– d e n i m & pa n t s –
– s p r i n g TWENTY 1 4 – p h oto s by : pau l pa r k & d r e w m a r t i n
Matix Clothing is rooted in the heart of Los Angeles, California. We have grown up in surfing & skateboarding cultures and this is what we know. This lifestyle is brought to fruition through the clothing we make. Every day is an adventure and every weekend is a trip. Let your creative sense take hold to explore new paths. In the end, our goal is to create something unique for those who share this common bond. With each season comes new experiences and ideas. Matix pulls inspiration from America’s not so distant past. Drawing from nostalgia of our heritage while referring to adventure and what it takes to build something with your two hands. The use of uncommon elements with a focus on artisanal craft and workwear styling will show throughout the line. Our ambassadors are important as they represent who we are and how we live. You will become acquainted with some new faces & personalities as well as some you have come to know for years now; each one bringing something unique to the table, all with talent beyond words. Secure your foundation, take a trip, have a laugh with friends, follow your roots. matix ~ from the ground up
Matix Clothing is rooted in the heart of Los Angeles, California. We have grown up in surfing & skateboarding cultures and this is what we know. This lifestyle is brought to fruition through the clothing we make. Every day is an adventure and every weekend is a trip. Let your creative sense take hold to explore new paths. In the end, our goal is to create something unique for those who share this common bond. With each season comes new experiences and ideas. Matix pulls inspiration from America’s not so distant past. Drawing from nostalgia of our heritage while referring to adventure and what it takes to build something with your two hands. The use of uncommon elements with a focus on artisanal craft and workwear styling will show throughout the line. Our ambassadors are important as they represent who we are and how we live. You will become acquainted with some new faces & personalities as well as some you have come to know for years now; each one bringing something unique to the table, all with talent beyond words. Secure your foundation, take a trip, have a laugh with friends, follow your roots. matix ~ from the ground up
wash guide N E W V I N TA G E
d a r k stone
cha r coal
vintage b lac k
Raw d eep
1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
P r emium D en im I n dig o R ight H a n d T wi l l with D irty
R ight
C h a rc o a l
Premium Bl ack Denim Right Hand Twill Slight Hand
en z ym e
thr e a d s i n th e wa rp & b l a c k m ĂŠ l a n g e thr e a d s
sanding to create an authentic washed out look.
thr o ugh o ut.
i n th e w eft. A s o ft a n d f l at fa bric with gr e at
Bl ack threads throughout. Matte Bl ack hardware
el a s ticity
with Bl ack leather patch.
tack ing.
AND tack ing. GUNME TAL
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
c a s ti n g .
fi n i s h .
Bl ack
Light and
stone N avy
wa s h
thr e a d s
G u n m e ta l h a rdwa r e with B l a c k l e ath e r patch .
T wi l l
D ry
d e n im
r e c o v ery.
C h a rc o a l
thr e a d s
b lac k Raw Denim
denim Navy
P r e mium
I t h a s th e l o o k a n d h a n d o f ridg e d d e n im with a l l
th e c o mf o rt o f a s tr e tch F i n e twi l l l i n es a n d
1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
throughout. Brown
Bl ack
D e n im
R ight
T wi l l .
s tr e a k i n es s with c l o s e s l ub s . T r a diti o n a l R e d -
thr o ugh o ut. D a r k R ed C o pp er h a rdwa r e with
o r a n g e a n d Ta n thr e a d s thr o ugh o ut. M att e B l a c k
B l a c k l e ath er patch .
h a rdwa r e with B l a c k l e ath er patch .
wash guide N E W V I N TA G E
d a r k stone
cha r coal
vintage b lac k
Raw d eep
1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
P r emium D en im I n dig o R ight H a n d T wi l l with D irty
R ight
C h a rc o a l
Premium Bl ack Denim Right Hand Twill Slight Hand
en z ym e
thr e a d s i n th e wa rp & b l a c k m ĂŠ l a n g e thr e a d s
sanding to create an authentic washed out look.
thr o ugh o ut.
i n th e w eft. A s o ft a n d f l at fa bric with gr e at
Bl ack threads throughout. Matte Bl ack hardware
el a s ticity
with Bl ack leather patch.
tack ing.
AND tack ing. GUNME TAL
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
c a s ti n g .
fi n i s h .
Bl ack
Light and
stone N avy
wa s h
thr e a d s
G u n m e ta l h a rdwa r e with B l a c k l e ath e r patch .
T wi l l
D ry
d e n im
r e c o v ery.
C h a rc o a l
thr e a d s
b lac k Raw Denim
denim Navy
P r e mium
I t h a s th e l o o k a n d h a n d o f ridg e d d e n im with a l l
th e c o mf o rt o f a s tr e tch F i n e twi l l l i n es a n d
1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
throughout. Brown
Bl ack
D e n im
R ight
T wi l l .
s tr e a k i n es s with c l o s e s l ub s . T r a diti o n a l R e d -
thr o ugh o ut. D a r k R ed C o pp er h a rdwa r e with
o r a n g e a n d Ta n thr e a d s thr o ugh o ut. M att e B l a c k
B l a c k l e ath er patch .
h a rdwa r e with B l a c k l e ath er patch .
usa gripper a4dnm001 1 1 .5 oz premium denim | 100% COT TON R AW INDIGO DENIM RIGHT HAND T WILL . DRY & RIGID HAND FEEL . BROWN THREADS THROUGHOUT. DULL RED COPPER HARDWARE WITH BROWN LEATHER PATCH. MADE IN USA! KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” COLORS: R AW SELV edGE SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
usa gripper a4dnm001 1 1 .5 oz premium denim | 100% COT TON R AW INDIGO DENIM RIGHT HAND T WILL . DRY & RIGID HAND FEEL . BROWN THREADS THROUGHOUT. DULL RED COPPER HARDWARE WITH BROWN LEATHER PATCH. MADE IN USA! KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” COLORS: R AW SELV edGE SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
slim str aight a3dnm01 1 Gripper is a sl im straight fit with low rise. It ’s str aight from the hips through the thigh and paral l el from the k nee to the l eg opening. KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
but ton fly
true low rise
16” knee
32” inseam
16” LEG opening
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
slim str aight a3dnm01 1 Gripper is a sl im straight fit with low rise. It ’s str aight from the hips through the thigh and paral l el from the k nee to the l eg opening. KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
but ton fly
true low rise
16” knee
32” inseam
16” LEG opening
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gripper washes 1 N E W vintage 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
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sulfur 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
R AW D E E P 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
4 cha r coal 1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
5 vintage b lac k 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
6 d a r k stone 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
7 B L AC K R AW 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
gripper washes 1 N E W vintage 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
sulfur 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
R AW D E E P 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
4 cha r coal 1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
5 vintage b lac k 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
6 d a r k stone 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
7 B L AC K R AW 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
classic straight a3dnm01 2 Miner is a str aight and cl assic fit. Miner has a normal rise and remains straight from the thigh down to the l eg opening. KNEE : 1 7 ” | l eg opening : 1 7 ” SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
but ton fly
normal rise
17” knee
32” inseam
17” LEG opening
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
classic straight a3dnm01 2 Miner is a str aight and cl assic fit. Miner has a normal rise and remains straight from the thigh down to the l eg opening. KNEE : 1 7 ” | l eg opening : 1 7 ” SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
but ton fly
normal rise
17” knee
32” inseam
17” LEG opening
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
miner washes 1 N E W vintage 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
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Raw d eep 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
d a r k stone 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
4 b lac k Raw 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
5 cha r coal 1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
miner washes 1 N E W vintage 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
Raw d eep 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
d a r k stone 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
4 b lac k Raw 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
5 cha r coal 1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
SLIM & ta p e r e d a3dnm002 Constrictor is sl im from the hip & thighs and tapers down to a narrow l eg opening. KNEE : 15.5” | l eg opening : 15” SIZEs : 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
but ton fly
true low rise
15.5” knee 32” inseam
15” LEG opening
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
SLIM & ta p e r e d a3dnm002 Constrictor is sl im from the hip & thighs and tapers down to a narrow l eg opening. KNEE : 15.5” | l eg opening : 15” SIZEs : 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
but ton fly
true low rise
15.5” knee 32” inseam
15” LEG opening
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constrictor washes 1 N E W V I N TA G E 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
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b lac k Raw 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
sulfur 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
4 vintage b lac k 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
5 d a r k stone 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
cha r coal 1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
Raw d eep 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
constrictor washes 1 N E W V I N TA G E 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
b lac k Raw 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
sulfur 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
4 vintage b lac k 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
5 d a r k stone 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
cha r coal 1 1 oz | 70/26/4% COT ton/poly/r ayon
Raw d eep 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el astane
super skinny a3dnm001 Nigel sits low on the hip and is tight al l the way through the hip & thigh with narrow l eg opening KNEE : 14.5” | l eg opening : 1 3.5” SIZEs : 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36
true low rise
zipper fly
32” inseam 14.5” knee
13.5” LEG opening
nigel washes 1 b lac k Raw 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
2 sulfur 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
super skinny a3dnm001 Nigel sits low on the hip and is tight al l the way through the hip & thigh with narrow l eg opening KNEE : 14.5” | l eg opening : 1 3.5” SIZEs : 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36
true low rise
zipper fly
32” inseam 14.5” knee
13.5” LEG opening
nigel washes 1 b lac k Raw 1 1 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
2 sulfur 1 1 .5 oz | 99/1% COT ton/el asta ne
– matix clothing –
– sp r ing twent y 1 4 –
– ma r c j ohnson collection –
– d aewon song collection –
– matix clothing –
– sp r ing twent y 1 4 –
– ma r c j ohnson collection –
– d aewon song collection –
– matix clothing –
– sp r ing twent y 1 4 –
– mi k e an d e r son collection –
– t u r k e y stopni k collection –
– matix clothing –
– sp r ing twent y 1 4 –
– mi k e an d e r son collection –
– t u r k e y stopni k collection –
WHLSLE /MSRP : $34.50/69
mj gripper a3dnm010 1 1 .7 oz Premium “s twil l” denim | 98/2% COT TON/el astane Right Hand T wil l Dry denim we av e with sol id thre ads in the warp & weft cre ating a soft and fl at fabric with gre at el asticity and recov ery. Matching sel f-thre ads throughout with Matte Bl ack hardware and Bl ack l e ather patch . KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” colors : LAPD | GRAPHITE | KHAKI SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
WHLSLE /MSRP : $34.50/69
mj gripper a3dnm010 1 1 .7 oz Premium “s twil l” denim | 98/2% COT TON/el astane Right Hand T wil l Dry denim we av e with sol id thre ads in the warp & weft cre ating a soft and fl at fabric with gre at el asticity and recov ery. Matching sel f-thre ads throughout with Matte Bl ack hardware and Bl ack l e ather patch . KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” colors : LAPD | GRAPHITE | KHAKI SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
DAEWON g r i p p e r a3dnm01 3 10.5 oz Premium denim | 99/1% COT TON/el astane Premium r aw deniim indigo right hand twil l with resin coating added to the face of fabric to giv e e x tr a-dur abil ity with a rigid hand feel . navy thre ads throughout gunme tal hardware with bl ack l e ather match. KNEE : 16� | l eg opening : 16� colors : resin loot SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
DAEWON g r i p p e r a3dnm01 3 10.5 oz Premium denim | 99/1% COT TON/el astane Premium r aw deniim indigo right hand twil l with resin coating added to the face of fabric to giv e e x tr a-dur abil ity with a rigid hand feel . navy thre ads throughout gunme tal hardware with bl ack l e ather match. KNEE : 16� | l eg opening : 16� colors : resin loot SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
manderson WORKER a3pnt01 1 9.5 oz Premium twil l | 60/40% COT TON/POLY Cl assic WORK WEAR CHINO. CHINO FLAT FRONT WITH TR ADITIONAL REAR WELT POCKE TS. RELAXED FIT. KNEE : 18.5” | l eg opening : 1 7.5” colors : black | brown | KHAKI | navy SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
manderson WORKER a3pnt01 1 9.5 oz Premium twil l | 60/40% COT TON/POLY Cl assic WORK WEAR CHINO. CHINO FLAT FRONT WITH TR ADITIONAL REAR WELT POCKE TS. RELAXED FIT. KNEE : 18.5” | l eg opening : 1 7.5” colors : black | brown | KHAKI | navy SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
TURKEY GRIPPER a3dnm009 1 1 .5 oz premium denim | 99/1% COT TON/el astane premium denim indigo right hand twil l with l ight tint. abr asions throughout the pant with sel f repair stitching below l eft front pock e t. natur al look ing bl asting effect at the front & back l egs with he avy enz yme wash. al l de tails are to giv e a he avily worn-in effect with diy fe atures. gol d and dtm thre ads throughout. dark red copper hardwe ar with brown l e ather patch. KNEE : 16� | l eg opening : 16� COLORS: OV ERHAUL SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
TURKEY GRIPPER a3dnm009 1 1 .5 oz premium denim | 99/1% COT TON/el astane premium denim indigo right hand twil l with l ight tint. abr asions throughout the pant with sel f repair stitching below l eft front pock e t. natur al look ing bl asting effect at the front & back l egs with he avy enz yme wash. al l de tails are to giv e a he avily worn-in effect with diy fe atures. gol d and dtm thre ads throughout. dark red copper hardwe ar with brown l e ather patch. KNEE : 16� | l eg opening : 16� COLORS: OV ERHAUL SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
GRIPPER CARGO a3pnT005 98/2% cotton/el astane KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” COLORS : WOODLAND | DESERT SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
GRIPPER CARGO a3pnT005 98/2% cotton/el astane KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” COLORS : WOODLAND | DESERT SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
GRIPPER TWILL a3pnT001 98/2% cotton/el astane KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” COLORS : chestnut | concrete | workblue | brick | black |tiger dyed | khaki SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
GRIPPER TWILL a3pnT001 98/2% cotton/el astane KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16” COLORS : chestnut | concrete | workblue | brick | black |tiger dyed | khaki SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
w e l d e r CLASSIC
w e l d e r SLIM
60/40% cotton/POLY
60/40% cotton/POLY
KNEE : 1 7 ” | l eg opening : 1 7 ”
KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16”
COLORS : navy | black | KHAKI | CHARCOAL
COLORS : blue slate | graphite | black | khaki
SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
w e l d e r CLASSIC
w e l d e r SLIM
60/40% cotton/POLY
60/40% cotton/POLY
KNEE : 1 7 ” | l eg opening : 1 7 ”
KNEE : 16” | l eg opening : 16”
COLORS : navy | black | KHAKI | CHARCOAL
COLORS : blue slate | graphite | black | khaki
SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
SIZEs : 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
sp r ing twent y + 1 4
a histo r y lesson in matix
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
sp r ing twent y + 1 4
a histo r y lesson in matix
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
Interview by Brian Dunlap photos by drew martin & brent broza
DOB : 0 1- 0 7-7 2 Fit Sel ect : Miner In s ta h a ndl e : @ t y ler sur f bo ar ds Born & R a i sed : El S egundo, C A Curren t Home : El S egundo, C A
W ho a r e yo u r people ? As far as family, it is my wife, Katherine, and my daughter, Evelyn. For work, I work closely with my wife and Josh. I have been trying to get a stronger team going as well and have been relying on them for feedback whereas in the past I used to be the surfer/shaper/salesperson. W hat is yo u r t y pical day li k e ? Normally I am out of the house around 7. I’ll head to the Donut, grab a coffee & donut and then check the waves. If there’s waves I’ll surf if not, I’ll head into work early. I try to get a lot of my shaping done earlier when there are less distractions and the shop is not open. I’ll work normally until about 6 then head home to have dinner with my wife and daughter. W hat was it li k e g r owing u p & s u r fing in the S o u th Bay ? Sheltered. I didn’t really venture out that often. But I was quite aware of the history related to the surfboard industry and the legendary surfers that came out of the area. H ow d i d yo u o r iginally get into s u r fing ? My dad surfed. I was handed down a Pat Rawson garage board covered in duct tape and smothered in strawberry sex wax. I was skateboarding and emulating surfing maneuvers before I surfed. My first skateboard was a surfer magazine cover fiberglass deck. W hen d i d yo u sta rt shaping s u r fb oa r ds ? I started shaping and glassing when I was 12 years old. My dad made my first couple boards. When he was too busy, I went into the garage, took his tools, and made my own. W hat in f lu ences yo u r shaping ? Mostly my own surfing. My own personal feedback and later mixed in feedback from other top surfers. W hat ma k es yo u r b oa r ds so m u ch d i ff e r ent f r om what else is o u t the r e ? The first thing was going a direction based off of traditional surfboard design from the 60s. I wanted
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
Interview by Brian Dunlap photos by drew martin & brent broza
DOB : 0 1- 0 7-7 2 Fit Sel ect : Miner In s ta h a ndl e : @ t y ler sur f bo ar ds Born & R a i sed : El S egundo, C A Curren t Home : El S egundo, C A
W ho a r e yo u r people ? As far as family, it is my wife, Katherine, and my daughter, Evelyn. For work, I work closely with my wife and Josh. I have been trying to get a stronger team going as well and have been relying on them for feedback whereas in the past I used to be the surfer/shaper/salesperson. W hat is yo u r t y pical day li k e ? Normally I am out of the house around 7. I’ll head to the Donut, grab a coffee & donut and then check the waves. If there’s waves I’ll surf if not, I’ll head into work early. I try to get a lot of my shaping done earlier when there are less distractions and the shop is not open. I’ll work normally until about 6 then head home to have dinner with my wife and daughter. W hat was it li k e g r owing u p & s u r fing in the S o u th Bay ? Sheltered. I didn’t really venture out that often. But I was quite aware of the history related to the surfboard industry and the legendary surfers that came out of the area. H ow d i d yo u o r iginally get into s u r fing ? My dad surfed. I was handed down a Pat Rawson garage board covered in duct tape and smothered in strawberry sex wax. I was skateboarding and emulating surfing maneuvers before I surfed. My first skateboard was a surfer magazine cover fiberglass deck. W hen d i d yo u sta rt shaping s u r fb oa r ds ? I started shaping and glassing when I was 12 years old. My dad made my first couple boards. When he was too busy, I went into the garage, took his tools, and made my own. W hat in f lu ences yo u r shaping ? Mostly my own surfing. My own personal feedback and later mixed in feedback from other top surfers. W hat ma k es yo u r b oa r ds so m u ch d i ff e r ent f r om what else is o u t the r e ? The first thing was going a direction based off of traditional surfboard design from the 60s. I wanted
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
to advance that with my own surfing and board building skills during a period where most everyone was either shortboarding on 6’0” tri fins or extended/ rockered out tri-fin longboards. My direction for my board building was my own personal choice and was not dictated by popular culture at the time or trends, it was uninfluenced by outside trends. W hich o f yo u r c u r r ent mo d els is yo u r go -to - b oa r d an d wh y ? My Noserider model is my go-to-board. I have been refining and riding that particular model for 20+ years so, it is an ever improving design. I am very comfortable on it and can get on one and know exactly what it is going to do. W hat shaping p r oj ects a r e yo u most p r o u d o f ? Probably my Z-Chip balsa and my guns. T ell u s a b o u t single fin : Yellow. I am good friends with Jason Baffa so when he asked me to make the board for his movie, I was happy to. It has done nothing but good for me. W he r e a r e some o f yo u r most memo r a b le t r ips ? (s u r fing o r not ?) Tavarua where I rode my first longboard gun that I ever shaped and got some of the best barrels of my life. I was a 21 year old on a trip with 3 other top longboarders who were 10 years older than myself. My equipment was at least a foot bigger than theirs and a good 15 pounds heavier. That was a turning point in my career and I got a lot of credibility from that trip. It was for a Longboard Magazine trip so the word spread of my surfing and board building. When did you get into cars & motorcycles? What projects you working on right now? When I was 16. I was involved in auto shop in high school where I started restoring my first classic, a 55’ Chevy Bel Air. About that same time, I transitioned from short to longboards mostly because of my interest or the parallels between car design and surfboard design from that period. I have a 1955 Triumph, 1984 Harley FX, 1941 Ford, and 1965 Chevy Chevelle 2dr wagon. The 41’ is my baby and has been about 10 years in the making. T ell u s a b o u t yo u r new sto r e . After about a year of not having a showroom, we opened up a nice new shop. It is in the same location as my shaping room. I have hot rod storage, a large parts collection, and some other projects stored here as well. A n yone yo u wo u l d li k e to than k ? My parents, especially my mom for her help in the business aspect. She took me to trade shows and helped me get my first business resale number when I was 16. My wife for her partnership in the business and making Tyler Surfboards what it is today. And thank you to all of my customers over the years who have allowed me to be creative and enabled me to build low volume but high quality surfboards, which have made me known worldwide. S top by T y le r S u r fb oa r ds at : 212 Eucalyptus Drive El Segundo, CA 90245
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
to advance that with my own surfing and board building skills during a period where most everyone was either shortboarding on 6’0” tri fins or extended/ rockered out tri-fin longboards. My direction for my board building was my own personal choice and was not dictated by popular culture at the time or trends, it was uninfluenced by outside trends. W hich o f yo u r c u r r ent mo d els is yo u r go -to - b oa r d an d wh y ? My Noserider model is my go-to-board. I have been refining and riding that particular model for 20+ years so, it is an ever improving design. I am very comfortable on it and can get on one and know exactly what it is going to do. W hat shaping p r oj ects a r e yo u most p r o u d o f ? Probably my Z-Chip balsa and my guns. T ell u s a b o u t single fin : Yellow. I am good friends with Jason Baffa so when he asked me to make the board for his movie, I was happy to. It has done nothing but good for me. W he r e a r e some o f yo u r most memo r a b le t r ips ? (s u r fing o r not ?) Tavarua where I rode my first longboard gun that I ever shaped and got some of the best barrels of my life. I was a 21 year old on a trip with 3 other top longboarders who were 10 years older than myself. My equipment was at least a foot bigger than theirs and a good 15 pounds heavier. That was a turning point in my career and I got a lot of credibility from that trip. It was for a Longboard Magazine trip so the word spread of my surfing and board building. When did you get into cars & motorcycles? What projects you working on right now? When I was 16. I was involved in auto shop in high school where I started restoring my first classic, a 55’ Chevy Bel Air. About that same time, I transitioned from short to longboards mostly because of my interest or the parallels between car design and surfboard design from that period. I have a 1955 Triumph, 1984 Harley FX, 1941 Ford, and 1965 Chevy Chevelle 2dr wagon. The 41’ is my baby and has been about 10 years in the making. T ell u s a b o u t yo u r new sto r e . After about a year of not having a showroom, we opened up a nice new shop. It is in the same location as my shaping room. I have hot rod storage, a large parts collection, and some other projects stored here as well. A n yone yo u wo u l d li k e to than k ? My parents, especially my mom for her help in the business aspect. She took me to trade shows and helped me get my first business resale number when I was 16. My wife for her partnership in the business and making Tyler Surfboards what it is today. And thank you to all of my customers over the years who have allowed me to be creative and enabled me to build low volume but high quality surfboards, which have made me known worldwide. S top by T y le r S u r fb oa r ds at : 212 Eucalyptus Drive El Segundo, CA 90245
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
I nte r view an d photos b y B r ent b r oz a
Interview by brian dunlap | photos by riley cooney & drew martin
W ho a r e yo u r people in the S o u th Bay ?
W hat d o yo u d o when yo u a r e not to u r ing ?
W ho d o yo u hang with ?
I’m lucky to still have a lot of friends I’ve been tight with
See above.
People who hug trees, camp, and love the land and sea.
since my school years. There’s too many to name here but
soccer field in the south bay, I’ll probably know somebody.
T he d oc u menta ry, “ T he Othe r F Wo r d ”, was inspi r e d by yo u r b oo k , Pu nk Rock Dad, how did that come together?
W hat is yo u r t y pical day li k e ?
let’s put it this way, at any bar, surf shop, schoolyard or
Wake up, coffee, read the newspaper, badger the kids to get ready for school, check the surf, check the email, play guitar, eat lunch with the wifey, do something creative, take a nap, chill with family, hang with friends or read a book. Sleep. Unless I’m on tour then I just hang at the hotel until show time or walk around. It’s really glamorous.
DOB : 0 1- 0 7-7 2 FI T SELEC T : Miner In s ta h a ndl e : @ _ penn y w ise Born & R a i sed : Tor r ance, C A Curren t Home : Manha t t an Beach , C A
Family ? My mom and dad, my sister’s family, my wife and three kids; we all live within a mile of each other. We have mad posse. W hat got yo u into m u sic ? Just being a fan of all kinds of music. A.M. radio in the 70s. Then Beach Boys, Elton John, Queen, Cheap Trick, stuff my sister listened to, then KISS, the Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Clash, X, HB punk, OC punk, 80s new wave, rockabilly and everything after. I bought
So u n ds li k e yo u ’ ve b een on some r ad tr ips . top 3 & what mad e them so special .
People who treat the Earth and it’s living things kindly,
Traveling is such an addiction. My top three have all
and who travel to learn.
been tropical so far. My most recent being my favorite, a boat trip in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia.
S o yo u wa k e u p an d then what ?
Second, was a back to back trip to Tavarua, Fiji and
I was living the life of a musician dad and someone said
If I’m not up and out too early, I like to make my girl
Australia. Last but definitely not least, was a trip to
I should write a book about it. I was an English major
breakfast before she goes off to work. Then I’m looking
Bali and Java, Indonesia. I guess tropical stuff kind
at UCLA and always liked to read and write so it came
for surf, connecting with everyone I work with, and it’s
of gets me going. But, I dream of Iceland. Top on my
pretty naturally. Anyone who can talk can write a book.
off to find waves. Shoot all morning, go home and eat
list now. Yeah, Iceland. I think Bjork lives there…
May not be Ulysses by James Joyce but it will be yours.
while editing, and either shoot again after that, or keep editing & emailing. I can always find a way to
H ow long have yo u b een s u r fing & s k ate b oa r d ing fo r ? Since 3rd grade so about 40 years. Doesn’t show though. Slater’s title is safe when I’m in the water. Favo r ite s u r f e r s ? Mark Richards, Shaun Tomson, Tom Curren, Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Benji Weatherly, Scott Johnsen, Chris Barela, Mike Benvidez, Chris Frohoff, Kelly Gibson, Ted Robinson, Steve Machin. Too many again. Yo u have r ecently j oine d the Boa r d o f Di r ecto r s fo r the S u r fr i d e r Fo u n dation , what is yo u r r ole on the b oa r d?
be productive. Often it’s playing music late at night.
DOB : 0 9 -1 8-8 4 Fit Sel ect : G r ipper Ins ta h a ndl e : @drewmar tinphotogr aphy Born & R a ised : Hun t ing t on Beach , c a Curren t Home : New por t Beach , C A
W ho/ whe r e d o yo u en j oy shooting most ? I’d say I mostly enjoy shooting in tropical locations. Stuff that’s so perfect, that you have to try to be creative so
What got you into shooting photos/ video?
it’s not monotonous. Places where things bite and sting
I’ve always loved photographs. They tell such a story
you every 10 seconds, in odd places. Anyone consistent,
in that little moment. Took me half my life to realize
and not too worried about consequence, that’s who I
I loved taking photographs. Once I realized that, it
like to shoot. People who are great and fun travelers.
was over with. Since then, I’ve lived and breathed photography, when not doing the same with music.
Wo u l d yo u r athe r shoot on lan d o r sea?
For video, I always thought I could edit with better
I’ll shoot whichever angle tells the story best. Water
timing than most things I saw. So, I started doing
is more of a challenge though, which I love.
that, too. Being a drummer, timing is in my blood.
T ell u s a b o u t yo u r ban d? Moonsville Collective. Old time string band. Community music, we like to say. If we can’t make you move and
a guitar from Bob at Pier music and started writing
The board is in an advisory role where we all kind of
songs. Then my dad bought me an Ibanez strat copy
chime in on how surfrider operates, but mainly I’m
that I wrote most of the songs I wrote for Pennywise
hoping to bring some of my music connections to the
on. I just always liked music and since the chances
foundation and help shove some of the focus to L.A.
were slim I was going to be a pro surfer or skater, I
and all the issues confronting us in the Santa Monica
W hat d o yo u d o when not jamming o r shooting photos ?
went for the music because I wanted to meet girls.
bay. We had an event with Shaun Tomson recently
I love being outside. Surfing, skating, riding my bike, you
and it was ridiculously inspiring. Guy’s a legend.
name it. Give me a forest to get lost in, or a mountain to
W ho a r e yo u r main m u sical in flu ences ? Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Descendents, Dag Nasty, 7 seconds, Minor Threat, Jawbreaker, Pegboy, Refused, Ramones, X, The Clash, Elvis Costello. Too many to name.
W hat is something that yo u ’ d li k e people to k now a b o u t yo u , b u t d on ’ t ?
shake, take your hands out or your pockets and live a little. Check us out on the interweb.
hike up to…and guess what? I’ll still have my camera in my hand & a song stuck in my head. I love hearing the sounds of this planet. Desert, forest, coast, mountain, I love it all.
I like nice, honest, humble, down to earth people.
Take your headphones out of your ears, and listen for once.
If you’re mean spirited, fake or overly competitive, H ow d i d yo u j oin P enn y wise ?
we’re probably not going to get along too well.
W hat is in the f u t u r e fo r D r ew M a rtin ?
I was playing in a cover band and Fletcher came
Like NOFX said: Mean people suck.
More travel. More photos. More music. More love.
to see us play and said they needed a singer. Jason was in the band and he was my neighbor
A n y sho u t o u ts ?
More exploration. Definitely, more Matix.
from the next street over and I liked him a lot and
Thanks to my homeboy Benny Broza and the Dunlaps for
A n yone yo u want to give a sho u t o u t to?
his band PMA so I knew it would be good.
always giving back to our hometown of the South Bay.
Thanks to my lovely little bird, Temma, who supports how hard I work all the time. And to my friends and family for all the kind words and support, also, all the time.
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
I nte r view an d photos b y B r ent b r oz a
Interview by brian dunlap | photos by riley cooney & drew martin
W ho a r e yo u r people in the S o u th Bay ?
W hat d o yo u d o when yo u a r e not to u r ing ?
W ho d o yo u hang with ?
I’m lucky to still have a lot of friends I’ve been tight with
See above.
People who hug trees, camp, and love the land and sea.
since my school years. There’s too many to name here but
soccer field in the south bay, I’ll probably know somebody.
T he d oc u menta ry, “ T he Othe r F Wo r d ”, was inspi r e d by yo u r b oo k , Pu nk Rock Dad, how did that come together?
W hat is yo u r t y pical day li k e ?
let’s put it this way, at any bar, surf shop, schoolyard or
Wake up, coffee, read the newspaper, badger the kids to get ready for school, check the surf, check the email, play guitar, eat lunch with the wifey, do something creative, take a nap, chill with family, hang with friends or read a book. Sleep. Unless I’m on tour then I just hang at the hotel until show time or walk around. It’s really glamorous.
DOB : 0 1- 0 7-7 2 FI T SELEC T : Miner In s ta h a ndl e : @ _ penn y w ise Born & R a i sed : Tor r ance, C A Curren t Home : Manha t t an Beach , C A
Family ? My mom and dad, my sister’s family, my wife and three kids; we all live within a mile of each other. We have mad posse. W hat got yo u into m u sic ? Just being a fan of all kinds of music. A.M. radio in the 70s. Then Beach Boys, Elton John, Queen, Cheap Trick, stuff my sister listened to, then KISS, the Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Clash, X, HB punk, OC punk, 80s new wave, rockabilly and everything after. I bought
So u n ds li k e yo u ’ ve b een on some r ad tr ips . top 3 & what mad e them so special .
People who treat the Earth and it’s living things kindly,
Traveling is such an addiction. My top three have all
and who travel to learn.
been tropical so far. My most recent being my favorite, a boat trip in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia.
S o yo u wa k e u p an d then what ?
Second, was a back to back trip to Tavarua, Fiji and
I was living the life of a musician dad and someone said
If I’m not up and out too early, I like to make my girl
Australia. Last but definitely not least, was a trip to
I should write a book about it. I was an English major
breakfast before she goes off to work. Then I’m looking
Bali and Java, Indonesia. I guess tropical stuff kind
at UCLA and always liked to read and write so it came
for surf, connecting with everyone I work with, and it’s
of gets me going. But, I dream of Iceland. Top on my
pretty naturally. Anyone who can talk can write a book.
off to find waves. Shoot all morning, go home and eat
list now. Yeah, Iceland. I think Bjork lives there…
May not be Ulysses by James Joyce but it will be yours.
while editing, and either shoot again after that, or keep editing & emailing. I can always find a way to
H ow long have yo u b een s u r fing & s k ate b oa r d ing fo r ? Since 3rd grade so about 40 years. Doesn’t show though. Slater’s title is safe when I’m in the water. Favo r ite s u r f e r s ? Mark Richards, Shaun Tomson, Tom Curren, Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Benji Weatherly, Scott Johnsen, Chris Barela, Mike Benvidez, Chris Frohoff, Kelly Gibson, Ted Robinson, Steve Machin. Too many again. Yo u have r ecently j oine d the Boa r d o f Di r ecto r s fo r the S u r fr i d e r Fo u n dation , what is yo u r r ole on the b oa r d?
be productive. Often it’s playing music late at night.
DOB : 0 9 -1 8-8 4 Fit Sel ect : G r ipper Ins ta h a ndl e : @drewmar tinphotogr aphy Born & R a ised : Hun t ing t on Beach , c a Curren t Home : New por t Beach , C A
W ho/ whe r e d o yo u en j oy shooting most ? I’d say I mostly enjoy shooting in tropical locations. Stuff that’s so perfect, that you have to try to be creative so
What got you into shooting photos/ video?
it’s not monotonous. Places where things bite and sting
I’ve always loved photographs. They tell such a story
you every 10 seconds, in odd places. Anyone consistent,
in that little moment. Took me half my life to realize
and not too worried about consequence, that’s who I
I loved taking photographs. Once I realized that, it
like to shoot. People who are great and fun travelers.
was over with. Since then, I’ve lived and breathed photography, when not doing the same with music.
Wo u l d yo u r athe r shoot on lan d o r sea?
For video, I always thought I could edit with better
I’ll shoot whichever angle tells the story best. Water
timing than most things I saw. So, I started doing
is more of a challenge though, which I love.
that, too. Being a drummer, timing is in my blood.
T ell u s a b o u t yo u r ban d? Moonsville Collective. Old time string band. Community music, we like to say. If we can’t make you move and
a guitar from Bob at Pier music and started writing
The board is in an advisory role where we all kind of
songs. Then my dad bought me an Ibanez strat copy
chime in on how surfrider operates, but mainly I’m
that I wrote most of the songs I wrote for Pennywise
hoping to bring some of my music connections to the
on. I just always liked music and since the chances
foundation and help shove some of the focus to L.A.
were slim I was going to be a pro surfer or skater, I
and all the issues confronting us in the Santa Monica
W hat d o yo u d o when not jamming o r shooting photos ?
went for the music because I wanted to meet girls.
bay. We had an event with Shaun Tomson recently
I love being outside. Surfing, skating, riding my bike, you
and it was ridiculously inspiring. Guy’s a legend.
name it. Give me a forest to get lost in, or a mountain to
W ho a r e yo u r main m u sical in flu ences ? Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Descendents, Dag Nasty, 7 seconds, Minor Threat, Jawbreaker, Pegboy, Refused, Ramones, X, The Clash, Elvis Costello. Too many to name.
W hat is something that yo u ’ d li k e people to k now a b o u t yo u , b u t d on ’ t ?
shake, take your hands out or your pockets and live a little. Check us out on the interweb.
hike up to…and guess what? I’ll still have my camera in my hand & a song stuck in my head. I love hearing the sounds of this planet. Desert, forest, coast, mountain, I love it all.
I like nice, honest, humble, down to earth people.
Take your headphones out of your ears, and listen for once.
If you’re mean spirited, fake or overly competitive, H ow d i d yo u j oin P enn y wise ?
we’re probably not going to get along too well.
W hat is in the f u t u r e fo r D r ew M a rtin ?
I was playing in a cover band and Fletcher came
Like NOFX said: Mean people suck.
More travel. More photos. More music. More love.
to see us play and said they needed a singer. Jason was in the band and he was my neighbor
A n y sho u t o u ts ?
More exploration. Definitely, more Matix.
from the next street over and I liked him a lot and
Thanks to my homeboy Benny Broza and the Dunlaps for
A n yone yo u want to give a sho u t o u t to?
his band PMA so I knew it would be good.
always giving back to our hometown of the South Bay.
Thanks to my lovely little bird, Temma, who supports how hard I work all the time. And to my friends and family for all the kind words and support, also, all the time.
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
I nte r view b y ga b e clement | photos b y j o r ge r ome r o
I’ll go hang out with the older guys that I grew up skating with and looked up to as a kid. Most of them have families now and are killing it at life. H ow is the s k ate scene in Fo rt Wo rth these days ? I always felt that it was a great city but that a lot of people would overlook it. Lately a lot of teams have been visiting the Dallas/Fort Worth area and realizing how great it is for skateboarding. I can only imagine that it’s helping the scene grow. There’s also a whole new generation of kids skating in DFW now and I’m excited to see what comes out of that.
DOB : 0 7- 0 3-8 9 Fit Sel ect : Welder / Gr ipper
W hat s k ate vi d eo/ pa rt spa r k e d yo u to go o u t an d s k ate when yo u whe r e yo u ng ? One of the first videos my Mom bought me was
In s ta h a ndl e : @Aubysworld
this video by Danny Minnick called “A balance in a
Born & R a i sed : For t Wor t h , T X
couldn’t believe that anyone could ollie that high.
world of chaos” it had Kien “Donger” Lieu in it and I
Curren t Home : The homies couch in So. Cal
what got yo u into s k ate b oa r d ing ? A n y sto r ies/ in f lu ences that ma d e yo u stic k with it & p u sh yo u r sel f to p r og r ess ? My Mom got me my first skateboard, randomly. I don’t even think I had asked for one or anything and she just bought it from a garage sale. It was a Nash board with pink wheels. I think I was 9 years old and I spent the next two years pushing mongo and belly boarding before a trip to the library and book on skateboarding led me to realize that you could do actual tricks. My Mom and Dad have always been supportive of anything that I liked to do. I think like any parent there is the fear factor involved that your child might get hurt but they knew
W hat s k ate vi d eo (s) have yo u b een watching that get yo u spa r k e d now to go s k ate ? I could watch Transworlds “The Reason” over and over. A n y local he r os that in flu ence d yo u r s k ate b oa r d ing ? John Hendrix, when I was younger I would always see him killing it at the park. I would ask him for all his old boards. He definitely still shreds and schooled me on a game of skate when I last visited TX. I’ll get him next time for sure though! Also Cody McEntire had a big impact on my skating, I learned a lot from skating with him. W hat p r os d i d yo u loo k u p to that in flu ence d yo u r s k ate b oa r d ing ? Josh Kalis was always the sickest, Tom Penny is a favorite of mine as well.
that I loved it so they let me ride. Thanks Mom & Dad! E ssential r oa dt r ip foo ds ? W hat t y pe o f spots d o yo u li k e to s k ate ?
Full rack of ribs from Chilis, bananas, and beer!
I like skating everything, skating around downtown late at night and making a lot of noise or a backyard ramp might top my list.
3 s k ate spots yo u haven ’ t b een to that yo u wo u l d li k e to s k ate ? I always wanted to skate all the sick plazas, Love Park,
Do yo u s k ate t r ansition ?
Pulaski and Marble Gardens in Fort Worth. I was always
Lately I’ve been really into trying to skate bigger
too scared to skate Marble Gardens when I was a kid.
transition and learn a lot of the older tricks that are
The water tower gap Jeremy Wray ollied would be sick
completely new to me. It’s a whole different side of skating to see in person, I don’t know about skating it though. that’s a lot of fun and you don’t ever have to push! W hat s k ate shop d o yo u r i d e fo r ? I ride for Index skate shop in Dallas, TX. It is the
I k now yo u spent some time in Barcelona , S pain . name 3 things yo u en j oy e d a b o u t b eing o u t the r e b esi d es the s k ate spots ?
Willy Wonka factory. It’s where the magic happens.
Barcelona is awesome, that was definitely a place
8 years strong.
I wanted to visit. The architecture is amazing, and the culture is great with friendly locals. I fell in love
W hat is the s k ate scene li k e in yo u r hometown o f Fo rt Wo rth , T X ?
multiple times with the women there, they are all so beautiful! Heartbreakers though, heartbreakers.
I grew up in Keller, TX which is between Fort Worth and Dallas. It’s almost like a twin cities kind of deal with two downtowns 30 minutes apart. Lots of spots, and good
N ame 3 places yo u have not b een to that yo u want to t r avel to?
skateparks also. I think everyone should make a visit
I’ve always wanted to visit New York City, definitely
to Texas, just avoid coming out in the summertime.
would be sick to go to China or England also.
Do yo u still s k ate with some o f the ol d s k ate homies when yo u a r e the r e ? A lot of my friends made the move out to California shortly after I had first come out here so I still see them and we skate often. When I’m back home
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
I nte r view b y ga b e clement | photos b y j o r ge r ome r o
I’ll go hang out with the older guys that I grew up skating with and looked up to as a kid. Most of them have families now and are killing it at life. H ow is the s k ate scene in Fo rt Wo rth these days ? I always felt that it was a great city but that a lot of people would overlook it. Lately a lot of teams have been visiting the Dallas/Fort Worth area and realizing how great it is for skateboarding. I can only imagine that it’s helping the scene grow. There’s also a whole new generation of kids skating in DFW now and I’m excited to see what comes out of that.
DOB : 0 7- 0 3-8 9 Fit Sel ect : Welder / Gr ipper
W hat s k ate vi d eo/ pa rt spa r k e d yo u to go o u t an d s k ate when yo u whe r e yo u ng ? One of the first videos my Mom bought me was
In s ta h a ndl e : @Aubysworld
this video by Danny Minnick called “A balance in a
Born & R a i sed : For t Wor t h , T X
couldn’t believe that anyone could ollie that high.
world of chaos” it had Kien “Donger” Lieu in it and I
Curren t Home : The homies couch in So. Cal
what got yo u into s k ate b oa r d ing ? A n y sto r ies/ in f lu ences that ma d e yo u stic k with it & p u sh yo u r sel f to p r og r ess ? My Mom got me my first skateboard, randomly. I don’t even think I had asked for one or anything and she just bought it from a garage sale. It was a Nash board with pink wheels. I think I was 9 years old and I spent the next two years pushing mongo and belly boarding before a trip to the library and book on skateboarding led me to realize that you could do actual tricks. My Mom and Dad have always been supportive of anything that I liked to do. I think like any parent there is the fear factor involved that your child might get hurt but they knew
W hat s k ate vi d eo (s) have yo u b een watching that get yo u spa r k e d now to go s k ate ? I could watch Transworlds “The Reason” over and over. A n y local he r os that in flu ence d yo u r s k ate b oa r d ing ? John Hendrix, when I was younger I would always see him killing it at the park. I would ask him for all his old boards. He definitely still shreds and schooled me on a game of skate when I last visited TX. I’ll get him next time for sure though! Also Cody McEntire had a big impact on my skating, I learned a lot from skating with him. W hat p r os d i d yo u loo k u p to that in flu ence d yo u r s k ate b oa r d ing ? Josh Kalis was always the sickest, Tom Penny is a favorite of mine as well.
that I loved it so they let me ride. Thanks Mom & Dad! E ssential r oa dt r ip foo ds ? W hat t y pe o f spots d o yo u li k e to s k ate ?
Full rack of ribs from Chilis, bananas, and beer!
I like skating everything, skating around downtown late at night and making a lot of noise or a backyard ramp might top my list.
3 s k ate spots yo u haven ’ t b een to that yo u wo u l d li k e to s k ate ? I always wanted to skate all the sick plazas, Love Park,
Do yo u s k ate t r ansition ?
Pulaski and Marble Gardens in Fort Worth. I was always
Lately I’ve been really into trying to skate bigger
too scared to skate Marble Gardens when I was a kid.
transition and learn a lot of the older tricks that are
The water tower gap Jeremy Wray ollied would be sick
completely new to me. It’s a whole different side of skating to see in person, I don’t know about skating it though. that’s a lot of fun and you don’t ever have to push! W hat s k ate shop d o yo u r i d e fo r ? I ride for Index skate shop in Dallas, TX. It is the
I k now yo u spent some time in Barcelona , S pain . name 3 things yo u en j oy e d a b o u t b eing o u t the r e b esi d es the s k ate spots ?
Willy Wonka factory. It’s where the magic happens.
Barcelona is awesome, that was definitely a place
8 years strong.
I wanted to visit. The architecture is amazing, and the culture is great with friendly locals. I fell in love
W hat is the s k ate scene li k e in yo u r hometown o f Fo rt Wo rth , T X ?
multiple times with the women there, they are all so beautiful! Heartbreakers though, heartbreakers.
I grew up in Keller, TX which is between Fort Worth and Dallas. It’s almost like a twin cities kind of deal with two downtowns 30 minutes apart. Lots of spots, and good
N ame 3 places yo u have not b een to that yo u want to t r avel to?
skateparks also. I think everyone should make a visit
I’ve always wanted to visit New York City, definitely
to Texas, just avoid coming out in the summertime.
would be sick to go to China or England also.
Do yo u still s k ate with some o f the ol d s k ate homies when yo u a r e the r e ? A lot of my friends made the move out to California shortly after I had first come out here so I still see them and we skate often. When I’m back home
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
oc | sd | riverside | az
ja m e s a k e r s
solana beach, ca
C | 76 0 - 8 1 5 - 9 4 03
la | ventura san bernadino las vegas
s t e v e m e i d r ot h
C | 3 1 0 -2 9 1 - 49 4 8
o | 41 5 - 8 24 - 8 02 0
pacific northwest (ak, wa, id, mt, or)
tacoma, wa
F | 2 5 3 -752-702 1 c | 2 5 3 - 6 9 1 -3 4 3 8
rockies (wy, ut, co, nm, ne)
denver, co
F | 2 0 6 -2 02- 8 0 5 8 c | 7 2 0 - 9 87- 8 9 0 5
midwest (nd, sd, ks, mn, ia, mo, wi, il, ky, in, oh, mi)
F | 8 8 8 - 8 27-3 2 14 c | 6 1 2- 5 5 8 - 9242
the south (TX,OK,AR,LA,MS)
fort worth, tx
F | 8 17-3 37- 8 5 9 1 c | 8 17- 9 8 8 - 879 5
mid atlantic (al, tn, ga, sc, nc, va, wv, md)
leesburg, va
F | 703 - 8 52- 4 49 0 c | 703 - 62 2-2 8 1 8
new england (ri, ct, ma, nh, vt, me)
waturbury center, vt c | 413 - 4 41 - 5 3 6 4
tri-state (pa, nj, ny, de)
pr outfitters inc : long beach, ny
st. augustine, fl
O | 9 0 4 - 4 6 1 - 4 62 9 c | 3 2 1 -79 5 - 5 8 92
puerto rico
isabela, pr
F | 787- 87 2-74 3 9 c | 787- 452-75 3 1 c | 787- 5 0 8 -13 8 3
C o pyright © M ati x C l o thi n g C o. A l l right s r es erv ed. R e pr o ducti o n o f thi s c ata l o g i s pr o hibit e d by l aw. P h o t o gr a phy, pric es , s hip d at es a n d i l l u s tr ati o n s i n c l ud ed i n thi s c ata l o g w e r e a s a ccur at e a s p o s s ib l e at th e tim e o f pri n ti n g . A l l i n f o rm ati o n i s s ub j e ct t o ch a n g e with o ut n o tic e . M ati x i s a r e gi s t e r ed tr a d e m a r k o f W es t l if e D i s tributi o n U SA , LL C . F O R M O R E I N F O : M AT I X C LO T H I N G . C O M f o l l o w o n i n s ta gr a m : @ m ati x c l o thi n g f a c e b o o k : f a c e b o o k . c o m / m ati x c l o thi n g
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
F | 24 0 - 5 3 6 - 5 9 1 8 O | 5 1 6 -70 5 - 8 6 6 8 c | 5 1 6 - 4 45 - 6 970
W es t l if e D i s tributi o n u s a LL C 2 2 7 E . C o mpt o n B lvd. L o s A n g el es , C A 9 0 24 8 e . i n f o @ w es t l if edi s tributi o n .c o m p. 3 1 0 . 8 1 8 . 2 3 0 0 | F. 3 1 0 . 8 1 8 . 2 3 5 0
oc | sd | riverside | az
ja m e s a k e r s
solana beach, ca
C | 76 0 - 8 1 5 - 9 4 03
la | ventura san bernadino las vegas
s t e v e m e i d r ot h
C | 3 1 0 -2 9 1 - 49 4 8
o | 41 5 - 8 24 - 8 02 0
pacific northwest (ak, wa, id, mt, or)
tacoma, wa
F | 2 5 3 -752-702 1 c | 2 5 3 - 6 9 1 -3 4 3 8
rockies (wy, ut, co, nm, ne)
denver, co
F | 2 0 6 -2 02- 8 0 5 8 c | 7 2 0 - 9 87- 8 9 0 5
midwest (nd, sd, ks, mn, ia, mo, wi, il, ky, in, oh, mi)
F | 8 8 8 - 8 27-3 2 14 c | 6 1 2- 5 5 8 - 9242
the south (TX,OK,AR,LA,MS)
fort worth, tx
F | 8 17-3 37- 8 5 9 1 c | 8 17- 9 8 8 - 879 5
mid atlantic (al, tn, ga, sc, nc, va, wv, md)
leesburg, va
F | 703 - 8 52- 4 49 0 c | 703 - 62 2-2 8 1 8
new england (ri, ct, ma, nh, vt, me)
waturbury center, vt c | 413 - 4 41 - 5 3 6 4
tri-state (pa, nj, ny, de)
pr outfitters inc : long beach, ny
st. augustine, fl
O | 9 0 4 - 4 6 1 - 4 62 9 c | 3 2 1 -79 5 - 5 8 92
puerto rico
isabela, pr
F | 787- 87 2-74 3 9 c | 787- 452-75 3 1 c | 787- 5 0 8 -13 8 3
C o pyright © M ati x C l o thi n g C o. A l l right s r es erv ed. R e pr o ducti o n o f thi s c ata l o g i s pr o hibit e d by l aw. P h o t o gr a phy, pric es , s hip d at es a n d i l l u s tr ati o n s i n c l ud ed i n thi s c ata l o g w e r e a s a ccur at e a s p o s s ib l e at th e tim e o f pri n ti n g . A l l i n f o rm ati o n i s s ub j e ct t o ch a n g e with o ut n o tic e . M ati x i s a r e gi s t e r ed tr a d e m a r k o f W es t l if e D i s tributi o n U SA , LL C . F O R M O R E I N F O : M AT I X C LO T H I N G . C O M f o l l o w o n i n s ta gr a m : @ m ati x c l o thi n g f a c e b o o k : f a c e b o o k . c o m / m ati x c l o thi n g
M AT I X C L O T H I N G | S P 1 4
F | 24 0 - 5 3 6 - 5 9 1 8 O | 5 1 6 -70 5 - 8 6 6 8 c | 5 1 6 - 4 45 - 6 970
W es t l if e D i s tributi o n u s a LL C 2 2 7 E . C o mpt o n B lvd. L o s A n g el es , C A 9 0 24 8 e . i n f o @ w es t l if edi s tributi o n .c o m p. 3 1 0 . 8 1 8 . 2 3 0 0 | F. 3 1 0 . 8 1 8 . 2 3 5 0