1 minute read

End of study checklist

Make sure you don’t forget these practical matters!

1. Deregister from Zuyd Do this as soon as possible after being awarded your diploma. Go to www. studielink.nl and then to Opleidingen (Programmes) > Details > Uitschrijf- verzoek (Request deregistration). If you don’t, Zuyd will automatically deregister you by 31 August. Please note that this only applies to your enrolment at Zuyd. You still have to arrange other matters such as stopping your study finance – see reminders below.


2. Stop your study finance

Log in to www.duo.nl to stop your study finance. Go to the 'Mijn producten' (My products) and choose 'Studiefinanciering stopzetten' (Stop study finance).

3. Cancel your student public travel pass When your study finance ends, make sure you also deactivate your student travel pass at a loading/collection machine. Do this by the tenth day of the first month in which you are no longer entitled to study finance. Please note that you may no longer use your student travel pass as of the first day of that month. Further information can be found on www.studentenreisproduct.nl/stopzetten (in Dutch only).

4. Insurance policies

You may have taken out insurance at a reduced rate (a special student rate). You may even be insured free on your parents’ policy by virtue of being a student. If so, you are obliged to inform the insurance company of the fact that you are no longer a student. 5. Secure your online documents

Are there any documents left in your Zuyd folders? Please move them to

your local folders. Thirty days after the conclusion of your studies, your

Zuyd account will also expire.

Did you know… That DUO has an online diploma register where students can download a digital extract of their diploma? Please visit: www.duo.nl/diplomaregister

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