. Once completed, use the show command to see the status of the router interfaces that have just been created. The administrative and operational status should both be up. If an interface should show operationally down, this indicative of a physical problem. Use the info command to view the configuration of the router interfaces to ensure that they have all (with the exception of the System interface) been associated with a port. XXX>show router interface ↵ XXX>config>router↵ XXX>config>router# info ↵

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5. Using the show command, check the route tables of both the PE and P router in your pod. Notice the routes that now appear in the route table as well take note of there protocol type. The PE routers should see 3 routes in the route table while the P routers should see 5 routes in the route table. XXX>show router route-table ↵

6. Using the ping command, check connectivity to the distant end of each interface on the P routers. On the PE routers check the connectivity to the distant end of the interface connecting it to the P router. XXX>ping ↵

Section 2.3 – Testing for ICMP and ARP Internet control Messaging Protocol is IP application that reports on the errors in delivering IP datagram. When a destination address is unreachable, the router that cannot find the destination sends a destination unreachable to the source of the IP datagram. ARP is a mechanism used to find out the MAC destination of a certain IP destination, if one does not exist in the source’s ARP cache. 1. To verify ICMP messages are being generated, turn on debug for ICMP packets on all core routers. To turn debug icmp on XXX> debug router ip icmp ↵

2. From the PE devices, attempt to ping the IP address of the far-end interface to your P router, using your PE’s system interface address as the source address. Observe the debug ICMP messages on the core routers. 3. To verify ARP operation by the router, turn on debug IP ARP on P1, P2 and P4 routers XXX> XXX> XXX> XXX>

debug router ip no icmp ↵ debug router ip arp ↵ clear router arp all ↵ show router arp ↵

4. From either P1, P2 or P4, attempt to ping the system interface IP address of one of the other P routers. Observe the debug ARP message. Verify the ARP entry for the neighboring interface has been added XXX> show router arp ↵


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Section 2.4 – Static Routes Objective: In this exercise the student will configure a static route from the PE to the P router and from the P router to the PE router that will allow both routers to ping the system interface of each other. At this point in time the operator can only ping the interfaces that are directly connected to the router. This is because those are the only networks that can be seen by the router. Should the operator at the PE router attempt to ping the system interface of the P router it would fail as the PE router has no route to the destination (it is not shown in the route-table). 1. The first step is to define the network that the operator wishes to reach. In this case it will be the address of the system interface of the distant router. Once that is defined then the router must be informed of which interface to send the information out of to reach the distant network. Note, when defining the “next-hop” interface information, the IP address used is the distant IP address of the interface not the local IP address of the router interface. Log in to the PE router and configure a static route using the following command structure. The first IP address defined is the destination network plus mask. In this case it is the System Interface of the P router. The second IP address defined is the IP address of the P end of the interface that connects the PE to the P. XXX>configure router static-route xx.xx.xx.xx/yy next-hop xx.xx.xx.xx

2. The next step is to log on to the P router and configure a static route to the system interface of the PE router. The command structure is the same as above, the only thing that will change is the IP addresses. 3. Once completed use the ping command to verify connectivity between the PE and P routers in your pod by pinging the system interface of the other router. XXX>ping ↵

Section 2.5 – Default Routes Objective: In this exercise the student will configure a default route on the P router. The purpose of this default route is to allow IP connectivity from the PE router to the rest of the routers in the network. To configure connectivity using standard static routes would be very time consuming and prone to errors. However if default routes are configured in the correct direction, connectivity can be provided with minimal configuration.



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1/2/1 1/1/1 P1



1/1/3 1/1/4 P3





1/1/3 1/1/4 P4

1/1/3 1/1/2


1/2/1 1/2/1 PE3 PE4


Pod4 Figure 2

1. For this exercise, P1 will configure a default route and the next-hop address will be the interface address of P2. P2 will configure a default route and the next-hop address will be the interface address of P4. P4 will configure a default route and the next-hop address will be the interface address of P3 and finally P3 will configure a default route and the next-hop address will be the interface address of P1. 2. To configure a default route is to configure a static route. The only difference is the destination network and mask information. In a default route, the wild card network and mask is used to match all look-ups that would not match anything else in the route-table. Use the following configuration on the P router of your pod and for the next hop use the interface as defined on the previous page. XXX>configure router static-route next-hop xx.xx.xx.xx ↾

3. Log on to the PE router and configure a default route that points to the P router interface address as its next-hop.


XXX>configure router static-route next-hop xx.xx.xx.xx ↵

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4. Use the show command to verify the existence of the default route and the previously configured static route. XXX>show router route-table ↵

5. Once everyone has completed the default route configuration log on to the PE router and ping the various system interfaces of the various routers within the network. XXX>ping ↵


Lab 3 Dynamic IP Routing

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Section 3.1 – Configuring RIP Objective: In this exercise the student will configure a default a dynamic routing protocol, RIP. With using RIP and its associated route policy the student will experience the capabilities of a dynamic route protocol and the use of metrics in the selection of a route to a destination.


Pod1 PE1



1/2/1 1/1/1 P1



1/1/3 1/1/4 P3





1/1/3 1/1/4 P4

1/1/3 1/1/2


1/2/1 1/2/1 PE3 PE4


Pod4 Figure 3

RIP will be configured on the PE and P routers of each POD. Once configured, RIP will flood the network with routing updates. After a period of time, referred to as convergence time, all routes to all destinations will be learned by each router in the network.


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1. For this exercise the first step will be to remove all the static routes from both the PE and P routers. Use the “no” command to delete the route to the system interface and the default route from the route tables. XXX>config router no static-route xx.xx.xx.xx/yy next-hop xx.xx.xx.xx ↵ XXX>conf router no static-route next-hop xx.xx.xx.xx ↵

2. Next step is to start the RIP routing process on both the PE and P routers. XXX>configure router rip ↵

3. RIP, on the 7X50, is configured in a tiered approach. First is the global level, second is a group level, and third is the neighbor level. This is done for ease of configuration. If a change is made at the global level it is then pushed down to all groups and then to all neighbors. If a change is made at the group level it is pushed down to only the neighbors that are members of that group. Finally if a change is made at the neighbor level, then only that specific neighbor is affected by the change. Using the following commands create a group and assign neighbors to that group. The group name is only significant to the local router. The neighbors will be the layer 3 interfaces that are connected to the other routers XXX>configure>router>rip# group RIP ↵ XXX>configure>router>rip>group$ neighbor toPn ↵ XXX>configure>router>rip>group$ neighbor toPEn ↵

Continue to enter in all the router interconnecting interfaces into the group. Do the same on both the P and PE routers in your pod. 4. Once completed check to see if your connections to your neighbors are administratively and operationally up using the following command. XXX# show router rip neighbor ↵

When fully completed, the P router should display 4 RIP neighbors and the PE router should display only 1 RIP neighbor. 5. Once all of the RIP neighbors are functioning look at the route table to see all of the routes that RIP has distributed through the network. XXX# show router route-table ↵

As the routers will display, there are no routes being advertised by RIP. This is because we’ve not told RIP which routes to advertise. Therefore, a route policy must be created and applied to the RIP protocol to tell it which networks to advertise to its neighbors.


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6. Creation of a route policy is fairly simple. Two things must be remembered at all times. The first is to create or edit a policy the begin command must be used. To save the policy or any changes you’ve made to the policy the commit command must be used. When creating a policy you must define a matching criterion, to tell the router what it is looking for. This is done with the “entry” statement. Once the router has found a match, you must define an action to tell the router what action it is supposed to perform. XXX# configure router policy-options ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options# begin ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options# policy-statement RIP_policy ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options>policy-statement$ entry 10 ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry$ from protocol direct ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry# action accept ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry>action# back ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry# back ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options>policy-statement# back ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options# commit ↵ XXX>config>router>policy-options# exit all ↵

This completes the creation of the route policy. In the entry, the match criterion was defined as protocol direct. Once the match was defined then the action the router is to perform is to accept this information. 7. The filter policy is now created but is not doing anything. It now must be applied to the routing protocol. In this case RIP. Since the goal of this exercise is to have RIP advertise out to its neighbors the various directly connected networks the policy must be applied to the export side of RIP. XXX# configure router rip ↵ XXX>config>router>rip# export RIP_policy ↵

8. Using the show command examine the routes in the route table. Using the ping command prove network reachability throughout the network.


Lab 4 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

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Section 4.1 – Single Area OSPF Objective: In this exercise the student will configure a single area OSPF network. This lab will demonstrate the different databases that are created by the OSPF routing protocol.


Pod1 PE1


Area 0


1/2/1 1/1/1 P1



1/1/3 1/1/4 P3





1/1/3 1/1/4 P4

1/1/3 1/1/2


1/2/1 1/2/1 PE3 PE4



Figure 4

In this exercise the OSPF routing protocol will be enabled on all PE and P routers. OSPF is a hierarchical routing protocol using areas to reduce the amount of network routing information that would normally flow through a network.

1. The first step is to enable the OSPF routing process on the router.

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XXX# configure router ospf ↵

2. Next define the area that the interfaces will be placed in. Remember that the area must match between routers connected on the same interface for OSPF to establish an adjacency. The objective of this exercise is to configure a single area OSPF network, therefore, all students should use the same area number. XXX#>config>router>ospf$ area 0 ↵

3. Now enter into this area all the interfaces that you want OSPF to operate on and advertise out. In this case, place all the PE and P router interfaces into the OSPF process area 0. XXX#>config>router>ospf>area$ interface system ↵ XXX#>config>router>ospf>area>if$ exit ↵

Continue until all the interfaces on the PE and P routers are entered into the OSPF process in area 0. 4. Once completed on both the PE and P routers, use the show command to examine the route table. Notice that the OSPF learned routes are replacing the RIP learned routes. Why? 5. Use the show command to look at the OSPF neighbors of the router. The state between all neighbors should be full. What does that mean? 6. Use the following command to show the ospf link state database. This database is a listing of all LSA’s that have been received by the router. It is these LSA’s that the SPF algorithm uses to create the forwarding table. What types of LSA’s are in the database. XXX# show router ospf database detail ↵


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Section 4.2 – Multiple Area OSPF Objective: In this exercise the student will configure a multiple area OSPF network. This lab will demonstrate some of the different router types that are created by the OSPF routing protocol.





Area 1


Area 2 1/2/1

1/1/1 P1 1/1/3 1/1/4 P3

Area 3



Area 0


P2 1/1/4 1/1/3

Core 1/1/3 1/1/2

1/1/4 P4 1/1/1

Area 4

1/2/1 1/2/1 PE3 PE4


Pod4 Figure 5

In each POD, the PE router and the connecting interface on the P router will both be in area number that is associated with the POD number. All interfaces that are used to connect PE router to P router will remain in Area 0.


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1. The first task will be to remove the interface that connects the P router to the PE router in the pod from OSPF area 0 on the P router. XXX#>config>router>ospf>area# no interface toPEn ↵

2. The next step is to log on to the PE router and completely remove area 0. This will remove the area and all associated interfaces from the OSPF protocol. XXX#>config>router>ospf# no area 0 ↵

3. Next, on the PE router, configure the appropriate area number in OSPF and put all interfaces into this new area. 4. Finally log on to the P router. Create another area in OSPF, this area must be the same area number that is configured on the PE router in your POD. Then put the interface that connects to the PE router into that new area. 5. Use the following show command to see the status of the P router. XXX# show router ospf status ↵

Notice in the status display the line that identifies that the P router is an ABR. This was configured automatically when an adjacency was formed in another area other then area 0. 6. Use the appropriate show command to look at the OSPF database again. Notice now that there are not just router and network LSA’s listed in the database. What other type of LSA’s have now been entered into the database? 7. Use the show command to look at the route table to ensure that all routes are still available. Ping across the network to prove network reachability.


Lab 5 BGP Routing

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Section 5.1 – BGP Routing Objective: In this exercise the student will configure their PODs as a BGP Autonomous System. The student will then configure the BGP routing protocol to connect the Autonomous Systems together and exchange routing information.


Pod1 PE1




65002 1/2/1

1/1/1 P1



1/1/3 1/1/4 P3






1/1/3 1/1/4 P4

1/1/3 1/1/2



1/2/1 1/2/1 PE3 PE4


Pod4 Figure 6



On the PE router remove the toLAN interface from OSPF.

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2. Assign your AS number to your P and PE router. XXX#>config>router# autonomous-system 6500n (n = Pod#)

3. Configure the BGP routing process on the P and PE router. 4. BGP, like RIP, is a tiered routing protocol. Once inside the BGP routing process you must configure a group. Like RIP any changes made to the group will be pushed down to all members of that group. 5. Once the group is configured on your P router, you must define the peering point and the autonomous system number of the distant P router. The peering point will be the IP address of the connecting interface on the distant P router. XXX#>config>router>bgp>group$ neighbor ↵ XXX#>config>router>bgp>group>neighbor$ peer-as 6500n ↵

Continue this until you’ve configured a peering session with all P routers. Since the peer AS numbers do not match your AS this will be an E-BGP session. 6. Configure a peering session between the PE and P routers. Since the peer-as number is the same this will define it as an I-BGP session. Ensure that the ‘next-hop-self’ parameter is configured for the peering sessions otherwise the PE router will not be able to reach external routes. The peering point will now be the system interfaces of the PE and P routers. xxx#>config>router>bgp>group>neighbor$ next-hop-self ↵

7. Using the show commands look at the BGP neighbors and check there connection status. The status with each peer should be “ESTABLISHED”. 8. Look at the route table, notice that no routes have been learned through BGP. This is because BGP is not a discovery protocol like OSPF or IS-IS. You have to tell BGP which routes to advertise. Create a policy which will take the local routes (directly connected) and allow BGP to advertise them out to the other pods and between the PE and P router within your pod. Apply the policy to your BGP groups. 9. Once the policies have been applied look at the route table. You’ll see that the table is now being populated by routes learned through BGP.


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