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PORTFOLIO /13 Patrick Vogel BA Arch


01/ URBAN LOUNGE The Urban Lounge is a small urban furniture project for the Hafencity Hamburg. The concept is to generate a modern interpretation of a conventional bench or city lounge in the heart of a new city quarter. The lounge is made out of a traditional vertical lamella facade system that transforms into an aesthetic, contemporary communication and chillout spot, directly next to the Elbe riverside. The general form is created by an optical illusion, made out of individual CNC-bended steel slats, covering the existing concrete facade. Target of the project was to use existing urban spaces, to upgrade the image of a location and to face the existing concrete facades, combined with a speciďŹ c beneďŹ t. The whole system is covering different buildings and transforms continuously.

2010 MILAN

02/ BIOLOSOPHY Biolosophy is design for the next German Expo-Pavilion in 2015 Milan. The topic of this Expo is “Feeding the planet – Energy for life”. So the pavilion consists of special beams and columns to cultivate algae in it. The whole form emerges out of a cellular Voronoi-system and creates smaller subcells, used as the main exhibition-rooms. The general idea behind the pavilion was, to “create something that creates something”. So in this case, the Biolosophy produces algae, that you can eat and use for many different other things… This project was published on and


03/ MODA COPENHAGEN The Museum Of Digital Art in Copenhagen Orestad represents a contemporary, experimental way of architecture. The bachelor thesis project contains a whole digital communication and arts-exchange center, right next to the IT University of Copenhagen. The formal building design was a parametrical experiment and interprets the urban conditions of Copenhagen Orestad and the surrounding city influences. All these influencing urban parameters compose one single form-algorithm that is generating the first visual concept. Subsequently this first formal concept was taken and optimized under the influences of climatic and sustainable aspects like solar radiation and energy generation. The MODA contains huge server and IT facilities and uses their heat loss for heating the whole complex. The facade is made out of a recycled aluminium airframe in a specific grid constellation, which is lightened up in the dark and creates a TRON-like facade to represent a connection to the IT campus and the gaming design faculty. The surrounding landscape design of the MODA is usable in many ways. For example, parts of the facade can be used as open air projection surfaces for movies and motion installations. Additionally, the building contains the metro-station Copenhagen Orestad. Best grade Bachelor Thesis with distinction.




04/ LIGHTHOUSE The project is a proposal for the annual Artemide Lighthouse Competition. The task was to design a new iconic city entrance for the old city center of Venive at Piazza Roma for the next Biennale. The project interpolates the missing tourist space on the Piazza Roma place and lifts the missing space up in the air. Through a LED-glass facade, the tower emerges to an iconic, oating sculpture at nighttime. The structure interprets the curious and small city layout and creates a daytime sculpture. The tower contents a skybar, a bookstore, as well as an outsourced Biennale exhibition space. The concept includes the renovation of all Vaporetto stations in Venice, which will be transformed into swimming light-sculptures, that can be seen from the skybar in the Lighthouse tower. For more details about the projects in this portfolio, please visit!




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05/ XT HOUSE The XT House is located in Stuttgart, Germany. It is a fictive single family house for a young couple. The design basically orients on the local terrain structure. The roof transforms from a flattened one into a pitched roof and creates the illusion of a floating building structure. The furniture for the XT House is also espacially for this project designed, to reach a holistic design concept.



05/ XT HOUSE/ FURNITURE These are two parts of the XT Houses furniture collection...


06/ FLOATING HOME This project was designed in the 5th semester Bachelor, in a building law course. The topic was to design something, that would cause heavy problems in the ďŹ nal building process and how to solve these. We decided to design a oating and hovering water building in Wismar for residential purposes.

2011 INDIA

07/ THE SKYOASIS This project is a proposal for the annual eVolo-Skyscraper-Competition 2012. The Skyoasis is an energy-self-sufficient, multifunctional skyscraper in the Thar Desert in the state of Rajasthan, India. The main idea of the tower is to solve Indian overpopulation problems with an energy-self-sufficient and highly efficient vertical city concept. The entire building works as a single solar tower power plant for permanent power production. The energy is produced by a simple system of movable heliostat mirrors in the north of the building, which concentrate the sunlight and focus it on the receiver at the highest point of the tower. The heliostat mirrors are fully movable systems, designed as tripods for optimal stability in the desert sand. This focused solar power heats up the air in the porous ceramic receiver up to 1292°F and generates steam. The steam is then used to boost a highly powerful steam turbine an generate large amounts of electric energy to fully provide the buildings and inhabitants energy needs.


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