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High Impact Teaching Strategies
Teachers have the greatest impact on student learning, and that’s why ZIS has baked High Impact Teaching Strategies into its strategic plan.
These proven strategies are embedded in teacher practice across the school, with each teacher tailoring their use to each of their classes. They provide a clear framework for teacher goal-setting and feedback, with students being involved in this process, and ensure a focus on the most effective, research-based teaching strategies in order to provide academic challenge and support for each student.
From goal-setting and worked examples to collaborative learning and differentiated teaching, the range of 10 instructional practices are transforming the learning experiences for ZIS students.
I would go and eat lunch, and because his door was open, he’d chat with us. He had travelled a lot and we’d have political discussions about Europe and the US. We’d talk about the social reforms going on in Switzerland, and he was always interested to hear about my country, Germany.”
The best teachers are often a little bit quirky, says Jan. “He always wore the same shirt, which was Hawaiian, and a straw hat, which was legendary. As was his coffee. Teachers were always coming into his office for a cup of Mr Amato’s coffee, even though they had facilities elsewhere. He only took public transport up to school, even though most people drove, and he always wore socks and slides in class. Some boys once bought him some Gucci slides and he did wear them for a bit, even though he said they were too flashy.”

Another award-winner, Regina Lanford, also had quirks that hid a brilliant pedagogical mind, remembers Deniz Atac, Class of 2003 (1989-2003). “She would always burst into the classroom with papers falling out of her arms,”, says Deniz, “and her desk was chaotic. But the lesson would be impeccably executed. She was so passionate about her subject – History of Art – that it was contagious. Her course spanned art from cave paintings until now, and each lesson was a window into how people lived at the time. She opened my eyes.”
On one school trip to Florence, Deniz and her classmates got to see the stars of History of Art in the flesh. “There was a celebrity factor – we were stunned. David, the Sistine Chapel… It was Ms Lanford’s slide shows in real life,” she says.
Margaret was “the heart and soul of ZIS”. An English and Science teacher who also served as Assistant Director, she is now retired and living in Florida.

“Up to then, school trips involved youth hostels and less than excellent food. But on this trip we stayed in an actual hotel and ate in restaurants. Ms Lanford treated us like adults and I think everyone appreciated that – certainly no-one abused it. And we still covered all the educational bases. The whole experience was so enjoyable and memorable.”
That balance between strictness and kindness, alongside a burning passion for their subject, is what set some teachers apart – such as the 2018 honoree, Margaret Smith. “On my first day of school my mother dropped me off at Zug train station,” recalls Marianne Martens, Class of 1982 (1978-82). “She must have told me how to get the train home, but I didn’t remember. At the end of the day, Frau Bauer’s bus to the train station was full and I had no idea how to get there. Somehow, Mrs Smith knew that I was stranded and pulled up in her car to give me a lift home.
“With her English accent she was quite strict in class –very matter of fact, but she also had a great sense of humour and no-one was exempt from her teasing. I knew

“When Mr Meitanis taught, he took you on a journey.” personally how nice she was. Because of her, I grew to love eighth-grade Science. There was an atmosphere of support in the school that trickled down from Mrs Smith.”
Covering history and social sciences, he also ran many memorable Classrooms Without Walls trips.
Lea Heydasch, Class of 2018 (2003-18) remembers teacher Rob Caramella, 2021 nominee, for his kindness. “In first grade at ZIS – I must have been six – I had written in a journal the names of boys I liked, and they had found it and were teasing me. I was mortified, but he stood up for me, saying it was completely normal to do that, and the boys ended up embarrassed and apologising.
“He was always so calm and patient – if you needed comfort, he would offer it. And that carried on as you moved up the school. If you had been in his class, or even if you hadn’t, you were never alone, because if you needed someone to talk to, you knew he was there.”
That support is often vital for international students. “It can be difficult for the children of expats,” says Finn. “They move around a lot, they’re always having to put down new roots. But thanks to the teachers, AISZ felt more like a family than a school. It didn’t look like a school, the classes were small. You were there with your teenage problems, your parents didn’t get it, of course, but you felt like the teachers understood what was going on – and ‘saw’ you.” Finn remembers his English teacher, Dick Killen, in particular. “He would have all the kids
1963–1966 sitting on the floor and listening to Bob Dylan and analysing the lyrics. We loved it.”
Don’s credo: live life to the fullest through reading, writing and appreciating one’s fellow men. Known for his positive outlook, he was one of AISZ’s first teachers.

And as well as subject lessons, the best teachers had life lessons to impart. “They encouraged you, but also taught you to take criticism,” says Finn. “Mr Stillman taught me to believe in myself, to have respect for others, and to be disciplined. He’d say, ‘If you don’t try, you’ve lost already.’ That’s ingrained in me to this day, and I have just completed my 57th Iron Man competition!”
Lea says she observed the effect of Rob Caramella’s kindness on other students, how he could change their mood, and it made her think about how her behaviour could influence others. “I think he made me kinder, less judgmental,” she says. “More than once I called a teacher ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ by mistake. I certainly did with Rob Caramella, though he was more like a grandpa –always in his comfortable, plaid shirt.”
Deniz Atac found her career through Regina Lanford’s History of Art class. “I took History of Art Advanced Placement, then went on to study it at Tufts, spent a decade at an auction house in New York, and now run my own advisory business. I still see art as a window on to the issues of today, whether that’s Black Lives Matter or climate change. Ms Lanford gave me that fascination.”
Jan Beatrix left ZIS for the University of Zurich, where he did one year of Economics before switching to… Geography. “Mr Amato got me so interested in that extended essay. I’m interested in going into physical geography now, remote sensing maybe. And I hope to travel, I’d like to see what he has seen. He helped his students see the fun in things, and he taught me it’s better if you’re enjoying something.”
And Marianne Martens, now a Professor in Kent State University’s School of Information, says Mrs Smith “inspired confidence in me at a time when I needed it most. She just made me feel like I could do it.” Z
Nominations open: visit the website at zis.ch/alumni/john-mattern-award by 5 May to nominate a teacher you think deserves recognition this year.
His classroom was a treasure trove of books, artefacts and quiet spaces. “Rob Caramella knew every kid in his class, every single key to unlock each individual mind.”
A jazz, Biology and coffee enthusiast (who famously roasted his own beans), Joe inspired his students with his sheer depth of interest and passion.

It’s an expression thing, says Rylee Young (Grade 8). “I love all the creative arts – singing, dancing, acting and painting. When I’m acting, I get to be a different person and bring a character to life. And you can share your thoughts and views through artwork – just as someone like Banksy does. The arts can connect to real-life feelings and experiences.”
Rylee has been singing in choirs since she was very young. And, she points out, she sings everywhere else, too. “Around the house, when I’m out doing stuff, I’ll always be singing,” she says. “I just adore it, and I’ve even written a few songs of my own. I also really enjoyed the ZIS choir because we sang a whole range of songs. Singing connects you to real life, the past, the future, new cultures, worship – or just plain fun!” But it wasn’t until she came to ZIS that she discovered her passion for acting.
“I’ve always loved the thought of it but never had the opportunity or space to try it,” she says. And dancing has been another new discovery: she’s currently taking dance at school and loving it. “I love the window in the new dance studio because it lets in lots of natural light but also provides privacy,” she says. “The lighting combined with the new mirrors gives a clear view for dancing, and the way the music echoes off the walls is amazing.”