Kebbek fa11

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L FaL CatALog 2011

About Us In 2011 Kebbek has rebirthed itself after a hiatus of slowed production. After standing in wet rotting boots in front of the drum sander making skateboards smooth, the chief board builder’s feet started to fester and almost fell off. In order to make ends meet he took a fattening desk job while seeking out an apprentice with all the vigour and patience to build the world’s greatest skateboards. y miracle, mister Tim Brodesser, a master B woodworker from Germany walked through the front door of our kick ass factory in downtown Ville Emard, the hippest part of Montreal known equally well amongst those from Verdun who need to get their video lottery fix. Mr. Brodesser has since helped completely rebuild the shop from the cracked foundation up including adding another 10 inches to the Z axis on our CNC machine, and now he’s building our great boards. So far his feet have not started to rot, maybe if you buy some of our boards we will be able to turn the heat on in the finishing room. What does all of this say about our skateboards and our brand? Not too much, but we leave that to the rumours, the gossip, the forum trolls, the braggers and the total lack of dissers. If you want to know about Kebbek skateboards, just ask around. PM Kebbek has come of age; we have been doing this now for 19 years.

Cover: Kevin LeFrank, stalefish slide Photo: Olivier Séguin Leduc This page: Company founder in Portugal Photo: Krajicek Back Cover: Vain guy in the Laurentians Photo: Boily



/ dropped decks

The Smoothcut 37

We decided to re-issue the board we first built in 2001. Back then drop-throughs were for the most part garage butcheries and Kebbek decided to give the world a break. Over the last ten years the smoothcut has endured an ever increasing wheel base and then a gradual return to the smaller. A recent email from a respected Quebec skater accused us of trying to make our Smoothcut trendy with this shorter version, it seems we were 10 years ahead of the trend once before, that’s probably the still the case now. Whatever Kebbek you choose, you’re gonna love it 10 years from now. Size: 37 by 10 inches Wheelbase: 28 inches Platform size: 25 inches Construction: SC Concave, 9/16” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: Wheel wells, drop through

The Hairpin

This ride has no comparison on the market, despite you probably seeing gobs of boards from the “Kebbek-envy” brands out there with the tapered shape inspired by Monique’s waistline. We were the first to put this much engineering into a shape and this board is now going into its 10th year of production. As always the Kebbek drop-through truck mounts is the cleanest and most adapted to nesting the best of the cross-kingpin trucks available. Size: 41.25 by 9.975 inches Wheelbase: 32.5 inches Construction: HP Concave, 1/2” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: Drop through


The Stephen Daddow

This is a reincarnation of the smoothcut but done with an Australian twist. The lowered platform is actually only 3/16ths of an inch away from being a top mount as the trucks are underflushed. The Kebbek wheel wells are shaped like real wheels, and you’ll need that little extra truck angle as you’ll soon be addicted to hooking your feet into the world’s only concave gas-pedals as you drift your board out so far your mother will think you’re trying to fly. Size: 42.25 by 9.8 inches Wheelbase: 32.5 inches Construction: SC Concave, 9/16” thick canadian maple laminates Features: Wheelwells, underflush


/ lowered decks

The JimZ Flushcut

This board has been the most loved deck by the Kebbek team riders for years. It only took Jim 3 years to perfect the symmetrically dropped mould, the pocket concave and the method of precision flushfitting that puts most other CNC operators to shame. In fact, we at Kebbek feel that Jim’s contribution with this board really set off our reputation as being the brand that tries the hardest to build things the right way every time. The reason why you see tonnes of kids in Montreal pushing around on a JimZ is because of the legendary craftsmanship that is now part of all Kebbek boards. Size: 43.125 by 9.5 inche Wheelbase: 33.5 inches Construction: FC Concave, 5/8” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: 1.18” lowered platform, flushfit for Paris baseplates


The Ian Comishin / JF Boily

This is the board that truly set the world in motion. The previous incarnations under the Caften title and all the competing brands that followed led to the world wide revolution in downhill skateboarding where virtually millions of roads were dominated by skateboards for the first time. The lowered riding platform and the super responsive wedge-nose construction allows skaters of all walks to bomb steep hills with confidence, dodge their bailing buddies on top-mounts, drift out controlled slides and emergency stop with ease. Size: 42 by 10 inches Wheelbase: 34.125 inches Construction: IC Concave, 5/8”thick of canadian maple laminates Features: Lowered platform with a 17 degrees wedge nose

The Max Erwin

A trend to start riding JimZ boards without the flushing and even occasionally on risers led to the development of the Erwin. Max has been killing it for years on Jim’s board so we created a shape suited to Max’s style. The extended platform and three sided foot pockets make this board hang onto your shoes no matter where you drift it around. Equally symmetrical nose and tail will inspire you to test your switch skills and maybe even loosen your trucks.

Size: 43 by 10.25 inches Wheelbase: Options from 32.0 to 33.5 inches Construction: FC Concave, 5/8”thick of canadian maple laminates Features: 1.18” lowered platform


The Kootenay

With a 1 1/4” Drop and a 7* wedge in the front this downhilling machine has been built to charge! The Platform being 2” shorter and the Wheelbase more than 2” shorter than last years, this board has become very versatile and easy to manoeuver. Excelling in speed, it will also fulfil your freeriding addiction to a new level. The concave has been made larger than last year , meaning our lock-in zones are even better than ever before.

Size: 39.5 by 10.0 inches Wheelbase: Options from 30.5 to 32 inches Construction: KT Concave, 9/16” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: Seven degrees wedge nose

The Niko Desmarais

Niko doesn’t design anything, he just complains until we provide him with something he likes, thats the way he works! He finally told us he is stoked on this shape and that the slight drop and generous concave in the pockets feels really good and makes it a really unique board, so we think he’ll stick with this design for some time now, until he starts complaining again...

Size: 38 by 10 front and 9.75 inches back Wheelbase: Options from 29 to 30.5 inches Construction: DB Concave, 9/16” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: 0.6” lowered platform, sidecuts


The John Barnet

With concave built into the hooks, the 3D pockets have created more places for you to lock-in. A small drop, an amazing concave, and a perfect platform size gives you just what you need to do any kind of riding, and if you encounter any obstacles along the way, ollie, grind, and destroy them with the kicktails. Tucking on this board is nice with it’s size you can get nice and low, and with such a small drop it allows your slides to be easy and well controlled. Size: 41 by 9.85 inches Wheelbase: Options from 29 to 30.5 inches Construction: DB Concave, 9/16” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: 0.6” lowered platform and twin kicks

Did you know? We make accessories too: Wheels, T-shirts, hoodies, mounting hardware, bushings in many shapes and duros, stickers and more!



/ top mounts

The Ben Dubreuil Switchback

This is the top-mount board that makes the girls go crazy. The half-inch laminate construction was designed to flex radially with the softest sections out at the truck mounts and the stiffest point being smack dab in the center of the ride. It has a concave that feels like snowboard bindings that actually narrows towards the center of the deck so when tucking your feet are as equally locked as when you are imitating one of Ben’s switch backside drift reverts. Size: 39.5 by 9.5 inches Wheelbase: Options from 28.00 to 29.5 inches Concave: HC Features: 1/2” thick of canadian maple laminate, wheelwells

The Rockin’ Rookie

Inspired by the slalom skaters and their growing dominance at hills like Maryhill we put together a shortened wheel-base board that can hold its own at full speed yet be ready to dodge yappy Shitzus who jump out in front of you as you skate to the corner store for a box of rubbers. The continuous concave has a broad flat section in the middle which rises gracefully but quickly to the edge of the board for a locked and loaded sensation.

Size: 38 by 9.8 inches Wheelbase: Options from 28 to 30.5 inches Construction: SC Concave, 9/16” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: Wheelwells


The Rêve

An arched enemy of ours who has shown no diplomacy or love for thy fellow board builder has somehow or other inspired people to start riding topmounts again. As we know it was us at Kebbek who inspired this unscrupulous man to join the high-falutin world of downhill skateboard design so we decided to rip off his most imaginative deck and do it better than him. Engarde! It’s a top mount, what can be said? Thanks for the inspiration G!

Size: 41.45 by 9.9 inches Wheelbase: 30 inches Construction: SC Concave, 9/16” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: Rock On! hole on tail, wheelwells

The Rossland

It may look like a top mount, but we’ve created some extreme bends at either end to lock your feet in. It’s the ultimate if you want a top mount but are used to a drop board. After creating those awesome lock-in spots, we didn’t want to stop there, adding a rad new kind of kicktail to the board creates a fun all around skate style giving you new challenges at every spot you skate.

Size: 33 by 9.0 inches Wheelbases: Options from 18.25 to 19 inches Construction: KT Concave, 1/2” thick of canadian maple laminates Features: 1.2” drop, 7 degrees tail, sharp kick nose


AJ Powell, riding the Rossland below the gnar line at the “Motel” pool, Montréal Photo: Comishin

Team Riders

John Barnet We had to write this bio without telling John because every time we get him on the phone it ends up costing fifty bucks in long distance charges. While you may have seen him just motoring along on his skate, his mouth can motor on triple that. John is actually probably the most talented on the Kebbek team, he’s been annihilating hills in Europe and North America and his bag of tricks is entertaining to watch. His stories are good and his massages are even better, every pro team should have at least one pro osteopath!

JF Boily This is one of downhill skateboarding’s true legends still in the living form. During the early 2000s he spent more time on the podium than he did on the crapper. J.F. is always the one making the rest of us laugh with hilarious antics and a great memory for our embarrassing moments. When J.F. skates, his style is so smooth it looks silky and he can run such clean lines through even the hairiest of asphalt. After back to back victories at the Street Missile race ZigZag Attack for the first two years of its existence, J.F.’s name was added to the Comishin model as Ian has never won diddly.

Ian Comishin While he thinks he is much loved by his public, Ian is sourly mistaken. He is on a constant but failing quest of vanity to be the most handsome skater in the world. He doesn’t seem to notice that the public is sick of his two hands down style, in fact they seem to be questioning hands down at all… being in control is like sooo 2000s. This dinasour is most likely going to have his pro-model taken away by the end of the season but he’s the one paying the bills so we gotta do it discretely. Just keep giving him compliments so we can go about getting this company out of the mud while he stares at himself in the mirror.


Stephen Daddow Stephen got to be the very first speedboarder on the cover of Concrete Wave in its history. CW went on to never publish speedboarders on the cover again for years as it turned out this was the worst selling CW ever. Steve is known world-wide as being one of the most traveled and versatile skaters, he has podiums in DH and Slalom alike. He has Papua New Guinean blood in his veins which probably explains why he didn’t die last year when some jack-ass filming from a motorbike just about killed him in the middle of a race at Newton’s Playground last year.

Niko Desmarais Everyone knows him as one of the former Speedboarders of the Year but we know him to be more of wombat or some other overly tough animal. His degree in kinesiology or whatever that physical education course is has set him on a path of total body temple enlightenment. Apparently good health affects skateboarding because he is really tough to race against but he’s been having a hard time getting the rest of the team to wake up and go jogging at 6 in the morning. Niko got his new very well deserved pro-model this summer but he had to stay up past his normal bedtime to come work on it with us at the shop.

Ben Dubreuil When it comes to winning races in Quebec, Ben has been a real pain in the ass for Niko. Beyond racing Ben has been experimenting with all sorts of slide variations, switch stunts and launching off whatever he can find. Recently he and his ladyfriend tried to conquer the great west by starting a new life on a skate adventure in a motor-home, Joe Lehm even let them sleep in the masonite dust at the Santa Fe skate school. Their motorhome broke down and Ben was forced to turn tricks all up the west coast until he could mooch off of the eccentric Claude-Eric in Whistler… that didn’t last too long and now he’s back home to be a pain in Niko’s ass again all summer.


Max Erwin Max has been known for years in the west as being one of the most naturally gifted downhillers. His victory at the first ever Paskapoo has become at story of mythical proportions. When Max first got a glimpse of his graphics last year he was kind of bummed it wasn’t based on a dog. He apparently has a nickname related to dogs because of an incident of dog dodging at race one year in British Columbia. This is actually not true though, he got this nickname for having a genetic disposition to turning into a dog whenever there are vampires nearby. He and his pack will try to prevent Edward from turning Bella into a vampire for as long as possible.

Pierre Gravel Pierre is so sick of being called one of the grandfather’s of Montreal skateboarding that we just have to put into print one more time. The only reason we keep his name on the sponsor list is so he doesn’t try and take us to the worker’s compensation board for alleged injuries sustained while riding our product on the job. His art direction gets censored well enough that it is acceptable to our customers and even better yet, we don’t have to look at Ian’s god-awful work anymore. Pierre is a major factor in the design of boards and the overall relationship Kebbek has with the public.

Pascal Jean The Rockin’ Rookie double times as a incredibly talented slalom skater and a not too shabby of a downhiller too. He is known for spreading rockabilly as Montreal’s longest running DJ at the city’s only good radio station. He is allergic to pretty much everything, including air for all we know. Don’t ask him over for dinner. His DH skills are equally represented on his snow-skate where I am pretty sure he’s the only dude out there who can seriously tuck on one of those things. He is a skilled finisher of fine woods and this year’s run of boards were inspired by his staining techniques, possibly one of your decks was actually finished by him.


Kevin LeFrank When we asked Kevin to be on the team he didn’t realize that riding for KebbeK, doesn’t mean you have to live in Québec. I don’t know if he was trying to hustle the Provincial government for more sponsorship packages, but boy was his face red when he realized our logo wasn’t a blue flag. Kevin has a unique style for all-around skating. Whether you want to go hit a jump, free ride, or go fast, he will not only keep up but consistently offer highfives until your hands are sore. A very positive skater, who always brings the stoke.

Jon Caften Basically nobody knows why we still sponsor this guy. He hits on everyone’s girlfriend, drinks everyone’s single malt, breaks skateboards cause he uses them to move firewood, he disappears for months on end… with your iPod, he kicks cats when nobody else is in the room, takes your girlfriend home if the ‘hitting-on’ works, borrows money with no intention of giving it back, and never, ever lifts the toilet seat and that pencil has no aim. He does however get paid to fly around writing for Concrete Wave so we all kiss his ass.

Dwayne Pereto There is nobody less known to the world of skateboarding outside of Montreal who gets named more often than Dwayne does for being one of the most inspirational skaters. 5 years ago when race results and aerodynamics was all anyone cared about, Dwayne called out everyone in his Concrete Wave interview to get out and free-ride every road available. Watching Dwayne release his power and Maori-rage onto his much abused equipment as he runs corners with the very select few he’ll ride with is humbling and actually bloody scary.


AJ Powell A.J. has been growing a lot of facial hair these days and he even bought a car so now he expects us to treat him like an adult. Unfortunately for him this isn’t going to happen. A.J. will skate anything whether or not he has the adequate skills to not get hurt. There is no set-up he doesn’t want to know how to shred on so he’s constantly swapping parts with the Montreal locals and the forum kids world-wide. These days he organizes the most Montreal sessions, he travels to the most obscure events and basically spreads the skateboarding stoke and Kebbek stoke with loyalty and respect to all skaters world-wide.

Jim Ziemlanski Jim made Kebbek great and then got out of Montreal when his addiction to the Quebecoise was starting to take over his addiction to skating good hills. Undoubtedly one of the most respected downhillers to race and design skateboard product, Jim has made a permanent mark on skateboarding that we should all be grateful for. Jim is back in BC riding pow in the winter, skating in the summer and making Speedparts for us all.

Niko Desmarais, testing a Rêve in the Laurentians


PM KebbeK Skateboards 5819 Boul Monk, MontrĂŠal QuĂŠbec, Canada H4E 3H2 Phone (514) 362-8763

Worldwide Distribution: S&J Sales Ltd. Contact: East (905) 420-5001 West (604) 244-2361

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