Workers Forum JULY 2019

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JULY 2019

NO. 3

Former President Demetris Christofias passed away

Cyprus lost a great patriot. The Popular Movement has lost Movement and Cyprus have lost a strong fighter and supa great leader a communist fighter, an internationalist. The porter. His life and political action was identified with our workers and humble people have lost a great support. country and the workers’ fights. He had spent his life on the Demetris Christofias died on the 21st June 2019 at the age fights of PEO for better working conditions, for a just society, of 72 years old. His funeral took place at public expense with for a peaceful and reunited Cyprus”, as PEO states in a meshonors by the current President of the Republic on 25 June sage published and expresses its condolences to Demetris at the Church of God’s Wisdom in Strovolos. There was a fu- Christofias’ family. After hearing the death of Christofias, there were hundreds neral speech by AKEL S.G. Andros Kyprianou. The body of Demetris Christofias was in state on Tuesday at PEO House of condolences messages from the political world, parties, in Nicosia where thousands of people came to pay respect agents, organizations, foreign governments and parties as well as from thousands of peoto “their own person”. From Lots of people for final farewell ple that had Demetris as their the very first moment of hearing the sad news of the dead Lots of people accompanied Demetris Christofias own person. The Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras former President of the Re- to his final resting place. public and AKEL S.G. Many people walked towards the Church of God’s came to Cyprus for the funeral of the person the who conDemetris Christofias, PEO has been mourning along with all Wisdom where the funnel was held. PEO, EDON nected his name with the dethe Cypriots and the Popular all the Organizations of the Popular movement velopment of Cypriot Left Wing. Movement. “The Trade Union and thousands of people were there.


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The Central Committee of AKEL declared mourning until the day of the funeral of Christofias. The funeral was held at public expense at the Church of the God’s Wisdom in Strovolos and he was buried at the cemetery of Makedonitissa. The liturgy was preceded by Metropolitan of Kykos Nikoforos and the funeral speech on behalf of the Popular Movement was ready by AKEL S.G., Andros Kyprianou. Instead of wreaths contributions will be made to the Popular Solidarity Network and the Association of Fraternal Support. Flags will be flying at half-mast at all the offices of AKEL, PEO and the builds of the Popular Movement up to the day of the funeral. All events organised by the Party and the Popular Movement are postponed. The cadres of AKEL were

not participating in political public debates during those days and the House of Representatives was requested to suspend its meetings. A photograph of Dimitris Christofias will be placed in the office of the General Secretary of the CC AKEL, as well as in the offices of all the District Committees of AKEL. Simultaneously, a book of condolences was opened at the offices of the Central Committee of AKEL and all the Party District Committees.

Thousands of condolences messages

Thousands of condolences messages reached AKEL, PEO and generall the Organizations of the Popular Movement for the death of Christofias. There were many relevant announcements while many people contacted the S.G. of AKEL to express their condolences to AKEL and the Cypriots. The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) sent a message expressing its deep and sincere sorrow for the death of comrade Christofias, who had been an Internationalist for all his life and always a defended of the role and action of

Translation of texts: Natasa Miltiadous Chief Editor: Andriana Michael Νewspaper Director: Lefteris Georgiades Pagination: Lakis Nicolaou


WFTU. “His interest and care for the developments in the International Trade Union movement and his continuous call to strengthen WFTU will remain as a heritage to us. On behalf of the big fighting family of WFTU, having 97 million of members at 130 countries, we express our condolences to his wife and children. We express our sorrow for the loss of our great comrade to the members and cadres of PEO”, as stated by WFTU.

A.Kyprianou: “D. Christofias dreamt and fought along with the people”

“Demetris Christofias, the comrade Demetris, our Demetris, did the greatest thing. He felt pain along with the people. He dreamt with people. He fought together with the people. He fought, he won, he lost, he stood up again, he stood at the front, he held Cyprus’ flag up high, the flag of AKEL. He raised up even higher the title of communist, the title of AKELperson, the office of the S.G. of AKEL, the President of the Parliament, the office the President of the Republic. He raised high the flag of socialism, Marxism-Leninism and the proletariat internationalism and he remained faithful to these ideals up to the end”, as Kyprianou mentioned in the funeral speech. As he said, “under the leadership of CHristofias and himself at the first line, we managed to renew and modernize AKEL but by remaining faithful to its basic ideological and organizations principles. We managed to strengthen the intra-party democracy by strengthening the unity and the effectiveness of the Party to its social and political presence. It is true that Demetris Christofias taught all of us to surpass ourselves and work day and night at him. (…) D. Christofias made his life part of the history of AKEL, part of the country’s history. For us in AKEL, he is our flag. He had been blamed as no one else before. We do not expect from anybody of those that treated him unethically to justify him. He has been already justified. He has been already justified by the tears of those people that farewell him today that are the ones to whom he devoted his whole existence, normal people, the fighters of life, the workers of spirituality, of writing and of labour. Thousands of hands raising up high the flags of Cyprus, AKEL flags and EDON flags have already talked about him. Thousands of hearts that are decided to continue in the same path have already talked about him. “Rest in Peace Demetris. You fought, you offered, you cried, you bled, you won, you held up high the flats, you offered us the best example. We will be thousands continuing your fight. Immortal…”

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Providence Funds: Historical Gain of Workers

The Providence Funds are one of the greatest gains of Cyprus’ workers. Along with the fight for specifying the employment terms (salaries, rest leaves, overtimes, sick leaves, etc) through agreed Collective Agreements of work, PEO and the remaining Trade Union Movement fought for the establishment and operation of the institutions of the Providence Funds.

PEO does not disagree with the mechanism of supervision and transparency of the providence funds. However, it is the first one that, being representative of interests of workers, claims for right and effective operation of funds within the frameworks of the Law

Support for the Workers

bring back the contributions that had been reduced.

The Providence Funds were created with the aim for the workers, along with the contribution of the employer, to save in order to be able to face difficulties and issues that might face either in their work or after retiring. This is the support of the workers when they are fired and are left without income. It is their support when they have to face extraordinary medical expenses. Thousands of workers managed to support their children’s studies or to buy a house with the help of Providence Funds.

No to the estrangement of Providence Funds from the workers

PEO angrily finds that the government with its recent decisions ignores the specifying role of unions in the operation of the institution and the fact that the providence funds are part of the labour relations. For many years, by the chance of the from time to time public statements of the Finance Minister for creation of a Single Supervising Authority, PEO has been warning that the main aim of the government is not the best supervision, but the change of character of the institution of providence funds and their equation with the private insurances. Unfortunately, PEO has been fully confirmed with the bill promoted for voting by the government. The Providence Funds are faced not as social funds, result of the Collective Agreements between employers and employees, but as one more financial product, part of the financial system. The policy for the Providence Funds, is estranged from those creating them and working daily to keep them. At the same time, the decisions that will be regulating their operation method pass to mechanisms that have nothing to do with the labour relations system.

Part of the Collective Agreements and the Labour Relations

Providence Funds are part of the Labour Agreements and for this reason the control, the legislation and the framework

Providence Funds are flattened by Private Insurances

Private insurances and providence funds are flattened and it is obvious that in this way the private insurance is encouraged against the collective regulations.

governing their operation, has been since the establishment of the institution under the Ministry of Labour, part of the labour relations and the three-party social dialogue.

Strengthening of the supervision and transparence mechanism

The workers kept the institution alive through fights

PEO does not disagree with the mechanism of supervision and transparency of the providence funds. However, it is the first one that, being representative of interests of workers, claims for right and effective operation of funds within the frameworks of the Law. This might and it must be made with the support of the current supervising authority, under the competency of the Labour Ministry. But PEO clarifies that it is not supposed to support the actions prepared by the government, which is hidden behind a better supervision to promote the aim for alternation of the character of the Providence Funds, their equation with the private insurances and finally promotion of private insurance schemes against the social collective schemes.

The institution of the Providence Funds has ben going through hard times recently. The government’s decision in March 2013 to include the Providence Funds in the deposits that were cut, it led to losses of hundreds of millions euro for workers and to a dramatic doubt of their value and significance.

PEO is calling workers to be alert and united. Providence Funds were born by workers and are part of the labour relations

Through the fights of the workers and the Trade Union Movement since 2013 and onwards, they have achieved the implementation of the indemnification plan of the loss the workers had on the providence funds. They have also managed to gradually bring the trust back to the institution. Also, Providence Funds that were dissolved, they are recreated and also through their claims, they have achieved to

All together can protect the institution of Providence Funds


PEO is calling the employees to be alert and united. The Providence Funds are born by the workers. They are part of the labour relations. WE must fight all together to keep the aim and the character of the providence funds.

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100th anniversary for ILO: Report «Work for a brighter future»

Within the frameworks of the 100th anniversary of its establishment, the International Labour Organization published the Report “Work for a brighter future”. The report was prepared by the international committee presided by the Prime Minister of Sweden and the President of South Africa. The Report examines the challenges caused by the world changes in the labour market and notes that while there are unlimited possibilities for improvement of workers’ life, without taking decisive measures, world will be led to widening of inequalities and uncertainty.

344 million work positions are required worldwide

fering to employees an equal share to the economic progress, respect of their rights and protection against insecurity in exchange for their offer to economy. The social dialogue can play a vital role in this attempt.

The report notes that a total of 344 million new work positions are required worldwide until 2030 while 190 million work positions must be created to face unemployment, while about 34% of unemployed are young people. Within the framework of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, the creation of dignified and sustainable chances for work is vital and the integration of about 2 billion people

Humancentric agenda for the future of work

that are not really employed on a global level will be an essential part of this challenge. The technological achievement will create new work positions, but those who will lose their work during this converting period they will have the least qualifications and possibilities to exploit the new chances. In many cases, the qualification held by employees today do not respond to tomorrow’s needs of the labour market.

Social Insurances system and labour market under pressure

Ageing of population in some area while in others the youth of the population, will be setting the labour market and the social insurance systems under pressure. As mentioned, the states need to exploit the chances presented through the changes to create the conditions for a better future, providing economic stability, equal chances and social justice, adding that the creation of this route requires commitment on behalf of the governments as well as of the employers and employees.

Revitalization of social symbol

Creating a new route requires commitment to action on behalf of the governments and the employers’ associations and trade unions. It requires revitalization of the social symbol of-


The committee suggests a humancentric agenda for the future of work that will strengthen the social symbol by setting the workers and the work they do at the centre of the economic and social policy and the business practices. All must undertake the responsibility of a fair future in work At the end of the report, the committee calls all the involved agents to undertake the responsibility for the development of a fair future for work noting that the action for the strengthening of social symbol in every country is urgent and increased investments on human skills and work institutions and exploitation of chances of dignified and sustainable work are required. The countries must design national strategies for the future of work through the social dialogue between governments, workers and employers; organizations. The committee recommends as all the international institutional instruments to strengthen their common work in this agenda, especially the establishment of more essential relations between the Work Trade Organization, of the agents of Bretton Woods and the International Labour Organization. The success of the humancentric development program and the development we are suggesting depends to a great degree on the cohesion in these sectors of policy. Regarding ILO, the committee notes that it has a unique role in the support of materialization of these issues, based on the order based on the rights and with full respect to its three-party character. ILO can be a focus point in the international system of guidance and analysis of the national social dialogue for the national future of labour strategies as well as for the examination of the method by which the implementation of technology can positively affect the work and welfare of workers. It is recommended to pay special attention on the universality of the order of ILO and this means the climax of its activities in order to include those that have been historically excluded from social justice and dignified work, especially those working in the informal economy.

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Language is an integration means for the migrants in the society

“Teaching the Greek language to migrants is not just a means to be more easily integrated in the labour market but this is a means to be integrated more quickly in the society itself. This is about understanding their political rights, their ability to claim rights and come in contact with the authorities and the institutions. This is of course also for their ability to approach culturally our society and be integrated”, as PEO SG and INEK President, Pambis Kyritsis stated at the Press Conference held by INEK-PEO for the presentation of the project “Greek Language Courses for Third Country Nationals (adults)” on 7 May. The conference was held at the presence of the Minister of Interior, Constantinos Petrides.

Attempt to improve the communication skills of migrants

ration of 120 teaching hours), where people with A1 level knowledge can attend (or they have completed A1). 3. A2+ (duration of 100 teaching hours), which will be operating preparatory lessons for the next level. 4. B1 (duration of 150 teaching hours), which will be offered to those who have completed the previous levels and/or to people with enough knowledge in Greek, probably students that have attended similar programs in the past.

The Director General of INEK PEO, Pavlos Kalosynatos presented the most significant aspects of the program. As he said, Cyprus Labour Institute (INEK-PEO), in collaboration with the University of Cyprus and funded by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (90%) and the Republic of Cyprus (10%) started the project “Greek Language Courses for Third World Nationals (adults)”. The Authority responsible for the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration in Cyprus is the Unit of European Funds of the Ministry of Interior, representatives of which are also with us, as well as of course the competent Minister of Interior Mr. Costas Petrides. The project is about the organization of programs of teaching Greek to adults of third world nationals. (TWN). The courses are integrated within the framework of a wider attempt of improving the communication skills of TWN through the development of basic skills in the Greek language with an emphasis on the simple oral and written communication, in order to facilitate their integrational procedure in the Cyprus’ society and prevent their social exclusion. In other words, the beneficiaries are expected, after completing this project, to acquire skills in the Greek language that will help them in finding a work position, in improving their accommodation and living conditions, in the communication fluency with the authorities and organizations of the Republic of Cyprus and in general with their colleagues at the workplace or other people in their social environment.

30 teachers

The courses will be taught by about 30 qualified teachers, that the collaborating organization are now trying to select. The fact that the target group is composed by adults of different cultural and language traditions, imposes for the teachers to have adapted teaching skills. For this reason, a series of educational seminars of total duration of 18-20 teaching hours will be offered. The training and educational activities will focus on the following issues: a) intercultural education and teaching adults, b) teaching Greek as a foreign language, c)planning and organization of the Greek language lesson, d) adaptation of the course to the needs and the characteristics of students, e) teaching grammar, f) comparison of common Greek with the Cypriot language (in their daily use) and g) phonology and teaching of the phonological system.

The collaborating organizations

Target group

The target group of the Third World Nationals that are entitled to participate in the activities of the project include: a) people under the refugee status or subsidiary protection status, b) people who have applied for refugee or subsidiary protection status, c) people enjoying temporary protection, and d) people living and/or legally working in Cyprus.

The courses

The courses will be offered free of charge to all districts of free Cyprus. A total of 470 people will participate all over Cyprus (urban and rural areas), as well as courses will be offered at the Kofinou Reception and Accommodation Center for Applications for International Protection. Beneficiaries will also be offered educational material and stationery for free, as well as the right to participate in supplementary educational activities, as for example, visit to archaeological sites or trips to various places in Cyprus. The organizations for effectuating the project have the ability to offer courses in 4 levels with a minimum duration of 100 teaching hours: 1. A1 (duration of 100 teaching hours), where people with no or minimum knowledge of Greek. 2. A2 (du-


The Cyprus Labour Institute – PEO and the University of Cyprus decided to claim the undertaking of the effectuation of this project first and foremost because they agree with their aims. Leaning the Greek language is a basic prerequisite of integration and improvement of the conditions and the terms of socialization of these people that are here for various reasons and live and work among us. Now that we are looking for beneficiaries to participate in the lessons, we have realized that the interest of these people to learning Greek is great; to do what is necessary for them to be integrated in the Cypriot society. Also, the collaboration between INEK-PEO and the University of Cyprus is based on the principle of complementarity: INEK-PEO is an institution that has been collecting lots of experience in the last years in providing training programs all over Cyprus, it has the skill of programming, management and administrative support of European programs, while the University of Cyprus has scientific staff, such as the Deputy Professor Mrs. Marianna Katsoyiannou, who has experience in designing programs of learning Greek as a foreign language, as well as the scientific originality in designing the content of Greek language courses for foreigners (teaching methodology, analytical programs, scientific guidance and support of teachers, evaluation procedures etc).

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Basic issues you must know about the GHS

1. Which health care services are covered by the GHS? From 01/06/2019: -Health care by personal doctors -Health care by specialist doctors -Medicines -Laboratory tests From 01/06/2020: -Inpatient health care services -Health care in cases of accidents and emergencies -Ambulance -Health care by nurses, midwives, clinical psychologists, clinical dietitians, physiotherapists, ergotherapists and speech therapists - Preventive dental care

- Palliative care and rehabilitation care - Home care 2.How can I register in GHS and in a personal doctor list? -Electronically via our website (, or -By visiting the personal doctor of your choice. There is no charge for your enrolment with GHS and with a personal doctor list. In case your personal doctor whom you submitted an electronic registration request for his/her list does not answer within 7 working days, your request is deleted from the System and for this reason you will submit a new request for another personal doctor. 3. What benefits do I have by GHS implementation? -Lifelong coverage for all. -Free choice of provider (doctor, laboratory, pharmacy etc). -Equal access without discriminations. -Economic protection by expensive health services. -Full primary healthcare via a Personal doctor aiming at prevention. -Easy access to services for chronic patients via the longterm referral for specialist doctors and the repetitive prescriptions. -Electronic access to your medical data through the Beneficiaries Portal -Maximum annual amount in co-payments (150 euro for the general population, 75 euro for low-income pensioners, GMI recipients and children up to 21 years old). -Entitled to healthcare services in other EU member countries.. 4. How is access to GHS service provided from 01/06/2019 You will have direct access to your personal doctor and he/she will refer you to other healthcare providers, namely to a specialist doctor, laboratory for laboratory tests and he/she

will issue prescriptions for medicines. You will access the specialist doctor of your choice if the referral mentions specialty (eg cardiology) and not name of a specific doctor. The same applies for your laboratory tests and medicines where you can also choose on your own the laboratory or the pharmacy you want. The specialist doctor will also issue referrals for other medical specialties as well as for laboratory tests. He/She will also issue prescriptions for medicines. The choice of provider will also of your own. 5. What amount do I have to pay when I receive services from the GHS? You will pay small amounts of co-payment when you receive services from specialist doctors, laboratories, pharmacies, nurses, midwives, other health professions and AED as follows: Health Care Services Amount of Co-payment Per pharmaceutical product €1 Per medical device or medical supplies €1 Per lab test or group of lab tests** €1 Per healthcare service performed by a specialist doctor excluding doctors specializing in radiology/diagnostic radiology, cytology and pathological anatomy €6 Per healthcare service performed by a specialist doctor in radiology/diagnostic radiology €10 Per visit to a nurse or midwife €6 Per visit to AED €10 Per visit to a healthcare professional €10

Children and GHS

Your child is GHS beneficiary and he/she will have his/her own Pediatrician. Up to the age of 18 years old, you can enroll your child with the list of the contracted GHS Pediatrician that you will choose. Contact your current Pediatrician to find out if he/she participates in GHS, in order to directly enroll your child and he/she can receive services by GHS as of 1st June 2019!

Beneficiary’s Age

From birth until his/her first year After his/her first year until he/she turns 3 years old, 10 visits, after his/her 3rd year until he/she turns 6 years old 8 visits, after his/her 6th year until he/she turns 11 years old 7 visits, after his/her 11th year until he/she turns 18 3 visits.

Child Enrolment with a pediatrician

-The enrolment of your child with a Pediatrician can be made electronically via the Beneficiaries Portal. -Alternatively, this can be made by the contracted Pediatrician of your choice during your first visit to him/her. -For children of 16-18 years old there is the option of enrolling either with a list of a Pediatrician or with a list of a Personal Doctor for adults.

The role of pediatricians as personal doctors


1. Your child can visit his/her Pediatrician when required. 2. Your child’s Pediatrician vaccinates the child according to the Vaccination Program in force, without any additional charge. The vaccinations that are not included in the National Vaccinating Scheme will be charged by Pediatricians as today. 3. The Pediatrician will prescribe all the required medicines for the child’s treatment, which you can get from any contracted pharmacy (with co-payment of 1 euro per pharmaceutical product).

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4. The Pediatrician, if he/she deems necessary, will refer your child to other contracted providers such as: - Specialist Doctors, e.g. dermatologist, orthopaedist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, e.t.c., with a co-payment of 6 euro per visit to a specialist doctor and 10 euro co-payment per diagnostic test by radiologist for MRI, computed tomography, x-ray. - Laboratories with laboratory tests, with co-payment of 1 euro per laboratory test or group of laboratory tests is 10 euro). 5. The Pediatrician of your choice will be at the birth and he/she carry out the first tests of your child without any extra charge. What times can I visit my Pediatrician? Your Pediatrician will inform you about the working hours of his/her office. The working hours of the Pediatricians will be also available on the website of HIO ( Can I visit my Pediatrician at non-working hours of his/her office? During hours that your Pediatrician does not offer services, you can visit the on-duty centres that will be staffed by Pediatricians. Alternatively, between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. of working days and at any time during Weekends and public holidays, you can visit your Pediatrician, in consultation with him/her, by paying 25 euro. Will I have access to the medical data of my child?

You will have direct and full access to the personal and medical data of your child via your account on the Beneficiaries Portal. Is the enrolment of my child with a Pediatrician’s list binding? If you are not happy or for any other reason, you can change your Pediatrician every six months. For children up to two years old, you can change your Pediatrician more often.

SYXKA PEO in the OPZZ Conference in Poland

The Conference of the Federation of Trade Unions for dairy workers of Poland of OPZZ was held on 24 and 25 April. SYXKA PEO S.G., Lefteris Georgiades was invited and talked at the Conference. In his speech, he referred to the friendly relationships developed the last years between the two Trade Unions and especially to the exchanges of workers, which strengthen the bonds and the friendship between the Unions and their members and of the people more widely. He also referred to the conditions in Cyprus and the consequences of the economic crisis on the workers and the fight being carried out for return and improvement of the working terms. As he said, SYXKA and PEO in general, make an attempt to contribute in the community and foreign workers having the right information about their rights and not to be exploited by their employers. Talking about the international situation and the wars, he highlighted that PEO is against the imperialistic wars and fights for the international peace and welfare of people. Concerning the issues faced by citizens, he said that the state of providence is shrunk and goods such as

health and education are converted into products with access only by the rich and privileged ones. “These problems were witnessed in Cyprus with the memorandum imposed, the strange cut on deposits and the destruction of shutting down of thousands of smallmedium businesses and the rapid increase in unemployment at really high levels”, as he said. Then, he referred to the various labour issues in Cyprus: “The Collective agreements are doubted and violated and the salaries and benefits have been reduced by more than 30%. Community and foreign workers are faced as cheap labour force and pres-


sure leverage in the more general rights of workers. Our Trade Union movements stood against the pressures and today it is counterattacking by claiming return of all the lost rights and there are some really encouraging results. In the Hotel Industry, there are negotiations about the renewal of the collective agreement that ended on 31/12/2018. Apart from the return of benefits granted in 2013 due to the economic crisis and increases on salaries, we are claiming a legal regulation of our basic rights and mainly of the minimum salaries of employment. This has been made necessary due to the doubt of the validity of the collective agreements on behalf of the employers. We are decided and we are preparing in case our basic requests are not accepted, to proceed with strikes. There is no other choice. The personal contracts with unacceptable working terms are really bad. The workers cannot stand this anymore. They have surpassed their fears and they are ready to fight for their rights”. At the end of his speech, L. Georgiades referred to the Cyprus’ issue and the fight of PEO for solution and reunification.

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Trade Union Medical Practices of PEO Coverages that will be offered by ETKA after 1/6/2019

Laser surgeries (ophthalmologic) - 1/3 with maximum amount of €200 (It should be clarified if these are covered by GHS) -Cesarean Section: An allowance is provided by the Fund worthy €350 (products from the Pharmacy of PEO €100 and €250 in cash) -Natural Birth: Products worthy €100 from our Pharmacy-Dentists-Podiatrists-Physiotherapists-Dietitians Nutritionists-Psychologists-Speech therapists-Eye glassesContact lenses-MEDICINES from the Trade Union Pharmacy: Reductions 25% (on medicines that are not covered by GHS)

Nicosia ETKA PEO

->Surgeries (as covered today at collaborators doctors of ETKA) -Up to €450 1/3 with a maximum amount of €150 -From €451 - €700 1/3 with a maximum amount of €200 -From €701 - 1000 the amount of €250 -From €1001 - €1400 the amount of €300 -From €1401 and above the amount of €350 ->Eyeglasses-Contact lenses ->Dentists ->Podiatrists ->Physiotherapists ->Dietitians ->Psychologists ->Speech therapists ->Reductions of the Trade Union Pharmacy of Nicosia 40% (on medicines that are not covered AT ALL by GHS AND they used to be covered by ETKA) The members of ETKA PEO of Nicosia will continue being served for allowances and other services as today by the Trade Union Medical Practice at its current building. Contact no.: 22430505. The Trade Union Pharmacy LTD will continue its operation normally at 8, Polykleitos Str. Contact no.: 22349778.

Famagusta ETKA PEO

Surgeries – as covered today at collaborating doctors of ETKA From €001 - €1000 1/3 with maximum amount of €330 From €1001 -2000 1/3 with maximum amount of €500 From €2001 and above 1/3 with maximum amount of €650 Laser surgeries (ophthalmologic) - 1/3 with maximum amount of €250 (It should be clarified if these are covered by GHS) -Cesarean Section: €550 in cash and products from the Pharmacy of PEO €120 -Natural Birth: €195 in cash and Products worthy €120 from our Pharmacy-Dentists €220 per year-Podiatrists-Physiotherapists-Dietitians - Nutritionists-Psychologists-Speech therapists-Eye glasses-Contact lenses-MEDICINES from the Trade Union Pharmacy: Reductions up to 45% (on medicines that are not covered by GHS)

Limassol ETKA PEO


-Surgeries – as covered today Surgery up to €500 1/3 with maximum allowance of €170 Surgery from €501 - €854 1/3 with maximum allowance of €220 -Surgery from €855 and above 1/3 with maximum allowance €330 -Surgery from €1000 and above. This will be decided by the management committee. -Natural Birth: Gift vouchers of €260 for baby products from the Popular Pharmacies. -Eyeglasses 50% up to €50 per year. -Routine testspreventive 50% (at our Cllinical Lab ETKALAB) -Compression stockings 50% up to €26 per year. -Reduction of Popular pharmacies 40% (on medicines that are not covered by GHS) -Health reports for athletes (tests - cardiograph) will cost €30 per person -Health reports for workers at the food industry (stool test €9 per person). -Cast 1/3 up to €100 per year. -Measurement of bone mineral density €20 per person (by appointment). -Dentists 16 euro per visit-Podiatrists 11 euro per visit-Physiotherapists 20 euro per visit-Dietitians 10 euro per visit-Psychologists 30 euro per visit-Speech therapists 9 euro per visit-Acupuncturist 30 euro per visit.-Members of ETKA will be served by ETKA office which will be at its current building.-The allowances will be given to members (beneficiaries) as currently or through the organizational officers inspecting the workplace where the member works. The contact numbers are 25 371938-25 340515-25 44 3000.-The Clinical Laboratory of ETKA (ETKALAB) will continue operating normally at the same place, with the same funded prices. Tel. No.: 25 373704 -Reductions of the Trade Union Pharmacy of Limassol 40% (on medicines that are not covered AT ALL by GHS AND they used to be covered by ETKA)

Larnaca ETKA PEO

Surgeries – as covered today at collaborating doctors of ETKA From €001 to €500 1/3 with maximum amount of €150 From €501 - €1000 1/3 with maximum amount of €200 From €1001 -1500 1/3 with maximum amount of €250 From €1501-€2000 1/3 with maximum amount of €300 From €2001 and above 1/3 with maximum amount of €350


Medicines: Reduction up to 40% on Medicines that are not covered by GHS. For purchases of vitamins, dietary supplements, cosmetics as well as injectable for childbirth and treatment of knee cartilage, the fund will also cover an amount equal to 20% of the value of the prescription The fund will cover for medical devices (pressure gauche, thermometer etc) an amount equal to 15% of their value. Prerequisite for the above is for the medicines to be purchased by the Trade Union Pharmacies of PEO. Ophthalmological-Contact Lenses: The members of the fund will be entitled to special lower prices when they are prompted by a REFERRAL to opticians cooperating with PEO fund. The members can receive the special prices from PEO offices. Surgeries-microoperations: For surgeries and microoperations the current regulations will be in force. Dental-Orthodontic treatments-Physiotherapy: The members of the fund are entitles to special lower prices when they are prompted with a REFERRAL to dentists – orthodontics – physiotherapists cooperating with ETKA. The members can receive the special prices from PEO offices. Tests: The fund will be offering 30% reduction to its members for the tests that will not be covered by GHS with the prerequisite that these are carried out at medical centres / clinical laboratories that are contracted with our medical practice and they are mentioned in a specific list that our members can get from the offices of PEO. For tests carried out by other medical centres/clinical laboratories the fund covers nothing. A member desiring to be served must necessarily present referral by the fund of PEO which is then submitted at the doctor of his/her choice. The reduction that the member is entitled to can be directly made by PEO fund. Childbirth Allowance: The fund grants baby items worthy €100 from the Trade Union Pharmacies of PEO in Paphos as well as €100 in cash. Grant will be offered when the members presents a birth certificate.

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