Around Minimalism

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Igniting My Soul’s Mantra Sessions: A New way to perceive Creativity – Set your own light free Living Life on autopilot and allowing deep rooted habits to take control.


Table of Contents

what’s inside

SEPT 2012









t’s another issue for our beloved Minimalist Entrepreneurs. This is the 3rd issue for the Apple News stand and we want to thank every one who has subscribed and helped us along the way to spread the word. This month we are gathered here to get clear on what true success means. We are excited with the topics we have in store as they are written from the point of view to breathe freedom and give courage to our soul that having an online business actually works. To make this an amazing start of a new beginning and plan our business strategy in a way that we all support each other, let’s turn up the heat, focus for a few moments and set our own light free so we can guide our strengths in the right path. As a follower of Buddhism and being a minimalist ourselves we have cracked the six figures a year dream and we have realised that our passion is to help others do the same. We all crave to play big, give fully, love immensely this is the truth. When we visited ashrams to find our truth, visited libraries to read what ancient sages practised and how millionaires make it the one area that flashed with brightness was that Masters focus on their inner strengths, listen to their inner voice and perform the best at what they are meant to do. That’s why we call them masters, gurus, experts in business. They stay at what they are good at and constantly look at improving their powers why? because it feel awesome. So then we asked ourselves what about the teachings of work hard, sweat, determination and will power? How does this fit in with being in your zone. The answer is simple we need sweat, hard work but there is a difference between sharpening your inner strengths and slogging to fit the bill in the business world. There is a difference between wanting to run the race versus told to run the race. So we hope by the end of this issue you will recognise how important it is to find your passion and staying true to your 4


passion so that you nurture the soul and fullfill your purpose in this lifetime. Let’s together make this happen and here’s to an amazing life. By now you may have picked up that some of our written posts have grammatical errors and if you find any please forgive us. It’s a weakness and when we write we write because of the passion we have to convey our message and help others, having said that we also recognise we are not perfect. Here’s some fun reading: Why do people have noses that run and feet that smell? Why, when we wind up our watch, we start it, but when we wind up this section, we end it? Can our eyes be called an academy because there pupils live there? Can you sit in the shade of the palms of your hand? Can you beat the drum of your ear? confusing but that’s english:-)


Living Life on Autopilot

Living Life on autopilot and allowing deep rooted habits to take control.

How’s it working for you?


hen being Real becomes a priority our body, nerves, breathing, food and other facets of our life start to become important. Our work will begin to reflect our true state, the bedroom reflects our values, the friends we have around us make us who we are and our bank balance reflects our decisions. Being genuine and speaking the truth when facing yourself in the mirror is the start of being authentic to your soul. It’s the foundation that will enable you and me to begin our journey from auto pilot to awareness.. In the deep rural parts of a small place called Hampi in northern Karnataka India there lived a sage who loved to teach children the importance of developing the right habits that make us stronger. One day during his lessons he took his pupil to a nearby forest and asked him to clean a small patch of land which was full of weeds. The pupil did as he was told and they shared some great moments that afternoon over lunch. The next day again the sage asked the pupil to uproot all the wild plants that were knee height, the pupil did as he was told and within an hour had a whole patch cleared. This continued for days and the pupil was confused as to what lesson did the sage really want to convey. When Saturday arrived the sage looked at the pupil and took him to a Banyan tree and said uproot this one, the pupil was shocked and turned around and said “I’m sorry but I cannot accomplish this task with no tools, help from someone else and with my bare hands. The roots are so deep” The sage smiled and said” That’s what I wanted you to reflect on about the habits we develop over time. The deeper the roots grow the harder they are to pull out and the greater the pain or well being in life we have”. 6


Right now you and I are standing at a fork in the road. Both these roads will lead to our ideal life. There are 2 road signs directing the way so we can choose which route to take. Sign 1: Your Way Sign 2: Their Way Your Way: This can seem reckless, you make lots of mistakes and hope the road will be clear. It may have doubts such as what will they say? What if I don’t make it? You may have a shot to become successful in your passion by breaking through the mould and grabbing attention but you may also do the right things and still success may not come your way. Their Way: Here the way is proven and it can save you a lot of heat aches, mistakes. They are willing to show you the pitfalls and the winning techniques they used to get to where they have come. You can see their present life and choose if the life they experience is what you want in the future. Here

you can steer your path and destiny through a predictable system. Whichever sign you choose finally that sign will create your ideal future. It’s your hunger to live life that will lead you to the right home by choosing the road that suits you. It’s time we wake up and realize that the habits we indulge in could enable us to move forward on a positive curve to success or prepare our life for repeated disasters. To set ourselves free it starts with slight daily deliberate actions that will finally alter our outcomes in life. Most people drift through life each day with a blurred vision or no vision of where they are heading. All they know if that they need money and some recognition and so they go to work and aim at promotions. Let’s together break this cycle and ignite our true passion by uprooting some of our bad habits which over time have allowed us to get into a trap. Let’s grow to be a Banyan tree but by nurturing the right roots to source our energy from. The first step to recognising what habits empower us versus what habits conflict with our paths is to understand our core values. Trust me on this step, when I was asked to define my core values I was vague and thus delayed my journey by postponing this very step. I urge you to take the time to define this step otherwise it’s just another information article. It does not need to be complicated. To drill this through I want to give you an example of how some of my values conflicted. I always wanted to help people who wanted to achieve success both financially and through life but every time I met someone I decided to help those who were not ready or did not want to get out of their comfort zone. I constantly gave to those who did not ask for it and thus I got caught in a cycle where part of me wanted to give and then part of me felt rejected. So my actions here conflicted with my core values. At the end I ended up feeling frustrated, unhappy. So please take the time to define what core values you want to embrace and nurture. Here’s the sheet that I use. Who is the person I respect most in life? What are their core values? 7


Who is truly my best friend and what are the top 3 qualities that I admire? If I could be granted on more quality instantly what would it be? What are the 3 things that I hate? (e.g. being 2 faced, not keeping to my word, being pushed around to comply, etc Who are the 3 people I would prefer to stay away and why? What’s the personality trait a lot of people love about me? What are the 3 important values I want others to remember me for? Once you have answered the above questions you will get to see what your core values really mean and your belief system. This will enable you to identify what conflict programs you are running and thereby give you a way to recognise why you are stuck. If your value system does not have the desire for financial freedom or money then guess what no matter how much you make it will not stick because that’s not a trait you actually care about. This may not be how you want to live but by identifying this you now have a chance to reprogram your belief system as it could be an incorrect software program trying to do the job. Make sense? To get the law of attraction to work in your favour: We only see, experience and receive what we look for. This reaffirms that we are at times goal seeking creatures very few of us have reached ultimate nirvana or enlightenment. So as a Minimalist entrepreneur we have a choice either to let go of attachments and at the same time cling on to conflicting wants or identify what’s truly important and drive to accomplish and embrace those wants. Pal don’t just read this trust me just go with your gut and do some of these exercises, trust me you will be amazed by the power within these simple exercises. Brain Tracey in an interview with Darren Hardy once said” Top people have very clear goals. They know who they are and they know what they want. They write it down and they make plans for it’s

accomplishment. Unsuccessful people carry their goals around in their head like marbles rattling around in a can, and we say a goal that is not in writing is merely a fantasy. Everybody has fantasies, but those fantasies are like bullets with no powder in the cartridge. People go through life shooting blanks without written goals and that’s the starting point” So how do we make clear goals. This is not about creating goals for a lifetime. These are precise goals that you want to accomplish for the next 6 months. It has to be a balance in all aspects of life business, finances, health, well being, spirituality, family, relationships and lifestyle. Here’s the format that I have found results using: What I want to achieve? Why I want it? Why I can do it? My action plan….

DOWNLOAD THE FREE FIVE PART WORKSHEET Your behaviour will determine your destiny at the end: What truly stands in between you and accomplishing your goals is the behaviour of our daily actions. Hence it’s important that we identify what blocks of energy we need to unclog to help us accomplish our goals. Now since we have a goal sheet we now have the ability to come up with a game plan to learn new habits and unlearn old habits that were created. I am assuming you are still here wanting to make these changes. Think about it, there is so much of free information out here in the universe and time and again you read about goals, habits, compounding effect; you must do something, etc etc. There is a reason why you are reading this information yet again so please for once let’s snip the issue of procrastination in the bud and get down to simplicity and taking action. Here are some ways that I have reprogrammed myself to unlearn some old habits. If you put these game changers into practise I can promise you in 6 months your life will be truly amazing. So here we go. 8


Game changers for eliminating and unlearning habits that block our true potential: Step 1: Identify the bad habits we practise or live with. Write a whole list. Then for each bad habit identify the triggers associated with it. Understand the who, the what, the where and the when associated with each bad habit. I shall give you a personal example that I have managed to free up lately. I love sleeping and for some reason I could do this at any point of the day. So the habit I had to unlearn was training my body to function with 7 hrs of sleep rather than 9 or 10 hours which was making me lazy, procrastinate and underperform to achieve my sense of wellbeing and lifestyle that I wanted to achieve. Little did i know that my body was lacking in some vital nutrition and that the imbalance was making me underperform. So once I wrote down The who which in this case was sleep The what: what time of day I felt sluggish, what kind of food made my body come to a halt, what activities made me feel tired and lazy, what actions reiterated to trigger sleep, what emotions triggered sleep such as fear, boredom, fatigue, late nights with friends, what actions I would take as soon as I woke up in the morning, the number of carbs I consumed early in the morning just because I was lazy to cook up a healthy breakfast, etc The where: When I was in my car relaxing or at home in the afternoon or lazing around at the beach sleep would dawn on me. The when: I recognised when I hung around certain people I would feel tired, when I did not organise my day I would procrastinate and invite boredom to kick in, when I would work from home and not stick to a time schedule I would feel depressed that I am falling behind and feel low and lie in bed. Do this exercise please it will make you aware of the bad habits you need to let go. I hear you loud and clear hmmm interesting I shall do this exercise later or on the weekend. Is that one of your habits that’s stopping you? Think about it. Why go and read pages of this magazine if you don’t want

to take action? We are buddies, we are minimalist entrepreneur and it’s our journey to freedom so make this happen for you. I am right beside you waiting for you to take that step my friend. Step 2: Cleaning the cobwebs and our temple I mean this literally. If you want to unlearn your habits it starts with cleaning the cowebbs in your mind, the home that you live in which is your physical home and your body and the sink we clean our dishes in this case our body that cleanses and tries it’s level best to detox, etc So for me I had to go through an exercise to get rid of clutter in my bedroom so I felt energy instead of clutter, I had to clean my wardrobe and introduce bright vibrant colours that made me feel happy, have my bath tub clean so it was inviting to reenergise in the morning with a luke warm shower and fresh aroma and have the bath tub inviting to relax after a day’s productive work, have at my bedside have an inspirational motivating music series ready to be played to make me chirp in the morning and have a relaxing soothing tone for the evening to make me go to bed. Have my car filled with inspiring audio programs to listen to while driving. Choose the people I interact with on a daily bases and recycle thoughts that made me upset, tired or agitated. So here you have a choice to do the same. Cleaning and cleansing your inner soul, the outer surroundings to get your goals accomplished. It may take you a week or a month but it’s better to go through this exercise rather than live day in and out with clutter. To put it bluntly GET RID of everything that enables you to cling on to your bad habit. Step 3: Bartering or swapping your habits for another habit. Look again at your list of bad habits and come up with ways you can swap them for something else or stop them all together. Some of us need to have a gradual lead into this change as going cold turkey may have a rebound effect. So in my example of sleeping, I recognised that I needed a power nap so I made a contract with my mind body and soul that in the afternoon I would have a short power nap of 30 mins. This would extend sometimes to 45mins. After the snooze 9


I would wash my mouth, splash some cold water, and prepare myself a cup of tea. I would listen to a pumped up music track while sipping my tea and get tuned into the zone of work and my productive tasks. Now since we have found a way to identify and eliminate the bad habits we can feel much more free to create new behaviours, new habits to mould our lifestyle So here’s how to create new habits: Step 1: Set yourself up to succeed not fail So to make a new habit actually work it starts with taking action. If your new habit is to exercise, and if you are not the type that loves exercise don’t set yourself up to fail by enrolling in a gym far away from home it’s better to lease or rent some gym equipment at home such as a treadmill to get started before you take the plunge to buy equipment or enroll in a GYM that you would occasionally visit. If you feel lazy to cook quality food then promising to eat healthy and preparing meals each day may be a big ask, instead what if you have some raw veggies such as broccoli, carrots, celery in your fridge so that you can grab some healthy nibbles instead of loading yourself with the wrong carbs during that hunger phase. Cook some roast or meats and keep this in the fridge so you have food at your finger tips before the hunger kicks in to tempt you to fall back to the old pattern. If you are vegan or vegetarian then stock your cupboards with healthy meals that can last for 2 to 3 days in the fridge. If you get easily distracted with emails then why not have times in the day that you allocate to check emails. In this way you are training yourself to succeed instead of reiterating the old failure habits to kick in. Step 2: Add energy to enrich your life stop thinking what to deprive yourself This is an amazing analogy to equip your mind to taking action. When we try and stop ourselves from doing something sometimes this same stopping activity tries to tempt us to indulge in these bad habits again. Instead let’s look at introducing habits in a different way. I always tried in the past to save money so I would tell myself stop having lattes, stop buying clothes etc. At the end for some reason my inner self would tempt me by craving for lattes, tempt me to buy on impulse a top here or a trouser

there or some shoes that would look good etc. Now thanks to my mentor I have been able to change this thought pattern by introducing a nugget called “Add to life” this means you add attributes that you wish to achieve into your new habits. So for example instead of saving now my mind looks for ways to increase my income, if you are looking at losing weight for example look at what can you eat each day to keep you full more greens, more fish, fresh fruits, nuts etc so by training your mind to think of what you can add you are enabling it to forget what to stop. Step3: Let the universe know what you truly want to achieve When you let others know what you plan to achieve it suddenly becomes the truth in your mind to achieve this. Some of your friends might laugh and keep a



watch if you are slipping and this is the best way to actually deliver to your milestones because when you know your mission is on the line you will go and achieve it. On the other hand some of your friends will support you while some will wait for your failure. Step 4: Find a mentor, coach, buddy who will be an enabler If you are serious about making changes and short circuiting the path of constantly failing it pays to have a buddy mentor who can walk with you on this path. A lot of us focus on one aspect of our life such as business rather than a holistic 360 deg view. When I decided to make a change I looked for a person who was down to earth and who would enable me to walk the path of success by truly connecting with me and understanding me as a person. I wanted to hear the truth even if it hurt. Finding a person to discuss and plan with you is truly important. I suggest you find a coach to help you through this process. It’s worth going down this path for 6 months at least and then identifying if it makes sense to continue based on your results. Here’s some news since we started discussing this topic around mentoring and coaching. Based on all the training and coaching we have practised and received. As Minimalist Entrepreneurs we will finally be publishing a book that’s a blue print about our journey so far from loss to success, from project management, software architecture to constantly being the puppet in the boardrooms, understanding the journey of finding ourselves in ashrams to living a life of minimalism. Through this journey we have met other brave men and women who stopped playing safe and committed to their own soul to seek freedom. Get on the waiting list to know when the book is published. It’s called IGNITING MY SOUL MANTRA SESSIONS


Igniting My Soul

Igniting My Soul’s Mantra Sessions:


ransparency is sexy. If you recognise the need to have a system in place to get your life on track, we urge you to give this book a go and rekindle that spark inside of you. We shall be releasing a kindle edition of the Minimalist entrepreneur called Igniting my soul’s mantra sessions As Judy Garland said “ Always be a first – rate version of yourself, instead of second-rate version of somebody else.” Acting like somebody you are not can only drain you emotionally, spiritually and financially. It’s not sustainable in the long run. One day or the other you will snap to finding who you truly are, what you truly love and protecting that fragile soul that is constantly fighting to connect with you. Being sincere to your feelings is in fact rock solid. If you would like to receive this book and get the bonus training that’s provided with the book get yourself on the waiting list. Here’s what Igniting my soul mantra session covers: 1. A full 360 degree view on living life with meaning and passion. 2. Activating and being aware of the human drives that makes us feel alive 3. It allows you to seek permission from your inner soul that is craving to be nurtured 4. It helps you expand your consciousness and your cashflow 5. It enables you to love yourself from within and to love the person who means the most 6. Enables you to explore if you are wanting to give or if you are forcing to pretend to be a giver based on rituals which are working against you 7. Every session is accompanied by worksheets that drive you to get results 8. It enables you to explore your passion and earn your money through what you love doing 9. Enables you to build yourself up to say the NO thank you and embrace the opportunity that you truly want 10. Unclogging the blocks within us that prevent us from Making More money and settling for Just enough 12


11. It’s practical, simple and really easy light reading so that you actually complete the exercise rather than procrastinate 12. Finally it’s your blue print to see your reflection During the Launch we give ourself permission to gift our audience with: An in-depth training session on how high-performing millionaires manage their time, influence others, and ignite their soul to keep their passion alive. Get on the waiting List now before the official launch date


Money Practises in business

Money Practises in business that we learnt that are priceless


he bottom line in any business is that if you don’t make money there is no business. When we first started our business we tripped on this one aspect where we focused on crazy stupid things like website design, business cards, branding instead of finding clients or focusing on traffic. Key Lesson 1: Focus on doing what makes you the most money the fastest. Get the money so that you can survive and have the creative flames burn and keep that spark inside of you. Key Lesson 2: Know how much money you want to make in a year. This could be $30K or $150K. Once you know what that temperature gauge needs to be then it’s about focusing on, what you need and do to make that sum of money? How many clients do you need to have on a monthly bases? How many units of products you need to sell each month to make this target achievable? How many workshops or webinars do you need to fill and hold to achieve your figure? Key Lesson 3: In the past when we took on projects it was purely for the dough, but then we would spend all of it as well which made it ridiculous. It gets frustrating. Once we got a mentor we were told go and get work that will pay your bills and do tasks for clients even if they give you an allergy. Why? You may ask because you can plan and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Plan and prioritize your tasks and accomplish your passion to get the planned numbers we discussed in lesson 2 above. Key Lesson 4: In the past when someone told us to offer a free promotion or give away gold nuggets for free we thought that was the way to go about gaining trust but very soon recognised that this was the very reason we were delaying our journey to success. You give but where it really excites you. Make a list of all the ways you can make money and then cross off all the ones that will hog a lot of time and 14


that u are not passionate about. We could all do a lot but do we truly want to do all these activities? We were good in software development and could make good money consulting, coaching future software developers, holding workshops for clients on their software development cycle methodology but this would mean focusing on PowerPoint presentations, organising a venue, creating study material..etc. It all sounds good but did we want to do this NOT REALLY. At the back of your mind always be aware that there is cheap money which is instant gratification and then there is value money which is meaningful. Focus on meaningful ways to make money while getting some cheap money to pay for the bills in the interim. Key Lesson 5: Learn when to say NO. This one was a big lesson for both of us as minimalist entrepreneurs. Saying NO was a huge gigantic task and when clients recognised this weakness some would compensate for this by not putting us in an odd position while some clients used this weakness to their advantage. We worked long days and sometimes compromised our weekend to fulfil commitments.

Being aware of what hurdles you need to overcome is important and once you recognise areas that you need to improve then taking action is a decision. We have now fired most of the clients who just took from us. We don’t work on weekends anymore and don’t just waste time on social media. Key Lesson 6: In the past we were something like do everything by yourself. This is important especially when you are starting out in business. It enables you to identify what tasks need to be done, what’s involved and who what kind of personality needs to work on the job. Once you can see that this particular role is consuming all your time, it’s at that point you look at hiring someone to do the job. Hire the best that you can afford as you need people who can complete the task. This is really crucial if you are just starting the path of hiring talent for your business. Key Lesson 7: Work with the best that you can afford don’t go overboard and don’t try to be frugal. At the very start we did some mistakes which affected our bank balance. With no understanding on what we really wanted to achieve we hired staff and hoped they would have the same passion that we had to do the job. These were staff new to the field wanting some experience. It’s all well



and good to hire such talent but if their purpose is just a job then conflicts arise as the objectives are different. What really ended up happening is we paying salaries plus doing their job. After much counselling from our mentor we decided to restructure and this has been the best decision ever. Today we know what we offer, we do most of the work ourselves and for specific tasks we hire outsourced talent who also have the hunger and desire to make their business prosper. Most of the talent we work with are either freelance contractors either referred to us by close associates or through services like Now we have a person to help us with our artwork and design, a technical developer to look after any modification of our website, creating our aweber forms, maintaining the server, as we speak we are now looking at working with a videographer for future potential projects but this is still in the initial stages of development. Finally at the end of the day you got to know what business you really want to build. How you plan generating the income to cover your expenses as finally it’s the people who trust you that will feed you and pay for your retirement. Here’s to living a fulfilling life always.


A New way to perceive Creativity

A New way to perceive Creativity – Set your own light free


f we want to live fully, with passion we must take our whole selves with us each day living the present and dreaming about the future. Each day we have a choice to show up fully aware of what we want to achieve in our careers and our creative work or we can pretend to be making a livelihood by joining many others who are in the world of money making, next shiny object syndrome. In my own career I have watched my colleagues, friends and sometimes my own self give in to fear and playing safe because of circumstances such as a sick family member or paying for the mortgage. In this video Elizabeth Gilbert Author of “Eat, Pray, Love” shares some amazing ways we can live our lives and respect the genius inside of us or who accompanies us to make us who we are. Sit back and enjoy this video as it gives you the ability to play bigger, to go deeper and shine in your world.




Define yourself on your own terms

Define yourself on your own terms with these soul unfurling ways to Manage Your Social Media Efforts in 2012


id you know that we are freer than we think we are? I am sure you are incredible at a number of things. I mean you could be the one that cooks lovely scrumptious meals, you could be the one who can organise and get everything in order in a matter of hours, and you could be the one who knows where to organise the next get-together family reunion. You want to explore your passions but somewhere along the lines you feel a bit scared. You may not even know what this fear is but I want to ask you: Would you rather be sufficient or master your life? Would you rather be average doing what you are doing or would you prefer to be free? Would you rather be living pay check by paycheck or would you prefer abundance to live free? Well you know your answer and the best part that I have discovered and felt is that to make currency work in your favour, it is by exploring what truly resonates with you, embrace your hidden talents and stop keeping your hidden secret potentials off your weekly agenda. Don’t hide the special person you are and want to be out of your social media profile and resume. The truth is you are hiding the power of true integrity by following what society and the corporate world wants you to be. So my beloved friend, my minimalist entrepreneur we are going to discuss what true success truly means to you by exploring how you can use a free strategy such as social media to your advantage. These tips will enable you to ignite the flames in your fans or followers, where you will bring meaning to their own heart and soul. Why do I know this, well because when we set our own light to shine we empower others who are around us to see the path forward more clearly? So let’s get into how you can start making social media work for you for your website, on your facebook page, on your twitter profile for this series:



On your website:

Step 1: Run a blog – The fastest way to let others get to know your key strengths is to run a blog and speak your truth. I know there are so many blogs out there but this is about you not about what’s around you. This is your sanctuary. There are so many homes, trees, buildings why do people still build homes, plant trees, build more buildings because they are defining their own mantra. So focus on what mantra you want people to know about you on your own blog. Step 2: Post 5 to 7 blogs each week: Every week we need to have some discipline where we write to our friends or audience who want to connect. You are writing because you want to share the love not because you have to. The reason you write a blog each day is so that it reiterates to your soul and mind that you are speaking your truth and empowering others to take action too. This in turn helps the universe to kick start the process of alerting the search bots to come and visit you so they can do their job of updating their algorithms.

Step3: Add social sharing buttons on top and bottom of your blog posts to share the love: Stop critizing yourself and sabotaging your own success. By having someone setup your blog to function in the most effective manner you are enabling those who love you share your powers with ease. Don’t make it difficult for your audience to share your information. There will be times when no one feels like sharing your message, that’s ok you don’t have to take this personally. Step 4: Encourage your audience to share your posts on their social profiles: Don’t always assume that your audience knows what you want. Ask for help and let them know you are trying to build momentum and if they can be supportive enough by sharing your truth with their friends or audience that you would be grateful. You must give yourself permission to ask for help, don’t constantly try and be the expert. Step 5: Share your blog posts as well as other’s on your social media profiles regularly: True strength is not about skill or art it’s about flexibility and consistency. When we truly understand the power in this we can change our mindset and follow our inner voice. No more faking shit on your tweets and facebook page, no more forcing to create tweets hoping that the tweet will be retweeted. That’s signing up for mediocrity. On the other hand let’s look at how we can help our ecosystem be promoting what we enjoy, love and find amazing. Share your blog posts to your audience on your social profiles but in addition do justice and share other people’s amazing art as well.

On your Facebook Page:

Step 1: To create your Facebook Page For those who still have to create a facebook page, please check this video to get started Step2: Offer Value, Share your passion, Give your energy gifts to others: When I speak about passion I don’t mean kill yourself to give to others. Passion here is not about being a marketing genius when you are not; give yourself permission to accept that you cannot be good to all. 20


Instead seek from inside what information you love to share and create that in a way to distribute it to others. These could be small pdf books, or a short video, a text document. Whatever makes you feel happy, calm and peaceful give that information to others who are seeking to enrich their own life. They will value you as a person and connect in a more authentic manner. Step3: Engage with your audience by posting engaging questions on your timeline: How can you tell if someone is truly in their zone? Well they ask great questions as they are seeking to improve or understand their audiences needs better. They feel comfortable to receive negative feedback and politely respond to unhappy customers, they are always adding value and they look you in the eye and speak their truth. The same applies on your Facebook page. Use the functionality to your advantage and ask people questions where you need the answer. People are always wanting to help but it’s how we ask and engage that enables us to connect with our audience.

On your Twitter Page:

Step 1: Make sure your username is memorable: Be you, be true and trust me people will see you as strong. Find the words that resonate with you maybe it’s your name or maybe it’s your favourite word find a username that defines you and that allows people to remember you for the lovely person you are.

Step 2: Use a headshot instead of your brand logo: If you had to choose between 2 service providers. Both had similar skill sets, pricing, service. One has a facemask while the other shows their real authentic self which one would you choose? As for me I would go for the one who freely expresses their excitement and enthusiasm. Would you rather connect with those who are constantly secretive and trying to extract the most or would you connect with those who are in their unself conscious mode eager to hang out and learn and associate with you? Think about this and choose a head shot that describes the beautiful you. Step3: Use tools that guide you to build strong relationships with other powerful performers in your industry: Sometimes faith plays an important role where when you are in your most fragile space you need the light and energy from others to see which way you need to go. The more you connect with those who have a shining light the more your vision and your soul expand to invite possibilities. It’s that easy. Use a toll like Twitaholic to find these empowering humans within your field. Step 4: Be effective and understand your ecosystem. Find out what time is the best time for your audience to receive your energy. How do you want to feel when you wake up to know that you have touched people’s lives. When you dress up for the day how do you want to feel? When you release a product or service that truly can change someone else’s life how do you want



to feel? Well generating those feelings is one of the most creative attributes you can do to embrace your business and life. Use a tool such as Tweriod that enables you to add value to your audience at the time when they are most ready to read and hear from you. Deliver messages to your audience at a time when their soul is open to accept good energy from you. Tweriod will tell you when your audience is most active and ready to receive your messages. Step5: Use maps that allow others to find what they are looking for. In social media that’s hashtags: When we come up with a list of To Do’s, stuff like yearly goals and what makes us happy the truth is that most of us have procedures to achieve our goals back to front and this strategy is completely whacked out. We don’t see another person’s point of view we seek to only see how we perceive life. Sometimes this can backfire on how we really want to feel. When you are clear on how you really want to feel then it does not matter if you need to use hashtags, or keywords or some other process to connect with your audience. On twitter the best way to add value to your audience is to keep an eye out for popular hashtags within your industry. The tips mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to social media but as a minimalist entrepreneur i believe its about focus and clarity. Why not have a simple system that delivers results and allows us to grow and reach an audience that is waiting for us. I hope you will discipline yourself and follow these steps to enhance and reach your audience.


Generous People always have more to give

Generous People always have more to give:


iving is the antidote to helping others: When we give we grow.... Help us by sharing this magazine in your ether. You will surprise yourself when you help you create the capacity for bliss and expansion You will bend time in your favour to heal the past You will feel a sense of contribution there by feeling richer You will feel vulnerable and at the same time empowered by reaching out to others If you like us and have a small space to allow us to grow then please

Create a Life that you Love Join us, get inspired and take action to create your winning formula




Our Thoughts Create Our Future

Our Thoughts Create Our Future


ost of us are so busy thinking that we have forgotten what it is to think the right thoughts that pave our future. You can call it the power of positive thinking or the law of attraction. When we have created the right attitude that drives our emotions those same emotions become the beacon of our life. Giving gratitude creates more reasons to be grateful rather than resentful. Understanding the power of thinking and choosing to expand our thoughts enables us to focus on the feelings that you want to feel rather than constantly experiencing a void in our mind. In this video Louise L. Hay an inspirational teacher speaks her truth and explains the most amazing ways we can empower our lives.




Crafting your Commerce

Crafting your Commerce:


hen it comes to passion and balancing a paycheck it comes to empowering our mind body and soul to perform as winners. We cannot do this only by visualizing our own maps we need energy and that too from other minimalist entrepreneurs who have walked the miles to dig deep to find their truth. It’s possible to have a purely precious energized career. Think about all the guys who started from nothing from their home, garage with a small simple idea that went viral to empower others.


he Fire starter Sessions THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS is… the permission slip you’ve been waiting for — to fully want what you want and go for it, to expand your consciousness and your cash flow, to up the ante on your dreams, to be incredibly generous with your love. This is a modern-day pep talk and soul-centered Q&A for people ready to shine brighter than they ever have. Get This Now!!! 27


The Slight Edge: Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else? One simple reaGet This son, those that Now!!! are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE! This book is not just another selfhelp, motivation tool of methods you must to learn in order to make it up the path of success. The Slight Edge simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.


Get Emotional

Get Emotional and clear your mind to receive Gabrielle Pollacco

Emily Stevens

Camille Hansen

Georgia K Keays 29


Natalie May


Thank You

Thank You

Finally we would love to thank you for being part of this journey. We are excited and am already busy working on the next issue. So stay tunes and here’s to an amazing Rich Happy Full filled Life.

Cheers Tikiri & Zuricka

Feel Free to contact us at




1. Gabrielle Pollacco 2. Camille Hansen 3. Emily Stevens 4. Georgia K Keays 5. Natalie May 6. Flower’s.Lover 7. mikeyskatie 8. garlandcannon 9. Images_of_Money 10. Franco Folini 11. Man Alive 12. asenat29 13. RelaxingMusic 14. gerry.scappaticci 15. toga

Igniting my soul’s mantra Sessions

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