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PORTFOLIO SHAN-SHAN, MA Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

Resume Shan-Shan, Ma ma523368900@gmail.com +886 902368533

EDUCATION 2015-2019 2012-2015

Bachelor of Design, Landscape Architecture CHUNG YUAN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, Taoyuan, Taiwan High school certification FUZHOU NO.1 HIGH SCHOOL, Fuzhou, China

EXPERIENCE 2018-2019 12th CYLA Graduation Exhibition Preparatory Committee, Artistic Design Section 2017.7-2017.9 Observer Ecological Consultant Co., ltd, Intern 2017-2018 13th CYLA Student Association, Secretary Section 2012-2014 Tuo Qing Environmental Protection Club in FUZHOU NO.1 HIGH SCHOOL, Vice President

WORKSHOP 2018.9 2018.5 2017.6

2018 Participatory Concept and Practice Joint Workshop B ​ inary Pottery Workshop: Derivative Phenomenon 2017 M ​ arine Coastal Biodiversity Workshop


2018 3th Professional Ethics Case Competition, Superior Award 2017 2th Accessibility Design Student Competition, Third Place

SOFTWARE SKILLS Rhinoceros Sketchup Lumion AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Arc GIS 丨


01 Rohingya: Retain the Clean Water Landscape Architecture Design 01

02 Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign Landscape Architecture Design 11

03 Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park Landscape Architecture Design & Urban Design 23

04 Other Works

Binary Pottery: Derivative Phenomenon 37

Publication & Poster Design 39

Photography & Drawing 40

01 / Rohingya: Retain the Clean Water

01 Rohingya: Retain the Clean Water Landscape Architecture Design

2017.9 - 2017.11

Kutupalong / 02


Rohingya Persecution in Myanmar

03 / Rohingya: Retain the Clean Water

Water Issue : Retaintion

Water Issue : Contamination

Solution Strategy

Kutupalong / 04

Before Design

地表徑流水帶着地表污物、排泄物全 部匯流至地勢最低處,這樣的水不僅 無法使用, 入滲後還會污染地下水。

After Design

人工在坡上挖坑改變地形,等待自然 積水後種植濕地植物,減少蒸散量, 層層過濾、淨化,水滿後溢出,下層 坑表面皆為被淨化過的水可供使用 , 每層淨化程度不同用途也不同。

After Refugees Leave

數年後難民營的難民離去,臨時建物 拆除,留下一片濕地,自然重新回歸, 其他生物被引入。

05 / Rohingya: Retain the Clean Water

Plant Purification

Degree of Plant Degradation

Kutupalong / 06

07 / Rohingya: Retain the Clean Water

Kutupalong / 08

Plan before Design



Plan after Design

Surface Runoff

Surface Runoff after Design

09 / Rohingya: Retain the Clean Water

Kutupalong / 10

11 / Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign

02 Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign Landscape Architecture Design

2017.11- 2018.1

Hsinchu / 12

Site Location


Site’s Existing Program

13 / Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign

Texture around the Site


Hsinchu / 14



15 / Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign

Hsinchu / 16

Planting Plan

17 / Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign

System Analysis

Topography Transformation

Topography after Design

Surface Runoff after Design

Hsinchu / 18


19 / Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign

Section A-A'

Section B-B'

Hsinchu / 20

21 / Intergrated Landscape: JianGong Oil Tanks Redesign

Hsinchu / 22

23 / Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park

03 Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park Landscape Architecture Design & Urban Design


Taoyuan / 24

Texture around the Site

2017 Chungli District Population Pyramid Map

Traditional Bussiness Distribution & Important Landmarks

Green System & Water System & Road Network

User Activities and Active Time Touring / Eating / Culture Experience Riding / Walking / Running Commute / Bussiness Affairs Commute / Entertainment

Urban Planning Divsion

Neighborhood Interaction

Active Area at Different Time Periods around the Site

25 / Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park

River Rehabilitation Strategy

Morphological Rehabilitation



Functional Rehabilitation

①老街溪現失去河川自然營力能力 → 恢復自然形態,逐 漸恢復河川機能 ②生態效益低下 → 提供多元棲息地 ③現老街溪與人關係疏遠 → 使人重新與水、水岸建立關 係 ④模仿自然的手段進行徑流管理與淨化 → 將基地周邊地 表徑流淨化後再排入河道 形態復育 Morphological Rehabilitation - 河道改善,去混凝土堤改為砌石護岸並種上植被 - 堰體改善,改興南堰為分散型落差工壩 - 水相改善,讓河流隨時間自然形成潭、瀨、灘地等 棲地 機能復育 Functional Rehabilitation - 活的生態系:上挑丁壩迎水面深潭和背水面滩地的 形成 - 活的生態系:隨著洪水等河流衝擊落差堰的棲地形 成 - 活的生態系:以模仿自然的手段進行徑流管理與淨 化 - 活的水人關係:河濱步道、及水岸親水活動的發生

Taoyuan / 26

Planning Concepts

中壢新 LOGO:傳統業態的再聚焦與串聯 ①歷史上看過去中壢中心發展地區為老街溪地區,且傳統業態興盛 ②如今,老街溪傳統業態持續衰敗,老街溪地區沒落 ③基地位於老街溪旁,機捷 A22 站旁,基地雖部分區域都更變為商特 區,但基地南部如今依然存在傳統業態,且與基地本身缺少聯接 ④中壢目前缺少專屬自己的 LOGO ⑤基地地理位置對於中壢而言有成為中心的潛力 基地本身區位有成為中壢中心、中壢新 LOGO 的潛力,將商特用以做傳 統業態創新(請老師傅定期舉辦手工藝學習、小吃製作活動…),在 基地內將傳統業態再聚焦,可翻轉新時代使用者(青壯年群體)對傳

老街溪及其水岸要作為中壢的新 LOGO 不僅自身



導…),利用機捷帶來的人潮,促進中壢新 LOGO 的效益,重新活化老






27 / Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park

Streets Connection Strategy


A. 與光明公園之串聯

B. 與商業區之串聯

C. 與古早小吃之串聯

D. 與新明國小之串聯 Green Roofs

Void 1F

Taoyuan / 28

Partition Description 基地作為老街溪新 LOGO 的中心 , 擁有機場捷運 A22 出口 , 可以說是來到老街溪的必經之地。 主要動線兩側是店鋪,來基地的人可以順著這 條路走,再分散到各個空間中,體驗中壢傳統 業態,進而把人流引入老街溪沿岸。

29 / Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park


Taoyuan / 30

Area Allocation

Traffic around the Site

由於基地周邊公共交通運輸便利,且附近停車場多,故基 地內部不再設置機動車專用停車場,基地內部也以人本交 通為主。 基地周邊雖公共交通運輸便利,但依然設有臨時停車位, 主要分佈在捷運站附近,與捷運系統相輔相成。

31 / Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park

Planting Plan Arbor

Shrubs and Ground Cover

Taoyuan / 32

Important Places

Bridge Design

橋面動線分成三種 ①連接河濱步道 ②連接 Ubike 站點 ③連接親水空間

33 / Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park

Perspective View

0 1

2 3

4 5 Microclimate Ajustment Strategy

Taoyuan / 34

Section Section A-A'

Section B-B'


35 / Chungli New LOGO: Laojie Creek Riverside Park

建物 2F 窗戶往外看


n C-C'

Taoyuan / 36

04 Other Works

Binary Pottery: Derivative Phenomenon

37 / Other Works

Binary Pottery: Derivative Phenomenon / 38

04 Other Works

Publication & Poster Design

39 / Other Works : Publication & Poster Design

04 Other Works

Photography & Drawing

Other Works : Photography & Drawing / 40

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