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Tairan Li

Architectural Portfolio


D3 competition


academic team work

Final Thesis Project


academic individual work

Canine Resort


Landscape Design


Portable Seat


proffesional work

academic team work

AA summer school team work

D3 Housing Tomorrow competition academic project : D3 Housing Tomorrow competition location : damaged miner mountains, China project level : year 4 date : Jnuary - February 2016 team fellow number: 4 contrubution : Axial collum design, collum modeling, all rederings, concept drawings. Section drawings. Semi-oval houss modling.


blasted cut for cultivation


burried coal resources

Mountain are cultivated for coal and marble, leaving only part of the georgaphic feature. Villages nearby have no employment chances once the mountain resource is completely taken away. The ecological chain of their home is destroyed。

marble stones valley filled with rock spoil slope mine

tunnles are made to cultivate burried coals


fixed geological feature recovered mountain trees vegetation on the roof

wasteland left in the end


Geographic change in the mountains could result in the loss of habitant for some species. Ecological chain could fail to keep the nature blance. A recoverry in geological feature is important.

Miner mountains are tured to quarries,with half or even more part of the mountians mined or exavated to plain.Landscapes are artificially changed within only 100 years to support city development with invironment damaged seriously.Villages near by are forced to abanden their homes and find other ways to feed their family.

Axial collum

site plan


position of axial collum A

mountain remains after destruction

semi-oval shape of housing to recover the mountain shape

internal circuit route to connect position of axial collum B

position of axial collum B


air circulation

biological chain

Hot air rise from gaps created by structures, drawing cool and fresh air to fill in the space.

Joints create spaces for animals to stay. Trees and grains can be plannted on roof.











L2 L3 F1





F3 L1 F2

according to lever principle: F1*L1-F3*L3=F2*L2, F1*L1-F2*L2-F3*L3=F4*L4




lever principle: F1*L1+F2*L2=F3*L3


solar pannel wings

top view

collum top view

energy crown wood skeleton

axial collum A energy crown

axial collum B

DISTRICT PLANNING AND COMMUNITY CENTER DESIGN academic project : FInal Thesis Project location : Suzhou, China project level : year 5 date : November 2016 - May 2017


yu Wang


Yangcheng Lke

e Th nd

ra G na

Ca Iver


ing R


Wusong River

Ancient Suzhou City Cheng Lake

Taihu Lake

Dianshan Lake

Taipu River

Water context

Traffic net


Ancient Suzhou City and its surrounding water context

High way


Primary city road

Secondary city road

Water context

Ancient Suzhou City and its surrounding traffic net 12

Huqiu Tower

Suzhou Museum Zhuozheng Garden Beita Temple Suhou Zoo

The Seven MIles Shantang Street

Changmen Gate Xuanmiao Guan

Pingjiang Street

Canglang Pavilion

Wangshi Garden

Panmen Gate Ruiguang Tower

The convenience of reaching to tourism spot by water is obvious. Looking back to its history the city is built according to surrounding water context therefore public city space are all connected to waterway. Though waterways left over are much less than before, the water system is still a complee circuit. Even a long-distant boat tour is available from the Grand Canal into the city. There lies an old and wasted second traffic system, which is much more eco-friendly than cars and bus. The site is located between Huqiu Tower and Changmen City Gate, both spots so famous in history that are written on the textbooks. Train station is also not far away. There is a bridge right next to the site to connect with city across the river. water market on boat for fishermen / silent water ways compared to before

Most Visited Tourrism Spot All could be reached by water transportation

Current Waterway Destroyed greatly in recent decades

City Road Road system in grids, similar to that of the old time.

Buildings The context varies acording to the time during which they were built.

When a new Dynasty is built, it starts from reconstruction of the war damage. In most of the case, the governer would build a new city away from the ruins to make a statement that the old dynasty was of guilt to its people and that it should be ended and be abandened. Even capital city of each dynasty have moved from place to place, but not Suzhou. For 2000 years, its location have never changed and every dynasty it was rebuilt on its ruins. The location was unable to change. 2000 years ago built as the capital, its location was selected extremely carefuly according to Chinese ancient astronomy and its geological context. Easy to guard but hard to be defeated; easy to grow crops but difficult to be kept safe from flood. In the end, an artificial flood discharging system was designed, matching to its geological feature perfectly and the same time also acting as a deffence system. 1



City Gate

City Center

Water Gate Road Waterway External Wall Internal Wall


618-907 AD Tang Dynasty

Primy Waterway Circulate water with surrounding context

Secondary Waterway Balance water capacity in primary waterway

960-1279 AD Song Dynasty

Road gate and water gate on city defence wall

Fresh water

Unfresh water metabolized

Flexible fluid direction

1368-1644 AD Ming Dynasty

1644-1912 AD Qing Dynasty

Clear Classification of Waterways The flood discharge system is connected with surrounding geological water context, from which to circulate fresh water into and out of city. The water gates controlls the water capacity according to season and climate change. Water ways are a circuit and is devided by class, the primary waterway and the secondary waterway. Clear classification of each element have made this system complete and easy to develope according to social change and population grouth. But an overload of population have resulted in a damage of waterways, filled up to compensate insufficient landuse. 16

618-907 AD Tang Dynasty

Road First layer of transportation system

Waterway Second layer of transportation system

960-1279 AD Song Dynasty

Road gate and water gate on city defence wall

1368-1644 AD Ming Dynasty

1644-1912 AD Qing Dynasty

Engineered System Capable of Responding to External Changes The road system is like a skin texture and skeleton structure covering on top of the water system, which could be seen as blood vessels of the city. The city texture of Suzhou is difficult to be read at first sight but actually its internal logic is very clear. The double system is engineered according to natural condition making the city possible to receive information of external changes and respond to it. It is amazing that an artificial product is able to adapt to nature and holds an intelectural responding machanism. Conditions could be adjusted by itself effortlessly. 18

618-907 AD Tang Dynasty

Road First layer of transportation system

Waterway Second layer of transportation system

960-1279 AD Song Dynasty

Road gate and water gate on city defence wall

Primary City Center Directed by political infrustructures

Secondary City Center Directed by transportation condition


1368-1644 AD Ming Dynasty

Water Force Takes Over Political Force

1644-1912 AD Qing Dynasty

Initially there was two circles of city walls. Inner city is the political centre where the governer's office and home locate. Commercial trade and city infrustructures were built close to it and residencial area formed naturally around it. Due to the water fluid into city on the west side, water gates on west were a great place for trades as well. All the boats and cargo ships awaiting to be let into the city gather there. When the inner city still existed, developement around gate areas was restrained by political attraction, however once the inner city have disapeared, city centre moved immediatedly to Changmen Gate, extending along rivers. Population expanded to form a residential cluster outside of the city. 20

TANG My thesis study focused on two aspects. One is the relationship between water and road ways,by studying which I tryed to conclude prototypes of local space form that have been proved to be the most reasonable space evolution outcome after thousands of years elimination. Second is the strategy of recovering the wasted waterways.





One-road-one waterway is suitable for residencial areas, for houses usually have tow doors,one facing the street another facing the water with docks and boats.


Two-road-one-waterway is more suitable for busy streets for shops and markets. It increase the surface for interaction.

Prototypes are interpratd in a more appropriate way to fit into the urban context and city functions. Pieces cut from map of each Dynasty represent different types and logics with various textures to study.

Water system and road system could be seen as a twin net, influencing each other's structure. One connecting the entire city with its surrounding natural context, another overlaping on top to arrange the onland human behavior. There is an hidden axis and original point from which the complete system extend.

system A as axis: direct the system B formation

system A as orner: both system overlap to create corners

water as boudary: to define an area of landuse

water as end: the termination of a sequence


residential area

community centre

city infrustructures

District Planning water bus station as city acupuncture

water bus station

tourism area


Community Centre Design

a collection of experience wodering in the city


618-907 AD Tang Dynasty

Road First layer of transportation system

Waterway Second layer of transportation system

960-1279 AD Song Dynasty

Road gate and water gate on city defence wall

Bridge Where the two system collaps and creates a unique joint

1368-1644 AD Ming Dynasty

1644-1912 AD Qing Dynasty

Bridge Bridge, the joint of two systems. Separate the two overlaping and crossing varied-media system, by lifting the road system higher above the water surface. It is where the two system meat yet never intersect. It compulsively raises human sight to a higher level, therefore the scenery on bridge top is different from that on the street. This might be the absolute and unexpected surprise of a double-system city. Walking experience in Suzhou is so unique that this constantly changing sight variation could be recognised as its city identity. 28


The Community Center interprate the continuously changin sight level in Suzhou city. Walking above the water on bridge is like floating in the air among buildings. Suzhou is a city with unique geographic modification in the city, due to the most impotrant element of the twin transportation systems: the bridges.



office kitchen cafeteria exhibition reception information

security lobby for elderly daycare centre

lobby for community centre

multi-muction logistic medical






class gym malti-function yoga art

class performance

class office projection


community survice parent-children










crossover with movie

LANDSCAPE DESIGN project year: 2015

An transfiguration of a Japanese movie "Flowers" , to a landscape design. By a crossover woth movie, abstract story is transfigurated into spaces and landscapes. Remained railway crossing the site is reused as rail for portable doors. By moving the doors and frams each could create its own maze,indicating a life experience during our youth.


Location: westbank railway park in Shanghai ,China Industrial remains are rebuilt to serve as museums and city infrustructures.Creativities serve as new inspiration for another. Beautiful rails lay quietly next to Huangpu River and sitting there brings back memories along with thinkings for life.



Portable Seat and Bar academic project : AA school of Architecture visiting school Koshirakura/Tokyo landscape workshop location : Koshirakura village, Nigata / Tokyo, Japan project level : year 4 summer date : 19 August - 7 September 2016/8 September - 10 September 2016 director : Shin Egashira, team : Koshirakura/5, 3 responsible for the seat, 2 responsible for the bar. Tokyo/6 contrubution : Roof construction for portable seat, including cutting bamboo and sewing the blue fabric. Cutting timber parts for table and floor. Sequence photo shooting for portable seat assemblling. Sequence photo shooting for storage process. Picture collage for House of Moments. Video and photo shooting in Tokyo.

Two consecutive workshops will bring together contrasting visions of the present cultural and economic climate of Japan seen from two extreme sites, one rural and one urban, located 200km apart, in order to document a set of landscapes: a micro-social fabric and architecture of urban erasure. Koshirakura is a typical post-agricultural village whose population is decreasing with aging society. The pavilion called Azumaya, which is built 20 years ago in the first year of this workshop,only open during gsummer due to climate reason such as snow. The idea was to take advantage of the empty space and construct portable parts that is adaptable to all kinds of festivals and event, both international and local, to attract visitors and serve for daily use. Both the seat and bar are portable and could be folded, their sizes are calculated precisely to fit into Azumaya.


existing pavilion Azumaya

portable bar and seat fit precisely

unlock the wheels to move freely

open the sunshade/water proof roof





untie the rope, unlock the wheel

insert bamboo stick to holes on beam

other end of the stick to pockets on the roof

move the seat and your friends anywhere


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