.MGX 2008 Catalogue

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To our clients, dealers, distributors, collaborators, designers, colleagues, suppliers, and friends, as well as press and Materialise supporters: Thank you for your constant participation, contribution and involvement! From the .MGX team: Nicolas Vanhove, SoďŹ e Jacobs, Marc Duhayon, Joris Debo, Bert De Niel, Jean Paul Verreydt, Habib Sowe, Naomi Kaempfer.


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.MGX by Materialise, Materialise your Dreams Š 2008 Materialise

ISBN: 9789081183314 EAN: 9789081183314

First published in 2007 Published by Materialise.MGX Designed by M21 − deVormNatie Printed and bound by Drukkerij Sintjoris

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from Materialise (copyright owner).

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Patrick Jouin and his One_Shot.MGX


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Omi.MGX by Assa Ashuach

MATERIALISE YOUR DREAMS Exporting to more than 20 countries in the world, .MGX operates both as a supplier of manufacturing excellence and a design company mastering its own concepts and brand. Apart from its in-house products, it provides solutions in all types of fields such as design, art, architecture, interiors, fashion, beauty and cosmetics. Part of the Materialise group – a worldwide leader in rapid prototyping services, founded in 1990 by Msc. MBA Wilfried Vancraen in a joint venture with the University of Leuven - .MGX was created in 2003 to strategically broaden the firm’s expertise beyond medicine, dentistry and the automotive industry into the world of design. With its new division, Materialise has brought about a real revolution in innovative product development by giving designers the opportunity to access new information and global digital tools. ‘Materialise.MGX’ is confidently going beyond tooling and digital CAD software by combining art and technology with its extensive 15 years of experience in the high-tech area of 3D printing techniques, the most popular of which include: stereolithography (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), and fused deposition modeling (FDM).


ART MEETS TECHNOLOGY .MGX TECHNOLOGY, CRYSTALLISATION IN THE DESIGN PROCESS The name .MGX comes from the file extension of the Materialise software, Magics. This software makes the rapid prototyping and manufacturing techniques accessible to professionals. The highly contemporary CAD file (made by today’s leading design software packages such as Rhino, 3dStudioMax, Maya, Microstation, Cinema4d, Solid Works, and more) can be transformed into an STL-file and then converted by Magics into .MGX in order to render the design project printable. Magics is a market leader in pre-press software, interfacing between product design and 3D printer. The application includes analysing parts, making process related design changes, optimising *.STL models and designing fixtures, as well as ‘finite element analysis’ and other tools. Magics, for those who are unfamiliar with rapid prototyping technologies, can be compared with the process of inkjet printing. Instead of spraying a text by inkjet, this technology allows the laying, or consolidating of 3D layer over layer (slice over slice) in a vessel of liquid polymer, in the case of stereolithography (SLA), or in a vessel of powder for selective laser sintering (SLS). The various Rapid Manufacturing techniques today use different construction methods but the principle shared by them all is additive fabrication - transforming material from one state to another (liquid to solid or welding of material particles by laser beam). The process of polymerising when struck by a laser beam is made possible in the cases of SLA and SLS by the photosensitivity of the polymer. Therefore, with the Magics production software developed by Materialise and thanks to 3D printing technologies, it has become feasible to translate 3D visual images into sustainable 3D material structures. Since 2003, this technology has created for the first time great novelty in lifestyle and interior design. As evidence of international recognition, Material Connexion in New York selected the Selective Laser Sintering process for inclusion in its Material Archives as ‘Innovation Excellence’. >>

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BRAND PHILOSOPHY, A MADE TO MEASURE HUMAN-DRIVEN TECHNOLOGY By bridging the gap between idea and reality, .MGX aims at materialising whatever the client would dream to achieve. Behind the .MGX technology, the brand philosophy and strategy are based on a custom-made approach of highly innovative design products that are conceived, developed, and in the case of .MGX collections, art-directed, produced and distributed. .MGX, by means of Rapid Manufacturing, creates a dynamic and total transformative experience from the non-tangible creative process, with flow from data, to a consolidated monolithic materialised product. It allows the designers and design studios, engineers, architects and manufacturers to probe the infinite options of 3D printing in a new and futuristic environment, by growing the product 3D pixel after pixel, opening new gates to creativity and product intelligence. Almost every year since its creation in 2003, Naomi Kaempfer, Managing Art Director of .MGX, has launched a new .MGX collection. She commisDamned.MGX by Gagat International - Luc Merx

sioned circa 20 well-known architects, designers and design studios to

06 develop ideas and concepts around specific themes as well as various facets of the technology. Facing the phenomenon of mass production, the strategy of .MGX has been to find a confluence between art and technology in order to avoid reproducing the ordinary and already ‘cliché’ products seen on international design markets. Their quest and ability for inimitability and authenticity makes the .MGX brand products different from others produced by classical industrial means. By focusing on mass customisation through special projects and its own collections, Materialise .MGX has access to infinite options for Especially_For_You.MGX by Amanda Levete

product development. The .MGX logo is made of a constellation of three dots in a triangular form, the key structure of the 3D mesh of the STL/MGX file. The geometry, which is produced by the design software package, is translated to the skin properties of the 3D volumetric shape. By triangulation, the STL-file produces a numerical representation of the XYZ coordinates of the triangle vertices, located in the 3D design space. Quoting Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci (1170-1250): “Everything around us can be represented and understood by numbers”. The application of numbers to compute shapes is considered revolutionary today, and yet in fact goes back to the Middle Ages!

Mylight.MGX by Lars Spuybroeck

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MATERIALISE.MGX AT THE AGE OF 5 For the four existing collections, one developed per year, the designers

the outside to deep inside the product. Striving also for a meaningful

selected by .MGX reflected on different themes that belong to

product, Dan Yeffet in association with Karen Rosenkranz introduced a

the same brand philosophy of ‘massclusivity’: exclusive design suited

phrase in his fruit bowl, which is transformed into the Forbidden_Fruit.

to the information driven era of media and connectivity. The Rapid

MGX as a metaphor of the original sin. Continuing with this theme,

Manufacturing Collection in 2004 achieved a homogeneous range of

the architect Luc Merx (Gagat International) created strong images

exceptional shapes in a coherent collection of lampshades. In 2005,

of the sculptural and uncomfortable world of the Damned.MGX. Here,

the collection reflected back on an 1896 dictum by Louis Sullivan and

bodies are bound to each other and struggling, in total contrast with

was thus entitled “Form Follows ƒ(x)unction”. The aim was to defend

the ideal Paradise where humans float in the air. This research project

the belief that design today is moving its focus from analogue to digital.

is part of a re-creation of historic imagery of the 18th century in

Function this time takes on the mathematical formula: Form Follows

relationship to contemporary architecture and design. As mentioned

ƒ(x)unction. The designers, by using 3D and animation software instead

in text written by Luc Merx and Christian Holl: ‘It undermines several

of traditional manufacturing tools, not only manipulated and modified

taboos imposed on the design of the 20th century: it is figurative,

shapes through mathematical formulas in the software packages, but

ornamental and narrative.’ Following the same humanistic spirit,

even created their own design tools by composing algorithms.

Amanda Levete (Future Systems) simulated human writing by creating

By 2006, customisation appeared to be the ideal topic for taking

‘This is designed especially by me for you with love’. She has taken

advantage of .MGX technology. As no moulds are used in the production

customisation to new limits by giving the viewer an opportunity to

process, the “Customise” (Customise your interior goods) Collection

interpret the form as well as the content of the product through his

reflected the unlimited freedom of design that is possible....

own emotions, carpe diem and life experience. We are travelling deep into the product itself, its changing aesthetics and balance between

07 In 2007, the Private Collection went deeper into the potentialities

objectivity and poetry, the rational and irrational. Turning now to

of the .MGX technology. Designers not only challenged the product,

Chinese proverbs, the MAXIMALdesign Cookie.MGX reflects a very

but also developed its content, its meaning and in one specific case,

personal state of mind. ‘Better to light a candle than to curse dark-

with the pen Download.MGX by Ross Lovegrove, its packaging. This

ness’ only appears when the light is turned on and offers the user a

surprising pen in Alumide and HA resin comes out of the digitised form

double meaning to an innovative yet timeless object. By telling us a sto-

of Lovegrove’s own hand. Another example is Arik Levy who took advan-

ry, it is not just a light anymore, but a source of peace and relative faux

tage of the beauty of Alumide with the Silver_Shaman.MGX, a vessel

wisdom. My Light.MGX by Lars Spuybroek (NOX) makes us travel into

and pendant, which can hold spiritual mementoes and a micro personal

his meta-design world where ‘objects can now be a range-of-objects

universe. Words, sentences, and private thoughts guide the eye from

like in a family or a species... We could breed objects like we breed


her fantasy object in silver shining words - Especially_for_you.MGX:

rabbits...’ Another unusual aspect of the 2007 collection is the silver reflections of many of the pieces, which for some, come from Alumide (a composite material made of polyamide and aluminium) and for others, chrome. In contrast, the more typical aspects of this range of products shows the growing power of the .MGX Rapid Manufacturing technology which has evolved into a wide range of new materials, design techniques, finishes and patterns. Sequence.MGX and Con_sequence. MGX of One&Co (Claude Zellweger) further prove that soft and hard knitted structures can also be a source of sensuality and liveliness in home accessories and lighting. Finally, the stretched fingerprint in the Detail.MGX lighting sphere of Dan Yeffet reveals the morphological ‘state-of-the-art’ future of rapid-manufactured consumer goods. Silver_Shaman.MGX by Arik Levy

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PRODUCT RANGES, PRODUCTION OF HIGH-TECH AND AESTHETIC DESIGNS The sensational experience of producing extraordinary products started in 2003 by focusing on the development of lighting items. The new aesthetics generated by taking technology as a starting point for creativity have given birth to a range of surprising objects. In only 4 years, the product range of Materialise .MGX has broadened into numerous lampshades, furniture pieces, interior goods, jewellery and accessories. The production process, which is still quite expensive, restricts the product series to more limited editions and one-of-a-kind projects. Part of the ‘Masstige’ cultural and societal phenomenon, design products made by and labelled *.MGX are part of the growing smart luxury market.



MASS CUSTOMISATION BY .MGX At the core of the .MGX collections are designers selected from around the world who work towards creating solid and flexible structures out of liquid or powder. Customise your interior goods Collection launched by .MGX in 2006 reinforces the idea that individuals are willing and able to make their own decisions. They are more and more interested in participating in the design process and in dealing with a certain degree of exclusivity and inimitable authenticity. The design secret recipe generated by the Magics production software creates a nearly perfect translation into the .MGX file and final product. This unique expertise leads to made-to-measure assistance and service when preparing an STL-file or modifying an existing design by rescaling, re-modelling, or adding a logo. Moreover, a range of materials (polyamide or nylon, photosensitive epoxy, Alumide, polycarbonates, ABS...), coatings and colours are available once 3D scans of objects or other types of files are put into production. This experimental customisation finds its roots with the UK-based architect and designer Ron Arad who was the first to explore with Materialise the potential of rapid manufacturing techniques applied to specific design projects such as his Bouncing Vase in 2000 and his “Not made by hand, Not made in China” bracelet, using SLS. Fascinated by the process, Arad afterwards set up the Rapid Form Unity at the Royal College of Arts in order to achieve more concrete results with postgraduate students.

Within the Customise Collection are lampshades, necklaces and fruit bowls designed by Arik Levy (Ldesign). For the more recent .MGX collections, he designed the Shaman jewellery collection as well as the Mini- and Handshake lampshades, the latter joining the Piflow limited edition table lamp as a commission for the Centre G. Pompidou in Paris, France. >>

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Donated to the museum, the Handshake was produced in a special edition size of 58 cm high. Another example of customised interior goods is the PaleA 3D-printed lamp of Dan Yeffet (JellyLab). The lamp was inspired by the fossil age of the Palaeolithic, and is part of the FNAC (Fond National d’Art Contemporain) in France, along with the Solid C2 chair and Solid S1 stool designed by Patrick Jouin. There are many more exciting projects that have been produced on an individual basis, including the Philip Treacy designed bedside table lampshades for the G Hotel in Galway (Ir) and the Future Systems Fruitbowl which was acquired by the MoMA in New York. For the occasion of the Brilliant exhibition on contemporary lighting design, the Victoria & Albert Museum in London asked Ron Arad to visualise his futuristic ideas through an installation partly built on a Materialise.MGX stereolithography machine.

FURNITURE DESIGN AS AN OPTIMISTIC PATH FOR RAPID MANUFACTURING Furniture design has recently appeared as one of the most challenging fields for .MGX. Parallel to the Solid C2 chair and the Solid S1 stool, the One_Shot foldable stool, designed by Patrick Jouin, was shown for the first time at the Furniture Fair in Milan and at the ICFF in New York in 2006 and was directly acquired by the MoMA NY and the Smithsonian CooperHewitt Design Museum in NY. It materialises for the first time in history, a single, non-assembled unit that can be used as a functional design piece. The stool emerges from the machine in


its final form and by virtue of gravity, it can be unfolded with a soft, turning twist. It includes all moving parts (seating surface, legs and hidden integral articulations) and was produced by Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) technology. Another stool, Ai created by Assa Ashuach, was also developed as a furniture piece as part of the .MGX Private Collection. Made with SLS, the cosmetic skin and intelligent support structure can bear 120 kg and together reach 40 cm in height.

THE NEED FOR MASS CUSTOMISATION Mass Customisation is a new paradigm based on creating variety and customisation through flexibility and quick responsiveness. Mass Customisation processes integrate the design and sales activities before the production stage. Customers become participants in the design process.

TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS (SUPPLY) The new interactive technologies provide a delivery vehicle whereby customers can participate in the design of the product and create their own unique, customized products or services.

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SOLID S Stool by Patrick Jouin

As mentioned before, many of the .MGX brand pieces are in museum collections such as those at: the MoMA, the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum and the Smithsonian Institution in New York (US); the V&A in London (UK); and the Centre Pompidou and the FNAC in Paris (F). Since 2003, .MGX has participated in a selection of annual design fairs CUSTOMISATION INVOLVES

such as Interieur in Kortrijk (B), Maison & Objet/Now Design à Vivre! in


Paris (F), the ICFF in New York (US), the Cologne Furniture Fair (D), the

In many businesses, 20% of the customers provide 80% of the

Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan (I), and 100% Design London

profits but in many cases these profitable customers are discrimi-

(UK) where Materialise.MGX in its first year was voted by the fair and

nating. They want to have products and services that meet their

Blueprint magazine as the Best Newcomer. Many acclaimed international

particular needs.

design awards have been attributed to .MGX products, including the Red Dot Design Award (Design Zentrum Essen, D) which was given to both

Early adopters of mass customisation need to identify suitable

the Lily.MGX and the Omi.MGX.

participants. These lead consumers can become a good source of product ideas that can be offered to less adventurous customers.


Another possibility rests with the implementation of user friendly interfaces that hide the design process and therefore minimize

Text: Lise Coirier - Art historian, design curator and author

the risk of intimidation.

Creative design consultancy, Pro Materia

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“There are two ways of spreading the light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it” -

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TORUS.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


FLAME.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


OMI.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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MINISHAKES.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . .





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RATIO.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


CHAOS.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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DETAIL.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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MYLIGHT.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


COOKIE.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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This sculpture marks the end of a series that has spanned Bathsheba

opening out their boundaries into curves that fly past each other. This

Grossman’s sculptural life to date, beginning with the four-sided

lets the turning surfaces override each other interestingly, like waves

tetrahedron and progressing through the five Platonic solids to

on water, while keeping the sculpture open into space in all directions.

the last and most mystical of them, the twelve-sided dodecahedron.

But what is most beautiful about Quintrino is the anti-light, the way

In the first four shapes Plato saw the elements that make up the mate-

the surfaces shadow each other. It creates a continuum of differently

rial world, but in this fifth he saw the nature and wholeness of the entire

shaded areas casting smooth gradations of light in a spherical matrix

universe, the spiritual quintessence. This light-sculpture is a household

that is punctuated by small pure beams.

embodiment of that unity: the Quintrino. Mathematically, this object adds complexity to the original dodecahedron Onto the basic form of the dodecahedron – for those who enjoy games

by bringing in a rotation, so that the object becomes different from its

with exotic dice, it is a 12-sided die – the designer has sculpted a

mirror reflection. It’s a symmetry that is rarely seen; in fact you might be

topology that plays at every point with the transition between inner and

unable to point to another example of any man-made or natural object

outer space. The eye is led into the sculpture along many swooping

which has it. This sculpture is like a seedpod or flower in some other

paths, leading from triangles to pentagons and back again.

world, where the formal, static symmetry of reflection has a looser grip than this one.

The lamplight also follows those paths. The light, white material is itself translucent, and here it’s made more translucent by a myriad of perfo-

The QUIN.MGX design embodies the fifth and final platonic solid in

rations. But in a more global way, the geometric facets of the original

which Plato saw the nature and wholeness of the entire universe, the

solid are unloosed from each other, and are now free to rotate in space,

spiritual quintessence.

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Bathsheba Grossman was born in 1966 in the US. She received a degree in mathematics from Yale (1988), then changed course to study art at the University of Pennsylvania (1993). She studied sculptural principles and metalworking with Erwin Hauer and Robert Engman, two mathematical sculptors who were both trained by Josef Albers.

After several years’ experience making bronze sculpture by traditional methods, she switched to CAD/CAM in 1998 and began designing sculpture digitally for production by 3D printing. Since then she has been making sculptures using many technologies including lost-wax casting, electroforming, stereolithography, ZCorp printing, and most recently Prometal direct steel printing. Along the way she also started Protoshape, a 3D printing service bureau.


Bathsheba also designs artwork for subsurface laser etching in glass, and in that medium she has created a line of scientific images based on astronomy, molecular

used by most major pharmaceutical companies and many research centers. Most recently she designed a museum exhibit for the University of Syracuse, in the form of a laser-etched model of the Milky Way Galaxy, which opened in December 2004.




biology and mathematics, and a service for imaging protein structures that is

Technique: SLS Material: pendant, table - PA (nylon) / sconce - PA Colour: white Design: sconce - stainless steel plate

Models available: Pendant: ø 22,8 cm Small Pendant: ø 13,9 cm Table: 14,8 x 14,5 x 13 cm Ceiling / Sconce: ø 22,3 cm, H 11,6 cm Lamp: halogen max 50W / max 20W

Technical sheets see pages 127, 128

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DESIGNED BY JIRI EVENHUIS Technique: SLS Material: polyamide (nylon) Colour: white Design: chrome coated, wengĂŠ

Models available: Floor lamp: 147 cm (shade size 20 x 20 x 26,4 cm) Lamp: halogen max 20W - dimmable

Technical sheet see page 132

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DESIGNED BY BATHSHEBA GROSSMAN Technique: SLS Material: polyamide (nylon) Colour: white

Models available: Pendant: 18,5 x 20,1 x 26 cm Lamp: halogen max 20W

Technical sheet see page 110

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Assa Ashuach was born in Israel in 1969. He studied a BA in product design at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. Just after graduating, he opened a design studio that dealt mainly with design in cooperation with architects. One of the studio’s major projects was the Football stadium VIP lounge at Bloomfield Tel Aviv. In 2001, he moved to London where he continued to work on his studio’s projects while completing a MA at the Royal College of Art and Design. He graduated in 2003 and received the RCA Society and Thames & Hudson Art Book Award for 2003. His studio focuses today on three main tracks: product design, collaboration with architects and self-production. Assa also teaches 3D design using digital tools and machinery. He exhibited at different galleries and museums and was invited to Japan by IDEE to show at the Esplanade Spiral Building in Tokyo. Some of his work was bought by The

The OMI.MGX lamp is a nylon structure. It is one part made from one



material. The nylon diffuses the light and creates the illusion of ‘solid light’. The form of the object, together with the natural flexibility of the nylon, create the impression of a biological mechanism.


Contemporary Art Society for The Special Collection Scheme in London 2004.

By a bend or a twist, the structure’s shape can be transformed. Like a worm or an armadillo; if you twist one end, the rest will follow. This behaviour makes this lamp a versatile product that can either be adjusted to different spaces, or function as a space manipulator using different light diffusions and sculptural elements.

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Technique: SLS Material: polyamide (nylon) Colour: white Design: Fibreglass, alumide and PA

Models available: Pendant: H 30,5 x 30 x 12,7 cm Lamp: halogen 20W max

Technical sheets see page 103

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DESIGNED BY JANNE KYTTANEN Technique: SLS - Material: polyamide (nylon) Colour: white - Design: chrome coated, stainless steel

Models available: Floor lamp: 143 cm (shade size ø 16,5 cm, H 18 cm) Table lamp: 58 cm (shade size ø 11,8 cm, H 13 cm) Low Table lamp small: 15 cm (shade size ø 11,8 cm, H 13 cm) Low Table lamp big: 20 cm (shade size ø 16,5 cm, H 18 cm) Lamp: halogen max 50W / max 20W - dimmable

Technical sheets see pages 112, 113, 114

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DESIGNED BY JANNE KYTTANEN Technique: SLA Material: epoxy Colour: amber, terra cotta, red, bordeaux, havana brown, black, green Design: chrome coated, stainless steel

Models available: Floor lamp: 143 cm (shade size ø 19 cm, H 17 cm) Table lamp: 55 cm (shade size ø 14,5 cm, H 13,3 cm) Low Table lamp small: 15 cm (shade size ø 14,5 cm, H 13,3 cm) Low Table lamp big: 19 cm (shade size ø 19 cm, H 17 cm) Lamp: halogen max 50W / max 20W - dimmable

Technical sheets see pages 115, 116, 117

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PRIVATE collection

DESIGNED BY BATHSHEBA GROSSMAN Technique: SLS Material: Polyamide Colour: white

Models available: Table lamp: 14 x 14 x 14,7 cm Lamp: halogen max 20W - dimmable

Technical sheet see page 111

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DESIGNED BY ARIK LEVY - LDesign Technique: SLA Material: epoxy Colour: havana brown, black

Models available: Floor: H 143 cm (shade size ø 17,6 cm, H 19,6 cm) Table: H 29,6 cm (shade size ø 11,4 cm, H 12,7 cm) Pendant small: shade size ø 11,4 cm, H 12,7 cm Pendant big: shade size ø 17,6 cm, H 19,6 cm single / triplet / cluster (# according to request) Lamp: halogen max 50W / max 20W

Technical sheets see pages 119, 120, 121

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Janne Kyttanen was born in 1974 in Hameenlinna, Finland. He started his industrial design studies at the Escola De Disseny, Elisave in Barcelona in 1996 and then moved to The Netherlands to continue his studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. He graduated in the spring 2000 from the same Academy. During his studies, Janne proved the potential of using Rapid Prototyping techniques as manufacturing tools and introduced a line of Augmented Reality based Rapid Manufactured products as his thesis for graduation. The project was sponsored by the Human Interface Laboratory of the University Of Washington and the European leader in


Rapid Prototyping, Materialise.


Technique: SLS Material: polyamide (nylon) Colour: white Design: chrome coated, stainless steel

Models available: Floor lamp: 154 cm (shade size ø 13 cm, H 19 cm)) Table lamp: 56 cm (shade size ø 10,5 cm, H 15,5 cm) Lamp: halogen max 50W / max 20W - dimmable

Technical sheets see pages 133, 134

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DESIGNED BY JIRI EVENHUIS Technique: SLA Material: epoxy Colour: terra cotta, black Design: aluminium

Models available: Table lamp: 16,3 cm (shade size 15 x 15 x 15 cm) Lamp: halogen max 20W - dimmable

Technical sheet see page 124

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DESIGNED BY DAN YEFFET - JellyLab Technique: SLA Material: epoxy Colour: amber, terra cotta, red, bordeaux, havana brown Design: aluminium, stainless steel

Models available: Hanging lamps: small version: 13,5 x 15,5 x 24,5 cm big version: 17,5 x 23 x 32 cm Lamp: halogen max 20W / max 50W

Technical sheets see pages 125, 126



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Technique: SLS Material: polyamide (nylon) Colour: white DESIGNED BY JIRI EVENHUIS

Design: chrome coated, gray concrete

Jiri Evenhuis was born in 1973 in Amsterdam and graduated from

Models available:

the Amsterdam Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2000 as an industrial de-

Floor lamp: 155 cm

signer. In the late 90’s he invented the patent pending 3D printable

(shade size 29,5 x 29,5 x 26 cm)

fabric, which has been further developed at Freedom of Creation with

Lamp: halogen max 20W - dimmable

Janne Kyttanen as well as at electro optical systems in Germany and at Loughsborough University in the United Kingdom.

Technical sheet see page 118

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The design for RATIO.MGX is a result of a study about phyllotaxis (the principles governing leaf arrangement), mathematical structures and the rational and irrational distribution patterns in nature. The lamp, together with the electricity cables, rests unconnected in a concrete base, which makes it possible to take the lamp out of its base like a torch. Ratio.MGX, which was introduced at the Recapito Milanese fair in Milan, Italy, is the rational part of a twin design. The irrational counterpart has not



yet been released.


Technique: SLS / SLA Material: polyamide (nylon) / epoxy Colour: white, amber, terra cotta, red, bordeaux, havana brown, black, green DESIGNED BY NAOMI KAEMPFER

Design: chrome coated, concrete (black/white)

Naomi Kaempfer was born in Boston, USA in 1973. After completing background studies in Law and Philosophy at the Hebrew University of

Models available:

Jerusalem, Naomi received an engineering degree in industrial design from

Floor lamp: 154 cm

The Hadassah technical college, Jerusalem, in 1999.

(shade size 16 x 16,5 x 20 cm)

Naomi completed a Master’s Degree of Design at the Design Academy in

Table lamp: 63 cm

Eindhoven, Netherlands, where she studied the fields of Product Design

(shade size 13 x 13,5 x 16 cm)

(studio Droog design), Interior Design (studio Girod-Merkx) and Identity Design

Pendant small: shade size 13 x 13,5 x 16 cm

(studio Li Edelkort). Her previous design work concentrates on 3D software

Pendant big: shade size 16 x 16,5 x 20cm

studies and the benefits of product design; manufacturing techniques in the

Lamp: halogen max 50W / max 20W

globalised dynamics of commercial architecture; and urban cultural design. In August 2003, after a collaboration with “Young Designers and Industry”

Technical sheets

for Materialise, Naomi began working in her current role as Art Director

see pages 129, 130, 131

in the .MGX department.

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17-07-2008 09:44:15


Strand + Hvass is a design firm based in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was founded in 1998 by Christina Strand, MDD, and Niels Hvass, MAA. Both designers graduated from the Danish Design School, where Niels Hvass also lectures. Active in a variety of fields and media, including product design, graphics and exhibitions, the firm’s main focus, however, is furniture and lighting design.

Strand + Hvass bring their own stringent aesthetic approach to the design of modern lighting. While the results of this approach are richly diverse, they all share an unswerving dedication to simplicity, a view of the whole and an eye to detail. Strand + Hvass designs are known both for the economy of their lines and the generosity of their innovation. “We like to work closely with clients who are looking to break new ground through design solutions,” says Niels Hvass. “In our experience, the best results come from thinking in complete solutions - going for the whole before the parts.” Christina Strand continues, “Designing for the commercial market means understanding users and the contexts in which Technical sheet: see page xx our designs are used. We find that the dialogue with customers is crucial - and that a situated design approach is what works best both aesthetically and commercially.”

38 Strand + Hvass’s clients include a long list of Scandinavian and European firms.

Technique: SLS Material: PA (nylon) Design: stainless steel

Models available: Table lamp 1: 43 cm (shade size: 11 x 11 x 11 cm) Table lamp 2: 13,5 cm (shade size: 11 x 11 x 11 cm) Lamp: halogen max 20W - dimmable

Technical sheets see pages 104, 105

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17-07-2008 09:44:30


THE FALL OF THE DAMNED LAMPSHADE The lampshade appears as a hovering mass of ornaments - opulent and

it enables an incredible range of possibilities and thus creates a new

bombastic. When looked at from a closer point of view it dissolves into

freedom of form.Our answer to this new freedom is not the voluntary

single bodies, which are twisted in fear and seem to be frozen in falling.

self-restriction usually applied in modern design. Instead we choose to

Their rhythmic order becomes slightly perplexing and finally renders the

roam freely in the myriads of possibilities given to us. Seen in this way

bodies an ornament. Softly, like the fleshy parts of the bodies, the legs

design reflects the situation of the designer himself.

and stomachs reflect the light. Because of the shadows the bodies cast on themselves, only parts of them appear in the foreground.


Only fragments of the lit inner part of the lamp are distinguishable.

Rococorelevance is a research project, which deals with the parallels

The aspects of the lit core change strongly whenever the observer

between contemporary tendencies in architectural design and those of

changes his position. These movements of the observer transform

the 18th century. Rococorelevance is about trying to develop history in a

the stiff bodies into dynamic objects.The association with the fall of

new manner and use it as an architectural reference. The project rejects

the damned, a metaphor for guilt and punishment gives the lamp a

the naïve faith in the progress of the avantgarde, but also disapproves

certain amount of ambivalence: is it a moralistic message, an act of

of retro-tendencies.Rococorelevance criticises the market conformity,

formalism or both? The Damned Lampshade is one of the works in

which is hidden behind the simplified and superficial quoting from

which Gagat International reactivates historic imagery as a reference

architecture of the past.The projects are a result of various cooperations

for their designs. The design of this lamp undermines several taboos

between Gagat international, TU Kaiserslautern, Stefan Rinnebach,

imposed on design in the 20th century: it is figurative, ornamental,

Torsten Bodschwinna, Holmer Schleyerbach, the architecture critic

and narrative. The new questions about the possibilities of forms posed

Christian Holl, and others.Rococorelevance has been initiated by Luc

by this originate in a new understanding of technology. Technology no

Merx, who designed The Fall of the Damned Lampshade.

longer generates the forces, which determine the design of goods, but

Text: Chistian Holl + Luc Merx

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DESIGNED BY LUC MERX - Gagat International


Dutch architect Luc Merx’s lampshade is an algorithmic mass of writhing nudes that


recalls the classical motif of the fall of the damned. He imagines the lamp hanging above a dining table, the shock of the frozen, terrified bodies disturbing diners with

Technique: SLS

age-old questions of guilt and morality, issues usually kept behind closed doors. By

Material: Polyamide

producing the piece with Materialise’s technology, Merx also has another historical

Colour: white


reference in mind: “The lamp is a masterpiece of virtuosity, similar to that of 18thcentury ivory furniture,” he says. “But the difference is that this is not the result of

Models available:

our virtuosity, but that of a computer.”

Pendant lamp: 60,6 x 63 x 27,3 cm Lamp: Engery Saving lamp, max 13W



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Technical sheet see page 108

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PRIVATE collection


Dan Yeffet’s idea for a lampshade involved the unmistakable pattern of a fingerprint, which when shared, is closely associated with the loss of privacy − in this case the designer’s own. He stretched his print around a sphere, its unique swirls


becoming channels through which light would shine. Yeffet

Technique: SLS

says he prefers to call rapid prototyping “rapid manufactur-

Material: Polyamide

ing,” a distinction that helps explain his fascination with .MGX’s

Colour: white

technology: “This morphology can’t be recreated by any other technique if we want to manipulate it into a product, rather

Models available:

than an art object.”

Big pendant lamp: Ø 24 cm Small pendant lamp: Ø 13,9 cm Lamp: halogen max 50W / max 20W

Technical sheet see page 109

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17-07-2008 09:45:05


The light emitted by the CON_SEQUENCE.MGX lamp gradually

One & Co is an award winning, San Francisco based design studio that works

increases in intensity as it approaches the table surface, generating

within a broad range of industries, including technology, sporting goods, fashion,

a grounded glow that is both intriguing and intimate. The beauty of

lifestyle, housewares and furniture. One & Co is driven by an informed intuition

the object stems from its gradually developing chain pattern and the

that combines business and creativity, art and science, intelligence and beauty.

resultant light that is cast.

Led by principals Jonah Becker, Claude Zellweger, and Scott Croyle, One & Co has

Like with the Sequence bowl, these unique transitions, from geometrical

assembled an international team of talented designers and engineers who have

to organic and from solid to intertwined, define this lamp. The

a passion for design and an eye for detail. One & Co is committed to creating

Con-Sequence lamp takes the solid to chain link idea to another level

meaningful and memorable products and concepts as well as building strong brand

with its flexible links that are gradually no longer contained within a

relationships. One & Co has experience developing programs across a broad

solid frame. As they taper down and grow outwards, they gracefully

range of industries – from science and technology to sporting goods and fashion.

rest on the table surface and become the centre of attention.

These skills enable One & Co to bring a fresh perspective to client challenges. One



& Co creates products that are innovative and memorable.


PRIVATE collection

Technique: SLS Material: Polyamide Colour: white

Models available: Table lamp: 17,7 x 18,4 x 26,9 cm Lamp: halogen max 20W

Technical sheet see page 106

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“We should breed objects like we breed rabbits”

“We can now ‘print’ an object directly from digital information – molds will just disappear. People have no idea yet what an incredible change in technology that is. And what that means for design. All design will become meta-design: objects can now be a range-of-objects like in a family or a species. Like zebra or oaks, or strawberries, or of course, people: not one is the same, but they are similar enough to be recognised. We designed the object in such a way that the differences would be easily readable, without making them too different. They can be big on top, big in the middle, or big below. They can have many holes or just a few. But they will always be private, each lamp you buy is different from the other, it’s unique.”

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PRIVATE collection


Technique: SLS Material: Polyamide

Lars Spuybroek is the principal of NOX, an art & architecture studio in Rotterdam.


Colour: white

Since the early nineties he has been researching the relationship between art, architecture and computing not only by building but also by writing, speaking and

Models available:

teaching. He received international recognition after building the Water Pavilion

Pendant lamp: 24 different models

(HtwoOexpo) in 1997, the ďŹ rst building in the world fully incorporating new media. In

Average size: 20 x 16 x 30 cm

2004 NOX ďŹ nished the D-Tower, the Son-O-house and a cluster of cultural buildings

Lamp: Energy saving lamp, max 13W

in Lille, France (Maison Folies). In the same year Thames & Hudson published his 400-page monograph, NOX: Machining Architecture. Lars Spuybroek has won several prizes and has exhibited all over the world, among them presentations at several Venice Biennales, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Victoria & Albert in London and the Guggenheim Bilbao. He is a Professor and the Ventulett Distinguished Chair in Architectural Design at the Georgia Institute of

Technical sheet see page 122

Technology in Atlanta.

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• We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are. - Anais Nin • The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. - Robertson Davies • Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. - Chinese Proverb • We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own. - Ben Sweetland • There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. - Edith Wharton • When my heart is heavy, the sun helps make it light. - Astrid Alauda • Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. - Rabindranath Tagore • I will love the light for it shows me the way. Yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino • There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle. - Robert Alden

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17-07-2008 09:45:32


A fortune cookie is a thin, crisp cookie baked around a piece of paper

MAXIMALdesign is a multi-disciplinary design agency that assists companies in

with words of faux wisdom or vague prophecy, usually served with

building their brands by creating impactful products & compeiling experiences

Chinese food as a dessert. The message inside may also include

that connect with people. They believe that the total customer experience -

a list of lucky numbers (used by some as lottery numbers) and a

products, services, environments and communications - must connect on an

Chinese phrase with translation. Despite the conventional wisdom,

emotional level, keeping customers satisfied and feeling well-served, as well

they were actually invented in California, USA, not China.

as loyal.

THE FORTUNE COOKIE.MGX is based on this tradition. It has an intruiging and inspring shape, but the fortune only shows when the

“We are a creative team of designers and strategists with over 15 years of

light is turned on. It is projected onto the nearest surface and will

experience in building brands, industrial design and product development. We

brighten up your life...

see it as our challenge to bridge the gap between business needs, emotional


desires of consumers and technical factors, in order to create value for both customers and our clients.”


PRIVATE collection

Technique: SLA Material: Epoxy Colour: Havana brown

Models available: Floor lamp: 149 cm (shade size: 26 x 11,3 x 23,3 cm) Lamp: 2x halogen max 20W

Technical sheet see page 107

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Some of the .MGX lamps are available in chandelier format. The chandelier models are available with various options and each chandelier comes with pre-conďŹ gured ceiling plates and standard 2 metre long cables which can be adjusted so that each shade in the unit can be adjusted to whatever length is required.

Models available: Quin.MGX, Detail.MGX, Minishakes.MGX, Ratio.MGX, Palea.MGX

Availiable chandeliers: 3, 9, 16, 25 pieces Available shade colours: Quin.MGX: white Detail.MGX: white Minishakes.MGX: havana brown, black Ratio.MGX: white, amber, terra cotta, red, bordeaux, black, havana brown, green Palea.MGX: amber, terra cotta, red, bordeaux, havana brown

Technical sheet see pages 135, 136

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“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.” - ANAIS NIN

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17-07-2008 09:46:03


Making a splash at the salone del mobile in Milan, the ONE_SHOT.MGX

maximum usage. The best part? Push lightly down on the center handle

stool is a functional design piece that has energy and a great look. Being

and the piece untwists into its functional form. ONE_SHOT.MGX was

a single, non-assembled unit allows this stool to have easy storage and

purchased for the MoMA in NY collection.

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17-07-2008 09:46:03


Patrick Jouin was born in 1967, in Nantes, France. After graduating from the ENSCI, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Creation Industrielle, in 1992, Patrick started working as a designer at “Compagnie des Wagon-Lits” and “Tim Thom” Thomson Multimedia. In 1995, Patrick joined Philip Starck’s studio in Paris and in 1998, he started his own studio: the Agence Patrick Jouin. Grounded in a desire to make extraordinary modern experiences, it did not take long before the studio expanded from mere product design to entire interiors and full scale architectural projects. In 2004, Patrick Jouin also started up a research atelier for furniture, which led him to explore new



techniques and materials, and resulted in the Solid collection.


Technique: SLS Material: Polyamide (nylon) Colour: white

Dimensions folded position: H 65 cm x ø 11 cm Dimensions seating position: H 40 cm x ø 32 cm

Technical sheet see page 138

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17-07-2008 09:46:15

The AI stool is the first product to be designed using a combination of 3D tools and artificial intelligence. Produced by laser sintering, the chair consists of a cosmetic skin and intelligent soft and hard structures. Like the biological structure and mechanism of bone, the artificial intelligence software knows where to create sufficient support. The AI stool is an intelligent product that grows in free space with an artificial intelligence ‘DNA’ code. This code contains all of the information required to ensure that the object will transform perfectly from a virtual design into a 3D object that achieves the optimum strength and intelligent softness whilst maintaining the desired visual aesthetic.



PRIVATE collection

The AI Stool is designed to carry a load of 120kg on a sitting surface at


a height of 40cm. The challenge was to design a form with the minimum

Technique: SLS

volume required for a seat and then instruct the AI software to calculate

Material: Polyamide

the required support. The AI stool top layer was designed to be soft and

Colour: white


cushiony. How can softness be simulated in the virtual environment? One of the great successes of this project was to generate and analyse

Dimensions: 35 x 34,1 x 40,1 cm

virtual softness. The final AI Stool met all of the mechanical requirements while only using 1/3 of the anticipated material.This project’s importance lies not only in the actual results, but also in the research and development of new intelligent materials, design aesthetics and production methods.

With special thanks to Dr. Siavash Mahdavi of Complex Matters for his significant

Technical sheet see page 137

contribution to the project.

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“More than ever, the pace of technological progress is increasing exponentially and the evolution we can expect in the next two years, is likely to be no less


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significant than the progress seen in the last ten years�

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SILVER_HONEY.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . .


BLACK_HONEY.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . .


FORBIDDEN_FRUIT.MGX . . . . . . . . .




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POLYVASE.MGX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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“The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” - ROBERTSON DAVIES

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PRIVATE collection


Technique: SLS Material: Alumide

Originally from Tel-Aviv, Arik Levy graduated in 1991 with distinction in Industrial

Colour: Aluminium matt

Design from Art Center Europe in Switzerland. Soon after, Arik took part in a prospective design project and participated in design exhibitions in Japan. Upon

Dimensions: 27,4 x 27,4 x 7,3 cm

returning to Europe, he introduced his innovative ideas, concepts and installations. Arik is currently the Creative Director and Partner of LDesign in Paris, and has participated in many exhibitions and manifestations in museums, alternative spaces, galleries and fairs showing his concepts, design pieces and art work. Arik works both as a scientist and a poet. His well-established repertoire of innovation, simplicity and experimentation permit him to create novelties and translate concepts into experience both in the art and design worlds. Arik is known for his many awards, outstanding design museum pieces and his professional designs, for clients including:

Technical sheet see page 149

Vitra, Visplay, Ligne Roset, Desalto, ic_berlin, Balleri Italia, Gaia&Gino, Cinna, Dietiker, Magis, Seralunga, David design, Ansorg, Belux, La Fayette, LorĂŠal and Lampert.

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DESIGNED BY ARIK LEVY - Ldesign Technique: SLA Material: epoxy Colour: black

Models available: Curved: 39,6 x 40,3 x 11,4 cm Flat: 40,2 x 40,3 x 5,4 cm Small: 27,5 x 27,5 x 7,3 cm

Technical sheets see pages 139, 140, 141

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PRIVATE collection

DESIGNED BY DAN YEFFET - JellyLab IN ASSOCIATION WITH KAREN ROSENKRANZ Technique: SLA Material: Epoxy Colour: red, bordeaux, black, green

Dimensions: 39,5 x 27,1 x 5 cm

Technical sheet see page 143

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17-07-2008 09:51:07

“When we bring poetry into a new manufacturing process we get reminded of our role as designers: always searching for opportunities to tell our stories in a different fashion; hoping to offer a new point of view on aspects of the human condition.”


The SEQUENCE.MGX chain bowl is half functional object and half

two generations of manufacturing processes result in an unprecedented

sculpture. Its quiet but rigid outside geometry is juxtaposed to its flexible

part: A surface that translates from solid to loose chain mail.

center structure. The small footprint of flexible elements allows only one or

There is a sort of sequential poetry when each small chain link manages

a few objects to reside on the bowl, making it an object of utmost privacy.

to free itself from the solid for a brief moment of individuality and freedom

With Sequence we are combining traditional molded aesthetics (solid

just before being reabsorbed into that same faceless mass.

wall construction) with the intricacies of 3D printing. The intersection of



PRIVATE collection

DESIGNED BY ONE & CO Technique: SLS Material: Polyamide Colour: white

Dimensions: 39,3 x 26,3 x 3,9 cm

Technical sheet see page 148

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Dan Yeffet was born in 1971 in Jerusalem.

He started his studies at Bezalel

Academy – the school of art and design in Jerusalem and then moved to the Netherlands to continue his studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam where he graduated in 2002 with a BA in industrial/product design. After his graduation, he worked freelance for a year at various design and architecture offices in the Netherlands until he set up JellyLab, his own design studio and platform in Amsterdam. In 2005 Dan moved his studio to Paris were he is currently based. Dan’s work is diverse and spans a variety of design projects from furniture and light to concepts and product development. JellyLab is presently involved in textile and art orientated projects. When asked to define his work, Dan answers: “definitions are our limits, I would like to consider myself as an explorer and adventurer”.



Technique: SLA Material: Epoxy Colour: white Design: amber, terra cotta, red, bordeaux, havana brown, black, green

Models available: Size A: ø 17,7 cm, H 24 cm Size B: ø 19,5 cm, H 26,5 cm Size C: ø 22,5 cm, H 30,5 cm

Technical sheet see page 147

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PRIVATE collection

Technique: SLS chromed Material: polyamide & chrome


Colour: chrome


Amanda Levete trained at the Architectural Association and after working for

Dimensions: 29,9 x 23,3 x 8,7 cm

Technical sheet see page 142

Richard Rogers joined Jan Kaplicky as a partner at Future Systems in 1989. The buildings Future Systems have since realised have been award winning and seminal in their inuence, including the Media Centre at Lord’s, which received the Stirling prize and Selfridges in Birmingham. Current work includes a subway station in Naples in collaboration with Anish Kapoor, a museum for Maserati in Modena, a city academy in Southwark London, a bridge in Dublin and furniture for Established & Sons. Amanda contributes to a number of publications and is a regular broadcaster; she is also a trustee of Art Angel and the Architecture Foundation.

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17-07-2008 09:51:38

That architect Amanda Levete’s chromed bowl resembles a piece of

Levete offered the design to Materialise MGX because the complex twists

mangled scrap metal – or perhaps a necklace one would find in the

of each letter and the gaps they create would otherwise be murderous to

MoMA store – is part of its intrigue: The private, handwritten message

realize, even by hand. “Especially For You” is completely freeform, without

“this is designed especially by me for you with love” has been expanded

any geometric logic,” Levete says.



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into a 3-D form that hides its meaning from everyone but its owner.

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DESIGNED BY DAN YEFFET - JellyLab Technique: SLS Material: polyamide (nylon) Colour: white

Models available: Standard: 14,2 x 14,2 x 14,2 cm Low: 14,2 x 14,2 x 8 cm Tall: 16 x 16 x 28 cm Large: 27 x 27 x 27 cm

Technical sheets see pages 144, 145, 146

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17-07-2008 09:52:04


“A man creates with his brains and not with his hands”

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SILVER SHAMAN.MGX . . . . . . . . . .




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17-07-2008 09:52:17

The ‘Shaman’ Jewellery object is inspired by multiple worlds and spaces. It is made into one skin, an inside and outside, and is born into liquid like a baby in a womb. ‘Shaman’ is a vessel where one can place small physical, emotional and spiritual mementoes, and carry a micro universe around the neck.







Models available:


Technique: SLA

Type A: 2,5 x 2,5 x 4,8 cm

Technique: SLS

Material: Epoxy

Type B: 3 x 1,5 x 5,2 cm

Material: Alumide

Colour: Black

Type C: 2,7 x 1,8 x 3,7 cm

Colour: Aluminium matt

Leather cord: Brown or black or red

Type D: 2,7 x 1,4 x 3,7 cm

Leather cord: Brown or black or red

Technical sheets see pages 151, 152

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17-07-2008 09:52:35


Ross Lovegrove describes his sinuous DOWNLOAD.MGX pen as a “stateof-the-art” digitized form molded from the negative space of his own hand, although the veiny shell looks more like what you’d find if you dissected that body part. Lovegrove, like Yeffet, defines privacy in terms of how much of his personal anatomy he’s willing to put on offer. The pen is also a vehicle to promote one of his pet theories, which he calls “Netification.” “I created the term to describe the lightening of structures, made possible only by rapid-prototyping,” he explains. “MGX is at the forefront of pushing this type of manufacturing and making it accessible to the emerging generation of design industrialists.”

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Ross Lovegrove was born in 1958 in Wales and completed his Master of Design at Royal College of Art, London in 1983. In the early 80’s he worked as a designer for Frog Design in West Germany on projects such as walkmans for Sony and computers

PRIVATE collection

for Apple Computers. Later he moved to Paris as a consultant to Knoll International, where he was invited to join the Atelier de Nimes along with Jean Nouvel and Phillipe Stark. Returning to London in 1988, he completed projects for many furniture, industrial, and product manufacturers. He is the winner of numerous international awards and his work has been internationally published and exhibited. In 1990, he set up his own design office in London, Studio X. Lovegrove has a unique

Technique: Objet, SLS

ability to seduce the consumer with appealing fluid shapes, persuasive technology,

Material: Alumide, Full cure 640

rich color and beautiful materials. He is inspired by forms of the natural world, the

Colour: aluminium matt

possibilities of new manufacturing techniques and the ability to evoke an emotional response in users. Lovegrove’s humanistic approach and organic sensibility have set

Dimensions: 13 x 1,2 x 1,2 cm

Technical sheet see page 150



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a direction for design in the next century.

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Ever since the start-up of the department, Materialise.MGX has been looking for innovative ideas, preferably ones that seem almost impossible to produce. This search led to our existing collection of designer products, but it was also the start of some interesting collaborations with designers such as Patrick Jouin and Arik Levy, collaborations which resulted in an astonishing collection of furniture and art objects. With these projects and collaborations, Materialise.MGX wishes to promote design, but also to emphasise the endless possibilities of the techniques and the futuristic – but not far-fetched – ideas behind it all.



ARIK LEVY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 PATRICK JOUIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 CARTIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 PHILIP TREACY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 LAURENT MASSALOUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 R&SIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 CARL ÖJERSTAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 FUTURE SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 ASSA ASHUACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 HANI RASHID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 FRANK STELLA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 THE VITRA DESIGN MUSEUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 PLATFORM STUDIO AND MATTHIAS BÄR . . . . . . . . . . . 99 PETER JANSEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 DARK@NIGHT STUDIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

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HANDSHAKE Special Edition at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, France

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A special edition of HANDSHAKE, designed by Arik Levy in collaboration with .MGX by Materialise was donated by .MGX to the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Special edition size: 58 cm high.

ABOUT HANDSHAKE Handshake is a space in a space, a womb, a passage, a place where we can feel without seeing, and connect physically.

The double layer surfacing and the space in between permit the Handshake to capture light from the outside and become a light without

its inner space and becomes diffuse on the outside.

Handshake is the formation of a non-biological form or pattern, and yet it


resembles a grain, seed or root. Handshake recalls nature with interior spaces. Hanging, standing, positioned on its side, this sculpture, object,


a source. When used with a light bulb, the double layered object inverts

light, is the living form of an emotional expression.


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In 2004, Materialise.MGX started a project with French designer Patrick Jouin, who had discovered the Rapid Prototyping techniques Selective Laser Sintering and Stereolithography, as they were developed and used by Materialise. This encounter led to SOLID, an amazing collection of self-produced furniture designs, which are the result of Patrick Jouin’s research into the possibilities and qualities of these stunning techniques. Up until now, the RP techniques had only been used for small-scaled models in plastic, but together with Materialise.MGX, Patrick Jouin is taking the entire process to a prevoiously unheard of level. This collection shows the endless possibilities and the great potential that lie in these remarkable manufacturing techniques as they have been developed by Materialise NV. Pieces and forms that were previously impossible to build by any mould, can now be produced on a large scale.

SOLID T1 table


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SOLID C2 chair


SOLID C1 chair


The entire SOLID collection is designed with the RP techniques in mind. Patrick Jouin first focussed on the material itself. Once this was mastered, he started reflecting on how the qualities of the material, together with the techniques, could evolve into the object. For the table base, SOLID T1 and the chairs SOLID C1 and SOLID C2, Patrick Jouin opted for the RP technique Stereolithograpy. The forms of the table base, SOLID T1, and chair, SOLID C2, are reminiscent of blades of grass or ribbons waving in the wind and weaving together. The second chair, SOLID C1, is based on a random, 2-dimensionall pattern that is taken to a 3-dimensional level. SOLID S1, Jouin’s stool, is fabricated with the RP technique Selective Laser Sintering. The primary structure of the stool is a solid bone-like configuration of forms that supports the secondary structure of the object, which takes the shape and feel of intertwining roots.

For more info please contact: agence@patrickjouin.com

SOLID S1 stool

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The new edition C2M (C2 METAL) CHAIR #16 presents two mechanical improvements over the previous C2 designed chair. The ďŹ rst improvement lays in a PU composite that is injected into the hollow printed chair. The second improvement is a 120 micron metal coating layer of bronze and nickel applied by means of electrolysis. This metal coating enhances the solidity and by acting as a resistant metallic shield, protects the printed product from aging.

These technical improvements researched by .MGX allow for greater durability, mechanical strength and longevity, and prove once more that 3D printing technologies are a great advantage in the manufacture of such wonderful large scale designs.


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Materialise was commissioned by Cartier to make some decorative elements for their shop windows.

Decorative elements for a Cartier shop window. Theme: “La Magie de l’écrin Cartier” (La Panthère de Cartier - Cartier et l’Inde des Maharadjahs - L’Univers Cartier).

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COLLABORATION WITH PHILIP TREACY For the G HOTEL in Galway, Ireland, Materialise.MGX produced bedside table lampshades, designed by Philip Treacy.


COLLABORATION WITH LAURENT MASSALOUX Born in 1968, Laurent Massaloux graduated from the Ensci – Les ateliers in 1991. He co-founded Radi designers with the other members of the group in 1992. Since 2000, he has been teaching design, working within the Radi Designers group and running personal design research. His collaborative work allows him to achieve large scale industrial projects, such as a new range of white ware appliances for the SEB Group. In addition, he works on solo research projects such as prototypes or small editions in various fields. In this regard, he has been curated in multiple exhibitions in France and abroad. Laurent, as the “Domesticated Experimentations” Workshop Director, has been teaching at the Ensci – les ateliers since 2001.

Images by: Daniel Schweizer More info on: www.toolsgalerie.com

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COLLABORATION WITH R&SIE Materialise.MGX produced the architectural models for an exhibition, put up by the Musee d’Art Moderne (MAM) who invited Francois Roche to mount a solo show bringing into play his two organisations: R&Sie(n), a firm engaged in architectural practice; and New Territories, a research and publication project.

“ ‘I’ve Heard About’ describes an emerging urban structure that integrates uncertainty into its own heartbeat. It brings together film, generative and computational procedures, scripts and algorithms, prototypes,


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models, a social and relational Charta, etc.”

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COLLABORATION WITH CARL ÖJERSTAM Carl Öjerstam worked with Materialise.MGX for the production of his TURBINELLA lampshade.


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COLLABORATION WITH FUTURE SYSTEMS This Bowl was designed by Amande Levete and can be found in


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the Design and Architecture collection of the MOMA NY

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COLLABORATION WITH ASSA ASHUACH The Osteon V1 Chair is the first chair to be designed using 3D tools and

The artificial intelligence software shows where all the stress points on

artificial intelligence.

the chair’s structure would be for a given load (in this case 120kg), and the package designs in an internal support system within the chairs

Produced by Laser sintering the Osteon chair is made of a cosmetic skin

structure (a kind of honeycomb) to support that load.

and intelligent internal structure. Like a biological bone mechanism and structure, the artificial intelligence software knows where to create the

The entire chair is then made on a rapid prototyping machine. The Osteon

right support. Together with Dr Siavash Mahdavi of Complex Matters,

Chair is the first use of this group of technologies, and it has already

Assa Ashuach has managed to create a progressive workflow that

attracted considerable interest. The system has many applications,

incorporates stress analysis and intelligent tools as part of the design

construction being one of them. Metropolitan Works is an LDA funded

and production process. Like DNA code, this new production format


enables the perfect realisation of a virtual object.

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COLLABORATION WITH ASSA ASHUACH FLY.MGX is the sister light of the OMI.MGX, and the table or oor light has the capacity to be manipulated into inďŹ nite positions to alter the diffusion of light and sculptural presence. Using the laser sintering technology together with the natural properties of the polyamide, this object behaves like a type of biological mechanism and can easily be bended and tweaked to suit any personal space or mood.


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COLLABORATION WITH HANI RASHID OF ASYMPTOTE This series of black resin vases designed by Hani Rashid using the .MGX rapid prototyping technology was featured in the show Atmospherics at Phillips de Pury & Company in New York. This important show embodied Asymptote’s radical architecture practice and included fifteen pieces that were linked by their shared, formal exploration of objects subjected to speed and movement. With swirling, perforated surfaces, the three vases produced by Materialise.MGX using Stereolithography (SLA) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) were among the highlights of the show, and demonstrated Asymptote’s artistic engagement with technology. With their metalized nickel coated surfaces, Fugu, Ubu and Roi appear as tornadoes and whirlpools in constant motion. They possess the ability to create and reflect the atmospherics of place, both absorbing and transmitting light.

“The works are hybridized conditions, mutations between art, design and architecture,” says Hani Rashid.

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K.94, 2008 incorporating gisiang, 2007 Size: 213,4 x 360,7 x 360,7 cm Polypox with stainless steel tubing and plexiglas FS 2008 - 7 2008


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model is part of: K.94 (Alumide RPT version) Size: 33 x 35,6 x 33 cm Alumide RPT with stainless steel tubing FS 2008 - 40





Frank Stella’s occupation with formalist concerns has led to intense and rich explorations of line, color, texture and ultimately the potential of the pictorial surface to reach beyond the flat canvas to the realm of volume, space and light.

In his sculptures, the notion of movement takes precedence, and, to Stella, the most successful structures are those that resist stasis, and engage instead in illusory or literal movement. Seemingly closing the loop of the trajectory of his art, Frank Stella’s recent work in sculpture and architecture embody and suggest the potential of the unbound pictorial surface to inhabit, engage, and nourish the space in which we live.

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Frank Stella (born in 1936 in Malden, Massachusetts) is the only living artist to be honored with two retrospectives at the Museum of Modern Art. Stella has been pushing boundaries for decades, constantly seeking out new means of art-making.

He lives and works in New York.



K.43 (Lattice variation), work in progress Size: 64,5 x 68, 7 x 39,7 cm Protogen RPT with CuNi Coating 2008

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Size: 193 x 83,3 x 83,8 cm Carbon RPT on stainless steel tripod FS 2008 - 13 2008

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model is part of: K.114 (Carbon RPT version)

17-07-2008 09:57:13

‘Jellylab’ - Iwamoto Scott


COLLABORATION WITH THE VITRA DESIGN MUSEUM In 2006, the Vitra Design Museum commissioned .MGX to work with Iwamoto Scott Architecture of San Francisco, U.S.A. and Mass Studies of Seoul, Korea to produce Jellyfish House and Seoul Commune 2026 as part of the Open House exhibition. Both projects were created using the SLS production method incorporating a foam base, and cleverly address the theme of “Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living.” The .MGX technology enabled Scott’s Jellyfish to portray not just a physical enclosure, but an active, smart technology engaged in the remediation of its own environment. In the case of the Seoul Commune 2026 by Mass Studies, the SLS method allowed the portrayal of a geotextile exterior skin that rethinks the division of ‘Seoul Commune’ 2026 - Mass Studies

private and public space.

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COLLABORATION WITH PLATFORM STUDIO AND MATTHIAS BÄR Fractal-T is a table which derived from studies into fractal growth patterns. Treelike stems grow into smaller branches until they get very dense towards the top. Fractal-T, developed by Platform Studio together with Matthias Bär, reinforces the growing bond between nature and mathematical formulas, and is impossible to manufacture without rapid prototyping technologies.

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HUMAN MOTIONS Based on his ideas around transposition and movement, the artist Peter Jansen uses shapes of the human body to create energetic spaces. In his earlier works he focused on open spaces, created almost free of matter and weight. In his recent sculptures, he captures sequences of human movements in space and time, in a single frame.

Peter Jansen (1956) lives in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. His works have been exhibited in several European countries, the United States and Japan.



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In honour of the fourth anniversary of the famous Amsterdam club, Jimmy Woo, .MGX worked with Design Management Europe (DME) award winner Marnick Smessaert of Darkatnight-Studio to create a limited edition design package for the Smirnoff Black 5-litre bottle. The “art packaging” was created using SLA technology, and was unveiled at the Apart Media art gallery in Amsterdam.

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“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding” LEONARDO DA VINCI

Special thank you to everyone at:

Thank you to our partners:


Technologielaan 15 3001 Leuven Belgium T +32 16 39 66 11 F +32 16 39 66 00 materialise-mgx.com info@materialise-mgx.com

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