October 2015| Edition 16
Healthy North Coast practitioner newsletter
GP Focus
AMS Focus
AgedCare Focus
Pharmacy Focus
Allied Health Focus
inside 3. GP Focus 10. AMS Focus 11. Aged Care Focus 12. Pharmacy Focus 13. Allied Health Focus 14. News 16. Events 18. Classifieds
Would you like a hard copy of this newsletter? If so, please email your name and postal address to healthynorthcoast@gmail.com and write “Copy of Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter” in the subject line. 2
GPFocus PAL UPDATE Patient discharge summaries via HealtheNet
This can be either:
What does HealtheNet mean for GPs?
• •
NSW Health hospitals are able to send patient discharge summaries electronically, securely and directly to your desktop clinical software using secure messaging. NSW Health clinicians can also now view patient information uploaded by GPs to the Personally Controlled eHealth Record (PCEHR) system.
Visit http://ow.ly/SRYII for information on HealtheNet. To report any changes to GP details or general issue in regards to the delivery/receipt of discharge summaries, email nca-cisgpupdates@ncahs.health.nsw.gov.au.
What is HealtheNet?
MBS Update
A patient’s health information is often spread across a vast number of different locations and incompatible computer systems. HealtheNet is an eHealth NSW program that connects these systems. It provides NSW Health clinicians with secure and immediate access to a summary of a patient’s recent medical history from across all NSW Local Health Districts and a patient’s national PCEHR via the HealtheNet Clinical Portal. HealtheNet also shares patient hospital discharge summaries with three places:
The 1 September 2015 Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) files are now available to download as a complete MBS updated document or by category. Information is also provided via MBS online regarding new, deleted and amended item numbers. Visit http://ow.ly/SRZ1R for details.
1. Directly to a patient’s nominated GP via secure messaging. 2. To a patient’s national PCEHR, where the patient has a PCEHR record and has not requested that their discharge summary is excluded from their PCEHR on admission. 3. To the HealtheNet Clinical Portal for access by NSW Health clinicians with an electronic medical record (eMR) connected to HealtheNet. What do GPs need to do to receive electronic discharge summaries? Your practice should not need to do anything if: • • 3
your Provider Reference Numbers (PRNs) OR your practice’s Healthcare Provider Identifier Organisation (HPI-O) and your Healthcare Provider Identifier Individuals (HPI-Is)
You use Secure Messaging with ONE of HealthLink, Argus or Medical Objects. Your LHD has up-to-date information on your practice and your GPs for electronic messaging.
Removal of Healthy Kids Check from MBS imminent As of 1 November 2015, Medicare benefits for the pre-school Healthy Kids Check (including item #10986) will no longer be paid. The four-year-old health check will remain a recommended child health check and can be billed using time and complexity based consultations, e.g. items #23, #36. Note: this change is yet to be passed by Parliament, but is expected to go ahead as planned. According to the Health Minister, 153,725 Healthy Kids Check services were delivered by nurses and GPs in the 2013-14 year. Visit http://ow.ly/SRZ95 to view the MBS notification. Visit http://ow.ly/SRZgr to view the Australian Government media release regarding the decision to remove the healthy kids check MBS item.
GPFocus PAL UPDATE eHealth Update
Rural Doctors Network’s Rural GP Orientation Handbook
Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley has introduced a new bill, the Health Legislation Amendment (eHealth) Bill 2015, to parliament, with the aim to amend the PCEHR and Healthcare Identifier (HI) Service acts. Key proposed changes include the nomenclature of the system, with terms such as healthcare ‘consumer’ changed to ‘healthcare recipient’ and PCEHR to My Health Record. It will also allow for the application of an opt-out model following a trial, as well as the abolition of the National eHealth Transition Authority as part of the government’s plans to introduce a new Australian Commission on eHealth (ACeH). Visit http://ow.ly/SS0ep to view the full bill.
RDN has produced an online handbook for doctors new to rural NSW. The handbook is available at http://ow.ly/SS18D.
The Federal Government also plans to introduce changes to the Practice Incentives Program eHealth (ePIP) incentive from February 2016. Department of Health figures show that while 72% of all general practices were receiving ePIP payments in the 2013-2014 financial year, only 16% were actually uploading clinical information to the system. 5,206 general practices are currently registered for the PCEHR, with 55,052 SHSs uploaded. 242 practices uploaded five or more shared health summaries between August 2014 and February 2015. The department proposes that the first four requirements remain the same, but that the fifth be changed from readiness to use the PCEHR to demonstrating actual meaningful use of the system. Active and meaningful use may be defined initially as the contribution of SHSs to patient records, and in the second year of the scheme, extended to include uploading other clinical information and viewing records.
Current PCEHR stats
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Consultation The Commission started a review of the NSQHS Standards in late 2014, with completion expected in 2017/18. Public consultation on the draft version 2 of the NSQHS Standards is now open. Your feedback will help ensure that version 2 of the NSQHS Standards addresses the major safety and quality issues in health care, that they are easy to understand, and that they are applicable to you and your work. Feedback can be provided until 30 October 2015. Visit http://ow.ly/SS0DZ for more information.
Medical Reception training UNE Partnerships currently has Smart & Skilled funding available for the Certificate III in Business Administration Medical (BSB31115). This course is designed to meet the training needs of medical practice receptionists and administrators working in general practice and a variety of primary health care settings. Visit http://ow.ly/SS0Ki for more information about the course. There are two categories of funding for the Certificate III Business Administration Medical qualification: •
At the end of September 2015, the PCEHR shows: • • • • • • • •
2,373,110 individual registrations (57% female, 43% male; approximately 10% of Australia’s total population is registered under the current opt-in model) 7,893 health provider registrations 55,052 shared health summaries 192,602 discharge summaries 14,150 event summaries 3,261 specialist letters 1,623,629 prescription documents 705,304 dispense documents
PCEHR statistics are published at http://ow.ly/SS0qA.
Rural Doctors Network can help you find the right GP locum The Rural Doctors Network (RDN) provides access to the Rural Locum Relief Program for eligible doctors and locations, assisting practices to advertise locum vacancies and source the right GP locum. Demand for locums peaks over the holiday period, with locums often booked months in advance. Now is the time to register your December/January vacancy. Visit http://ow.ly/SS1cV. 4
New Entrant Traineeship, available to a new worker employed less than 3 months full-time or up to 12 months part-time. Once a traineeship training contract is signed, employment must be for a minimum of 15 hours. The new worker must not hold other qualifications that rule them out of Commonwealth incentives and hold Australian Citizenship or other appropriate residency statuses. Entitlement Full Qualification (EFQ), available to workers who may not be eligible for new entrant traineeships, and that have no more than one previous qualification below Certificate IV level.
Potential students can check their eligibility to enrol in a course through the Eligibility Checker at http://ow.ly/SS0R0. Information for Employers: This training is subsidised by the NSW Government. The required contribution for enrolment in this program is $1,310 if this is your employee’s first post-school qualification, or the fee is $1,570 if it’s their second post-school qualification. This is the only fee you will be required to pay. Further information about eligibility or enrolment is available from UNE Partnerships. Call 1800 066 128 or email ask@unep.edu.au.
GPFocus PAL UPDATE National Drug Strategy feedback Health professionals are invited to submit feedback on the Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs’ National Drug Strategy 2016 to 2025. The draft National Drug Strategy describes a nationally agreed harm minimisation approach to reducing the harm arising from alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. As well as outlining the national commitment to the harm minimisation approach, the Strategy describes priority actions, groups and drug types and summarises effective demand, supply and harm reduction strategies. The Strategy also includes headline indicators to monitor success.
The model of care is intended to be consumer directed, with a shared care approach with the GP and other health professionals involved in their care. The program is designed to facilitate early intervention and in doing so prevent further deterioration which will require medical intervention - it is not an emergency response call system. At the end of the pilot ongoing funding will be determined. Referrals to: Hastings-MacleayHITH@ncahs.health.nsw.gov.au.
Feedback will inform the further refinement of the strategy prior to its endorsement and release.
If you would like to know more about the project or to discuss the referral criteria, please contact the Project Managers Rosemary Cameron or Danny Passfield during business hours on 0439 882 759.
It should also be noted that the National Ice Taskforce, established by the Australian Government, is currently developing responses to crystal methamphetamine. The Taskforce’s report and its implications for the National Drug Strategy will be considered through a parallel consultative approach led by the Australian Government.
HealthPathway available, Telehealth: http://ow.ly/SVaAx Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d
Download the draft National Drug Strategy at http://ow.ly/ SSdV9. The opportunity for feedback will run to 27 October 2015. You can provide your feedback by either completing a short online survey. The survey is available at http://ow.ly/SSdYK or preparing a written submission. Written submissions should be emailed to Darren Button at Darren@hoi.com.au.
Telehealth project in the Hastings Macleay The Mid North Coast Local Health District has received funding through the Rural eHealth Program to pilot a remote in-home monitoring model of care that will support people with a chronic illness in their own home. This pilot will be available to Non-HACC eligible clients who are 15 years of age and under 65 years, or 15 to 50 years of age for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients. Clients will be referred for chronic disease management, e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart failure and arterial fibrillation, diabetes, obesity and hypertension. If a client has a cognitive impairment, their level of impairment should not prevent their ability to self-manage or they should have a carer to support them while on the program. The Local Health District is partnering with Integrated Living Australia to provide remote mobile blue toothed tele-monitoring devices at the point of care for a twelve month pilot. Once a client has been identified as meeting the criteria and referred to the provider, Integrated Living nursing staff will engage the nominated health professionals to develop a multidisciplinary management plan with the client and health professionals, install the appropriate home monitoring devices and train and 5
monitor on a daily basis, providing alerts and report back to the nominated health professional and general practitioner.
Canning Tool Implementation Project NCPHN has recently launched the Canning Tool Implementation Project. Through a quality partnership with the Improvement Foundation, NCPHN is providing general practices the support to turn clinical data into knowledge. The Canning Tool now provides measures and reports in the following topics: diabetes, asthma, coronary heart disease, COPD, chronic kidney disease and chronic disease prevention. Each report contains a patient list which enables you to view individual patient level data relating to the various measures which can be aggregated, de-identified and uploaded to qiConnect. In conjunction with the Improvement Foundation’s web portal, qiConnect, The Canning Tool provides a number of benefits that extend beyond data collection, by providing health services with the ability to: • • • •
support quality improvement initiatives benchmark data nationally and locally against peers access resources that have been developed through a decade of quality improvement initiatives network with colleagues through qiConnect
The project aims to support General Practice health information management to inform quality improvements in health care through the purposeful use of Practice software data. If you have any questions in regards to The Canning Tool Implementation Project, please contact Vanessa Crowther, Regional Project Manager - Clinical Information Systems, by phoning (02) 6627 3300 or emailing vcrowther@ncphn.org.au.
GPFocus PAL UPDATE Musculoskeletal Symposium in Coffs Harbour The Musculoskeletal Symposium was held in Coffs Harbour on the evening of 10 September 2015. General practitioners and other allied health service providers attended.
North Coast, however positions are limited and interest is high, so get in quick to secure a position. With more practice incentive payments on the horizon, collaborative methodology offers an effective means to get the structures in place to get ahead of the game.
The evening kicked off with Associate Professor Peter Wong giving an overview of osteoporosis re-fracture prevention and the need for action to improve patient outcomes. This was followed by Rheumatologist Dr Chris Needs giving a presentation on the mismatch between evidence and the current management of acute low back pain. Dr David Gregory then demonstrated HealthPathways, a North Coast Primary Health Network and Local Health District initiative, as a desktop resource for standardised evidence-based practice guidelines and connecting local services to coordinate patient centred care. The final presentation was delivered by Dr Tony Lembke, GP and Chair of the Australian Primary Care Collaboratives, who inspired the audience to get involved with a new and Australian first, the musculoskeletal collaborative.
The evening rounded off with a lively panel discussion, facilitated by Robin Speerin from the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, and many questions were raised and answered with examples of exemplary practice revealed and discussed. All in all, the evening was a great example of how clinicians working together could make a huge difference to patient outcomes and practice bottom line, by focusing on small changes. The new musculoskeletal collaborative will provide local GP practices with a fun tool to make this happen.
Collaborative methodology focuses on shared discovery and learning as a means of improving practice systems and processes to evaluate and improve patient care and outcomes. Other benefits of the collaborative methodology include connecting people and services, improved business bottom line and professional satisfaction. Importantly, because the musculoskeletal collaborative is an Australian first, this provides the opportunity for practitioners to demonstrate health sector leadership to their peers.
Speed Networking for GPs and Specialists
For more information, please contact: Fiona O’Meara – 0409613976 – Coffs Harbour Martin Cushing – 0418316648 – Port Macquarie
22 GPs and 16 Specialists from the Northern Rivers and Clarence Valley enjoyed an evening of speed networking in Lismore area in September. Hosted by the North Coast Primary Network, the event provided clinicians the opportunity to meet face-to-face and discuss services and referral options, all in a fun setting at The Spotted Pig, one of the region’s fine local restaurants.
The musculoskeletal collaborative is open to the whole of the Mid
November-February is the time to re-register your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients for Closing the Gap. Refer to page 10 for more information.
Musculoskeletal Symposium in Coffs Harbour, 10 September 2015
HealthPathway available, Back Pain: http://ow.ly/SVaDr Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d
HealthPathway available, Osteoporosis: http://ow.ly/SVaNn Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d
HealthPathway available, Knee Osteoarthritis: http://ow.ly/SVaSs Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d
GPFocus PAL UPDATE Helping U 2 Quit is a free, evidencebased program providing quit smoking support groups run by qualified facilitators, over 3-6 weeks. The program is a community health initiative being delivered by CHEGS Inc, in partnership with Northern NSW Local Health District Health Promotion.
The program will help people who smoke to develop their own skills and knowledge about smoking, how to quit, and how to stay a non-smoker in a supportive environment. Health Professionals can refer their clients by completing and returning a referral form (http://bit.ly/1Q2P7WG)
or interest in participating in a support group can be registered directly by phoning Gavin Dart on (02) 6620 2553. Referring Health Professionals and/or participants’ General Practitioners will receive information about the program and participants’ progress.
IMMUNE RESPONSE No Jab, No Pay - Immunisation Catch-up Arrangements
1. Free catch up for children under 10 years of age
Childhood immunisation arrangements to receive family assistance payments are changing on 1 January 2016 (subject to the passage of legislation).
From 1 January 2016, all states and territories will be distributing free National Immunisation Program vaccines for all children under the age of 10 that require catch-up. This arrangement will be ongoing.
What are the new immunisation requirements? •
• • •
Parents who do not fully immunise their children (up to 19 years of age) will cease to be eligible for Child Care Benefit, Child Care Rebate and the Family Tax Benefit Part A end of year supplement (family assistance payments). Children with medical contraindications or natural immunity for certain diseases will continue to be exempt from the requirements. Conscientious objection and vaccination objection on nonmedical grounds will no longer be a valid exemption from immunisation requirements. To support these changes, the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) is being expanded. From 1 January 2016 you will be able to submit the details of vaccinations given to persons aged less than 20 years to be recorded on the ACIR. The process for ordering catch-up vaccine will be the same process used by immunisation providers for other Commonwealth or state immunisation programmes.
2. Free catch up for young persons aged 10 to 19 years of families who currently receive family assistance payments (time-limited: 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017) From 1 January 2016, this time-limited catch up program provides free vaccines to families who currently receive family assistance payments, who do not have a valid medical exemption, and now wish to immunise their children in order to continue to receive these payments. What are the next steps? The Department of Health will be writing to GPs and other immunisation providers closer to the commencement date of the programme. The letter will provide detailed information on the catch-up immunisation schedule, how to check a child’s immunisation history, how to order vaccines and updating immunisation records in ACIR. Information will also be regularly updated on the Immunise Australia website at http://ow.ly/ SS3V8.
What are the immunisation catch-up arrangements?
2015 update of The Australian Immunisation Handbook
Families will be informed by the Department of Human Services that their child/children do not meet the immunisation requirements for family assistance payments, and will be encouraged to speak with their immunisation provider about updating their vaccination records or commencing an appropriate vaccination catch-up schedule.
The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) has prepared an educational slide set, ‘What’s new – 2015 update’. Intended for use by immunisation providers as an educational tool, the slide set summarises the changes included in the 2015 annual update of the Handbook, as well as providing some background on the update process which commenced last year.
Catch-up arrangements fall into two categories:
Visit http://ow.ly/SS44E to access the slide set.
HealthPathway available, Influenza Immunisation: http://ow.ly/SVaXp Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d
GPFocus MENTAL HEALTH Mental health and people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds North Coast NSW is a culturally diverse region, with an evergrowing population who are either born overseas or have a parent born overseas. The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) is a free interpreting service provided by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to provide interpreting services for people who do not speak English and for your practice to communicate with non-English speaking clients. To access this service for your patient, call TIS on 13 14 50 and simply identify where the patient is from and which language they speak. Or, if you would like more information on accessing translating services, call TIS on 1300 655 820. Depression and anxiety can affect people from all cultures. Studies have highlighted the barriers people from diverse backgrounds encounter when accessing mental health services and finding help. North Coast Primary Health Network offers free counselling services to vulnerable members of the community through Healthy Minds. Healthy Minds supports psychological treatment for people from a CALD background by covering the costs of these translation services for registered allied mental health professionals. Healthy Minds aims to overcome the barriers that prevent vulnerable people in our communities from accessing the best quality psychological support for a range of common, mild to moderately severe emotional and behavioural difficulties. These include depression, anxiety, substance misuse and eating disorders.
Living with depression and diabetes may put a patient in a higher risk category for developing complications with symptoms of depression, interfering with a patient’s ability to self manage. NewAccess – a beyondblue initiative is funded by beyondblue and the Movember Foundation and is facilitated through NCPHN. It is a demonstration project offered across three sites nationally, including North Coast NSW. It is based on the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) model (http://ow.ly/SS7KP) that is run through the NHS across the UK. The project aims to see how the model fits into the Australian context. Some quick facts about NewAccess • • • •
An easy to use Healthy Minds referral form for your practice software is available from the North Coast NSW Primary Health Network website at http://ow.ly/SS4sH.
For more information about Healthy Minds, please contact Manpreet Kooner, Intake Officer for Healthy Minds on 1300 137 237.
NewAccess – Supporting better outcomes in managing co-morbidities Some facts about Diabetes • •
280 Australians develop diabetes every day Around 1.7 million Australians have diabetes
Some facts about Depression • • •
The National Diabetes Management Association (NDMA) indicates there are strong links between depression and diabetes and suggests that having diabetes more than doubles the risk of developing depression. Living with a chronic illness like diabetes may increase the risk of depression due to having to manage a highly-complex illness, required changes to lifestyle, along with the threat of potential future complications (NDMA, 2015).
One in seven Australians will experience depression in their lifetime Depression has the third highest burden of all diseases in Australia (13.3%) and also third globally Depression is the number one cause of non-fatal disability in Australia (24%), with the World Health Organisation estimating that depression will be the number one health concern in both developed and developing nations by 2030
Must be over 18 and not accessing other mental health services Self-referral or supported referral by GP or other support person Brief intervention (up to six sessions) using Low Intensity Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in the form of guided self-help Provides psychoeducation about symptoms and links to local community resources Uses industry standard tools at each appointment, Kessler 10, GAD, PHQ Delivered by NewAccess ‘Coaches’ who are trained and regularly supervised by Flinders University NewAccess Coaches communicate with a patient’s GP at the beginning and end of coaching and if the patient ceases the program NewAccess Coaches will ‘step up’ a patient to their GP if they are too high in acuity for the program or refer to crisis services, as needed
Typically, GPs refer patients to NewAccess by calling the Intake number 1300 137 934 with the patient present, and an appointment is booked with a Coach. Appointments can be conducted by face-to-face or via phone (patient preference) and can generally be seen within one week. NewAccess can make a positive difference in supporting people (or their carers) in the North Coast community who are juggling co-morbidities such as diabetes and depression. The program offers practical strategies and tools to help people to self manage symptoms of depression which can lead to better outcomes in chronic disease management. To learn more about NewAccess, visit http://ow.ly/SS83o, call the intake line (1300 137 934) on Mon-Fri between 8am-6pm, or contact Jennifer Melsness, Program Manager on 0427 026 276.
GPFocus NEW TO HEALTHPATHWAYS – SEPTEMBER 2015 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) General Practice and Domestic Family Violence Warfarin starting and monitoring Warfarin over-anticoagulation Domestic and Family Violence Assistance DFV Community Providers Safety Planning for DFV Signs & Symptoms of DFV Recording Assault Injuries Physical Assault Same Sex & Transgender Domestic Violence Child Protection Services (Note: This pathway has been formally updated) Warfarin starting and monitoring Warfarin over-anticoagulation Anticoagulants in surgery NOACS TA (Achilles Tendon) Rupture Acute Ankle Injuries Ankle Sprain Ankle Fractures Acute Asthma in Adults
HEALTHPATHWAYS OF THE MONTH Domestic and Family Violence Violence against women is a serious problem in Australia. On average, one woman a week is killed as a result of intimate partner violence. This is the leading contributor to death, disability and ill-health in Australian women aged 15-44. Intimate partner violence is a common problem among women attending general practice, with around one in 10 women currently experiencing physical, sexual or emotional abuse by a partner. Working with families experiencing family violence can be difficult for general practitioners. The Domestic and Family Violence pathways have been developed to provide general practitioners with information to assist them to identify and respond to these families.
Management Over one in five patients make their first disclosure of domestic violence to their general practitioner. You may be the only person they will tell. Your skills and sensitivity are essential. The pathways provide guidance on how to talk to patients, stratify their risks, reporting guidelines and who to refer to locally. FROM THE HEALTPATHWAYS HOME PAGE We value and encourage your feedback! Use the ‘Send Feedback’ button in the top right corner of any page to make suggestions or let us know about a broken link or incorrect number.
Visit the Mid and North Coast HealthPathways website: http://manc.healthpathways.org.au Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d For further information or to suggest a future Pathway topic, please contact: Fiona Ryan (02) 6583 3600 fryan@ncphn.org.au (Mid North Coast) Kerrie Keyte (07) 5523 5507 kkeyte@ncphn.org.au (Northern NSW)
Background Artwork by Alison Williams
PAL UPDATE Closing The Gap: Re-registration November 2015 - February 2016 The Closing the Gap (CTG) program aims to reduce the gap in life expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. This initiative is funded by the Australian Department of Health and includes: • •
Practice Incentive Payments of $250 for sign on of CTG Patients a 715 patient assessment payment of $212 (once per year payment)
November to February is the time for re-registering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients under the Closing the Gap program. Help close the gap and make a step in the right direction for your patient’s health and your practice. North Coast Primary Health Network’s Aboriginal Health team, including CTG Project Officers, Coordinated Care and Supplementary Services (CCSS) Officers and Aboriginal Outreach Workers are available in your area to help you support your patients. Aboriginal Outreach Workers are also able to assist you in re-registering your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and to register Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients 15 years of age and over for a Medicare Card. Please contact your local North Coast Primary Health Network office for more information and support: Tweed Heads: 07 5589 0500 Lismore: 02 6627 3300 Coffs Harbour: 02 6659 1800 Port Macquarie: 02 6583 3600
HealthPathway available, Closing the Gap: http://ow.ly/SVb4l Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d
HealthInfoNet Edith Cowan University’s Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet turned 18 in September. This web resource provides free online access to a wide range of knowledge and resources about Indigenous health, such as health facts, chronic and infectious conditions, determinants, protective and risk factors and population groups. Visit http://ow.ly/SSaiq to access these resources. In partnership with the Healing Foundation, the HealthInfoNet website now also includes the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing portal, an online hub for people working in healing, health, justice, education, employment, child protection and family violence. It is designed to encourage information sharing and collaboration across sectors and locations. Find the portal at http://ow.ly/SSao8.
Helping U 2 Quit Helping U 2 Quit is a free, evidence-based program providing quit smoking support groups run by qualified facilitators, over 3-6 weeks. Refer to page 7 for more information.
AgedCareFocus PAL UPDATE Care4Dementia app More than 90% of people with dementia display some form of behavioural or psychological symptoms during the course of their condition. These can include aggressive behaviours, agitated behaviours, anxiety, apathy, calling out, depression, delusions and hallucinations, resistance to care, socially inappropriate behaviours, sleep pattern changes and wandering behaviours. The Dementia Collaborative Research Centres (DCRCs) have launched a dementia care app, Care4Dementia, to provide guidance to carers about the behavioural changes that can occur in dementia. The app is available via the Google Play app store at http://ow.ly/SSbiz.
Antibiotics for urinary tract infections - Webstercare report for pharmacists, nurses RACF Medicinewise Reports can help identify patterns of antibiotic use, support appropriate prescribing of antibiotics to treat urinary infections (UTIs) and help prevent antibiotic resistance. NPS MedicineWise has collaborated with Webstercare to design a new report in the Webstercare Medication Management Software. This enables pharmacists to create indepth reports on the use of antibiotics for urinary tract infections in RACFs. Reports will be available in the September Webstercare software update, version 15.2.01 of Webstercare’s Professional and Professional Plus Medication Management Software. If you have any questions about the clinical content of the RACF MedicineWise report or are looking for further information about these resources, please contact NPS MedicineWise on 02 8217 8700 or info@nps.org.au. If you are a pharmacist requiring guidance on how to enter data for the maximum benefit when using the RACF Medicinewise reports, or would like assistance in setting up these reports, contact Webstercare on 1800 244 358.
Indexation rates for Residential Aged Care and Home Care Packages and changes to the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) The schedules for residential and home care fees and charges and supplements have been updated to take effect from 20 September 2015 in line with changes to the basic age pension and indexation rates. The Maximum Permissible Interest Rate will also change effective from 1 October 2015. •
The Australian Government Residential Aged Care and Home Care Supplements Schedule is available at http://ow.ly/ SSbDK.
The Schedule of Resident and Home Care Fees and Charges for Care Recipients Entering care from 1 July 2014 and the Schedule of Resident Fees and Charges for residents in care on 30 June 2014 are available at http://ow.ly/SSbIE. (Care recipients, residents and providers will shortly receive letters advising where there is a change to a care recipient’s or resident’s fees and charges or where a refund may be due.)
A consumer who commenced a Home Care Package before 1 July 2014 can be charged a basic daily fee of 17.5% of the basic rate of the single pension. From 1 July 2015 this rate will increase to $9.85 per day.
The Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) applicable to ‘refund periods’ for refundable deposit balances and accommodation bond balances and for accommodation prices will decrease from 6.15% to 6.14% effective 1 October 2015. The Base Interest Rate remains unchanged at 3.75%. Current and past refundable deposit balance and accommodation bond balance refund interest rates can be accessed at the Department of Social Services website at http://ow.ly/SSbN7. (Providers must update their published accommodation prices to reflect the new MPIR from 1 October 2015. The daily payment amounts published on the My Aged Care website will be automatically updated on 20 September 2015 using the existing published refundable deposit amounts. Providers should update the accommodation prices published on their own website and in relevant written materials accordingly.)
If you have any queries, please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
PharmacyFocus PAL UPDATE Be Medicinewise at all ages and life stages
Pharmacist CPD year ends soon
NPS MedicineWise has announced that the fifth annual Be Medicinewise Week will be held again this year from 12-18 October 2015, to promote the safe and wiser use of medicines by all Australians. The theme this year is ‘Be medicinewise at all ages and life stages’, with the focus on how and when Australians may use medicines differently at various times in their life.
Do you still need to earn CPD credits? The following sites have a range of online learning modules and case studies worth 1 or 2 credits.
Each day of the week will focus on a different age and life stage: • • • • •
Monday 12 October: Be medicinewise when pregnant and breastfeeding Tuesday 13 October: Be medicinewise with children Wednesday 14 October: Be medicinewise as a teenager/ young adult Thursday 15 October: Be medicinewise when medicines are part of your life Friday 16 October: Be medicinewise as you’re getting older
To help people make wiser decisions about their medicines during any stage of life, NPS MedicineWise will make available a suite of free Be Medicinewise Week resources to support individuals, community groups and health professionals getting involved in the week. Visit http://ow.ly/SSdwJ for details.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Pharmacy Guild (http://ow.ly/SScTr) Australian College of Pharmacy (www.acp.edu.au) Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (http://ow.ly/SScXb) National Prescribing Service / NPS Medicinewise (http:// ow.ly/SScYu) Professional Pharmacists Australia (http://ow.ly/SSd0n) Pharmacy and Pharmacists Club (http://ow.ly/SSd4P) Reckitt Benckiser Health Hub (http://ow.ly/SSd8h) PharmCPD (http://pharmacistcpd.com/) Australian Prescriber (http://ow.ly/SSdcB) Blackmores Institute (http://ow.ly/SSdg0) Heart Foundation (http://ow.ly/SSdiA) Osteoporosis Australia (http://ow.ly/SSdkT) Lung Foundation Australia (http://ow.ly/SSdmX) Diabetes NSW (http://ow.ly/SSdow)
Make sure you complete your activity by 30 September to include in your CPD.
Helping U 2 Quit Helping U 2 Quit is a free, evidence-based program providing quit smoking support groups run by qualified facilitators, over 3-6 weeks. Refer to page 7 for more information.
AlliedHealthFocus PAL UPDATE Let’s Get Connected Forum The North Coast Allied Health Association is very excited to announce its inaugural Forum “Let’s Get Connected’ to be held 5 March 2015 at the Opal Cove Resort Coffs Harbour. Please save the date to be part of positioning allied health for the future
Colocation Evaluation Report Co-location and Integration of Allied Health Services into General Practice: A demonstration trial in North Coast NSW Medicare Local ran March 2014-March 2015. The project examined whether the co-location of Local Health District (LHD) employed community and allied health professionals in general practice settings results in better service integration and improved patient access and experience. At the clinical, professional and organisational levels, the evaluation found high levels of satisfaction with co-location among the patients, co-located practitioners and GPs and practice staff. The final project report (June 2015) can be viewed at http:// ow.ly/RC5sP, and related fact sheet can be accessed at http:// ow.ly/RC5wq.
Free Professional Development Courses For North Coast Health Professionals North Coast allied health professionals will continue to have access to free online professional development training thanks to a partnership between North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) and North Coast Allied Health Association. The short courses, which will be delivered through the TAFE Now website, take around an hour to complete and are worth one CPD (Continuing Professional Development) point per hour. North Coast health professionals will have free access to: • • •
Allied Health course topics for allied health professionals Healnet course topics for nurses and other similar medical professionals Generic short course topics for small businesses and self interest
All topics are peer reviewed by industry professionals and endorsed by industry associations. Regular topic reviews are also conducted to ensure they incorporate current policies, legislation and Australia-wide guidelines.
Helping U 2 Quit
North Coast health professionals can access the NCPHN enrolment key and full course instructions at:
Helping U 2 Quit is a free, evidence-based program providing quit smoking support groups run by qualified facilitators, over 3-6 weeks.
Refer to page 7 for more information. 13
HNCNews Networking Platform for Health Professionals
ealthy North Coast’s new online network allows you to communicate, network and collaborate in a private and professional environment, with colleagues from across the North Coast without leaving your office.
Cancer Council NSW and the NSW cancer community has welcomed news from the State Government regarding the removal of co-payments for Highly Specialised Drugs including chemotherapy. This new measure will provide relief to thousands of patients across the state that will see the immediate benefits from the removal of the co-payment.
The Healthy North Coast Network is based on the functionality of other familiar social networking platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Kelly Williams, Policy and Advocacy Manager, at Cancer Council NSW said, “The NSW Government should be applauded for removing the co-payment and easing the burden for patients who would otherwise be left out of pocket for these drugs.”
With over 130 regional and professionbased networks available, the Healthy North Coast Network is ready for you to join right now.
“We know the removal of these co-payments will ease some of the financial pressures that many cancer patients face during their treatment.”
Health professionals can register for the Healthy North Coast Network by visiting http://bit.ly/VsrO2s. Full instructions for the platform are available at http://bit.ly/1sJgRI7.
Specialised drug costs no longer a worry for NSW cancer patients
Leading up to the last election, the Cancer Council worked very closely with the NSW community through their Saving Life 2015 campaign to address this issue. Ms Williams added, “Through our campaign, community members across the state worked with us to ensure that those standing for election knew about the chemotherapy co-payment issue and the need to take action to address it.” Read the full story at http://ow.ly/SSeWd.
HNCNews NSW Health urges community to exercise caution after influenza outbreaks at aged care facilities NSW Health advises that there have been 15 new Influenza outbreaks reported in aged care facilities across the state this month. There have been 78 laboratory-confirmed influenza outbreaks in institutions in NSW, 76 of those in aged care facilities this year. Dr Vicky Sheppeard, Director, Communicable Diseases Branch at NSW Health, urged the community to be mindful of how quickly the flu can spread and to avoid visiting aged care facilities if they have flu symptoms. “We ask people if they are unwell to visit their GP as a priority and to also take precautions, as the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the flu,” said Dr Sheppeard. “If you are showing symptoms of having influenza, it is very important that you cover your face when you cough or sneeze and throw used tissues in a rubbish bin. Wash your hands thoroughly and often, and for at least 10 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand rub.”
Drownings highlight more care needed around water Minister for Health and Sport Sussan Ley is urging all Australians to take care around waterways following an increase in the number of drownings over the past year. The National Drowning Report revealed that 271 people drowned in 2014/15, the second lowest number of drowning deaths in the past 13 years and 17 fewer deaths than the 10 year average. Ms Ley said there were “mixed results” in the new drowning statistics, including the lowest-ever recorded number of children aged five to 14 and, disappointingly, a 26 per cent increase on the 10 year average of 45 to 55 year olds. “Any preventable death is both devastating and unacceptable and I urge all Australians to take greater care around the water to prevent any further unnecessary deaths,” Ms Ley said. “I know the devastation on communities these tragic deaths have with eight lives lost on the Murray River last year, which flows through the heart of my electorate.
Although the flu season has reached its peak, high numbers of people aged over 65 and children under five years, continue to present at emergency departments with flu symptoms. As of September 8, there had been 20,394 cases of influenza reported in NSW. Flu Emergency Department presentations were particularly elevated in the Western Sydney and Mid North Coast Local Health Districts (LHDs), and at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Kempsey Hospital, Broken Hill Base Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital.
“The reduction in drowning numbers over the past two years certainly shows we’re moving in the right direction but we can’t become complacent and I urge every Australian to remain vigilant about water safety.
Notifications represent only a portion of the influenza illness in the community, as only people who see a doctor and have a throat swab taken are notified to NSW Health.
“The Government is committed to promoting water safety activities and educating Australians about the risks associated with our coastlines and inland waterways.”
Read the full story at http://ow.ly/SSfd9.
Read the full story at http://ow.ly/SSfrB.
“To see an increase of 26 per cent in the number of middle aged people, particularly men, who have died unnecessarily, is just not good enough. These men need to be more careful and sensible around the water.
October-November 2015 You can view the full North Coast Practitioner events calander at: www.healthynorthcoast.org.au/practitioner-events
Click the event title for more information.
Mid North Coast
15 October - Cardiology Workshop for medical and nursing staff involved in clinical emergencies, Port Macquarie
10 October - Stand By Me: Childhood Sexual Abuse Seminar, Coffs Harbour
20 October - Asthma Update for Practice Nurses and Health Practitioners, Port Macquarie
15 October - Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, Coffs Harbour
27 October - Women in Medicine, Port Macquarie
21 October - Asthma Update for Pharmacists, Coffs Harbour
6 November - Dementia and depression in the elderly: correlations and pharmacological treatments, Port Macquarie 10 November - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, Wauchope 12 November - Smoking Cessation Workshop for GPs and Pharmacists, Port Macquarie
22 October - Better Questions Workshop, Coffs Harbour 28 October - Unique challenges for sufferers of family and domestic violence, Coffs Harbour 11 November - Smoking Cessation Workshop for GPs and Pharmacists, Coffs Harbour
Northern Rivers
7 October - Smoking Cessation Information Session, Lismore
7 October - Mental Health Crisis Management for Practice Nurses, Tweed Heads
8 October - Falls Prevention Forum, Lismore 8 October - Ballina - Byron Clinical Society Dinner, Byron Bay 12-14 October - ACT with Compassion, Byron Bay 15 October - Understanding Dementia and Effective Communication, Casino 17 October - Mental Health Crisis Management for Practice Nurses, Lismore 22 October - Richmond Valley Clinical Society, Lismore 23 October - Mental Health Workplace Support Skills for Practice Managers, Practice Staff, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Staff, Lismore
10 October - Dealing with Depression for GPs, Tweed Heads 14 October - Mental Health Workplace Support Skills for Practice Managers, Practice Staff, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Staff, Tweed Heads 19 October - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness Training for Health Professionals, Tweed Heads 31 October - Back to Wet Lab – Advanced Anatomy of the Shoulder Joint, Gold Coast 4 November - End of Life Care, Currumbin
7 November - Menopause Essentials Update, Byron Bay
5 November - The Border to Bay Walk for clinicians, Kingscliff
19 November - Anaphylaxis Recognition and Treatment Simulation Workshop, Lismore
5-8 November - The Border to Bay Walk for Clinicians, Kingscliff 6 November - Pedorthic Bracing and Prefabricated AFO Fitting, Gold Coast
HNCEvents Click the event title for more information.
Other Events 9 October - Doing Death Differently: 2nd Annual Death Literacy Conference, Hawthorn 10 October - Certificate in Primary Care Dermatology for GPs, Brisbane 10 October - Dealing with Depression for GPs, Tweed Heads 15 October - 2015 Innovations in Cancer Treatment and Care Conference, Sydney 15 October - Pharmacy Assistant National Conference 2015, Gold Coast 17-18 October - The ABC of CBT: Skills for GPs, Toowoomba 17 October - Australian Doctor - Women’s Health 2015 Seminar, Sydney 17 October - Managing Anger for GPs, Randwick 18 October - Dealing with Depression for GPs, Randwick 20 October - AAPM & PMAANZ Combined Conference 2015, Hobart 20 October - Musculoskeletal Collaborative Orientation Webinar 21 October - Musculoskeletal Collaborative Orientation Webinar 23 October - APNA Continuing Education Workshops for Practice Nurses, Sydney 30 October - APNA Continuing Education Workshop, Brisbane 30 October - Bipolar Disorder: the Essential Psychological Toolkit, Brisbane 4 November - Improving Skills in Recognising and Responding to the Abuse of Older People, Sydney 9 November - National Allied Health Conference, Melbourne 9 November - Eating Disorders Essentials Course, Brisbane
October-November 2015 You can view the full North Coast Practitioner events calander at: www.healthynorthcoast.org.au/practitioner-events
HNCclassifieds GP WANTED, MULLUMBIMBY An exciting opportunity exists for an enthusiastic and qualified GP to join a thriving community practice in the Byron Hinterland. Ten minutes from the beach and rainforest and 30 minutes from both Ballina and Gold Coast airports. Enjoy cafes, organic markets, a vibrant live music scene and festivals galore. With world famous surf beaches, world heritage listed forests and acclaimed fine dining galore, there is something for everyone in Byron Bay. Our clinicians receive the highest GPRIP incentives available in the area (Modified Monash Level V), which should make a ‘sea change’ even sweeter. An ideal candidate holds an FRACGP qualification or equivalent and is seeking around eight sessions weekly. The opportunity exists in the region for involvement in on-call emergency, general medicine low acuity in-patient care or obstetrics, but does not form a mandatory requirement of this role.
SKIN LESION SURGERY, PORT MACQUARIE Dr Nigel Peck and his team are pleased to announce an upgrade to the Lake Road surgery for local anaesthetic skin lesion cases. For cases which need specialist referral, the surgery can offer: • • •
Prompt appointments Low fixed gap for Medicare eligible office surgery including skin flaps and grafts Access to public and private hospital day surgery
For appointments, call 02 6584 7312.
COFFS HARBOUR GASTROENTEROLOGIST Dr Yvonne Guttner from the Coffs Harbour Health Campus Gastroenterology & Hepatology Department will be on leave from 22 October to 6 November.
We are anxious to find the newest member of our team, so if you’ve been looking to start living your dream, please get in touch: jjennings@meadowsmedical.com.au (02) 66 84 2300
POSTNATAL DROP-IN CLINIC, PORT MACQUARIE Port Macquarie Base Hospital is now operating a postnatal drop in clinic on Tuesdays between 9am and 1pm for new mums, partners and their baby/s up to six weeks post birth. The clinic offers holistic support and services to families with new babies. Additionally, there will be an information session on various postnatal topics each Tuesday from 10:30am. All welcome.
Would you like to post a local classified ad in this newsletter? Email the details to healthynorthcoast@gmail.com before the 25th of each month. There is no cost associated with these ads. 18
HNCclassifieds GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ALLERGIC DISEASES Entry is open to registered medical practitioners in Australia and New Zealand for the Graduate Certificate in Allergic Diseases. Offered by the University of Western Sydney, the course is designed for medical practitioners, particularly general practitioners and paediatricians, who want to improve their care of patients with allergic diseases and gain a greater understanding of allergic disease management. This 2 year part-time course combines an introduction to the scientific basis of allergic diseases and clinical aspects of allergy. In the first year, students will complete a scientific program consisting of eight online modules delivered in distance mode, requiring approximately 5 hours per week of study. The second year consists of 50 hours of supervised clinical consultation within the setting of a specialist Immunology and Allergy clinic. As part of the course, students attend a full day face-to-face practical training workshop each year, the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Annual Conference in both years, and the Macarthur Series in Immunology in Year 2.
NORTHERN NSW COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL CONFERENCE - CALL FOR PAPERS The Northern NSW Community Engagement Advisory Council Conference takes place at the Ballina Surf Club on 3-4 December, 2015. The Council are calling for papers to present at this conference around the themes of “Patient Experience” and “Integration and Partnership in Health Care”. Focus: • • •
Patient Experience Partnerships Integration
A paper may be on any aspect of patient experience, health partnerships and/or integration. Abstracts should be no longer than 150 words. Proposals for panels of up to four speakers are also welcome.
Further information is available through the University of Western Sydney at http://ow.ly/SSj03.
Submissions of abstracts, workshops and panel proposals should include the title of the presentation and the names, contact details and positions of the presenter(s).
To register your interest and receive further information, please email s.sonego@uws.edu.au.
Abstracts should be submitted by email to nnswengagement@ncahs.health.nsw.gov.au.
Indicative annual tuition fee for 2015: A$ 7,900.
Closing date Friday 16 October 2015.
PSYCHIATRIST TO RUN MONTHLY CLINIC IN GRAFTON Sydney psychiatrist, Dr Tanveer Ahmed, will run a clinic from 9.30am to 4.30pm every second Wednesday of the month, starting on October 14. Dr Ahmed’s services will be bulk-billed for pensioners, Health Care Card holders and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Appointments can be made through OPlus Health, Shop 66, 52 Fitzroy Street, Grafton. Phone 6642 4664, fax 6642 4614 and email: reception@oplushealthgrafton.com.au If you have any queries about the new service, contact Greg Bishop, Medical Services Manager, on 02 6659 1800 or email gbishop@ncphn.org.au.
Contact NCPHN Head Office Suite 6, 85 Tamar Street Ballina NSW 2478 Phone: 02 6618 5400 Fax: 02 6618 5499 Email: enquiries@ncphn.org.au Northern Rivers Tarmons House St Vincent’s Campus 20 Dalley Street East Lismore NSW 2480 Phone: 02 6622 4453 Fax: 02 6622 3185 Email: nr@ncphn.org.au Tweed Heads 8 Corporation Circuit Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 Phone: 07 5589 0500 Email: tv@ncphn.org.au
Hastings Macleay 53 Lord Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Phone: 02 6583 3600 Fax: 02 6583 8600 Email: hm@ncphn.org.au Mid North Coast Suite 6, 1 Duke Street Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450 Phone: 02 6659 1800 Fax: 02 6659 1899 Email: mnc@ncphn.org.au