Winter 2014/2015
Cross Country
Winter Touring
Cross Country / 1
gloves 52 new worldcup racing design 54 glove technology & content gloves 56 worldcup race 58 Pro sports 59 exclusive 62 alpine 64 active 65 snowboard 66 elements 68 mountain sports 70 allround 75 Pro sports lady 76 exclusive lady 78 alpine lady 80 active lady 82 allround lady 84 worldcup race junior 86 active junior 88 Allround junior 90 allround kids 93 nordic sports 94 cross country 95 nordic Junior accessories 96 content accessories 98 fabrics 99 head wear 100 bags 102 protection 104 spare parts 108 athletes / imprint
poles 02 trigger s alpine grip system 03 trigger shark nordic grip system 04 Locking systems 06 aergon grip 07 folding poles 08 content alpine 10 overview alpine 12 folding pole 13 trigger s 16 trigger s vario 17 hot shot 18 pa safety 20 trigger s Lady 21 trigger s / pa safety Lady 22 trigger s race 24 freeride vario 27 freeride 28 trigger s junior race 29 trigger s kids 30 pa safety kids 31 vario kids 32 content winter touring 34 folding pole / 3-parts 35 2-parts 37 2-parts / 1-part 38 rental 40 content cross country 42 overview cross country 44 carbon race 47 trigger shark 48 cross country 50 cross country junior
Cross Country
Winter Touring
Cross Country / 1
gloves 52 new worldcup racing design 54 glove technology & content gloves 56 worldcup race 58 Pro sports 59 exclusive 62 alpine 64 active 65 snowboard 66 elements 68 mountain sports 70 allround 75 Pro sports lady 76 exclusive lady 78 alpine lady 80 active lady 82 allround lady 84 worldcup race junior 86 active junior 88 Allround junior 90 allround kids 93 nordic sports 94 cross country 95 nordic Junior accessories 96 content accessories 98 fabrics 99 head wear 100 bags 102 protection 104 spare parts 108 athletes / imprint
poles 02 trigger s alpine grip system 03 trigger shark nordic grip system 04 Locking systems 06 aergon grip 07 folding poles 08 content alpine 10 overview alpine 12 folding pole 13 trigger s 16 trigger s vario 17 hot shot 18 pa safety 20 trigger s Lady 21 trigger s / pa safety Lady 22 trigger s race 24 freeride vario 27 freeride 28 trigger s junior race 29 trigger s kids 30 pa safety kids 31 vario kids 32 content winter touring 34 folding pole / 3-parts 35 2-parts 37 2-parts / 1-part 38 rental 40 content cross country 42 overview cross country 44 carbon race 47 trigger shark 48 cross country 50 cross country junior
Komfort & Sicherheit ∂ Sekundenschnelles Fixieren und Lösen der Schlaufe ∂ Einfachste Handhabung, zuverlässige Verbindung ∂ Höchster Komfort, maximale Kraftübertragung
∂ Schnelles, einfaches Einrasten bzw. Lösen der Schlaufe ∂ Perfekter Sitz, optimale Führung, ideale Kraftübertragung
Comfort & Security
∂ Simple handling, fast adjustment ∂ Perfect, precise fit, optimal control ∂ Highest comfort, ideal power transmission
∂ Simple handling, fast adjustment ∂ Perfect fit, optimal control, ideal power transmission
Confort & Sécurité ∂ Prise en main aisée, ajustement rapide. ∂ Adaptabilité parfaite, contrôle optimal, transmission de l’effort idéale.
∂ Prise en main aisée, ajustement rapide ∂ Adaptabilité précise et parfaite, contrôle optimal ∂ Confort maximal, transmission de l’effort idéale
Comfort & sicurezza
∂ Bloccaggio del lacciolo semplice e rapido ∂ Montaggio perfetto e preciso, guida ottimale ∂ Massimo comfort, trasmissione ideale
∂ Bloccaggio del lacciolo semplice e rapido ∂ Montaggio perfetto, guida ottimale, transmissione ideale
LEKI Handschuh inkl. Loop
LEKI Glove incl. loop
Gant Leki incluant une boucle
LEKI guanti incl. Loop
perfekte Kombination
perfect combination
parfaite combinaison
combinazione perfetta
∂ Maximale Sicherheit (TriggerS) ∂ Zuverlässige Verbindung ∂ Maximale Kraftübertragung ∂ Höchster Komfort
∂ Maximum security (TriggerS) ∂ Reliable binding ∂ Maximum power transmission ∂ Outstanding comfort
∂ Sécurité maximale (Trigger S) ∂ Connexion digne de confiance ∂ Transfert d'appui maximal ∂ Confort exceptionnel
∂ Massima sicurezza (TriggerS) ∂ Connessione affidabile ∂ Massima trasmissione delle forze ∂ Altissimo comfort
LEKI Schlaufe inkl. Loop
LEKI Strap incl. loop
Dragonne Leki incluant une boucle
LEKI Strap incl. loop
basic equipment
équipement basique
attrezzatura di base
∂ Zuverlässige Verbindung ∂ Maximale Kraftübertragung ∂ Individuell einstellbarer Abstand
∂ Reliable binding ∂ Maximum power transmission ∂ Individually adjustable distance
∂ Connexion digne de confiance ∂ Transfert d'appui maximal ∂ Distance ajustable individuellement
∂ Connessione affidabile ∂ Massima trasmissione delle forze ∂ Distanza individualmente regolabile
Sicherheit steht bei LEKI an erster Stelle. Durch unsere patentierte Sicher-
Verletzungsrisiko in % Risk of injury in % Risque de blessure en % Rischio di infortunio in %
10,5 %
heitsauslösung im Stock können viele Verletzungen verhindert werden
Um 15° optimierte Griffposition ∂ Effektivere Kraftübertragung ∂ Verbessertes Schwungverhalten ∂ Perfektionierte Führung
Security is LEKI's priority. Many injuries can be avoided - due to our patented security trigger
21,3 %
C‘est la sécurité qui a le premier rang chez LEKI. Grâce à notre déclique-
17 %
tage patenté de sécurité dans le bâton bien des blessures peuvent être évitées
La sicurezza per LEKI sta al primo posto. Con il nostro rilascio di sicurezza brevettato, integrato nel bastone, si evitano molti infortuni
6,4 %
Grip position optimized by 15° ∂ Best power transfer ∂ Improved swing action ∂ Perfect guidance
=27,7 %
34,5 %
10,3 %
Position de la poignée optimisée de 15°
“The new Shark PA grip harmonises power transfer and swing action, bringing the master plan of LEKI poles to perfection!“
Published by: ASU “Auswertungsstelle für Skiunfälle in cooperation with Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport“ (Skiers >=15 Years / Season 2012/13)
∂ Transmission de la poussée plus efficace ∂ Balance améliorée ∂ Guidage parfait
„Der neue Shark-PA-Griff harmonisiert Kraftübertragung und Schwungverhalten, wodurch das Gesamtkonzept der LEKI Stöcke nochmals perfektioniert wird.“
Andreas Birnbacher (GER), Biathlet
Posizione d’impugnatura anticipata e migliorata di 15°
+ 15°
∂ Efficace trasmissione delle forze ∂ Miglior bilanciamento del bastone ∂ Guida perfezionata / 3
a powerful connection
trigger shark nordic grip system
trigger s alpine grip system
maximum security & outstanding comfort
Komfort & Sicherheit ∂ Sekundenschnelles Fixieren und Lösen der Schlaufe ∂ Einfachste Handhabung, zuverlässige Verbindung ∂ Höchster Komfort, maximale Kraftübertragung
∂ Schnelles, einfaches Einrasten bzw. Lösen der Schlaufe ∂ Perfekter Sitz, optimale Führung, ideale Kraftübertragung
Comfort & Security
∂ Simple handling, fast adjustment ∂ Perfect, precise fit, optimal control ∂ Highest comfort, ideal power transmission
∂ Simple handling, fast adjustment ∂ Perfect fit, optimal control, ideal power transmission
Confort & Sécurité ∂ Prise en main aisée, ajustement rapide. ∂ Adaptabilité parfaite, contrôle optimal, transmission de l’effort idéale.
∂ Prise en main aisée, ajustement rapide ∂ Adaptabilité précise et parfaite, contrôle optimal ∂ Confort maximal, transmission de l’effort idéale
Comfort & sicurezza
∂ Bloccaggio del lacciolo semplice e rapido ∂ Montaggio perfetto e preciso, guida ottimale ∂ Massimo comfort, trasmissione ideale
∂ Bloccaggio del lacciolo semplice e rapido ∂ Montaggio perfetto, guida ottimale, transmissione ideale
LEKI Handschuh inkl. Loop
LEKI Glove incl. loop
Gant Leki incluant une boucle
LEKI guanti incl. Loop
perfekte Kombination
perfect combination
parfaite combinaison
combinazione perfetta
∂ Maximale Sicherheit (TriggerS) ∂ Zuverlässige Verbindung ∂ Maximale Kraftübertragung ∂ Höchster Komfort
∂ Maximum security (TriggerS) ∂ Reliable binding ∂ Maximum power transmission ∂ Outstanding comfort
∂ Sécurité maximale (Trigger S) ∂ Connexion digne de confiance ∂ Transfert d'appui maximal ∂ Confort exceptionnel
∂ Massima sicurezza (TriggerS) ∂ Connessione affidabile ∂ Massima trasmissione delle forze ∂ Altissimo comfort
LEKI Schlaufe inkl. Loop
LEKI Strap incl. loop
Dragonne Leki incluant une boucle
LEKI Strap incl. loop
basic equipment
équipement basique
attrezzatura di base
∂ Zuverlässige Verbindung ∂ Maximale Kraftübertragung ∂ Individuell einstellbarer Abstand
∂ Reliable binding ∂ Maximum power transmission ∂ Individually adjustable distance
∂ Connexion digne de confiance ∂ Transfert d'appui maximal ∂ Distance ajustable individuellement
∂ Connessione affidabile ∂ Massima trasmissione delle forze ∂ Distanza individualmente regolabile
Sicherheit steht bei LEKI an erster Stelle. Durch unsere patentierte Sicher-
Verletzungsrisiko in % Risk of injury in % Risque de blessure en % Rischio di infortunio in %
10,5 %
heitsauslösung im Stock können viele Verletzungen verhindert werden
Um 15° optimierte Griffposition ∂ Effektivere Kraftübertragung ∂ Verbessertes Schwungverhalten ∂ Perfektionierte Führung
Security is LEKI's priority. Many injuries can be avoided - due to our patented security trigger
21,3 %
C‘est la sécurité qui a le premier rang chez LEKI. Grâce à notre déclique-
17 %
tage patenté de sécurité dans le bâton bien des blessures peuvent être évitées
La sicurezza per LEKI sta al primo posto. Con il nostro rilascio di sicurezza brevettato, integrato nel bastone, si evitano molti infortuni
6,4 %
Grip position optimized by 15° ∂ Best power transfer ∂ Improved swing action ∂ Perfect guidance
=27,7 %
34,5 %
10,3 %
Position de la poignée optimisée de 15°
“The new Shark PA grip harmonises power transfer and swing action, bringing the master plan of LEKI poles to perfection!“
Published by: ASU “Auswertungsstelle für Skiunfälle in cooperation with Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport“ (Skiers >=15 Years / Season 2012/13)
∂ Transmission de la poussée plus efficace ∂ Balance améliorée ∂ Guidage parfait
„Der neue Shark-PA-Griff harmonisiert Kraftübertragung und Schwungverhalten, wodurch das Gesamtkonzept der LEKI Stöcke nochmals perfektioniert wird.“
Andreas Birnbacher (GER), Biathlet
Posizione d’impugnatura anticipata e migliorata di 15°
+ 15°
∂ Efficace trasmissione delle forze ∂ Miglior bilanciamento del bastone ∂ Guida perfezionata / 3
a powerful connection
trigger shark nordic grip system
trigger s alpine grip system
maximum security & outstanding comfort
140 kg
LEKI Super Lock System - SLS 281 %
120 kg
∂ Maximale Haltekraft (N) bei einem Anzugsdrehmoment von 1,4 Nm ∂ Maximum holding force (N) with 1,4 Nm locking torque
100 kg 80 kg
worldwide best external locking system Speed Lock ist weltweit das erste und bisher einzige Außenverstellsystem mit TÜV Süd Zertifizierung. Die vom TÜV geforderten 55 kg werden deutlich überboten. Eine Sicherheitsreserve, die lebensentscheidend sein kann. Eine Nachjustierung der Haltekraft ist jederzeit möglich. ∂ Höchste Haltekraft aller Außenverstell-Systeme auf dem Markt für ein Plus an Sicherheit ∂ Extrem schnelles Verstellen und Fixieren auch mit dicken Hand schuhen bei Nässe, Eis und Schnee ∂ Einfach zu verstehender, selbst erklärender Mechanismus ∂ Schraube mit Sicherheitsfunktion und Nachstellmöglichkeit
the one and only
external locking system with
40 kg
100 %
LEKI Speed Lock System ∂ Maximale Haltekraft (N) mit 3 kg Schließkraft ∂ Maximum holding force (N) with 30 N locking force
20 kg Empfehlung Recommendation
Nur LEKI Systeme liegen weit über der TÜV Empfehlung Einzelheiten zum Vergleich können gerne bei der LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Str. 30 - D-73230 Kirchheim/Teck abgerufen werden.
Only LEKI systems are much stronger than the TÜV recommendation Full data on the contest can be requested by contacting LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Str. 30 - D-73230 Kirchheim/Teck.
Worldwide Speed Lock is the first and only external locking system which has been certified by the TÜV Süd. The TÜV standard of 55 kg is exceeded by far. A safety reserve, which can safe lives. The locking force can be readjusted at any time. ∂ Highest locking force of all external adjustment systems available on the market for extra safety ∂ Extremely fast adjustment and fixing even whilst wearing thick gloves in rain, ice and snow ∂ Simple and easy to use mechanism ∂ Security screw with +/- indicator Speed Lock est le premier et jusqu‘à présent le seul système de réglage extérieur dans le monde entier avec certification TÜV Süd. La puissance de serrage standard du TÜV (de 55 kg) est en effet largement dépassée. La force de serrage peut être ajustée à n’importe quel moment. ∂ La puissance de serrage la plus haute de tous les systèmes de blocage externe du marché, pour une sécurité accrue ∂ Capacité de mise en place et de réglage extrêmement rapide, même avec des gants fins, quelles que soient les conditions de neige, de glace ou de pluie ∂ Mécanisme simple et facile d’utilisation ∂ Un vissage avec fonction sécurité et une indication du sens de serrage +/Speedlock è il primo – e finora unico – sistema di regolazione esterna al mondo con certificazione TÜV Süd. Le tenute di 55 kg richieste dai requisiti di certificazione TÜV vengono superate abbondantemente. Una riserva di sicurezza che potrebbe salvare la vita! È sempre possibile regolare ulteriormente latenuta. ∂ Massima tenuta tra tutti i sistemi di regolazione esterna presenti sul mercato, al servizio di una maggiore sicurezza ∂ Regolazione e fissaggio molto rapido è possibile anche con guanti spessi e in presenza d‘umidità, ghiaccio e neve ∂ Meccanismo intuitivo e di facile comprensione ∂ Vite con funzione di sicurezza e indicatore direzione +/-
60 kg
136 %
worldwide best internal locking system Das weltweit unübertroffene Verstellsystem LEKI Super Lock System - SLS
140 kg
Belastung garantiert
309 lbs
holding force guaranteed
∂ Maximale Sicherheitsreserven ∂ Höchste Haltekraft (140 kg garantiert) ∂ Äußerste Rückdrehsicherheit (mehr als 360˚)
The worldwide highest locking security LEKI Super Lock System - SLS ∂ Maximum security reserves ∂ Highest holding force in the test > 140 kg per pole ∂ Highest locking security for highest back turn security > 360˚
La sûreté de verrouillage la plus élevée LEKI Super Lock System - SLS ∂ Réserves maximum de sécurité ∂ Force de retenue la plus élevée lors de test > 140 kg ∂ Réserve de sécurité la plus importante grâce à la sécurite de desserrage la plus élevée > 360˚
360° Stock hält sicher!
Holding force guaranteed
720° Stock hält! Holding force assured 1080° Stock öffnet! Pole opens
Il miglior sistema di regolatione interna pre- sente sul mercato - LEKI Super Lock System - SLS ∂ Insuperati margini di sicurezza ∂ Massima tenuta (140 kg garantiti) ∂ Insuperabile sicurezza antisblocco (più di 360 °) / 5
160 kg
locking systems super lock
locking systems speed lock
Verstellsysteme Haltekraft Locking Systems holding force
140 kg
LEKI Super Lock System - SLS 281 %
120 kg
∂ Maximale Haltekraft (N) bei einem Anzugsdrehmoment von 1,4 Nm ∂ Maximum holding force (N) with 1,4 Nm locking torque
100 kg 80 kg
worldwide best external locking system Speed Lock ist weltweit das erste und bisher einzige Außenverstellsystem mit TÜV Süd Zertifizierung. Die vom TÜV geforderten 55 kg werden deutlich überboten. Eine Sicherheitsreserve, die lebensentscheidend sein kann. Eine Nachjustierung der Haltekraft ist jederzeit möglich. ∂ Höchste Haltekraft aller Außenverstell-Systeme auf dem Markt für ein Plus an Sicherheit ∂ Extrem schnelles Verstellen und Fixieren auch mit dicken Hand schuhen bei Nässe, Eis und Schnee ∂ Einfach zu verstehender, selbst erklärender Mechanismus ∂ Schraube mit Sicherheitsfunktion und Nachstellmöglichkeit
the one and only
external locking system with
40 kg
100 %
LEKI Speed Lock System ∂ Maximale Haltekraft (N) mit 3 kg Schließkraft ∂ Maximum holding force (N) with 30 N locking force
20 kg Empfehlung Recommendation
Nur LEKI Systeme liegen weit über der TÜV Empfehlung Einzelheiten zum Vergleich können gerne bei der LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Str. 30 - D-73230 Kirchheim/Teck abgerufen werden.
Only LEKI systems are much stronger than the TÜV recommendation Full data on the contest can be requested by contacting LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Str. 30 - D-73230 Kirchheim/Teck.
Worldwide Speed Lock is the first and only external locking system which has been certified by the TÜV Süd. The TÜV standard of 55 kg is exceeded by far. A safety reserve, which can safe lives. The locking force can be readjusted at any time. ∂ Highest locking force of all external adjustment systems available on the market for extra safety ∂ Extremely fast adjustment and fixing even whilst wearing thick gloves in rain, ice and snow ∂ Simple and easy to use mechanism ∂ Security screw with +/- indicator Speed Lock est le premier et jusqu‘à présent le seul système de réglage extérieur dans le monde entier avec certification TÜV Süd. La puissance de serrage standard du TÜV (de 55 kg) est en effet largement dépassée. La force de serrage peut être ajustée à n’importe quel moment. ∂ La puissance de serrage la plus haute de tous les systèmes de blocage externe du marché, pour une sécurité accrue ∂ Capacité de mise en place et de réglage extrêmement rapide, même avec des gants fins, quelles que soient les conditions de neige, de glace ou de pluie ∂ Mécanisme simple et facile d’utilisation ∂ Un vissage avec fonction sécurité et une indication du sens de serrage +/Speedlock è il primo – e finora unico – sistema di regolazione esterna al mondo con certificazione TÜV Süd. Le tenute di 55 kg richieste dai requisiti di certificazione TÜV vengono superate abbondantemente. Una riserva di sicurezza che potrebbe salvare la vita! È sempre possibile regolare ulteriormente latenuta. ∂ Massima tenuta tra tutti i sistemi di regolazione esterna presenti sul mercato, al servizio di una maggiore sicurezza ∂ Regolazione e fissaggio molto rapido è possibile anche con guanti spessi e in presenza d‘umidità, ghiaccio e neve ∂ Meccanismo intuitivo e di facile comprensione ∂ Vite con funzione di sicurezza e indicatore direzione +/-
60 kg
136 %
worldwide best internal locking system Das weltweit unübertroffene Verstellsystem LEKI Super Lock System - SLS
140 kg
Belastung garantiert
309 lbs
holding force guaranteed
∂ Maximale Sicherheitsreserven ∂ Höchste Haltekraft (140 kg garantiert) ∂ Äußerste Rückdrehsicherheit (mehr als 360˚)
The worldwide highest locking security LEKI Super Lock System - SLS ∂ Maximum security reserves ∂ Highest holding force in the test > 140 kg per pole ∂ Highest locking security for highest back turn security > 360˚
La sûreté de verrouillage la plus élevée LEKI Super Lock System - SLS ∂ Réserves maximum de sécurité ∂ Force de retenue la plus élevée lors de test > 140 kg ∂ Réserve de sécurité la plus importante grâce à la sécurite de desserrage la plus élevée > 360˚
360° Stock hält sicher!
Holding force guaranteed
720° Stock hält! Holding force assured 1080° Stock öffnet! Pole opens
Il miglior sistema di regolatione interna pre- sente sul mercato - LEKI Super Lock System - SLS ∂ Insuperati margini di sicurezza ∂ Massima tenuta (140 kg garantiti) ∂ Insuperabile sicurezza antisblocco (più di 360 °) / 5
160 kg
locking systems super lock
locking systems speed lock
Verstellsysteme Haltekraft Locking Systems holding force
∂ Aergon Griff mit Hohlraumtechnologie für absolute Leichtigkeit ∂ Aergon Grip in shell cavity construction for extreme lightweight ∂ Le pommeau de la poignée Aergon est creux, pour une légèreté extrême ∂ Impugnatura Aergon con la tecnologia del vuoto provvede ad una leggerezza assoluta
∂ Large zone AERGONomique de support sur le sommet de la poignée, pour une prise en main plus sûre. ∂ Forme toute arrondie, sans aucun angle, permettant de nombreuses options de prise en main. ∂ Biotec 2 - l‘excroissance Aergon est vide, pour un poids extrêmement léger.
∂ Schlaufe mit Sicherheitsfunktion ∂ Strap with security release function ∂ La dragonne est également équipée d‘une fonction d‘ouverture de sécurité ∂ Lacciolo con sgancio di sicurezza
∂ Gran superficie d‘appoggio AERGONomica sulla testa dell‘impugnatura con Softpad. ∂ Forma esterna senza spigoli permette le più svariate possibilità di presa. ∂ Biotec 2 – guscio, la tecnologia del vuoto provvede ad una leggerezza assoluta.
∂ Griffige Mid-Griffverlängerung für höchsten Komfort ∂ Non-slip mid grip extension for maximum comfort ∂ Le manchon permet d‘accroître la zone de préhension pour un confort maximal ∂ Prolunga-Mid per un pieno confort
PA Safety System Sicherheits-Verstellschlaufe ∂ Schlaufe mit Sicherheitsauslösung ∂ Einfach zu verstellen ∂ Höchster Komfort, atmungsaktiv und extrem schnell trocknend
Security Strap - adjustable ∂ Integrated security system - releases quickly when pulled upwards ∂ Easy to adjust ∂ Maximum comfort, breathable and extremely quick-drying
Dagronne de sécurité ajustable ∂ Système de sécurité intégré – qui se déclenche rapide ment lorsque tiré vers le haut ∂ Maintien assuré ∂ Confort maximal, elle est respirante et sèche extrêmement rapidement
Lacciolo di sicurezza – regolabile ∂ Lacciolo con sgancio di sicurezza ∂ Regolazione semplice ∂ Massimo comfort, è estremamente traspirante e si asciuga rapidamente
Lightweight Technology Hohlraumtechnologie Shell cavity Technologie Vide Camera d‘aria tecnolocia 6
∂ Im Unterteil liegende Feder garantiert optimale Spannung und automatische Seil-Längenkompensation ∂ A spring in the lower shaft guarantees maximum tension and automatic rope length compensation ∂ Un ressort présent dans la section inférieure du bâton optimise la tension de la corde et ajuste automatiquement la longueur ∂ La molla posizionata nella sezione bassa (terminale) garantisce un’ ottima tensione e compensazione delle lunghezze ∂ 20 cm verstellbar durch TÜV Süd zertifiziertes Speed Lock System ∂ Smoothly change Lengths by 20 cm with the Speed Lock System, approved by the TÜV Süd ∂ Une possibilité de réglage aisé de 20cm grâce au système Speed Lock, approuvé par l‘organisme allemand de normalisation TÜV Süd ∂ 20 cm regolabili con il sistema di regolazione esterna Speed Lock. Certificato dal TÜV SÜD ∂ Push Button Release Mechanismus zum schnellen, einfachen Auf- und Abbau ∂ Push Button Release Mechanism for fast and simple assembly and collapse ∂ Une mise en place et un pliage faciles et rapides grâce à un simple bouton poussoir ∂ Breve e facile montaggio e smontaggio con il meccanismo Push Button
∂ Spezielle Aluminium Titaniumhülsen schützen die hochmodularen Carbon fasern und perfektionieren die Verbindung der einzelnen Segmente ∂ Special Aluminium Titanium sleeves protect the high modular carbon fibers and guarantee a perfect connection of the sections ∂ Des manchons en Aluminium Titanium protègent la fibre de carbone à haut module et garantissent une cohésion parfaite entre les sections ∂ Bussola speciale di allominio per proteggere le fibre di carbonio e per migliorare il contatto dei vari segmenti ∂ Kevlarverstärktes, filigranes High-Performance-Spannseil mit einer robusten PE Ummantelung, welche lebenslangen Schutz der Fasern bietet ∂ Filigrane high performance tensioning rope reinforced with sturdy PE coating for lifelong protection of the fibers ∂ Cordelette renforcée haute performance, durablement enduite de polyéthilène pour une protection des fibres à vie ∂ Cavo sottile “High-Performace” rinforzato di Kevlar. Rivestimento robusto di plastica (PE) offre una protezione delle fibre a vita / 7
folding poles micro vario System
∂ Large AERGONomic support area on top of the grip for secure hold. ∂ An edgeless outer shape offers a variety of gripping options. ∂ Biotec 2 - Extremely lightweight shell cavity construction.
folding poles micro vario system
aergon grip Technology
∂ Große AERGONomische Stützfläche am Griffkopf. ∂ Kantenfreie Außenform ermöglicht variable Greifmöglichkeiten. ∂ Biotec 2 - Schalen-Hohlraumtechnologie sorgt für absolute Leichtigkeit.
∂ Aergon Griff mit Hohlraumtechnologie für absolute Leichtigkeit ∂ Aergon Grip in shell cavity construction for extreme lightweight ∂ Le pommeau de la poignée Aergon est creux, pour une légèreté extrême ∂ Impugnatura Aergon con la tecnologia del vuoto provvede ad una leggerezza assoluta
∂ Large zone AERGONomique de support sur le sommet de la poignée, pour une prise en main plus sûre. ∂ Forme toute arrondie, sans aucun angle, permettant de nombreuses options de prise en main. ∂ Biotec 2 - l‘excroissance Aergon est vide, pour un poids extrêmement léger.
∂ Schlaufe mit Sicherheitsfunktion ∂ Strap with security release function ∂ La dragonne est également équipée d‘une fonction d‘ouverture de sécurité ∂ Lacciolo con sgancio di sicurezza
∂ Gran superficie d‘appoggio AERGONomica sulla testa dell‘impugnatura con Softpad. ∂ Forma esterna senza spigoli permette le più svariate possibilità di presa. ∂ Biotec 2 – guscio, la tecnologia del vuoto provvede ad una leggerezza assoluta.
∂ Griffige Mid-Griffverlängerung für höchsten Komfort ∂ Non-slip mid grip extension for maximum comfort ∂ Le manchon permet d‘accroître la zone de préhension pour un confort maximal ∂ Prolunga-Mid per un pieno confort
PA Safety System Sicherheits-Verstellschlaufe ∂ Schlaufe mit Sicherheitsauslösung ∂ Einfach zu verstellen ∂ Höchster Komfort, atmungsaktiv und extrem schnell trocknend
Security Strap - adjustable ∂ Integrated security system - releases quickly when pulled upwards ∂ Easy to adjust ∂ Maximum comfort, breathable and extremely quick-drying
Dagronne de sécurité ajustable ∂ Système de sécurité intégré – qui se déclenche rapide ment lorsque tiré vers le haut ∂ Maintien assuré ∂ Confort maximal, elle est respirante et sèche extrêmement rapidement
Lacciolo di sicurezza – regolabile ∂ Lacciolo con sgancio di sicurezza ∂ Regolazione semplice ∂ Massimo comfort, è estremamente traspirante e si asciuga rapidamente
Lightweight Technology Hohlraumtechnologie Shell cavity Technologie Vide Camera d‘aria tecnolocia 6
∂ Im Unterteil liegende Feder garantiert optimale Spannung und automatische Seil-Längenkompensation ∂ A spring in the lower shaft guarantees maximum tension and automatic rope length compensation ∂ Un ressort présent dans la section inférieure du bâton optimise la tension de la corde et ajuste automatiquement la longueur ∂ La molla posizionata nella sezione bassa (terminale) garantisce un’ ottima tensione e compensazione delle lunghezze ∂ 20 cm verstellbar durch TÜV Süd zertifiziertes Speed Lock System ∂ Smoothly change Lengths by 20 cm with the Speed Lock System, approved by the TÜV Süd ∂ Une possibilité de réglage aisé de 20cm grâce au système Speed Lock, approuvé par l‘organisme allemand de normalisation TÜV Süd ∂ 20 cm regolabili con il sistema di regolazione esterna Speed Lock. Certificato dal TÜV SÜD ∂ Push Button Release Mechanismus zum schnellen, einfachen Auf- und Abbau ∂ Push Button Release Mechanism for fast and simple assembly and collapse ∂ Une mise en place et un pliage faciles et rapides grâce à un simple bouton poussoir ∂ Breve e facile montaggio e smontaggio con il meccanismo Push Button
∂ Spezielle Aluminium Titaniumhülsen schützen die hochmodularen Carbon fasern und perfektionieren die Verbindung der einzelnen Segmente ∂ Special Aluminium Titanium sleeves protect the high modular carbon fibers and guarantee a perfect connection of the sections ∂ Des manchons en Aluminium Titanium protègent la fibre de carbone à haut module et garantissent une cohésion parfaite entre les sections ∂ Bussola speciale di allominio per proteggere le fibre di carbonio e per migliorare il contatto dei vari segmenti ∂ Kevlarverstärktes, filigranes High-Performance-Spannseil mit einer robusten PE Ummantelung, welche lebenslangen Schutz der Fasern bietet ∂ Filigrane high performance tensioning rope reinforced with sturdy PE coating for lifelong protection of the fibers ∂ Cordelette renforcée haute performance, durablement enduite de polyéthilène pour une protection des fibres à vie ∂ Cavo sottile “High-Performace” rinforzato di Kevlar. Rivestimento robusto di plastica (PE) offre una protezione delle fibre a vita / 7
folding poles micro vario System
∂ Large AERGONomic support area on top of the grip for secure hold. ∂ An edgeless outer shape offers a variety of gripping options. ∂ Biotec 2 - Extremely lightweight shell cavity construction.
folding poles micro vario system
aergon grip Technology
∂ Große AERGONomische Stützfläche am Griffkopf. ∂ Kantenfreie Außenform ermöglicht variable Greifmöglichkeiten. ∂ Biotec 2 - Schalen-Hohlraumtechnologie sorgt für absolute Leichtigkeit.
10 12 13 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 27 28 29 30 31
content overview alpine folding pole trigger s trigger s vario hot shot pa safety trigger s Lady trigger s / pa safety Lady trigger s race freeride vario freeride trigger s junior race trigger s kids pa safety kids vario kids
content poles
ne e n i p e n i p e n i lp e n i alp e n i lp e n i alp pine l a e pin
10 12 13 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 27 28 29 30 31
content overview alpine folding pole trigger s trigger s vario hot shot pa safety trigger s Lady trigger s / pa safety Lady trigger s race freeride vario freeride trigger s junior race trigger s kids pa safety kids vario kids
content poles
ne e n i p e n i p e n i lp e n i alp e n i lp e n i alp pine l a e pin
worldcup slalom tbs 634-6775
speed s 631-6795
speed s 631-6796
spitfire s 634-4802
artena s 634-6794
balance s 637-6815
spark s 637-6644
spark s 634-6643
mustang s 631-6620
fine s 637-6660
mustang kids s 634-6550
cloud 14 T 637-4838
comp 16 c 634-4832
Thunderbolt 634-4628
challenge 634-4653
lightning 634-4626
force 634-4623
spitfire junior 637-4436
racing kids 634-4430
10 / 11
carbon 14 s 634-6792
trigger s
alpine stick 637-6705
worldcup slalom tbs 634-6775
speed s 631-6795
speed s 631-6796
spitfire s 634-4802
artena s 634-6794
balance s 637-6815
spark s 637-6644
spark s 634-6643
mustang s 631-6620
fine s 637-6660
mustang kids s 634-6550
cloud 14 T 637-4838
comp 16 c 634-4832
Thunderbolt 634-4628
challenge 634-4653
lightning 634-4626
force 634-4623
spitfire junior 637-4436
racing kids 634-4430
10 / 11
carbon 14 s 634-6792
trigger s
alpine stick 637-6705
637-6705 Längen Lengths Packmaß pack size
110-130 cm 39 cm (120 cm)
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
274 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
242 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium, Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 11 mm
carbon 14 s
637-6790 634-6792
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
228 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 14 mm
Composite 16 S
633-6745 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
252 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm / 13
trigger s
folding pole
carbon 11 s
alpine stick
637-6705 Längen Lengths Packmaß pack size
110-130 cm 39 cm (120 cm)
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
274 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
242 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium, Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 11 mm
carbon 14 s
637-6790 634-6792
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
228 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 14 mm
Composite 16 S
633-6745 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
252 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm / 13
trigger s
folding pole
carbon 11 s
alpine stick
trigger s
634-6740 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
224 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 16 mm
spark s
speed s
631-6795 631-6796
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
235 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 14 mm
Reorder Model 2014-15
637-6644 634-6643
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
260 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 5.0, Ø 18 mm
mustang s
spitfire s
Reorder Model 2014-15
631-6620 631-6621
Reorder Model 2014-15
634-4802 Längen Lengths
95-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
238 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
259 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 5.0, Ø 18 mm / 15
trigger s
triton s
trigger s
634-6740 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
224 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 16 mm
spark s
speed s
631-6795 631-6796
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
235 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 14 mm
Reorder Model 2014-15
637-6644 634-6643
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
260 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 5.0, Ø 18 mm
mustang s
spitfire s
Reorder Model 2014-15
631-6620 631-6621
Reorder Model 2014-15
634-4802 Längen Lengths
95-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
238 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
259 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 5.0, Ø 18 mm / 15
trigger s
triton s
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
280 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
301 g (120 cm) / 75 ml
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
peak vario s
hot shot
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
275 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
285 g (120 cm) / 75 ml
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
drifter vario s
634-6410 Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Gewicht Weight
233 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14/12 mm / 17
hot shot s
hot shot
trigger s vario
venom vario s
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
280 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
301 g (120 cm) / 75 ml
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
peak vario s
hot shot
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
275 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
285 g (120 cm) / 75 ml
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
drifter vario s
634-6410 Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Gewicht Weight
233 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14/12 mm / 17
hot shot s
hot shot
trigger s vario
venom vario s
pa safety
634-4828 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
203 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 14 mm
comp 16 C
Reorder Model 2014-15
634-4623 634-4625
Reorder Model 2014-15
634-4832 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
218 g (130 cm)
Gewicht Weight
237 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 18 mm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
249 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 18 mm
634-4653 634-4655
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
249 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 18 mm
634-4612 634-4613 634-4614
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
241 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
232 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 18 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 18 mm / 19
pa safety
carbon 14.0
pa safety
634-4828 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
203 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 14 mm
comp 16 C
Reorder Model 2014-15
634-4623 634-4625
Reorder Model 2014-15
634-4832 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
218 g (130 cm)
Gewicht Weight
237 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 18 mm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
249 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 18 mm
634-4653 634-4655
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
249 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 18 mm
634-4612 634-4613 634-4614
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
241 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
232 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 18 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 18 mm / 19
pa safety
carbon 14.0
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
203 g (115 cm)
Gewicht Weight
214 g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Reorder Model 2014-15
fine s
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
204 g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Artena s
white free s
637-6660 634-6661
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
206 g (115 cm)
Gewicht Weight
232 g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 5.0, Ø 16 mm
black free s
cloud 14 t
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
206 g (115 cm)
Gewicht Weight
281g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14 mm
balance s
trigger s / Pa safety lady
trigger s lady
flair s
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
203 g (115 cm)
Gewicht Weight
214 g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Reorder Model 2014-15
fine s
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
204 g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Artena s
white free s
637-6660 634-6661
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
206 g (115 cm)
Gewicht Weight
232 g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 5.0, Ø 16 mm
black free s
cloud 14 t
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Längen Lengths
105-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
206 g (115 cm)
Gewicht Weight
281g (115 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14 mm
balance s
trigger s / Pa safety lady
trigger s lady
flair s
Längen Lengths
120-135 cm
Längen Lengths
120-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
307 g (125 cm) Kevlar-Carbon / Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
253 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm
Material Material
venom gs
worldcup gs tbs
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-130 cm
Gewicht Weight
281 g (120 cm) Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
269 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
worldcup sl tbs
venom sl
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-130 cm
Gewicht Weight
273 g (120 cm) Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
277 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
worldcup racing gs
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
120-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
256 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm
Junior & Kids race models page 28
worldcup racing sl
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
267 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm / 23
super g / downhill
trigger s race
trigger s race
titanium carbon gs
Längen Lengths
120-135 cm
Längen Lengths
120-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
307 g (125 cm) Kevlar-Carbon / Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
253 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm
Material Material
venom gs
worldcup gs tbs
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-130 cm
Gewicht Weight
281 g (120 cm) Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
269 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
worldcup sl tbs
venom sl
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
110-130 cm
Gewicht Weight
273 g (120 cm) Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
277 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
worldcup racing gs
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
120-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
256 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm
Junior & Kids race models page 28
worldcup racing sl
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
267 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm / 23
super g / downhill
trigger s race
trigger s race
titanium carbon gs
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
105-150 cm
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
267 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
275 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
Material Material
edge 2 ultralite
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
248 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm / 25
peak vario s
freeride vario
freeride vario
Tour Carbon 2
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
105-150 cm
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Gewicht Weight
267 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
275 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
Material Material
edge 2 ultralite
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
248 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm / 25
peak vario s
freeride vario
freeride vario
Tour Carbon 2
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
95-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
238 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
broad peak
634-4839 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
228 g (130 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
checker x
634-4721 634-4722 634-4723 634-4724 Längen Lengths
90-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
208 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm / 27
spitfire s
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
95-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
238 g (120 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
broad peak
634-4839 Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
228 g (130 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
checker x
634-4721 634-4722 634-4723 634-4724 Längen Lengths
90-125 cm
Gewicht Weight
208 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm / 27
spitfire s
speed lite s
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Gewicht Weight
219 g (105 cm)
Gewicht Weight
209 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm
worldcup Lite sl
mustang kids s
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Längen Lengths
90-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
224 g (105 cm) Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Gewicht Weight
180 g (90 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
28 / 29
trigger s kids
trigger s junior race worldcup Lite gs
speed lite s
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Gewicht Weight
219 g (105 cm)
Gewicht Weight
209 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm
worldcup Lite sl
mustang kids s
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Längen Lengths
90-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
224 g (105 cm) Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16 mm
Gewicht Weight
180 g (90 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
28 / 29
trigger s kids
trigger s junior race worldcup Lite gs
Längen Lengths
90-115 cm
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Gewicht Weight
198 g (105 cm)
Gewicht Weight
233 g
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14/12 mm
spitfire junior
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
90-115 cm
Gewicht Weight
192 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm
racing kids
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
80-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
146 g (90 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 14 mm
mustang kids
monkey s
Längen Lengths
80-105 cm
Längen Lengths
80-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
145 g (90 cm)
Gewicht Weight
186 g
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16/14 mm
vario xs
Längen Lengths
70-105 cm
Längen Lengths
78-110 cm
Gewicht Weight
148 g (90 cm)
Gewicht Weight
218 g
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14/12 mm / 31
drifter vario s
vario kids
pa safety kids
speed lite
Längen Lengths
90-115 cm
Längen Lengths
90-120 cm
Gewicht Weight
198 g (105 cm)
Gewicht Weight
233 g
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14/12 mm
spitfire junior
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
90-115 cm
Gewicht Weight
192 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm
racing kids
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
80-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
146 g (90 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 14 mm
mustang kids
monkey s
Längen Lengths
80-105 cm
Längen Lengths
80-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
145 g (90 cm)
Gewicht Weight
186 g
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16/14 mm
vario xs
Längen Lengths
70-105 cm
Längen Lengths
78-110 cm
Gewicht Weight
148 g (90 cm)
Gewicht Weight
218 g
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 14 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 14/12 mm / 31
drifter vario s
vario kids
pa safety kids
speed lite
Winter Touring Trekking
content poles
win o t r e t win ing r u o t n i w r e t w i n i n g to r u o t winter touring
34 35 37
content folding pole / 3-parts 2-parts 2-parts / 1-part
Winter Touring Trekking
content poles
win o t r e t win ing r u o t n i w r e t w i n i n g to r u o t winter touring
34 35 37
content folding pole / 3-parts 2-parts 2-parts / 1-part
Längen Lengths Packmaß pack size
110-135 cm 39 cm (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
260 g (120 cm) Carbon/Aluminium HTS 6.5 Ø 18/16/14 mm
Material Material
Längen Lengths
105-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
267 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
aergonlite 2 carbon
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
251 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
Tour carbon 3
aergonlite 2
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
271 g Carbon / Aluminium HTS 6.5 Ø 18/16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
558 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
aergon 3
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
305 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 Ø 18/16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
279 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18/16 mm
Material Material
aergon 2 / 35
Winter Touring Trekking
Tour Carbon 2
folding poles / 3-parts
Tour stick vario Carbon
Längen Lengths Packmaß pack size
110-135 cm 39 cm (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
260 g (120 cm) Carbon/Aluminium HTS 6.5 Ø 18/16/14 mm
Material Material
Längen Lengths
105-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
267 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Kevlar-Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
aergonlite 2 carbon
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
251 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
Tour carbon 3
aergonlite 2
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
271 g Carbon / Aluminium HTS 6.5 Ø 18/16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
558 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm
Material Material
aergon 3
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
305 g Aluminium HTS 6.5 Ø 18/16/14 mm
Gewicht Weight
279 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18/16 mm
Material Material
aergon 2 / 35
Winter Touring Trekking
Tour Carbon 2
folding poles / 3-parts
Tour stick vario Carbon
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
295 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18/16 mm
edge 2 ultralite
634-2752 Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
248 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm
tour vario
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
299 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18/16 mm
cima carbon
633-4090 Längen Lengths
120-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
184 g (135 cm)
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 16 mm / 37
Winter Touring Trekking
2-parts / 1-part
haute route
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
295 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18/16 mm
edge 2 ultralite
634-2752 Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Gewicht Weight
248 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/14 mm
tour vario
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
299 g
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18/16 mm
cima carbon
633-4090 Längen Lengths
120-150 cm
Gewicht Weight
184 g (135 cm)
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 16 mm / 37
Winter Touring Trekking
2-parts / 1-part
haute route
Längen Lengths
90-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
213 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
rental vario
rental classic junior
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Längen Lengths
90-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
272 g
Gewicht Weight
180 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18/16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
rental composite exklusive
rental classic kids
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
70-85 cm
Gewicht Weight
224 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
150 g (80 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
high performance demo lite
rental skating
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
140-170 cm
Gewicht Weight
236 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
217 g (150 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm
rental classic
rental cross coutry
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Längen Lengths
100-160 cm
Gewicht Weight
259 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
213 g (150 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18 mm
Material Material
Aluminium 6.0, Ø 16 mm / 39
Alpine & Cross Country
rental composite exclusive junior
Längen Lengths
90-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
213 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
rental vario
rental classic junior
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-145 cm
Längen Lengths
90-105 cm
Gewicht Weight
272 g
Gewicht Weight
180 g (105 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18/16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
rental composite exklusive
rental classic kids
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
70-85 cm
Gewicht Weight
224 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
150 g (80 cm)
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 14 mm
high performance demo lite
rental skating
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-135 cm
Längen Lengths
140-170 cm
Gewicht Weight
236 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
217 g (150 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 16 mm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 18 mm
rental classic
rental cross coutry
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
110-140 cm
Längen Lengths
100-160 cm
Gewicht Weight
259 g (120 cm)
Gewicht Weight
213 g (150 cm)
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18 mm
Material Material
Aluminium 6.0, Ø 16 mm / 39
Alpine & Cross Country
rental composite exclusive junior
Cross Country
content poles
cr cou cr o c s s o r c y r t n u co cross country
42 44 47 48 50
content overview cross country carbon race trigger shark cross country cross country junior
Cross Country
content poles
cr cou cr o c s s o r c y r t n u co cross country
42 44 47 48 50
content overview cross country carbon race trigger shark cross country cross country junior
trigger shark
strike carbon 637-4015
ultimate carbon 637-4030
speed carbon 637-4040
carbon comp 637-4070
tour cross 637-4943
cross country 2.6 carbon 637-4062
active xc 634-4924
lahti 635-4935
42 / 43
Cross Country
overview primus shark 637-4005
trigger shark
strike carbon 637-4015
ultimate carbon 637-4030
speed carbon 637-4040
carbon comp 637-4070
tour cross 637-4943
cross country 2.6 carbon 637-4062
active xc 634-4924
lahti 635-4935
42 / 43
Cross Country
overview primus shark 637-4005
individually designed
∂ Race Shark in individueller Länge + Griff + Handschuh oder Schlaufe wählen ∂ choose Race Shark in individual length + grip + glove or strap ∂ choisissez le Race Shark de façon individuelle, longueur, poignée, dragonne ou gant ∂ Race Shark da scegliere individualmente la lunghezza + impugnatura/guanto oppure lacciolo
race shark
637-4005 637-4006
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
55 g/m
Material Material
Worldcup Carbon, Ø 16,5 mm (∂ 8 mm)
Reorder Model 2014-15
free size: 150/160/170/180
strike carbon
637-4015 637-4016
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengthss
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
55 g/m
Gewicht Weight
60 g/m
Material Material
Worldcup Carbon, Ø 16,5 mm (∂ 8 mm)
Material Material
High Modular Carbon, Ø 16,5 mm (∂ 9 mm)
free size: 150/160/170/180
ultimate carbon
option 1
637-4030 637-4031
Reorder Model 2014-15
PA Shark
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Shark Racing Edition (page 93) Worldcup Strap SM/ML/XL
Gewicht Weight
72 g/m
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
+ Längen Lengths
Reorder Model 2014-15
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Griff Grip oder or
+ Handschuh Glove + Schlaufe Strap
oder or
Reorder Model 2014-15
free size: 150/160/170/180
option 2
+ Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps) oder or
oder or
Griff Grip
2 Component Shark
+ Handschuh Glove + Schlaufe Strap
Shark Racing Edition (page 93) Worldcup Strap SM/ML/XL
option 3
oder or Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps) oder or
Griff Grip
Nordic Thermo
+ Schlaufe Strap + Schlaufe Strap
Worldcup Fix Strap SM/ML/XL Biathlon Strap / 45
Cross Country
custom-fit racing pole
carbon race
carbon race
primus shark
individually designed
∂ Race Shark in individueller Länge + Griff + Handschuh oder Schlaufe wählen ∂ choose Race Shark in individual length + grip + glove or strap ∂ choisissez le Race Shark de façon individuelle, longueur, poignée, dragonne ou gant ∂ Race Shark da scegliere individualmente la lunghezza + impugnatura/guanto oppure lacciolo
race shark
637-4005 637-4006
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
55 g/m
Material Material
Worldcup Carbon, Ø 16,5 mm (∂ 8 mm)
Reorder Model 2014-15
free size: 150/160/170/180
strike carbon
637-4015 637-4016
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengthss
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
55 g/m
Gewicht Weight
60 g/m
Material Material
Worldcup Carbon, Ø 16,5 mm (∂ 8 mm)
Material Material
High Modular Carbon, Ø 16,5 mm (∂ 9 mm)
free size: 150/160/170/180
ultimate carbon
option 1
637-4030 637-4031
Reorder Model 2014-15
PA Shark
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Shark Racing Edition (page 93) Worldcup Strap SM/ML/XL
Gewicht Weight
72 g/m
Material Material
Carbon, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
+ Längen Lengths
Reorder Model 2014-15
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Griff Grip oder or
+ Handschuh Glove + Schlaufe Strap
oder or
Reorder Model 2014-15
free size: 150/160/170/180
option 2
+ Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps) oder or
oder or
Griff Grip
2 Component Shark
+ Handschuh Glove + Schlaufe Strap
Shark Racing Edition (page 93) Worldcup Strap SM/ML/XL
option 3
oder or Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps) oder or
Griff Grip
Nordic Thermo
+ Schlaufe Strap + Schlaufe Strap
Worldcup Fix Strap SM/ML/XL Biathlon Strap / 45
Cross Country
custom-fit racing pole
carbon race
carbon race
primus shark
637-4040 637-4041
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
72 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Reorder Model 2014-15
free size: 150/160/170/180
genius carbon
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-175 cm
Gewicht Weight
79 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
skate airfoil
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-175 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
106 g/m
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18 mm (∂ 9 mm)
genius vario
Längen Lengths Material Material
130-150 cm, 140-160 cm 150-170 cm, 160-180 cm Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Composite Ø 14/16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
titanium vario
Längen Lengths Material Material
145-165 cm 155-175 cm Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/18 mm (∂ 9 mm) / 47
Cross Country
trigger shark
speed carbon
637-4040 637-4041
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-180 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
72 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Reorder Model 2014-15
free size: 150/160/170/180
genius carbon
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-175 cm
Gewicht Weight
79 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
skate airfoil
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
140-175 cm (2,5 cm steps)
Gewicht Weight
106 g/m
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 6.0, Ø 18 mm (∂ 9 mm)
genius vario
Längen Lengths Material Material
130-150 cm, 140-160 cm 150-170 cm, 160-180 cm Aluminium HTS 6.5 / Carbon Composite Ø 14/16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
titanium vario
Längen Lengths Material Material
145-165 cm 155-175 cm Aluminium HTS 6.5, Ø 16/18 mm (∂ 9 mm) / 47
Cross Country
trigger shark
speed carbon
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
135-165 cm
Gewicht Weight
86 g/m
Längen Lengths
130-160 cm
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
cross country 2.6 carbon
active xc
634-4042 634-4043
634-4062 634-4063
Längen Lengths
130-160 cm
Gewicht Weight
93 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Längen Lengths
130-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
∂ Trigger 1 ( GER / ITA) ∂ Trigger 1 ( GER / ITA)
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
120-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
tour cross
635-4934 635-4935
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
135-160 cm
Längen Lengths
120-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm / 49
Cross Country
cross country
cross country
carbon comp
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
135-165 cm
Gewicht Weight
86 g/m
Längen Lengths
130-160 cm
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
cross country 2.6 carbon
active xc
634-4042 634-4043
634-4062 634-4063
Längen Lengths
130-160 cm
Gewicht Weight
93 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Längen Lengths
130-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS 4.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
∂ Trigger 1 ( GER / ITA) ∂ Trigger 1 ( GER / ITA)
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
120-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
tour cross
635-4934 635-4935
Reorder Model 2014-15
Reorder Model 2014-15
Längen Lengths
135-160 cm
Längen Lengths
120-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm / 49
Cross Country
cross country
cross country
carbon comp
637-4052 Längen Lengths
130-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
79 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
carbon comp Junior
637-4909 Längen Lengths
120-130 cm
Gewicht Weight
68 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
tour cross junior
Längen Lengths
110-130 cm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
lahti junior
635-4935 Längen Lengths
100-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
vasa junior
631-4904 Längen Lengths
80-120 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 14 mm (∂ 9 mm) / 51
Cross Country
cross country junior
cross country junior
genius carbon junior
637-4052 Längen Lengths
130-135 cm
Gewicht Weight
79 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
carbon comp Junior
637-4909 Längen Lengths
120-130 cm
Gewicht Weight
68 g/m
Material Material
Carbon Composite, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
tour cross junior
Längen Lengths
110-130 cm
Material Material
Aluminium HTS 5.5, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
lahti junior
635-4935 Längen Lengths
100-160 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 16 mm (∂ 9 mm)
vasa junior
631-4904 Längen Lengths
80-120 cm
Material Material
Aluminium TS, Ø 14 mm (∂ 9 mm) / 51
Cross Country
cross country junior
cross country junior
genius carbon junior
locking new worldcup systems racing collection
locking next worldcup systemsrace locking Generation systems / 53 52
locking new worldcup systems racing collection
locking next worldcup systemsrace locking Generation systems / 53 52
Maximaler Klimakomfort
∂ Absolute Winddichtigkeit: LEKI Handschuhe mit WINDSTOPPER® schützen vor Auskühlung der Hände durch den Windchill-Effekt. ∂ Maximale Atmungsaktivität: WINDSTOPPER® erlaubt das Entweichen von Wasserdampf und verhindert Überhitzung und Feuchtigkeitsbildung.
GORE-TEX® Handschuhe bieten die ideale Kombination aus dauerhafter Wasserdichtigkeit und hoher Atmungsaktivität. Das Herzstück ist die Hightech GORE-TEX® Membrane mit ihrer mikroporösen Struktur, die Wasser und Wind abhält, Schweiß jedoch entweichen lässt.
∂ Total windproofness: LEKI Gloves with WINDSTOPPER® protect
Höchste Qualität
your hand’s warmth from the chilling effects of wind and weather.
∂ Maximum breathability: WINDSTOPPER® prevents overheating
Im Labor werden alle Handschuhkomponenten einzeln getestet, doch am Ende zählt der gesamte Handschuh. Jedes Modell muss hinsichtlich seiner Atmungsaktivität und Wasserdichtigkeit unseren höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen.
and perspiration build-up by allowing moisture vapor to escape.
∂ Effet coupe-vent absolu: Les gants LEKI avec Windstopper protègent vos mains des effets glaçants du vent et des éléments. ∂ Respirabilité maximale: Wintdstopper permet d'éviter la surchauffe et la transpiration, en laissant la vapeur d'eau s'échapper aisément.
Produkte mit Mehrwert Dauerhafte Wasserdichtigkeit, hohe Atmungsaktivität und kompromisslose Qualität – Sie können sich bei jedem Wetter auf GORE-TEX® Handschuhe verlassen. Garantiert!
∂ Antivento assoluto: I guanti Leki con WINDSTOPPER® proteggono le mani dall’ipotermia grazie all’effetto Windchill. ∂ Massima traspirabilità: WINDSTOPPER® permette al vapore di uscire ed impedisce il surriscaldamento e la formazione di umidità all’interno dell’abbigliamento
Maximum climate comfort GORE-TEX® products offer an ideal combination of durable waterproofness, windproofness and high breathability. The heart is the GORE-TEX® membrane with its microporous structure which keeps water and wind outside but allows sweat to escape.
Top Quality
Confort maximal en toutes conditions climatiques
Each individual component is put to the test – but what counts in the end is the whole glove. In terms of breathability and waterproofness each and every glove must meet our high quality standards.
Les produits GORE-TEX® offrent une parfaite et durable combinaison d'étanchéité, d'effet coupe-vent, et de respirabilité. Le Cœur de ce système est une membrane à structure microporeuse, qui maintient eau et vent à l'extérieur, tout en permettant à la transpiration de s'évacuer.
Products with added value Durable waterproofness, outstanding breathability and uncompromising quality – you can rely on GORE-TEX® gloves in all weather conditions. Guaranteed!
Qualité maximale Si chaque composant est testé individuellement, il n'en demeure pas moins que c'est la qualité globale du gant qui compte. Que ce soit en terme de respirabilité ou d'étanchéité, chacun de nos gants doit répondre à l'exigence de nos normes de qualité.
Des produits à forte valeur ajoutée. Etanchéité durable, respirabilité hors du commun et qualité sans compromis, vous pouvez compter sur les gants GORE-TEX en toutes conditions. Garanti!
Clima Confort massimale guanti in GORE-TEX® offrono la combinazione ideale di impermeabilità permanente ed elevata traspirabilità. Il cuore è la membrana hightech GORE-TEX® con la sua struttura microporosa, che trattiene l'acqua e il vento, ma ha la facoltà di offrire la via di fuga del sudore
altissima qualità Nel laboratorio vengono testati tutti i singoli componenti dei guanti, però alla fine conta l'intero guanto. Ogni modello deve soddisfare in termini di traspirabilità e impermeabilità i più elevati standard di qualità.
prodotti con valore aggiunto impermebilità permanente, alta traspirabilità e qualità senza compromessi - in qualsiasi condizione atmosferiche vi potete fidare di un guanto in GORE-TEX®. Garantito!
alpine 52 new worldcup racing design 54 glove technology & content 56 worldcup race 58 Pro sports 59 exclusive 62 alpine 64 active 65 snowboard 66 elements 68 mountain sports 70 allround 75 Pro sports lady 76 exclusive lady 78 alpine lady 80 active lady 82 allround lady 84 worldcup race junior 86 active junior 88 Allround junior 90 allround kids cross country 93 nordic sports 94 cross country 95 nordic Junior / 55
Glove TEchnology / content
Glove TEchnology
Maximaler Klimakomfort
∂ Absolute Winddichtigkeit: LEKI Handschuhe mit WINDSTOPPER® schützen vor Auskühlung der Hände durch den Windchill-Effekt. ∂ Maximale Atmungsaktivität: WINDSTOPPER® erlaubt das Entweichen von Wasserdampf und verhindert Überhitzung und Feuchtigkeitsbildung.
GORE-TEX® Handschuhe bieten die ideale Kombination aus dauerhafter Wasserdichtigkeit und hoher Atmungsaktivität. Das Herzstück ist die Hightech GORE-TEX® Membrane mit ihrer mikroporösen Struktur, die Wasser und Wind abhält, Schweiß jedoch entweichen lässt.
∂ Total windproofness: LEKI Gloves with WINDSTOPPER® protect
Höchste Qualität
your hand’s warmth from the chilling effects of wind and weather.
∂ Maximum breathability: WINDSTOPPER® prevents overheating
Im Labor werden alle Handschuhkomponenten einzeln getestet, doch am Ende zählt der gesamte Handschuh. Jedes Modell muss hinsichtlich seiner Atmungsaktivität und Wasserdichtigkeit unseren höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen.
and perspiration build-up by allowing moisture vapor to escape.
∂ Effet coupe-vent absolu: Les gants LEKI avec Windstopper protègent vos mains des effets glaçants du vent et des éléments. ∂ Respirabilité maximale: Wintdstopper permet d'éviter la surchauffe et la transpiration, en laissant la vapeur d'eau s'échapper aisément.
Produkte mit Mehrwert Dauerhafte Wasserdichtigkeit, hohe Atmungsaktivität und kompromisslose Qualität – Sie können sich bei jedem Wetter auf GORE-TEX® Handschuhe verlassen. Garantiert!
∂ Antivento assoluto: I guanti Leki con WINDSTOPPER® proteggono le mani dall’ipotermia grazie all’effetto Windchill. ∂ Massima traspirabilità: WINDSTOPPER® permette al vapore di uscire ed impedisce il surriscaldamento e la formazione di umidità all’interno dell’abbigliamento
Maximum climate comfort GORE-TEX® products offer an ideal combination of durable waterproofness, windproofness and high breathability. The heart is the GORE-TEX® membrane with its microporous structure which keeps water and wind outside but allows sweat to escape.
Top Quality
Confort maximal en toutes conditions climatiques
Each individual component is put to the test – but what counts in the end is the whole glove. In terms of breathability and waterproofness each and every glove must meet our high quality standards.
Les produits GORE-TEX® offrent une parfaite et durable combinaison d'étanchéité, d'effet coupe-vent, et de respirabilité. Le Cœur de ce système est une membrane à structure microporeuse, qui maintient eau et vent à l'extérieur, tout en permettant à la transpiration de s'évacuer.
Products with added value Durable waterproofness, outstanding breathability and uncompromising quality – you can rely on GORE-TEX® gloves in all weather conditions. Guaranteed!
Qualité maximale Si chaque composant est testé individuellement, il n'en demeure pas moins que c'est la qualité globale du gant qui compte. Que ce soit en terme de respirabilité ou d'étanchéité, chacun de nos gants doit répondre à l'exigence de nos normes de qualité.
Des produits à forte valeur ajoutée. Etanchéité durable, respirabilité hors du commun et qualité sans compromis, vous pouvez compter sur les gants GORE-TEX en toutes conditions. Garanti!
Clima Confort massimale guanti in GORE-TEX® offrono la combinazione ideale di impermeabilità permanente ed elevata traspirabilità. Il cuore è la membrana hightech GORE-TEX® con la sua struttura microporosa, che trattiene l'acqua e il vento, ma ha la facoltà di offrire la via di fuga del sudore
altissima qualità Nel laboratorio vengono testati tutti i singoli componenti dei guanti, però alla fine conta l'intero guanto. Ogni modello deve soddisfare in termini di traspirabilità e impermeabilità i più elevati standard di qualità.
prodotti con valore aggiunto impermebilità permanente, alta traspirabilità e qualità senza compromessi - in qualsiasi condizione atmosferiche vi potete fidare di un guanto in GORE-TEX®. Garantito!
alpine 52 new worldcup racing design 54 glove technology & content 56 worldcup race 58 Pro sports 59 exclusive 62 alpine 64 active 65 snowboard 66 elements 68 mountain sports 70 allround 75 Pro sports lady 76 exclusive lady 78 alpine lady 80 active lady 82 allround lady 84 worldcup race junior 86 active junior 88 Allround junior 90 allround kids cross country 93 nordic sports 94 cross country 95 nordic Junior / 55
Glove TEchnology / content
Glove TEchnology
634-80183 634-80193
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
634-80303 634-80313
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Speed System
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell
Handfläche Palm Material
Worldcup Race Flex S Speed System 634-80143 634-80153
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, Ceramic Enforced EVA Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced EVA Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Speed System, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Titanium S
634-80173 634-80163
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Titanium S Lobster
Worldcup Race Coach Flex S GTX
634-80003 634-80013
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
634-80123 634-80133
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Eigenschaften Features
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, Ceramic Enforced EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff Softshell (100% Polyester), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon) Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material / 57
Worldcup Race Titanium s mitten worldcup race
worldcup race
Worldcup Race Titanium S Speed System
634-80183 634-80193
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
634-80303 634-80313
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Speed System
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell
Handfläche Palm Material
Worldcup Race Flex S Speed System 634-80143 634-80153
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, Ceramic Enforced EVA Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced EVA Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Speed System, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Titanium S
634-80173 634-80163
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Titanium S Lobster
Worldcup Race Coach Flex S GTX
634-80003 634-80013
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
634-80123 634-80133
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Konstruktion Construction
New Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
Pro Glide Zone: LEKI Titanium Panel, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Finger Pads, Ceramic Enforced 3D Silicone Thumb Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Eigenschaften Features
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, Ceramic Enforced EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff Softshell (100% Polyester), Ceramic Shell, Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon) Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material / 57
Worldcup Race Titanium s mitten worldcup race
worldcup race
Worldcup Race Titanium S Speed System
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Pro Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Knuckle and Finger Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Griffin Pro S 634-80453 634-80463 Größen Sizes
white-black black 7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Pro Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Knuckle and Finger Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Aspen Retro S 634-82003 634-82013
cyan-white-tan-orange lime-white-graphite-corn
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Aspen S mf touch 634-82103
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
New invisible mf touch, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Griffin S 633-80483 633-80493 633-80473
black white-red-black white-grey-black
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Finger Pads, Flex Cuff
Eigenschaften Features
Finger Channels, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon) Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane) Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material Handfläche Palm Material
Aspen S Mitten / 59
Pro sports
Griffin Slide S GTX
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Pro Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Knuckle and Finger Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Griffin Pro S 634-80453 634-80463 Größen Sizes
white-black black 7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
New Pro Fit, advanced pre-curve
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Knuckle and Finger Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Aspen Retro S 634-82003 634-82013
cyan-white-tan-orange lime-white-graphite-corn
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Aspen S mf touch 634-82103
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
New invisible mf touch, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Griffin S 633-80483 633-80493 633-80473
black white-red-black white-grey-black
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Finger Pads, Flex Cuff
Eigenschaften Features
Finger Channels, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon) Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane) Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material Handfläche Palm Material
Aspen S Mitten / 59
Pro sports
Griffin Slide S GTX
Größen Sizes
black 7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
RhineFlex (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane), Powerzone Flex (92% Nylon, 8% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Miracle S GTX Mitten 635-80583 Größen Sizes
black-navy 8,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Suede PU (100% Polyurethane), Micro Honey (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Sierra S GTX 634-87303 634-87313
melangegrey-black black
Mighty S GTX
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Größen Sizes
black-navy 7,0 - 11,0
Eigenschaften Features
Knit Cuff
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Shiny Rib (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Sierra S GTX Mitten 634-87323 634-87333
Größen Sizes
melangegrey-black black 7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Finger Channels, Knit Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Core S GTX
Größen Sizes
black 7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
RhineFlex (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane), Powerzone Flex (92% Nylon, 8% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Miracle S GTX Mitten 635-80583 Größen Sizes
black-navy 8,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Suede PU (100% Polyurethane), Micro Honey (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Sierra S GTX 634-87303 634-87313
melangegrey-black black
Mighty S GTX
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Größen Sizes
black-navy 7,0 - 11,0
Eigenschaften Features
Knit Cuff
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Shiny Rib (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Sierra S GTX Mitten 634-87323 634-87333
Größen Sizes
melangegrey-black black 7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Finger Channels, Knit Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Core S GTX
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Pro Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), PU (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Scuol S GTX
Summit S GTX
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
NY Span (92% Polyamid, 8% Span), Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Challenge S GTX
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamide, 8% Span), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Scale S GTX 637-86503
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Silicone Amara (60% PA, 40% PU)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Dexfil Soft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 63
Alpine alpine Peak S GTX
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Pro Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), PU (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Scuol S GTX
Summit S GTX
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
NY Span (92% Polyamid, 8% Span), Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Challenge S GTX
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamide, 8% Span), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Scale S GTX 637-86503
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Silicone Amara (60% PA, 40% PU)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Dexfil Soft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 63
Alpine alpine Peak S GTX
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Twill (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Scope S 631-86453
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Rebel grey-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Iquana (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex PU (80 Polyurethane, 20% Polyester)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester)
Scout S
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Beiber (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (50% Polyester, 50% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Square PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester) / 65
Score S
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Twill (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Scope S 631-86453
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Rebel grey-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Iquana (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex PU (80 Polyurethane, 20% Polyester)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester)
Scout S
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Beiber (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (50% Polyester, 50% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Square PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester) / 65
Score S
ocean-azur-white-black charcoal-lime-white-black red-orange-white-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
eleMents cobalt S 634-88503 634-88513 634-88523
ocean-azur-black charcoal-lime-black red-orange-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
634-88003 634-88013 634-88023
cyan-black-white lime-black-white tan-black-white
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
eleMents Iridium S
634-88103 634-88113 634-88123
eleMents Helium S 634-88053 634-88063 634-88073
black-white-cyan black-white-red black-black-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
eleMents Krypton S 634-88613
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Lycra (91% Nylon, 9% Elastane), Soft Shell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Digital Nash (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
eleMents Cerium S
634-88203 634-88213 634-88223
lime-cyan-black royal-azur-black berry-orange-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Micro Celtch (100% Polyester), Mini Tussor (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (100% Polyurethane), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
eleMents Argon S 634-88623
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 67
eleMents Osmium S
ocean-azur-white-black charcoal-lime-white-black red-orange-white-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
eleMents cobalt S 634-88503 634-88513 634-88523
ocean-azur-black charcoal-lime-black red-orange-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
634-88003 634-88013 634-88023
cyan-black-white lime-black-white tan-black-white
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
eleMents Iridium S
634-88103 634-88113 634-88123
eleMents Helium S 634-88053 634-88063 634-88073
black-white-cyan black-white-red black-black-yellow
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
eleMents Krypton S 634-88613
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Lycra (91% Nylon, 9% Elastane), Soft Shell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Digital Nash (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
eleMents Cerium S
634-88203 634-88213 634-88223
lime-cyan-black royal-azur-black berry-orange-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Micro Celtch (100% Polyester), Mini Tussor (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (100% Polyurethane), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
eleMents Argon S 634-88623
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 67
eleMents Osmium S
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Mountain Trail S 634-82063 634-82073 634-82083
black-white ocean-white red-white
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Dobby (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Mountain Expedition S GTX
634-82033 634-82043 634-82053
black-white ocean-white red-white
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Dobby (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
Thermoshell S ready 635-80963
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Trigger S ready
Obermaterial Main Material
Rhineflex (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Fleece (100% Polyester) / 69 / 69
mountain sports
mountain sports
Mountain Double XTreme GTX
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Mountain Trail S 634-82063 634-82073 634-82083
black-white ocean-white red-white
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Dobby (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Mountain Expedition S GTX
634-82033 634-82043 634-82053
black-white ocean-white red-white
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Dobby (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
Thermoshell S ready 635-80963
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Trigger S ready
Obermaterial Main Material
Rhineflex (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Fleece (100% Polyester) / 69 / 69
mountain sports
mountain sports
Mountain Double XTreme GTX
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Nylon), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (50% Polyester, 50% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Alpe GTX black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Jmax (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Jmax (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU DWR (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU DWR (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Polyfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Polyfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester) / 71
Silvretta GTX
Größen Sizes
6,5 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Nylon), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (50% Polyester, 50% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Alpe GTX black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Jmax (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Jmax (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU DWR (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU DWR (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Polyfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Polyfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester) / 71
Silvretta GTX
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Dize Flex (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Futter Lining
Poly Fleece (100% Polyester)
Hiker Pro WindStopper mf touch 631-83873
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
New invisible mf touch
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Windstopperfleece 635-81423
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
tour soft mf touch
Basic liner mf touch
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit NY Soft Stretch (94% Polyester, 6% Elastane), PU (100% Polyurethane) Poly Fleece (100% Polyester)
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material Futter Lining
WindStopper Fleece Double
Größen Sizes
67,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Innerglove 638-81513
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester) / 73
Pipe Master mf touch
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Dize Flex (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Futter Lining
Poly Fleece (100% Polyester)
Hiker Pro WindStopper mf touch 631-83873
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
New invisible mf touch
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Windstopperfleece 635-81423
Größen Sizes
7,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
tour soft mf touch
Basic liner mf touch
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit NY Soft Stretch (94% Polyester, 6% Elastane), PU (100% Polyurethane) Poly Fleece (100% Polyester)
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material Futter Lining
WindStopper Fleece Double
Größen Sizes
67,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Innerglove 638-81513
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Konstruktion Construction
Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Maxdry Plus (100% Polyester) / 73
Pipe Master mf touch
634-80452 634-80462 634-80472
white-black white-red white-cyan
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Women Pro Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Griffin Lady S 631-87152
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather), NY Soft Feather (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 75
Pro sports lady
Griffin Pro Lady S
634-80452 634-80462 634-80472
white-black white-red white-cyan
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Women Pro Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Griffin Lady S 631-87152
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Pads, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather), NY Soft Feather (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 75
Pro sports lady
Griffin Pro Lady S
black-white-black red-white-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Finger Channels, Knit Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Gemmy (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Core S GTX lady 631-84982 631-84992 Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Dona Flex (85% Nylon, 15% Elastane), Feather (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather), Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester), Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Cortina S GTX Lady
St. Moritz S Lady
634-87102 634-87112
black-graphite white-silver
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
black ocean lightgreen 6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Fluffy downlike feeling
Obermaterial Main Material
Feather Shine (100% Nylon)
Obermaterial Main Material
Feather Shine (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Down (100% Down), Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Carol Fleece (100% Polyester), Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
631-84902 631-84912 631-84922
Größen Sizes
black black-white 6,0 - 8,5
Sierra S GTX Lady
Cortina S GTX Lady Mitten
634-87302 634-87312
black-white-black red-white-black
634-87132 634-87142
black-graphite white-silver
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Knit Cuff
Eigenschaften Features
Fluffy downlike feeling
Obermaterial Main Material
Gemmy (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
Feather Shine (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 77
634-87322 634-87332
exclusive lady
exclusive lady
Sierra S GTX Lady mitten
black-white-black red-white-black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Finger Channels, Knit Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Gemmy (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Core S GTX lady 631-84982 631-84992 Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Dona Flex (85% Nylon, 15% Elastane), Feather (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather), Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Hyperloft (100% Polyester), Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Cortina S GTX Lady
St. Moritz S Lady
634-87102 634-87112
black-graphite white-silver
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
black ocean lightgreen 6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Thermo Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Fluffy downlike feeling
Obermaterial Main Material
Feather Shine (100% Nylon)
Obermaterial Main Material
Feather Shine (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Down (100% Down), Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Carol Fleece (100% Polyester), Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
631-84902 631-84912 631-84922
Größen Sizes
black black-white 6,0 - 8,5
Sierra S GTX Lady
Cortina S GTX Lady Mitten
634-87302 634-87312
black-white-black red-white-black
634-87132 634-87142
black-graphite white-silver
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Knit Cuff
Eigenschaften Features
Fluffy downlike feeling
Obermaterial Main Material
Gemmy (100% Nylon), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
Feather Shine (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Sheepskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
iDry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 77
634-87322 634-87332
exclusive lady
exclusive lady
Sierra S GTX Lady mitten
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamid, 8% Span), Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Lotus S GTX Lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamide, 8% Span), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Cowhide (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Dexfil Soft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester), Polarfleece (100% Polyester)
Pegasus S GTX Lady
Arosa S GTX Lady black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester), Gemmy (100% Nylon)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamide, 8% Span)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
634-83252 / 79
Scale S GTX Lady
Scuol S GTX Lady
alpine lady
alpine lady
Summit S GTX Lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamid, 8% Span), Goatskin (100% Leather)
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather), PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Lotus S GTX Lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamide, 8% Span), Rib Stop (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
Cowhide (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Dexfil Soft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester), Polarfleece (100% Polyester)
Pegasus S GTX Lady
Arosa S GTX Lady black
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester), Gemmy (100% Nylon)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Span (92% Polyamide, 8% Span)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
634-83252 / 79
Scale S GTX Lady
Scuol S GTX Lady
alpine lady
alpine lady
Summit S GTX Lady
active lady
Score S Lady 634-83502
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Twill (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Vella S Lady 634-88202 634-88212
black black-white
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Gemmy (100% Nylon), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Fever S Lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Poly Soft (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 81
active lady
Score S Lady 634-83502
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Twill (100% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Vella S Lady 634-88202 634-88212
black black-white
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Slim Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Gemmy (100% Nylon), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Superloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Fever S Lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Poly Soft (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 81
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Windstopperfleece Lady
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE) Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET) Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Sense GTX Lady 631-84522
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY RinoRip (100% Polyester), Deuspo (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU N-705 (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester), Polarfleece (100% Polyester)
Sense GTX Lady Mitten 631-84532
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY RinoRip (100% Polyester), Deuspo (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU N-705 (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester), Polarfleece (100% Polyester)
Windstopper Fleece Double lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
allround lady
allround lady
Alpe GTX Lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Windstopperfleece Lady
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE) Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET) Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Sense GTX Lady 631-84522
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY RinoRip (100% Polyester), Deuspo (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU N-705 (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester), Polarfleece (100% Polyester)
Sense GTX Lady Mitten 631-84532
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY RinoRip (100% Polyester), Deuspo (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU N-705 (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Silk Bemberg (100% Polyester), Polarfleece (100% Polyester)
Windstopper Fleece Double lady
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 8,5
Konstruktion Construction
Lady Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Windstopper Fleece (94% Polyester, 6% ePTFE), PU (60% Polyurethane, 40% PET)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
allround lady
allround lady
Alpe GTX Lady
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Race Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pad, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Knuckle and Finger Pads
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Cetec (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Flex S Junior Mitten 634-80051 Größen Sizes
black-red-white-yellow 4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Race Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pad, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Cetec (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Coach Flex S GTX Junior 634-80121 634-80131
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Obermaterial Main Material
Junior Race Fit Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone, Flex Cuff Softshell (100% Polyester), Cetech (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Eigenschaften Features
Worldcup Race Coach Flex S GTX Junior Mitten
Worldcup S Junior
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Race Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (100% Polyester), Cetech (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
634-80031 634-80041
worldcup race junior
worldcup race junior
Worldup Race Flex S Junior
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Race Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pad, Flex Cuff
Obermaterial Main Material
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Eigenschaften Features
EVA Knuckle and Finger Pads
Obermaterial Main Material
Twill (100% Polyester)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Cetec (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Flex S Junior Mitten 634-80051 Größen Sizes
black-red-white-yellow 4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Race Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone: Silicone Enforced Grip Pad, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Obermaterial Main Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Cetec (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Boa Fleece (100% Polyester), Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Worldcup Race Coach Flex S GTX Junior 634-80121 634-80131
black-red-white-yellow black-white-cyan-yellow
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Obermaterial Main Material
Junior Race Fit Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone, Flex Cuff Softshell (100% Polyester), Cetech (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
Eigenschaften Features
Worldcup Race Coach Flex S GTX Junior Mitten
Worldcup S Junior
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Race Fit
Eigenschaften Features
Glide Zone: LEKI Flex Panel, EVA Finger Pads, Flex Zone, Grip Zone, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Obermaterial Main Material
Softshell (100% Polyester), Cetech (100% Polyurethane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Nylon)
Handfläche Palm Material
G Grip (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Makes Dry (100% Polyester)
634-80031 634-80041
worldcup race junior
worldcup race junior
Worldup Race Flex S Junior
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Green Tex (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU DWR (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Polyfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Flims S Junior Boy 634-88001 634-88011 634-88021
royal-cyan-black charcoal-lime-black graphite-red-black
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Snowstar S Junior 631-80201
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Oxford (100% Polyester)
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Snowstar S Junior Mitten 631-80601
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Oxford (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Falera S Junior Girl
634-88101 634-88111 634-88121
black-cyan-white black-lime-white black-red-white
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
Little Trigger S Junior Mitten 631-82011
Größen Sizes
2,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 87
active junior
active junior
Junior Monster S GTX
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Green Tex (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
PU DWR (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
GORE-TEX (62% ePTFE, 38% Polyamide)
Isolierung Insulation
Polyfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Flims S Junior Boy 634-88001 634-88011 634-88021
royal-cyan-black charcoal-lime-black graphite-red-black
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Snowstar S Junior 631-80201
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Oxford (100% Polyester)
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Snowstar S Junior Mitten 631-80601
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Oxford (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Falera S Junior Girl
634-88101 634-88111 634-88121
black-cyan-white black-lime-white black-red-white
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
Little Trigger S Junior Mitten 631-82011
Größen Sizes
2,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 87
active junior
active junior
Junior Monster S GTX
Allround junior Laax Junior 634-82501 634-82511 634-82521
black-royal-white black-red-white black-lime-white
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Laax Junior Mitten
634-82551 634-82561 634-82571
black-royal-white black-red-white black-lime-white
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Allround junior Laax Junior 634-82501 634-82511 634-82521
black-royal-white black-red-white black-lime-white
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Laax Junior Mitten
634-82551 634-82561 634-82571
black-royal-white black-red-white black-lime-white
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 7,0
Konstruktion Construction
Junior Comfort Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Rib Stop (100% Polyester), Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
P Grip (100% Polyurethane), K Grip (55% Polyester, 45% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Größen Sizes
1,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Little Pilot mitten 631-81771
633-80271 633-80281 633-80291
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Little Cow
blue red green
Little Rabbit 631-81781
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Smiley Kids Mitten 634-82601 634-82611 634-82621
cyan-lime-black navy-cyan-black red-yellow-black
Größen Sizes
1,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 91
633-80241 633-80251 633-80261
Little Dragon
blue red green
allround kids
allround kids
Little Pilot
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Größen Sizes
1,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Little Pilot mitten 631-81771
633-80271 633-80281 633-80291
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Little Cow
blue red green
Little Rabbit 631-81781
Größen Sizes
0,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
NY Taslan (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Softfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester), Tricot (100% Polyester)
Smiley Kids Mitten 634-82601 634-82611 634-82621
cyan-lime-black navy-cyan-black red-yellow-black
Größen Sizes
1,0 - 5,0
Konstruktion Construction
Kids Fit
Obermaterial Main Material
Microfiber (100% Polyester)
Handfläche Palm Material
Griptex, PU (100% Polyurethane)
Insert Insert
SOFT-TEX (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 91
633-80241 633-80251 633-80261
Little Dragon
blue red green
allround kids
allround kids
Little Pilot
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Suede PU (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Shark Thermo 637-84743 637-84753
black black-red
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Suede PU (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Shark Cruiser 633-84833 633-84823
black-red-yellow black-white-red
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Shark Cruiser Mitten 633-84843
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 93
Cross Country
Nordic sports
Shark Racing Edition
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Suede PU (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Shark Thermo 637-84743 637-84753
black black-red
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Suede PU (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Insulation
Fiberfill (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Shark Cruiser 633-84833 633-84823
black-red-yellow black-white-red
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Shark Cruiser Mitten 633-84843
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester) / 93
Cross Country
Nordic sports
Shark Racing Edition
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Obermaterial Main Material Handfläche Palm Material
Windlocker Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane) Shark PU (100% Polyurethane), Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
633-80793 633-80803
black-red-yellow black-grey-white
Race XC Junior
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
New Span (84% Polyamide, 16% Span), Taslan (100% Polyamide)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (100% Polyester), Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Race XC Worldcup Edition 633-84723
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Cruise XC Multisport 633-84773
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (100% Polyester), Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
glove size finder 302-210000 302-200000
nordic alpine / 95
Cross Country
nordic Junior
Cross country
Shark Cruiser Junior
Shark XC
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Obermaterial Main Material Handfläche Palm Material
Windlocker Softshell (87% Polyester, 13% Elastane) Shark PU (100% Polyurethane), Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Isolierung Insulation
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
633-80793 633-80803
black-red-yellow black-grey-white
Race XC Junior
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
New Span (84% Polyamide, 16% Span), Taslan (100% Polyamide)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Futter Lining
Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Größen Sizes
4,0 - 8,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (100% Polyester), Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Race XC Worldcup Edition 633-84723
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windstopper Softshell (95% Polyester, 5% ePTFE)
Handfläche Palm Material
Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane), Silicone Print
Cruise XC Multisport 633-84773
Größen Sizes
6,0 - 11,0
Obermaterial Main Material
Windlocker Softshell (100% Polyester), Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
Handfläche Palm Material
Amara (60% Polyamide, 40% Polyurethane)
glove size finder 302-210000 302-200000
nordic alpine / 95
Cross Country
nordic Junior
Cross country
Shark Cruiser Junior
Shark XC
98 99 100 102 104
content fabrics head wear bags protection spare parts
98 99 100 102 104
content fabrics head wear bags protection spare parts
3 526 400 03 3 526 400 07
black-white red-yellow
Größen Sizes
Material Material
Single layer& fleece lining
3 576 02
big leki junior
Größen Sizes Obermaterial Main Material
100% Nylon
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
3 527 100 03 3 527 100 07
black-white red-yellow
Größen Sizes
Material Material
Single layer& fleece lining
Softshell vest 3 570 07 3 570 08
Men Ladies
Größen Sizes
Men S-XXL, Ladies XS-XL
Details Details
Atmungsaktiv & komfortabel, leicht, elastisch Breathability & comfort, leight weight, elasticity
Material Material
Softshell (94% Polyester, 6% Spantex)
nordic racecap 3 522 220 02 3 522 230 02
size M size L
Obermaterial Main Material
85% Nylon, 15% Elastane
Futter Lining
100% Polyester
Elements bandana
Long sleeve 3 430 000 3 432 000
Men Ladies
Größen Sizes
Men S-XXL, Ladies XS-XL
Material Material
100% Cotton
storm mask
3 687 000 03 3 687 000 05
black blue
3 687 000 16
3 687 000 17 3 687 000 29
lime pink
Größe Size
50 x 50 cm
Material Material
65% Polyester, 35 % Cotton
3 520 000 03
3 520 100 03
3 527 300 03
Größen Sizes
Material Material
Neoprene, Fleece
Material Material
Nylon / 99
head wear
big leki
3 526 400 03 3 526 400 07
black-white red-yellow
Größen Sizes
Material Material
Single layer& fleece lining
3 576 02
big leki junior
Größen Sizes Obermaterial Main Material
100% Nylon
Isolierung Insulation
Primaloft (100% Polyester)
3 527 100 03 3 527 100 07
black-white red-yellow
Größen Sizes
Material Material
Single layer& fleece lining
Softshell vest 3 570 07 3 570 08
Men Ladies
Größen Sizes
Men S-XXL, Ladies XS-XL
Details Details
Atmungsaktiv & komfortabel, leicht, elastisch Breathability & comfort, leight weight, elasticity
Material Material
Softshell (94% Polyester, 6% Spantex)
nordic racecap 3 522 220 02 3 522 230 02
size M size L
Obermaterial Main Material
85% Nylon, 15% Elastane
Futter Lining
100% Polyester
Elements bandana
Long sleeve 3 430 000 3 432 000
Men Ladies
Größen Sizes
Men S-XXL, Ladies XS-XL
Material Material
100% Cotton
storm mask
3 687 000 03 3 687 000 05
black blue
3 687 000 16
3 687 000 17 3 687 000 29
lime pink
Größe Size
50 x 50 cm
Material Material
65% Polyester, 35 % Cotton
3 520 000 03
3 520 100 03
3 527 300 03
Größen Sizes
Material Material
Neoprene, Fleece
Material Material
Nylon / 99
head wear
big leki
Thermo Hydration Hip Pack
3 632 100 06
3 634 200 06
Größe Size Volumen Volume
70 x 35 x 30cm 74 l
Details Details Volumen Volume
4 h warm 1l
skiboot bag hot 3 600 110 06 Größe Size Volumen Volume Details Details Material Material
25 x 43 x 38 cm 40 l 220 V/12 V Anschluss, 3 Temperaturstufen praktische Fächer für Faltstöcke, Skibrille, Helm, Handschuhe, etc. 220 V/12 V electrical connection, 3 temperatures settings pockets for folding poles, goggle, helmet, gloves, etc. Softshell (94% Polyester, 6% Spantex)
travel Trolley
3 635 000 06
3 636 000 06
Größe Size Volumen Volume
55 x 45 x 20 cm 50 l
Größe Size Volumen Volume
80 x 35 x 40 cm 110 l
Ski Wrap Bag
skiboots backpack made by deuter
3 603 000 06
3 600 300 06 Volumen Volume
43 x 30 x 43 cm 55 l
Details Details
als Rucksack verwendbar can be used as daypack
Material Material
Softshell (94% Polyester, 6% Spantex)
Größe Size
Business Trolley
Länge Lengths
210 cm
Breite Width
33 cm
Details Details
Wickeltasche mit 3 Reißverschluss-Fächern für 3 Paar Alpinski with 3 separate zip-compartments for 3 pairs of alpine skis
Ski Bag 3 602 000 06 3 602 100 06
Lengths 210 cm Lengths 185 cm
Details Details
für 3 Paar Alpinski for 3 pairs of alpine skis
ALpine/Nordic walking Pole Bag skiboots bag 3 600 200 06 Größe Size Volumen Volume
50 x 45 x 30 cm 50 l
3 605 000 06 3 605 000 03 3 606 000 06
big for 15 pairs of poles red big for 15 pairs of poles black small for 5 pairs of poles
Länge Lengths
140 cm
shark cross country pole bag 3 608 000 06 Details Details
Für 2 Paar Langlaufstöcke maximal 185 cm, mit Schutzpolsterung For 2 pairs of cross country poles up to 185 cm, with protective padding
Cross Country Tube Bag backpack
Messenger Bag
3 582 000 06 Größe Size Volumen Volume
3 590 000 06 45 x 35 x 17 cm 28 l
Größe Size Volumen Volume
30 x 38 x 15 cm 17 l
3 618 100 06 3 618 200 06
big for 6 pairs of poles small for 2 pairs of poles
Länge Lengths
150-190 cm
Details Details
Längenverstellbar, mit stabiler Innenröhre adjustable, with plastic tube inside / 101
bags sports bag
Thermo Hydration Hip Pack
3 632 100 06
3 634 200 06
Größe Size Volumen Volume
70 x 35 x 30cm 74 l
Details Details Volumen Volume
4 h warm 1l
skiboot bag hot 3 600 110 06 Größe Size Volumen Volume Details Details Material Material
25 x 43 x 38 cm 40 l 220 V/12 V Anschluss, 3 Temperaturstufen praktische Fächer für Faltstöcke, Skibrille, Helm, Handschuhe, etc. 220 V/12 V electrical connection, 3 temperatures settings pockets for folding poles, goggle, helmet, gloves, etc. Softshell (94% Polyester, 6% Spantex)
travel Trolley
3 635 000 06
3 636 000 06
Größe Size Volumen Volume
55 x 45 x 20 cm 50 l
Größe Size Volumen Volume
80 x 35 x 40 cm 110 l
Ski Wrap Bag
skiboots backpack made by deuter
3 603 000 06
3 600 300 06 Volumen Volume
43 x 30 x 43 cm 55 l
Details Details
als Rucksack verwendbar can be used as daypack
Material Material
Softshell (94% Polyester, 6% Spantex)
Größe Size
Business Trolley
Länge Lengths
210 cm
Breite Width
33 cm
Details Details
Wickeltasche mit 3 Reißverschluss-Fächern für 3 Paar Alpinski with 3 separate zip-compartments for 3 pairs of alpine skis
Ski Bag 3 602 000 06 3 602 100 06
Lengths 210 cm Lengths 185 cm
Details Details
für 3 Paar Alpinski for 3 pairs of alpine skis
ALpine/Nordic walking Pole Bag skiboots bag 3 600 200 06 Größe Size Volumen Volume
50 x 45 x 30 cm 50 l
3 605 000 06 3 605 000 03 3 606 000 06
big for 15 pairs of poles red big for 15 pairs of poles black small for 5 pairs of poles
Länge Lengths
140 cm
shark cross country pole bag 3 608 000 06 Details Details
Für 2 Paar Langlaufstöcke maximal 185 cm, mit Schutzpolsterung For 2 pairs of cross country poles up to 185 cm, with protective padding
Cross Country Tube Bag backpack
Messenger Bag
3 582 000 06 Größe Size Volumen Volume
3 590 000 06 45 x 35 x 17 cm 28 l
Größe Size Volumen Volume
30 x 38 x 15 cm 17 l
3 618 100 06 3 618 200 06
big for 6 pairs of poles small for 2 pairs of poles
Länge Lengths
150-190 cm
Details Details
Längenverstellbar, mit stabiler Innenröhre adjustable, with plastic tube inside / 101
bags sports bag
Gate Guard Closed worldcup
8 647 00
8 646 01
schlagschutz bügel cobra
schlagschutz bügel worldcup
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial & Flaggen-Sticker incl. mounting kit & flag stickers
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial & Flaggen-Sticker incl. mounting kit & flag stickers
Fore Arm Protector unterarm schlagschutz 3 650 200 03
carbon optic
3 650 000 12
Details Details
eine Größe - individuelle Größenanpassung S-M-L one size - individual size adjustment S-M-L
shin guard worldcup carbon schienbeinschutz worldcup carbon 3 656 000 03
Länge Lengths
42 cm
shin guard worldcup pro
Gate Guard Closed lite
Gate Guard open
8 644 30
8 643 00
schlagschutz bügel lite
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit
schlagschutz schale
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit
schienbeinschutz worldcup pro 3 651 000 03 3 651 000 02 3 651 000 12
black white neon
Länge Lengths
40 cm
shin guard worldcup pro Junior
shin guard standard 3 645 000 03
3 652 000 03 3 652 000 02 3 652 000 12
3 645 000 02
Länge Lengths
schienbeinschutz standard
Länge Lengths
schienbeinschutz worldcup pro junior
35 cm
black white neon 33 cm
Gate Guard short
thumb guard
8 648 00
8 646 04
schlagschutz kurz
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit / 103
protection Gate Guard Closed cobra
Gate Guard Closed worldcup
8 647 00
8 646 01
schlagschutz bügel cobra
schlagschutz bügel worldcup
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial & Flaggen-Sticker incl. mounting kit & flag stickers
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial & Flaggen-Sticker incl. mounting kit & flag stickers
Fore Arm Protector unterarm schlagschutz 3 650 200 03
carbon optic
3 650 000 12
Details Details
eine Größe - individuelle Größenanpassung S-M-L one size - individual size adjustment S-M-L
shin guard worldcup carbon schienbeinschutz worldcup carbon 3 656 000 03
Länge Lengths
42 cm
shin guard worldcup pro
Gate Guard Closed lite
Gate Guard open
8 644 30
8 643 00
schlagschutz bügel lite
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit
schlagschutz schale
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit
schienbeinschutz worldcup pro 3 651 000 03 3 651 000 02 3 651 000 12
black white neon
Länge Lengths
40 cm
shin guard worldcup pro Junior
shin guard standard 3 645 000 03
3 652 000 03 3 652 000 02 3 652 000 12
3 645 000 02
Länge Lengths
schienbeinschutz standard
Länge Lengths
schienbeinschutz worldcup pro junior
35 cm
black white neon 33 cm
Gate Guard short
thumb guard
8 648 00
8 646 04
schlagschutz kurz
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit
Details Details
inkl. Befestigungsmaterial incl. mounting kit / 103
protection Gate Guard Closed cobra
Trigger S gs
8 315 18 18 0 02 8 315 18 18 0 12
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 18 mm black-neon
8 756 18 18 0 02 8 756 18 18 0 12
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 18 mm black-neon
8 315 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 756 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 315 16 16 0 12
Ø 16 mm black-neon
8 756 16 16 0 12
Ø 16 mm black-neon
8 315 14 14 0 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
8 756 16 16 0 08
Ø 16 mm black-green
8 560 031 02 8 560 031 04
white grey
8 560 031 08
8 566 001 03 8 566 001 12
black neon
8 560 031 09 8 560 031 12
brown neon
8 566 001 06 8 566 001 02
red white
Größe Size
Ø 50 mm
Größe Size
Ø 50 mm
bandit Trigger S compact 8 316 16 16 1 02 8 316 16 16 1 12
Ø 16 mm black-white Ø 14 mm black-neon
8 685 14 14 1 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
Trigger S Downhill
Trigger S JUNIOR
8 333 18 18 0 12 8 333 16 16 0 12
8 686 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 686 14 14 0 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
Ø 18 mm black-neon Ø 16 mm black-neon
8 542 000 03 8 542 000 11
black-white pink-black
8 570 001 03 8 570 001 12
black neon
8 542 000 12 8 542 000 15
neon-black orange-violett
Größe Size
Ø 62 mm
Größe Size
Ø 80 mm
cobra Powder 8 530 001 08 8 530 001 10 8 530 001 03
green magenta black
Größe Size
Ø 80 mm
tour 8 575 001 03
Größe Size
Ø 95 mm
PAS V2 viper pa safety 8 352 18 18 0 02 8 352 16 16 0 02
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 16 mm black-white
8 604 18 18 0 02 8 604 16 16 0 02
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 16 mm black-white
8 604 16 16 0 82
Ø 16 mm anthracite
8 604 14 14 0 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
big mountain 8 531 001 02 8 531 001 05
black-white black-blue
8 531 001 06
8 531 001 08
8 531 001 12 8 531 001 19
black-neon black-orange
Größe Size
Ø 95 mm
aergon tour thermo 8 306 18 18 0 03 8 306 18 18 0 08
Ø 18 mm black-silver Ø 18 mm black-green
8 306 18 18 0 19
Ø 18 mm black-orange
8 306 18 18 0 12
Ø 18 mm black-neon
8 306 16 16 0 03
Ø 16 mm black-silver
8 306 16 16 0 05 8 306 16 16 0 19
tour powder
Ø 16 mm black-blue
8 590 100 03 8 590 000 03
black black incl. flextip long
Ø 16 mm black-orange
Größe Size
Ø 115 mm
Twister powder 8 555 201 99
black incl. flextip
Größe Size
Ø 115 mm
Contour Basket for contour tip 8 540 101 02 8 540 101 12
white neon
contour tip
Größe Size
Ø 90 mm
8 540 001 03
fits tour / big Mountain / contour basket black
Trigger S Vario Strap
8 865 501 06 8 865 511 06
S-M-L red M-L-XL red
8 865 501 25
S-M-L black-silver
Trigger S worldcup Strap
flex tip alpine
8 865 511 25
M-L-XL black-silver
8 864 501 03
8 786 201 03
one size fits all black
flex tip short
8 785 101 03 8 785 001 03
short long / 105
Trigger S Slalom
spare parts
spare parts
Trigger S gs
8 315 18 18 0 02 8 315 18 18 0 12
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 18 mm black-neon
8 756 18 18 0 02 8 756 18 18 0 12
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 18 mm black-neon
8 315 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 756 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 315 16 16 0 12
Ø 16 mm black-neon
8 756 16 16 0 12
Ø 16 mm black-neon
8 315 14 14 0 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
8 756 16 16 0 08
Ø 16 mm black-green
8 560 031 02 8 560 031 04
white grey
8 560 031 08
8 566 001 03 8 566 001 12
black neon
8 560 031 09 8 560 031 12
brown neon
8 566 001 06 8 566 001 02
red white
Größe Size
Ø 50 mm
Größe Size
Ø 50 mm
bandit Trigger S compact 8 316 16 16 1 02 8 316 16 16 1 12
Ø 16 mm black-white Ø 14 mm black-neon
8 685 14 14 1 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
Trigger S Downhill
Trigger S JUNIOR
8 333 18 18 0 12 8 333 16 16 0 12
8 686 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 686 14 14 0 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
Ø 18 mm black-neon Ø 16 mm black-neon
8 542 000 03 8 542 000 11
black-white pink-black
8 570 001 03 8 570 001 12
black neon
8 542 000 12 8 542 000 15
neon-black orange-violett
Größe Size
Ø 62 mm
Größe Size
Ø 80 mm
cobra Powder 8 530 001 08 8 530 001 10 8 530 001 03
green magenta black
Größe Size
Ø 80 mm
tour 8 575 001 03
Größe Size
Ø 95 mm
PAS V2 viper pa safety 8 352 18 18 0 02 8 352 16 16 0 02
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 16 mm black-white
8 604 18 18 0 02 8 604 16 16 0 02
Ø 18 mm black-white Ø 16 mm black-white
8 604 16 16 0 82
Ø 16 mm anthracite
8 604 14 14 0 02
Ø 14 mm black-white
big mountain 8 531 001 02 8 531 001 05
black-white black-blue
8 531 001 06
8 531 001 08
8 531 001 12 8 531 001 19
black-neon black-orange
Größe Size
Ø 95 mm
aergon tour thermo 8 306 18 18 0 03 8 306 18 18 0 08
Ø 18 mm black-silver Ø 18 mm black-green
8 306 18 18 0 19
Ø 18 mm black-orange
8 306 18 18 0 12
Ø 18 mm black-neon
8 306 16 16 0 03
Ø 16 mm black-silver
8 306 16 16 0 05 8 306 16 16 0 19
tour powder
Ø 16 mm black-blue
8 590 100 03 8 590 000 03
black black incl. flextip long
Ø 16 mm black-orange
Größe Size
Ø 115 mm
Twister powder 8 555 201 99
black incl. flextip
Größe Size
Ø 115 mm
Contour Basket for contour tip 8 540 101 02 8 540 101 12
white neon
contour tip
Größe Size
Ø 90 mm
8 540 001 03
fits tour / big Mountain / contour basket black
Trigger S Vario Strap
8 865 501 06 8 865 511 06
S-M-L red M-L-XL red
8 865 501 25
S-M-L black-silver
Trigger S worldcup Strap
flex tip alpine
8 865 511 25
M-L-XL black-silver
8 864 501 03
8 786 201 03
one size fits all black
flex tip short
8 785 101 03 8 785 001 03
short long / 105
Trigger S Slalom
spare parts
spare parts
8 358 16 16 0 12
Ø 16 mm neon
8 744 17 17 0 12 8 762 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm neon-black Ø 16 mm white-black
Racing / steel tip
8 762 16 16 0 03
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 595 001 03
nordic cortec trigger 1 v2
nordic cortec v2 nordic strap
8 345 16 16 0 03
8 634 16 16 1 09
Ø 16 mm black-cork
Ø 9 mm black
8 599 001 03 8 599 001 12
Ø 9 mm black Ø 9 mm neon
8 599 001 25
Ø 9 mm silver
8 599 101 12
Ø 8 mm neon
Super race Vario 8 557 501 12 8 557 501 02
Ø 16 mm black-cork
nordic ans cortec
Super race Vario set
8 346 16 16 1 02
8 557 101 99
Ø 16 mm white-cork
Ø 9 mm neon Ø 9 mm neon
2 x red, 2 x black
Trigger shark Strap 8 863 301 06 8 863 311 06
S-M-L red M-L-XL red
Trigger 1 V2 Strap
8 863 301 25
S-M-L silver- black
8 863 311 25
M-L-XL silver- black
8 862 10 1 25 8 862 11 1 25
S-M-L silver- black M-L-XL silver- black
Trigger Shark Worldcup Strap
Shark Fin
super race 8 579 201 12
Ø 9 mm neon
8 539 101 12 8 539 001 12
Ø 9 mm neon Ø 8 mm neon
pole clip
Trigger Shark Worldcup performance Strap
8 864 301 03
XS-S black
8 864 311 03
8 864 321 03
8 793 114 03 8 793 116 03
Ø 14 mm Ø 16 mm
hot melting glue set
8 864 511 03
8 864 331 03
8 793 118 03
Ø 18 mm
8 799 000 00
M-L-XL black
5 Stück 5 pcs / 107
nordic pa shark
spare parts
spare parts racing lite
nordic shark
8 358 16 16 0 12
Ø 16 mm neon
8 744 17 17 0 12 8 762 16 16 0 02
Ø 16 mm neon-black Ø 16 mm white-black
Racing / steel tip
8 762 16 16 0 03
Ø 16 mm black-white
8 595 001 03
nordic cortec trigger 1 v2
nordic cortec v2 nordic strap
8 345 16 16 0 03
8 634 16 16 1 09
Ø 16 mm black-cork
Ø 9 mm black
8 599 001 03 8 599 001 12
Ø 9 mm black Ø 9 mm neon
8 599 001 25
Ø 9 mm silver
8 599 101 12
Ø 8 mm neon
Super race Vario 8 557 501 12 8 557 501 02
Ø 16 mm black-cork
nordic ans cortec
Super race Vario set
8 346 16 16 1 02
8 557 101 99
Ø 16 mm white-cork
Ø 9 mm neon Ø 9 mm neon
2 x red, 2 x black
Trigger shark Strap 8 863 301 06 8 863 311 06
S-M-L red M-L-XL red
Trigger 1 V2 Strap
8 863 301 25
S-M-L silver- black
8 863 311 25
M-L-XL silver- black
8 862 10 1 25 8 862 11 1 25
S-M-L silver- black M-L-XL silver- black
Trigger Shark Worldcup Strap
Shark Fin
super race 8 579 201 12
Ø 9 mm neon
8 539 101 12 8 539 001 12
Ø 9 mm neon Ø 8 mm neon
pole clip
Trigger Shark Worldcup performance Strap
8 864 301 03
XS-S black
8 864 311 03
8 864 321 03
8 793 114 03 8 793 116 03
Ø 14 mm Ø 16 mm
hot melting glue set
8 864 511 03
8 864 331 03
8 793 118 03
Ø 18 mm
8 799 000 00
M-L-XL black
5 Stück 5 pcs / 107
nordic pa shark
spare parts
spare parts racing lite
nordic shark
Riitta Liisa Roponen (FIN)
Mikaela Shiffrin (USA) Marion Rolland (FRA)
Tessa Worley (FRA)
Felix Neureuther (GER)
Mario Matt (AUT)
Lindsey Vonn (USA)
Marlies Schild (AUT)
Federica Brignone (ITA)
Björn Kircheisen (GER)
Carl Johan Bergman (SWE)
Daniel Mesotitsch (AUT)
Dominik Landertinger (AUT) Eric Frenzel (GER)
Mario Stecher (AUT)
Maria Pietilä Holmner (FIN) Wendy Holdener (SUI)
Björn Ferry (SWE)
Andreas Birnbacher (GER)
Tanja Poutiainen (FIN)
Olga Zaitsewa (RUS)
Anton Shipulin (RUS)
David Poisson (FRA) Manfred Moelgg (ITA)
Sandra Hansson (SWE)
Ivica Kostelic (CRO)
Claudia Nystad (GER)
Christoph Sumann (AUT)
Dominik Paris (ITA)
Romed Baumann (AUT)
Kaisa Mäkäräinen (FIN)
Gauthier De Tessieres (FRA)
Frida Hansdotter (SWE)
Teja Gregorin (SLO)
Michaela Kirchgasser (AUT)
athletes nordic / elements
athletes alpine
Elisa Gasparin (SUI)
Maria Höfl-Riesch (GER)
Michael Slesingr (CZE) Dominik Windisch (ITA)
Stefanie Köhle (AUT)
Denise Karbon (ITA)
Fabienne Suter (SUI)
Nadine Wallner (AUT)
Tina Weirather (LIE)
Alexis Pinturault (FRA) Matthias Mayer (AUT)
Werner Heel (ITA)
Adrien Theaux (FRA)
Fabio Studer (AUT)
Andre Myhrer (SWE)
Beat Feuz (SUI)
Eva Patscheider (AUT)
Russ Henshaw (AUS)
Paddy Graham (GBR) Anders Backe (NOR) Glen Plake (USA)
Oscar Scherlin (SWE)
Fritz Dopfer (GER)
Rico Schuler (CH)
Benjamin Raich (AUT)
Bode Miller (USA)
Tobi Tritscher (AUT)
Julien Regnier (FRA)
Philipp Schörghofer (AUT)
Massimiliano Blardone (ITA) Erik Guay (CAN)
Georg Streitberger (AUT) *
Action & Image Photos: Christoph Schöch,, GEPA-Pictures, Roman Hermann, Torsten Wenzler, Marco Kost, / Product Photos: Atelier Busche Specifications, designs, technical innovations and colors subject to change without notice, LEKI shall not be liable for errors. Printed in Germany
* Stock-Ausrüster pole supplier ** Stock-und Handschuh-Ausrüster pole and glove supplier *** Exclusiver Stock- und Handschuh-Ausrüster Exclusive pole and glove supplier
Riitta Liisa Roponen (FIN)
Mikaela Shiffrin (USA) Marion Rolland (FRA)
Tessa Worley (FRA)
Felix Neureuther (GER)
Mario Matt (AUT)
Lindsey Vonn (USA)
Marlies Schild (AUT)
Federica Brignone (ITA)
Björn Kircheisen (GER)
Carl Johan Bergman (SWE)
Daniel Mesotitsch (AUT)
Dominik Landertinger (AUT) Eric Frenzel (GER)
Mario Stecher (AUT)
Maria Pietilä Holmner (FIN) Wendy Holdener (SUI)
Björn Ferry (SWE)
Andreas Birnbacher (GER)
Tanja Poutiainen (FIN)
Olga Zaitsewa (RUS)
Anton Shipulin (RUS)
David Poisson (FRA) Manfred Moelgg (ITA)
Sandra Hansson (SWE)
Ivica Kostelic (CRO)
Claudia Nystad (GER)
Christoph Sumann (AUT)
Dominik Paris (ITA)
Romed Baumann (AUT)
Kaisa Mäkäräinen (FIN)
Gauthier De Tessieres (FRA)
Frida Hansdotter (SWE)
Teja Gregorin (SLO)
Michaela Kirchgasser (AUT)
athletes nordic / elements
athletes alpine
Elisa Gasparin (SUI)
Maria Höfl-Riesch (GER)
Michael Slesingr (CZE) Dominik Windisch (ITA)
Stefanie Köhle (AUT)
Denise Karbon (ITA)
Fabienne Suter (SUI)
Nadine Wallner (AUT)
Tina Weirather (LIE)
Alexis Pinturault (FRA) Matthias Mayer (AUT)
Werner Heel (ITA)
Adrien Theaux (FRA)
Fabio Studer (AUT)
Andre Myhrer (SWE)
Beat Feuz (SUI)
Eva Patscheider (AUT)
Russ Henshaw (AUS)
Paddy Graham (GBR) Anders Backe (NOR) Glen Plake (USA)
Oscar Scherlin (SWE)
Fritz Dopfer (GER)
Rico Schuler (CH)
Benjamin Raich (AUT)
Bode Miller (USA)
Tobi Tritscher (AUT)
Julien Regnier (FRA)
Philipp Schörghofer (AUT)
Massimiliano Blardone (ITA) Erik Guay (CAN)
Georg Streitberger (AUT) *
Action & Image Photos: Christoph Schöch,, GEPA-Pictures, Roman Hermann, Torsten Wenzler, Marco Kost, / Product Photos: Atelier Busche Specifications, designs, technical innovations and colors subject to change without notice, LEKI shall not be liable for errors. Printed in Germany
* Stock-Ausrüster pole supplier ** Stock-und Handschuh-Ausrüster pole and glove supplier *** Exclusiver Stock- und Handschuh-Ausrüster Exclusive pole and glove supplier
INTERNATIONAL ARGENTINA Superfit SRL Alicia Moreau de Justo 740 3 Piso - Oficina 1 Buenos Aires Tel.: +54-11-43340033 Fax: +54-11-3433157 AUSTRALIA Velo-Vita Pty Ltd PO Box 882 Mascot NSW 2020 Tel: +61 2 9700 7977 Fax: +61 2 9700 7911 AUSTRIA LEKI-Austria ges.mbH Wolfurterstr. 4 6923 Lauterach Tel.: +43 (0)5574-62060 Fax: +43 (0)5574-62060-99 BENELUX LOWA Benelux b. v. Koperslager 7 6422 PR Heerlen Tel.: +31-(0)45-5466600 Fax: +31-(0)45-5466610 CANADA AMH Sports Inc. 4072 Alfred-Laliberté Boisbriand, Québec Canada · J7H 1P8 Tel.: (450) 430-6120 Toll Free: 1-877-430-6120 Fax: (450) 430-6123 P.R. China Nanjing B.C. Sports Products CO. LTD 13th or 14th Floor 03 Building Accelerator Newtown Science & Technology Park No. 18 East Jialing River Street 210019 Nanjing · Jiangsu Tel.: +86 25 8699 5248 Fax: +86 25 8690 7480 CZECH REPUBLIC | SLOVAKIA Sport Koncept s.r.o. Str˘ížkovská 106/31 18000 Praha 8 Tel.: +420-284840310 Fax: +420-284840314 DENMARK Spejder Sport A/S Baldersbaekvej 24 2635 Ishoj Tel.: +45-(0)43-553508 Fax: +45-(0)43-553504
FINLAND SailClean Oy Solbackantie 17 01760 Vantaa Tel.: + 358 400 706 827 FRANCE O2D Rue du Louvasset 38500 Voiron Tel.: +33 (0) 476 670511 Fax: +33 (0) 476 059601 GREECE Active Point S.A. 65 Athinon Avenue (bystreet) 1st floor 10442 Athens Tel.: +30 210-9210906 Fax: +30 210 9220017 HUNGARY T&T Sport KFT. Tandtsport Csillaghegyi út 36 1037 Budapest Tel.: +36-1-437-0181 Fax: +36-1-437-0180 ICELAND Útilíf skrifstofa Hagasmári 1 201 Kópavogur Tel.: +354 545 1500 Fax: +354 522 8001 ITALY Plancker Alex Plan da Tieja 38 I - 39048 Selva Val Gardena - Wolkenstein Tel./Fax +39-0471-790031 JAPAN uvex sports japan co. ltd. 3-6, Kanda Nishikicho Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-0054 Tel.: +81(0)3-5283-5561 Fax: +81(0)3-5283-5562 KOREA HIghland sports ltd. 548-8,0Shinhyun-ri, Opo-eup Kwang Ju-city, Kyeonggi-Do Mapo-gu · Seoul 121-875 Tel.: +8231 8022 7510-7 Fax: +8231 8022 7517518 LATVIA sia klmc ltd. 7 Gaujas Str. 1026 Riga Tel.: +37-1-67317780 Fax: +37-1-67317781
GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND LEKI Lenhart GmbH Karl-Arnold-Straße 30 73230 Kirchheim/Teck Tel: +49 (0)70 21 94 00-0 Fax: +49 (0)70 21 94 00-99
lithuania SABINA LT, UAB Europos pr. 36 46369 Kaunas Tel.: +370 37 39 11 38 Fax: +370 37 39 14 24 NEW ZEALAND Mountain Adventure NZ Ltd. 128 Antigua Street Christchurch 8024 Tel.: 0800-558 888 / +64-3-375 5000 Fax: 0800-258 000 / +64-3-327 0177 NORWAY Best Sport Agenturer AS Ringeriksveien 158 1339 Vøyenenga Tel.: +47 67-153020 Fax: +47 67-153025 POLAND Sportimpex Ul.Konarskiego 4a 01-355 Warszawa Tel.: +48 22-6647632 Fax: +48 22-6647689 RUSSIA | BELARUS Performance Sport Olimpiysky prospect 16/2 RU 129110-Moscow Tel.: +7-495-789-4297 SERBIA | MONTENEGRO BEO-SPORT SYSTEM D.O.O Viline Vode 47, 1100 Beograd Srbija | Serbien Tel.: +381-(0)11 2088 132 + 133 Fax: +381-(0)11 2088 139 SLOVENIA | CROATIA Matias 2 d.o.o. Spelina Ulica. 1 SL 2000 Maribor Tel.: +386-(0)2-426-0126 Fax: +386-(0)2-461-2741 SPAIN Manufacturas Deportivas Viper s.a. Carrer de la mora 12 Pol. Ind. Granland-Badalona Sud 08918 Badalona Tel.: +34 933004600 Fax: +34 933009119
SWEDEN CombiSport AS Östermalmsgatan 132 59161 Motala Tel.: +64 (0) 141-202700 Fax: +64 (0) 141-218702 SWITZERLAND LOWA Schuhe AG Wengelacher 1 3800 Interlaken Tel.: +41 (0)33-8281144 Fax: +41 (0)33-8281140 TURKEY kar spor Muratpasa Mah Ismetpasa Cad. Arif Alper Is Merkezi No: 2/A Erzurum Tel.: +90-(0)442-2351616 Fax: +90-(0)442-2351629 UKRAINE VYSOTA 1 Chernomorskaya str. Kiev 04655 Tel: +380 / 44 417 33 86 Fax: +380 / 44 417 04 40 UNITED KINGDOM Ardblair Sports Imp. Ltd. Yard Road Blairgowrie/Perthshire PH 10 6 NW Tel.: +44-(0)1250-873863 Fax: +44-(0)1250-875289 USA LEKI USA, Inc. 458 Sonwil Drive · USA-Buffalo NY 14225 Tel.: 1-800-255-9982 Fax: 800-291-2161