[Characters]. A portfolio of Yihao Zhang

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[Characters] a portfolio of Yihao Zhang

selected works from 2011-2016 apply for M.Arch (professional) Yihao Zhang Bachelor of Engineering Major in Urban and Rural Planning Chongqing University, Chongqing, P.R.China Post Code: 400045 Tel: +86-18623459201 E-mail: masterzyh@gmail.com 2016.12


FOREPLAY A city is like a play. Whatever form or position a building emerges with in a city, the building will become a part of the city, voluntarily or passively. It will become one of the characters in this play. Like all characters have their own unique relationship with the play, the audiences, and other characters, every architecture has a unique relationship with the city, the users and other buildings in the city. An architecture will do something only it can do to make this play more dramatic, the audiences surprised. Also you can never fully understand a character, before you have finished watching the play, because they always have a hidden part and has its own purpose, maybe a plot hidden in its core. Those architectures stand in cities, what are their hidden parts? What are the real characters inside them? You think it is a tree which stands on the stage, maybe it is an Ent and a nobody can be the final villain. This selection will discuss these relationships of architectures, their uniqueness and the hidden characters. Please note: All drawings and potographs were made or token by Yihao Zhang, the maker of this portfolio, except the two potographs on the left side of page 20. Collaborators and contribution to physical models is writen clearly on the cover pages of each work.



Multifunctional Mega-complex Design



Urban Renewal



Gymnasium Design




M ULTIFUNCTIONAL M EGA- C OMPLEX D ESIGN UIA-HYP Competition, Summer 2014 Collaborator: Dian Liu, Yetian Liu Site: Shibati, Chongqing, China Tutor: Mr. Ke Chen Contribution: Chief Designer, Concept 60%, Analysis 60%, Developing 70%, Physical Model 40% When the old order of an area has been almost completely destroyed, and the site is now in chaos, should we attempt to solve all the problems and restore the site to its previous condition? Or should we give up the old community and build a new one for those inhabitants? Shibati, the oldest part of Chongqing City, was the representation of old Chongqing, famous for its old building style, the life atmosphere and traditional culture, connects the Upper City and the Lower City of Chongqing. Now Shibati is facing the above-mentioned problem. The site is in a mass, and the urban redevelopment plan cannot move forward. The site is left there in a bad condition. This design will like a powerful beast, who comes into the site and give the site an entirely new order. However, this beast will be a gentle one. In this design, although we build a mega-complex, we give the inhabitants a new better life, and the old Shibati will be remembered, and protected in a different way.

Over these years, Shibati has turend into an urban village from the once prosperous city area, falling behind the development of Chongqing

Since 2010, the government started to demolish this area and deciding to build a new business area in Shibati. Unfortunately, this new con bad ending. Because of the financial issue and the great difficulty in housing demolition, this project remains unfinished till now, and Shiba site is full of damaged houses, and chaotic vegetation.

Shibati once had a highly cultural network and space to the government’s projec are all been damaged. And city around this urban vi into it in a variety of leve space. The invading order conflict with the primitive o destruction to this oldest pa

This diagram shows the r the primitive and the inva relationship with the site co

The photo on the left sh condition of the small trad words on the wall shows th to the government for t house.

Now, there are still some r the old Shibati, but these r are very fragile. Actually, it is the primitive order.

Therefore, this design de core structure of the primit build an entirely new one. U to get into the site and b the ruined old town, we de vegetation recovering plan there will become a new cit top of the ruins.


g city.

nstruction project has a ati site is in a mess. The

y complete social and e structure. Now thanks ct, these primitive order nd that is not over, the illage is now invading els, culture, business, r has an irreconcilable one, and makes further part of Chongqing.

relationship between ading order, and their ontext.

The traditional social and commercial networks are based on the old streets and surrounding buildings in Shibati area. Now they are all damaged.

previous interface & street

damaged cement

Residences in Shibati area have been damaged or destroyed mostly. Actually this old city area has already been irrecoverable.

damaged residence

hows the poor living ders in Shibati. And the the anger of inhabitant they destroyed their

residue of the order of remained relationships s impossible to recover

evotes to extract the tive order and use it to Using a mega-complex build a new order. For esign a landscape and n for it. And after years, ty historic park built on

The new city has now been invading into Shibati, and with large buildings built in the new city, there will be more invasion in the future. space invasion

aggressive buildings

predictable future invasion

squeezed old town


A Ring, an independent and exclusive geometry. In the urban scale this is also an invasion, but this represents a new order built in this area. This Ring encircles the old town inside it, giving out a sense of protection to the old city memory. 50m 0


200m 500m

phase 1: Select existing buildings as the supporting point of the structure; Sell the forward delivery housing (phase 1); Rent out some of the hotels.

phase 2: Select available land and build more buildings as the supporting point.

SITE PLAN & CONSTRUCTION phase 3: Build the entrance part and the commercial area near the entrance; Rent out shops.; Sell the forward delivery housing (phase 2).

The site plan shows the large scale of this project, which represents its role as an order builder. And the shape of a ring represents its role as a protector of the old city memory. To avoid the financial issue, the construction of this project will be divided into 6 phases. Build the hotels and the commercial part first. Rent out the hotels and sell the forward delivery housing to get the money for the later phases’ construction. Not like the government’s project before, this project will become a self-sufficient one. Finally with all the buildings come into service and inhabitants move into the community. The megacomplex will be finished. In the meantime, the landscape recovering plan is implementing concurrently.

phase 4: Build the public area on the north side. The theater comes into service; Build residential area (phase 1).

phase 5: Build the sports area; Build residential area (phase 2); Most of the public buildings come into service (nursing home, library, etc.).

phase 6: Build the observation deck; All public buildings come into service; All hotels rent out.

view form urban scale



Ap veg And city


roof floor




entrance floor




Ser B1 floor


B2 floor

ob Bu has


Diff me of p




of top ring park

park on the roof, with landscape and getation. A bikeway is built in this park. nd also, there is a good view of the whole y area.

Using the entrance area and two residential areas, the rest of the Ring is divided into three sections. The section on the north-west side with a supermarket, a theater and a hotel; A sports area on the east side with other functions for the community; A public area on the south side with an observation deck and a library, which have the best view on the Ring. Because the sections of every parts of the Ring have the same shape and size, the formation of the space also have a pattern. Using these space archetypes, public spaces is designed into various form to meet their different functions.

mmercial area

Distinct types of house are designed to meet the various needs. Residences are designed independently, and not use those archetypes mentioned above, since there are different functional requirements between house and public space.

cycle rental


space form


ursing home




double L-roof

standard form

two-storey space

any old people will be living in this area.

ublic market

rvice for the residential area.

public space

orts area gymnasium

concave entrance

bikeway & rental

bservation deck uilt on the south side of the Ring, the deck s a perfect view of Yangtze River. observation deck


roof park


open market

sidential area

fferent residence layouts are provided to eet the different needs of various groups people.


residence & shophouse type






SOLO with shop

two-storey with shop



It is amazing to watch the old town scenery while cycling!

This interesting bar is famous in Chongqing!

coffee or wine?

The balcony has a good view!

Wonderful! I can grow things in my little garden.

Our new home is great!

RESIDENCE & SHOPHOUSE To meet the traditional Chinese lifestyle, different residence layouts are provided for residents in Shibati. Some are houses only design for living and some are shophouses with a shop on the top floor. Because on the Ring, the relative position of publicity and privacy has flipped over, the business model is therefore different from the traditional business model (shop on the ground floor, living on the upper floor). Also, Chinese are fond of growing some vegetables, so every apartment is offered a little garden or you can call it a little farm, aiming to increasing their income.


Public area near the north entrance, around the entrance of the hotel. This area is connected with the Upper City closely. Equipped with some shops and a supermarket, this area will become attractive.

PUBLIC SPACE The basketball court in the sports area near the residential section. Community sports events or live show both can be held there. Three-storey form and the skylight make the space fairly open.


LANDSCAPE RECOVERING Due to the government’s unfinished project, now the Shibati site is in a mess. The site is full of damaged houses, construction waste and chaotic vegetation. And because there are still some inhabitants living in Shibati without fully functional urban infrastructure, there are also lot of household garbage on the site making an unpleasant environment condition.

First, those construction waste need to be removed, and the weeds and other chaotic vegetation also need to be removed. These actions will make the plantable soil layer exposed. The land need to be ploughed, preparing for the future planting. With these actions, the original path will be exposed too. The walls of damaged buildings will be retained. They will become one of the elements in the future historic park. However, only those stable walls will be retained, those unstable dangerous walls will be removed as well. Some lawn will be planted on the land to make the soil moe fertile and more suitable for the future planting.

After the fertility of soil have been recovered, the land will be re ploughed and new vegetation will be planted on the land. The original path will be repaved and some new walking paths will be built. The historic park will begin to open to the public. Those old damaged walls will not only service as the reminder of the old Shibati, but will also become a new platform for urban artists to make some paintings and graffiti.

During this recovering process, the Ring is also being built. After the Ring is finished and inhabitants move into their new homes, there will be more people in this area and the park will have more visitor. The vegetation planted in the park will become grown by that time. And the park will become a good place for citizens to have a walk, meet friends, have a date, picnic, give an outdoor performance or just spend an afternoon reading a book in their leisure time.



Studio work at CQU, Spring 2015 Collaborator: Siqi Fan Site: Sai ying pun, Hong Kong Tutor: Prof. Haoyan Wei Co n t r i b u t i o n: C h e i f D e s i g n e r, Co n ce p t 8 0 % , A n a l y s i s 70 % , Development 70% Facing a community which is already good but not good enough which has a complete formats structure and its own operating model, we cannot make massive changes. We can only make some micro-changes, like a physician, do something from inside, to make it better. The pedestrian network is such a crucial part of this community and we have to retain the old structure and operating model. Therefore, this design devotes to build more walking path, and extend the pedestrian network to higher floors in this walking-based community. Retain the previous walking lifestyle, and use more walking paths to fasten the connection of every elements in this area. Making inhabitants’ life more convenient and efficient. Without much action, we can rejuvenate the community to a new level.

POSITION Sai Ying Pun, where the early British military stayed since 1841, is one of the oldest community in Hong Kong.

SITE T his is an old communit y which has an extremely high residential density and a highly complicated social relation network.

Hong Kong’s famous tram line, known as Ding-ding, built on the Des Voeux Road, goes through this community.


1 density



The Floor Area Ratio in this area is extremely high, caused by the limited construction land.

The public transportation terminals

The densit y in this area is also extremely high.

Most buildings in the site are residences, public buildings are rare.

Inhabitants use the pedestrian network to get to the public transportation terminals, then they can reach every parts of Hong Kong.




pe ca ds an l nd ya

mountain in the south

city in the middle

sea in the north

Hong Kong’s development policy stops expansion of city to the mountain, which causes less construction land for Hong Kong. The city is sandwiched between the mountain and the sea. The urban construction and landscape are crowded in limited land. More landscape should be developed in the city and a counnection is necessary between mountain in the south and sea in the north.

SECTION This collage section shows the high density and the diverse functions, activities, commercial form in this old community. It also shows the terrain elevation reduces gradually from south to north.

Built on top of the tram line on Des Voeux Road, this tram line park is designed to extend available space for walking and prosper the upper floor business.





8 6

7 11

A pedestrian bridge system is built to remove the gap between city and the coast, which caused by the viaduct.

5 4 11


A passenger terminal is built to make up for the lack of water transportation node on the west side of Hong Kong island. 2


The new pedestrian network infiltrates into almost every corner and path of the community like capillaries. The network also connected the mountain and the sea make the landscape a complete sequence. 0

100 50

300m 200

1 Passenger terminal 2 Seaside complex 3 Tram line park 4Community center 5 Vertical garden 6 Community plaza 7 Sai Ying Pun market 8 Theater 9 Fitness center 10 Tea house 11 MTR station entrances

01 c o Con nnect io n rein ect th n stru e forc c Voe e th moun ture

t e u s t a x R o a walkin ain an ti d d g com o n s . I , c o n syste the se n mo n mu a, nity f i l t r a t e c t t . e i n h r e n Des e to the MTR wh ole

She ung Wa n Sai Ying Pun

02 p e New destr ia buil and o n net w ld t an pat d re publi ork c

h n buil w i l l e ewed buildin .T d g m sys ing cor i t f r o he ne s will tem b es a w nd m t h e walk e She whi con in s ung ch Wan is th nect e p u b g lic ped e co as a w estr u ian nterp hole netw art of ork.

She ung Wa n Sai Ying Pun

Hon g Ko ng U nive rsit y

03 t r B a s anspo rt hu e a n d on b re ew th add MTR e n e w devel o ed. And station - b u i l t pmen ma ke bui t ap en t l

t d h a mo re c e p u b sseng rance i n g s , om plet l i c t r a er term will be e. nsp inal ort w s y s ill tem

mo unt ain

04 la Mor ndsca p e gr een e rede land ve will lopm be a e dde nt d.

05 m All d atrix e sea

and sign is t bloc he nat based u o k st ruct ral elem n the ure g of th ents as eogra ph e co w mm ell as y the unit y.

STRATEGY The community has a complete formats structure and its own operating model, so it is not realistic to make massive changes. However, this area facing problems like lack of vitality and aging of population. The ground pedestrian network is a crucial part of this community. Thus, we extend the network to the higher floors based on new public buildings. Hoping to rejuvenate the community.



Italian cuisine

escalator Island Line to HKU market tea house


B2 market



Japanese cuisine fitness center community plaza

parking lo vertical garden

King George V memorial park


tram line park Sai Ying Pun station

tram stop 84W

Island Line to Sheung Wan A


tram community center

tram stop 84W, 13E

public platform



973, A10, 18P, 43X, 46X, 970, 970X

12 seaside complex

seafood market passenger terminal


swimming pool

ferry to Yung Sue Wan

ferry to Mainland




Studio work at CQU, Winter 2015 Collaborator: Jiajia Zhao Site: Chongqing, China Tutor: Associate Prof. Zhaoxia Wang Contribution: Chief Designer, Concept 50%, Analysis 50%, Developing 50%, Physical Model 60% Sometimes, architecture like gymnasium are like dictators, have professional and specific functions, and cost a lot to build and occupy a lot of city space. Make a large piece of urban land single-functioned mandatorily. However, after those big sports events, rare people will use these expensive large buildings. Actually, sometimes an architect has no choice but to design and build these large buildings for the people with real power. So if an architecture will become a dictator inevitably, how about a humorous dictator? This design devotes to make a gymnasium which must be built in the city more open to the public and more useful during the ordinary times between the big sports events. Using the advantage of the large scale covering of the gymnasium which creates spacious open spaces suit for public functions we add some entertaining new functions which do not appear in a normal gymnasium. Make it an fascinating complex public building.

[1] Economic boom & Urbanization Over the past 20 years, with the rapid development of China’s economy (economic boom), the income of Chinese is growing, and their spiritual and material needs are both growing too. Meanwhile, with the economic boom, the urbanization process of China is also accelerating rapidly and new constructions are springing up all over the cities. [2] Short-term urban planning In China, the long-term urban planning only roughly decided the function and the development direction of the city. Those urban plannings for the specific construction are always short-term. Sometimes their validity are only 5 years. These make politicians have opportunities to make changes to these urban planning. They will use these changes to make political achievements for their own political ambitions. [3] Political achievements Construction (architecture) and political power has been connected always. For politicians it is important to make some achievements in their term of office. Some large public constructiown projects like a stadium or gymnasium, will be good achievements for their political career, a show of power and a monument. However, these so called “Civilian Architecture“, built by tax payers’ money sometimes are only redundant monuments.

A MUST-BE-THERE BUILDING There is an old Chinese phrase “to be fish on somebody’s chopping board”, meaning to be at the mercy of somebody. It is used to describe a passive situation you found yourself in. In the circumstance above, unfortunately, in front of the people with real power, architects are just these fishes. Under the dual pressure of pliticians and the existing urban planning, architects sometimes have no choices. They must build these monuments for pliticians, these MUST-BE-THERE BUILDINGS. So when you are just a fish, you better be a little bit slippery. Find a way to make a comeback, a must-be-built monument also can be an elegant one, and this time, the monument will be a gymnasium. original texture

removal GYM a must-be-there building


solution: an absorbing complex



high-rise & offices

residence & park

playing dining

metro station & cultural buildings

dock & junction of rivers

photographing sports

trading music

relax shopping

exercise dancing



tim e

es iviti act

SITE & REQUIREMENT The site is located in a sensitive position with most abundant city elements around it, high-rise office buildings, residence buildings, urban green land and some public buildings, transportation junction and the Jialing River. Therefore, besides the basic function of a gym, the requirement of multiple functions is complicated. Office workers need some places for eating and resting during their lunchtime. Inhabitants need some places with community functions. A good view of the river is also needed. Meantime, as a landmark, this gym need functions to attract and show the city to those foreigners and tourists.


underground garage

parking lot

1 2


3 6

4 5


20m 0

100m 50m

SITE PLAN A gym needs different entrances for different group of people and a gym with additional functions like this needs more public entrances. Actually, the boundary of indoor and outdoor space is not very clear. The building connected closely with the outdoor site and people can enter the building in many different ways. As the building itself is already complex enough, the site (space around the building) design is relatively simple. The paths, lawns and plazas become the cement between the gym and the city, guiding people to enter the building. People may have some interesting activities on the public space outside the building, however, that will be a small part. Remind that the outdoor space designed just as the cement, and the user will spend more time indoors, there are far more functions.



1 Staff entrance 2, 5 Art center entrance 3 Main entrance 4 Library entrance 6 Media entrance Theater entrance 7 Athletes entrance

DECOMPOSITION A gym building needs a large scale covering which will create open spaces. This is an inborn advantage for arranging public space. Therefore, in addition to the basic functions of a gym, this gym meets different needs of different group of people.

covering shell

gymnasium gym stand

stand support

The basic part of a gymnasium. Space for games, audiences and athletes, offices for staffs.


multi-function platform

open market

public platforms A spacious open space under the roof and two spaces expand to the south with the shape of strip.


basketball public complex entrance

Functional space expands to the east which meets many needs.


art center




1 Art center entrance 2 Staff area 3 Classroom Main stage 4 Convenience store 5 Theater 6 Rehearsal room 7 Library 8 Piano room Wating hall 9 Supermarket 10 Second entrance 11 Cafeteria B1 Floor Plan 12 Restaurants 13 Courtyard Art center


3 13




13 8

9 10



Business area

Ground Floor Plan Sports area 1

Gallery area


Market area Open space 6




1 Main entrance hall 2 Exhibition 3 Multi-function room 4 Cafe 5 Basketball court 6 Cafeteria 7 Gym 8 Gallery 9 Reading area 10 Market

7 8

Second Floor Plan

PLANS In the entire volume of this building, the proportion of the fomal gymnasium has been compressed as much as possible to its minimum only guarantee it is a fully operational gym for the sports events. The rest part will become space for the public, that is useful and accessible all the time.




Formal gymnasium Open gymnasium 10

Third Floor Plan

5m 0


20m 10m


GRAY SPACE & SHOPS The interface in the south-east corner of the building use a little garden as a semi-outer gray space to separate indoor and outdoor space. And there are also some courtyards on the east facade making the transition from indoor to outdoor more smooth, and the building more accessible. There are some shops in the south-east corner, restaurants, little super market, cafes, making this part an active part. And with these shops, the semi-outer little garden will become a perfect place for resting.

PUBLIC AREAS This part is one of the most crucial public parts in this building, with a small basketball court, a library, an art center as its function cores. The libaray is not big but with the public platform on the upper floor, it can provide good reading experiences. Around the basketball court are some bar for drinking, a fitness center and some open space. This part will become a community sports center. The art center with a theater and rehearsal rooms can meet many cultural demands.


MAIN ENTRANCE HELL The main entrance hell is on the second floor, there is a grand staircase in the hell allowing people to go to the third floor. This staircase is also a little stand or a lecture theater. Public lectures can be held there. At ordinary times this stand can also be a good place for people to rest or talk or have a little meeting. There are some book cells and working stations in the entrance hell, encouraging people to stay there. It will become a good place for some self-employed people to work there. The entrance hell also services as a node of streamline. People will separate into different groups, and they can go to different parts in this building through different ways in the entrance hell.


reading cell

public speaking

working station

The expansion part in the south, with an open market on the third floor. There are several market modules, which have stalls on the ground and a platform for drinking and resting on the upper layer. Under the open market on the second floor, is a gallery in which exhibitions can be held.

A multi-function theater in the art center with two-storey space, on the ground floor and the basement floor.

The small basketball court and the rehearsal rooms under it. Part of the floor of the basketball court is semitransparent, so the rehearsal rooms can get some light through it.



M×1 M=module



01 The module is repeated symmetrically. The final result is an envelope which, by its geometry solves several design intentions of the project: natural light, structure and the visual impact for a landmark building.

02 By continuing the 10m roof module, the rooftop covering obtains structural rigidity.


03 Use structural columns to enhance the structural rigidity of the roof.

04 Glass domes are obtained as a result of the roof module geometry to protect the building from the outdoor.


01 domes Glass wall domes with standard stainless steel skeleton for supporting.


02 envelope finishing & timber ceiling Envelope finishing: Metal structure covering of “Quartz Zinc“ panels with hidden joint anchoring system. Timber ceiling: Timber ceiling made of beech wood.


03 envelope structure Structural beam with variable section welded and assembled in a modular way


04 structural support The primary structural support made of standard dimensions cold bended metal profiles. Designed as structural roof support and to improve resistance to horizontal forces


05 structural columns Structural columns made of standard dimensions cold bended metal profiles and metal plate anchored to the primary structure.


06 stand support Stand support made of precast concrete.

STRUCTURE Several modules form the main structure. With the structural columns they support the roof envelope together. The structural columns also help to separate different functions and form different spaces.



These two parts are both design and built in modular wa These repeated modules decompose the great volume o solemn atmosphere, li


ay, which makes them both have sequential appearances. of the building. Meanwhile the array-like columns exude a ike an ancient temple.


Individual work, Summer 2016 Site: Beijing, China

This is a house built for two southerners who have been living in the north for years. They always have the old southern lifestyle, however, their apartment house built in a northern building style does not fit for their life. The new house will give them a new life they have dreamed for years. Built for two foreigners, this house is also a foreigner in the city. A house with a southern heart stands in a north city. It is making afforts to fit in this northern city, but the southern dream inside it will always be announcing its character, secretly.

SOUTHERNERS IN THE NORTH [1] 1953-1958 My grandparents are both born and grow in Sichuan, a southern province of China. In spring 1953 my grandfather joined the Korean War as a soldier of Chinese People’s Volunteers (CPV) and went to North Korean. My grandmother went with him. In the war he suffered a minor leg injury. After the war ended in 1953, the CPV stationed in North Korea until 1958. After that the CPV withdrew successively under the instructions of Zhou Enlai. My grandparents went back to the Heilongjiang province, a northern province, in 1958 in February.

Korean War, 1952-1953

[2] 1958-1960 Garrisoned in Heilongjiang province [3] 1960-1964 Oil fields in north China was rapidly developing during this period of time and there was a great demand of young workers for the construction of oil fields. So my grandfather retired from the army and joined the Daqing Oil Field in Heilongjiang as an oil worker. [4] 1964-1972 Transferred to Dagang Oil Field in Tianjin. [5] 1972-Present Transferred to Huabei Oil Field in Cangzhou in 1972. Through these years their health condition becomes worse gradually, for the better medical conditions they moved to Beijing in 2007.

oil fields construction in 1960s

Two southerners lived and settled in the north after returned from North Korean over 50 years.

central axis of Beijing



In 2015, my granparents used all their savings over these years, with the help of their offsprings, bought a old Siheyuan as an investment for their offsprings and also as the site for their new house because the Siheyuan is dilapidated and must be removed and build a new house to live. The site is located at Dongsi, Beijing dongcheng district. 2 kilometres from the central axis of Beijing city and 2 blocks from Dongsi subway station.




N o ve mb er

er eb ptm Sem

r be cem e D

This diagram shows the cycle they grow different vegetables and make preserved foods. S o u s in




preserved meat l yc



g Storin


v e sti n g


ng H ar

v e sti n g

ki Coo

rch Ma

G r o wi

H ar

Fe bu ary



Co g okin g/ Storin


G r o wi

Re c

K i mc h i

R ec



Ga rlic


in g/ Stori ng

to ta Po wp o Daikon Radish C to a Tom

Ma y

king/ d

t Le Be ef

ok Co

Co wpe a

sm o



Peic tu pper ce Cabbage

Kid ney Bean



a Sug ared G


Sm S ok ed o Saus za age at ao L Me Perserved e Jun

Au gu st

al te d

Though living in the north for years, as southerners my grandparents still have a southern life style. They will grow some vegetables in spring and harvest in autumn. Grandmother also makes preserved foods which only loved by southerners and cannot be found in the north.

g sin Proces

preserved vegetables

In Sichuan, they lived in a kind of house called stilted building wich is partly lifted to fit the terrain. So there is a storage space under the building, a garden behind the building and their bedroom is at the top floor of the building with good privacy. storage space

stairs is not good

dining room


ramp is ok



elevator is good

Grandfather’s leg wounded in the war, so it is inconvenient for him to use stairs. With the increase of his age, the condition becomes worse. So he want a convenient way to get to the upper floors.

sewing workshop

For my grandmother, the whole family is the center of her life, and those family reunions are very important for her. So she want a large space for holding a family dinner party, and a large kitchen. She is also a good tailor and she want a sewing workshop in her new house.


The house is surrounded by many other Siheyuans, to respect the traditional urban spatial characteristics and the architectural style. The house is designed into a cube and the rooftop is designed into a form of a courtyard. Meanwhile, to adapt to the urban texture of this old part of Beijing, the house only covers a small area of land and does not become a large building.

5m 0



20m 10m

100m 50m

floor functions


height limit/ sinking

water collecting slope

surface/ openings

stairs/ elevator

public space

living core

FORMATION The formation is based on the requirements of my grandparents. There is a 10m height limit in Beijing’s development policy, so part of the house need to sink into the underground. For my grandma is a frugal person, a rainwater collection system is designed for her.

PROGRAM Bedroom & Guest room This concrete box designed as the bedroom is at the top of the house, like the stilted building, it keeps privacy and provides insulation of the noise. The elevator connects every floors except the basement floor and windows on both north and south sides will ensure that the light in the bedroom is sufficient.

Garden A vegetation-filled garden where grandfather can grow vegetables and flowers. This is a semi-outer space, and my grandparents can enjoy the views from this platform. As a semi-outer space, the ventilation is good, so grandmother can use this platform to air dry her preserved foods.

Living room & Sewing workshop Primary room for daily activities. A place to keep my granpa’s book collection, a place for reading and guest recepting with good views. Grandma’s sewing workshop is also on this floor. There is a little dining table for grandparents’ daily meals. And this is the lowest floor the elevator can reach.

the elevator

Dining room & Store & Kitchen Large dining room for the family dinner party, and a big kitchen for grandmother to prepare the meals with enough space for storing. There is also a laundry room. And the engine room of the elevator is on this floor as well.



36.7 %

45 Ă— 45

LIFE & PRODUCTION IN THE HOUSE This house almost meet all requirements of my grandparents. With the elevator, grandfather can reach any floor easily. When the weather is good he will spend a lot of time in the garden taking care of his plants. Grandmother will do her sewing work in her workshop, and she will be really satisfied with the large dining room which is big enough for the whole family to have a dinner party. Because of the skylight, the semi-outer garden and the elevator shaft, the ventilation of this house is very good. Fresh air is good for their health. They will also be happy to have a rainwater collection system. The water tanks in the garden and the kitchen can both store collected rainwater.


600 100



150 Ă— 75



perforated pipe


155 1190


skylight 150 × 150





water collector



2850 700








water out






2 1 3


1. livingroom 2. diningroom 3. garden 4. garden


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