林 建為
國立臺灣師範大學 圖文傳播研究所 碩士/在學中
國立臺北教育大學 藝術與造形設計學系 學士
National Taipei University of Education, Department of Art & Design, B.F.A
復興商工 廣告設計科
Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School, Department of Advertisement
National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Graphic Arts and Communications, M.E Layout
Graphic Design
Corporate Identity System
Photography & Video Editng
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Photoshop
Python Arduino Processing Editing
Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects
Based in Taipei, Taiwan
Contact: zilk1943@gmail.com
國立臺北教育大學 藝術與造形設計學系 藝術組113級畢業展《茫合》美宣組長
Head of Visual Design, National Taipei University of Education, Department of Art & Design, 113th Graduation Exhibition "Existential Puzzle"
akaSwap主辦——《akaDrop Launch Event》發佈會 特邀藝術家
Invited Artist, akaSwap, "akaDrop Launch Event"
國立聯合大學 校級刊物 《聯大報導》總編輯
Editor-in-Chief, NUU News, National United University
國立聯合大學 廣播節目《聯大之音》主播
Anchor, The Voice of NUU, National United University
2020.10-2021.06 2020.01-2020.05
Photographer, Editor, Art Post-production, and Exhibition Planner, "My MAN" Visual Project
Photographer, Editor, Art Post-production, and Exhibition Planner, "A CHANCE TO CHANGE" Visual Project
視覺傳達設計-識別形象設計PC 乙級技術士
Class B(Higest Level)Certified Technician, Visual Communication Design-Identity Design PC
黃府&田府 三重綜合體育館婚宴
Photography & Documentary Film, Mr.Huang and Ms.Tian's Wedding
新方水產 公司形象照
Corporate Photography, XINFANG Seafood
新方水產 官網商品照
Product Photography, XINFANG Seafood
UltraWrap奧創汽車包膜 開幕
Photography & Short Video, UltraWrap
Product Photography, XINFANG Seafood
梁府 &姜府 大直典華婚宴
Photography & Documentary Film, Mr.Liang and Ms.Chiang's Wedding
平面攝影&紀錄影片 平面攝影 平面攝影 平面攝影
新方水產 新聞宣發邀稿
Media Promotional Photography, XINFANG Seafood
First Prize in Dynamic Group & TAICCA Special Award, 2th "LIKE WATER NFT Art Award" (2023)
2022第五屆《如風影展》紀錄片組 第二名 2021水保好好玩創意大賽 水保創意年月曆設計組 優選
Quality Award, Creative Calendar Design Category, "SWBCHaveFun Creative Competition" (2021)
Second Place, 5th "Rufeng Film Festival" (2022)
復興商工第五十八屆畢業展 媒體傳播設計類 第三名 超夢大賞 II 全國高中職創意微電影競賽 第三名&佳作
Third Place & Honorable Mention, 2th "SuperDream" (2019)
Third Place, 58th "Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School Graduation Exhibition" (2020)
復興商工108 學年度元旦展 媒體傳播設計類 佳作 第十九屆台電瓩設計獎 多媒體製作類 高中職組 佳作
Honorable Mention, Multimedia Category, 19th "KW Design Awards" (2019)
Honorable Mention, Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School 108th "New Year's Exhibition" (2019)
復興商工107 年度師生美展 數位攝影類 入選 第二十八屆時報金犢獎 非平面類 入圍
Entry, Non-Graphic Category, 28th "INTERNATIONAL TIMES YOUNG CREATIVE AWARDS" (2019)
Entry, Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School 107th "Teacher-Student Art Exhibition" (2018)
《茫合》國立臺北教育大學 藝術與造形設計學系 藝術組 113級畢業展 作品〈沙盤推演〉展出
"The Sandbox" exhibited at National Taipei University of Education, Department of Art & Design 113th Graduation Exhibition "Existential Puzzle"
松山文創園區 四號倉庫05.03-05.06 MoNTUE北師美術館09.22
《悸》國立臺北教育大學 音樂學系作曲組&藝術與造形設計學系 師生聯合展演音樂會 作品〈生命之旅〉展出
"The Journey of Life" exhibited at National Taipei University of Education, Department of Art & Design & Department of Music, Teacher-Student Exhibition "Thrill"
南港軟體工業園區:第三期 2樓 05.26-05.28
akaSwap主辦——《akaDrop Launch Event》 作品〈花非花〉發表
"A Flower is Not a Flower" released at "akaDrop Launch Event"
台北喜來登大飯店 9樓 05.26-05.28
《2023WHATZ國際當代藝術博覽會》 作品〈靈與魂的顫動〉展出
"The Trumbling of Spirits and Soul" exhibited at "2023 WHATZ ART FAIR"
濕地venue 05.08-05.12
《填充島》國立臺北教育大學 藝術與造形設計學系 藝術組 113級校外展 作品〈靈與魂的顫動〉展出
"The Trumbling of Spirits and Soul" exhibited at National Taipei University of Education, Department of Art & Design 113th Achievement Exhibition "A Loading Island"
國北教大M405大會議室 12.22
《單一入口 進場不用錢》第五屆如風影展 作品〈乘風而上〉展出
"Soaring with the Winds" exhibited at 5th Rufeng Film Festival "Single Entrance, Free Admission"
因疫情改為線上展出 2020.06~
《Enjoy Every Step》第三十九屆新一代設計展 作品〈阮ㄟ老爸〉展出
"My MAN" Exhibited Online at the 39th Young Designers' Exhibition, "Enjoy Every Step"
《觀見、關鍵》復興商工第五十八屆畢業精品展 作品〈阮ㄟ老爸〉展出
"My MAN" exhibited at "58th Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School Graduation Exhibition (Selected Works)"
復興商工 2020.05.30-05.31
《觀見、關鍵》復興商工第五十八屆畢業展 作品〈阮ㄟ老爸〉展出
"My MAN" exhibited at "58th Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School Graduation Exhibition"
復興商工 2019.12.20-12.21
復興商工108學年度元旦展 作品〈分號〉展出
"A CHANCE TO CHANGE" exhibited at Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School 108th "New Year's Exhibition"
Selected Projects
Graphic Design
專題展演 FULL HD | 2023 視覺製作 專題簡介
The Journey of Life 生命如旅,每段路程皆充滿未知。作品有生命的誕生、過程與終點三段結 構,意象符碼結合抽象風格,呈現可帶入的情境並保留想像空間。以AI 生成影像作為創作媒介,隨機與可控特性融合創作,呈現花田、沙漠、地 獄等風格化場景。影像設計與作曲家及樂手合作,進行現場展演,奇幻風 格中帶有自由詮釋的開放性,並在視覺與音樂交融下展現震撼張力。
The Trembling of Spirits and Souls
創作專題 FULL HD | 2023 第二屆《若水獎》動態組首獎、文策院特別獎
時長3分17秒的影格動畫,使用StableDiffusion進行影像生成,搭配 AI演算生成音樂與音效。動畫共分為三章,首章為起源與成長,第二章為 萬物的死寂衰滅,最後一章則是重建與新生。將創作本質回歸對自身的探 尋,以數位媒介與AI生成影像進行創作動畫,試圖以主客體結合、數位 媒體的形式去探討、描述;表現精神、靈魂等形而上層面的活動表現性。
從自身緣起的探討,追尋靈魂的起源,到展現和平、大愛、人類精神先生 而後亡,再傳承大同的過程。
FULL HD | 2020 (2022)
MY MAN (Reimagined)
視覺設計、攝影、調色、展覽策劃 專題簡介
原創歌曲搭配劇情MV 拍攝。劇情講述一位父親曾懷有音樂夢, 卻不被家人支持而放棄,兒子遺傳了父親的音樂才華,懷抱著相 同的夢欲實現,但父子關係卻因此而緊張,某次激烈的爭吵下, 父親甚至差點拿起吉他要砸下...一切的轉機在父親工作受傷後, 兩人間有機會更多的交流,關係變好後父親也決定不再重蹈覆 轍,鼓勵兒子追夢。
與逆風劇團合作,拍攝真人真事改編的半紀錄片性質微電影。劇情講述三名叛逆青年在 18歲時浪子回頭,創立劇團幫助高關懷少年的故事。契機為主角好友突如其來的離開, 讓他決心收起叛逆追夢,並相遇了其他兩人。三個叛逆少年一同追夢、成立劇團,為盲 目的青少年點亮一盞光。逐漸擴大劇團勢力,收留中輟的青年,用劇團表演、舞台劇方 式讓走錯路少年們找到自身意義,幫助建立適應社會的能力。
影像專題 FULL HD | 2019 (2022) 視覺設計、攝影、剪輯調色、展覽策劃
Commercial Cases
Mr.Huang and Ms.Tian’s Wedding
Mr.Liang and Ms.Chiang’s Wedding
Product Photography of XIN FANG Seafood
Social Media Graphic Design for UltraWrap
The Shinjuku Blue Hour
White Bear Flower Shop
Feature Publication of A loading Island
Feature Publication of A loading Island
時所進行之校外展覽的作品收錄。內容包含展覽理念、作品介紹與展覽過程、開幕茶會與展覽花 絮之紀錄。由我擔任總編輯,全本共94頁。
This feature publication, produced by the Department of Art & Design at National Taipei University of Education, documents the external exhibition projects undertaken by junioryear students of the Fine Arts Program. The content includes exhibition concepts, artwork introductions, records of the exhibition process, the opening tea reception, and highlights from the event. Spanning a total of 94 pages, the publication was entirely curated and edited under my direction as the chief editor.
The Chronic of Photograhpy
本雜誌聚焦影視界的最新動態,單本共 10頁。包含四大主題:大疆的如影4D 與Mavic 3、Nikon Z9,以及iPhone 13的電影模式。
從選題、撰稿到設計,均由編者一人完 成,總字數約5000字。內容多元,涵 蓋詳細的產品資訊介紹、發佈會與評測 資料的綜合分析,並針對影視主題進行 延伸討論。
雜誌選題力求在影視相關主題中保持多 樣性,為讀者提供豐富且深度的閱讀體 驗。所有文字基於廣泛的資料查閱與整 理,兼具資訊性與議題探討性。
This magazine focuses on the latest trends in the film and television industry, spanning 10 pages.
It covers four main topics: DJI's Ronin 4D and Mavic 3, the Nikon Z9, and the cinematic mode of the iPhone 13 series. From topic selection and writing to design, the entire process was completed by a single editor, with a total word count of approximately 5,000. The content is diverse, featuring detailed product introductions, comprehensive analyses of press events and reviews, and extended discussions on related topics.
The magazine strives to maintain diversity within its film and television themes, offering readers a rich and in-depth reading experience. All text is based on extensive research and compilation, combining informational value with thought-provoking discussions.
在外型設計上,傳統特色與年輕化元素相結合,讓老少皆能輕鬆使用且無突兀感。月曆內容以當季水果為主, 補充產地資訊,幫助受眾在日常生活中更便捷地選擇適合的水果,實現實用性與教育性的完美結合。
Calender Design/
The exterior design blends traditional characteristics with modern elements, ensuring accessibility and comfort for users of all ages. The calendar content focuses on seasonal fruits, supplemented with origin information, helping users make more informed choices in their daily lives. This design achieves a seamless combination of practicality and educational value.
聯大報導 NUU News
本報刊主要節錄聯合大學校內外各事務活動、校園消息與校外獎項等資訊,我擔任總編輯經手 2022年四、五、六月刊(55-57期)共三期,並對排版進行完全修改,新排版沿用至今(2025)。
The NUU News is the official university-level publication of National United University, issued monthly with two pages per issue. This publication highlights on-campus and offcampus events, campus news, and external award achievements. As the editor-in-chief, I managed the production of three issues in 2022 (April, May, and June, Issues 55–57) and completely revamped the layout. The new design has been adopted and remains in use to this day (2025).
月曆內容以當季水果為主,補充產地資訊,幫助受眾在日常生活中更便捷地選擇適 合的水果,實現實用性與教育性的完美結合。
Calender Design/
The exterior design blends traditional characteristics with modern elements, ensuring accessibility and comfort for users of all ages. The calendar content focuses on seasonal fruits, supplemented with origin information, helping users make more informed choices in their daily lives. This design achieves a seamless combination of practicality and educational value.
水果知識歷 Seasonal Fruitology
以「傳統中求創新」為設計語言,針對傳統水果年月曆進行優化設計,融合文青風的簡約美學, 滿足年輕族群與全齡化需求。保留傳統農民曆的節氣標示與書寫格,同時新增水果與水保知識科 普,並結合產地小遊戲,增添互動與趣味性。
This project adopts the design language of "Innovation Within Tradition", enhancing the traditional fruit calendar by incorporating minimalist aesthetics with a literary style to cater to younger audiences while meeting the needs of all age groups. It retains the traditional lunar calendar features, such as solar terms and writable grids, while adding fruit and soil conservation knowledge, along with interactive games about fruit origins, enhancing both engagement and enjoyment.
以膠捲相機的圖案作為設計核心,象徵著工作室在商業拍攝與器材租借領域的專業背景。標準色以暖黃色為主 色調,帶給人溫暖懷舊的視覺感受,紅色作為輔助色調點綴細節,強調影片創作的核心主題。期望傳達出對影 像工作的專注與熱情,也展現了品牌的專業與友好形象。 標誌設計 陳年往事工作室
Design/ LOGO of The White Bear Flower Shop
以創意結合自然與品牌形象為核心,透過花瓶的造型融入「花」字漢字,彰顯花店的專業屬性,同時巧妙結合 熊掌般的花朵圖樣,增添品牌的親和力與獨特性。主色調以純淨的白色為基礎,象徵純潔與自然,並搭配紅、 黃、綠三色花朵,傳遞春天的繽紛與生機。
好星沒好報 STB News
「好星沒好報」是一篇實驗性質報紙,主題是中台的緊張關係,有一頁共兩面。報紙分為頭版與 A2雙面,頁面主要的內容分別是台灣政治、中國召開六中全會與共機持續擾台的新聞。
The STB News is an experimental newspaper focusing on the tense relations between Taiwan and China. It consists of a single sheet printed on both sides, featuring a front page and an A2 reverse. The main content highlights key topics such as Taiwanese politics, China's Sixth Plenum of the CPC Central Committee, and continued incursions by Chinese military aircraft into Taiwan's airspace.
聯大之音 The Voice of NUU
「聯大之音」廣播節目設計的特殊節目海報。當時恰逢NBA總決賽前夕,在大學生間討論度很高, 所以我們製作了特殊主題的廣播節目,預測比賽走向與勝負。僅用作校內宣傳,無任何商業用途。
A special program poster for The Voice of NUU, the university's radio program. Coinciding with the NBA Finals, which were a hot topic among college students at the time, we created a themed broadcast predicting the outcomes and winners of the games. I designed the poster specifically for on-campus promotion, with no commercial use involved.
〈分號〉復古電影票卷|周邊設計|2022 Graphic Design/ Series Merchandise of A Chance to Change(Reimagined)
The Series of Aquatic Reverie
〈懸浮〉系列|生態攝影|2024 日本,神奈川縣
〈羚羊掛角〉|生態攝影|2020 台灣,花蓮
〈青山白駒〉|生態攝影|2020 台灣,花蓮
〈車馬光跡〉|風景攝影|2019 台灣,台北
Veil of Relics
Fun Ways to Save Energy Daily
本作品以逐格動畫形式製作,片長共30秒,旨在通過生動有趣的方式向大眾宣導節約能源的重 要性。影片以日常生活為背景,通過吉祥物的行動展示在日常舉止中如何節約用電,幫助受眾建 立良好的節電習慣。在表現日常生活的過程中透過吉祥物來宣導日常節約用電知識,故取名為「日 常省電趣」,以最無趣也最貼近的日常生活為題,以有趣的呈現方式加入宣導的知識,達到宣傳 的目的。
This project is a 30-second stop-motion animated film designed to promote the importance of energy conservation in an engaging and lively manner. Set against the backdrop of everyday life, the film uses a mascot to demonstrate how to incorporate energy-saving actions into daily routines, helping audiences develop good energy-saving habits. Titled **"Fun Ways to Save Energy Daily,"** the film takes seemingly mundane everyday moments and transforms them into an entertaining and educational experience, effectively delivering its message in a relatable and enjoyable way.
〈掌閱,做你的眼〉廣告短片|微電影|2019 導演、編劇、攝影、剪輯
掌閱,做你的眼 Be Your Eyes
時長30秒的廣告短片,故事主角為一名色盲,影片的前段畫面以黑白呈現。他因為意外失明而 失去生活動力,只能遊走在公園,試圖去感受別人的快樂。某天,他得到了一個神秘大禮,讓他 的人生由黑白轉為彩色,那就是——掌閱APP。知識讓人生疲乏的他重燃生機,影片中以洋蔥代 表「掌閱」,除了洋蔥片與品牌LOGO有相似之處外,也作為媒介使其流淚,讓他再次看見了人 生的色彩。
This 30-second advertisement follows a colorblind man who, after losing his sight, feels disconnected from life. The film starts in black and white, showing his aimless existence. One day, he receives a mysterious gift — the **Zhangyue APP**, which brings color and meaning back to his life through knowledge. The onion symbolizes the brand, resembling its logo, and serves as an emotional trigger that helps him rediscover the vibrancy of life.
Addicted Lamb
Addicted Lamb
時長約六分鐘的反毒微電影,以高中生的視角展現校園生活中可能面 臨的誘惑與挑戰。故事講述一名因課業與家計壓力而被不良同學引誘 運毒的少女,面對背德與正義的抉擇,她不得不直面誘惑與危機。劇 情以校園為背景,聚焦學生的課業壓力與同儕影響,傳遞防毒教育的 重要性。
This six-minute anti-drug microfilm explores the challenges high school students face. It follows a girl burdened by academic and financial pressures, tempted by a classmate to smuggle drugs. Set in a school setting, the film highlights peer influence and difficult choices, emphasizing the importance of drug prevention and making the right decisions.
疑霧 Veil of Relics
時長約十分鐘的劇情微電影,講述了六位從小親密無間的青梅竹馬因一次登山試膽事件,陷入了 意外與自責的深淵。表裏不一、膽小卻逞強的禹程因探路失足身亡,讓他的摯友勇義深陷內疚與 痛苦。禹程透過託夢與勇義再度相見,並留下了一本充滿線索的筆記本。眾人決心依據筆記本中 的線索展開解密之旅,走訪各地,穿越重重迷霧,逐步揭開真相,最終理解生命中最重要的事物。
Veil of Relics is a 10-minute narrative short film about six childhood friends whose bond is tested by tragedy. During a mountain challenge, timid Yu Cheng ventures ahead but tragically falls to his death. Consumed by guilt, his friend Yong Yi receives a mysterious notebook from Yu Cheng in a dream. Together, the group follows its clues, uncovering truths and learning the value of friendship and living in the moment. Blending suspense and emotion, the film explores themes of regret, discovery, and connection.