Obsession 2019 盈青插畫個展

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Obsession 窺視 「從看見你的第一眼,我就給了你一把槍,從此以後我的生與死已經於我無關。」 迷戀讓人喪失自我控制,甘願做一個忠心耿耿的侍衛,一個無可救藥的毒蟲,髮 絲落在肩上的鬆散,親吻時耳後隱約的香氣,你發現你只有望著那人、想著那人

的一舉一動時,才能有片刻喘息。 此系列為盈青2019全新創作,將帶你從迷戀 者癡狂眼神中看見被迷戀者,一窺那不曾沾染世俗的愛與慾。

“I handed you a pistol when I first laid eye on you, my life and death has never been in my

control ever since.” Obsession makes people lose control, voluntarily become a loyal guard, a helpless addict. Her hair lying on her shoulder, that faint fragrance behind her ear when you kiss

her; slowly, you find out you can only catch a breathe when she’s in your sight, when her every

move is in your mind. This series is the latest creation of Ying-Ching Ho in 2019, it lets the audience see the obsessee through the obsessor’s eyes, take a glance at that un-worldly love and lust.

凌亂 Messy


好像被散漫的髮惹得心煩,你用手輕輕一撩,把髮絲收攏到耳後, 我卻反而更凌亂了。

You are having ice cream with your earrings swinging, silently dyed

my summer your color. Seem to be bothered by your hair, you push

your hair to the back of your ear, tidied it up as you messed up my thoughts.

解衣 Undress

你背對著我,俐落地穿回兩個小時前亂丟的內衣,如果世界在此刻暫停一下下, 那麼你在我眼裡看起來就會像是,在為我解衣。




可能性,所以我把它關在小小的房間裡,我能感覺到它蓬勃的生命力,我能感覺 到它漸漸膨脹,被門框壓成難看的形狀。

With your back toward me, you quickly put on that underwear you threw on the floor a couple hours ago. If the world was put on pause for a second now, you

would look as if you were undressing for me. Your casualness and efficiency

angered me extremely, but I couldn’t figure out at whom they were directed. No

matter how I think about it, I couldn’t direct them at you. Finished dressing, you were already out the door, left with a part of me. And the part that remained no

longer resembled who I am, the part that’s too pathetic even for me to see. I can’t let you see it, once you see it, it’ll take away the possibility for me to see you ever again altogether. I locked that part of me up in a little room, where I could feel how

alive it is, how aggressively it’s growing, how it’s squishing the door frame with its ever-growing volume, how it presses the room into an ugly shape.

老婆 Mine


用猜,熱氣把妳烘出薄汗,臉頰暈紅暈紅的,妳忽然轉過頭說: 「今 天煮新的菜,沒煮過,不好吃別怪我喔。」 那一刻好想叫妳老婆。

You had a tank-top on, wrapped your hair into a pony tail. I didn’t even need to guess, I knew by heart what dishes you would make.

The heat steamed out a bit of sweat on you, and two blushing

cheeks. Suddenly you turned around and said: “I’m trying out a new dish, don’t blame me if it’s not good, ok?”

At that moment, I so desperately wanted to call you mine.

追浪 Waves

海浪拍在你的小腿肚上,激起些微水花,今天的海是剛睡醒的公主,慵懶卻不減優雅。 你追了幾步,留下了細緻的腳印,浪一拍就帶走了,像是一種對你的回應。


就算是很久以後,我依然會常常想起這個什麼也沒發生的時刻,我彷彿置身海平面之 下看波光粼粼,放棄無謂的反抗,任由你那溫柔的海將我接納。

Waves splashed on your calves, collided into little drops of water. The ocean today is a princess that had just arose, cozy-ed up but nevertheless elegant.

You ran after the waves a couple of steps, left a series of light footprints. The waves easily took away your footsteps, as if it was answering you. “Come here, the water is chilly.” You said to me.

Even a long time after, I still think about this moment often, this moment where nothing happened. It seems like I was deep in the ocean looking at lights dancing on the waves,

I give up fighting, I give up that useless fighting, I give up that useless fighting and give in to your gentle ocean.

注視 Stare

夕陽光穿越城市,輕柔地覆在你身上,隨著火車的律動一閃一閃, 在你肌膚上跳起了古老的舞蹈,我控制不住地盯著那不應在人間 的舞出神。

你忽然抬頭看我,像是抓到了偷魚的貓,我低頭藏起眼睛,怕被你 發現另一個秘密。

Rays of sunset shined through the city, covered you gently, blinking along with the movements of the train, dancing ancient dances on

your skin. I couldn’t help but stare at that dance, got lost in that heaven-sent beauty. You suddenly looked up at me, like you had caught a fish-stealing cat. I looked away, hid my eyes away. I couldn’t risk letting you find out another secret of mine.


Two alarm clocks


我可以清楚的聽見你的呼吸,隨著胸口起伏,像一片沈穩的海, 卻又美到不在乎自己會飄泊到哪裡,只想全部交付於你。 鬧鐘突然間響起,把我拉回現實。

真是好險,有時候我什麼也沒做,就是看著你,時間就這麼過了。 I actually woke up a while ago, turned off the alarm you had set for me and set another one. I can hear your breath clearly. Like a

quiet sea, your chest ebbs and flows; I don’t mind where your wave takes me to, I just want to give my all to you. Alarm goes off, pulls me back to reality.

Luckily it did go off. Sometimes I don’t do anything but watch you, as time slips through my fingers.

馬芬 Muffin


力道並不特別輕,也不特別重,你看起來漫不經心,但我幾乎可以 肯定你是蓄意,蓄意為我表演了這一幕。


道世間總有科學以外的事實會使我臣服,我低頭,代表全人類舉 起白旗,求你的寬容,求你在我的下一個轉世,再次降臨。

You wiped the crumb that that muffin you had left on your lip with

your thumb, not too strong, not too gentle. You wiped it casually, but

I’m almost certain that you did it on purpose, I’m almost certain that you put on this scene for me on purpose.

I recognized you long ago, you are the messenger god had sent down earth. To punish arrogant humanity, you came to show me there are always forces outside of science’s understanding, forces that bring me to my knee and take away my power and will to fight.

I lowered my head, threw in the towel on behalf of all human-beings. I beg of you, I beg for your presence in my next life to come.

Obsession 傲嬌 「生而在世,理智是常備品,而浪漫是必須品。」

此區為盈青往年作品,每一幅都是單獨的創作,盈青的畫作常取材於生活或網 路,有些結合時尚,有些靈感則來自影集、書籍。

“Being alive, sanity is stocked goods, and romance is necessity.” This section displays Ying-Ching’s works over the year, every single piece is an individual creation; her work is often

inspired by everyday life or the internet, some combines fashion, others are inspired by tv series and/or books.

冬陽 Summer light in winter

遠近 Far and near

你在深淵盛放 Blossom in deepness

黑髮 Black hair


photo by @Origin_life

photo by @Origin_life

photo by @Origin_life

photo by @Origin_life

photo by @Origin_life

photo by Sam

photo by Sam

photo by Sam

photo by Brian Lu

photo by Brian Lu

photo by Brian Lu

photo by Brian Lu

photo by Sam

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