January 2016
Inside this Issue... Maui Metal Art is Here! Money Matters Identity Theft
Beer Corner Stout Beers
Rover Rescue
Winter Has Arrived!
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The Student Section
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08742 Living is: Steve DeJacimo Owner and Editor 732.239.1482 sdejacimo@gmail.com
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Debbie Lada, dzigns Design Director 201.906.9454 dzigns4you@aol.com Jennifer Malpass Photographer, Photo Editor Matt Connelly Writer and Vice Principal Maureen Whelan Writer and Occupational Therapist Christy A. Schmidt Writer and Legal Counsel Katherine Kehoe, Writer Lauren Kehoe, Writer Nicole Marie, Writer
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Emily Foster, Writer Jordan Noe, Writer DISCLAIMER: Typhoon Media, LLC and 08742 Living have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this magazine is accurate on the stated date of publication or last modification. It is possible that the information may be out of date, incomplete or the opinion of the author. It is advisable that you verify any information from this magazine before relying on it.
January 2016
Contact us: Typhoon Media, LLC 2218 Mahoney Drive, Point Pleasant, New Jersey 08742 Call us at 732-239-1482 • Email: sdejacimo@gmail.com
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The Power of Positive Thinking Setting New Year Intentions Not Resolutions by Allison Feehan, Owner of Integrative Healing and Wellness
At the approach of every New Year some of us find ourselves thinking about those nagging resolutions that we should be setting for ourselves, again. As much as we want to change things or situations for ourselves we begrudgingly or unwillingly set a resolution that we know we can’t always keep. We fear the difficulty in starting anew and how it may put a dent in our already hectic schedules. We come out the gates of the New Year running like a bull let loose, ready to grab hold of that resolution and tackle it by the horns. By February or mid-March our anxiety may run high and some depression can set in if we haven’t come close to our New Year resolution goal.
write it down but always be specific and clear on what your intention is. Whatever intention you set it should be meaningful to you and achievable. Putting forth the power of positive thinking and using your mind to set encouraging words allows you to put forth the positive energy to get results. “I am easily and joyfully changing my eating habits and exercising which allows me to maintain a healthy weight.” Putting your positive energy into one intention at a time may work better for you but you must believe in yourself to make the change you intend to see.
e b o t ber ay! m e m Re od t l u f thank
A resolution is the firm decision to do or not do something, the action of solving something. Resolutions originally bloomed from many eras, one being the Christian liturgical season of Lent, sacrificing and reflecting on self-improvement annually. Judaism’s New Year was viewed as wrong doings that we try and amend towards in the New Year. No matter what religion, the need to improve oneself and amend into a fresh start is a beautiful goal.
Maui Metal Art is here on the Jersey Shore
Our lives are a fluid journey of solving things and situations. An intention is a determination to act in a certain way or; the healing process of a wound. To set an intention for yourself is a directed impulse of consciousness that contains the seed form of that which you aim to create. Our minds are caught up in memory, thoughts, and emotions. By utilizing the biggest tool of our mind to set intentions that have a long lasting, positive impact is key. Meditation can take you beyond the ego-mind and into the silence of pure consciousness. Our intentions come from a pure state of awareness.
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Intentions to set for oneself should be specific and the commitment to act on those can allow for amazing things to occur. Intentions can be used for global events, social issues, communities or within your own jobs or household. Some examples on how to achieve these intentions would be to start small, change one behavior at a time, talk about it, and don’t beat yourself up over missing the date to succeed. All as it should be, set a new date. Starting small may include; before getting out of bed each day you intend to have a peaceful day. Or tape a note to the mirror in your bathroom that reminds you while you’re brushing your teeth, to be thankful. You can also intend to change a behavior like remaining calm in a stressful work situation. You can choose to talk about your intention or
January 2016
Check us out online at Facebook.com/08742living
It’s a matter of Being vs, Doing. Detach from the outcome. Let the Universe handle the details. Blessings in your happy, healthy, and successful New Year.
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January 2016
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Hip Pain? Do you have hip pain? If you do, I want you to realize something. You could end up like this man, and hopefully… you want to do whatever it takes to AVOID this happening to you or someone you care about. You may just have hip pain right now, but if you don’t take care of it NOW, there’s a good chance that you can end up having to use a walker, a scooter, or a cane. Your hips serve innumerable functions for your body including: 1. They keep you upright. 2. They allow you to bear weight. 3. They help you walk smoothly, run, jump, kick, play. Since your hips are engaged in nearly every move you make, pain in this area of your body can have debilitating consequences for you. Although hip pain is frequently the result of osteoarthritis or some type of injury, it can also be a sign of other health conditions.
Dr. Tony Garrow & Dr. Susan Nemiroff
One of the Most Common Causes of Hip Pain Inflammation: Hip pain can derive from the structures within the hip joint or from the structures and ligaments surrounding the inflamed joint. Within the joint itself, there is limited space for the femoral head to move in the socket of the acetabulum. If you have an injury, misalignment, psoas muscle problem, or illness in your joint, it can trigger inflammation, and then the joint space can become easily filled with fluid, causing you pain.
Jersey Shore Wellness Center 3001-03, Route 88, Suite #2 Point Pleasant Borough, NJ 08742
732-892-0485 www.facebook.com/jerseyshorewellness
Inflammation of the sac outside of the hip, the bursitis, can also be the source of pain. Bursitis is often the result of minor trauma or overuse. If you want to get checked, call the office today. We’re here to help.
Garrow Family Chiropractic, P.C. 2204 Highway 35, Suite 7 Wall, NJ 08750
732-223-1990 www.facebook.com/GarrowChiropractic
Please call us now if you have hip pain or if you know someone with hip pain. We will offer a free consultation over the next 2 weeks for anyone with hip pain. January 2016
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Coach Me Christy Into the Light
08742 Ad
by Christy Schmidt
Happy 2016! In this new year, I have made a new commitment to my readers: No more Misses Nice Girl. I cannot continue to commit the crime of supporting delusion. In each of my articles, blogs, and newsletters, I have tried to approach readers with a hand-holding kindergarten-teacher sweetness that just does not seem to be getting through. You all smile and keep eating Doritos and watching Mob Wives and wondering why it’s not the way you want it to be.
away the cutesy self-help self-indulgent tripe based on magic and feel-good huggy bears, and shut off the television and let’s get to work. Now our First Lesson based on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Have you read Plato’s Allegory of the Cave? Most people have not. You can read it here: http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/ allegory.html. (And even though I have supplied the link, I know most of you will not read it. So...here’s a little video that captures the gist: https://youtu.be/ act of N6LUptADIww).
Sigh. It is an I want you to think. supreme and I want you to grow. In short, Plato’s I want you to thought-experiment sublime hatred succeed. I want describes how people you powerful and are born, live and die to humor and wealthy and happy chained to all wall of and healthy. Now, a cave The people support I have to inspire you watch shadows to want it. My perprojected on the cave a person’s sonal goals for 2016 wall and they begin to delusions. include helping 100 believe that is reality. new clients become It actually IS reality for the best each can them. That is truth for - Stefan Molyneux be. One of those them. If one of the new clients may be people is freed from you – but I cannot those bonds, and seem to inspire change in others by brought out of the cave into the sun – being syrupy sweet and gentle How terrified he or she would be! and nice. But soon, he or she is amazed at the truth – realizing the illusion he or she So, first, the new attitude: I will had held so dear. The freed prisoner provide my expertise and guidance returns, inspired to release his or her directly to you each month – with no brothers and sisters – and is mocked, filer, no sweet dancing around the punished and killed for such issues. Just straight talk to shake you “madness.” into being your best self. Can you set aside the shadows on the Next, the new column title: Coach Me wall? Can you release yourself from Christy. I am not your friend. I am not your bondage and walk into the light? your mommy. I am your guide. I am If we leave aside the metaphor, can you your coach. And although I am let go of what you think is reality? generally considered a “nice” person, What you think you know? Can you I am also the toughest teacher you will explore, freely and allow yourself to let ever have. No excuses permitted. go of dogma and deeply held beliefs to It’s time you live your dreams. learn new viewpoints? And unlike the other nonsense you Think about your beliefs about the may read, I have the experience, world. List your beliefs. These could training and knowledge to actually be religious, scientific or personal. help. So, put down the Cosmo, throw
January 2016
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www.coachmechristy.com (732) 903-7884
LIFE CAN BE ALL YOU WANT IT TO BE! 291 Herbertsville Rd, Brick 08724
How firmly do you hold on to these ideas? Where did your beliefs originate? Have you evaluated what you believe and why? Some cultures still consider women less than human, no matter the facts. Some religions consider sexuality at all ends of the spectrum “evil.” Some people consider different races less-than-human. These are extreme examples, but people still hold onto them like the shadows on the wall to which they are chained. These extremes are no more shadows on the wall than what most of us consider “truth.” Some people tell themselves: I am too stupid. I am too ugly. I am too afraid. Are these not also shadows on the wall to which they are chained? What do you believe to be true about yourself without basis? Or perhaps, with little basis? Like a table with only three legs, you may find many of the ideas you hold about yourself fall over with little evidence holding up the belief. What subjective opinion do you hold as fact? (Continued on page 23)
Money Matters Identity Theft Scams Targeting Baby Boomer Nest Eggs are on the Rise by William Skillender
Identity theft targeting baby boomers is on the rise, as cyber criminals focus their efforts on the massive number of well-funded retirement nest eggs and clean credit histories this generation of Americans has spent years building. Identity fraud is on the rise, and baby boomers heading toward retirement are particularly vulnerable. In 2014, the Federal Trade Commission reported that cases of identity fraud targeting adults age 50 and older are on the rise, accounting for 37 percent of ID theft complaints reported in 2013.
“We find that a number of boomer generation retirees may consider themselves to be immune to cyber crimes, since they have been conducting financial business online for years and have so far avoided any major breaches to their accounts,” he says. “But considering the overwhelming data that shows just how targeted boomers are by increasingly sophisticated criminals, even the most aloof individual can be taken advantage of under the right circumstances.” Although scams against the elderly (age 70 and older) are still a problem, baby boomers are not likely to be taken by the same old-fashioned strategies involving sweepstakes scams, or the Grandparent hoax in which thieves call an elderly person and pose as their grandchild in need of financial help. In fact, memory limitations and disorientation common in advanced age, combined with isolation and loneliness makes many elderly people much more vulnerable to the old-school scams that most people know to avoid.
Large-scale data breaches among high profile retailers like Target and Neiman Marcus have focused attention on the risks consumers face keeping their personal information secure. Whether they are targeted online, through snail mail, by strangers or by trusted caregivers, the 10,000 baby boomers streaming into retirement every day are particularly appealing to identity thieves who view each one as nest egg waiting to be looted. Boomers are besieged by criminals operating schemes to swindle them out of their bank information, tax refunds, Medicare benefits and retirement savings, and many don’t realize it. ID thieves have increasingly sophisticated ways of stealing personal information and using it to open new credit card accounts, take out loans, drain existing bank accounts and even get driver’s licenses issued in the victim’s name. By the time many victims realize anything is amiss, it is already too late.
But boomers are in a different situation. Their awareness of antiquated schemes give many a false sense of security since they know to look out for obvious cons, but they pay too little attention to the pervasive nature of new, sophisticated threats that surface daily—most prevalently those hidden in innocent-looking emails. Skillender, like a growing number of retirement advisors nationwide, is doing his part to heighten awareness of the real threat identity theft poses to baby boomers’ financial well being by conducting educational workshops at local libraries and community centers in Monmouth and Ocean Counties.
Despite the fact that most baby boomers are generally more tech savvy than older seniors, they can be susceptible to scams for a number of reasons. Age-related issues like memory lapses and more serious conditions such as dementia can render a person less likely to check credit reports and bank accounts regularly for unauthorized use. Equally troubling is the fact that baby boomers grew up in the 1950s and 60s, a time when they were more than likely raised to be polite, which may make some reluctant to question the motives of a suspected scammer.
For most baby boomers, credit-monitoring services, computer security software and even identity theft insurance are already familiar tools for maintaining cyber security. It is important to note that retiree’s nest eggs are at a heightened risk of theft after age 50, and cyber thieves are relentless when it comes to breaching any available weakness in security measures. A professional retirement advisor can provide additional information and guidance on the best ways to protect retirement funds from cyber criminals.
Most aging Americans who have spent a lifetime building good credit and saving for retirement have a lot to lose, and identity thieves know it. Today’s scammers are aiming for baby boomer retirement nest eggs and clean credit histories that can be exploited quickly and thoroughly.
Securities offered through Broker Dealer Financial Services Corp., Member FINRA & SIPC, 140 South 68th Street, Suite 2200, West Des Moines, IA 50266, 800-352-5634. Please do not send orders via e-mail because there is no assurance of receipt and they are not legally binding. The information above is from sources believed to be reliable. There is no guarantee to accuracy. This is not an official statement or confirmation.
Independent wealth management advisor William Skillender says the vulnerability of aging consumers to cyber crimes including identity theft should be cause for concern among baby boomers, their financial advisors, and even family members who suspect a loved one might be at risk.
January 2016
Check us out online at Facebook.com/08742living
Students of 08742 The Spirit of Giving Persists in Point Pleasant Borough Schools For the eighth consecutive year Point Pleasant Borough Schools’ students helped to make the holiday season a whole lot happier and a lot less hungry for New Jersey residents in need, collecting over three tons of food for the Fourth Annual Students Change Hunger Holiday Food Drive competition. Developed through a collaborative effort between the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks, a consortium of five independent nonprofit food banks, Students Change Hunger challenges New Jersey’s students, staff, teachers and parents to organize food drive events in schools to support less fortunate New Jerseyans. The Federation is comprised of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey, the Food Bank of South Jersey, Mercer Street Friends, NORWESCAP Food Bank as well as the FoodBank of Monmouth & Ocean Counties, formerly the lead organization for the Holiday Hunger Challenge. The group’s primary purpose is the collection and distribution of charitable food to those that are at risk of hunger in our state.
Point Pleasant Borough High School Student Council members pack up food for the Foodbank of Monmouth & Ocean Counties
Food Drive Totals
Nellie F. Bennett Elementary School: 1,183 pounds Ocean Road Elementary School: 1,011 pounds Memorial Middle School: 2,100 pounds Point Pleasant Borough High School: 2,073 pounds
For the 2015 Holiday Hunger Challenge, the District’s four schools brought in an impressive 6,367 pounds of food, equivalent to 3.18 tons. With a Challenge total of 77,533 pounds of food donated by 99 participating schools, the contributions made by Point Pleasant Borough students and families amounts to an astounding 8.2 percent of the total food collected!
“I simply cannot convey the appreciation I have for the time, effort, and heart you all put into ensuring that this campaign was a success,” wrote FoodBank of Monmouth & Ocean Counties’ Development Coordinator Ryan Hubler in an email to the Challenge coordinators. “You took precious time out of your days to lend a helping hand to those who need our assistance.
“The holiday food collection efforts within Point Pleasant Borough Schools this year, demonstrate the profound impact young people can have toward the mitigation of hunger,” said Superintendent of Schools Vincent S. Smith. “By collecting more than 6,300 pounds of food in just a few short months, our students, staff and parents fulfilled the Federation of Food Banks’ objective, dramatically changing hunger for the season, and raising awareness about hunger in New Jersey that will last a lifetime.”
“We can’t do it all, but we can certainly give it our all,” he wrote. “Please know, that the impact made through Students Change Hunger [is] important and meaningful. [Thanks to your contributions] our friends and neighbors will be able to eat this holiday season. Children won’t have to worry where their next meal is coming from. Hunger will be alleviated for the foreseeable future—and that is all because of you.”
This assistance comes at a critical time, according to the FoodBank, as the organization continues to face increased demand for food assistance due to prolonged economic difficulties affecting many in area families.
According to the FoodBank, hunger is steadily becoming more prevalent across New Jersey, with demand for assistance consistently increasing over the past several years. The state Federation of FoodBanks has said that the Students Change Hunger initiative has become one of the organization’s major food-raising programs.
“When students participate in charitable endeavors like Students Change Hunger, everybody wins,” said Superintendent Smith. “The immediate benefit of the challenge is the alleviation of hunger during the holiday season,” he said. “The longterm benefit, however, is the impact these types of activities have toward the development of a social imperative among today’s youth, which positively affects the entire society.”
The Students Change Hunger food drive was just one way in which the district helped brighten the holidays for those in need; although the Students Change Hunger food drive was arguably the most prolific, it was by no means the only charitable collection effort undertaken by district schools this holiday season. (Continued on page 19)
January 2016
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January 2016
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Legal Ease A column that simplifies areas of the legal industry for every day consumption. This month’s topic...
A Law Firm Where Every Client Matters!
Driving on the Revoked List by Christopher J. Grenda, Esq.
In New Jersey, there are thousands of summonses issued to drivers annually. Driving on the Revoked List is controlled by statute, the law is codified under N.J.S.A. 39:3-40. A New Jersey driver can be suspended or revoked based on various infractions, some common examples, although not an exhaustive list, are as follows: • A driver accumulates 12 or more motor vehicle points; • A Judge orders the suspension as part of a legal proceeding; • Probation may request a suspension through the family court based on a failure to pay child support; or • A failure by a driver to pay court fines and/or motor vehicle surcharges. In order for the State to prove a defendant is guilty of driving while on the revoked list, the prosecutor must prove two elements. First, the State must prove that the defendant was actually operating a motor vehicle. Second, the State must prove that the defendant operated the motor vehicle during a period of suspension. See N.J.S.A. 39:3-40. The penalties for driving on the revoked are serious in New Jersey. A first offender is subject to punishment that includes a fine of $500.00 and a period of suspension for up to six months.
Christopher J. Grenda, Esq. is a former prosecutor who has handled:
A second offender is subject to punishment that includes a fine of $750.00, a period of incarceration from 1 to 5 days, and a period of suspension for up to six months.
• Thousands of DWI Cases
A third and subsequent offender is subject to punishment that includes a fine of $1,000.00, a mandatory period of incarceration for 10 days, and a period of suspension for up to six months.
• Thousands of Criminal Cases including Drug Possession and Assault/Domestic Violence
By way of mitigating De Minimis infractions, a defendant who is charged with driving on the revoked list, and who is on the revoked list for the non-payment either a parking ticket or court fines can plead guilty to a lesser offense provided under the statute and only be subject to a fine of $100.00. See N.J.S.A. 39:3-40(i). Moreover, the Statute provides for a mandatory 45-day period of incarceration for those defendants who were involved in a motor vehicle accident involving personal injury to another person. Of critical importance, in 2010, the New Jersey Legislature enacted a new statute that now criminalizes the offense of driving on the revoked, if the license suspension was due to: (1) being found guilty or pleading guilty to two or more offenses of driving on the revoked and both of those offenses were related to the same DWI; or (2) the license suspension was due to a second or subsequent DWI or Refusing to Submit Breath Samples. See N.J.S.A. 2C:40-26. This offense is classified as a 4th degree crime and is punishable with a fine of up to $10,000.00 and a period of incarceration of at least 6 months and up to 18 months. When facing a traffic offense of this magnitude, it is advisable to obtain competent legal representation. Christopher J. Grenda, Esq. is an attorney licensed in the State of New Jersey with offices in Toms River, New Jersey. Mr. Grenda holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in History/Pre-Law from Limestone College in Gaffney, South Carolina and a Juris Doctorate (JD) from Thomas M. Cooley Law in Lansing, Michigan. Mr. Grenda is a former municipal prosecutor who handled multiple towns throughout Ocean and Monmouth counties. Today, Mr. Grenda is a sole practitioner who primarily practices in DWI Defense; Criminal Defense; Real Estate; and Wills. January 2016
Check us out online at Facebook.com/08742living
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Shore Recipes I was anxiously anticipating the cold weather to arrive as justification to make big pots of soup. My family loves soup for dinner, and I love the simplicity and warmth. It’s one of he few meals I actually get to eat hot, after serving my family. Most soups need a small side, and due to the carbohydrate level this one has, I chose a chopped kale and apple salad. For those of you unfamiliar with leeks they are in the onion family and grow in sandy soil, so be sure to soak and rinse several times after slicing to remove all the grit. I used an immersion blender to create a creamier soup but that step can be skipped if you prefer your meals to have some texture. ENJOY!
Potato Leek Soup
½ lb. bacon 1 large bunch of leeks- remove about 6” from the ends, then thinly slice the remaining green and the white portion until you reach the root end. Rinse well several times. 8 cups of chicken broth 4-5 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 cup milk ½ tsp. nutmeg black pepper Garnish: Drizzle with half-n-half and sprinkle shredded parmesan and crumbled bacon In a large pot place the bacon and cook till crisp over low/ medium heat. (*Bacon can burn quickly, and you will render more fat on a lower heat than a high one.) Remove the bacon and drain most of the fat, leaving 1-2 TBSP. in the bottom of the pot. Add leeks and cook over medium heat for 4 minutes. Add garlic and broth. Stir and add potatoes. Cook for 35 minutes over medium heat until potatoes are tender. Add milk, nutmeg and black pepper.
(COACH ME CHRISTY, continued)
Come out here in the light. Shield your eyes because you have been staring at the screen of images forced upon you for a long time. It’s okay. I am here with you – and I have been through it myself. We will walk in the sunlight together. Let me show you some reality. And you may try to kill me for it – like those chained to the wall. But I am one tenacious chick. Contact us about our Coaching Intensives & CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE: www.coachmechristy.com. Copyright C. Schmidt, 2015. All rights reserved. Christy Schmidt is a professor, certified life coach and mediator with over 20 years of consulting and coaching experience. Her company, Ansuz, LLC, offers one-on-one coaching, business consulting, and empowering workshops to help you become your ideal self and live your dream life! Contact us about our Coaching Intensives – hosted by The White Sands.
Lisa L. Colonno, Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager 2307 Lakewood Road, Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 732.295.0004 • lcolonno@manasquanbank.com www.manasquanbank.com January 2016
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Parental Guidance
Food for Thought By Maureen Whelan
Happy New Year! While January brings each of us a new start, our kids are already deep into their school year, but it’s not too late to implement some healthy changes for them. While most of us know breakfast is an important start for the day, what we choose to eat is also important. So that cup of munchkins may not count the way you were hoping it would. Childhood obesity is at one of the highest rates, and so is childhood malnutrition. This means that while we are providing high calorie energy-dense foods, these foods are lacking essential nutrients that support our children’s psychomotor development. It’s important to remember that brain development occurs in various stages during the first 20 years of an individual’s life. While the early years are important, the brain undergoes a period of reorganization during adolescence. So no worries, if nutrition hasn’t been a priority, it’s not too late to start. Here are some of the most important nutrients, and how they correlate to brain function. *(The following is an abstract from the research referenced below.) Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids - Healthy fats are essential to brain structure development, synapse, and neural transmission. But all fats are not created equal, so if you want your child to be able to receive, and process information, and then send a response, your child needs these in his diet. (..and believe me, you want your child to be able to do those things!) ~Flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon, beef, avocado, pumpkin seeds and soybeans are good sources Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid - These nutrients promote stem cell differentiation, nerve conduction, and protection from neuron degeneration. ~Stick to foods that naturally contain folate as opposed to heavily fortified foods. These include lentils, chick peas, asparagus, spinach and other legumes. ~B12 foods beans, poultry, fish, dark leafy greens, papayas and cantaloupe Zinc and Iron - These minerals promote immunity and regulate brain growth. Severe deficiency is related to decreased language, fine motor and attention skills. Too much iron can also be toxic, so talk to you doctor about the right dosage for your child. ~Zinc can be found in shellfish, beef, lamb, spinach, squash seeds and chickpeas. ~Iron is best found in red meat, pork poultry beans, dark leafy greens and dried fruits Iodine - Iodine deficiency is linked to cognitive, speech and hearing impairments. The presence of salt in our diets does not protect against iodine deficiency, as food processors are not required to add iodine to their salt supplies. Iodine is generally only added to table salts and more recently some brands of sea salt. ~Sea vegetables/sea weed, scallops, cod, baked potato (skin on) and cow’s milk, eggs, bananas and cranberries are good sources. It’s important to remember that if you want your child to eat nutritiously, then it’s best if you do as well. You will quickly notice that you feel better, more alert, and energized. These benefits occur in adults as well as kids, however kids have more neuroplasticity (the brains ability to adapt or reorganize itself throughout life) So while it’s never too late, the sooner you start the better! *Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, March 2013; “The role of nutrition children’s neurocognitive development from pregnancy through childhood”. (Nyaradi, Jianghong, Hickling, Foster, and Oddy)
January 2016
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Maureen Whelan is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and mother of 4 children ages 15,13, 10 and 7.
Beer Corner Everything Old is New Again by Matt Connelly
Although the beers you choose to age can be forgiving, the conditions under which you age them are not. Cellared beers should be kept dark (“skunked” beer results from UV light reacting with beer compounds), kept cool (warm temperatures will unreasonably accelerate the process), and be left alone (agitation = oxidation). Standing upright or laying down, you ask? As far as I can tell it doesn’t matter. How long should I age my beer, you ask? This is a question to be answered on a case-by-case basis. Buy two or three bottles of a beer you want to age. Drink one immediately, a second after a year and maybe a third after a few years. Take notes and learn, but be sure to call me if you need another discriminating palate!
Of the many presents I found beneath the Christmas tree this year, my favorite may have been the bomber of Brooklyn Brewery’s bourbon barrel-aged imperial stout. Black Ops, as it is known, is remarkably complex; it is bottled flat and re-fermented with Champagne yeast, producing rich chocolate and coffee notes that compete with the oak, leather and boozy heat from the bourbon barrel. A few days later, while having lunch at Brickwall Tavern in Asbury Park, I was surprised and excited to find that their “featured bottle” was a 2013 release (i.e. aged two years) of the same beer. Wanting to see the effect that “cellaring” – an expression used in both wine and beer aging – had on this profound beer, I ordered the bottle and found the flavors pronounced and the booziness diminished. A great beer became even more exceptional with time!
One year ago, when I sat down to write my first Beer Corner, I opened the first of two recently purchased bottles of 2014 Goose Island – Aristotle Bourbon County Stout. I poured the midnight-black barrel-aged stout into a snifter and began to consider what this column would become. Now, one year later, I’ve ceremoniously poured that second bottle. The tastes of charred malt and dark chocolate are more pronounced. The boozy heat has given way to a smooth, almost creamy drinkability. This beer, and this column, have aged well.
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”
It is worth mentioning that aging beer is not always going to enhance its flavor. Hoppy beers should be consumed immediately, as hop flavor is most pronounced when fresh and can diminish or, worse, spoil over time. Generally speaking, big, bold beers with pronounced flavors handle aging well. Higher ABV (>8%), malt-forward, spiced and/ or bottle-conditioned beers are the best candidates for cellaring.
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January 2016
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Rover Rescue Winter Has Arrived! by Lauren Kehoe
It may not feel like it here in New Jersey, but pretty soon the temperatures will be dropping. That means snow, ice, and other gifts of the season. While we often wish we could hibernate and wake up when winter is over, life must go on. This goes for our four legged friends as well.
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Adopting a rescue dog is a full time job; twenty-four seven, three hundred and sixty five days a year. They require as much exercise during the winter as the rest of the year. Outside is always a new adventure, whether it is dark, snowing, or below freezing! Winter also brings about possible risks, so it is good to be aware in order to take the best care of your pups as possible.
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It is important to observe any changes in your pet coinciding with the shift in the season. Most dogs are comfortable with their natural coats, but older dogs, smaller dogs, or ones with certain health conditions can be more sensitive to the weather. It is essential not to leave them outside in the yard for too long. Be aware on walks; watch out for shivering, whining, tails tucked, slow walking, or other signs of discomfort and anxiety. Road salt can irritate your dogs’ paws, so be careful and try to avoid walking on it if possible. Check pads after walks to make sure there are no cracks or blood present. Rubbing your pet with a towel will help warm up their body, and in cases of snow and ice, dry it off.
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Don’t leave your pet in the yard unattended. Snow can create a staircase to scale fences or pose as a potential suffocation threat if they fall through a large pile. Ice makes it easier for us to lose balance, increasing the importance of having a reliable, strong collar and leash. Snow and ice can mask familiar smells, making it more difficult for a dog to find its way home if they were to get lost. Recently rescued pets are often already disoriented in new places and can easily become confused or spooked. Taking extra precautions and keeping a closer eye on your dog will ensure its safety this winter.
(STUDENTS OF 08742...The Spirit of Giving, continued)
Point Pleasant Borough High School’s seniors and staff gave the gift of life for the holidays, partnering with the Central Jersey Blood Center, for the school’s annual Thanksgiving Blood Drive on Wed., Nov. 25. Memorial Middle School’s Student Council honored the nation’s fallen heroes for the holidays, sponsoring a Wreaths Across America wreath laying ceremony at the school.
Of course the season does not just bring danger. Many dogs love rolling around in snow piles without the hot summer sun beating down on their necks. Some also enjoy snowballs as refreshing snacks, which is fine as long as they don’t eat enough to create stomach upsets. Certain tracker dogs also enjoy searching for treats you can hide in the snow, making it more challenging than a normal game of hide and go seek. You can build mazes and get as creative as you like. So be safe and have fun!
Nellie Bennett Elementary School hosted a pajama drive to help keep kids in need warm all winter long. District schools also gave Santa a helping hand by donating toys and gifts for local families with giving trees furnished by St. Gregory’s Pantry. “Coming together during the holiday season in support of those in need has become our district’s most timehonored holiday tradition; and it is something that I am incredibly proud of,” said Superintendent Smith. “Our school community’s extraordinary response to the Students Change Hunger challenge as well as the other charitable endeavors they’ve implemented this holiday season is a testament to the altruistic spirit that pervades Point Pleasant Borough Schools and our greater community.” Visit www.pointpleasant.k12.nj.us to learn more about the Point Pleasant Borough School District. January 2016
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January 2016
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January 2016
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All Business Getting Your House in Order by Christy Schmidt, Esq.
Happy 2016! For the next year, we are going to get our business “house” in order. If you own a business or you are thinking of starting one, this series of articles will be for you. We start with the typical legal weaknesses in running a small business. First, understand the definition for “small business” spans the single owner running a small operation out of the home to what one might consider a large business. The SBA uses a variety of standards depending on the industry. For example, for most retail trade industries or real estate offices, a “small business” can have up to $7.5 million in annual sales. So, these legal weaknesses apply to a large number of businesses. Let’s review the top ten issues I handle with almost every business client: • Lack of competent advisors. • Incorrect formation or title of assets. • Poor branding or trademark. • Inadequate local, state or federal statutory compliance. • Lack of hiring, retention and firing procedure. • Improper collection and remittance of sales tax. • Poor succession planning. • Inadequate insurance. • Poor or nonexistent recordkeeping. • Gamesmanship in income tax recordkeeping and remittance.
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Review that list. I bet a few of them scare you a bit – or you shrug with avoidance. And that’s one reason these issues occur: Avoidance. As small business owners, we just “can’t” face one more thing – we are too busy trying to pay the bills, expand and, frankly, make money to improve our lifestyles. Many small business owners stand back, not worrying about these “trifles” until it’s too late.
Another reason: Fear. These points are often beyond the education and experience of the small business owner – and the ideas seem too daunting. Most of us are not economists or lawyers or accountants – our expertise is in the thing we “do.” I had a new client recently tell me: “I just don’t understand all this legal stuff – I just want to sell my product and not worry about it.” My intention is for these articles to bring familiarity so you can vault that fear. We will define terms, discuss Another reason: Lack of Time. Many small business owners are busy enough marketing, advertising, promoting, selling, networking, paying bills, handling vendors – The time to review these issues passes without notice or the ability to focus on them. These articles will help you attack an issue each month so you can get your house in order. The last reason: The “Whatever” Attitude. Yes, that is a popular one. I actually had a client say: “I figured what the IRS did not know would not hurt me. I could just do what I wanted.” There is a difference in playing games and playing a game to win. Playing games and thinking you can outwit local, state and federal governments is a risk you do not need to take. Playing the business game to win is a much better approach. Using the law to your advantage is the best strategy. (Continued on page 23)
January 2016
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You Go Girl Alone
by Katherine Kehoe
Society tells us that being alone and being lonely are the same thing, which is simply not true. There is a difference between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness happens when we’re forced to be by ourselves, when we don’t have the option of being around others or feeling loved and connected. Solitude, on the other hand, is the beautiful, peaceful quiet that we can embrace when we choose to be alone. And I encourage all of you to make that choice this month, at least once. It doesn’t matter what you do with your alone time. That’s kind of the most wonderful part: you can do whatever you want. You can keep it simple and read a book, watch TV, paint, draw, bake – or you can get a little bit more into it and head out for a walk, go to a movie, have lunch at a cute little café. The possibilities are infinite; you don’t have to check with anyone to see if your choice is okay! Getting into our heads by ourselves can be scary. There are often thoughts and feelings buried in there that we don’t want to address. But it can also be so freeing. You can experience a feeling of ease and calm that cannot be interrupted by anyone or anything else. I think if you dare to do it, you’ll find that you like it. And if you don’t, that’s fine – it’s not for everyone! But I wanted to remind you that you can be alone, and you can enjoy it, and it won’t hurt you to try taking care of yourself!
Breathe....The holidays are over. The craziness is subsiding. The relatives are all going home. The kids are heading back to school. Normalcy – or whatever that means for us – is resuming. Now what? We’ve probably all spent a lot of time around other people over the past couple of months. For many of us, holidays mean spending time with family, with the likely addition of some members you wouldn’t normally be hanging out with. Sometimes that’s a good thing, like your awesome cousin coming in from California. And of course, sometimes it’s not, like your husband’s great-aunt who always brings her really angry cat and habitually downs too much eggnog. Either way, when you’re constantly running here and there, bringing food to this party and wrapping gifts for that one, always talking and working to keep everyone else happy – it can get exhausting. Now’s your chance to take time for yourself. We have a break before Super Bowl parties and a long while before summer barbecues are a thing. But I see a lot of women who find ways to keep busy in the meantime, who just can’t sit still and take that really important breath – myself included. But I’ve gotten better at it, and I know there was one big thing I had to learn that I think others can benefit from as well: I got comfortable being alone. (All Business, continued)
For each of these items, I have witnessed small business owners lose everything, coming to me when it was too late. I am dedicated to supporting the small business environment – and do not want to witness one more mom-and-pop closing down for something that could have easily been prevented.
• Business contracts. • How to characterize, attract and treat your workforce. • Finance and funding. • Taxation and sales & use tax. I hope you will read and digest each of these articles and transition from the frantic small-business owner to the powerful small-business owner. Here’s to a profitable and exciting 2016!
Let’s change your attitude to the list this year! Just because you are not Richard Branson does not mean you cannot be business savvy. And you certainly do not need some useless MBA to understand how to protect yourself, your brand, your employees and your profit! Each of the items on that list can be addressed with a little knowledge and some expert direction.
Copyright C. Schmidt, 2015. All rights reserved. Christy A. Schmidt, Esq. is a local attorney and business consultant focusing on business, real estate and estate law. See more at: www.cschmidtlaw.com.
So, this year, we will review: • Advisors: Who you need and how to select. • Formation and ownership; titling of assets and succession planning. • Running a business out of your home. • Intellectual property. • Health Insurance for owners and employees. • Business insurance. • Record-keeping. January 2016
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