Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter

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September 2015| Edition 15

Healthy North Coast

practitioner newsletter


GP Focus


AMS Focus


AgedCare Focus


Pharmacy Focus


AlliedHealth Focus

inside 3. GP Focus 8. AMS Focus 9. Aged Care Focus 10. Pharmacy Focus 11. Allied Health Focus 13. News 15. Events 16. Classifieds


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GPFocus PAL UPDATE New RACGP guide for GPs: benzodiazepines

On demand eHealth training

Benzodiazepines have a chequered clinical history and continue to produce polar opinions in the medical community. Every year in Australia nearly 7 million prescriptions for benzodiazepines are issued, with Valium and Temazepam among the most common.

Healthcare professionals can now simulate use of eHealth functionality in their software via Each software product available for simulation has been made possible through software vendors, who each provide their own training in this functionality. This page will be regularly updated as new features and software products become available.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) President, Dr Frank R Jones, said that although benzodiazepines have been associated with benefits and harms for patients, their use has led to growing concern about the harms associated with both the authorised and unauthorised use of the drugs. “It is vital GPs are aware of the issues benzodiazepines have created at a broad society level and among individual patients,” Dr Jones said. The RACGP has created a new guide on prescribing benzodiazepines, focusing on patient-centred care, accountable prescribing and harm reduction. The guide aims to reduce patient harm associated with benzodiazepine misuse. The guide explains that benzodiazepines should not be the first line of treatment and are generally regarded as a short-term therapeutic option. Long-term use, beyond four weeks, should be uncommon, made with caution and based on thoughtful consideration of the likely risks and benefits, accompanied with continued monitoring. Visit for more information.

New RACGP resource for GPs and other health professionals: Female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS) The RACGP has released another new guide, Female genital cosmetic surgery - a resource for general practitioners and other health professionals. The guide provides information on what FGCS is, the factors driving demand, and a set of practical recommendations on how to manage women requesting referral for FGCS or expressing concern about their genitalia. The guide can be accessed at 3

Practice Management Award for Excellence in Chronic Disease Management Applications are now open for the Practice Management Award for Excellence in Chronic Disease Management, kindly sponsored by a grant from Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD). To apply, visit

Teach-back for better health literacy Do you ever feel like you’re not getting through to some of your patients? Are they regularly not following through on your advice and treatment plans for managing their conditions? It might be time to teach-back. Teach-back is a best practice communications method for addressing health literacy, and can be used with all patients universally to reduce misunderstanding. It can also assist patients to better engage in their care. It focuses on the use of clear, simple language when speaking with patients and having them confirm their understanding by asking them to ‘teach-back’ the information. Melbourne Primary Care Network have partnered with St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health to produce a short video for GPs and other health care providers on how to use the teach-back technique with patients. Visit to view the video.


Medicare Billing Assurance Toolkit

Colocation Evaluation Report

Billing mistakes sometimes happen due to unrecognised risks with business systems or processes. Medicare’s new Billing Assurance Toolkit provides checklists, strategies and other information to improve risk assurance processes and reduce the risk of inaccurate billing. Visit to access the toolkit.

Co-location and Integration of Allied Health Services into General Practice: A demonstration trial in North Coast NSW Medicare Local ran March 2014-March 2015. The project examined whether the co-location of Local Health District (LHD) employed community and allied health professionals in general practice settings results in better service integration and improved patient access and experience. At the clinical, professional and organisational levels, the evaluation found high levels of satisfaction with colocation among the patients, co-located practitioners and GPs and practice staff.

Free online COPE education program for COPD patients Lung Foundation Australia has developed COPD Online Patient Education (COPE), a new program for patients and their carers. This free, web-based training enables patients to complete the educational component of pulmonary rehabilitation from the comfort of their own home. Visit for more information.

Asbestos-Related Disease/Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Online Nurse Education Program Lung Foundation Australia’s new AsbestosRelated Disease/Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (ARD/MPM) Online Nurse Education Program has been designed to help registered and enrolled nurses develop an understanding of best practice care for patients with ARD/MPM. The ARD/MPM Nurse Education Program takes three months to complete, with 10-15 nurses enrolled to undertake the study period as a cohort led by Lung Foundation’s Nurse Educator. Completion of the three-month program entitles eligible participants to claim 9.5 CPD points from the Australian College of Nursing (ACN). The last study date for 2015 is 17 September to 17 December. Visit for more information, including enrolment details. For information on free

professional development courses for North Coast health professionals, refer to page 11.


The final project report (June 2015) can be viewed at, and related fact sheet can be accessed at http://

Practice Nurse scholarships The Department of General Practice at The University of Melbourne offers distance education courses developed by experienced practice nurses and general practitioners. The subject areas cover chronic disease management, preventive health, advanced nursing practice and practical skills such as cervical screening and immunisation. These graduate courses can assist you to: • • • •

complement your clinical skills and experience with an academic qualification expand your scope of practice work as an advanced nurse in general practice gain entry into higher degrees including the nurse practitioner master degree

Applications are now open for the 2015 Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme for graduate certificate, graduate diploma or masters programs, including nurse practitioner courses. Successful applicants will be awarded up to $30,000. Applications close on 21 September 2015. Visit for more information about the scholarship.

A Collaborative First for Australia on the Mid North Coast A Musculoskeletal Primary Health Care Collaborative Wave is heading for the Mid North Coast, to complement the existing MSK Primary Health Care initiative underway at a number of general practices. Collaborative Waves are designed to help primary care services apply evidencebased best practice into everyday ways of working to enhance the care provided to patients. Collaborative Waves use established quality improvement methodology and have demonstrated gains in patient outcomes and streamlined business processes such as scheduling, follow-up and billing. The Wave will be run by the Improvement Foundation in partnership with North Coast Primary Health Network, NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation and Mid North Coast Local Health District. While Collaborative Waves have been successfully adopted previously on the Mid North Coast, none have focused on musculoskeletal conditions. Specifically, the collaborative wave will focus on osteoporosis via re-fracture prevention and acute low back pain, both identified as significant contributors to Australia’s burden of disease and particularly pertinent to the Mid North Coast’s ageing population. Primary care service providers will receive an Expression of Interest to join the Musculoskeletal Collaborative Wave in the coming weeks and can learn more by attending the Coffs Harbour Musculoskeletal Symposium on 10 September 2015 (6 to 9pm), where this exciting initiative will be launched. Guest speakers and CDP points are on offer. Canapés and refreshments will be provided. Invites to the symposium will be emailed to practices. For more information, contact project officer Martin Cushing on 02 6583 8600.



Quality Care for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Patients

Shingles vaccine Zostavax® to be provided free for 70-79 year olds from November 2016

Cardea Services offers a free, online, two-part independent study series entitled Clinically Competent and Culturally Proficient Care for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Patients. It provides an introduction to gender and sexuality in a health care setting and provides guidance on clinical care for transgender and gender diverse clients. Visit to learn more.

The shingles vaccine, Zostavax®, has been approved to be placed on the National Immunisation Program (NIP), to be provided free of charge from 1 November 2016 to people aged 70 years, subject to vaccine supply. There will also be a five year catch-up program for people aged 71-79 years.

Mandatory reporting of child abuse

Visit to access the varicella section of The Australian Immunisation Handbook, 10th Edition, 2015.

Child Protection Week falls from 6 to 12 September, 2015. This week provides an opportunity to remind GPs and health workers about their legal obligations around child protection.

For more information on herpes-zoster (shingles), visit http:// to view the Immunise Australia Program’s shingles page.

The law requires that health professionals report suspected child abuse. If you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is at risk of significant harm you must report it. Under the law you are protected from prosecution if you make a child abuse report in good faith. You do not need to establish that child abuse is occurring, just report your suspicions and FACS will investigate.

New resource - immunisation commonly observed reactions tear-off pads

You can make a report by phoning the NSW Family and Community Services (FACS) Child Protection Helpline on 133 627. Mandatory reporters are encouraged to use the Mandatory Reporter Guide, to guide their decision making and determine whether or not to report to the Child Protection Helpline. Visit to access the NSW Mandatory Reporter Guide. HealthPathway available, Child Protection Services: Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d

Meningococcus Webinar

Immunise Australia recently released a new resource: tear-off pads of 50 double-sided A4 sheets which contain information regarding common reactions caused by vaccines provided on the NIP. The pads are a useful and informative handout to be given to parents to inform them of the common reactions children and adolescents have to vaccines on the schedule. Visit to order or print the pads. Updated fact sheets The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) has recently updated their fact sheets on: • • • • • •

Hepatitis B vaccines for Australians Influenza vaccines for Australians Meningococcal vaccines for Australians Pertussis vaccines for Australians Varicella-zoster (chickenpox) vaccines for Australian children Zoster vaccine for Australian adults

Visit to find the updated fact sheets. is helping GPs diagnose meningococcus earlier through a free, 13-minute video featuring Dr Jaycen Cruickshank, Emergency Physician and Director of Clinical Training, Ballarat Health Services. Visit to access this and other GP lectures.

Changes to Medicare Benefits Schedule MBS online released changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule on September 1, including details of Paediatric Services Review - Stage 1 and Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People amendment (Item 715). Visit for all changes and details. 5

RIP Dr Shanahan The doctors and staff at Rocks Fair Medical Practice wish to express deep sorrow for the loss of Dr Carmel Shanahan, who passed away on Tuesday 18 August 2015. North Coast Primary Health Network sends its sympathies to Dr Shanahan’s family, friends, colleagues and patients.

GPFocus MENTAL HEALTH Spotlight on Perinatal Depression Research shows that depression and/or anxiety are experienced by at least one in ten women during pregnancy; the figure rises to one in six women in the year following birth. The perinatal period (including pregnancy and the following year) is a time of great change in a woman’s life. Women are at greater risk of experiencing more serious mental health problems when they: • • • •

have had mental health problems before do not have enough support have been through difficult times (e.g. family problems, abuse or loss) feel isolated either by distance, culture or both, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

Treating perinatal depression is critical, not only for the patient, but also for the future health and wellbeing of the child(ren) and partners.

counselling for parents whose baby has died, or motherinfant psychotherapy to treat difficult mother and baby relationships. If you have a patient with perinatal depression and they hold a Health Care Card or are in severe financial stress, you can refer them to Healthy Minds for free psychological services. Referrals to Healthy Minds are made by completing a Healthy Minds referral form (download from and a Mental Health Treatment Plan. The Healthy Minds team has been working with Community Mental Health across our footprint to facilitate referrals for eligible women who visit their workers. Maternal and child health nurses and social workers may provisionally refer women with perinatal depression to Healthy Minds. All women referred this way will be encouraged to visit their GP for assessment and a mental health treatment plan. For more information about Healthy Minds, please call our team on 1300 137 237.

The evidenced-based beyondblue Perinatal Clinical Practice Guidelines ( recommend an approach based on routine assessment of emotional health and wellbeing during both pregnancy and the following year. The assessment includes questions about psychosocial factors that may increase a woman’s likelihood of mental health problems. It also asks about any symptoms of depression or anxiety experienced in the previous week, using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). If a woman has psychosocial factors and/or symptoms, the health professional uses clinical judgement to decide whether she would benefit from follow-up care. In the early postnatal period, it is also important to begin to assess the relationship between mother and baby, and be aware if there are any signs of puerperal psychosis or bipolar disorder, particularly in women who have had these disorders before. Women with severe symptoms are likely to require a care plan that integrates these approaches, and they may need to consider also taking medication. If hospital admission is required, mother and baby should be kept together wherever possible. In some situations, specific therapy may be appropriate, for example early parenting care where a woman has symptoms worsened by sleep deprivation, bereavement 6

For a brief summary of key findings of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2014 report, refer to page 9.

GPFocus NEW TO HEALTHPATHWAYS – AUGUST 2015 • • • • • • • • •

Acute Back Pain Red Flags Acute Back Pain without Leg Symptoms Acute Back Pain with Leg Symptoms Knee Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Acute Asthma in Children Asthma (non-acute) in Children Miscarriage Telehealth

FROM THE HEALTPATHWAYS HOME PAGE Non Localised HealthPathways Pathways developed in New Zealand by the Canterbury Initiative that are not yet localised for Mid & North Coast have a silver fern background and the warning “Not yet localised for Mid & North Coast”.

HEALTHPATHWAYS OF THE MONTH Acute Back Pain without Leg Symptoms, Acute Back Pain with Leg Symptoms and Acute Back Pain Red Flags The Acute Back Pain pathways were recently added to the Mid and North Coast HealthPathways website. The pathways include the latest diagnostic, management and local referral information. The Acute Back pain pathway is organised to reflect the way a GP would classify the symptoms presented to them and guide the management. In the majority of acute lower back pain cases, it is not possible to identify the source of pain and it is worth noting serious conditions are rare causes of acute lower back pain. Around 40% of people with an episode of acute low back pain (ALBP) will have recovered within six weeks and 52% by three months. However, some 14% may still have pain at 12 months. With acute back pain with leg symptoms, the most common aetiology of lumbosacral radiculopathy is nerve root compression caused by disc herniation or degenerative stenosis. Clinical symptoms are self-limiting in most cases. There is no evidence that routine imaging improves clinical outcomes. Early imaging may be associated with negative outcomes. Clinical guidelines recommend investigations only for patients with suspected serious conditions.


These non-localised pathways may contain useful condition management information. However, clinicians are advised to use their judgement regarding the appropriateness of this information for Mid and North Coast. Visit the Mid and North Coast HealthPathways website: Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d For further information or to suggest a future Pathway topic, please contact: Fiona Ryan (02) 6583 3600 (Mid North Coast) Kerrie Keyte (07) 5523 5507 (Northern NSW)


Background Artwork by Alison Williams

PAL UPDATE Some wins in Aboriginal Health performance

Aboriginal Health traineeships on MNC

The fifth report built around the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework shows the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people improving for a number of measures. However, the report states that “there remain many areas where further concerted effort will be needed to achieve improvements in health outcomes”.

In June, the Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) launched a school-based Aboriginal Traineeship program at the Nambucca Entertainment Centre.

The 2014 report can be viewed on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website: Here is a brief summary of key findings: IMPROVEMENTS • • • • •

Chronic disease – decline in mortality rate of 16% between 1998 and 2013. Smoking rates – declined by 7% between 2002 and 2013 for those aged 15 and above. Child mortality rate – declined by 31% for kids aged 0 to 4 years. Low birth weight – declined by 9% between 2000 and 2011. Health system – Medicare services claimed have doubled over past decade and, since 2010, 8.8 million scripts have been issued under the PBS co-payment measure. Social determinants – Gap in the Year 12 attainment rate has narrowed by 11.6% and the 2020 COAG target is on track.

The Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Program has helped fund a pilot school-based traineeship program for the MNCLHD to promote workforce diversity and innovation for the Health District and better health outcomes for patients. Twenty-five Aboriginal trainees have begun their two-year traineeship with the Health District, working in nursing, allied health, IT and admin across all health sites. On completion of their traineeships, the students will have achieved a nationally recognised qualification in their chosen field, which contributes to their Higher School Certificate. Two Student Support Workers provide extra assistance to the trainees and they will work closely with local secondary schools, the Aboriginal community, State Training Services Office and MNCLHD. The MNCLHD Aboriginal workforce stands at 3.4%, which is above the NSW Health benchmark of 2.6%, however Mr Dowrick would like this figure to increase to 5%.

CONCERNS Disability – in 2012/13, 47% of Indigenous Australians over 18 had a disability or long term health condition. Cancer – Death rates have increased by 11% between 2006 and 2012. Diabetes – in 2012/13, 11% of Indigenous adults had diabetes with many cases not managed well. End stage kidney disease – seven times the rate for nonIndigenous Australians. Obesity – 66% over 15 overweight or obese. Health system – in 2012/13, 21% reported problems accessing dentists, doctors, counsellors and other health professionals. Social determinants – No progress on the employment target since 2008. Achievements in reading, writing and numeracy remain below that of all students. Homelessness – In 2011, 28% of Indigenous Australians were homeless.


Pictured: MNCLHD Governing Board Chair Warren Grimshaw AM with Liam Donovan, a school-based trainee working with the Health District’s IT division at Coffs Harbour Health Campus.

For information on free professional development courses for North Coast health professionals, refer to page 11.

AgedCareFocus PAL UPDATE NVC and MNCLHD Palliative Care Linkage Project 2015

Dementia Awareness Month

Nambucca Valley Care (NVC) and Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD), with Australian Government Department of Health funding through Queensland University of Technology (QUT), have developed the Palliative Care Linkage Project. The project aims to provide support for the promotion of improved linkages between aged care and palliative care services, demonstrating the new linkage strategies which improve end of life care for older Australians. A Link Nurse will be appointed for two days per week and a Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) will be engaged for two days per month. The project will be completed in phases and will be time limited to 12 months.

Dementia Awareness Month is held from 1 September to 30 September nationwide. The theme for the month is ‘Creating a Dementia-Friendly Nation’. The goal is to encourage Australians to become dementia-aware, have a better understanding of what it is like for a person to live with dementia, and ultimately be encouraged to create communities where people with dementia are supported to live a high quality of life with meaning, purpose and value.

For NVC, the Linkage will provide opportunities for: • • • • • • • • • •

improving palliative care in our aged care setting improved and new documentation tools creating a new culture of the palliative approach in aged care improved experience for residents and families at end of life providing palliative specialist mentorship formalised linkage between the Community Palliative Specialist team and the aged care setting creating new links “speaking the same language” increasing awareness and improving knowledge amongst residential nursing staff about palliative care, creating a new culture, interest and commitment by care staff increasing awareness for the Palliative Care CNC about aged care needs and the systems required for the delivery of optimal care. This also leads to a greater understanding of the specialised skills utilised by Aged Care nurses.

For more information, contact Jenny Zirkler via phone on 02 6598 5000 or email

New resource for RACFs: Dysphasia management and safe swallowing North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) is pleased to announce that a new Dysphasia Management DVD is now available and will be distributed to all RACFs in the PHN region. Staff in RACFs may copy the DVD for distribution to staff and carers as required, and the information from the DVD can be circulated to those interested in learning more about the subject. Visit to view the video online.


Visit to view Alzheimer’s Australia’s resources to support dementia sufferers, their carers and health professionals.

Call for Submissions The Aged Care Financing Authority (ACFA) has released a consultation paper calling for submissions from providers operating in rural and remote locations to inform its report to the government on the factors influencing the financial performance of rural and remote aged care providers. ACFA is requesting general submissions as well as nominations from the sector to participate in the study. Visit to view the paper. Submissions are due by close of business 28 September, 2015, via email at or by post at: Director ACFA Secretariat Aged Care Policy and Reform Group Department of Social Services PO Box 7576 Canberra Business Centre ACT 2610

Free online COPE education program for COPD patients Lung Foundation Australia has developed COPD Online Patient Education (COPE), a new program for patients and their carers. This free, web-based training enables patients to complete the educational component of pulmonary rehabilitation from the comfort of their own home. Visit for more information.

For a brief summary of key findings of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2014 report, refer to page 9.

PharmacyFocus PAL UPDATE On demand eHealth training Healthcare professionals can now simulate use of eHealth functionality in their software via Each software product available for simulation has been made available through software vendors, who each provide their own training in this functionality. This page will be regularly updated as new features and software products become available.

One billion eRx scripts After reaching a total of one billion prescriptions dispensed electronically via eRx in August, ERX Script exchange says Australia has “achieved a major milestone in patient safety”. Currently pharmacies using eRx are electronically dispensing more than 745,000 e-scripts per day. Fred IT Group CEO Paul Naismith has stated that the achievement was “real cause for celebration for Australian patients, their doctors and pharmacists, with electronic transfer of prescriptions increasing confidence that the correct medications are being dispensed, while at the same time making dispensing faster and ensuring patient details are correct.”

campaign (folders and fact sheets have recently been distributed nationwide). Visit to access the ‘My Aged Care’ portal.

Coffs Harbour pharmacy’s a winner North Coast Primary Health Network would like to congratulate Lisa Ryan from Jetty Village Pharmacy in Coffs Harbour. Lisa has been awarded NSW Pharmacy Assistant of the Year, coming first in a field of excellent candidates. She will now go on to the Pharmacy Assistant National Finals to be held in October.

My Aged Care Launched 1 July 2015, the ‘My Aged Care’ service will help improve the quality of aged care in Australia, giving older people more choice and flexibility, and helping them stay independent in their homes and communities for longer. The Department of Social Services recognises pharmacies as a key contact point for older Australians to the health care system and calls on pharmacies to help spread the message about this major reform through a national prescription repeat folder 10

For a brief summary of key findings of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2014 report, refer to page 9.

AlliedHealthFocus PAL UPDATE Free Professional Development Courses For North Coast Health Professionals North Coast allied health professionals will continue to have access to free online professional development training thanks to a partnership between North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) and North Coast Allied Health Association. The short courses, which will be delivered through the TAFE Now website, take around an hour to complete and are worth one CPD (Continuing Professional Development) point per hour. North Coast health professionals will have free access to: • • •

Allied Health course topics for allied health professionals Healnet course topics for nurses and other similar medical professionals Generic short course topics for small businesses and self interest

All topics are peer reviewed by industry professionals and endorsed by industry associations. Regular topic reviews are also conducted to ensure they incorporate current policies, legislation and Australia-wide guidelines. North Coast health professionals can access the NCPHN enrolment key and full course instructions at:


Colocation Evaluation Report Co-location and Integration of Allied Health Services into General Practice: A demonstration trial in North Coast NSW Medicare Local ran March 2014-March 2015. The project examined whether the co-location of Local Health District (LHD) employed community and allied health professionals in general practice settings results in better service integration and improved patient access and experience. At the clinical, professional and organisational levels, the evaluation found high levels of satisfaction with co-location among the patients, co-located practitioners and GPs and practice staff. The final project report (June 2015) can be viewed at http://, and related fact sheet can be accessed at http://

Free online COPE education program for COPD patients Lung Foundation Australia has developed COPD Online Patient Education (COPE), a new program for patients and their carers. This free, web-based training enables patients to complete the educational component of pulmonary rehabilitation from the comfort of their own home. Visit for more information.

AlliedHealthFocus PAL UPDATE Extended Scope of Practice in the Emergency Department An innovative and exciting new model of care will soon be initiated in the Tweed Hospital Emergency Department. The Northern NSW Local Health District Board and Chief Executive have recently approved the establishment of an Extended Scope of Practice Physiotherapy position. Whilst Emergency Department demand is increasing, patients presenting with minor musculoskeletal injuries such as uncomplicated fractures, joint sprains or low back pain often face long waiting times, as patients with time-critical illnesses are prioritised. The National Emergency Access Targets (NEAT) emphasise increasingly stringent benchmarks for timely and appropriate care for all Emergency Department patients. Extended Scope of Practice Physiotherapists in the Emergency Department are able to work as standalone practitioners, accepting appropriate patients directly from triage and avoiding unnecessary delays in waiting for initial assessment by a doctor. Extended scope privileges will include the ability to order and interpret X-rays, apply plasters, administer basic medications and provide sick leave certification. Musculoskeletal patient journeys through the Emergency Department will be streamlined, with comprehensive care provided by a single expert practitioner.


Recognising great potential for change and best practice, NNSWLHD will soon be implementing an Extended Scope of Practice Physiotherapy position in the Tweed Hospital Emergency Department. The proposed service model will be tailored to best meet local service needs, including weekend and early evening shifts which match peak attendances of musculoskeletal patients to the Emergency Department. A similar role is expected to be established when the new Emergency Department opens at Lismore Base Hospital in 2016. For more information, please contact Vicki Rose, Executive Director Allied Health Chronic and Primary Care, NNSWLHD, by emailing

For a brief summary of key findings of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2014 report, refer to page 9.

HNCNews Networking Platform for Health Professionals


ealthy North Coast’s new online network allows you to communicate, network and collaborate in a private and professional environment, with colleagues from across the North Coast without leaving your office. The Healthy North Coast Network is based on the functionality of other familiar social networking platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. With over 130 regional and professionbased networks available, the Healthy North Coast Network is ready for you to join right now. Health professionals can register for the Healthy North Coast Network by visiting Full instructions for the platform are available at

GP Services Secured for Coraki Community North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) is delighted to announce that the Maria Clinic in Casino will be opening a general practice at Coraki in September. NCPHN’s General Manager, North, Mr Chris Clark, said the opening of the practice was an exciting development. “It’s very pleasing to have come to this agreement with the Maria Clinic to provide the community of Coraki and surrounding areas with medical support. The Coraki practice will start off part-time, building up to full-time as the practice grows,” he said. Mr Clark thanked the people of Coraki and the Northern NSW Local Health District for their support in the process of securing a new GP for the town. He said the new general practice would eventually have the opportunity to be part of the Coraki HealthOne development to be built on the Campbell Hospital site by NSW Health. The new service in Coraki was the culmination of a tender process inviting local general practices to operate a practice in the town. The tender winner, Maria Clinic, is a well-established medical clinic in Casino offering a wide range of medical services. Read the full story at:


HNCNews Tough allergy season ahead According to the Bureau of Meteorology, this past autumn was wetter than normal and this winter has seen drier-than-average conditions. An El Nino forecast for 2015-2016 could shorten the pollen season in some parts of Australia but elsewhere allergy sufferers may be in for a tough few months ahead. A bad hay fever season is expected in and around Sydney. Up to seven million Australians suffer from pollen allergy (including hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and conjunctivitis) and struggle with sneezing, watery eyes, a running nose and an itchy throat. Thunderstorms can trigger asthma flare-ups as stormy winds and moisture can cause the pollen to rupture into smaller particles, which can be inhaled deeper into the lungs. The situation is exacerbated when grass pollen levels are high just before a thunderstorm. House dust mite is more prevalent at the change of seasons and many people spring clean, so the 74% of Australian hay fever sufferers who are house dust mite allergic will have their house dust mite allergy aggravated then too. National Asthma Council Australia Spokesperson Associate Professor Sheryl van Nunen, from the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, said that the best way to manage an allergy is to avoid triggers. National Asthma Council Australia has issued the following Top Tips to Reduce Pollen Exposure: • • • • • •

Try to stay indoors during and after thunderstorms Keep car windows closed and use recirculated air when pollen levels are high. Car air filters will also help Consider planting a low allergen garden around the home Check plants in your garden for those that could be aggravating asthma/allergies Wear glasses to keep pollen out of your eyes Avoid mowing lawns or wear a mask if it is unavoidable

Visit for more information and tips from the National Asthma Council Australia.


North Coast Services and Resources to Help Young People at Risk of Suicide The landmark Youth Mental Health National Survey paints a disturbing picture around teenage depression, self-harm and suicide. With results the Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley has described as ‘confronting, sad and shocking’, the major study shows 10% of teenagers have engaged in self-harm, one in 13 have contemplated suicide, and one in 40 have attempted it. However, the positive news is that the number of young Australians seeking help has doubled over 15 years. North Coast Primary Health Network wants to let young people, their parents and concerned friends know that help is available locally for young people experiencing severe depression and/or thinking about suicide. North Coast Primary Health Network’s CEO Vahid Saberi said that the Network was proud to be the lead agency for headspace Lismore and headspace Tweed, which offer comprehensive mental health services for young people (headspace centres are also located at Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie). “It’s is pleasing to know that a recent study published in The Medical Journal of Australia found that most young people who received support from headspace centres showed improvement over time,” he said. “Sixty percent of the young people showed significant change, including reducing their psychological distress and improving their psychosocial functioning. I’d urge any parent concerned about their child’s mental wellbeing to get in touch with headspace,” Mr Saberi added. North Coast Primary Health Network’s Healthy North Coast website has a section on Suicide Help which can be accessed at:


September-November 2015 You can view the full North Coast Practitioner events calander at:



10 September - Optimising Drug Delivery to the Lungs for People with Asthma & Selected Updates in Respiratory Medicine for GPs, Port Macquarie

8 September - Ageing, Homelessness and Dementia Seminar, Tweed Heads

16 September - Insulin Pump Workshop, Port Macquarie

10 September - Mirri Mirri Cultural Engagement Training, Murwillumbah

24 September - Cardiology Workshop for medical and nursing staff involved in clinical emergencies, Kempsey

11-12 September - Pedorthic Plantar Pressure Redistribution workshop, Gold Coast

29 September - Healing Touch, Port Macquarie

31 October - Back to Wet Lab – Advanced Anatomy of the Shoulder Joint, Gold Coast

25 September - Palliative Care Emergencies for GPs, South West Rocks

Mid North Coast

5-8 November - The Border to Bay Walk for Clinicians, Kingscliff 6 November - Pedorthic Bracing and Prefabricated AFO Fitting, Gold Coast

8-9 September - Working Therapeutically with Aberrant & Offending Sexual Behaviours, Coffs Harbour 10 September - Musculoskeletal Symposium, Coffs Harbour 21 September - Frontotemporal Dementia Conference, Coffs Harbour 28 October - Unique challenges for sufferers of family and domestic violence, Coffs Harbour

10-11 September - ADMA 2015 Annual Conference, Brisbane 12 September - Managing Bipolar Disorder, Randwick

15 October - Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, Coffs Harbour

12 September - Dealing with Adolescent Depression, Randwick

Northern Rivers

14 September - Graduate Certificate in Allergic Diseases, Western Sydney University

14 September - Working with Young People – Self Harm/Self Injury Behaviours, Lismore

16-18 September - Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference, Brisbane

15 September - Botox and the Bladder: Beyond Medication, Bangalow

17-19 September - Pharmacy Business Network 2015, Melbourne

16 September - Northern Rivers IUD Group, Bangalow

10 October - Certificate in Primary Care Dermatology for GPs, Brisbane

17 September - Speed Networking for Specialists and GPs, Lindendale 24 September - Richmond Valley Clinical Society, Lismore 28 September - IV Cannulation Simulation Workshop for JMOs and RNs, Lismore 8 October - Falls Prevention Forum, Lismore 12-14 October - ACT with Compassion, Byron Bay 22 October - Richmond Valley Clinical Society, Lismore 15

Other Events

10 October - Dealing with Depression for GPs, Tweed Heads 15 October - 2015 Innovations in Cancer Treatment and Care Conference, Sydney 15 October - Pharmacy Assistant National Conference 2015, Gold Coast

HNCclassifieds GP POSITIONS, PORT MACQUARIE AND WAUCHOPE The Port Macquarie Base Hospital Chronic Pain clinic, a multidisciplinary clinic with specialist support from RNSH Chronic Pain Service, has a vacancy for GPs to work up to 1 ½ days a week. The Wauchope District Memorial Hospital Palliative Care Unit has vacancies for any interested GP VMOs admitting patients over the weekends. Contact Dr Logan Carroll for further information via

CASUAL GP EMPLOYMENT, WAUCHOPE Would you like to pick up some casual or regular shifts at Wauchope Urgent Care Centre? Wauchope UCC operates 7 days a week, 8am-6pm. Coverage of shifts on an ad hoc basis or regular days/weekends can be negotiated. NSW Health GP VMO rates apply for suitably qualified applicants current rate is $205.25 p/hour. Applicants must be eligible to provide Medicare Rebateable Services.

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST INVITED, ENROLLED/REGISTERED NURSES Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation (BNMAC) has an outstanding opportunity for a suitably qualified Enrolled/Registered Nurse. BNMAC is looking for an experienced EN/RN to join our clinical team. You must have previous experience as a practice nurse providing high quality health care. This position will have a 12-month contract as a full-time role based at Grafton and servicing our three clinics in the Clarence Valley. Interested parties can access the information package available on BNMAC website. Visit For more information, contact Darren Kershaw, Executive Officer, or Tanya Kilduff, Practice Manager, on 02 6643 2199. Expressions of Interest to be addressed to Darren Kershaw, Executive Officer.

Please contact Briony Bickley on 0477 753 468 or

RELOCATION, DR STEVEN CHUNG Dr Steven Chung, Thoracic and General Physician, has relocated to: Suite 3, 12 Highfields Circuit Port Macquarie, 2444 Please send all correspondence to: PO Box 5595 Port Macquarie, 2444 Phone: (02) 6581 0588 Fax: (02) 6581 0006

Applications close 5pm Sunday 6 September, 2015.

Would you like to post a local classified ad in this newsletter? Email the details to before the 25th of each month. There is no cost associated with these ads. 16


RELOCATION, DR BAERIN HOUGHTON Dr Baerin Houghton, Respiratory and Sleep Physician and Medical Oncologist, has relocated to:

Dr Jane Reffell’s Women’s Health & Wellbeing practice in Bangalow, opposite the primary school, has rooms to rent - half or whole days available.

Suite 2, 12 Highfields Circuit Port Macquarie NSW, 2444

Phone: 02 6581 5522 Fax: 02 6581 5544 Our preference is to send and receive correspondence by HealthLink: HealthLink: houghton Argus:

• • • •

Work alongside women’s health DOCTOR and allied health practitioners…continence physio, psychologists, health coach, naturopath Female and male clients Pleasant rooms with electric bed, air con, suit either body work and/or consulting Reception service available Great opportunity to start/extend a business in Bangalow

Please call 6687 2337 Tues to Thurs.

The pulmonary function laboratory will continue to accept direct referrals for spirometry, complex pulmonary function testing, asthma challenge testing, and respiratory allergen skin prick testing. We look forward to welcoming and continuing to care for your patients in our new premises.

GP WANTED, BYRON BAY The Health Lodge in Byron Bay is seeking a full-time GP to work with our integrative team of medical and complementary health practitioners. The lodge currently has out-patient and day-patient facilities with inpatient facilities from 1 October, 2015. If you are looking to work integratively with a team of highly-qualified practitioners, please contact Clinic Director Reine DuBois by calling 02 6685 6445 or emailing

GP WANTED, BYRON BAY An exciting opportunity exists for an enthusiastic and qualified GP to join a thriving community practice in the Byron Hinterland. Ten minutes from the beach and rainforest and 30 minutes from both Ballina and Gold Coast airports. Enjoy cafes, organic markets, a vibrant live music scene and festivals galore. With world famous surf beaches, world heritage listed forests and acclaimed fine dining galore, there is something for everyone in Byron Bay. Our clinicians receive the highest GPRIP incentives available in the area (Modified Monash Level V), which should make a ‘sea change’ even sweeter. An ideal candidate holds an FRACGP qualification or equivalent and is seeking around eight sessions weekly. The opportunity exists in the region for involvement in on-call emergency, general medicine low acuity in-patient care or obstetrics, but does not form a mandatory requirement of this role. We are anxious to find the newest member of our team, so if you’ve been looking to start living your dream, please get in touch: (02) 66 84 2300


HNCclassifieds SPECIALIST PODIATRIST, TWEED HEADS Dr Paul Butterworth (Podiatric foot and ankle surgeon) moved from Melbourne to the Gold Coast in 2011, with his wife and three children. Dr Butterworth completed his foot and ankle surgery fellowship in 2011 with the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons (ACPS). The ACPS is the national organisation responsible for the training and education of podiatric surgeons, including ongoing accreditation. During his fellowship, Dr Butterworth completed residencies at the Great Western Hospital in the UK and Dekalb Medical Centre in the USA, both renowned for their foot and ankle training programs. In 2015, Dr Butterworth was awarded with Fellowship of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, FFPM RCPS (Glasg). Dr Butterworth is dedicated to research and is currently undertaking his PhD at the Musculoskeletal Research Centre at La Trobe University, assessing the association between obesity and foot pain. Dr Butterworth’s specific expertise is in revision surgery for previously failed foot surgery and the surgical correction of common podiatric complaints such as: Hallux Valgus/Rigidus, digital deformities, Morton’s neuroma and plantar and posterior heel pain. Dr Butterworth consults at: Tweed Health for Everyone 33-35 Corporation Circuit Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 Email: Phone: (07) 5589 7555


GP REQUIRED, SOUTH WEST ROCKS Urgent need for VR GP in South West Rocks. Please contact Wafaa Malak, Practice Manager, Rocks Fair Medical Practice, on 0432 398 220 or email for more information.

REGISTERED NURSE/PRACTICE NURSE, TWEED HEADS We are looking for a Registered Nurse with general practice experience to join our busy medical centres in the Tweed area, for part-time hours and available to cover for annual/sick leave. Please forward your resume for attention to the Practice Manager on:

Contact NCPHN Head Office Suite 6, 85 Tamar Street Ballina NSW 2478 Phone: 02 6618 5400 Fax: 02 6618 5499 Email: Northern Rivers Tarmons House St Vincent’s Campus 20 Dalley Street East Lismore NSW 2480 Phone: 02 6622 4453 Fax: 02 6622 3185 Email: Tweed Heads 8 Corporation Circuit Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 Phone: 07 5523 5501 Email:

Hastings Macleay 53 Lord Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Phone: 02 6583 3600 Fax: 02 6583 8600 Email: Mid North Coast Suite 6, 1 Duke Street Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450 Phone: 02 6659 1800 Fax: 02 6659 1899 Email:

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