The Forest BIG Multifunctional Space, Miaoli Taiwan 2018
Divooe Zein Architects
The Forest BIG Multifunctional Space, Miaoli Taiwan 2018
Divooe Zein Architects
The Forest BIG
勤美學 森大
The Forest BIG 「勤美學」是一個在地美學實驗計畫。傳達自然永續、院長導師精神、生活哲學的企業核心精神, 以台灣老式的香格里拉樂園為基地,融入在地文化,透過旅遊與生活體驗,一步步打造在地生活美 學的實驗平台。
2018 勤美學 森大
The Forest BIG location: Miaoli, Taiwan building area: 500 m2 principal use: multifunctional event area
The Forest BIG
「勤美學 森大」是台灣森林哲學的培養皿,以光、野森林、農作息、天然修道院、內服、律動、休息
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「森大 我小」,台灣百分之五十八面積是森林,學習與森林相處,是每個台灣人必修的課題。
Design Concept
「勤美學 森大」位在處於轉型期的苗栗香格里拉樂園南側 10 公頃次生林,由勤美學策畫一座通 過人與自然生活體驗及知識聚落範型—森大。在這樣一個大型實驗基地場域裡,五葉松和次生林 植被夾塑著生態水域和田園式地景,地景之外的原生自然夾雜偶爾的老遊樂設施和人造林景觀。 主屋: 選擇在一片平坦的谷地和荒廢的房舍作為本案的基地,並採取近 300 公尺長度的農業用銀色透光 針織網室,將基地中的房舍、水池、草地團團圈住,讓活動大量集中在圈內的範圍。 而原有荒廢的類中式宮廷房舍,則改造成具備高度防護的使用空間,主要作為教室、廚房、後場和 工作坊等用途,整體建築外部大量覆蓋銀網和噴霧水系統,回制谷地炎熱氣候。主要內部空間收集 附近散落在野地巨大岩石,隨機排列、倒立、轉動、定型,作為取代日常生活慣用的家具。對外採光 則首次嘗試灌型三公分厚的巨大尺寸 (3m*3m)Poly 作為外窗系統,透著珍珠果膠軟軟的光澤。 環形網廊: 這個不完全封閉的環形網廊由銀色 60% 農用針織網及強化結構的鍍鋅鋼管構成,形成近 300 公 尺的長廊,作為輕度隔離荒野森林的結果,朦朧的樹影光線斑佈在其中散落,輕柔蜿蜒的包覆感 動線串起各個可以彈性使用的空間,某程度上發揮做為學習自然、植物和昆蟲、田園與森林交會的 野地生活體驗,承載工作坊的型態。 由一個帶給人局部舒適體驗的庇護性空間,通過數個非慣性的場合所聯合起來行程的整體,及本 案中期待的「自然的教室」。
The location of 'The Forest BIG' is on the south side of the Shangri-La Park in Miaoli. Through the Forest BIG initiative, it is currently undergoing a transition period as the area is transformed into a forest that serves as a model intersecting both human and natural experiences and the gathering of knowledge. In a large experimental base field such as this, the five-needle pine and secondary forest vegetation which surround it create a pond and garden-esque landscape. Outside of this landscape, within the native foliage the occasional abandoned equipment or facility of the previously existing amusement park create a unique postmodern landscape where the land has been reclaimed by nature. Main building: An abandoned residence located within a flat valley has been chosen as the base for the project. Nearly 300 meters of agricultural grade transparent silver nets have been knit together to create a space enclosing the residency at the center, the pond, and the grass, so that the majority of activities can occur within the enclosure.
Ring Shaped Gallery: 60% of this un-closed ring shaped gallery is made of silver agricultural nets knit together as well as reinforced galvanized steel pipes to form a 300-meter long corridor, creating a slight sheltering effect from the surrounding wilderness. The scattered shadows cast by the canopy softly and sensually connect each of these multipurpose useable spaces. To a certain degree, the gallery also serving as a natural workshop which provides an experience created by the blending of wilderness and garden that allows for those that visit to learn more about nature, plants, and insects. From a protected space that provides visitors with a partially comfortable experience, through a journey made up of multiple non-typical spaces, and the "natural classroom" that is expected from this project.
The Forest BIG
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The original ruined Chinese-style palace residences have been transformed into highly protected spaces that are used mainly as classrooms, kitchen space, rear space and workshops. The exterior of almost the entire building has been covered with large amounts of silver mesh and a misting system to combat the heat of the valley. In the main interior space is a collection of large rocks that were scattered nearby. These rocks are arranged, inverted, rotated, and fixed in place to use as replacements for every day furniture. For external lightning, a 3cm thick 3 meter squared Poly has been used as an external window system for the first time, giving off the soft luster of a pearl.
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Before Renovation
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Construction Process
Constructing & renovation of main building. An abandoned residence located within a flat valley has been chosen as the base for the project. Nearly 300 meters of agricultural grade transparent silver nets have been knit together to create a space enclosing the residency at the center, the pond, and the grass, so that the majority of activities can occur within the enclosure. The original ruined Chinese-style palace residences have been transformed into highly protected spaces that are used mainly as classrooms, kitchen space, rear space and workshops. The exterior of almost the entire building has been covered with large amounts of silver mesh and a misting system to combat the heat of the valley. In the main interior space is a collection of large rocks that were scattered nearby. These rocks are arranged, inverted, rotated, and fixed in place to use as replacements for every day furniture. For external lightning, a 3cm thick 3 meter squared Poly has been used as an external window system for the first time, giving off the soft luster of a pearl.
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The Forest BIG
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1. 環氧樹脂+金剛砂 Epoxy + Carborundum
6. 碎石級配 Crushed Stone Grades
2. 不飽和聚酯樹脂 Poly
7. 銀色針織網 Agricutural nets in silver color
3. 岩石 Rock
8. 黑色針織網 Agricutural nets in black color
4. 回收模板 Recycled formwork
9. 鍍鋅鋼管 Galvanized steel pipe
5. 回收松木 Recycled pine woods
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1:100 (mm)
workshop area
stonehenge area
主屋 平面配置圖
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森大七月課程企劃 - 自然洋行 { 非 常 靜 態 }
The Forest BIG
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The Forest BIG
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森大 10 月課程企劃 - 鳳嬌催化室 纖之疊合|森之輪廓
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森大 9 月課程企劃 - CNFlower 野森林研究室
森大 11 月課程 - 張逸軍 療癒劇場
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{身體 / 森林採集}白濟豪
The Forest BIG
森大七月課程企劃 - { 非 常 靜 態 } 參與藝術家
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勤美學 森大
The Forest BIG 設計時間:2017 竣工時間:2018 基地面積:10 hec. 建築面積:500 m2 空間性質:複合式空間 項目地點:苗栗縣造橋鄉豐湖村 1 鄰乳姑山 15-3 號 ( 香格里拉樂園內 ) 設計單位:自然洋行建築設計團隊 Divooe Zein Architects 主要材料:岩石 / 回收松木 / Epoxy 環氧樹脂 + 金剛砂 / Poly 不飽和聚酯樹脂 / 回收模板 / 銀 色針織網 / 黑色針織網 / 鍍鋅鋼管 / 碎石級配 參與人員:曾志偉 / 胡如燕 / 陳嗣翰 / 方冠穎 / 陳偉勳 / 陳莉薇 / 謝昕玫 / 林凡榆 工程施工:禹樂空間整合有限公司 網室施工:伸茂園藝工程行 景觀:高野景觀設計
Photo Credits: The Forest BIG, Divooe Zein Architects
自然洋行設計團隊 Divooe Zein Architects
自然洋行設計團隊 自然洋行成立於 2003 年,工作室位於台灣台北外雙溪陽明山國家公園後山,主要設計思考著重於 建築、環境、感知等複合因素規劃而成的完整場域。其中包含歷史建築物改造、新型態研究機構及 部分實驗性住宅、飯店等。並於 2014 年起持續探索輕質、異材質構造及其運用向度可能性發展。 Established in 2003, Divooe Zein Architects is located on the back hill of the Shuangxi Yangmingshan National Park just outside of Taipei, Taiwan. The designs of the team take on a holistic approach that considers the building, environment, perception, and other factors. The team has worked on the renovation of historical buildings, innovative design of research institute, experimental housing, hotels, and more. Since 2014, it has been exploring the use of lightweight materials, as well as the applications and potential of composite materials.
曾志偉 自然洋行創辦人
1973 出生於台灣,幼時成長於帛琉群島並就讀 S D A 美國國際學校。2003 年起往返旅居峇里島 進行長期建築環境田野調查、成立自然洋行建築工作室,2014 年於台北成立少少 - 原始感覺研究 室,並於 2015 年任教於台灣實踐大學建築系。 Divooe Zein, the founder & director of Divooe Zein Architects. Zein was raised up in Palau islands and studied in the international school SDA. After his practice of architecture, he established Divooe Zein Architects in Taipei and started the journey and field studies back and forth in between Bali islands in Indonesia and Taiwan from 2003 until now. At 2014, he established siu siu – Lab of Primitive Senses in Taipei, and started the teaching work in Shih Chien University Department Of Architecture in Taiwan. 獲獎紀錄 Award Winning Record
The Forest BIG
2016 CAMA-China Architecture Media Award, Construction with the natural way 2015 First Prize of Special Award of Architecture Renovation, Far Eastern Architectural Design Award 2014 Special Award of ADA Emerging Architects
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2016 榮獲 自然建造 ‧ 第四屆中國建築傳媒獎 青年探索獎 2015 大溪老茶廠 榮獲 遠東建築老屋改造特別獎 首獎 2014 少少原始感覺研究室 榮獲 ADA 新銳建築獎 特別獎
Divooe Zein Architects: