JUNE 2019

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Issue no. 68 Vol. 7 June 2019



HERE WE... VOTE AGAIN! Greek government sets national election date for July 7

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called the early election after his party’s heavy defeat in the European parliamentary polls.

p. 2


p. 3 CHANIA POST Your local free paper 73, El. Venizelou str., Chania, 73100 Tel. +30 6977 295075 Owner/Publisher: FTP Publlications Web: http://www.cretepost.gr E-mail: info@chaniapost.eu FB: http://www.facebook.com/chaniapost Twitter: @chaniapost Advertising: Chania Post, 73, El. Venizelou str., Chania Tel. +30 6977295075 http://www.ftp-publications.gr DTP: FTP Publications Find CHANIA POST at the following points: CHANIA Municipal Market, Airport, Public Bus Central Station, Old Harbour, Municipal Tourist Information Desk PLATANIAS Central Square Infokiosk, Botanical Park, Italian Factory Outlet and selected shops in Platanias KISSAMOS Gramvousa and Balos boats, Elafonissi, Falassarna KANDANOS-SELINO Paleochora Info Desk, Sougia, Kandanos SFAKIA Hora Sfakion Infokiosk, Loutro, Agia Roumeli, ANENDYK boats APOKORONAS Georgioupolis, Kavros, Vamos, Kalyves, Vrysses

Greek government sets national election date for July 7 The Greek government has set July 7, a week later than expected, as the date for early parliamentary elections. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called the early election after his party’s heavy defeat in the European parliamentary polls. Government spokesman Dimitris Tzannakopoulos said the decision was taken to not disrupt school-leavers’ university entry exams that would have been affected by a June 30 date, the earliest allowed under Greece’s electoral

pires in October. His left-wing Syriza party trailed opposition conservative New Democracy by 9.4 percentage points in the May 26 eurovote. All 300 seats in the Hellenic Parliament will be contested. It will be the first national election in Greece where the voting age will be lowered to 17, and the number of parliamentary constituencies was increased from 56 to 59. Athens B, the largest constituency with 44 seats before the 2018 reform, was broken up into smaller

Greece lowered its voting age from 18 to 17 in July 2016. Additionally, the same law abolished the majority bonus system system which had been used in previous elections, which gave a 50-seat bonus to the largest party, replacing it with a simple proportional representation system in which all 300 seats are awarded proportionally. However, this law will not come into effect for the 2019 elections, as it was not approved with the required supermajority.

also under discussion, but it is unclear if it will be approved in time for the 2019 election. In the 2019 elections, 250 seats will be distributed on the basis of proportional representation in the constituencies, with a threshold of 3% required for entry into parliament. Blank and invalid votes, as well as votes cast for parties that fall short of the 3% threshold, will be disregarded for seat allocation purposes. 50 additional seats will be award-

system. After suffering an unexpectedly heavy defeat at home, Tsipras’s Syriza party was also resoundingly rebuffed by expat Greeks. With 100% of the vote counted from countries across the EU, the Greek interior ministry reported that 33.9% had cast ballots in favour of the centre-right New Democracy party in contrast to 15.3% for Syriza. Tsipras’ current four-year term ex-

constituencies, the largest of which The Syriza-led government exhas 18 seats. pressed support for the introduction of the new system in the 2019 Electoral system elections as well. All voters are called up to vote, The number of parliamentary conwith registration being automatic stituencies was also modified in and voting being mandatory. December 2018, with Athens B However, none of the legally ex- being split into Athens B1 (North), isting penalties or sanctions have Athens B2 (West), and Athens B3 ever been enforced. (South), while Attica was split to A number of changes to the elec- East Attica and West Attica. toral system were introduced since The extension of the franchise to the September 2015 election. Greeks living outside of Greece is

ed as a majority bonus to the party that emerges with a plurality of votes, with coalitions in that regard not being counted as an overall party but having their votes counted separately for each party in the coalition, according to the election law. Parliamentary majority will be achieved by the party or coalition of parties that will command at least one half plus one (151 out of 300) of total seats.

...and also in more than 100 points throughout Chania Prefecture!


p. 4

Brexit/EU...I had a Dream! From the haziness of slumber I reflected on the mess popularly known as Brexit. Great Britain being in a club of Europeans, now wishes to leave after the EU has slowly changed the rules of the game to strengthen their powers to the detriment of the original sovereign nations. To the British people leaving sounded simple, a letter of regret, then to go their separate ways. But politicians aren’t paid to make things easy, without conflict, turmoil and subterfuge they would have no purpose in life and thus no rich lifestyle laid before them. From the EU side, this upstart Britain must be punished for being so brazen as to upset the grand plan

of supreme European dominance. So they employed a seasoned negotiator with a bombastic brief to set a deal that would make any potential future upstarts rue the day they ever considered leaving. In reply, Britain fielded a lightweight dishcloth of a leader who took it upon herself to know best and not surprisingly was duly herded into a corner. The main surprise of course being that the British cabinet, indeed government, didn’t see this coming and should have had her put out to pasture at a far earlier stage. This three year long story, described in the briefest of terms, resulted in a dog’s breakfast of opinions. The parliamentarians of Britain had lost

sight of their objective and shot off in all directions. Then without any form of strong leadership from any quarter, the chances of finding a way to agreeing a solution were becoming virtually nil. Amazingly, by far the strongest leader and politically savvy player to enter the game was Nigel Farage with his Brexit party. A man of focus and political vision, yet sadly a ‘Breaker’ by nature and not a ‘Builder’ as the country will soon require. Thus far the EU had stood their ground, that dear Britain would give in and stay, or break away and collapse as a trading nation (or so they hoped).

No Rabbit Will Be Eaten Today I looked out from my burrow. The scent of fresh greenery wafted into my nostrils and I salivated. Yet, another stronger scent arrived and automatically I stepped back. Not again. Why are humans so smelly? My faeces are small, harden quickly, and leave barely a trace of my scent. Human muck attracts loads of flies in summer and really stinks. I lifted my head up. Deciding which way the stench was coming from, I ran off in the opposite direction. Not far away, the grass was wet and juicy. It was nice but only a taster for the main course a hop and a jump away. Seeing that my recently dug hole was intact, I burrowed away some loose soil and pushed myself under the fence. Looking around, I sniffed, twitched and saw nothing. Well, that is, apart from the rows and rows of cabbages, lettuce and my

favourite of all vegetables, carrots. As per usual, I prevaricated. With so many scents assaulting my nostrils at the same time, and no other animal around to steal my food, I had no need to rush. With my mind made up, I hopped over to the bed of lettuce and munched away. If there is rabbit heaven this place must be a supermarket for all bunnies before they pass away; to run without fear in the rabbit kingdom of Thumper, the God of all rabbits. Partially stuffed, it was time to enjoy the main course. Digging up juicy carrots was easy as the recently watered soil was still damp. I ate my fill. Another of my kin arrived. With so many of them, I could never remember who was who. I pointed my front paw in the direction of more carrots and off he went. My stomach told me I’d eaten more than enough and for once, it was sending me the right message.

by Rick Haynes With other bunnies arriving, I left my tribe to themselves and made my way back. The sound of a gun made me cower under a dense bush for my warren was some way away. With my heart hammering in my chest, I stayed still. The sound of silence was only broken by the leaves in the bush dancing around me. Eventually, all was quiet. I scurried back to my burrow and finally relaxed. ‘And that’s my story little ones. You don’t have to be too smart to better humans. They are quite stupid really. Just think of Old Tom. He was cornered by a cat, the girl-woman scolded the cat, picked up Old Tom, gave him loads of fresh food and let him go.’‘Any questions?” With none of them answering he knew the young ones were restless, ready to leave. Old Tom automatically sniffed the air. ‘Now off to bed, no … Wait! What is that strange smell?’

by Hobson Tarrant But this is where my dream took a twist, with the recent European elections the old school of self seekers, fine diner’s and wine connoisseurs, may actually be replaced by people of vision, a new breed of politicians who strangely wish to do well for their own countries and their people? The European ‘Super State’ may be realigned to nation states with their own strengths, weaknesses and desires. Who knows, they may see Britain as a true ally outside of the zone and renegotiate a more acceptable deal. Or maybe even the UK might see the new EU in a different light and then wish to stay. But then I woke up..

“MEET... CHANIA” in 10 pages

photo by Stratos Solanakis

Welcome! Bienvenue! Willkommen! Добро пожал овать! Velkommen! Välkommen Välkomna! Tervetuloa! 文化的天空, 人类的天堂

www.chania.eu www.incrediblecrete.gr

Welcome! Bienvenue! Willkommen! Добро пожаловать! Velkommen! Välkommen Välkomna! Tervetuloa! 文化的天空, 人类的天堂

A few things you have to know about Crete

Crete, the 5th biggest Med Island, lies in the southern frontier of Europe. Crete combines mountains and sea, the new alongside with the old and ancient with contemporary history. It is a cultural crossroad due to its strategic geographical position. English, German, French, Russian and other languages are widely spoken in tourist resorts. The climate is a factor that greatly contributes to its attractiveness. It is mild Mediterranean – dry and warm, which means high sunshine all year round, very small seasonal changes in temperatures and no extreme weather phenomena. Tap water is safe for consumption, the consumption of bottled water is recommended. The international call code for Greece is +30. a heavenly and autiful Chania, be to e m co el W ral beauty, hisming with natu land whose pure land brim culture. It is a d an y and will or em m tory, in all its glory perience nature ex ill w rs to si vi . thtaking sights othy encounter brea bordered in fr re ho as se of s he tc sanre d st an s Endles ic beauty islands of exot d ng an di id ts le rb in fo , of lace foot ed away at the dy beaches tuck mountains. tic gorges, holy yet such majes t bu e bl ains thickly tra ne Impe lush, green pl d an s er riv d caves, blesse es. ive and citrus tre covered with ol

Остров Крит, колыбель европейской цивилизации, и его гостеприимные жители рады приветствовать вас! Мы обещаем вам незабываемые впечатления, независимо от того, в первый ли раз вы сюда приехали или посещаете Крит регулярно. Это место идеально подходит, чтобы отдохнуть или исследовать горы, море, города и деревни. Живите в ритме этого чудесного острова с утра до вечера. Откройте для себя Крит!

Välkommen til l vackra Chani a, ett himmel och äkta land skt fullt med natu rlig skönhet, toria, minnen hisoch kultur. Det är en plat s där besökare n kom turen i all dess majestätiska sk mer att få uppleva naönhet och möt enastående va ckra platser. as av Ändlösa sträck or av fasciner ande kust bild gränser i norr ar dess , söder och vä ster. In i mellan m öts man av ex otiska stränder i vissa fall gö och öar, mda bakom st ora imponera Likaså finns nde berg. här fantastiska raviner som genom bergen skär sig ut mot haven, liksom heliga spännande stal grottor med agmiter och al agmiter.

Bienvenue. Bien qu’elle ait été bombardée pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, La Canée est considérée comme une des plus jolies villes de Crète, particulièrement le vieux port vénitien avec son phare du XVe siècle et la mosquée des Janissaires. La Canée bénéficie d’un climat typiquement méditerranéen caractérisé par des hivers frais et humides et des étés chauds et secs. Le marché couvert datant de 1913, basé sur les plans de celui de Marseille, est aux abords de la vieille ville et est populaire aussi bien auprès des touristes que des habitants locaux. Velkommen til smukke Chania, en paradisisk og ægte egn fyldt med naturlig skønhed, historie, minder og kultur.Her vil den besøgende opleve naturen i dens fulde pragt, og komme til at stå overfor steder der tager vejret fra en. Endeløse bugtede kyster, eksotiske småøer og gemte sandstrande ved foden af de vilde bjerge. Ufremkommelige men fortryllende kløfter, hellige grotter, velsignede floder, og fredlige dybtgrønne sletter, beplantet med oliven træer og citrusfrugter. En egn selvforsynende med alt og rig på sjældne dyr og planter. I Chania vil den besøgende blive imponeret over de menneskelige værker. Velkommen til vakre Hania, et paradisisk og rent land full av naturskjønnheter, historie, minner og kultur. Det er et land der de besøkende vil oppleve naturen i all dens prakt og se steder som gjør en stum av begeistring. Endeløse kyststrekninger med skummende hav, små bukter og øyer av eksotisk skjønnhet og skjulte sandstrender ved foten av avskrekkende fjell. Vanskelig tilgjengelige, men majestetiske fjellkløfter, hellige huler, velsignede elver og rolige grønne sletter dekket med oliven- og sitrus trær. Et land som er selvnærende på alle måter, rikt på dyreliv og planter, endemiske (stedegne) og sjeldne.

Museums | Musée | Museen | Mузеи | Museer | Μuseot | 博物馆 Archaeological Museum of Chania 25 Halidon str. - Tel. 28210 90334. Open: 8.30-15.00 (except Mondays) Maritime Museum of Crete Akti Koundourioti, Venetian Harbour. Tel. 28210 91875/74484. Open: 9.00-16.00 (1/4-31/10), 9.00-14.00 (1/11-31/3) Μinoan Ship Moro dock, Venetian Harbour. Τel. 28210 91875. Open: Μay-Οct. Mon.-Fri. 10.00-15.00 & 19.00-22.30 (except public holidays) Historical Archives of Crete 20 I. Sfakianaki str., Tel. 28210 52606. Open: 9.00-14.00 (except Sat. & Sun.) Folklore Museum Gavalochori, Apokoronas. Tel. 28250 23222. Open: 9.00-20.00, Sat. 9.00-19.00, Sun. 10.00-13.00 Folklore Museum “Cretan House” 46b Halidon str. Tel. 28210 90816. Open: 9.00-15.00 & 18.00-21.00 Byzantine collection Theotokopoulou str. Tel. 28210 96046. Open: 8.30-15.00 (except Mondays)

Willkommen. Gleichzeitig is t Chania der Hauptort des gl eichnamigen R egionalbezirks, der ehemaligen Präfektur Chani a, der den gesamten Westen K retas umfasst. C hania war von bis 1971 die H 1841 auptstadt der In sel Kreta. Chania hat seit dem Ende der Fremdherrschaf in Schüben ve t ein rlaufendes star kes Bevölkeru swachstum zu ngverzeichnen. Die Markthalle von Chania stam mt aus den Jahr 1911 bis 1913. en Der Bau aus G usseisen mit off Dachstuhl wur enem de nach dem Vo rbild der Markt Marseille konz halle in ipiert.

欢迎到美丽的哈尼亚, 一片天堂般的处女地; 到处洋溢着自然的美, 写满了历史 、美丽的 回忆和文化。 到访者都会感受大自然的伟大,这里的景色令 人惊叹。波光粼粼的大海一望无际。海湾,美 丽的岛屿,巍峨的山边海滩构成了一副绝妙的 风景画。百思不得其解的神 秘峡谷,天然溶 洞,天赐的河流充满着一派生机。美丽的原野 到处是橄榄树和柑橘类树种。这是自给自足的 沃土,分布着特有的动植物种群。 reikassa. Se on nia on kunta K ha C ! na m ko äl V kaupunki Irak toiseksi suurin imis nt lä n, Kreetan saaren kö si yk ja Hanian alue punki. Kunlionin jälkeen siköstä, pääkau yk ue al ä st ljä ennan mukaan män Kreetan ne 2011 väestölask en od vu muun ui as nassa ovat kotoisin ta. Chaniasta as uk ri El as la 0 aa 31 im 8 on 10 ikuttanut ik va sa as nj pa al ja kreikk ainmuassa Es a Mouskouri an N a aj a on ul la Greco, nizélos. Chani Elefthérios Ve s hania ie C om a. lti ss va io en joiden suos ili ka at m s yö anian kansainnykyään m ella sijaitsee H ol pu is ill ko n entojen lähtö- ja kaupungi on tärkeä lomal ka jo a, m se oa nt välinen le . saapumispaikka

Sights | Spectacles | Sehenswürdigkeiten | Достопримечательности Att göra | Nähtävyydet | Seværdigheder | Attraksjoner | 景点

Ekklesiastic Museums - Monastery of Holy Trinity of Tzagarolon, Αkrotiri. Tel. 28210 63310. Open: 8:00-20:00 - Gouverneto Monastery, Αkrotiri. Tel. 28210 63319 - Monastery of Chrissopigi, Chania. Tel. 28210 91125 - Monastery of Gonia, Kissamos . Tel. 28240 22313

Centre of Mediterranean Architecture Chania, 31 Αkti Tombazi, Venetian Harbour. Tel. 28210 40101/40201

War Museum Tzobanaki Cassern. Tel. 28210 44156. Open: 9:00-13:00 (except Sat. & Sun.)

Villa Koundourou (Youth Centre and Municipal Cultural Workshop) Chania, 2 Iroon Politechniou str. Tel. 28210 53730/40896. Open: 9:00-14:00 and 18:00-21:00

Chemistry Museum 34c Eleftherios Venizelos str. Tel. 28210 42504. Open: 9:00-13:00 (except Sat. & Sun.) Byzantine and Folklore Museum of Spilia, Kissamos Tel. 28240 22080/22357. Open: 17:00-18:00, Sat. 11:00-12:00

Institute of Cretan Justice Nearchou str., Chania. Open: 10:00-14:00

“Chrissostomos” Literary Association Chania, 83 Halidon str. Tel. 28210 53879 Municipal Art Gallery Chania, 98 Halidon str. Tel. 28210 92294/92419

Typography Museum, VIOPA, Souda Tel. 28210 51003. Open: 10:00-18:00

Venizelion School of Music 5 N. Foka str. Tel. 28210 43067/52582. Open: 8:00-14:00 and 17:00-21:00

Museum of National Resistance, Therisso Open all year round

Lyceum for Greek Girls 1 K. Mitsotaki str. Tel. 28210 42465/59444

House of Eleftherios Venizelos a. Mournies, Kydonia. Tel. 28210 93132/95250. Open: 18:00-21:00. b. Elena Venizelou sqr., Halepa, Chania (Eleftherios K. Venizelos Foundation). Tel. 28210 56008

Cultural Centre of the Metropolis 2 Ant. Giannari str. Tel. 28210 27807-9 Intellectual Centre of Chania 70 A.Papandreou str. Tel. 28210 40525

Mosque of Kioutsouk Hasan (Yali-Tzamisi) Venetian Harbour. Tel. 28210 83235/83232 Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna Technical University of Crete, Akrotiri. Τel. 28210 55988. Open: Mon.-Sat. Arts & Crafts Village, VIOPA, Souda Τel. 28210 80132/81410. Open: 10.00-14.30 School Life Museum, Νerokourou Τel. 28210 74764. Open: Mon.-Fri. 9.00-13.30, Mon. & Wed. 18.00-20.30, Sat. 10.00-13.00 Archaeological Museum of Kissamos Τel. 28220 83308. Open: 8.30-15.00 (except Mondays) Olive Museum-Institute of Olive & Subtropicals Τel. 28210 83476/83428. Open: 8.00-14.00 via phone arrangement Sea Life & Fishery Museum, Kolimbari Τel. 28240 23299. Open: 10.00-18.00 (exc. Sat.-Sun.) An. Skalidis Museum, Perivolia, Kissamos Τel. 28220 61052. Frontier Museum of Europe, Paleochora Τel. 28230 42265.Open: Οct.-Μay Mon.-Fri. 10.00-13.00, June-Sept. Wed.-Sun. 10.00-13.00 & 18.00-21.00

Beaches | Plages | Strände | пляжи | Strande | Strender | Stränder | Rannat | 海滩 Numerous beautiful beaches with soft sand or coloured pebbles are found in the prefecture of Chania. All beaches have crystalline waters and look like paradise. Afrata: Type: Pebbles - Distance: 28km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, parking, cafe, snack Agia Marina: Type: Sand - Distance: 9km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, parking, cafés, snack, beach bars, tavernas, restaurants, water sports, accommodation, all Inclusive Hotels, pharmacies, doctors, ATM cashpoint machines, super markets, shops, car rentals Agia Roumeli: Village on the south coast of Chania prefecture, between Chora Sfakion and Sougia. Type: Pebbles - Facilities: Showers, umbrellas and sunbeds, cafe, snack, tavernas, accommodation, mini market, ferry boat trips Agioi Apostoli: Type: Sand - Distance: 3km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, water sports, lifeguard, free parking area, cafes, snack, beach bars, tavernas, restaurants, accommodation, taxi station, bus stop, mini markets, super markets, tourist offices and car rental offices Almirida: Type: Sand - Distance: 23km east of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, windsurfing school, cafes, beach bars, restaurants, accommodation, mini markets, ATM cashpoint machines Balos Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 55km west of Chania town Facilities: Canteens, umbrellas and sunbeds Chora Sfakion: Type: Pebbles - Facilities: Restaurants, cafes, shops Crissi Akti Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 2.5km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, volley ball courts, children’s playground, parking, cafes, snack, beach bars, tavernas, restaurants, accommodation, super markets, taxi station Drapanias: Type: Sand - Distance: 33km west of Chania town Facilities: Showers, umbrellas and sunbeds, cafe, snack, restaurants, tavernas, accommodation, campsite, bakery, mini market Elafonissi: Type: Sand - Distance: 75 km from Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, parking, canteen, cafe, taverns, accommodation, mini market Falasarna: Type: Sand - Distance: 59km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, water sports, volley ball court, lifeguard, parking, cafes, snack, beach bars, tavernas, restaurants, accommodation Frangokastello: Type: Sand - Distance: 80km southeast of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, cafes, restaurants, fish taverns, shops, mini market, accommodation Georgioupoli: Type: Sand - Distance: 38km east of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguards, water sports, cafes, beach bars, restaurants, accommodation, mini markets, super markets, shops, ATM cashpoint machines Gerani: Type: Sand - Distance: 15km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, water sports, lifeguard, parking, cafés, snack, bars, beach bars, restaurants, accommodation, all Inclusive hotels, shops, pharmacy, super markets Gialiskari/Anidri Beach: Type: Sand/Pebbles - Distance: 74km south of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, two canteens Glyka Nera Beach: Type: Pebbles - Distance: 75km south of Chania Facilities: Canteen, umbrellas Grammeno Beach: Type: Sand/Pebbles - Distance: 75km south of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, parking, beach bars, restaurants, accommodation Kalamaki: Type: Sand - Distance: 4km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, water sports, lifeguard, parking, cafes,

snack, beach bar, tavernas, restaurants, accommodation Kalathas Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 13km north east of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, parking, cafes, snack, restaurants, water sports, accommodation, mini markets, souvenir shops Kalives: Type: Sand - Distance: 19km east of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, windsurfing school, cafes, beach bars, restaurants, accommodation, mini markets, ATM cashpoint machines Kedrodassos: Type: Sand - Distance: 74km south west of Chania town Kisamos (Mavros Molos): Type: Sand - Distance: 36km west of Chania Facilities: Showers, umbrellas and sunbeds, cafes, snack, restaurants, tavernas, accommodation, shops, mini markets, super markets, ATM’s, doctor’s offices

Cretan flora and fauna | Flore et la faune crétois | Kretische Flora und Fauna | Kритские флора и фауна | Kretiske flora og fauna Kretensiske flora og fauna | Kretensiska flora och fauna | Kreetalainen kasvisto ja eläimistö | 克里特岛动植物 The climate and t he conf igurat ion of t he l and ma ke t he count y of C hani a a p aradis e for t hous ands of pl ants and anima ls. L i lys of t he s e a (p ancrat ium mar it imum), l avd ano (l avd anum), c ycl amen (c ycl amen cret ic um), Cret an tu lips (tu lip a cret ic a), maple (acer cret ic us). The endemic and unique ditt any (or iganum dic t amum), ma lot ira (f ider it is cret ic a) and matzourana (or iganum maiorana), are me dicina l b oi ling pl ants w hich are abund ant. On t he pl ain of Oma los you c an f ind st amnagat hi (ci hor ium spinosum). Dr ie d or f resh ly c ut, t hes e sp e ci a l me dicina l herbs

c an b e found in t he Public Market or lo c a l shops. O ver 1742 unique Cret an pl ants c an a ls o b e found, 10% of w hich exist on ly in t he count y of C hani a. The proud Cret an b e ast (c apra aegag r us cret ic a) lives f re ely on ly in t he Samar i a G orge. There and els e w here, you c an s e e Cret an e ag les (aqui l a chr ys aetos) and p ar t r idges (a le c tor is chukar). Fer rets, skun ks, we as els, hares, haw ks etc. c an a ls o b e s e en in op en pl aces. There is a ls o an ende avour to prote c t an are a on t he nor t h shores of t he count y esp e ci a l ly for t he tur t les (c arett a-c arett a) t hat live t here.

Kolymvari (Kolymbari): Type: Sand/Pebbles - Distance: 23km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, parking, cafe, snack, tavernas, restaurants, accommodation, mini markets Koundoura/Krios Beach: Type: Pebbles - Distance: 80km south of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas, sunbeds, parking, canteen Kyani Akti Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 18km east of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, water sports, parking, canteens, restaurants, tavernas Loutraki Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 16km east of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, water sports, parking, cafes, snack, restaurant, accommodation Loutro: Type: Pebbles - Distance: 71km south of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, cafe, snack bars, restaurants, fish taverns, accommodation, mini markets, souvenir shops Maleme: Type: Sand - Distance: 17km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, parking, cafés, snack, restaurants, water sports, accommodation, mini markets, souvenir shops, pharmacies Marathi Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 16km east of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, parking, cafes, snack, restaurants, accommodation Marmara Beach: Type: Pebbles - Distance: 85km south of Chania town Facilities: -

Conference tourism | Le tourisme de conférence | Konferenztourismus | Конференц-туризм Conference turisme | Konferensturism | Conference matkailu | 会议旅游 St. Sofia Foundation - Agii Pantes Tel.: (+30) 2821057043 Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolympari Tel.: (+30) 2824022060 Fax: (+30) 2824022245 Email: oac@otenet.gr Http: www.oac.gr Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania Tel: (+30) 28210 35081, 35080 E-mail: baouraki@maich.gr και confer@maich.gr http://confer.maich.gr Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/

Pachia Ammos: Type: Sand - Distance: 71km south of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas, sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, beach bar, cafes, restaurants, taverns, accommodation Platanias: Type: Sand - Distance: 10km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, parking, cafe, snack, beach bars, restaurants, water sports, accommodation, all inclusive hotels, pharmacies, doctors, ATM cashpoint machines, super markets, shops, car rentals, playgrounds, mini golf courts Sougia: Type: Pebbles - Distance: 60km south of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, parking, cafes, bars, restaurants, taverns, fish taverns, mini markets, bakery, accommodation Stalos Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 7km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, parking, cafés, snack, beach bars, restaurants, water sports, accommodation, all inclusive hotels, pharmacies, doctors, ATM cashpoint machines, super markets, shops, car rentals Stavros Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 17km east of Chania Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, parking, cafe, beach bars, tavernas, restaurants, accommodation, mini markets Tavronitis: Type: Pebbles - Distance: 18km west of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, parking, cafés, snack, beach bars, restaurants, water sports, accommodation, all inclusive hotels, mini market Tersanas Beach: Type: Sand - Distance: 13km nort east of Chania town Facilities: Umbrellas and sunbeds, showers, lifeguard, water sports, parking, cafe, snack, restaurant, accommodation, mini markets, souvenir shops, pharmacies

Cultural Centre Of Chania 70, A. Papandreou Street, Hania Tel.: (+30) 28213 44400-4 Cultural Center of the Metropolis - Hania Tel.: (+30) 2821027808 Fax: (+30) 2821027823 Email: imka@grecian.net Http: www.imka.gr Centre of Architecture of Mediterranean (Megalo Arsenali) Tel.: (+30) 2821040201 Fax: (+30) 2821027184 Http: www.kam-arsenali.gr

Information | Informationen | информация | Tiedotus Informasjon | 信息 Emergencies 112, 100, (+30)2821028746/25791 Police (+30)2821025700 Tourist Police (+30)2821028750/25931 Ambulance Service 166 Hospital of Chania (+30)2821022000-9 Naval Hospital of Souda (+30)2821082538/82414 Gavrilakis Clinic (+30)2821070800 Kapakis Clinic (+30)2821052688 Tsepetis Clinic (+30)2821027633 Health Centre of Vamos (+30)2825022580 Health Centre of Kandanos (+30)2823022550 Health Centre of Kissamos (+30)2822022222 Fire Brigade 199 Airport (+30)2821063171/63264 Tourist Information Centre (+30)2821092943/92624

Tourist Information Centre of the Municipality of Chania, (+30)2821036155/36204-6 Weather Forecast 1448 Οrthodox Cathedral (+30)2821043802 Catholic Church (+30)2821093443 Evangelist Church (+30)2821022365 Synagogue (+30)2821086286 Mountain Rescue Club (+30)2821044647/44359 Foreign Embassies: Great Britain (+30)2810 224012 Denmark (+30)2810 243714 Finland (+30)2810 284270 Norway (+30)2810 225991 Sweden (+30)2821060605

Transportation | Transport | Tранспортировка | Kuljetus | 运输 - Airlines: a. OLYMPIC AIRWAYS, 88 Tzanakaki str., tel. 80111 44444, airport: 28210 63818/63633/66088 (www.olympicair.com). b. AEGEAN AIRLINES, 12 El. Venizelou str., tel. 80111 20000, 28210 51100, airport: 28210 63366 (www.aegeanair.com). - Sea Lines: a. ANEK LINES, Sof Venizelou sqr., tel. 28210 27500 (www.anek.gr). Souda to/from Pireas daily. Ticket office (Souda port) tel. 28210 80050/1.

b. ANENDΥΚ (20.30 Promitheos str. VIO.PA Souda), tel. 28210 95511/95530 (www.anendyk.gr), e-mail: anendyk@anendyk.gr, info@anendyk.gr . Sea links between the south ports of the county. - Port Authorities: a. Chania, tel. 28210 98888, e-mail: chania@chg.gr b. Souda, tel. 28210 89240, e-mail: souda@chg.gr c. Kissamos, tel. 28220 22024, d. Paleochora, tel. 28230 41214, e. Chora Sfakion, tel. 28250 91292. e-mail: xsfakion@chg.gr

- Local buses (blue): Departures from Municipal Market sqr. and 1866 sqr. to all districts of the town and surrounding areas, Akrotiri, Souda (port), beaches, etc. Tel. 28210 93345/98115. - Long distance buses (green): Main Bus Station (KTEL), Kydonias str. To Rethimno-Iraklio, Vrisses-Chora Sfakion, Kasteli, Εlafonissi, Kandanos-Paleochora, Sougia, Omalos-Samaria etc. Also to Thessaloniki (via the port of Pireas). Tel. 28210 93306/93052.

- Car and motorbike rentals: There are many international and domestic companies. Information at the Tourist Information Centre of the Greek National Tourism Organisation, 40 Kriari str., tel. 28210 92943/92624. - Taxi: Tel. 18300, 28210 94300 (service for disabled people too). - Aeroclub of Chania: Magical flights around the county and the Aegean islands by qualified pilots (or using your own license) in Cessna 4-seat aircraft. Tel. 28210 27272 (www.aer. gr).

Scan the QR code to book online your ticket !


email: info@e-ktel.gr

Kydonias & Parth. Kelaidi, Chania 73100 |Information : 2821 093052 |Storehouse : 28210 97497 Kefalogiannidon Street, Rethymnon |Information: 2831 022212| Storehouse : 2831 022659

Churches/Monasteries | Eglises/Μonastères | Kirchen/Klöster | Церкви/монастыри | Kirker/Κlostre | Kyrkor/Κloster | Kirkot/Luostarit | 教堂和修道院

Gorges/Caves | Gorges/Grottes | Schluchten/ Höhlen | ущелья/ пещеры | Kløfter/Huler | Klyfta/ Grottor | Rotkoja/Luolia | 峡谷/洞穴 The area enables the individual hiker to explore the nature and the beauty of the county via routes that are unparalleled beauty. The most appropriate to inform the interested visitor is the Mountaineering Club of Chania. The E4 Path begins in the Pyrenees mountains across Greece, arrives at Kissamos, across Crete to Kato Zakros and finally arrives in Cyprus. As far as the track is part of the prefecture of Chania, it passes from coastal areas and the White Mountains. The main routes of the European path are the following : Kasteli Kissamou – Sfinari (Length: 22,5 km, Best season: Spring – Autumn) Sfinari – Chrysoskalitisa Monastery (Length: 32 km, Best season: Spring – Autumn) Chrysoskalitisa - Palaiochora (Length: 22 km, Best season: Spring – Autumn) Sougia – Agia Roumeli (Length: 13 km, Best Season: All year) Loutro - Fragokastelo (Length : 19,5 km, Best Season: All year) Sougia - Koustogerako-Omalos (Length: 24,5 km, Best season: Spring – Autumn) Agia Triada - Gouverneto – Katholiko (Route Difficulty: Very Easy, Route Duration: 2 Hours, Visit Period : All Year) Gorge of St Irene – Sfakia (Route Duration: 3 Hours, Route Length: 8 km Visit Period : All Year , Route Difficulty: Normal) Paleochora - Sougia (Route Difficulty: Easy, Route Length: 14,5 m Route Duration: 6 Hours, Visit Period : All Year) National Park of Samaria (Route Difficulty: Easy, Route Duration: 6 Hours Route Length: 16 km, Visit Period : May-October) Gavdos (Route Difficulty: Very Easy, Visit Period : May-October) Douliana – Gavalohori (Route Difficulty: Easy, Route Duration: 1 Hours, Visit Period : All Year) On the Summit of Kigilos (Route Difficulty: Normal, Route Duration: 7 Hours, Visit Period : All Year) Agia Roumeli - Agios Ioannis (Route Difficulty: Easy, Route Duration: 5 Hours, Visit Period : All Year) Gorge of Polyrrenia (Route Difficulty: Easy, Route Duration: 3 Hours, Visit Period : All Year) Sasalos-Makronas (Halase gorge) (Route Difficulty: Normal, Route Duration: 4 Hours ) Gorges The Gorge of Samaria Route Length: 18 km, Route Duration: 7 Hours, Visit Period : May-October

The Gorge of Imbros in Sfakia Route Duration: 2 Hours, Route Length: 8 km The Gorge of Agia Irini in Selino Route Duration: 3 Hours, Route Length: 7.5 km The Gorge of Aradena in Sfakia Route Duration: 2.5 Hours, Route Length: 5.5 km The Gorge of Elygia The Gorge of Trypitis Route Duration: 8.5 Hours The Gorge of Diktamou Route Duration: 3.5 Hours The Gorge of Therisso or Eleutheriou Venizelou Route Length: 6 km The Gorge of Chalase or Sasalou Route Duration: 4 Hours The Gorge of Prasse Route Duration: 2 Hours The Gorge of Kavi or Iligga Route Duration: 3 Hours The Gorge of Asfendou Route Duration: 3 Hours The Gorge of Kalikrati Route Duration: 3 Hours The Gorge of Katholikou Route Duration: 0.5 Hours

The Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Chrysopigi lies a short distance from the town of Chania on the route to Souda harbour. Operation Hours: 08.00-12.00 and 15.30-18.00 Telephone: (+30)2821091125, (+30)2821029840 The monastery of Agia Triada of Tzagarolon is one of the richest and most beautiful monasteries in Crete. It is built near the airport of Chania, in the position Tzobomylos of the Cape Melecha and at the foothills of Stavros Mount. The distance from Chania is only 15km. Gouverneto Monastery. The actual Monastery complex was built from 1537 till 1548. According to tradition, it was connected with miraculous St John the Hermit, and was used for the housing of the Saint’ s pilgrims. Telephone: (+30)2821063319

Ancient Aptera This site is located 15 km South-east of Chania, near the village Megala Chorafi a. The strategic location of the city with two ports, Minoa (modern Marathi) and Kissamos (near Kalives today) at the entrance of the natural bay, which guaranteed the possibility to control the movement of trade, boosted its growth. Ancient Falasarna The site of the ancient Falassarna located on the western edge of Cap Gramvousa the west coast of Crete. The town was surveyed again in the 19th century by English tourists, who identified the village and closed the port. Ancient Lissos The ruins of Lissos are saved between Paleochora and Sougia. It

Caves Cave of Panos or Lera The cave “Panos or Lera” is developed in Mount Vardies, at an altitude of 70m., in the settlement Stavros Kydonias. It consists of an “antechamber” and four rooms with chiselled cavities, which have been explained as places for the welcome of statues. Cave of Asfentos The cave “of Asfentos” is situated at the position”Skordolakia”, at the westeastern part of the beginning of the gorge of Asfentos .

Venizelos Tombs One of the most popular spots offering a panoramic view of Chania are the Venizelos family tombs, a few kilometres east of the city, on the road to Akrotiri and the airport. Old Harbour Chania’s old Venetian Harbor is the most picruresque and world wide known site seen of the hole Crete. Lots of choices to drink your coffee, to have lunch or dinner in the restaurants or enjoy shopping time. Stavros Stavros is located on Akrotiri, only 13km from Chania, 3km from the airport and 10km from Souda harbour. One of the finest beaches for swimming. British Commonwealth War Cemetery in Souda Bay The War cemetery is a quiet and restful place for the allied forces who lost their lives here on the Battle of Crete in 1941. Aghia Marina Agia Marina is one of the most important tourist resorts of Chania. Great beach for swimming and lots of choices for shopping, eating and clubbing. MUNICIPALITY OF PLATANIAS Thodorou Just a few miles to the north west of the port of Chania. The island is a nature reserve and it is therefore forbidden to go ashore, except that is for one day a year (8 June), when visitors are allowed to take the path to the church and back in order to worship. Platanias The heart of tourism in western Crete. Everything can be found in Platanias... swimming, eating, clubbing, shopping. A “must” place to visit or stay. All days and all nights are different in Platanias and you will find out why. Maleme German Cemetery

Samaria Gorge If you come to Chania and you don’t pass through the Samara Gorge then your visit is just... incomplete. The Samariá Gorge is a National Park of Greece, a major tourist attraction of the island and a World’s Biosphere Reserve. A must for visitors to Crete is to complete the walk down the gorge from the Omalos plateau to Agia Roumeli on the Libyan Sea. The village of Samariá lies just inside the gorge. It was finally abandoned by the last remaining inhabitants in 1962 to make way for the park. MUNICIPALITY OF SFAKIA Frangokastello The castle of Frangokastello stands since centuries. It reminds of the Venetians, Turks and Greeks, battles and blood, slaughters and sacrifices. The legends are still alive, taking us in their own world and left the “Drosoulites”, visiting us again some magic mornings. Sfakia The south-eastern region of the Prefecture of Chania is called Municipality of Sfakia and includes the villages Hora Sfakion, Anopoli, Agios Ioannis, Agia Roumeli, Asfendou, Loutro, Patsianos, Skaloti, Impros, Askifou and Fragkokastello. The distamce to Chania is about 70 kilometres. Entire Sfakia is characterized by the natural beauty of wild mountainous landscape which is combined unique with the sea. Loutro The village was named by the baths that were found there. The water was coming from Anopoli. Between the old buildings that you can see there, there is also the goverment building that was used during the revolution at 1821. From Loutro you can visit the ruins of ancient Aradenas with the Byzantine church of archangel Michail and Anopolis. Perfect place for a weekend escape. Aghia Roumeli It is a coastal settlement in south-western Crete and it allocates a wide beach while the access is feasible only with boats from Hora Sfakion, via Loutro and from Palaiochora or Sougia, while the village does not allocate road access. Constitutes popular tourist destination because it is located at the southern entry of the Gorge of Samaria, the biggest

gorge in Greece and one of the biggest in Europe with a length of 18 kilometres. MUNICIPALITY OF APOKORONAS Kalyves Picturesque village located about 20 kilometres east of Chania, in one of the greenest areas of Greece. The village It is surrounded by wonderful sandy beaches with crystalline waters like Kalyves and Kiani Akti. Good place for shopping with lots of traditional tavernas. Just 3 km away is Almyrida, with traditional travernas to enjoy lunch after your swimming.

When the weather is fine it is possible to walk to the island through the shallow water. The island is a protected nature reserve. On the mainland the 17th century Chrysoskalitissa Monastery is approximately 5 km from the island. One of the best places for swimming in the whole world

Georgioupolis A resort village 43 km east of Chania, about 22 km west of Rethymno. Formerly a small fishing village, Georgioupolis is very much a tourist town now, with many cafés, tavernas and small hotels and apartment blocks.

Gramvousa-Balos At the north western point of Crete you will find Gramvousa, a small island with an impregnable castle, a fortress, a masterpiece of the 16th century, and Balos, the unique lagoon of Crete, with its blue green waters, it pink sandy beach and famous shells! An impressive and unique environment of steep rocks and cliffs, an immense blue sea and hidden sandy beaches, and the serene lagoon of Balos, combines with the remains of the long lasting history of the region: monasteries, churches and the imposing castle of Imeri Gramvousa.

MUNICIPALITY OF KANDANOS-SELINO Sougia Located in a distance of 70 roughly km south-western of Chania. It is built in the ruins of the ancient Syias where mainly in the Roman and first Byzantine period people lived here. Saved ruins are vaulted graves and water reservoirs from the Roman period and a church from the 4th century with eminent mosaics. Nice beach where you can have free camping. Paleochora Located in the south-western part of the prefecture. The distance to Chania is about 70 kilometres. It is built on a peninsula between two beautiful bays where it is rained by the Lybian Sea and it is right to consider it the “Nymph of the Lybian Sea” and “Land of the sun”. The movement in the region is high in summertime, on one side from the excursionists choosing it as the harbour of departure to the Island of Gavdos, Sougia, Agia Roumeli, Loutro and Sfakia and return from the Samaria Gorge, on the other from the holiday-makers that select it as a place of their summer vacations.Palaiochora has all the benefits the visitor needs as banks, doctors, supermarket, drugstores, police, post, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization, port authority, custom, cinema, bars, disco, and rented cars.

MUNICIPALITY OF KISSAMOS Falassarna May be the best beach on earth, as awarded by its visitors. The place to be for swimming. Also, don’t miss the great party the first weekend of August.

MUNICIPALITY OF GAVDOS Gavdos is a small island which is located 26 naval miles (48 kilometres) southern of Crete and it’s extent is 27 square kilometres. It is the most southern Greek and simultaneously European point with population of 98 residents. Perfect for a daily cruise.

handicrafts can also be found there. In the old Jewish neighbourhood there is the synagogue and on Halidon street the folklore museum (Cretan house) and the church of St. Frangiskos. The church hosts the town’s archaeological museum and houses treasures from the Minoan to the Hellenistic period. Opposite there is the Metropolitan temple of Isodia (representation of the Virgin Mary) with its exquisite hagiographies and close to that are the old Turkish baths. In the area of Sintrivani, around the homonymous square, there is the mosque of Kiuchouk Hasan (1645) and opposite that the quay with the Venetian lighthouse. A little further away, 7 out of the original 17 docks (Neoria) can be found (14th-16th cent. AD). Eye-capturing is the Great Arsenal, which today is used as a convention and exhibition centre. Along the harbour, small cafeterias and restaurants create an inviting atmosphere. On the hill of Kasteli there are still parts of the old Rector’s palace and its court and the engraving on a lintel over a door

May - September: Athletic events in Nea Kydonia which include: Beach volley Beach Soccer - Beach Handball and racket games. July - August - September: - Cultural Summer Events of the municipality of Chania. It includes music and stage performances at the theatre of Eastern Trench, Public Garden, Venizelio music school, Park of Peace and Friendship and other events in several neighbourhoods of the town. - Cultural summer events are also organised by the municipalities of Kisamos, Apokoronas and Kandanos-Selino. June: - Cherries Festival in Karanou.

Monastery of Pasinos. It is a complex of monasteries built during the Venetian rule (16th century). It architectural style is western, the church being placed in the centre of the complex.

Early Christian Basilica at Almyrida Apokoronou. It is an early Christian three-aisled basilica of the second half of the 6th century. The church of St George in the centre of Kournas, a settlement with interesting folk architecture. It was built at the end of the 12th century.

was the port city of Dorian Elyros. It fl ourished in the Hellinistic, Roman and the fi rst Vyzantine period and destroyed by the Saracens Arabs. It also issued its own currency, as Lissos. Ancient Tara (St. Roumeli) The ruins of the ancient city Taras found at south coast of Crete near the village of Agia Roumeli. The city fl ourished particularly during the Roman era. They found the remains of a temple, possibly dedicated to Artemis and Apollo. Souda’s Castle The castle is built on the islet of Souda, and protected the port of Souda and Chania. It occupies almost the entire island. Built in 1715 and surrendered to the Ottomans in 1715. On Feb-

ruary 14 the Greek fl ag was raised, lowering the Turkish and giving the signal that there is now the Greek sovereignty over the island of Crete. Archaeological site of ancient Anopolis The archaeological site of ancient Anopolis located 87 km south of Chania. Anopolis was an independent city during the classical times and fl ourished during the Roman and Byzantine times. Firkas Castle Castle Firkas was built in the 16th century by the Venetians to protect the city of Chania. There Venizelos declared the offi cial union of Crete with Greece. Today it hosts the Maritime Museum and a small theater. Intzedin Castle

Asi Gonia, St. George’s Day, April 23rd or after Easter Day: A big festival. All the shepherds of the area bring their animals to the mass in order to be blessed, then they milk them and distribute the milk to the pilgrims. Agios Ioannis Sfakion, St John’s Feast, May 8th: Traditional festival of Sfakia. Azogyre, The Holy Fathers’ Feast, October 7th: In the beautiful village with the visitable impressive cave of the Holy Fathers.

Sembronas, Apopigadi, St. John’s, June 24th: One of the feasts, that take place on a very high location, with an incredible view.

(1860), the church of St. Magdalea (1903) and the church of Evangelismou. From later periods the following places are of interest: the manor “Villa Koundourou”, a workshop of fine arts and a youth centre, the municipal park (1870) with its clock, the market (built 1913, cross-shaped building with hundreds of small shops), the park of peace and friendship of people, the court house, the prefecture, the Venizelion School of Music, the Historic Archives Museum, the War Museum and the Museum of Chemistry. In the neighbourhoods outside the walls there are many neoclassical buildings with beautiful gardens which smell of hyacinth, honey suckle and rose trees. At the border of the town with the cape (Akrotiri) are the graves of Eleftherios and Sofocles Venizelos. The town of Chania, the first capital of Crete, kept its historical heritage of so many centuries almost unaffected. Its atmosphere attracted scientists, philosophers, poets and artists of different origins and it became a cultural centre.

- 24 June: Festivity of St. Ioannis Klidonas, in Fres, Akrotiri, Perivolia, Therisso, Vamvakopoulo. - 29 June - 6 July: Naval week festival. July: - Festival of Kalitsouni cheese pie, in Kandanos. - Naval week in the old harbour and every second year in Palaiochora and Georgioupolis. - 21-28 July: Elafonisia - Municipality of Kissamos. Including memorial service at the monument of Elafonisi, athletic games, performances, festivity in honour of the elderly and traditional treat. - 26 July: “Promotion of Kisamos” - Club, Grambousa pilgrimage excursion from the port of Kisamos to Balos and to the island of Grambousa. - 30 July: “Pottery Festival” in Nohia. - 30-31 July: Wine festival in Vouves. August: - First Sunday of August: Blessing of the fruit of the earth at the Monastery of Archangel Michael (Rotonda) Kato Episkopi. - 8-9 August: Wine festival in Vouves. - 1-10 August: Venetian Harbour of Chania photography ex-

Religious events | Evénements religieux | Religiöse Veranstaltungen Религиозные события | Religiøse begivenheder | Religiøse begivenheter Religiösa evenemang | Uskonnollisiin tilaisuuksiin | 宗教活动

Lissos, St Kyrikos, July 15th: The pilgrims start arriving ancient Lissos on foot or in boats from Sougiaγια early in the afternoon of the previous day. A real fair of Selino in a mythical place.


reminds us of the existence of Venetian Archives. Near there, the excavation of ancient Kydonia and the ruins of the church of St. Maria of Mirakoli (1615) are located. At the “stivanadika”, which is still characterised by Eastern features, one can buy leather goods. Next to that is the building of Chrisostomos and the new public Art Gallery. In the old Turkish neighbourhood Splantzia is the square of the former monastery οf St. Nicholas (1204) with a bell-tower and minaret. The small church of the period of enlightenment’s of St. Rokkos (1630) can also be found there. Near that is the church of St. Anargyroi (16th cent. AD) with its priceless hagiographies and St. Catherine’s church. Outside the walls, to the east of the old town, we come across Koum-Kapi where during the last years of the Turkish occupation, Beduins built a village. Today the area is a favourite meeting place for young people. In the neighbourhood of Halepa there is the palace of Prince George, the house of Eleftherios Venizelos, the French School

Beginning of summer: Venizelia - Track events at the National Stadium of Chania.

Elos, Agios Dikaios,May 6th: Extraordinary view and a unique fair.

Culture | Kultur | Kультура | Kulttuuri | 文化 A first-time visitor to Chania is surprised by the great number of buildings and monuments on which can be found traces of its great history and rich civilisation. The old town, on and around the hill of Kasteli, was built upon the ruins of Minoan Kydonia and is surrounded by the Byzantine wall, the Venetian wall and the sea. The Minoan civilisation left behind grand tombs, interesting ceramics and objects. During its occupation by the Venetians and the Turks, people of different nationality, culture and religion co-existed. Christians (Catholic and Orthodox), Jews and Muslims, have left discernible traces and produced particularly interesting creations. In the neighbourhood of Topanas with its narrow paved streets, the visitor meets Venetian manors with elaborately decorated facades and Turkish houses with architectural protrusions. There we can find Fort Firkas, the Naval Museum and the church of San Salvatore of the Francheskan Monks (15th - 17th cent. AD) which hosts the Byzantine collection of Chania. The collection of ΙLΑΕΚ and many shops offering traditional

The Monastery of Saint George in Karydi (in Apokoronas Province) is located about 2km east of Vamos village. The monastery was abandoned for many years but was restored in 1996 and today it is operating normally.

The Holy Monastery of Partenon or Life-Giving Spring was founded by the Bishop of Kisamos & Selinon Anthimos Leledakis in 1905-1910. It was renovated between 1962 and 1965, by Bishop Irineos Galanakis.

Located 14 km east of Chania. Has been characterized as historical monument. Built in 1872 in the position of the tower was built in 1646 by the Turks, who drove the Venetians. The name comes from the name of the son of Sultan Abdul Aziz Intzedin. Has been used as a prison for political prisoners, among them which has been the El. Venizelos. During the dictatorship of Pangalos many dissidents jailed, and when the dictatorship fell, Pangalos was imprisoned there too. Finally, from the isolation rooms of Yaros, in 1948, the fi rst communist political prisoners were moved there. Ancient Polirinia The ancient city was Polirinia in place of the village Polirinia Kissamos, 49 km west of Chania. At the top of the hill was the citadel of which was T-shaped, from where the view was immense, from Crete to the Libyan Sea, which stretched the realm.

Cultural events | Evénements culturels | Kulturelle Veranstaltungen | Культурные мероприятия | Kulturarrangementer | Kulturelle begivenheder | Kulturevenemang | Kulttuuritapahtumat | 文化活动 May: - Celebration of the battle of Crete. It includes events commemorating those who were killed and several cultural events. - “Koresia” athletic games Canoe kayak at Kournas Lake.

Cave of Agia Sofia The cave of “Agia Sofia” is at the western walls of the gorgo of Topolia, at a distance of 47 km from the city of Chania. It consists of two rooms on different levels.

The cemetery is 3km south up the winding paved road. The 4,465 men buried here fell in the Battle of Crete in May of 1941. The Germans landed at the small airport of Maleme when they attacked Crete.

The monastery of Panagia Chrisoskalitissa is located 72km south of Chania, very close to the magnifi cent lagoon of Elafonissi. It operates as a nunnery and reminds of a fortress, perched on a 35m high rock with boundless sea views.

St George of Mythimna - Kisamos. The single-room, vaulted church of St George in the archeological site of Methymna, near Drapania of Kisamos, was built during the fi rst half of the 15th century, in the place of a late Roman Bath.

Places to visit | Lieux à visiter | Orte zu besuchen | Места для посещения | Steder å besøke | Steder at besøge | Sevärdheter | Käyntikohteita | 景点

Mountain Shelters Kallergi Capacity: 45, Route Difficulty: Easy, Route Duration: 1 Hours Visit Period : April-October Svourikti - Holiopoulos Capacity: 20, Route Difficulty: Easy, Route Duration: 3 Hours Tavri Capacity: 40, Route Difficulty: Very Easy, Route Duration: 1.5 Hour, Route Length: 7.7 km Volikas Capacity: 30, Route Duration: 3 Hour

We propose... you choose | Nous vous proposons ... vous choisissez | Schlagen wir vor, Sie wählen ... | мы предлагаем ... вы выбираете Vi foreslår ... du vælger | Vi föreslår ... du väljer | Foreslår vi ... du velger | Ehdotamme ... valitset | 我们建议...你选择 MUNICIPALITY OF CHANIA Municipal Market The Municipal Market of Chania, the large building of 4000 square meters in a surrounding area of 17.200 square meters, is the “heart” of the city. It is an original building that, apart from a business activity center, also provides a concrete image of the ancient Greek marketplace. Great for shopping tradiotional Cretan products.

Katholiko monastery is located 20km east of Chania, near the northern shores of Cape Akrotiri. It is located near the exit of the gorge Avlaki, at a short distance from the sea.

Sougia, Harey, St. Antony 1-2 of July: Unique traditional fair at the seaside small church which is situated in Harey. The route on foot from through the E4 path that lead from Sougia to Agia Roumeli lasts two hours with the unique background of the Lybian sea and piney slopes. It is possible to go there also by boat from Sougia. Overnight stay outdoor.

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Therisso, Assumption of the Mother of God, August 15th: In the beautiful village where Eleftherios Venizelos declared the revolution of 1905. Sfakia, Thymiani Panagia, last Sunday of May. Chrysoskalitissa, the Assumption of the Virgin, August 15th: At the beautiful monastery, which is a real «balcony» to the Lybian Sea a famous festival takes place. Frangokastello, St. Nikitas’, September 15th: Big festival during which riding races take place. August 6th, the Transfiguration: Ksirosterni, Tzitzife, Karres of Kissamos, Sassalo August 15th the Assymption of the Virgin: Voulgaro Panagia of the Summit, Kolympari Gonia, Pemonia, Fre, Eksopolis, Litsarda, Alikampos, Kefala, Kalikrati, Koustogerako August 29th,John the Precursor’s: Rodopou Gionas, Douliana, Stylos, Kournas September 8th, Birth of the Mother of Christ: Gavalohori, Tzitzife, Sassalo September 14th, Feast ofthe Holy Cross: Nippos, Rodovani September 15th St. Nikitas’: Kampia

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hibition for Chania Music Tradition. - 16 August: Honey Festival in Afrata.

- 27 September: World Day of Tourism. Festive events at the old harbour of Chania.

September: - 1-10 September: Sardine festival in Nea Chora and in Souda.

End of October or beginning of November: - Chestnut festival in Prases and Elos.

health & nutrition

p. 19

Persistent pain in sports performance. Α daily nightmare? “Hurt doesn’t equal harm” is a common mindset, among people who exercise on a regular basis either for recreational purposes or elite sports performance. Phrases like “no pain no gain” or “the pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow” are printed on fitness T-shirts & gym walls as the representation of the dominant mindset on the fitness world. In general, for someone putting effort to improve sports performance in terms of aerobic capacity, muscle strength & endurance, flexibility, as well as other aspects of exercise, it is absolutely normal to put stress to the body into vigorous soreness and fatigue levels, during a workout session. What happens when pain persists for a long time and doesn’t seem to be relieved with training, medication, physiotherapy or even injections? During a competitive training and the days following, a tissue adaptation process is being triggered by different body systems in order to compensate for the new physical demands. When our body is healthy, it is expected to recover within a few hours following a vigorous exercise session and up to a couple of weeks in case of marathon runners and other similar endurance sports. For example, muscle tissue adaptation sensation (aka Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) can be triggered even 24h following an exercise session and it shouldn’t’t persist to more than a few days to ease off. Regardless of how strenuous a training session is, it would become easier, for the same person to perform exactly the same exercise programme a few days later, at least in some aspects of

the programme. There are many cases of athletes who struggle to improve their performance without any significant success at the end due to recurrent or long-standing pain. When the occurrence of pain is directly related to the training sessions and there is no sufficient improvement in sports performance over time, it is most likely to be attributed to an overuse injury condition. Overuse injuries in sports participation have common behavioral characteristics like the recurrence or even gradual aggravation of debilitating symptoms with medium or minimal intensity training. There are numerous underlying reasons for the trigger and progress an overuse condition to an athlete. In general, such condition is mainly attributed to gradual insufficient tissue adaptation to training workloads, due to imbalance in load & rest analogy. There are also cases where an acute injury has occurred prior to the gradual turn into a chronic overuse state. That is mainly caused by primary recurrent injuries on the same location or secondarily due to the excessive strain of adjacent musculoskeletal structures. Important contributing factors are training load modification, recovery time efficiency between the same training tasks or the whole training sessions, quality of sleep, pain behaviour monitoring, pre-season design et al. There are plenty of sports-related musculoskeletal pathologies & disorders with an overuse component on the sports performance. Some of the most known are reactive or chronic tendinopathy, medial tibial stress syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, repetitive strain injuries on hamstrings

and other parts of the body. Overuse is also one of the most common etiologic factors that lead to injuries in the pediatric and adolescent athlete. What is the solution to an overuse condition? As the term “overuse” indicates the individual experiencing pain has done too much for too long, someone would assume that rest is all we need. Our body tissues (bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage et al.) are always affected by training stimulus or immobilisation in a never-ending process. For example, if you stop using a specific part of your body for a while, this will cause, muscle atrophy, bones will become less dense, in cartilage will be triggered a degenerative process, ligaments and tendons will lose some of their elasticity. Even in a painful condition, absolute rest in an athlete comes with undesirable side effects. In most pathologies, the continuous training load adaptation (optimal load management) is the main rehab strategy in order to overcome an overuse condition. Optimal loading means replacing rest with a balanced and incremental rehabilitation programme. A comprehensive rehabilitation design should be based on a proper diagnosis, a thorough assessment and recognition of contributing factors as well as the appliance of individualised exercise prescription. The solution may be just as simple to put it into words, but as the injuries and biopsychosocial background of each athlete varies, it is hard to implement/apply a single “one size fits all” rehab strategy. In conclusion, if you are experiencing persistent pain when exercising and you have been diagnosed with an

overuse injury condition, you would, then, probably need a modification on training loads. While processing your way back to sports participation, you should also consider if there are any contributing factors to be addressed as well for the prevention of injury recurrence. The information provided by this article is meant to help you become more effective and robust when exercising, so as to be able to return to desired performance levels. If you still struggle without any significant success, then you should refer to a clinical specialist for athletes (an orthopaedic surgeon or a sports physio) to assist & guide you on your way back to sports participation. The same principles are not applicable to athletes with acute trauma or in a post-surgery state, and the contribution of exercise in these conditions will be well-explained in another following article. *Zacharias Sifakis BSc, OMT, MHCPC, MAACP, MMACP, CGIMS is consultant Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist – Acupuncturist *Marios Papachristopoulos BSc, MT is clinical Specialist Physiotherapist in Sports injuries Sources: -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29406788 -https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/50/5/273 -http://www.aspetar.com/journal/viewarticle.aspx?id=339#.XMBuKZMzbOQ -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC5394138/ -https://josr-online.biomedcentral.com/ar ticles/10.1186/s13018-018-1017-5 -https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/119/6/1242.long -https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ msc.1191 -https://www.painphysicianjournal.com/linkout?iss n=1533-3159&vol=15&page=ES205 -https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/ abs/10.1177/0363546506298279

p. 20

plants & gardening

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pets & vets

p. 22

Feeding Tips For Hot Summer Days Have you ever noticed your dog’s appetite dropping during summer time? Maybe your dog suddenly refuses to eat her favorite type of meat and you get worried that something might be off with her health. During summer heat waves I often notice dog folks from all around the globe discussing on the internet their fur kids’ lack of appetite. Every part of the world seems to have different favorite meat sources for raw feeding. For example, in some European countries a lot of salmon and beef is fed, while North America uses a lot of chicken, turkey and beef. But regardless of where you live there is one thing in common: people complain that in the summer their dogs don´t eat the way they usually do. “Pluto left the chicken in the dish AGAIN.” “Princess didn´t eat her second meal today.” “Charlie is being real picky lately. I hope he is OK.” Those are some of the most common scenarios. Do you see your fur kid among them? There is actually one simple common issue that connects these scenarios, but don´t worry, most of the time it doesn´t mean your beloved canine is sick.

When they are in resting mode and just hanging around the dog yard on summer days, their energy requirements drop rapidly and often so does their appetite. Yet so many folks don´t take that into consideration and still feed same portions or feed twice a day. The dog´s appetite is a clear indication of many factors including the fact that he or she may simply not need as much food (or energy from it) as you’re offering.

even considered “hot,” which includes the popular chicken, turkey, trout or lamb. The same goes for some types of fruits and vegetables and herbs or spices. Sweet potato, a fairly popular homemade dog food ingredient is among them, and so are some favorite herbs such as basil, rosemary, thyme, sage, cinnamon, turmeric or ginger. These foods are best left out of the dog menu during the hottest days.

6 Dog Feeding Tips For Hot Days: - Follow your dog´s appetite level and decrease his or her daily portion accordingly. - If you feed breakfast, skip it occasionally or at times when the weather is very hot for several days in a row. - Consider fasting once a week; or partial fasting such as giving your dog just one nice smaller juicy raw meaty bone to chew in the late evening or early morning in nice cool shade. For small breeds just part of a chicken neck is perfect. - Offer meals at room temperature or slightly cooler. Too cold is not good for your dog´s stomach. - Feed in a cool shady place. In summertime, my pack refuses to eat before the sun settles down behind the tree tops, but will gladly dive into their dishes once it cools off. - Avoid feeding fatty meats and warming foods. That includes not only certain meat types, but also warming herbs and spices, oatmeal, etc.

May, eat salmon only in very cold conditions. On a 200 mile race, if the temperatures rise above the dogs´comfort zone (which often is still below zero) and the sun starts shining, they will turn down my offer of salmon snacks, but would die for whitefish or beef. Now imagine the same happening with your pet dogs, but in way warmer temperatures. Do you really wonder why they leave the fatty fish and warming meals unfinished in their dish when the temperaFatty Proteins tures climb over 90°F (30°C)? Some proteins are fatty, like the Imagine being offered some greasy salmon that some dog owners in pork meat with hot mashed poEuropean countries are very keen tatoes every day during summer on feeding, or even lean pork. heat waves. You’d probably say no Salmon is a very fatty fish. Even if too! you feed just the fillets, they are Unsuitable Summer Foods and fatty. Energy Level and Loss Of AppeFeeding Practices My sled dogs, who live outdoors tite all year round, including during Unlike people, dogs often act Food Energetics the subzero temperatures of Nor- based on their energy levels in Foods have different energetics dic winters, and who are in ath- terms of food intake. Again, my and some foods are warming, or letic training from September to sled dogs are a great example. dogsnaturallymagazine.com

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